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This online session on the third year of Emergency Medicine will give medical professionals insight into the journey so far of an accomplished EM trainee and highlight what opportunities and pathways are available. Uniquely, we will discuss the advantages of having part-time non-clinical time, such as developing different skills and furthering the academic aspects of medical training. Our special guests from Portfolio Clinic, Sam and Sergeant, will be hosting and ready to answer questions from the audience. So join us for a detailed exploration of the Clinical Fellowship and to find out how to make the most of your F3/F4 years.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the importance of utilizing specialized skills in medical practice
  2. Describe Ultrasound utilization in emergency medicine
  3. Explain the value of taking dedicated time off for educational objectives
  4. Define the characteristics of a medical long-term locum position
  5. Identify the various avenues of pursuing professional development within a medical specialty.
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So how you doing? I'm all right. Thank you. Have to be here enjoying the weather. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going. It, um, a special I cannot. Night shifts, but yeah. So it's a little, you know, it's always good to see from the from the inside out. If anything is a nuisance having this, this most sunshine it is. It is a little a little more golden really way. Do what we do for a reason. I guess so. Well, that's the whole point of tonight, isn't it? To be able to explore and see what what you've done exactly exactly the journey up to now. Uh, yeah. Happy. Look forward to talking about it. Uh, I'm sure people driving in now on want to know more about the mine filled or the potential avenues you can take in a zone, uh, three. Which are numerous. So happy to show my experience should be excited. This is that? Yeah, I'm excited. And I think you know, having is our opening in Sam's are opening at this age is really exciting. May I think we got some really interesting things to talk about, and hopefully we're gonna answer some of the usual questions that come up from 10 days today as well. So the charts open guys to throw out today, you're gonna be able, Teo, just posting questions Will goes in to see me on your behalf on Go pick up the answer them on, give you some insight into our clinical experience. Like, um, what times are we ready to set off? A couple of minutes, and then we're gonna start, Um, quite a few people in the room ready? Yes, they're good. Thank you so much for attending this first episode of the They have three Siris. The 10 o'clock three. Did you guys to make any? Ah, you said the good. Well, this year today it's not severe, but honest. I've been towering inside. It seems so hot. It's such a British tea. Oh, yeah, Our inside and I just sitting inside, you know, but preparing thoroughly. But tonight? Yeah, exactly. Story of questions, questions? Um, yeah. Was ready to go. Um, welcome. All the people who just joined. We're gonna start very shortly. We'll do some introductions and things. Okay, so, um, welcome everyone to think like three, um nine Initiative on be hosting today, Sergeant gonna be joining with that. We've got Sam, who's our showcase doctor, and it's given us a wave. You want to just give us a quick interest of what you're doing at the moment? Hey, guys, I'm Sam. I'm a a CC s e m trainee done Wessex. Prior to this, I've been doing good management for the past 20 months. 12 months of these were apartment clinical fellowship in my old hospital in London on, But I kind of an interest in eating during my have two year on decided to work on that interest of it further during in there three on. So happy to talk about my experiences and what I was I don't know why Enjoyed? Yeah, we're excited or excited to find out more about this. Yeah, I think we're really great is regard to have years. Said my name shift. I'm one of the co founders of portfolio clinic. Just event battle Pimental, Ship service, aspiring, especially trainees. I'm joined with sergeant. He's also in the family is give us a way. So, uh, yes, I'm Sergeant um, also co founder of the poor fellow Click on, but I've I'm also working on f four level at the moment, to be honest and on work as a clinical leadership and innovation fellow, Um, an imperial college and a Z Well, yet. So, um, guys, you've just recently joined the chats open for you to discuss on asking questions were posing to Sammer's. We go along. Hopefully I'm Sergeant. We're keeping an eye on it on then. Sergeant will also be posting live on Twitter, so free to follow us on, get live updates. Well, we posting some of the protein in session. So we're gonna start biotin Sam, tell a little bit more about what he did during that three year. So it's, um, um worked as an ultrasound five and under. Is that right? Yeah, that's correct. Yeah. So I decided to do a clinical after I worked as an ultrasound. So, um, in the murder, see medicine. So my pattern was a fairly unique, I think, for emergency medicine, clinical fella Post when in the fact that I had quite a lot of hay short time given to me. So I was 75% clinical, 25% on clinical, which meant that I could develop mild chance girls going courses on, Uh, just do our scanning on the top floor, and I was really well supported, and I feel like as for three, level is fairly unique. Haven't really seen any other posts similar to that. So I went for it on daily, enjoyed it, and it was a combination off me