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Top Tips for Ranking F1 Jobs



This on-demand teaching session for medical professionals is all about the transition from medical school to a medical career. The presenter, an endocrinology registrar, will discuss how to rank medical posts with bias tools and useful resources, top tips for such a transition, using indemnity to protect you, ranking medical posts, and what you should consider in terms of location, living costs and hospital choice. With webinars, articles, cheat-sheets and in-person courses all offered as part of this talk, medical professionals will find lots of value and support in this session.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Introduce and explain the role of the UK Foundation Programme and the importance of indemnity insurance.

  2. Describe and analyse the three main factors which to consider when choosing a job and ranking rotations- location, cost of living and type of hospital.

  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the different salary ranges associated with different roles and how to calculate tax, pension and other deductions.

  4. Develop an understanding of how specialities vary and the implications this has on how long the job will take.

  5. Utilize Mind Oblique as a free medical education platform to access articles, cheat sheets, webinars, and in-person courses.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

really on a cash. I'm going to giving a talk on top tips, ranking at one jobs with loss of the bias tools and, uh, the Eastern information. So I'm an endocrinology registrar. I'm founder of Mind Oblique. Also, um, reason I sent out was so I did F 1 2016 tour. It goes a long time ago. Uh, essentially, it was a bit difficult transition you gave from kind of theory on to him suck you sitting off skis. Um, and then suddenly you're in a situation where your additional some ways water and documentations you're in charge of patients on the whole switches back. Difficult. Initially, the other things that I love to dio are cooking and baking, which, as a diabetes specialist, it's not the best thing Other finally, um I mean, you clearly and easiest things. Yeah, stick with electric instrument up a month ago and I stopped teaching myself and I could only play three song. So I'm very enthusiastic about this three stones, but, uh, what I can say is, I'm in any way next. So what is mine to be my weeks, A medical education platform. I set it up for a free resource is frat boy once reason being is that transition quite difficult, challenging. And when I was doing it, I became one rare. I end up in You have to you wrap setting geoduck four hours being the F Y welfare wrapped. Lots of lots of things basically support ones because I knew how difficult it was having done it myself any few years ago on day. So what I set up or was free resource of articles and common jobs at this chart. Some reason Kay for Ferrell's lovely referral cheat sheet. It just makes the job so much easier. I'm adding on, well, patients. And what do you do when you bleed about somebody who's got high sugar or Miss High Popsicle hypotensive and then also have manage your finances so out, all the employment stuff that so challenging for that all in love with the package we set up Sybil Guide course. Get free for your weekly webinars and all the topics for medicine surgery, pediatrics by an ant, literally anything that you want interpreting imaging, for example, and then finally we will stay free in person courses. If you're asking how we manage to do all of this stuff really well. I keep up, I work full time and I gave up a lot of my evenings and weekends just to do that because I enjoy doing and it's hoping for me, but also from the financial point of view where helped out so much Bye. A wasp on says. You allow us to give all of this content. Probably so you. I can't stress how how important indemnity is. You must make sure you protect yourself. It's pretty cheap, but I think it's like 10 lbs for at one. But what you don't want to do is be the very rare situation that you make a mistake. Or, um, Andi, how know having is definitely provider is looking out for you looking to protect you. If you have any problems, then if one you want somebody that you can contact, Uh, make sure you get on top of that right? This was my face back when I was given a spreadsheet off all of these different jobs, all of the different hospitals, all of these different places that I could work. And I was like What am I going to pick how my going to rank all the bits. And so what we're gonna do we're going to talk about today is factors that could help you consider the jobs as useful tools to take well about so much easier and some other useful resource it. And then, finally, the most important part is the question. Are lots of you guys sent in your questions in advance and thank you will answer them. But if you've got any questions that haven't be not so, please just put a comment down below. Whether you're on the article, whether you're on the webinar, whether you're on anything on you, cheap, whatever, just post a question down and we will not. This was for the live recording, but of course it could be recorded in