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TODDLE Webinar 2: Teaching


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So, um, good evening, everyone on. Welcome to the second weapon are in the ups on total series and association with you caps, um, on total stands for it building blocks of developing your pediatric portfolio and career. So today we'll be focusing on how to build the teaching aspect of your pediatric portfolio on Do also have to teach and receive feedback. Efficient three. Um, this weapon, I will be running from seven until eight PM on. But, um, yeah, I hope you enjoy it. So do it looking. Um, So before we begin, I'll just give you a little warm welcome from the ups. So we are the editor University Pediatric Society. We're a society for all students interested in anything to do with pediatrics. So we run quite a busy schedule throughout the year and with tutorials, talk socials, fundraising events and are you Primary goal through these fundraising events is to raise money for the add, um, a Children's offer to charity on. But if you would be interested in joining society, if you haven't already, then you can scan the key. The cure coat on the right hand side of the side. Here, um, for only 3 lbs for membership on DSM events. We have coming up. Um, includes the ups and the Teddy Bear Hospital Collaborative. Try it, Ikimi. I'm to raise money again for the add, um, a Children's hospital charity, which will be taking place on the 21st of April. Um, we also have our own going total Siris, which you are watching it the woman which will be every Wednesday at seven PM on Do we also have our Year five revision Dettori a weapon I that will be coming up on the 14th of April on, But, um, all of these events and any sort of all the updates will be available on our social media counts were attract the bottom here. Um, so yeah, so if you're not already involved with ups that you'll be more directed to do so And so, as I mentioned earlier, we primarily rice raise funds for the add, um, a Children's hospital charity, which is to transform the lives of Children through confident in the work off the r h c y p, as well as other healthcare setting across Scotland. Um, so we have, uh, just giving lancaster bottom here. Um if you would like to donate, um however is it's not compulsory, but we would appreciate any donations. And as it will help to fund many sort of activities for host to less Children, Um, on supporting the families on down to the patients. And so, yeah, uh huh. Today, um, what we will be doing is we will be going to, um, the Siris of talks from two speakers. Um, first up, we will have doctors, Some done here on day. He is an STD four in the pick. You at World stop osteo for Children. And then after that, we'll have a talk from Florida. Jardine, who is a final your med student andare current ups treasure. And then afterwards, you'll be free to have, um, ask any questions you have to any of the speakers, Um, on. And if you just ask questions in the chat, we will be able to go through them systematically on and you'll be able to have hopefully all of your questions answered. Um, just some housekeeping rules. Um, as participants, you are not able to, um, meet yourself or, um, share video, share screen things like that. Um, you can ask any questions you would like in the tractor? Make any other comments in the church as well. Um, if you have any questions that you wouldn't like to be shown in the full chance you can direct message either me or Ginger, um, who is also in the back ground running a few admin things. Um, so just ask, just direct message with us, and we can ask them for you. Um, but any inappropriate language or any sort of offensive content will result in you being removed from the session and also banned from any other future UPS events. So, please, um, keep up the, um, goods etiquette when we're going through all these online events. Um, just so that we can keep everything running smoothly on, but we hope you have fun, So Oh, and I will move you on into, um, doctor sang down her. Who will be talking to you about more about the teaching aspect of report for you. Thanks. God, that's a good evening. And everybody right. Let me just share screen to ticks. So my name's Sam. I'm one of the picky registered roll Stoke. Apologies for interview. They're gonna have to see me again this week. Eso who? Um I'm going to talk to you about Teacher, so I know for us to talk to you about some sort of getting into teaching and things like that. But I'm going to torture little bit more about some of the kind of theory behind the teaching that you do on also basically show you have that for my portfolio is and see what you actually got to look forward to when you come in. Do pediatrics. So any of you when I first started teaching when I was my question, I hated all of this stuff, but actually, it makes more sense now. I'm old in the long in the tooth. So this is Miller's Pyramid of chemical competence. So it looks arts. You never had to do stuff. So that's fat recall. That's, you know, first two years of medical school, you know, where's the heart is in the chest? Yes or no knows how is how do you then interpret clinically So it's looking at when you go into somewhere like a you see a you into e. D. On. You're seeing all of these Children or adults wherever you may be hand seeing how you can apply. Would he bled toe. What you're seeing in front of you then shows is kind of when you get to the end, you're looking at Oscars and they're looking at simulation, you know, in cereal a shin forms of massive part on. Well, for massive part of the training on peeling, so different fact that it's now the new thing to do. We know that actually, we should really be letting you do stuff in clinical practice unless you actually didn't in a safe environment. Because the old adage of, like, see one do you want it truly is kind of out the window any for the rest of the time. Um, Andi, you've got to kind of be able to do things in a safe manner, which is where you've got all those really horrible manikins that you know we can ever cannulate on that, you know, doing a boogies all these weird little hump things and then does is when you do it in practice and you get feedback on. The biggest thing about teaching is is being able to have free book Onda. How do you take feedback is one thing, you know, because actually, to be able to teach, you got to do what