wanting or having interesting media June after year on did not knowing exactly what would be like long term. So I decided to take a nap. Three on Did kind of solidified my my impression that much mention was the specialty for me on Yeah, so it was really good fun. That's great to hear. I think what's great from what you've done is that you described it that you had part time, non clinical. I think we all know that the any Rose it is pretty unforgiving. Best of times. How did that non clinical work? So you said, Did you have, like, part of the day off? Do you have for days off, or did you have, like, whole blocks off week time? So with the E. D rotor, essentially, I had every Thursday off, which coincided with the my department's teaching day anyway, so it meant that I had my own teaching slot given to me about same time. I can kind of link up with the generalized whole departmental teaching at the same time. Which is why, because they was picked on. It wasn't so. It was a night shift on the Thursday I wouldn't get the on clinical time, but I could get that time back in lose. My department was fairly flexible with that. So it meant that in total of 25% of time, it was long medical. Um, you know, here and there you might might work a couple days on clinical, just make up for lost days. But it meant that I was no. There's no questions of know ECD strips during to me. Um, I think any questions ask from formally nurses or any doctors or any other stuff. They knew that I was there, fuel on long finical basis on. But if it benefited a clinical scenario, for example, I'll talk about that further later on. But my ultrasound learning I don't have to do, for example, cannulation on diversity will kind of for patient that was needed on my ankle day. I'll do it because it would help. My none helped my learning at same time. So it's fairly flexible and quiet, quite robustly supported in my department. I saw that you could really hone in on that skill. A zoo well done actual. The actual use of of ultrasound, which is becoming ever more popular as well as you've mentioned for cannulation specifically, um, on having that priority in that time. To really work on those skills is something I think in in an e d setting. It's It's very difficult at times because you're sort of like a cog in the machine. Yeah, of getting through patients and the assessing patient. Yeah, you very much hitting it. Uh, yeah, you absolutely spot on like it's at times in the Merchant. Listen, you feel, but there's always says, uh, back in mind the middle on front of your mind and see the next patient needs the next patient. Yeah, I have a time on the shop floor, by the way, at the same time is on, then you can, because he actually is one of the most educationally rich specialty is there is. In my opinion, there's always teaching, available either form or at Hawk or even just racing patients. He always learning or countering something new. So the have that as well as having my own cordoned off time where I'm able to as he's had one in and focus on. A particular skill set was brilliant for me, and I feel like it has really give me the extra on Dulera. Got an extra edge, especially as I'll learn. Discuss later when it comes to enter views for my specialty, I was able to show that I've been able to focus on this very important skill, even more so in needy for whole year has been great, definitely. And I think that's exactly what we're trying to promote. The, uh, the fact that you spent some time, you know, chemical, though I guess it's semi clinical in that time because you are still doing your scans and getting that signed off. But I think you were trying to promote that idea that that you're F three F four years aren't just about spending time in the clinical environment game getting more used to the clinic combined after this foundation years. It's about trialing and testing things that you're interested in, you know, developing into new interests, also developing your portfolio so that when you come to training and then come to the interview process, you're prepared and you can speak and show something that you've done something unique. And I presume that's what you took the on give you something that know a lot of people have. Yeah, absolutely. And that was something that was the highlight off my focus on the water. What I talked about nineties, um I think that's something that was also picked up on the feedback going to be as well that I had this ultrasound kind of knowledge and this extra thing that in my free or whatever just low coming guage could be beneficial in stone, right, In terms of gaining experience can look experience. And I've shown that was able to gain the educational aspect of my chemical. Learning on development is a doctor, which is for emergency at least. Ultrasound training is a skill more associated with the middle grades. Registrar level is good. Also having does Shor very early s h o was very useful. I mean, very handing. I think that the education aspect is always something that sometimes this lot in about in terms of locum zef, threes and fours. Most departments will assume that has a locum You're there to fill a gap and, you know, it may not necessarily want to focus on the educational aspect. And so to have that sort of dedicated time in that dedicated post to really hone in on the academics as well is is just another stream to your Bo, I guess. And and it shows that actually being a locum isn't just all about the money and the flexibility you can actually use that time to really dedicate yourself academically as well. Yeah, totally on Do It All plays in so having that