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TODDLE Webinar 5: Leadership and Management



This webinar led by Dr. Tim Bliss focuses on leadership and management relevant to medical professionals. Learn how certain experiences - such as managing or leading a student society, a concert or a charitable team - can positively affect your resume and help you stand out when applying for specialty or competitive roles. There is a short-term certificate available upon completion, and attendees can join in or watch the webinar back at their own convenience. Come and join us to find out more and have a bit of fun!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify qualities of a leader and a manager in a medical environment.
  2. Understand the Person Specification criteria that relates to leadership and management.
  3. Examine how to reflect on leadership and management experiences and articulate this in PG medical applications.
  4. Analyze the pediatric Psychiatry curriculum in relation to leadership and management capabilities.
  5. Develop confidence in describing leadership and management experiences to prospective employers.
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Thank you very much. Everyone, for coming to the final total webinar, which is on leadership on management. Um, there will be no more webinars of the serious. But if you tend it's three, you will be able to get a serum testing certificate. Um, usual. Welcome. Welcome from you. Guess we're a society for students. Interesting. All things beauty, Atrix Throughout the year we run a busy schedule Looking tutorials, talk socialism, fundraising events to raise money for effort to consider. Cherokee, I know some of you may want to go to the side language tutorial, which is on tonight, and unfortunately, we clash with them. But you you can watch this webinar back as well. If you want to go and join in and come back, um, you can scan the QR coat to get our membership and to check our link tree on our memberships. Only 3 lbs. We run the title of events throughout the year, but obviously we're approaching the end of this academic here. So our final event actually be our Kayleigh just tomorrow night. So if you're an edge and brown and you like to dust off your dancing shoes, please do get ticket. You can find all the tickets and stuff on our search media, and please do keep an eye out on all our social media for other options. Even events. Um, we raise money for Adam returns hospitality throughout the year. So if you can donate as well, we'd be hugely grateful. Before we begin, just we try about a ticket. Obviously, everyone knows this by now, the nice. Any inappropriate language or offensive content, we'll get you removed and band and we mean it. But most of all, have fun. Ask your questions on the chat on. We will answer the morning. You know, I'd like to pass over to Dr Tim Bliss to give his talk on the management that's provided me. And I was try and put a few things together just to try and capture leadership management, cause it can be a bit of a dry topic. Andrea Li I think that the things that's going to try and cover was once is on the person instigation for when you're applying pediatric something that swallow people here are looking for, but also just a bit of a general about leadership management. Andre, how much can count towards it on most of what medical students do is some form leadership management. So you probably really all doing this already on. It's just about being able. Teo. Write that down on convert it into a nice statement to make you sound even better. Then you probably think you know you are on. So really the initial management. There's a lot of two and throw between the issue of management if you look, stop reading into of it. But I think this image Catholics a lot of what people think about leash of management. Where is the leader? Drives from the front? Where is the manager organizes from the back and doesn't really do much the work on voice. That's a lot of big and culture moment within lots of no relations, very just being one of thumb, where a lot of management is perceived as no actually helping the things and actually adding to the burden of what the mission is, where his good leaders, other ones that help along with the mission and how long the task in hand. The more you get into it, the more you realize how managers a manager itself is actually really helpful and useful, this qualities of management that you need along and college sheets of leadership. And actually you want both thumb together. Now, persons that talk is not to go into a leash of management stuff by. There's a lot of literature out there. A lot businesses go into these. Imagine people paid a lot of money to be to be consultant, to go into business and realized allies, um, different businesses were talking about the usual management says a lot of stuff out there that's not always a specific to have. But it also that stuff out there get you to the interest in that. I'm got linked to a couple of things. They turn this talk, but so many things can count the leadership. That's the first thing to say whether you're in medical student in in the medical society, where the part with sports 30 where you've done charitable staff with you can start out some of the next campaign or campaign is like for something yourself there, so much stuff out there. I put a few ideas, something you probably do on this will count towards leadership, have a little count towards management as well and you probably been gaining and holding a lot of your own skills through sometimes well aware of all through your own innate good ability, TOB come out as good leaders. Most medical students are criminal a cream on