you do on D. Then you need to be able to kind of take it away. And no one, actually, I did this this time we'll do the same, Mr On, actually sometimes saying, actually, I do it say again is actually okay, but actually rule reflective people. If you're anything like me, then we end up completely. Bradley eating ourselves hadn't saying that we did everything remission. You don't actually look at the good things. So teaching portfolio wise, you have, if any of you, I'm sure you guys have something very similar in Edinburgh. Wherever you guys are watching from on, this is my level. Too many actresses, the regimen level to training on. Do you have to basically tag all of these things on D? Yeah. So education training, which is obviously when I got the Mexico, because I drive. So you're looking at plans of the Lupus teacher and living experiences, trainings and other professionals. But it's appropriate to be back which you go. Oh, my God. One. Do I do it? Very helpful. E spits it down into bility deployments a little teaching says the different learning needs level support and supervision required on that before it's appropriate. CPAP So looking at all of these ability to planet of a teacher, actually, you've turned up tonight. That's half the back of you got interest in teaching, or you just want to turn it to the three that you could do. You get your Byetta few certificate. That's all so far, but you're looking at How do you plan and deliver teaching? So first thing you got to Macaque is what do you actually want to teach? Is it something that you're really good at? And you're like, Oh, my God, I've smash at park. I know. What doing I'm gonna be stopped. Actually, I love the time. Sometimes teaching stuff on things that you're not very confident on. I find a lot more useful because actually end up putting a lot or if it into things on the you don't just do your normal pattern like my pattern normal thing for medical students is. Let's talk about respiratory support Pediatrics, which ago here there's oxygen, there's high flow. There's inspirations. Bipap cpap I. Let's talk about some beliefs actually talking about things that you don't understand or don't necessarily do is you can use as a learning opportunity for both of you. Or however you're what other type of group that you're actually teacher. So I would say, Look at what you want to teach and what people want you to teach them. Um, because actually, you might feel like God, I don't want to talk about respiratory support again, so just ask, That would be. My biggest thing is, that's what I normally do on when I see a medical students on the board. Is that what do you want to let it out today? I know it's Cliche Day and you're like, Oh my God, just want to get signed after the war drive to go away. Actually, one thing that's all you ever needed it. If you could have one thing a day or something new or different, that dupixent think you'll actually find think so much easier. So you know, I wonder, too, just about legal, and I absolutely hate real. But actually, I've said that a lot better than I did before is a teacher. Very success, different really needs and levels of support on supervision. So that's looking at who you teaching. So are you teaching first medical students who have come straight out of anatomy classes? And I've never seen a patient? Or are you teaching F ones here? I'm the pediatric regimen teaching effort to repeat. You know, it changes what you want to do, how you want to do things on. But, you know, everybody goes, you know? Yeah, I'll just sit down and make people power. Ports slide on down. That that but especially with Kobe, it is. What you find it is is that you basically have definite purple. You roll on, see everybody. Does it get you off? Yeah, there's a little test in Davis. Are he wrapped with A P and Bubbles? Who's a P d. D. Consulted in London. He is a really good idea to try and find the Lupron chair on the chat about how to meet with slides nice and make people not want to fall asleep. So, what you want to do here, you're gonna do it for and what you're trying to? Yeah, because you don't need to necessarily do the whole like my learning objectives for today. Plan. Blah, blah, blah blah Because, actually, what do you do? The teaching. You actually look at what they are anyway on. Do you kind of go? Well, yeah, We'll just do it that way. Um, support supervision likes everybody is different. You know, Everybody wants to chat away in the chair. Assad's questions. It's actually being able to say, Look, I know it's a bit rubbish, like you might want to ask, but just come and find me afterwards is not an issue on the old adage of the only question she'd been question is the one you don't ask is massively true. Um, I'm also you need to make sure they do it in a safe way. So especially if you're doing things like clinical skills you're teaching. You know, something that's, you know, simple to me as being a puncture accumulation, you know? Yeah, idea at all day, every day. And I don't want to find out, do that. Actually, being able to teach somebody how to do it like I can't be going like my wife wanted to let accumulate, and, um, I actually I do it this way. You actually learned by making silly mistakes or going actually How do you like to eat? Because, yes, you all have to do it. You know, you get a mark best you get the market about to get mark for that. When you are in medical school, you have to do it that way because otherwise you don't pass your skis or whatever. But then you're looking at What can you do that makes your life so much easier? Because when you're adopted slight doing you driving test, it's You need to learn what actually works for you. So it's looking at each of your members of your team that you're supervising. I know all of them will know in the second. You know, I learned by give me Give me a patient in a safe environment, innocent on. I will learn how to completely stuffed up and then make know what I wouldn't do next time. Where's you've got to make sure that you're doing that in a safe way on. Then provides appropriate See back. This basically needs Don't tell them they're British repeatedly on Don't say that That was a long dreadful on. Didn't do it like that again because actually, as I've said, you will find so many different ways to yeah, work how to do things on, especially in pediatrics. There are many ways of doing fix because we don't have the