shape because you're listening to the recording, uh, say how does it work? Well, the UK Foundation, the U. K F. P. O. Is a national process. F one F two years essentially rang nationally. Their jobs toe work out where they're gonna be. Because it's a national, nationally coordinated process. All the jobs basically need to be very similar. They need to have a good mix of medicine, surgery, community jobs, such that at the end of it, when you finish that one F two, everyone's on the same level playing for you when you're applying, specialty training will do whatever else, and so the jobs are very, very similar. They might not look like it on paper, but actually they're there to teach you very similar competencies. Very similar skills which are Alliant your curriculum. So do not worry about doing one job with the other. Don't worry about whether you've been placed where you want to be or no or gotten your bottom rank job because you're still going to get very similar experience and you're still going to get you're still gonna have the exact same career prospects. Any single other person do not worry is the most important thing that I can tell you because it does not matter. What matters more is your happiness. What matters more. It's the ability of you being able to do all the social things that you wanted to and enjoy your time. Onda. Congratulate yourself passing medical school, being a doctor and all those important thing. These are three factors which people rank as the top reasons for picking kind of rotations that they dio. So these are three things each. Think about when you're ordering that stretchy the location on disses. The most important thing. Eso, particularly when you're up. When you ask people once they finish that one and two and you ask them what was the most important thing, Um, that factored in until, in terms of or what do you wish was the most important thing in this location? Because it's about a cost of living commute, being close to your family friends or being close to the things that you enjoy doing that the action because you spend more time not at work when you spend at work, and so you need to be in a place where you're going to enjoy outside of that, the hospital and the jaw. But other things that you need to do definitely need to factor in, and what we'll do is we'll break each of these down. So location. Why is the location so important? What the first reason it's important is because the commute it is really exhausting to commute a very long time. Very long time depends on what what you can't is long year. Some people say 45 minutes, Some say hour and a half of the fact is if you're doing a 12 13 hour shift and you were taking one half hours to get there one half hours to get back, that is a massive chunk of your day and you're gonna be a source and not able to do things you enjoy. Another thing to think about are how you gonna get their public transport. Best is driving, but can you drive well, if you can't you to trump, you don't want to pick a place. That's where I driving is really only easiest way to get there on public transport was gonna take a very, very long time. Um, finally think about family, friends, commitments and socializing. So going to the gym or swimming is really important to you. If you're part of it, you clearly club and you really have to get to that. Make sure you factor that in such that he is easy to get to the places you want to be on. Also, if you got commitments for if you got Children or any other commitments you have, make sure you fact those in a swell next thing to think about living costs, and that's quite challenging because you may never have lived in the city or you're planning on working a rent, transport, food, utilities and so what? I've got some awesome tools which can help you navigate through. If that's a Google Maps sister team, Apple will tell you what commuters like on do you need to put in when it's busiest, because that's the commune that you're actually going to be doing the one to get work eight or 9 a.m. and number two dot com Um, actually that on next site. But that's about living costs. And finally, go visit the place that you're gonna plan on working out. The reason being is that you can see whether it fits with what you want. If you can't do that for whatever reason, Street view is really helpful on Google maps, where you can have a look around that that local area and just make sure that that it looks the home. So number you dot com is basically putting the city that you're planning on working in or going to, and I'll give you an idea of what the costs are so the estimate monthly costs without rent. Uh, what the rents gonna cost? How it's all gonna work. And it's really good for that. Say, check it out. You need to frame that in terms of how much you're going to learn. The amount and f one owns is between 28 36,000 lbs per year. That will very depending what jobs we're going to do. So if you're gonna do jobs with lots of one calls, what's working evenings, night weekends? Uh, that you're gonna and more. Then if you know the jobs with those kind more uncles tend to be the one that medicine and surgery, because essentially the medicine and sexual patients looking after in the weekends and the evenings