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Systematic Review and Meta Analysis 1.2



This on-demand teaching session gives medical professionals insight into the process of conducting a meta analysis. The topics covered include designing a research protocol, defining a search strategy, understanding Prisma guidelines for systematic review, and what data to collect and how to extract it. Participants will learn how to compare results, review manuscripts, register a review, and avoid missing any articles. An example proposal on cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in Alzheimer's patients is provided to illustrate the key steps.

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Join us for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 1, a practical training session that covers the fundamental steps of conducting systematic reviews. We'll start with an introduction to systematic reviews and their role in evidence-based research. You'll learn how to define research questions and objectives precisely, ensuring the focus of your review. We'll explore literature search and study selection strategies, and how to critically appraise study quality. The training will also guide you through the essential process of data extraction. By the end of this session, you'll have the knowledge and skills needed to confidently conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Meet your Instructor:

· Ali Ismail, MD Candidate, BSc, MSc

Ali is currently in his sixth year of medical studies at the Lebanese University, and holds a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Research Neuropsychology. He is the co-founder of MEDICA Research Investigation and serves as the head of the Neuro/Neurosurgery subdivision. His research primarily focuses on neuroepidemiological papers, with a particular interest in understanding the manifestations and interplay of neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. His dedication to the field of medicine and research is exemplified through his contributions and ongoing pursuits in neurology and neuropsychology.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain what a systematic meta analysis is and the steps involved in conducting one.
  2. Describe the Prisma Guideline for reporting systematic meta analyses.
  3. Identify and apply inclusion and exclusion criteria for article selection.
  4. Run a search strategy on multiple databases and eliminate duplicates.
  5. Identify the items to be extracted from each article in the data collection process.
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OK. Uh I'm sorry, guys, I have to have longer and already connection and we have uh when I uh share my screen on. Uh Hey, hey, can I be hello? Yes. OK. Slide somebody full skin. So, no, not yet had, I guess. OK, perfect. Good evening guys. Today we will continue the second session about in the first module about and meta analysis. Uh A uh yesterday, I will send a question with feedback. Uh They need my answers, report about the proposal. Uh Today, I will show you a sample proposal. Uh Now one of my study in general, our proposal, what are the main, uh the main uh divisions of proposal and uh what you put in each one? Um You had yesterday a question about, you know, if we want to repeat or we want to update a recent systematic review or other systematic review or meta analysis that was published before. Uh what we should do, we should repeat uh all the work or we should the results and we continue usually has analysis that we should repeat all the work and we should repeat uh normal screening when there were articles did. But now we include uh our, our final list and final list. We have the articles in order to be the past medical, the past the system review uh or me a the past me a that we need to update it. Uh Later in our discussion, we are gonna compare our results, lab results, the systematic issue. Uh and to compare our results, let the results, results are significant. You can, you can, you can opposite result positive and negative for. We need to compare our results. Uh We need international uh the main steps uh that we passed through them yesterday. First we began and how we define our research question, how we find our research question with a scanning for the review, we do a literature review to find the gaps uh or we can see uh past and meta analysis and to work to update them and to add new statistical work to them. Uh The second step is was to establish the team. Uh Then we have to work on the protocol and the protocol. The main three steps that you want to mention them in our protocol. It's to define our search strategy. What are the search terms that you want uh to use them? And what are the database that you want to search on them? Uh to it, to define our selection criteria. What are the and exclusion criteria uh that we want that we want based on them to select our articles? Uh The step number five is to design our data collection for what are the main information that we want to, to collect them or to extract them from uh the articles that are included in our systematic meta analysis. And then to write our protocol and register this review on Prospero if it is a systematic review of observation study or on core if it is in systematic review and metasis of clinic. Right now, after we finished our protocol, we have run our search and search strategy already. Tina or already we mentioned it in our protocol. We need to begin to apply it how to run the search study in multiple database. Depend on who we pop me. Uh how to collect the references, how to duplicate. Number seven has run the search strategy for PMED, how we do how to put uh and to do an a an advanced search on PUBMED using our search terms uh or our keywords uh to find that uh the biggest number that we can from the articles that are related to our topic. Now, we didn't miss and we tried to don't miss any article. Uh The other steps. I want to continue the step number 89, 10 and 11. Today, I will show you uh a sample, a proposal of one of my studies um uh ah CB. Yes, honey. OK. I will try and slowly at my uh this is a proposal of one of my systematic and meta analysis. First, abstract, abstract, know what I'm gonna do in my system to give you an analysis protocol proposal. Before we begin the paper as a plan, what you want to do the protocol, we submitted La