time. So I learned being this one with this educational time is nonfocal time was able to develop other things, such as teaching. I was able to teach eso. Having that. I think it's quite is just a rarity toe have time where you have free choice to do what you want in medicine. General in the UK and having this quarter of my time working spent doing what I want to, you know, easily. Yeah, was brilliant on, Did really helped me, had out my my portfolio Well, what about is course I have to link it. And somehow earlier on there was really good for that. It was really on. But I think if I were to have my climb again, I don't think I would do it in, uh, in, uh, another way. When your personal decision I was in, I think there's a definitely right thing for me. I think that's very important. I mean, it's probably a quick way to the Google. It they may be a way quite nicely on. I think a lot of the people here watching are probably debating between applying for a clinical fellow post or low coming. That's gonna be a large majority. Some people sort of hedge their bets and see if they can get away for those, they're gonna be the two main options to you. What were you thinking when you mean I know it was probably started midway through the pandemic, But what was going to your mind when you were deciding when it's looking more to be a clinical fellow? So interestingly So I was actually planning on going to Australia prior to doing left right here on that was my plan I was kind of gearing towards that. Then the pandemic started and things that go along with difficult. And then I found this opportunity that cropped up on. But I thought educationally for me. Park aside, pandemic and curb it. Whatever is having this educational f repose where I could learn ultrasound if I wanted to do a CT, which is what I wanted. A time would be better for me than the local thing or going abroad. Um, I think it was is definitely difficult decision in the sense that you didn't know what was Grand Corner. I know F two was quite child, and the hell and left to was liver. Everything is up in the air a little bit. But once you find opportunity and you get that post, I think everything falls into place on you. For most most people in a lifetime, that 10 you, you will absolutely enjoy your your decision if he thought it through beforehand. So it all depends on what you what, you want to get out of it. If you want to buy a house of the next year, obviously I'd say local thing is as something that's where you get your living more money. But there's nothing wrong with the eyes on. There's nothing about Yeah, it all depends on what do you want? A more slow your priorities in life exactly for me. So that's about the, like educational benefit that you thought you were going to get more in the clinical Federal? Yeah, what you'd miss out on the right. I think that there's there's correct. Yeah, I think with local, and everything is kind of left to yourself in a way to make your opportunities on your your free agent. I think if you have a chemical fellow post where the educational component, I'd into it with the educational supervisor, which is key to direct instead, which is why I had I think your able to be a lot more productive on a lot more efficient with your time. Yeah, it's very important because I think on dust in case. But for those that don't know in are still on Sunday Shin years, unless you actively try and find someone has a locum, you don't have a clinical supervisor, necessarily. You may have someone you know, your line manager, but they they you know you have to pay for Ah la faces. You have to pay for your end of year a r C e p. You don't have someone to run through. Person develops, plan anything like that. So presumably you got that. So all tied in? Yes. Yeah, exactly. And I had a portfolio as well, which we could discuss Well, now, if you want. But later on, that's more. We're coming to that shortly. Um, I definitely have the phone, you know, they're being clinical fellow in terms of I wanted to mention the other big cough. I guess it's the Elavil Room, but we have touched on it. Finance. You were in London, your technical fellow. I think some people will be wondering what that was like not being on a low considering. I mean, I know it's people are new iPhones, and 50 is it can be done, but it's difficult can be done here. But did you Did you have chicken problems? Financial is a result of being like a fellow, and you think you would have been particularly an advantage, but by low coming from, that's what. Yeah, I personally didn't have any financial difficulty after and constantly eventual difficulties. My salary was more than the same was also that as an F two on a needy rotor on wishes, I think fairly, um, comfortable. You're able to live in London on, but you're not going to be living hands and health at all. The fancy mirror in the background way. Eso It was fine, honestly, was fine. Like I wasn't, you know, wasn't anxiously refreshing my my banking app or anything like that. You know, it was it was okay. Um, I think by looking again it all depends on your goals is this is just a cherry on top in terms of money on on, but it's if you have a very short term but financial goals than fair enough. I think that's definitely more sensible thing to do than doing accountable version post. But if you want to get a liver variety, have some medication alone experience on get a skill in a regimented, structured way. I feel that on a clinical fellowship trust post on salary it's more than it's more than fine on reflection now in your personal experience, do you feel that that was the best