evidence based that adults do to get around and give extracted this patient extracted. Why drug to that patient and we'll do a trial on will work out what's best and it's gonna be fabulous on We got this new amazing drug and everything, like vast majority of the drugs that come into pediatrics. We have used for donkeys years like Are you wear looking at on? So things like treatment of seizures in the in its so phenobarb is actually something like 121 years old on Nobody's actually gone. Is this a decent drug? A lot because nobody will go. Yes, we're gonna use all these little babies on and see which one works better. So it's about looking at the feedback on going. There's always good things, and there's always things that are positive. I'm not, you know, the whole thing of going Oh, yeah, everybody goes, Oh my God, I got to think of three positive things. Three negative things on three things I do differently next time I actually just thinking of one positive thing for yourself. Because actually, when you're running the session like, people are going to give you lots of positive feedback. It's about building up your confidence in yourself on your own skills, to be able to teach it because, you know, you come back two Millers pyramids on. But you're actually you're kind of hovering around these two army hovering around shows and does because, you know, you're not gonna teach somebody house how to interview any interest Somebody, whether you're at the fat recall, that you know that information is good trip to protect your airway. But it's about finding how you could easily get how you can get from a way through this pyramid to the top of the peak of what you're doing. Actually going the teaching somebody how to do it means that you're learning more about the skill yourself or the topic or whatever you want to do or what happened here because you could teach anybody anything. You know, I remember we're really teaching. When I was a first year medical student on, we had to teach somebody how Teo like someone about it. like silly things like that. And that's all teaching scales that you, you know, everybody at the times go. Oh, my God. Why don't you do this? This is a medical at all, But actually, you can still apply all of those skills. Have a lot of those things toe How you how you teach. So and then it's about recapping thing. So are you going to send them home with, you know, poster on? You know what? What? You're 400 forty's of cardiac arrest. Are you gonna make them a little card to go on the back of their You know, there I d batch. So they know what they are. You know, we had teaching when we did wet flag. So that's the pediatric equivalent off. You know, weights. Energy for shark tube fluid. Slim as a pound glucose. It takes about, um, on I get back in the back of my car because actually something that I learned and I just go because I can't remember bread. Most places will have a really big read this book. You have to have, like, a roll of these things. You just that all day that four year old or are they a fit four year olds? You know where they have the middle on? Actually, you could stick with that scale to do it all yourself on a white coat feta. So it's having, you know, I'm gonna make sure that they know what they're doing next time or what they would do differently next time. So I have the little able wants know. You know, it may be that your group that you're teaching once a big bunch of, like a four like 20 pages on your congenital heart disease on that might be what's good for your group. But you might find you'll do the same talk for a different group and all they want is pretty pictures. So it's about making sure that you know what you're doing. I'm getting feedback on it so you can get feedback at the time, which is normally Oh, yeah, it was great. It was like it was fabulous. I would do nothing different, but you know, like doing the thing this evening's and please do give me feedback. If this is good or bad, I will take both on board. You know, it's about those off God awful survey monkeys. But actually, it's what is how people learn and you'll be that person that's chasing those survey monkeys to put in your port. Photos go, Oh my God, I've got enough in my teaching thing on on chasing up those people to give you the give you the feedback that they want. So that's kind of me, them from a teacher point of view how that was useful on The other thing, I would say, is the beautiful thing about having an online portfolio because I'm still in the age where my medical school portfolio was. This huge folder, which is a pain in the butt, is that you can obviously put everything in your folders. So a RCP is, um, you'll review of clinical competencies and performance is you'll get to know all these weird acronyms when you qualify, but basically just make sure you put it in an order. So the people that do that you're like 20 of the ercp of the day that you can go. I know where everything is. So obviously you got safeguarding Rachel teaching graceful courses in 40 back, make sure any nice emails screenshot them on, put them on on that Because they all works beautifully on then. Guideline. Yeah, on all of the bits of absolute other thing I would say is when you're because you know you've done it. You know, the IV proved you could teach X ones that people fabulous feedback. Just put it in a way that when you're the 20th in some people are cp of the day or 20th. Whatever you guys call it in medical school these days that people can actually find it. Ago. I did it. I did it, um and that's it. Thank you very much. Happy to take any questions or any questions at the end on that? Looking for to here in the next speaker. Thank you so much. Done. Sanitary on. We will take, um all sort of questions at the end if such is okay, ones for has spoken. Um, but with that, I'd like to welcome our next speaker, Flora, who is our current ups treasure. And from your medical student. Hello. I would just try and get up these slides, try to remember how technology works. This is what I'm pretty judges me for. No, no capital a problem. Okay, I think that works. Okay, So I'm Flora, Uh, as you mentioned the final. Your medical student, Um, I'm the current pizza treasurer. I was asked to give me the most students perspective on trying to become a pediatric doctor. Just like a little bit about Makes you Probably by being like, Well, I didn't really come here to talk to you by