for other, more specialty jobs, like pediatrics, office and gynie. You don't tend to do that in half one on because they want a higher level training looking after those patients because they're more specialist eso. You'll tend to do that next to you. Wouldn't do that in F one. That's important to think to to know, uh, because it will affect your pain. I'm on the lower and it will be 13 lb aged one per hour on the higher end of the 18 lb 92 her month that works at 1822 100 per month after tax. That's the actual money that you'll take home. Are they any chest pension? Is a student loans the national insurance? The income tax note that the Taxotere is April to April or that means to you, is that initially, up until April, you'll be paying a lower amount of tax, and then afterwards it will go up. If you want to know more about how all of this works, just go to mind. Please dot com slash finance. And but lots of lots of webinars cover contact. Boy the hospital. Well, there's lots of factors that you can think about in terms of hospital. One is a D G H. Best teaching DJCS your district general hospitals. They're your non specialist hospitals. They're the ones where you rock. Update any Onda. You can have any single presenting complaint. Patients will will get sent to the relevant department. And so what you'll get is lots of lots of common cases to learn from. There's more independence of accepting to be busier, Um, on As a result, you will have more opportunities to get involved with procedures, and both manage patients independently and also because they're simpler. Teaching hospitals now patients, which are much more specialist. So where is your C? The patients you see every week in the teaching hospital when you might see them every year And a DTH benefit, though, is that there's a lot more supervision. There's a lot more support, but on the contrast, you might be doing a lot more administrative, GT says. A result, these hospitals tend to be more in central London, they often tend to be easier to get to, so there's lots of different things to factor in systems S O, for example, My handwriting is not good. Um, and so I really hate paper based systems, and I'm much for electronica systems is. Then everyone could read exactly what I'm writing a much faster type ist. So that might be something that you might factor in. And the way to find that out is to just post on the F one groups either of this year or last year. We're trying to get some moderators each of the groups from people who work in that Diener E last year to be able to answer those questions. Please, please, please ask any specific questions that you have within the Diener e groups s so that we can try and answer them. Um, the other thing to think about is whether you gonna work in the same hospital or a different hospital. You were in the same hospital both years. Theofanis itches are that you'll know the system. You know, learning new sister to be able to do longer order. It's quantity improvement project great your portfolio on Get involved with other ship things like easily because, you know, the people talk. In contrast, if due to different hospitals theanti itches are that you will get a different experience, different profile of patients are learning new systems. Uh, learning meeting new people. And if you don't like that best hospital, then you got lovely new hospital where you know that you're gonna move to where where it's completely different. Set of stop. And so whatever the problem was, you're okay. Other things to factor into the facilities. Eso mess facilities. Are they what? What you want them to be? Is there that TV are There's they are. They're those games are they stopped up with food with when you're doing a little bit night shift canteen. Is it gonna have three that you like? These are reported things because these are the things that actually impact you every single day. Uh, other things to think about the workload of the supervision, the rotor, And that's quite challenging to know all of that information on even ask that information. And so things that are really helpful of the GMC survey, but acknowledged the fact that things will change a lot. Your supervisors for registration S h o will also rotate like you. And so the amount of supervision that somebody gets one year if they say it's really bad already good may be very different in the next year. The tools that I like to use. The GMC Survey and Messi's training navigate the Gym C survey. Essentially, every year we are asked to you to rate all of our jobs and multiple different factors. Um, and as a result, there's a gym C has wrote last set of data to know what Whether the training is due, it'll bad in the hospital and pull trainees out if if it completely is below the standards of what what is expected? That means that you know that your training didn't protect it on, so you should have a good experience wherever you go give the one that had a bad experience should hopefully be weeded out. But you can also find out what what's important to you in which hospital cases to that. So every single job, every single hospital, what happened? A spreadsheet of data, The uti Oh, to use this could be a recombinant, hated and a lot of information which make