The future of Social Media in Medical Education - Dr Julio Mayol
This on-demand teaching session will explore the use of social media in medical education and the potential it holds for the future. It will cover topics such as the sociological basis of social media, learning, barriers, and potential solutions. We will explore the connection of social media to brain structure and how it can be used to facilitate large-scale cooperation and foster knowledge dissemination, collaboration, and training. We will also discuss the use of virtual meetings, serious games, and social networking for medical education, as well as how pandemics have impacted medical education. Attendees of this teaching session will gain insights into how social media can be used to improve medical education, as well as how to avoid inequities in medical education.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the sociological basis of social media and its implications for medical education.
- Understand how communication can enhance learning and the barriers of communication.
- Analyze how to take advantage of technology and social media for medical education.
- Explore the potential of social media for scientific publications, virtual meetings, and serious games.
- Comprehend the concept of connections, contagion, feedback, and impact to create a cohesive online surgical community.
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some ideas on the future of social media in medical education. In my discussions on discovery of the Pts society in the media and innovation senator of of surgery, I would like to speak about the sociological basis of social media, social media and learning and the limitations, some limitations and next steps. Um, you know, it's a take advantage of social media for medical education. First of all, I would like Teo with you. This idea this of sentence, um by my mentor, Jeff Matthews, says that, uh, surgical practice, it seems, mixes truth with to thinness what is true and what we want to be true in unknown proportions and how we access that knowledge and how we learned and then practice surgery. This is kind of a mystery. And, uh, uh, it is possible because a suspicious humans can do something that no other spaces can do. We are able Teo, incorporate large scale, flexible corporation into our social interactions. We are able to tell stories that makes us work better. Ah, in social grips and learning is also accelerated. If we do that, compared to other spaces like chimpanzees or or beers, chimpanzees can cooperate very flexibly, but not at launches. Scale and B's can cooperate a larger scale, but not very flexibly. And that's because we are able to communicate. And communication is the process of starting information, especially when this increases understanding between people or groups. So communication is essential if we want to improve and accelerate learning and training. And that's how three pictures are. Show how it used to be off course He was social learning. What's, uh, surgical in and saw a good occasion was social. Um, we see one, we do one with each one. Um, but this is not efficient, and this is not affordable. Nowadays. We need to improve this methodology. Of course. Uh, we had best with some technology, like the scientific publication we were able, Teo, let's keep borders own limitation or limits and we were able teo share knowledge at a larger scale. However, there are several barriers, and the Bob primary barrier is our prime it brain, uh, problem number. The previous anthropologist described the number's number, which is the point being joined. Members of any social group lose their ability to function effectively effectively in social relationships, and that number is 150 be John. That is very difficult for us to communicate effectively and to take advantage of the social interactions. And there are more barriers when we try to share information and to gain knowledge, geographical, distance, time, differences and time. Did we need to invest learn income? Um, high income countries have more opportunities, or surgeons in training is in. Our high income countries have more opportunities that does in a, um, low medium income countries. Culture language, if you don't speak English, is more difficult. And of course, now we can see that pandemics are also important barrier when we want to share knowledge. But there's some technology. Teo tackle that complexity and, uh, to a boy barriers. And here's a potential solution. Social media and what is social media. It's a conversational distributed mode of content, generation, dissemination and communication among communities in order to, um, facility in order to enable large scale flexible cooperation. And that's how we learn foster and better off course. This is the size of our social networks of our online social networks is related and associated with our brain, a structure he has been shown that online social networks size is correlated with the density of great motor in your amygdala. So So there's some, um, atomic oh, correlation between, um, online social networks, size and, um, and brain structure. But social media cannot overcome the limitation of our prime. It brain social media is necessary, but not enough to geun rubbing. Dember showed that, um, there's also a limit using 22 different groups. He showed that the UK that our brain candles function effectively with over 150 connections, notes people we interact with, you know, over To overcome that primary barrier, we need to work differently. We need to create global systems because at a ninja visual level, we cannot change our brain structure. Although it is related to, um oh, like social networks, eyes a did individual level, we will not be able to overcome that limitation. We need to cooperate. We need to build this global equal systems on. In order to do that for any other information processing system, we need more connections, move diversity more than city of connections and off course free flow or five years within the social network and, uh, the opening to the four. So me for social media in order to advance medical education