a medical student. I was hoping for, like, all specialty strain use. But it's just get kind of, I guess, the lower down perspective, hopefully kind of later at the moment and how I cut about involved with teaching throughout my time at universities. Um, so far on that note S so I was the academic tutorial convener for accessibility medicine of last year. Excessive fatigue, Mental. It's just like an Adam or a based tutorial type thing that's a free, open access to anybody. Try to make it accessible on, then it also has other things going for it. I was in the tutorial side of things and I'm better story A league this year. And then I was also on the Medical Education Society for the two years partial at, um, there's those athletic in clinical story convenience. So I've tried to get heavily involved in teaching. Um, you know, not just because it's good for the portfolio, but also, you know, it's something we're gonna have to do throughout our whole careers. So there's, like, a jump on it and try and get we bit better on it. Um, so I with us to talk to you a little bit about, um, teaching, So I thought I kind of first have a look at the current person specifications for pediatric ST one. I believe that the idea of these total talks is till almost go through each of these. And so we're currently on this academic skills of teaching with you back in reflection. Um, so as a double curiosity, I mean, I don't know if I cannot audience, like, raised their hands. Is that a thing? React if you've been involved in teaching much? Uh, yes, I think they can. So clamp will raise your hand if you've done a week of teaching. Currently, it feels like I've only worn out everybody. Oh, there's more like three. So either there's only three where people have stopped listening. Okay, That's nice. Know, kind of over these. That's not why I didn't get involved in teaching until my fourth year. I was very emotional headspace in the first few years, and then it kind of went, Oh, this is something I need to do because, I mean, it's not just good for the pediatric portfolio is good for every single port for you. So, you know, recommend it even if you're still on the fence about pediatrics. Um, which I would also like to caveat that as a medical student is perfectly okay. To come to these kind of things like pediatrics is exactly what I want to do. 100 sent definite on it because, you know, everybody is like that, but well done, if you are. So why should you care about teaching now? Maybe you're in first year. Um, and you just, you know, exploring your options, you know? Oh, I feel so early. It's years until I graduate. It's even longer until I have to become specialty training. Watched I care. So this is for Pediatric ST one applications. This year, it's got competition for a few about 1 40. So you know there's competition around posts to be able to get an ST one job in pediatrics. On day off, that area of assessment, you can see teaching near the bottom. You get four points after the total of 33 that you can achieve. That accounts for 12% of your applications. Actually, you can see that this is taken from the, uh, your assessment that if you have evidence of coming designed to lead teaching, including evaluation, so it's actually getting feedback on being able to reflect on it during an interview process. Then it's an easy four points here onto your CV. Uh, I don't if you click that link, but if you come, that's the kind of breakdown of the ST one indication for Pete's. So, um, I have a quick shot on the best in perspective on how to build your portfolio. I'd say, by far and away, the thing to do is find your local societies. I don't know how many of you at Edinburgh based I definitely recommend to that I was in so accessibility and medicine on the Medical Education Society, but equally there are, you know, pizza like this almost future on. Do you know if you go to each of your specialties societies and say, Hey, I see you're not offering teaching. Would you mind if I offered teaching in your specific field they would lap it up? They love it. So, you know, get involved in that way. Also, uh, some medical schools, it be like you get involved in the curriculum. So once you're in, like, two years, you can seen chances of fence, Junior. Um, once in later years, especially, you can get a hold of the clinical tutorial side of things. You could message the med school. And, hey, when are you doing your Welchol skis? For the young younger years, I'd love to get involved or clinical skill sessions are easy to involved with or many towards small toe, real workplace learning. So ask your medical school. Um, also primary school. I thought that it is like a speed. This is probably pediatric specific, But you listen dear old primary school and just said high diver from we don't remember. May I? Was this this tall when I was last here? Um, what do you find it in anyway? I got involved with a teaching or, you know, help out with little activities that just rounds out of the hospital based, you know, mg teeny things. If you're on a placement in pediatrics and you're there for a week while at the MG Teeny things just say, Hey, I notice I was teaching that goes on quite regularly. Could I possibly get involved? You'll probably be further down the line of people. It's you're already left pizza. But you know, you can arrange it and show up and deliver that. And that's really impressive. You're essentially teaching the seniors so and then, of course, if you're inventive, I am not. I apologize. I brought both society of my with my inventiveness. But if you are inventive, you see that? Mark it, just fill it. Everybody would love you too. Um, so chapped, Uh, just a little bit on it. Don't, uh you know all your years off with, um, you know, the ins and outs of how to go the lesson plan because a lot of it's bit free forum. And, um oftentimes he could, based on your previous experience in medical school, would be like, how was I told her? How would I like to improve that? Um, but just because especially since know, everybody put their hands up in terms of I have a lot of experience in teaching. I thought that quickly go over. Kind of have to plan a listen or how I go about thinking about it. So of course you got to think about what you want to do. So I know maybe you want to focus on pediatric emergencies or something. So you're like, Okay, I'm gonna teach pediatric emergencies, but who? My pitching out? It's