it really difficult and keppra. So I really love Is that Messi's develop this amazing product training navigator which presents all of the state. It's much more easier way to digest that. Let me not talk about that. Let me ask Nestle to talk about that Everyone mining frying and I'm the health tech fellow. Nestle on today will be showing you how to use our train navigator. So the first thing we'll do is type in now I got mostly dot com on this will take you to the home page off the train navigator, where I would recommend that you first make an account just because it's it gives you unfiltered access to everything. It's quick and it's completely free. So once you've done that, select the foundation school you've been allocated in the top of left, dropped down box. So let's just say you got north London and then from here. What you can do is look at the map on it will give you a list of all the hospitals have in that foundation school, which makes it quite useful to work out where the thing is in terms of proximity to you up. Then you can click Show A, which gives you, since he all the rotations, each hospital. You know it's a click specialty to filter everything by specialty or filter everything by hospital by clicking here. Um, it's pretty worth looking at both. But just whichever is most important to you, you would probably the one that you should look at first. So if you value the special team more than the ligation, then by all means go for it. So from here, let's just say we click specialty on. We were someone who was surgically inclined. We'd want to look at surgery on then we get a list of all the hospitals are officers conversations say you'll see different rotations the hospital followed by the specialty. We can then look at the overall school, which is based on these three domains of workloads, satisfaction and learning, which in turn are based on the feedback from previous trainees in the GMC is National training survey, and each of them take into account of different things. So work load will be things like worker and teamwork. Satisfaction is like how the foundation trainees found how happy they were in their rotations. On learning is a combination of quite a few things like the learning opportunities, how those stuck to the curriculum. Um, the supervision, they called it in. So if you want to find out Maurine information about order these domains and how the methodology and algorithm off our train that gate works, you can go into our block. Um, which cash I'm surely on to scroll down. Teo, what information is collected? Howard schools. Uh, what what it was. And what do you mean? You just get better break down there. So going back to the navigator, just looking at these domains, the higher the score the batter something Guess so. If work load is high, it doesn't mean there's a lot of work. Actually, in's, it's a more manageable, so it's actually much middle, like the most manageable work. Loads of the highest score is better satisfaction. Needless to say, just how happy trainings were there on learning. As we said before, the overall score gives you a quick overview off all of these three domains on. It's quite useful just to work out quickly, which is the best hospital to do the specialty that you want. So if you were someone who was orthopedically inclined, just have a look for, you know, jobs on You can cut them, compare the overall school and then look into a bit more detail. If you like one, you can always click the heart side, and then that will take it. You to my favorite, and you can compare this later on with the ones that other ones that you've found so that's quite useful there to. The other thing is, you can also cook hospital on if you just say type of the location, social media just happen, and seven it shows you all the hospitals, which are the quickest commute for you on this. Quite a few. So it's quite useful. Especially if you don't want to be fighting traffic if you're driving or clicking this little filter here to see the public transport times. So I'm just going to point out that traveling after a night shift for over an hour, like killing the hospital Have you lived in, uh, and seven, which is isn't it? Is would be help, so I would have try to pick stuff which are close to me. But what you do is up completely up to you. And then you can also put hospitals break it down further by the specialty to have a look at that. So location is more important to you. That's something you should Um yeah. Once you made a few less, you get, like, a sort of a little you can check your favorites and compare it. But in essence, that's the train navigator just provides. You have lots of schools that you can look at to narrow down and your options and your choices. So I hope that's self explanatory. Um, like I said before, there is this block that that goes into further detail on Just explains what I have in a bit more. It was a bit more information on, I'm sure are. Cash will think that, um, yeah, I hope that helps. Lovely. Um, se what do I need to think about what I'm thinking about the jobs on that? So all of them are going to be a good mix of medicine, surgery and community trips. So, really, in Alanis ti, you're going to get a good experience for every you