decision going for the local fellow post rather than low Coming and trying to arrange your own education experience is, um, your own way. Absolutely. Yeah. I definitely was the best thing for me. Yeah, it really was it because I was able to be an environment that I was known more on down by my colleagues from my middle grades. My seniors. They got to know me a lot better. I was seen as part of the team. I've seen this part off the furniture s so to speak. Um, in a way that meant that when it comes to opportunities later, down line research until one I feel like I have that. Now I can easily go to one of the consultants when my registrars down the line if I wanted to get something Oh, ask him something about CCT interviews, for example. I can easily have a resource now, whereas I feel like my local girls I/O as floating around the base of your You wouldn't be as tight out would be seen as a member of a team as much as I was I didn't think about it. I think we've just got, um, a message also from the surgeon in the chap. Yeah, it's quite a quite a good question. And the vast by application process. What? That was like and also how you heard about it For the my post. Yeah. Eso the application process. It's all centralized through any chest drops S o. I applied to a servicely. All listed advertised on any sheds jobs on that. You should come around April time, I believe, was when I was when I applied Onda. There are quite a few different ones you can pick from. And the IV you playful one. It take pulls across all the details. Of course, the other applications a swell. Um so that's the way one would apply for F three post in most places. I think it sometimes my happy to emerge, we cover where they might not advertised or anything jobs and advertised in house. Um, but for the most part, is through an issue as jobs beauty. Um right. And then you just did you apply it through there and then you're renting the humidity. So, for myself, it was more of a special situation because of Cove. It s so I was already internal at a time, and they weren't interviews. I've been taking place on April time during the first way, for understandable reasons. So I had a face of a swift one of meat, my education devices. We chatted through what I wanted. What would this post be about and what I could get out of it, What I could give to the department, and from there on a few couple weeks later, I got the go ahead. That it was actually, Yeah, I was. I got the job. So for me, it was internal process, rather an external because of the first day because of it, I don't think it's gonna happen again on day. I think that was definitely a one off, um, situation. Right place. Right time Exactly. Realistically post like this, Like an ultrasound fellow which focus on a particular skill are cropping up, up and down the country, much more so than in the past. A s'more and mawr conditions are looking for non training post and on training rolls s. So I assume that once this, um, coverted on do, um, a lot these restrictions have passed. Actually, these sort of roles are gonna be cropping up a lot more on doxidan going to be open a lot more externally is well. So I was the first ultrasound clinical fellow in my department. There was was the first person taking over the post. But it's going to be a regular thing now. And I know some hospitals in central London do the same thing. Applies in same post. So I think it's if that's something you're you're into. You can easily find us. Find a place in London outside London. As you mentioned, it's It's ultrasound's going to be the new stethoscope. So it's good, you know? Exactly. Um, you've heard it? Yeah, you've heard it first here. Okay, you can request this. This is this is on the line. Yeah, thanks. That question's the estrogen. Keep some more questions coming through. We want to know exactly what you want to You find out about whether it's more about the application process or the data life being Clinic Web three, I think in order to keep it over nonbiased sense did was there any particular negatives of being a clinical fellow? Um, I think so. I'll still on the e d rotor at then. Today. I think that can be a bit tiring. Being on the same road. Quite brutal on absolutely one of three weekends. You know, quite a few out of our ships. A zone shor. You expected to be the numbers, the numbers machine. You just expect the patient is? Yeah, Exactly. Exactly. But, you know, cause need maintenance, and he don't have that time. You can. It can be pretty. You can, uh you can get quite, uh well, for me personally. I think it's drink Herb. It is quite busy and go bid. I think I got to the stage where I was thinking, right. I need a break on. I did sign Aleve on, you know, I think with low comming you could you could look into your hearts content, but enter there. You can also look a few shifts a month and be financially comfortable on. I think terms over your work life balance is definitely better off not being on that rigid rotor. Um, so I think as I said, I think that's that is expected. That's not something. Something new. Going into it, I knew was going to be a tough to be on the road for 20 months and total, which is what I ended up doing. Um, but again, you don't have to take called month contracts. You can take shorter contracts. You can take three months. It takes six months. I took 12 months because I'm insane. But it was It was It was It was useful. At end of the day, I says that I wouldn't change my my possible. Yeah. Last. Yeah. I mean, that's all, Really? It tones. And a few times a day, you change it. Um, I guess that's something. Clap. People listening