very different level of your go for a year. Ones who've never, ever been introduced to this topic before. And it's taster of pediatrics, uh, post 50 years, who are currently sitting. That's it. Every university they do the pizza. Lochlan, as opposed to, you know, if I was in consultants, which always feels like, could you stop me up to them? But you're never too too too inferior to teach. Um then consider how you'd like to present. So, you know, you don't want to do what I'm doing on just chatter people. I think that, you know, he can get you going engaged in anyway, So I mean, put it on the hands so that you put very well, uh, is if the best way to go And, you know, polls are a great teacher. Says, um, have integrated polls. So I recommend using those this new Cobra world. Um, so the very, very simple way of something A lesson is set in clothes. So very start, you say this one will tell you. Then tell them many recap. We just all the which is about as much as you need to think about that. So have a very start. You know, try and I say build trust in use names. I think every bit where I went through the full list of, um, every participant in this call and said So what do you think? It also? Obviously, it's kind of Detroit specific, but I think it's important engaged. Engage your, uh, teen. And as someone's saying, it's very boring to just say this is my lining of that. We will be in in that like, trapped where's like today we will talk about this on this on the you know, it doesn't always have to be in a list for personal I'll, but it is good to just kind of given overviewed, even if it's the simplest. Today we're covering pediatric emergencies, you know, and then always consider your audience. As I was saying more, Is there any special considerations required? Do you need to spend any extra time on certain topics? Then we'll leave. Had you on a liver. It from Power Point work sheets are massively underrated. I think that's of having something that people can look at and then go home with and annotate themselves, increases engagement and understanding the content. And then, you know, how do you want? Just let your time? Do I want to spend? I'm half hour on this or five minutes, you know, it's and that will very opposite more you're teaching and to your teacher and then always chunk in check. As I was saying, polls are the way to go on on line four months. But even in person, so things like top cats that you have to be at the very start of the section to join the top hats and it checks, understanding it consolidates, learned is no around. Then you're if you do choose to go with PowerPoint because helpful in that space is very easy to use. Very accessible. Um, just consider these aspect of it. Try not to make it. I mean, you've been drummed into this, I'm sure so, like you were in your sex. But, you know, don't put everything you want to stay on the side. Cheap animations, some simple as, um, graphics. People don't fall asleep. Uh, but even with that, everything's concentration span is only like 10, 15 minutes anyway, so people like fourth week. But But if you have cool animation but maybe they won't. And then lastly, because clothes. And that's kind of where you say, here's what we learned other. Any questions? Check your learning. Um, so you can do this since, like, a little Mini cola's? Well, um, on d try not to squeeze it. It's last minute. So just a questions done and then every so often tired I want to go help me dinner. So try and, you know, allow about five minutes or so of, um, just in case. And it's okay if you don't have only answer that been a number of times, especially for some of the first year proper science. Eat it, Orioles. I've done where they say, Ask me a question. I'm like, I really don't know years ago. Maybe. But at this point, I'm clinical. I don't know that science. So, you know, always just put your hands up. Say, I don't know. You can always offer toe go and get back to them. Do your own research if they provide me with something So you know, this kept those ways getting out, but and then the all important seat back because the med school with everything you do if you didn't get the back, did it even happen? So they're multiple different platforms. You can use samples mentioned 70 monkeys. So I mainly use metal computers just because it's fairly simple to set up the consolidates that keeps all in one place across all the different stories that you won't do. Uh, but there's also time, just medical feedback. Google forms Surveymonkey. You can use anything you want, but I recommend using a platform broadband paper because I just leave the paper or a rate of paper or I still my tea over the paper. So unless you should, I mean, you probably were reliable than me. But if if you aren't using online for and then questions that you could consider using your feedback to shovel mix of general and specific. This is taken from, um, a paper at home. Which paper? Wasp. And they gave some good examples. I just thought list them. You get these slides later. So, you know, it's not necessarily that we give for every single question, but just considered even want to some general, some specific to reflect upon. Um And I've done the awful thing of, like, any questions keep abroad, but keep cool on both. So thank you so much for your talk. It was very informative. Um, on day and now we will move on to our all importunate to in the section week and ask anything you like to, um, either floor some weaken. Also ask changing. And I we don't have a smudge experience anything to do with teaching, So maybe don't ask us. Um, but if you just type your questions into the chat, um, if you don't want other people seeing your questions for any reason whatsoever, um, then just direct message. Either changing. Right. And, um, we will read them out for you. So Okay. And so Flora mentioned during a top pageant, starving in pregnancy action, and I've never heard of that other than the physical hat. So I'm just wondering what you meant by that. I mean, you could use a physical house now being invented the way of doing it. Um, I'll see if I can. So about a second drug screen that I'm not just not looking at you, Teo. Get up. What top hat is, um Andi. I'm really heard of it through my unique I use Is that a reasonable around? And it's just another kind of pulling platform. You can also include your scientist into there. So if you add your science, you can go along and