did. Let's say, though, there is a job that you really, really, really want to do well eating. If you don't get that job, you can do a taster neck, too, so that comes out your study the budget. And so it doesn't even impact on your annually requirements. So you get 27 days of annually for the year. But also, in addition to that, you get study, and you can use that week to experience whatever specialty luck. Additionally, if you're still not happy, there are swap shops, and so each of those are designed perverted Diener e and every all of them, very in terms of how many jobs you can switch on. What kind of drugs, you can switch. But what if you do switch? You still need to make sure that your jobs have a good mix of medicine center in community. Do note, though, that the super numerary jobs tend to be more relaxed. What supernumerary means? Those are the jobs in F one, where they're very specialist, and therefore your input is predominantly to observe and carry a lot happen straight to duties to psychiatry. Pediatrics. Opposite gynie tends to be jobs where you are sleeping humeri. And this means, in addition to the um, number of training that they need to run that road safely. Um, however, it's a very different experience if you do it enough. One best is doing enough to do so as an F one and UPS and I need. For example, um, you will be kind of supporting the day to day activities. No. How about you? Is that, too? You will be on the opportunity specialists road from really getting involved with looking after patients on during the day, doing evenings and nights. It's a very different job, and so it's important in factor that in that if if you want more experience and you will get more involved with the job. Have that in Europe to you that having my neph one you But also acknowledge that if you are going to be applying for a specialty and if you're gonna be doing that straight after, if two that actually you do that in your first job of that too. You do that in November. So you're actually no have experience your 2nd and 3rd rotation in, uh two before you already apply the jobs that tend to be a bit more stressful of surgical and medical jobs because there's more out of ours commitment. You're paid more. You're also working evenings, nights, weekends, and the workload is the gym. C survey can give you a bit of an idea of that. But as you've already seen the messages training now the gate, it seems to do that really, really well. And finally, the foundation job Rankers are another tool that you can use, which will go into a bit more detail. So this is data for mess Lee um, which shows which specialty asked the happiest foundation trainings. What we find here are the ones which are a bit more specialized where there's a lot more support. People tend to be a lot happier where the workload tends to be a lot less Whether Wetklo tends to be a lot higher, people are less happy. It's pretty sad that endocrinologist they're given, That's my specialty. But here we are. If you work with me, I'll try and make sure you're happy. Um, Andi, what specialty make you work? The hardest eso the higher workload score means the less work load so that that be more manageable the way it is. And so those correlate very, very much similarly. Um, we're with how happy people are essentially if their workload is more manageable than they are happy. And all of that is available on the mess. Lee Blawg. So do you check that out? Okay. How are you going to the rank? It How you going to get that massive a spreadsheet? And use all of that information that I have just told you to write more. It's gonna be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Well, what you can do is you can, uh I think the easiest thing to use is the scientific met that the scientific method is saying that Look I know that this is more important than even this. So I'm going to rank a hospital that is close to me as 10 points on the hospital as less close to me. A zero point. So whatever. Um, I'm also gonna look at all the jobs, and I know that I want to do endocrinology and diabetes a specialty. God, I have no idea what I want to do. Enough one of two, but let's just say and well, then I want to do more medical jobs than such full jobs. Or I want Teo. Um, whatever, um and say you a higher school for this and then give a city just start out by filter. It's really difficult to do manually because it's so many different jobs. And so some of the easier to ALS that you can use are many bodies, foundation program, rancor. All this foundation program Branca on what you do here is you just upload that spread She on down there filters out such that it gives you a rhonchi here. It's already downloaded though that information for you. And so all you need to do is just put on your jobs in very much like them. Not sure that care Don't want them at all. And then help it, right. Ah, this is a free resource. There is an extra paid bit for the gym c survey data. But given that you got training navigator and new packs is the very gym C seven. I wouldn't recommend paying for that because I don't think it would add much more information. So it's a free, too. So do you use it? Okay. I want you to post as many questions you have on the website on the chair on, um, in