really want to hear. They want to know whether this is something that they come to see you and they should be here. And I think from what you're saying, it sounds like a really great experience. Um, otherwise, I think, um, you got any more questions? Nothing. For a moment, I'm keeping an eagle eye on that. You're getting maybe s. So I don't maybe talk a little bit more about the ultrasound, and then we're going to portfolios to come to the end in session. So did you do the level one ultrasound? Is that right? Yes. So, within the year I got, the more less this cancer. Quiet numbers count required. The next step is just going to a kind of examination school just to get everything. I'm ticked off, so your numbers wise able to go. So I was doing everything Level one would entail, So there would be a little sun cannulation or vascular access. As I mentioned earlier, I do fairly basic echocardiography but useful in the emergency medicine setting Triple A scans as well. So a don't examinations for your teachers onboard. So fast scans, which is for trauma. Uh, I got to use every single modality of the DEA and eventually something that I've found very satisfying that the skills I've learned, um, I'll tell you, has led to tangible differences or inpatient care. So it's lead to, for example, pick up one example. I had a patient who came in with a dumbbell pain fairly, you know, above above 50 years old of six years old. And as for my learning or ultrasound in E. D. And then I knew that people of age of 60 would need to get the old found abdomen to check for the aorta. So I did and found a very large a aneurysm, Um, and, um, and and, like, did the patient across to the specialist vascular center on. This is something that was really hit home to me. That Yeah, I've been right on the right choice in doing this After a an ultrasound. I could have been here on the beach, in Australia or whatever. This's definitely something that we look for. Not trying. Trying your best to get across. Yeah. Flights. Uh, yeah, backing off those vouchers. But you you're on the front line. Oh, yeah, Yeah. Saved her life potentially way have eventually, You know, it's it was really, really good teaching that I got from my supervisor a day to day, but also the level one kind of set everything up and I was funded as well by my trust. Yeah, that's I mean, that's sounds so impressive on due to see the benefit from that firsthand. So Well, so really, we must have seen it in multiple situations. I think that must have been really satisfying for you as well. On mean you talked to earlier. And you're a 90 year I can imagine when I tell you, you're using those skills very frequently. Is that right? Yeah, definitely. So every day on these, an old time machine, and I don't think I think generation. I think every shift I have used all time between for a particular lying or just want to do unless mint some of these lungs on which is no have a Level one just Teo Clarify. But it's something I learned in Top Off level on because I had an education supervisor who waas very oh fe with the option machine and gave me teaching a day today. So I learned all these kind of extra skills. And so my tool belt and all this kind of expand a little bit, I learned. Teo Assess Gold Bladder's livers and vascular kind of hydration assessments. So again, the quite a few different skills, not just a level one and again you can. I felt like I could only learned at all if I was that in the same place, regularly getting the experience of getting that reaching Um, yeah, it was. It was definitely a very satisfying to be able to use your skills still, now as no, he's full of them. So what's your highlight of the of the year whole idea? Um, think getting in that really difficult? Kind of, uh, using it Sounds I mean, nothing That's like that five or six people have attempted. Yeah, exactly. Does it just get in first time And you just got over a pro drug pro drop? Yeah. Let's try and get that, you know, high standing around like a pro drug. Okay, Uh, trending, Yeah. I mean, I think they're quite a few hot legs for me. I think last year was a unique here, I think, for everybody I'm sure on, compared to previous years on. But I think for me being a part of a team that's I go through thick and thin together was absolutely Yeah, it was great for me. Really bonded my with my teammates with everybody in the department on, but it was really sad to leave. I think it was time for me after being there are many months, uh, you know, created this pond. That's really close working bond with these, uh, these people, um, on if I was, If I was, I don't think I would have got that if I was looking for sure. I think so. I think it's a very cheesy why? I think the The highlight is the friends are made long away. A friend's brother? Yeah, exactly. It's lovely. Um, hum friends? Exactly. I think you get that on a knees. Well, you get this calmed Roger and any don't tender get necessarily? It's not so you don't get it, I think. But it's just, I think, a little bit more natural in your weapon. A Me on I just have working fairly regularly is acceptable for you. I think felt quite integrated team, which I think is really positive when you're taking that after a year out and, you know, actually associated with the foundation program and on meeting other foundation trainees every week. So as we come to a close eye, think that the last question I wanted to ask that sergeant has anything else to mention was enough that yeah, no, I think we should talk about the portfolio is definitely, I mean, that's That's what we're about on your keys to promote. Yep. So in