integrate it with the questions that when you come to slide, people ask the question on it kind of mask that comes up. And then you can share all the responses from question team, uh, finish whatever people seem works as well. It's definitely very fond of slow ago. But there's also, um, outside of pop that, but there's also slide. Oh, um, zoom polls, literally every other polling service will usually work for your asking questions in the sense of things. Great. Um, so our second question, um, has come in. Where would you get started? in terms of building a portfolio as a second year medical student. And this question is for anyone I don't know. I don't interrupt some police. You're free and try. My first thing was gonna be like, Oh, my God, you're a second year medical student. That's amazing. Now, same Teo changing and Class IV, like you guys are like, I was like, the worst medical should ever had these kind of things. I think I I think just my top tip would be just go and ask on, like, like, a separate for Like, it doesn't matter what you teach. Teach something, teach somebody and get some people coming because, you know, you don't need to. You know, actually, you guys were probably so much higher a teaching like complex physiology that I've definitely forgotten a lot off unless it's remotely be relevant. Clinically, I'm sure. Floor. It's probably the same one. I was like, Yeah, the the camp in a listen. Yeah, yeah, I remember those works, But honestly, you could definitely do it just, you know, have you got a teaching society that you could go and teach for because actually, you know, teaching second years to first years is that you know, there's no point in like me coming along and going. Yeah, I'm gonna take a look. First year inactive. You're busy ology because I will be rubbish attics because I won't remember any of that on. I would just get outside. Yeah, Pretty pictures. Yeah, I'll be fine. So you could definitely starting a portfolio. His earliest that on board. Just ask. Teach, get feedback on everything and and as you go further forward, you'll teach more. You'll do more on before you know it, you'll be in l seven. So let me Yeah, I'd say about the same. You know, just get involved. Ask the question. Say, can I teach that there's a topic you're particularly interested in? Um, you know, you can always aimed for that. First was maybe like your intro into teaching. Just ask if you can fill that salt somewhere. But societies of a foreign way, the way to go and if there's not a society, make one. So I don't look even better on your surgery, but on. And so next question is, how much should I prepared for a teaching session on with what resources? Let's not be quite a broad question. And Florida, do you want to go there? I don't know. It really depends on what the tutorial is in the center, especially the resources section of it. So now I'm kind of in clinical later years. I do a lot more clinical based tutorials so less that they're that busy ology. Because about that. And with that, I didn't mean when I uses BMJ best practice because it's up to date. It's simple. Um, and I use that to look at the different conditions I want to cover. Um, that's a good resource. How much did you prepare again? It kind of depends on what it is and how much you're covering. Um, and what you're doing for? I'd always say that's you want to have have a lot of questions in the kind of I have no medical teaching tutorials especially, you know, if it's a revision type session, you want a lot of questions. If is it teaching session one? A couple of questions. Questions. Do you take time to make it so allow for that? You know it's not gonna take you five minutes. I I have nothing to that. Yeah, you know it very much depends on, you know is and also depends on what you're teaching. So if it's something you're really confident and it's your area of interest, you know, like I'm a trap. You doing off the cuff teaching on my A B C D critically on. Well, Children, because I'm a picky. So that's what I do day in day, whereas again, if he must me to teach complex stuff that I've never seen or heard off them, you need a bit more. And also it depends on, like from I said, you know, Are you expecting questions? Is it something online? Is it something you talking to? A huge like black to theater full of the entire year of medical students on. That obviously takes a lot more time. But then that in theory, you probably might not get as many questions as like a small tube to group. When you talk the loading loads on, do they know that you're not gonna go to completely to do that? Cover that last week, you know, So that would be my think Perfect. Our next question, um, are sort of asking for advice, and so some says they've done a few teaching sessions, but they find it hard to balance letting quiet people be quiet. I'm trying to get the movement more involved, So if anyone has any advice on that sort of thing, then it would be very much appreciated. I guess, uh, there is always a challenge because I was definitely the quiet person or maybe the lazy person. I think that's more appropriate. I didn't want to answer the questions, and I'd say, you know, just because, um, I know everybody's engaging with your teaching as well. I just want to come out that with, um it doesn't mean it's going badly necessarily. So I'll start with that bus If you know just a certain people of being quiet, Um, you can always kind of open it out more generally could say, Okay, I think that we've heard from, you know, a few different people so far is anybody need to like tea? Until this question, there's not specifically targeting it a person, or if it's I mean you want to, you could just say you of what do you think about that? If ten's what you think, the the right move, it's because sometimes that is the right move. It's hard to judge, especially in online before. That's a consequence Spaces. And he's making contact you or not in person. Is it due to judge? Um, then I'd also say there's like I'm just hanging on that pole. But police guys, that everybody involved in all honestly, if he has any way even not a miser, anything always analyzed because massively greasy diarrhea uptake onda Also kind of thinking from a soft like safeguarding point of youth is Is that person trying to tell you that they don't feel comfortable? That's something you want to discuss. Have you know a discussing right? Breaking bad news, an