the comments on YouTube, wherever you are, please post lots of lots of questions. Um, on what I'm going to do is I'm gonna answer some of those questions live because you posted. So you've already sent me lose. And there's a question. Everything afterwards I will go through all of your common on. We're required to one of your questions, please. As many questions equal. The one thing that I do wanna stress, though, is this full answer. A lot of your questions, which is the once a valuable pack that we've made the team. This is a free resource. If you just go to mind. People come slash by one and put your email address in there. He will sign up to this and it will send you an email of the apartment Survival guide, which is awesome. Document A have when? When you're a half one on when you're preparing for mix. It will give you all of that critical information on and has made my F ones four F ones for free because they were like, this is the information we really want. Is that violence? Of course. Um, this is a kind of video course. We're kind of guide you through with key information. You need to know if you're not the track of bladder lives the reader likes to be talked to. Instead, there's also talk tips on my one sister and surgery. Every week you'll get an email with handling with emergencies, had it comin jobs essentially the things that F ones have said this is exactly what I want. That this is when I want. And so all those resource is will be available to you. And if you don't like them, just just unsubscribe exciting under that I make all of these resource is with my team for free in the hope that they will be useful. And if they are, then please tell us that will make them better. And the other thing that I want to just point out is the next step on. So on the 23rd of March, I, um and I am one of the Panelists at this at this show on, we're gonna be answering again lots and lots and lots of questions. We'll be talking about our personal experiences of ones f one, the things that we found difficult tips that we've learned along the way. All of that information. And it's going to hopefully be amazing. Um, and so thank you so much for the Wesleyan organizing this. It's in collaboration with us because we're helping Teo set up a lot of the star, and all you need to do is go to mind people consultation. Next step on there will be the eventbrite page for you to sign up for this about once again. Completely free is that these were some of the questions that I was sent in advance. I was sent over 400 questions. So these were the most popular questions But if you have any more questions, please please, please do ask. I just didn't want to make this recording endlessly long so everyone could focus on the most important things that does the order of drops in after Yes and no. So I think the two things that matter of one if you do the job in F one is more administrative. If you do the job in F two, it'll be more hands on experience. If you do the job, girl earlier on in F one, you may still be kind of getting into things, and so you may not be able to do as many audits or projects as you'd like to. Uh, that's not necessarily the case. Um, often, the question here is, um Doesn't matter if I do a super numerary job on That's kind of going to the next question. Eso doing kind of psychiatry or pediatrics and then suddenly doing an acute medical drug with surgical job vena Oh, my gosh, I have no idea what I'm doing. The foundation program is designed for that. We know that's the case. We know that a third of the trainees I'm going to start on a on a job like map that they're going to rotate into a job with ministers surgery. And so, USAA, as your supervisors at your support team know this that are out there to help you make sure that you Cecil it and it doesn't matter what job you're going into the first week to two weeks is going to the red tough. But that's okay. That's true. Any job that you do anywhere in any industry, we are here. Simple. You, at the end of the day, all of us working together to help how our patients and so do not stress. Do you know where he just asked the help whenever you need it. Which jobs have on calls eso medicine, the surgical job. So those the one that tends happen most uncles instead of tend to be going to the best paid. How can I do a specialized job so people are often worried? I am going to be on all this and I'm gonna be in pediatric anesthetics. How can I do that? I don't have the skills toe skill Still write discharge summary. Forget they get manage somebody critically unwell with a specialist thing and I sent two weeks on in in medical school. Do you know, worry? We know this. When I started my have to job doing pediatrics and ups, and I need they literally had a very long induction. Where they explained there, they told us. Look, we expect you to ask us questions all of the time he gets a poor You it there just because you've got that time you got that contacts we will guide you through. And by the end of it, you will feel very comfortable and very ready to go. Do I have to do in a any job? We don't have to do anything. Um, but a lot of people feel that they have to do in any job to a local in that office you do not need essentially so many a knees