terms of it earlier in portfolio development to get into training, what did you use? So I for my foundation training I had happened. I think everyone will notice. Is Horace on day for about three on December. I have three. I was thinking, I need a pap for obviously as an F three Don't get automatically, but because I was in the same trust, I e mailed my, um, educational department and I asked them if I was able to Could kindly give me access to Horace on within a couple hours. Have extra horse, so I was able to either had to pay for it. I think a lot people mention you might pay 200 quid to use your words, just osteo occasional department nicely. You prescribed center and they will. They should give it to you. I I don't think it's something that is necessary. Like you don't eat. I had to pay. Basically on that is really useful. Just did like frame kind of logically my initial meeting with medications. Otherwise, any interesting scans? Um, I have all reflections. I wanted to be on them. Also Tab. So multi source feedbacks. I was really handy to have that as well. A zoo all kind of a one platform, and I was able to print off afterwards, Can still on it sort of follows on a Z well, doesn't it Probably a foundation training. Um, it's a nice way to sort of keep if you're really considering doing saying f three, for example, Then it sort of keeps your foundation training and your at three year together said that when you go on to, um, specialty training, you could just sort of start that fresh as well. So I did exactly the same thing as well, actually. And it's, uh it keeps everything in a familiar format that you're exactly exactly. Yeah, it was again. I think for a three is nice to not be on the constant grind or having get her number off dot so many cakes and his in Texas. Yeah, so I think Yes, definitely. So I think advice I'd give anybody watching it is is that, um, definitely have a board for Dio. But don't break in that trying to get, you know, hundreds and hundreds, hundreds off his tickets. You just gonna kind of burn yourself out in that way. So just get the things that are pertinent on up for their useful. That's gonna further your You're your case. When comes into these more? Yeah. And the other key is to as you mentioned. Just contact you both. Grabbed? Yeah, Education center. If you're working, there's a fellow you know, even a salute. You should tell them in message or an email Find out. Yeah. I mean, definitely, even even for me. So I didn't work in a fellow role. Um, but I was able Teo, extend my Horace and actually keep a portfolio together as if I was a fellow. So, um, it was a bit obviously, because I've worked in the hospital previously, um, I was able to sort of have that relationship with people I work with previously but not been in a clinical fellow role. But then also keep up my portfolio as if I was in that role on it. Really, really helped, actually to sort of on go forth with them with interview process is so for this clinical leadership and innovation fellowship at me and sugar doing. And it really helped with that as well. So you can do it both ways, but it's much easier think in May in the, uh if you have a fellowship post. All right. I think, um, probably comes. I had one question. I went on us. So my question is what in terms of obtaining a post like this, what would be that? Your best bit of advice for those who are in foundation training or those who are who are finally a medical students. What? What would be your best bit of advice for? For somebody who wants to it wants to do what you did and, you know, obtain a post like that. So I'd say from being in the same on that being a global pandemics. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you should really What? Advises email the department interested in working for early. Find out what opportunities they have. Um, find out if they have any educational posts. Sometimes they don't advertise until quite late on. Do. If you find out early or you have you noticed consultants that working there popped on the by the office and say, I'm going to be doing that three kind of post. You have a little I'll be quite interested in doing something, and that's definitely I think that with drop applications. And I think if you're working in the hospital and it definitely helps have more human approach and just like, yeah, your your face, sure that you mean, it shows initiative, which is good Social, isn't it? Really? Yeah. Back. Well, I'm in. But if anyone listening is interested in an intensive care fellow, I didn't say anything. I said emails to find out what was on. But I got an email back from one of the admission our doctors for the intensive care unit who was in charge of admissions. And he sent me a long steel about what they look for in three doctors on Does things like publications, the MRC pee, full quality improvement cycles, which is some of that I had thought about, but I don't know about taking the multi b and recently shouldn't take an exam just to get a job. But you know, one is lengthy, is that But if you think it's gonna be part of your like, let's say you want to do them to get to be part of your age of exist Anyway, you consider doing this things early on. I have to be honest. I didn't get with them, but it was really useful there last inside earliest on what they're looking for. See, I really do back sending those emails TOB units and just just be open and yeah, I show you're showing that elicited really, really helps. And it was something so for me personally as well. Mm. When I was a foundation training, I actually, um, conducted one of my placements in in the