X, bringing up memories from training or the childhood or the current situation? Um so always how about the back of you have that, you know, is if that you know it's easier if it's in person and you could have a couple of sections because it might just be like I'm not really interested in some just doing it so I can take it on my when we get certificate from a portfolio. But, you know, actually, if it's a regular figure out, is there something else going up. You know, like I said last time, you know, you have to ask to be Are you all right? Have been about six or seven times before. Somebody will actually tell you the truth. So you know, it's about having that. Is there something else doing on the back of your head or being nosy? Like as a lot good pediatricians we are, knows it. So the carry on that fabulous tradition. Okay, um, next question, um, does the teaching have to be medically related, or would it be all right or to be better to teach Children about other things, like maths, English, it cetera. Each is teaching, you know, if you're you know, if you're in medical school and you want to look really good on your pizza ST one application on duodenoscope on do you go and spend three months teaching Children English a maths and do a little bit medicine? It's something else to make. She's down by you know, it doesn't have to be. I taught them how to do CPR. I told them what to do about choking child is actually what? What's helpful want to use? I'm not particularly situation. Um, I wouldn't necessarily go. Definitely not. Obviously. You know, you need to Basically, you could do anything you want as on your application, as long as you can justify I'm go. I did this and I'm really proud of this because ex wife said on I I think it needs I've got transferrable skills into pediatrics because of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, That's all. Like my my one of my weird interview questions when I was to the first one was, Who is your Who is your professional idol? And I was like, Well, um, I'm talking about what about daily consultants, which has got no relevance to pediatrics whatsoever. Apart for the fact that what I did any I was the only one that I like looking after Children. Actually, all of those qualities I saw in my pediatric consultant comics on I was actually I want to be able to do I want to be able to be like that. So as long as you can say I've done it because of blah, blah, blah, nobody's to the senator from and it makes me start back because if you have 20 people in in its view that will go down the same thing you switch off. It's very it get as to no fault of anybody's. Only It's just mentally you can't process because everybody looks, you know, everyone's portfolios the same. Everybody says the same stock answers. But when you've got somebody said something about different, you go. Oh, actually, you know, having good interviews for medical students like Mister Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah, I know. Your captain, the hockey team and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's somebody sesame differently, like, Oh, my God, Black. I never thought that that could be a transferrable skill, and it peaks your interest. So definitely whatever you want to teach teach, they get you back. Yeah, I'm glad you took that like that's that I sent a link to the kind of application scores and how was ranked and literally all that says for teaching is evidence off designing and leading teaching with feedback. So it doesn't say a husband medical. One thing to know is Well, is some universities have this thing called the you GCM using the undergraduate certificate and medical education, which is basically a course you can do alongside your undergrad studies. Um, I think the one I had, um, was 18 months. I've just started mine, but it's a sort of slightly more form. Oh, evidence that you have some big knowledge of what you're doing when you're teaching someone. So that's awesome. Opportunity. You might want to see how in your university you guys are definitely medical student goals here. Fly honestly, life. You can be as rubbishes I am on Still get into Pete's. Okay, But oh, my God. You guys have like, Oh, my God, I wish I was that keen on it. Yeah. Three. I think we're just very lucky. I didn't brother give us a lot of opportunities. Um, so I went to university in the field. So yeah, high thinking, What course did you just mentioned about? It's the U. G C M E. So undergraduate undergraduate certificate in medical education. There's also the post graduate version of that, but you have to do that after you need, and that's a lot of fast if you want to actually be a doctor there that into a masters if you want to. But that's a lot of money and a lot of extra fix, but it's worth it. I might do it. Maybe the year after next time going to send it here. How do I sign up for that? So, um, basically, it's offered to the 3rd and 4th years at Adam Breath, Um, the Colocort at moment because it's an 18 month course. It lasts basically two years. And so, um, I think that's why they started so early for us. But if you get in contact recently except your Adam's, um, if you can get in touch with Jenny Harden, um, she might be able to give you a bit more info. What is type of name of the tragic thing. So you sell it, I may be wrong. Okay, um, we have another question that's coming. Um, if you are comfortable in doing so, um, could you maybe sort of share with us? What, the most important part, or what? The most important thing you're able to take away from either singular teaching experience or just teaching in general. Fly me. Um, give me, um so single most important thing I've taken away from teaching is that it's as cheese is. This probably sounds, is that it's a massive privileged to teach people regardless of what you actually teach on. But actually, you can make a massive difference too. That person's life, like in within their career. Andi, even if it's something really, really tiny, like little things off, you know how to tell me there and the way you do it and things like that, Um, like my wife is looking at me now on diabetically told her to come in like properly. So, you know, I should probably say, Oh, yeah, apparently I to tell everybody that I got her out of teaching cause I told her when she was a student this, um So no, it's actually you know, those little tips and tricks of the trade that when as you get