are under soft that they they will take. People have no any experience. And as long as you've got that one after constantly you a range of managing lots of different medical and surgical on other specialists problems. And so you are going to manage to be fine and 80. I think it's a really useful job toe have because I think it gives you a massive skill set because of how generally is been the same way. GP doesn't say it really gives you an idea of perspective of how to actually manage patients at the front door in a way that I don't think any other job does it. I said I do, GP. Um, Well, yes, I really much think like any it. It gives you very, very good idea, but it is not a must have. Essentially, you work with the lots of GPS. Whatever job you do, you can always do a taste. Their inch energy, Peter actors that lots of lots of different opportunities. And then in your flight, three year, if you want, you could spend some time in a GP practice. Should I do the specialty? I'm interested in doing yes and no, I mean, it doesn't matter if you don't, um, you still get a little quality improvement projects. You can. It might just be a little bit easier if you do that specialty also on it gives you an idea by by doing non doing specialties that you're not interested in. It gives you an overview, particularly you're doing a general specialty at the end of this. So I didn't do an endocrine, then diabetes doctoring F one that I actually did more surgical jobs, Pediatrics off the 90 emergency medicine actually added very, very little in the terms of medicine. And I thought that was great because it's meant that when I have, when I'm looking after a pregnant patient pregnant or when I'm looking after a random problem, which I'm all for doing in medicine. Uh, I can rely on my emergency medicine knowledge. My office and I knew knowledge and other things to really help. Help me do do the best job for my patient. What if I dislike my jobs? So there are two times that you might decide them one before you even start doing them. So I have no what I wanted to do, I put back. But that's my bottom rank. I'm really upset about getting that Well, actually, you'll find that when you do it, you might enjoy it so much more than you were accepted. And it's often the worries about doing a job, Um, that are much, much more stressful than actually doing the job. In contrast, when you're doing the job and you dislike it. Well, I think that's really important to discuss with your clinical supervisor. Education supplies, everyone that you can try and improve that job immediately so that you don't still dislike it. If you are still disliking it well, you're only gonna be in that job four months. Time flies when you're also consider. Leave the fact that you'll be having study days and other things like that. I'm or fly. You will not be in that drug so long. So do not worry. Even if you don't like it, Should I stay in hospital accommodation? Hospital accommodation does tend to be cheaper. Um, sometimes you get those for accommodation is massive. You'll be very close to people that you work with. Um, in Syria. They get to know their talk to them, go visit each other very easily. Commute is amazing. Uh, but also, sometimes it's a combination. Isn't that nice? Uh, just because essentially, it's a lot cheaper. Eso won of thing that I recommend is definitely looking at pictures, visiting the place and seeing whether it fits with you seeing who was living there and having a chat on the foundation groups to see who else is living in the hospital accommodation just so that you know, if you are there that you're going to enjoy whatever the case, you will enjoy a fun because there are endless socials. You literally every week everyone goes out. Um, lots of evenings, everyone. Meats are he often have lunch together. You know each other you're teaching together. The fact is, wherever you are, you will very much enjoy it. And I wouldn't stress. I wouldn't worry. In fact, if anything, I'll congratulate yourself from passing medical school or if you're going to set that your final soon. But being riot, the end This is a time for you to enjoy this time be to stress is a little It's possible. Thank you. So so much for listening to this talk. This is a QR code which will take you to our feedback for more metal. I really much would love if you post are some be back because I will actually do revealing every single bit of that feedback to make sure that we make this presentation. Uh, if you have any suggestions in that into the resource is that you want ways that we can make the foundation groups better. Anything that you want, please just tell us because the only way to know what to do is if you tell us so if you feel in that, be back for my know it will take you five minutes and that is a decent chunk of time. But it is incredibly helpful for us to make that experience for you better on finally. Please stay cool of your questions. Posed them here based on the YouTube recording placed anywhere you can because we will get to them on if there any dean response. If it questions, please post them in the dean. A refill, a small groups. Is that the best place for us to be able to answer it? Because they're we know that the X that should be