This site is intended for healthcare professionals


This on-demand teaching session is focused on increasing understanding and awareness of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Led by medical professionals Doctor Heather Mean Morgan and Doctor Victoria Kincaid, this four-week course provides a comprehensive overview of the practice, its four types and the potential complications involved. It aims to equip frontline professionals with the awareness and knowledge to contribute to the process of eradicating FGM, while also empowering young women and girls with the right to control their own bodies. The course is available to everyone who is interested in women's health and is free and accessible on the Future Learn platform. Participants will be able to learn about the complexity of FGM and improve their knowledge and confidence when addressing FGM difficulties.

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You're invited to take part in a live Q&A session that MedAll is having on February 24th to discuss their upcoming Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) course. This course is intended to provide comprehensive education FGM, a pervasive and destructive practice that affects millions of women and girls worldwide.

The Q&A session will give participants the chance to ask questions about the course's content, structure, and learning goals as well as providing explanation on the significance of addressing FGM in the medical field. Course instructors and subject matter specialists will participate in the panel and offer their knowledge and viewpoints on this crucial topic.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, an activist, or simply someone interested in learning more about FGM, this webinar is an ideal way to explore the course content and ask questions about the issues surrounding this harmful practice. Join us for what promises to be an informative and engaging discussion.

You are also welcome to join our FGM Education course : Health , Law , and Socio-Cultural Sensitivity that begins on the 6th of March through this link: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/womens-and-girls-health

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the four types of female genital mutilation (FGM) and their potential health consequences.
  2. Understand the role that healthcare professionals have in preventing FGM and identifying potential cases.
  3. Evaluate the importance of FGM awareness and education for young women and girls.
  4. Rationalize the importance of collaboration with external organizations to support advocacy efforts against FGM.
  5. Analyze the components of the FGM Education Project course, including its structure, objectives, and delivery methods.
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Computer generated transcript