further on in your career, whether it be medical school or clinically, that you can actually make people's lives a lot easier when they start out on, they know that they can fall back on the little tips and tricks that you taught them, and it makes a difference to them moving forward. I would say this kind of tries to teaching, but also kind of clinical life of it. Don't under estimate or under Sell yourself and that you may be a second year. You may be just getting into teaching and maybe early days. But my girl, she will know clinical science way better than me. And if I want to know about that's you're gonna be amazing. It teaching me because you've just done it. So you know that everybody has different strengths. The weakness is, um, but you can never I remember I had, um, a consultant state because I heard a while. Savers I've been awful tendency of saying I'm just a medical student every time I do anything or try and explain anything or tell people pain pills. And then he was This comes consultant. You said to me, Stop saying just, You know, you work to get you your you know, on your way out. If you don't necessarily have the years of experience, you're not chanced. You're you know, you're so I'd say you never had to sell yourself. Um, are under estimate what you can do. You don't have to just teach people younger than you were the same age as you because we can all learn from each other definitely on and the biggest thing that I let us remember being a medical student was the I remember turning up with wards on, literally getting shouted. That problem of the sisters on the world going, What are you here for? I'm being on being the F one that goes, So what? Just medical students come here like, let's let about things I'm trying to like, make sure that you don't get like, on the wrong side of like a consultant, all the sister in charge, you know, she only wanted to know because I just looked like a complete fish out of water. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, where I put my bag or anything like that. So just be that person that goes, What do you want to learn about today or I'm busy? Can you give me 20 minutes and come back? We'll do some teaching because it's all about like because those having those 20 minutes sat down with a load of radio load of X rays might be the best. Teaching had a week because they might get stuck with some stuff, profit, whatever. He just says the same thing repeatedly over and over again on has done promised 25 years where everybody switches off. But your teacher might they might go. Oh, my God. Actually, you've You know, actually, I actually understand X rays because you've got loads of really good actress to teach me about. And it can just be those 20 minutes snippets. You don't have to prepare three hours of hundreds of slides with pretty pictures and drawings and everything you can literally like. My tendency is, is that I get a bit of scrap paper, a drawer stuff, and that's the tuck. That's the teacher that I seem to got the best feedback from because I just sit there and draw pictures on it. Makes sense. Whereas if I did a presentation and probably be boring and not make sense, yeah, yeah, The best teaching I've ever had was when I was on a ward and they just showed me a bunch of the CGs. You know, my teaching was impacted by Cupid, so I never did a cardiology irritation. I was like, This is the best. Anybody never explained any CG to me, and I know I understand the to a medical student level nicely is for access and all that just the mountain cedar is. I mean, I didn't have it phrase like that, but yes. So I said that I have the same thing. Will have a cardiology essentially city down. It's like 40 medical Student and told me Mikino CCG Thanks. So if they go together, iss normal If they leave, it's left. And if it's the opposite way around, it's right on a lot of wax is, but it's stupid things like that. You remember I and it's little things like, you know, I had a half wouldn't steal it, not steal up, but like how I explained jaundiced. The parents like using analogies of like the hose pipe in the guard on they were like, but that really makes sense. So you don't have to use a lot these stupid no words that make us all well, I don't understand them because I'm so far out of clinical sciences years. It's ridiculous, but like you know, you don't have to use. If you could explain it to a parent, you can probably teach you because you understand the well enough to know how to put it down into a sensible lay people's language. Because they're You know, all the things that people complain about in medicine is not because your care has been rubbish. No, all the time anyway. But it's because you haven't explained things, and you haven't communicated well at them. You know, on teaching you could teach somebody by letting them What's she examined a child? Or take a history or break that news? That I was that one that was like, Oh, you bring it back to you is gonna come a watch. You know, you've gotta ask those questions, because otherwise, you know, I was working with a new consultant today, and she was just like, I didn't ask asthma. Many questions that I should and I got to ST eight on was like, I'm gonna be a consultant in, like, six months later. And I don't know any of these things 100 effects because it was kind of ported three and didn't have it and didn't ask for those opportunities on teaching, actually learning his teacher in the same way if it makes you so much on. But does anybody have any last minute questions that they would like to ask? Type of. Um but if Mama and Um, right. If not, um, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. Um, the Do we have another person? Oh, yeah. Um, that's just changing their first thing, The feedback for him. Um, so if you feel that out, you'll get a certificate that will be automatically sent up to you afterwards. Um, this meeting is also being recorded, So if you take the catch up feedback section, um, you will be able to know catch up content. I think it's called, and then you will be able to also look at this. Um, watch this recording back. Sorry. Um on. Make sure to follow again. All of our social media is to keep out a night out for any sort of future events and opportunities. Um, and yes. Thank you. Ever one for coming on. Thank you to our speaker's who did? Amazing job. Um, of time was all about teaching and other parts of the pediatric career.