their own school. So you're all probably really good doing this stuff. Um, and it's just about coming the confidence to say, Yeah, I can do this. I could lead all I can manage And if we look specifically at what's on the person specifications, so every application for any specialty has what they what they want from a from you and the person specifications. Um, there's not very much for management leadership have cut out this little bit, which comes in the personal skills on As I say, it's quite dry topic, but essentially just say, Have you got some form evidence related to what your level is with the experience. So evidence from as a medical student or from foundation years when you get there to say you've done something towards management for leadership have honestly, um, any chest manager of resources? Yep, that might come up in an interview or something like that. And don't worry about at the moment because it will probably end up doing a lot of interview, prep and things like that when the time comes a bit closer to look at how the NHS actually works in structures, and part of a lot of undergraduate quickly goes into that little bit and there's a few books out there as well. They can talk about it, too, and in terms of evidence of teamwork again, that's something we'll get an F minor stuff that you have to do an F Y. That adds to your port failure that will add to your application for pediatrics, um, and evidence of effectively to ship. And we'll talk about more about that except for the person desiccation. I think these guys also going to bit about the scoring as well. I don't tell them too much on that because, you know, changing and clear. So we're gonna speak about this. But essentially, once everyone gets the application together, depending on the evidence, is that score it on what one to highlight, really is there. The actual fact of having being a leader is not giving you a lot of scoring what actually give me a lot of scoring is how you've reflected that back onto your own learning and development. So although they want to show you being present, the society would be the secretary of the society. We organized a a social event. They want to know how, what skills you've accumulated or utilized in that process and how that's built you opposite even better, personally. Other side of it on that. So I think What what makes the difference between someone? That score was a three. It's on. That score was a four in. Sometimes it's helpful when you're thinking about pediatrics and applications to look at where they want it to be. So the pediatric curriculum is very broad you've got. If you've been to a few of these events before, you probably already heard about this essentially pizza. The moment has three levels, and under the heading of leadership team working, that's the main outcome they want from each level. PSA Level one is ST 123 level to use S t 4 to 6. On this side. I see 45. Level three is 68 because this just gives you an idea of where they kind of wanted to be by the time you finish s t three after you finish that one. So if you're starting to do these things, just that's quick it when you're applying to pediatrics, if you're really starts to work construction on the team or developing these personally dish of skills that are starting to loot to in your in your application for on once you get all we absolutely sec seven and eight grader, they want you to be leaving. You want to be sexually consultant on leading the team leader, driving the team work and the clinical direction I've reached the button and I'm working in, um, each learning outcome can be broken down a little further and for cookie capabilities, and I just like to and see be doing once you can and all. It's talking about it just being a participant. So being involved in these kind of activities, being evolved on the team of being involved in in the clear governance and doing things like water, it's in doing things like that. So if you started to do this and f wonky, you already kind of satisfying the crate, the curriculum, as honesty wanted to you on that will add to your application that to your, um can be a patient for for pediatrics. Okay, so I thought I talked very briefly about how I've been stopped doing things in management leadership, cause I've put a bit more than some of my colleagues purely because I have found my lap because I very keen on leadership management in particular, that have become had more more experience of it the last couple of years. Um, really my journey, if you call it that, um probably started it University didn't even at school. But start with music. Um says something music, Sometimes really passionate about eso. It just easily went into becoming a leadership management role on Did say, That's probably something that's a good thing to think about it really something it should be in interested. So you're passionate about that makes it so much easier when you're affecting back and saying How so, how it's changed. Your what qualities have used being a leader in a manager by doing something you actually have to, um, and the thing that comments for me is I went was up, invest in Aberdeen on DWI, ended up starting Acapella Group, and we had a Christmas concert, Uh, which I was the maid organizer four. And that's something I talked about. My, um, interview for ST. Want a pediatric. I took my little program and just spoke a little bit about music and why I loved it and how I went about sorting out concert and get your group together to see It's not trying to say this is such amazing person. All of you guys have a couple ability to do this. Um, but it's just about how you presented to someone when you're applying for a job in pediatrics or any other specialty. Um, and