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They're silly loading son, okay, yeah, so do I begin the presentation who can you hear me heather so we can hear you yeah what happened you hear me yes, yes, we can okay, great okay, hello everyone uh welcome to the q and a session for our female genital mutilation education project course that begins on the sixth of march on, Future, learn so we're gonna do a little bit of presentation about what is female genital mutilation and um talk about more our course and what we do so okay, so what is female genital mutilation um female genital mutilation compromises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female, gentle organs for nonmedical reasons as defined by the w. H. O. The practice has no health benefits for girls and women and if we ask ourselves how prevalent is a female genital mutilation, so the exact number of girls and women to have undergone female genital mutilation worldwide remains unknown, but there are at least 200 million girls and women around the world who have been subjected to the practice now. There are four types of female genital mutilation, type one cut eero deck to me, type two x a gyn, type three in fibrillations, and type four is all other harmful procedures that should be done to the female gentle female genitalia okay, so I'm gonna explain the four types of it. Um Just a brief definition of each one, type one is the partial or total removal of the clitoral gan, the external and visible part and uh of the clitoris, type two is uh departure or total removal of the clitoral gland and the labia minora with or without the labia majora, type three is the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the labia minora or the labia majora, and type three is the most dangerous type, what's that for includes all other harmful procedures that could be done to the female genitalia for non medical person's, such uh purposes such as uh piercings and etcetera, okay, So what are the complications of funeral genital mutilations uh. Now, on the left, I didn't include all the complications, but on the left side are the immediate complications after a woman and girls undergo the procedures such as your pain, excessive bleeding to mental institution, swelling, wound healing problems, and on the right side are the long term complications that many of cares such as urinary urinary problems, vaginal problems, minister of problems, and it's also might lee to death okay, so female genital amputation health, low and sociocultural sensitivity, the f. G. M. Education project, So this is uh an online course that was developed and delivered by multidisciplinary medics, researchers, and teachers, using the future learn platform, and the end for this year. They started using the med old platform. It is a massive, open online course, uh which are which are short online courses that are available for anyone who wishes to part space and they do not usually require any petition, p. Payment's now uh the co founders of this project are Doctor Heather mean morgan, and doctor victoria kincaid. They have created a national f g m survey and sent it to all medical students in the UK, if they have got any teaching on female genital mutilation, but when they analyzed the survey results, after getting them back, they figured out that the students didn't get the appropriate teaching about female genital mutilation, so there was a gap in medical education about female genital mutilation, which made them more interested in making a course about f g. M. And it's time to create awareness about the complexity of f g. M. Okay, so the duration of the course is four weeks, for the time commitment of four hours per week, and the start date is on the sixth of march 2023 the course first rand last year on the eighth of february, which is zero tolerance for fgM day and it's ended on the eighth of march 2022 Internationals Women Day and to deliver the course. They have used videos, articles, audio, and practical activities now who can do in the course, anyone is welcome to join the course. Anyone who has interests in women's health can join the course so there are four main objectives of course the projects Mingles where to inform front line professionals about f g. M. And promote the FGm future learned course. Second your objectives included teaching young women and girls about their right to control what happens to their bodies. Another objective was to influence the government to require female genital mutilation course in may, medical schools and other higher education programs for healthcare professionals and the project aims to assist advocacy groups messaging and promote an end to the practice of female genital mutilation, so enhancing current teaching on formula genital mutilation will allow healthcare professionals to help end the damaging practice of f g. M. For future generation girls okay, so the development of the f g m course included asking for approvals from the University of Aberdeen and future learn through their partnership model, uh looking for and storing publicly available resources on female genital mutilation, and also from charity collaborated organizations such as 28 too many uh they use microsoft word and Myrow to structure the course, and creating social media accounts to spread the word of the course. They also consulted with external partners such as public health of scotland and England, the Nhs education, scotland to foster a collaborative approach, and the evaluation of the course was done by mastered global health students, from participants perspectives, shared in the comments, section, activities, and online surveys, okay so, at the end of this court, at the end of this course, students will be able to improve their uh confidence when addressing FGM difficulties, increase their knowledge about female genital mutilation to mutilation, become aware of and to report any signs of female genital mutilation and become aware of and learn how to actually contribute to eradicating female genital mutilation okay, So my role in this organization will be a course delivery manager. I will be overseeing the part pants experience, providing the course theatres with analytics of the participant, participant, participation numbers, and responding to any queries from participants. I will be also come contributing to this event and I will also be working on the f g. M education project, marketing with my colleague city through social media programs such as twitter instagram uh and Tiktok, so that more people would know about the course and um join us hopefully, and this is a link in case anyone would like to join us for our course on future, learn, that begins on the sixth of march. Thank you thank you very much merry um that was great really comprehensive presentation. Um Thank you, so, I'm wondering if we have any questions from anybody um an attendance. Uh I think we've got something in the chat here, we've got the links the court, it's the link brilliant. Thank you victoria, and we appreciate that some people have not been able to attend synchronously, and so um we'll be posting this recording for those who want to catch up with it after the session. Uh We're always happy to receive questions through uh social media platforms um and I think we can respond to them there um As well as once the course begins, we'll have discussion boards and so on yeah definitely definitely um I've just been taking some pictures for social media. We don't have any questions in the chat, just my um uh okay, so hi, prank, yeah um Supreme has asked are there live lectures or are we able