United States on going across to the United States. Um, I sent out probably hundreds and hundreds of emails, toe lows, a different program, directors and administrators. And I got rejected around sort of 90% I would say, but there are a few there were willing to take me on. Allow me to conduct a placement there. Um, and it was just about being persistent on descending those emails and showing that initiative and taking an interest. Um, in the department of the place that you want to work in our experience and yeah, take initiative. That's that's the key. Really On. We've got one just message protected and say are the topic about the idea finish? Do they want for them? Are CP or just one? I think you be doing very, very well if you got both parts by time, you're in F three, I think. Yeah, that's like an insane level of exam taking that you will do it. People do it. Yeah. Reason the part one would be more than adequate to put your head of the game. And in terms of 90 fellowship on would probably, you know, no guarantee urine tube Put you on instead to be getting an interview for there. I put my email in the chat in you because I've done a couple of I t find you're more than welcome to you. Clear. And it can be done in a year. I mean, eh, So, for example, I took my muscle be part 1.2, I think in September and and March and so it can be done, but it's it's ah, you have to work very hard, but, um yeah, so I think that probably is it from us. We got a little bit over, but I think people seem to be quite honest still sticking around at least this year, they engaged, uh, say thank you to some. Thank you so much for joining us today. You're being right. Yeah. Um, and he grabs from that. Stand it useful. I'm just going to quickly share. Oh, I'm not doing that more. Uh, let me just share my screen, Um, so just a little bit about what surgeon I'm doing. So we've launched a portfolio to neck, which could be access to the website there that we don't We don't really click dot com. It's basically it's a new mentors ship service where we're bringing aspiring trainees in at the moment surgery. I am tea and anesthetics closer, Teo. People who just going to a specialty. So it's effectively near a mentor ship. It's free to register on, get involved. It's a new lawn service on. We're hoping Teo Launch and Fillion get up running in the next, um, two month or so, But anyone who's kin to register and get involved in the natural cream enduring and follow that link. The other thing to mention is, um, we are hosting today by metal. Metal is, um uh is a collaborator, and they're involved in why doing access to healthcare draining. They've actually got their own portfolio service online, which is three to use so you can sort of know case based discussions, etcetera. What know and I'll leave the link to them below. Uh, just give me two seconds to get it up. Yeah, take it out. You'll also be the place where you can access. This is a catch up service. If you didn't, if you missed part of it. Thank you very much for joining today. Guys, if you've got any last questions opposed to hear otherwise we'll end this session next week. We're doing the academic F three, so it would be joined by divorce. Um, who has spent her well spent her F three years of undergraduate, surgical and education fellow too excited for that. So please join us for that as well. Over excited for that one. Actually, that's gonna be really interesting. Yeah, I think divorce exceptional, Doctor. I think she's probably glass out what? The water in terms of value. But she's also really, really kind of nice and easy to listen to. So, yeah, also excited and thank you once again. To me. That was Ah, tonight, but was not be trying to you actually is very insightful. So thank you so much for taking the opportunity. Teo, discuss and, uh, being up first off, it's not There is what? Hopefully, hopefully it. Yeah. You guys have some for interesting talking stuff because yeah, I find It's really fun to do on TV and a happy to give anymore. And but he wants to ask anymore questions to be personally. And I can leave down and in email on gum. Yeah, just just passed away. Happy, Doctor. The other thing you mentioned is the before I forget if you guys fill out the feedback forms means that be really useful for us, we find out whether you like the session didn't night session. What you would think it needs to improvement. You want to get certificate for attending, so please fill that out is really useful for us. Um, going forward. I just put my email. I don't also any questions, right. Um, I think we'll end it there then, um, where's the link from? Um, I think I accidentally sent out before the session on. I said I do is I think you might get one after this, I sort of close this automatically by medals. I'll also send a reminder until the next day or so, but yeah, I'm also, if you like the session, please. You know, talk to other people, encourage him to come along. We've got a month of the sessions going on and we're talking to some other is very interesting, doctor. Just like Sam on. Do you spread the word on social media for us? Because we just were affective. You start up on, but we're doing this is part of our project. Yes, well, we we are passionate about going board with the portfolio. Clinical. Well, so we're on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, the portfolio clinic. Make sure that you follow that and keep up to date with all the, um, activities that we've got lined up on. Also, the portfolio clinic itself is well right. Okay. Um, I'm not gonna end this session. Thank you, everyone. Speeches. Thank you very much.