that's kind of how I got the book for doing these kind of things. Um, and actually he in. If I don't do very much, stool could do much medicine management tool. That's fine. Um, but as I become in ST one and going further forward, I found out that Symbicort, the lamp program, which you can do have a doctor in lieu of you. Come on, I started doing necessarily. It's about learning about the country theory behind the dish of management and all that kind of stuff. Then Cupid happens. I didn't actually finish the program, but I did the first half of it. Um, Andi from that I found about something called Project Lift, which the Scottish thing that I think you guys consign up to a swell on. That's just something that helps guys You as a leader in a manager is a few different things and few activities you can do on that on this Sunday, and from that I learned about some stuff that happened in Glasgow, something There was a couple of small course in Glasgow that we're free to any chest workers of the time. Cynical change management just run by the business consultant. And so I found a bit more about that and how well that worked out and also about, um, has really should within health services of early about structures and the complexity of the chest and wife. Actually, nothing very much gets done because it's far too many working Cox and things like that. So all these things just developed on top of each other, not something that planned or what trying to do is just something that one thing led to another. I ended up being a wreck sensitive for the training's to the dinner. It starts next, which is the education, National education, Scotland. Um, and that's something. Heard that I've ended up being more more passionate about because if you're having to sit on these meetings with the dean of the, um, um, Scottish Pediatric Medical School and the dean of the post graduate type things and having to represent what the trainees want, which is one thing and sit in meetings with, There's lots different ideas and things being thrown about, but also trying to work out how best to get solutions. The bombs that we have on also work out what their goal is from the Deans point of, you know, like and stuff, and also what the trainees want to try and work out some somewhere in the middle on Go to actually find solutions to these problems on Sometimes these things take forever. Has a lot of things in management on Do this. The project. I'm working on that, taking about two years to start getting the ball rolling, and we'll probably take another two years of condition. I won't even be a training rep and he walks out and finish my training. And that's just how much it works. But this is kind of where I come from and where I've got t not really planning to be a leader or manager at all. That's where I've ended up, and I think going long term, it's always helpful to have something in the back of your hand for when you developing is a doctor, whether that's education or research or even dare say it's like management, it's not something I expected to end up in. It was probably I'm going to carry on going forward River end up as a consultant. Um, and it's not something that people like to do anyway. Have that probably is something going to carry on doing Still, where to go from here? I think the first thing says this is not some distress about. It's quite a drive subject leadership, marriage but but actually so many things that count all these three management that you're probably doing already, even though you might feel like this cat. If you can see that on your screens, that's attached to a a bill going at 50 miles an hour down the road. I need to re everything's kind of going away with you. you just hold on for dear life, you're gonna get to the end of the journey. There's a lot of stuff out there that you're currently doing that's counting towards the sugar management. And there's a lot of resource and stuff out there that can help you on the way as well, If you said wish. So we've talked about local groups right at beginning, um, things like organizations like the B M A. A lot of college. It's south. The dean really want to become f wise. All those kind of things have small rolls to start with. A big balls to start with on Glucophage Low is also things like that, Um, in terms of online stuff, I did a quick search. I'm not an expert list of afraid that that quick, let's see what I could find. There's a few links there. Would you, which will send send around to the group afterwards, which have a good starting point for getting into but more about the theory and and practicalities of the use of management at a kind of organizational level, and then project the Link project lift as well. And I don't know a big reader bit. There is a book by Michael West. He did a lot. He's been a lot of, um, Kings, fun things and big government reviews into one of things have gone wrong. And he's done some quite good stuff about leaving from healthcare. So he might be good one to start with. If you've got a spare couple of hours to to read a book, which one for change her in on does might be done. Except if you go going down that road and to think more about things in management of the ship. That's kind of all. I was gonna talk about 30 so I'll hand you back to to your president and see you till we go next. Thank you very much to him. I'm so if you have any questions for 10, please do problem it into the chat will answer them in a Q and A. If you don't want your message from the trout, you can message any of us individually. But well, now start with the medical student perspective of Leadership Management, which will be started off by clear soup on myself. Um, give me a second to share screen here