to view them any time. Um So the courses run over four weeks by the future learned platform. Um The lectures are all pre recorded, so you can access them at any time over the four weeks of the course runs um and you don't have to be on online at a certain time or anything, and there's discussion boards that we all talk in, um but again they're not any time, specific things will respond to them as a as of when um so not live lectures, they're always available for the four weeks of the forces running for no worries well, Thank you for joining us, I'm just going to add the link to the social media platforms as well, so they have that um hmm um a few other of the questions that I've received um that people probably will have um futurist, sometimes will ask you to pay for the course um so there's a pet option on the future learned platform um for lifetime access to the course and certificate, um but do not feel obliged to have to pay for the course at all. Um We want it, we were really passionate the courses free and accessible to all frontline professionals and anyone passionate by ending FGM um So the course is free for the four weeks of the course runs um. And then after that you'll we will lose your access, um but if you ever got any questions or you want to content that we've provided on the course, then please just reach out to us um we're super approachable um and we are always happy to help people, um where as mariam said, we're passionate about educating healthcare and frontline professionals on f g. M. In order for them to be aware of their mandatory reporting duties to f g. M um and that's what we're all about, so we're always happy to talk to. Um we're also up to talk to anyone, yeah I think to add to that as well, um we're hoping to obviously we're using the Medal platform for this particular session, and I think are in tension is really to start building some resources within this platform as well for wider reach. Future learned is great for um reaching uh uk audiences, especially, but this platform is much more of a global platform and has a wider reach, and I think our intentions really to build up additional resources that we will keep the integrity of the future land course within the future land platform. Um It was developed in conjunction with the University of Aberdeen um We're very keen to retain that within the future land platform, but we'll certainly be building resources and hosting sessions and so on here, um If there's any sort of uh interest and follow up from course discussion's around need or want for a kind of regular spot where we can meet, like this to, to talk about f g m, research campaigns, um policies, developments, and so on, then that's something else that we were thinking about possibly running in the future as well, yeah absolutely and any training sessions or um lectures that need delivered and protect us and we'll try and make it work. We've got a team of amazing volunteers who are always happy to try to accommodate any requests for accommodation because we all understand how important topic is and that's right, and anyone who's working on anything in particular, and who would like to to join our team or to um contribute a guest lecture or seminar um is most welcome. We found that through our work over the years, which has been, I think probably how many years is it now victoria's five or six years actually um that we've been working on linked projects That you know, We've we've worked with people from very various different organizations and within different disciplines as well, and as an interdisciplinary team ourselves. We're really keen to um you know host people who have different perspectives um and you know to give voice to those people as, as more of a kind of network um the f DM education Project As a whole, our mission is education, but it's also awareness raising um and collaboration as well, so that's very much part of what we do yeah absolutely, and I think we we pushed the course a lot as a healthcare professional driven, but actually we're for all frontline professionals and we're really keen this year to get police officers, social workers, anyone else working on the frontline, who will see women who have potentially had f g m performed um and to ensure that they're aware of how to recognize f g. M. And how to manage a tube and how to carry out their mandatory reporting. Do, yeah, I think that's right I mean we've always been really conscious of that as we've developed while we've uh ourselves been very much based in medical schools and health sciences sides of things within the team, we do have um different disciplines represented for example law and social sciences um We're very conscious of education as well as educational researchers, but also in terms of the charities that we've partnered with over the years um and some of the work that we've done looking at, uh for example, national profiling of f g m and diaspora within scotland um and the various organizations who are um contribute to supporting victims of f g. M. And in local areas. We've also worked more internationally um and looked at um diaspora across various different countries and developing resources more of a kind of global scale um and looking at various different organizations contributions to that and of partnership working um also conscious of increase in the sort of drive towards partnership working um we've got health and social care partnerships within scotland uh that have been established and developed, and we know that globally have a phd student working on this at the moment, looking at how actually services are connecting together and delivering partnership working and how how that is actually um being implemented and evaluated. So you know as that's the kind of direction of travel in terms of delivery of services, we're really conscious that we need to make sure that we are aware of different people and partnership working together in different areas and the different models that have followed. So any examples of best practice are equally welcome um and that's why I think we really want to develop our resources in terms of the future land courses stand alone, and it has a range of resources that we have been updating um since the first course run last year, but um certainly this is obviously an evolving field um and it sort of codependent on uh developments, I suppose in service delivery and funding models and so on, depending on health and how health and social care delivered. Um So we we have examples locally and nationally, and very interested in global examples. Too. So yes, please get in touch. If you have anything that you'd like us to include within this medal space, I think I'm just looking at people who are in attendance and I wonder if there are no other questions or comments at this point whether we can wrap up in terms of the the kind of recording um of the session, uh I think we can stay within the room in case anybody joins, um but I think being able to share the recording of of what we've um presented today and so far, I think thank you to marion for her presentation and really looking forward to working with you is the course run manager um for 2023 thank you for praying for joining and for your question as well, and um yeah we're really looking forward to working with you in the future either through the course or through development of future resources and so on, yes, definitely I agree with that fab, this one okay, thank you that I was so there's one more thing in the chat, but that's great ok, uh. Should we end the recording there just try to a little bit thank you.