is through. It's used for, uh, scientific publications. Many did. Detailed journals now have, ah, social media account where they share and information. They share knowledge, and they also interact with others in order to improve into fine tune ideas. Virtual meetings like this hybrid system. Today, beaches are learning environments in serious games in us. So that's the following question. Rebecca Grass Man and described is in the B m G Innovations described the social media problem, the framework that works in order to activate, uh, social media for learning. And this is to, um, connection for elements, connection, contagion, feedback and the impact. Um, the creation of her cohesive online surgical community may alot of flattened Cherokee with increased engagement between surgeons, all the healthcare professionals, researchers and patients. That's what she concluded. And we can take advantage of this in order to transform medical education through connections in conversations that now we can identify, we can investigate and we can enhanced. It has been shown that during the pandemic, surgeons have become more engaged, um, social media in our actively participating in global conversations in order to improve our knowledge, dissemination and education. However, there are many things that we don't know already. Um, we know that, um, clicking that liking and return it in It's important, but we need to understand. Prowling Ristic digital afford is is in social media. If we want to take advantage of the, uh, the technology and the social interactions Sorry, Um, because our behavior on social media is related to, uh, a reward learning mechanism. Our brain interacts with rewards with likes and retweets with obviously with a position by others in order to accelerate learning and to improve learning process is. And that's why Social Media has become the biggest research conference in the world. And students, trainees, insurgents should take advantage of this. Um, it can help us to acquire explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is the knowledge that can be God if I did, but also to enhance personal research for nous and to develop skills. And I will show you some samples interpersonal skills, competition skills in cycle motor skills. First of all, we can use YouTube videos. Uh, two, um, learned, although there are some questions about the ability and and we need to develop some kind of Post publication Peer Review on social media. Teo To be able to correct constant into, uh, use the best available, um uh, media, in order to improve learning and education at the same time, we have to take advantage of this so so many of these social media part time. Um, because we need to, uh, to develop cognitive training. It has been sold with top certain about surgery that it can be very useful for cognitive training assessment of laparoscopic cholecystectomy back. It's not only the ab we need to, um uh, and has the social interactions the social aspects of learning if we want to improve. Um, the process is in addition to that, there are other tools to accelerate the acquisition of Psycho motor skills. For example, this AB from the Royals Relation College of Surgeons We can turn this into a serious game. Uh, that promotes the acquisition of some skills in order to improve laparoscopic surgery. And of course, there are some challenges, like fake news echo chambers. But remember, uh, surgical training has been an echo chamber for many centuries. There's another challenge. Social media for dig. When I ran this poor on Twitter I asked. Social media fatigue is defined as a Caesar standin see to back away from social media participation when she or he becomes overwhelmed with information. We live in a TMI world. Too much information. Are you experiencing social media fatigue and 48.6% Saint Jest. So we need to be aware of this and we have to be aware of ah, need for the preservation of soluble professionalism in social media. Um, we have to avoid been judgmental. We need to be, um, more collaborative and try to understand people in order to make the most out of it. What's next? That's, Ah, important question. We need to merge two different problems and two different embargo. It's the social media environment in the academic publishing environment. If you look at this, uh, of this grabs, you can see that basically, the social media paradigm and academic publishing part of my protime are closely related and sometimes overlap. We need to merge both of them to take advantage of the opportunities course There challenges about the opportunities of merging the whole academic policy part time with social media protime Teo improve into advanced medical education. There are many opportunities for AH Post publication review in four new infrastructures for research and education based on social media research techniques such as sentiment analysis, content based trend analysis is new metrics and, most importantly, data for advanced analytics, data mining process mining, an artificial intelligence, natural language processing machine learning and did learning. This is an example of how graph analysis can be used. Teo Link Physicians to Medical research in order to, um, take advantage of, uh, knowledge and information search on social media. Um, just to finish my presentation, I would like to remind you that communication and relationship building has always been a part of the human condition. As David Marlins said, with each technologic, advanced information can be disseminated foster easier and sometimes even better. But we need to be aware of the, uh, too much information, uh, problem that we're facing right now. We need to do that to better form um, careful patients. It is important to embrace this advance. It advances, but it's also important to embrace this advances to improve into, um uh more, uh, to avoid inequities in medical education. I would like to acknowledge all this. Ah, global legal system of people, uh, connecting through different aspects in order to build a community that is focused on making surgery better and safer on a global scale. Thank you very much.