with me and I was Absolutely It comes to tech. Um, yeah, but this time I hope my doesn't use and everyone see the screen using using Perfect. Then I will leave it to you cause you to start. Okay, um so we'll just give sort of a brief talk about the med student perspective off leadership in management and looking. So, um, as medical students, how can we build our leadership skills and qualities on what would search of count as a leadership role, the opportunity, or what certain wouldn't look like? Um, well, any role that will let you build these leadership assets, the EKG on the side here could possibly count as a leadership role. So in these roles, you should hopefully be able to learn how to set me a list it goals and expectations for your team. Um, learn how to communicate effectively, particularly build skills and active This name, um, be able to use critical thinking to make decisions, be able to reach out to clinicians or organizations to further build your personal our society or whichever tapped into your during, um, and build those networks. Um, and also learn how teo, um, take accountability for your actions on? Do, um, be responsible And what have a whole year during Ondas? Long as you're in a row where you can build these assets, you'll be well on your weight to becoming a good leader and to build your foot for you. Right? Um, so this side looks very different the previous ones, and this is actually taken from, ah, presentation that I have done previously. Um, it's just the core values of a good leader, which I thought were quite useful. And so the first one is awareness, um, knowing and understanding yourself others in your environment, um, being able to really know your team, um, and be aware of what you want to achieve out of whatever task you doing. Um, service. So sharing resources. Um, sort of like Tim said earlier, trying to be very involved in the teen. You're not a ball cereal eager, Um, and you're trying to Teo help, um, the whole team as a whole instead of this sort of ordinary I've been telling him, watch do, um, three times a day. So seeing in front implementing solutions, ideas and initiatives on being able to share your ideas with a team, um, focused. So being able to recognize and concentrate on the critical and essential information. So really trying to hold in on what you're trying to get out of whatever experiences you're having. Um, and really trying to find the specific goals of what you're trying to do and is really helpful, Um, perseverance so enduring and remaining strong. One faced with complication. Eso any sort of not patches you go through in the process. Everyone has thumb, um, but making sure that he can pick yourself back up and take the project. But after you gone through those rough times on and then lastly, integrity, so being reliable in trustworthy just being such a A good, um, member of leukemia. Okay, um, so why should we care about leadership of management is mad student and well, as Chancellor of mentioned earlier, um and Waas, um, of the slides. Um, here is a screenshot off the ST one application, um, guidelines on do search of making sure that you have at least had some experience of leadership and management throughout med school. Or maybe f y is really important. And it will also be something that comes up. Um in any special you apply to, um, it's also really relevant when applying for f wise. Um, even just applying for other roles in general looks like. And so I've put sort of three main groups of where to find the dish it rolls, particularly as a magic. You don't, um there are many more, um, options and many sort of opportunities out there on the main ones are kind of students. University societies is the big one. I think he's gonna be medical or non medical. Um, but, um, society, they're always looking for new people to join committees and, um, things like that every year. So that could be a way that you can sort of get into readership. And a lot of universities also have a student council are they will have your reps for course, wraps on. But that's another way that you can get more involved with leadership and also get more involved with, um, your med school or university in general on. But there's also volunteering groups looking Zyc, um, brownies, girl guides, um, Steltz. Things like that, um, can be really helpful in not only getting leadership experience, but also being able to build those skills and qualities, Um, and learning more about how you can be repeated, I think. Thank you very much. Classy. Uh, so you've been convinced into getting a leadership through, um, by either for your CV or for personal development. Now it's actually time to get one s. So how do we actually do that? Well, first you got, I get by your interests. Well, especially they Are you interested? What causes diversity, equality, reform, education? As 10 said, it's important to choose, uh, special topic that you're interested in because And your passion about because that will reflect on how much you enjoy your work in the road. And also, how much you impetus? Well, next, you've got to check the requirements for the application. When are deadlines are they running the applications? Is a society on your general meeting which happens in March in April. You want to miss that deadline? Or is that a CV? An application kind of scenario. Are the word counts where the time limits well content do they want? Are they gonna ask questions? What do they need from us? Actually, and when you're armed with all that info, you can then write your speech, your application, and deliver it. So what makes a good application? Well, um, obviously, you've got to familiarize yourself with their previous work, understand what they do it for, what