Prospero acceptance. And I put a simple introduction about the topic. What are the main reason uh findings about these topics? Uh a bit of pathophysiology. Uh If the recent meta analysis that are similar, I mentioned it, what are the difference between my meta analysis and the past one? And finally, I put my aim, what I want to do, I want to summarize to aim in a systematically if you are replicate the work, replicate the work because a system updated and also to find a new and to, to study the examine, you know, new work first I mentioned in my systematically, a meta analysis will be performed according to the Prisma guideline. Prisma guideline here that preferred reporting items of systematically a meta analysis Prisma guideline here, the guidelines based on it based on it. We work our system and meta analysis and we report our paper and later advance steps. And now when we need to begin to write our manuscript guideline, you hear the preferred reporting items of systematic me a me a guidelines and what we should put in our introduction, what we should put in our method. What are the steps that we should to do them in our method? What we should mention in our results. What we should mention in our discussion clearly details in all the steps in all the division on all the part of a paper, he guidelines, prisma guidelines for systematically for reporting systemically a meta analysis. I mentioned that search strategy, search strategy which database with this, I used 13 database and scholar and in base and I used four database then had what are the keywords? They will use the keyword, keyword in length and keyword in depression, depression, depressive disorder, major depressive disorder, MDD, emotional and melancholia. All the terms that are related to depression after that had the what are the inclusion and the exclusion criteria, inclusion. And I won't select all the study that are conducted among the human. They, they are in English text are available that they use a, a AAA valid uh valid criteria for that um data management until he data extraction form and two authors, at least two authors will extract the data independently under reaching a consensus authors items that I that I want to extract them from each article article. We need the name of the author you of public. What was the design baseline population like a simple size, the mean age duration of follow up scale that was used to assess depression. Uh He outcome outcome here, home telomere measure. What are the method that was used to measure the telomere? What was the tissue source? And finally, the statistics you can and know what are the risk ratio or this ratio? What the the the the the mean of telomere? What? But unusual proposal. Main part background introduction method. Our part method I mentioned it's performed based on Prisma guideline search strategy database. What are the search terms that I want to use them? We have inclusion exclusion criteria based on them. I want to select the article that will be included in our system metasis and the data management are the information that I extract them from each article. I will go to our four point today. I will continue on the step step number, I guess. OK. OK. So the step number seven on September 7, we apply a how we find our search terms. Uh Today, I will continue with step eight registration. We run our search strategy. 1000 articles. We collect all these references and abstract in a single file and 1000 articles from PUBMED, Nick and Nick with extract all these articles in Missouri, one file, 15 reference manager for free uh artificial intelligence tools websites usually. OK. So he was hanging in to put the pointer. OK? How we use it? Uh We run our search 1500 articles, scholar 200 articles, reference manager application by a website. Eliminate the duplicate, eliminate the duplicate at least three database database. So we need to eliminate, we need to eliminate version in the paper version in the paper. I want one copy copy or two copies. I want one copies. So I need to do and ate to duplicate and eliminate them one copy from each one, you know from each article. So one copy number 10 have at least two reviewers in apps. OK. How does that? No, I a little, I need to study the aspect of cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT. On depression among Alzheimer patient, how CBT can treat depression among Alzheimer patient? From that? I run my search keywords and base a score to to 1500 base 201 5. And it's around the 101,700 papers. I eliminate the the 200 paper was 151 100 sorry, 1500 articles and 1702 100 duplicate database. So now 1500. Hello and 500. To what are the articles that are related to our topic to include them in our system? To apply our inclusion and exclusion rate? Yeah, by applying our inclusion and exclusion criteria allow those 1500 articles min had did what are the articles that we want to include them in our system at preview? And what are the what and what are the articles that are excluded? We are good. Now what we are gonna do, it's at at least two reviewers name co-author independently 1500 each one, each one, applying those inclusion and exclusion criteria. It's very important to work independently and it's very important to at least two reviewers, screen type abstract, screen a text 1500 articles. Too much. Our screening with the first step, it's screening of title abstract only. And the second step is screening of full text 1 1500 articles, but the abstract of them abstract in 1502 100 or 301,500 articles, we have 200 or 300 articles that are related to our topic. But it still and still based on title and abstract selection. It was based on the title or abstract. Again, each reviewers or each each author, we we compare the other author uh In this phase, references are selected based on the selection criteria. Inclusion exclusion criteria applies, applied to the title and abstract and not to the full text of the article. If a reference lacks an abstract and has only the title, the reference should be included for the next step. Next step here, the full text in a article who the title, I didn't find the abstract. I will include it in the next step here. The uh full A full and II. And at this phase, it's not necessary to keep track and in his face to mention why I exclude $1000. And the next step in full text I need to mention and I have articles that are