their goals are, and make sure it aligns with yours. Don't be caught on having no idea what society does or what the group does on giving, no idea what you're getting yourself into. I have frequently seen people a GMC who will talk about novel ideas, which the societies have actually been running for years. And it just shows a lack of interest in society to begin with. And it just shows a lack of planning, to be honest instead, maybe discuss how you're experiencing something that organization run or something you listen to about them has inspired you were taught you something. Reflection is, of course, like in many things, he, um next you should show your understanding of the requirements of the road. Essentially, what do they expect from you, and how will you fulfill it? How you improve basically upon your predecessor of appropriate or applicable. And that's a perfect Segway into discussing what you bring to the society. Applying it specifically to the role that skills experience with course reflection again or no other ideas. If you showed up all your skills as appropriate for the rule with understanding society and the roads goals, then you'll be in a strong place. Application wise. Ondas I said before, It's really, really important you check the requirements for the application on before you do all this, you don't waste time, and you can then utilized before about to your advantage. For example, if your applications a speech, you can use your social skills to your advantage. In the end is a pad or an audience or other society members that will elect you to the post. Um, and so you've got a gardener their favor. If you're applying with a short statement or a with a word limit, you could add in links onto your application or pictures of those kinds of things that basically bulk up and make your applications stand out. Sometimes it's appropriate. Use slang or emojis or just just know your audience essentially, whether they're students like you or health professionals or other doctors, and basically cater to what they would enjoy. And finally, it's always wise to conclude with a summary of your manifesto, because often there's a lot of applicants and people do does and people read a lof applications. So giving a clean summary of why someone to choose you is always a nice way to wrap up your application nicely. So we've trusted we better about dues. Now I'm gonna tap the don'ts. Obviously, don't ramble you, especially if you have a word limit. You don't have room to Rambo. Don't repeat points. People will get bored of them. Obviously, don't plagiarize. You're playing with your scales. Know anyone else's and try not to focus on unimportant experience of skills. If you're applying for an academic leave, you want to talk about your teaching experience. I'm rather than you're volunteering. Although there are horrible skills in all your experience is that you can bring it's best focus on what's the most important and what's the most appropriate or whatever you're planning for. Try not the list. It's very easy to I often called up in that, and definitely don't sugarcoat or lie or be about sport. If your application isn't successful, rejection is not the end. Instead, ask your feedback and try it and, um reduction own experience only strengthens your application for next time. So now we've talked about what makes a good one about application. I'm just gonna break down a example that I took from one of my friends. Successful applications on this was a short statement application with the world, um, of 150 with a target audience being medical student members of the society, who would vote after reading statements. The road they've applied for is academically, which organizes academic tutorials and webinars. And essentially they've broken down who they are on the reasons for apply. And they highlighted there experience especially for the UTI CME, which is a medical education certificate which is applicable and appropriate for the role there buying for as well as other relevant experience. They shared no idea and also emphasized on their interest continue A previous collaborations. Society has the shows an understanding about side already doesn't understanding of the rule and they've not listed. They've been pretty succinct and even end with a nice thank you in a smiley face, which is more than four most side but works for the audience. Um, there's no perfect application and everyone is different with different skill sets and different experience. But the general rules are showing your skills and understanding and cater to your old tapes, and you'll be fine. Okay, So once you've had a successful application, uh, what next? Well, make sure to follow through your manifesto, though Sometimes things change for your better ideas. Um, so this isn't a strict must. What is, um, Less, however, is doing a hand over with your predecessor. If applicable, this allows you to get important information and quantity. Tells us well as learn from them and what they did in their role and what they wish they'd done better. So you can use this. Be back when you're doing your room. And once you've got all this information, you can, um, it's great to work with your team if this is a team rope to establish your goals and outcomes as most collaborate and share ideas in the end, while all leadership roles are worth something, it's important to maximize your yield. So, um, you can ensure you make the most of the room. For example, looking back at the last application on an academic lead, what they could do is they could run into a cancerous from that, it could do polls or feedback forms. They can take those results and learnings taken right up in abstract, and then they can apply for a conference. For example, what, Carson I are actually doing with this Siris we're presenting at the nest conference. Well, um, so essentially maximize your yield on, But when you look back at your role, look back at your year, you'll be able to show off and know that you've done some good. You've made some progress. Um, so we're just gonna have a we chat about Claritin eyes, experience and things we found. Um, but yeah, you might be wondering, What do I actually really know about this leadership? Thing is, I'm I'm a third your student store early stages. I'm I don't know much, but I have had a couple of leadership roles and I've learned my fair few, um, few things. I hope I've basically identified my interests when I was in pressure, and that was pediatric orthopedic surgery, which is incredibly niche. I've been towed, and I've been told not to box myself into that specialty too much, but I basically broke it down and decided okay involved with, um, each part of that. So the surgery part I fulfilled with the Ed, um, Restaurant, Surgical Society and the star Search Collaborative on the Ortho part with that every university or pedic society. Um, I also refilled the pediatric part. Of course, As you can see, I'm here with an Emery University Pediatric Society, Teddy Bear Hospital and the National Pediatrics Fundraising Society. I've run my fair few amounts of events, webinars it or is not rich events. And I've had the privilege of working with a very diverse and of interesting committees. So I'll stab you in industry and other connections. Um, I've been in a society game for perhaps too much time. So, um, my advice is, get involved, Really. There's a lot you can learn, and there's a lot of is definitely a learning curve at the start, But the earlier you get involved in more, you learn the more opportunities out that are available to yourself and the more skills you develop. Um, although we've helps mainly about leadership roles, there is also, of course, leadership courses are leadership books and resource is asked him. Outline on. Some I've done are the add, um, reward. Which anyone who's a God use a society rule at Edinburgh can do each year. Basically, you longer hours. It's reflective, um, program and in the and you come out with a nice award. And there's also the NHS X Edward gender program, which is on leadership, which I think I did last summer. And once again, it's very much reflective because part of being a good leader is doing reflecting and then doing better. Um, I'm not gonna pass on to clear suit to talk about her if it's lucky. Um, so just a bit about my leadership experiences, um, as you can see from the side of also circuit head, my fair share of committee girls and medical societies which have really allowed me to. It's for my interests, which currently our neonatology project trick, neurology and your diversity. Um, which again might be a bit niche. Um, but I've been able to start to explore them on us. More sort of broad sense, um, with the pediatric society, of course on. But I'm very excited to be the incoming president for the next academic year on D. I've also been involved with the Actemra University Oncology Society on Do Also the neurology society on be within these roles are really being allowed. I've really been able to explore my interests. Um, and I'm actually really enjoyed. I'm being able to work within a team and build more of my independent learning skills. Um, through this, it has very much being quite a learning curve, but, um, quite worth while in the end and but moving in past sort of all of the medical societies and things like that, um, just for a minute to talk a bit more about the other ways and what she can talk about in ways you can build your leadership experience, because even as med students, medicine isn't everything, and we can always build our skills and quality than other ways. Um, so an example that I had was a lot of societies election. Look for volunteers to help, um, defends, um, such as the yes SS, who usually run getting into medicine days for secondary school students on D. I was lucky enough to be, uh, workshop need for a leadership and teamwork workshop. Um, which allowed me to learn both learn and teach others about the various leadership, model skills, qualities, all of that thing, which was quite beneficial to me. Um, it whole also helped me to build a bit more confidence before delving into bigger leadership roles. So I would definitely say that you can start small if you feel like you're not quite ready to take on a big role. Ondas I was in the past. Um but additionally, your leadership experience doesn't have to be purely Levsin related. Um, as for me, I enjoy dancing in my spare time. So in early 2020 I joined a global dance team on. Since then, I've been able to work my way up. Um, Onda I've actually been successful and officially registering the team as a university society s. So I will actually be the first president off the color dance team for the next epidemic here. Um, so in summary, I would like to say think outside of the box. So, not matter how cliche that site that saying is, um on try to find opportunities through your interests in hobbies. Um, and maybe not just within medical societies, that looking at other opportunities, um, and seeing how that can build your experience. So Well, thank you very much for say, um, just end this talk. We'd like to try about some of our whole pits. Firstly, don't be afraid to take on a row. We all start somewhere. Justice class. You have said you can start off with a smaller role before you go into the exact grow on. It's either way. It's a wonderful learning opportunity. Um, the lesson to learn from them are credibly divers, and it could be applied to all