excluded because not related. I have articles that are exclude because I didn't follow full text. I need to mention the exclusion reason for each paper, the full text by now. And this is the one I abstract. I don't need to mention the reason why I through using using right. I had screenshot website, Ma ma she was yesterday. OK. The whole website. The bought a RA I meta analysis, you build, you build your analysis, you the time you, you, you include all the list that you obtained from from MBA, from global scholar, which is called a duplicate Mbag. Mail duplicate. Yeah, maybe I include our and, and then I read the abstract included the second step, the second screening step, maybe with other authors excluded. OK. I uh but it should uh help us but I was why slowly? Uh hello as on Yes. OK. OK. I will repeat about Ryan who I will upload all the articles that I, I have them from a man and base Google scholar. I eliminate duplicate. I upload the whole duplicate and I upload them from each article I read the title and abstract and based on the title and abstract I decide I included or maybe I need to discuss with the author to know to include or know our other house I excluded I included and I had an article I will read the full text and I will include it to the next step, full text. And I, I know why you had the program because I know on the other author ma what are my decisions? Ma which articles I include them and which article I exclude them? I, he didn't know what are my decisions by now when I put the banging on the decision of all the authors article and I excluded, excluded reason. Yeah, animals decision of both excluded to discuss, excluded by included, all, discuss that we exclude all we included in the next step. OK. After we do the screening of title and abstract excluded or included, excluded 1500 articles, I exclude 1200 s and the other authors overlapping a decision not excluded. Excluded by is a non overlapping references. No overlapping references. And I excluded by included meeting to review to, to, to discuss and to take a final decision to, to, to take a final decision, a third independent reviewers uh a neorectal uh screen. Hello. Uh what's in my name? Yes, I may by the skin. Yes, in vain. It, no as yes. OK. I will be head and after we screen the an abstract, some articles that are overlapping and other artists that are non overlapping, overlapping to include them or to exclude them and some articles that are non overlapping fish to include them by no one other to exclude our meeting and to discuss articles we need to exclude or to include them to take the final decision to include them to include them in the next step, 1500 SA R will abstract 1300 the other authors, we are we have the same decision you know, to exclude them under 303 100. The other offers to include them to include them as we need another full text about 300. Then exactly is that we want to include them. Finally our Yeah pa abstract, I exclude a add a number, I exclude men to decide my final list of included articles. If the full text of a reference is not directly available to the reviewers, the reference should not be ignored. But instead the university library can assist in achieving a copy of articles via library and excluded with and uh research G Google scholar leading no, I need a full text because uh we are going to include it in a systematic review, full text by email. Once all texts are achieved, two independent reviewers ski the article uh are included. What are the final list that are included di di prima in all the systematic review and meta analysis to find this flow chart. It's mandatory to find this flow chart to show all the steps that are done. How we find the final list? Ash She record that I articles that are identified from database A I identified from each database. The 1000 the base 500 the Google Scholars 300 after screening addition, um duplicate after uh before screening, sorry, addition of duplicate 502,500 have a screening based on title and abstract. A de can exclude it based on and abstract. Be 303 100. I will go to read the full text. Behold the full text at dash I exclude. It's important and the step of the full text clinic to mention the reason is a it's not important. It's important to mention the reason why this article are excluded. Finally, studies that are included in the systematic review, the articles that are included in the systematic Alison, it was stopped here. Xue. OK. Anyone have any questions? Uh and OK, app for today, I sent the module one, all the theory steps. Any question about the steps, please, we are going to apply them the two system at preview that are published and to apply all the steps. OK, perfect. Now, I will share two systematic review can OK, Zahra uh uh I will repeat it but the elbow is is uh records will be that will be gonna be available, will gonna be available until I guess until the the end of December. Oh Christopher, don't worry, I will do a in, in, in a prac practice way. I going to show it to you. OK? I will share now to systematic meta analysis but are published. Oh, we are going to apply all the steps in all this system. I will begin with the system. You Ahmad, you, you, you told my, you see my screen? Not bad. Yes. Now uh I will, I will and the screen. So uh so step 11 has to do with vital and abstract screening. While Step 12, full text screening is related to the papers that couldn't get full info from vital and abstract. OK. I didn't get that question. Oh Step 11 in your abstract screening while step 12. Full de screening. Uh No up. OK. OK. Uh Yeah, I know first we do the screening of the ta and abstract of all the articles that we find them. Yeah, all the articles that we find them on Google and in base we read the data and abstract and based on and abstract, we decide what will be included in the step number 12 or not. Y ma 1500 articles I decided in the 300 related to my topic but I'm not bad. Sure related, but I include them in the statin number 12 will one H 1 1300 are excluded. 300. I include them at the step 12. I read the full text of all those articles and I read the full text of the 300 based text. I decide the final list. I decide no and 200 will be included in the systematic review and 100 are excluded. But it's important as a step to mention why are excluded the reason behind the, uh, uh, the reason behind excluding them. It's ok if I know.