fields of interest so highly recommend getting involved as soon as you can. Um, next, do plantarly. Don't miss deadline to know when applications come out. For example, a GM season Add. Enbrel is more shape on. Also, don't over stretch yourself. Um, don't do it every salt because you can. It's very easy to try, but, um, don't understand the responsibilities and requirements before committing yourself to a row because a good leader has to be there. The lead and of you got a million societies under your about you, you will be up to manage them all. Um, when you're in it, your application stage Do try practicing with your friends or mentors and getting feedback and once again make sure the handover talk with your predecessor. Essentially take lessons from what they learned in their role as well as what they wish they did differently. And do you use with your team on your outcomes and goes for your leadership management role to maximize output? That is all from us. Thank you very much for listening on. We'll move on to cure a section Oscar off the Q and A just Well, people think of questions with what is the most what do you wish you unknown before taking on the leadership row? Tim, would you, like, go first? What? Um uh huh. Uh, I think before becoming the rep for dinner, he I think, um, that would have been good to have realized how long everything takes. And I might have started doing stuff a lot earlier from day one. Uh, because certainly everything within big organizations like this just just takes a while. You got get approval from somebody from people. Onda? Um yeah. Contain, you can take a while, but, like, definitely, um, question about you. I think, Sergeant, something that I wish I had known is no one expects you to know everything or be good at everything before getting into roll. And it's all right to help ask help from others. Um, because having quite as big of a responsibility as a manager or religious a pro, um, you feel quite, um, pressure to sort of know everything and not have to ask, um, around. So I think sort of knowing that before or not, just struggling by myself would have seen quite good knowledge to have before I started doing anything, um, in societies and things like that. But I know that now, you know, definitely agree in the end related to leadership, completely intertwined his team work on. But having knowing that you're not on your own and being able to work with other people, um, only improves both aspects team or God leadership. Um, I think for me personally, well, I'd wish I'd learn, um waas to set boundaries. I think often as a leader, you feel the need to make sure everything is perfect. You feel the need to make sure everything is done right, and if something's not done right, you just redo someone else's work, that kind of thing. But it doesn't. It's not good leadership essentially was what I'm saying, having boundaries, knowing what's your role and what other people's role no only allows you're you're here is guidance. Essentially you. By setting boundaries, you make sure everyone is aware of their role and their place on Diz able to carry out their tasks as they need. But without boundaries. It's very it's modeled and it's no, it's messy, and it's much more difficult to be both the leader and a team worker in that kind of scenario. Do we have any questions in the chat? It's always painful when you're when you're staring a bunch of black screens and no one speaking to you. Um, I'll do another question. Um, I think What would one piece of advice you give to a medical student, the, um, who's taking part in the leadership role for the first time? If Tim would like to go first? I think I must be enjoy it because I think it can cause you guys upstairs, it can be quite stressful doing these things the first time, uh, and getting the conference do to realize that you can do I have Yes, I think my boys to be trying to try and enjoy it is you probably can't go wrong. No one's gonna die before. I, um see, uh, absolutely, absolutely, especially. You're doing society room. No one's gonna die. Uh, I don't know how how it changes when, um, your actual doctor with clinical responsibilities, but at least are stage No one's going to die with your society, rose. So, um, always ask around. Always ask for help if you're not sure about things and make the most of everything I see Do you have any advice? And I guess just regarding the confidence thing again, just to well, even your current skills and what you can actually do because you're already a medical student. You've already gotten this far. It's very impressive already. Um and so just sort of realizing your abilities and realizing that this is a roll that will and that will help you to grow as a person is Well, um, I think it's really important above all else, because it could be again. It could be very, um, pressuring to go into these rules on Dwight intimidating. But you should Yeah, I definitely agree. We all start somewhere. I think my first my first road was first your arrest for the search silk. I just nearly nothing. I think I posted on the group chat toe, advertise them their events maybe two or three times on. But I gave me the inside into what's likely did. That allowed me to work my way out, and I'm incoming by surprise next year. So it's a great It's great to start and especially representative rules. They're they're very good. People come to you with questions. You can answer them. It's nice and show on. But there's usually no organizational, um, responsibilities attached. But, oh, no, don't be afraid to start somewhere. Also, don't be free to aim from high roses all. I was very cheeky with some of my societies, and I just was You know what? I could probably do this on be applied for very exact rolls right off the bat. Don't be afraid of of your skills. You clearly are scared of you're here. Um, and just make most of it. It just gives you a platform. Leadership rose give you a platform to do to learn and make the most of experience. You have any more questions? Otherwise we might end this webinar early, which is absolutely fine. Also, just to remind you, if you don't want to send, um, your questions and for everyone to see on the check, you can also direct message and the office on. We'll just wait out to everyone instead and say What your name is, either. Yeah, as we said, there's there's plenty of leadership roles available, especially from a from a student respective. There's a million students, a scientist for every single special for your every single calls. And so it's a great way. Just dip your toe, um, leadership and management. And if there is something that you're interested in, um, but there doesn't seem to be a society for you can always make one. Um, there's always that option. Um, they are just if there aren't any opportunities, make room. But as meds students, we have so many different opportunities to do these kinds of girls anybody, um, so you should be fine. Yes, And there's also something half, of course, is that, um, rewards a great one. It's very easy to do alongside your studies. It's like you just need to lower your hours through three reflections and attend. I think to happen our meetings. It's It's very short. Eso highly recommend. Um, the Edward Gender program was also very, very good. I don't know if it's accredited. I don't know. It isn't any chest program on. They take courts every year with quite a few. So do google them, um, get involved in. You want to, um it was very, very bad when it told me a lot and no salt in a promise. What would you say? Um, your best leadership rule waas him in terms of what you managed to gain out of it and what you managed to learn. Three. Think, um, the best, the best initial role with definitely the music, because I think that was just too much fun. Um, I have never done anything like that before on, But I had to bring a group of people together, get the moods faces and try and make it fun. And nothing's come back each week and then sort of bounce. It's we have something, someone, something to perform that. So that would probably they're the best role that I had in terms of gaining stocks. I think, Yeah, I probably got at the most out of that. The current role is as a Dina Records, probably the most complex of had I've had to learn so much more. Um, it just seems that every every meeting to go to there's another acronym that I didn't know existed or another another group, um, of executive meeting or whatever That that was unknown to me that I should have spoken to you beforehand or wasn't that think? I think my current role and it's very complex, which is quite challenging, but yeah. So I think I think my favorite one was Definitely Think that was something I was passionate about. Loved to do. So it was just fun. A good point. I will see. What about you? Okay. No, Very sure. I think, um, definitely this academic. You're being vice president of the pediatric society. Totally not a plug. You should do it. Um, but it was, um very useful. Um, insert of learning a bit more about how to work aspartic a team, but then also being able to see more about what exactly calls um, actually involved in on day sort of have to carry yourself. Um, can think that that has been very useful. Um, however, I do have to say that I have incredibly excited Teo sort of get more into the non academic things. So, like my presidency next year, um, from my dance team will be incredibly fun, eh? So I'm looking forward to that. Haven't experienced it yet, but I'm sure it will be good. Yes, definitely. Unfortunately, a lot of society at least medical student society, um, responsibilities in the high up leadership. Rose is glorified admin. But it is alongside that you get a lot of opportunities. You get basically, get the highest platform to essentially network on build on skills and, um, looks good, honestly, if it is low. But obviously something that looks good on your CB isn't really war a year of commitment and hard work. So I do not recommend that if that's all you're going for, um, I think for me personally, my favorite rule was my first real one. After I did nothing for ah, first year rep, which was outreach computer for the same society, on getting toe getting that team camaraderie with a society is so lovely and having that support onda also getting into network and really build your really build it. It's There's this interesting platform you keep rising, what you get onto it, Um on. And that sort of first initial learning curve is so biting toe how supported and how well you do later on this. Well, basically seeking out your teammates seeking out feedback, it's always, always, essentially think if we don't have any more questions, we may just end. Be weapon are currently we'll give it 20 more seconds for someone to type something. Otherwise, I'm going to share my screen and let you guys see the feedback or or not you back from the feedback slide. No. So if you have any questions, we'll be staying back. So you're free to ask. But once again, thank you so much for coming. This is our finale for the serious or very excited. We're very excited. That happens. We're very excited. It's over. Um, on certificates will be sent out, post infusion of the feedback form. And if you've attended three of off the five Webinars, you will get a spirit kind of constrictive get. And we're doing this based on who spoke about the feedback. So you haven't filled out feedback forms. Do let us know and we'll send over