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Systematic Review and Meta Analysis 1.1



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals as it covers the basics of systematic review for research and provides insights on how to carry out a systematic review and meta-analysis. Attendees will learn the different types of review papers, the difference between narrative review and systematic review, and the steps of conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis. Attendees will also learn how to assess quality and select papers. They will also be given tips on how to build their own systematic review and meta-analysis as well as how to draft their own evidence-based guidelines.

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Join us for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 1, a practical training session that covers the fundamental steps of conducting systematic reviews. We'll start with an introduction to systematic reviews and their role in evidence-based research. You'll learn how to define research questions and objectives precisely, ensuring the focus of your review. We'll explore literature search and study selection strategies, and how to critically appraise study quality. The training will also guide you through the essential process of data extraction. By the end of this session, you'll have the knowledge and skills needed to confidently conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Meet your Instructor:

· Ali Ismail, MD Candidate, BSc, MSc

Ali is currently in his sixth year of medical studies at the Lebanese University, and holds a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Research Neuropsychology. He is the co-founder of MEDICA Research Investigation and serves as the head of the Neuro/Neurosurgery subdivision. His research primarily focuses on neuroepidemiological papers, with a particular interest in understanding the manifestations and interplay of neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. His dedication to the field of medicine and research is exemplified through his contributions and ongoing pursuits in neurology and neuropsychology.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the different types of review papers (narrative, systematic, meta-analysis, and overview)

  2. Understand the steps of a systematic review including establishing a team, finding research questions, writing a proposal or protocol, selecting papers, and extracting information

  3. Describe the differences between narrative and systematic reviews, including their summaries

  4. Explain the purpose of a systematic review and meta-analysis

  5. Explain the hierarchical pyramid of evidence and identify the types of studies associated with it

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Here. Let's try better now. Yes. OK. Uh OK. As I mentioned, uh we will have a three modules. The first one is two sessions, the second one is two sessions and the third one is one session, what I will tackle in each one, the first session or the first two sessions in the first module, we will tackle the basic steps of systematic review. Uh how we will establish our team, how we will gonna do how we find our research question, how we will gonna write our proposal or our protocols in general. This is what we are gonna talk about it in the first modules in today and tomorrow's session uh concerning the second module. I will talk more about how we are going to select our papers, how we are going to deal with our papers. And the first module, it's more about statistics, it's about meta analysis, effect size. Uh and all the issues that are related to statistical analysis and a systematic review on metasis. Uh OK. I will begin tomorrow to differentiate between the four types of review articles. Uh And uh we have review papers. Yeah, we have many type of review papers and this also published a review paper, published a review paper. What are the difference between narrative review paper, systematic review paper, meta analysis and an overview the difference. It's based on how we are going to do them. The difference between those four types or those four major types of review papers. It's how we are gonna to do them. What are the steps that we are going to do them to uh to, to find our major, major, major difference between them? That narrative review a broad question about a big topic. Uh I am I explained about it. I explained the hyi I explained the outcomes of it, the risk factors. I explained the differential diagnosis. I explained the causes it to review. It's like a chapter in a book or in a reference. Uh You read about a topic, a broad question, a specific question about uh how smoking cause lung cancer first about cause of uh lung cancer. Uh The pathophysiology, how smoking cause lung cancer. Uh A recent uh recent papers about this domain about the question but they, they summarize their data mafia. A uh AAA specific steps to do a specific steps we should to do them or it's about the recent information about this topic between a broad question, Jama, all the information about this topic and we summarize them only one thing. Uh He, he, he major, major, major definition of native review. Hello, what we are gonna tackle now in a systematic review and meta uh he always meta analysis. It's a systematic review plus a statistical part, a systematic review, the end of a systematic review. And when we are, at the end of it, we are going to roll them our review review or we are going to continue to do our statistical analysis and meta analysis and to go analysis. Yeah, meta analysis is a systematic review plus statistical work, a systematic review and meta analysis. Yeah, a systematic review. It's more about a qualitative paper. It's more about recent papers. Uh summarize the A one qualitative type qualitative method by meta analysis. It's more about a quantitative methods. Yeah, it's more about a quantitative papers. Yeah. And after Mack pas that I want to include them a statistical analysis and I summarize them by a quantitative way, not a qualitative way. A numbers I have numbers, I have uh effect size and I have mean difference. I have all these numbers that show us a summary of the results of all these paper. However, the systematic review, we don't have those numbers. We have only a qualitative summary and and and numbers uh we're gonna tackle also later systematic preview meta analysis. But so how much it on a systematic review? It's more about qualitative summary by meta analysis. It is about quantitative summary. It's about statistics and numbers. Uh how of systematic review is A I can to do the analysis analysis is a lot. What if they call it my system uh overview. Overview. Yes. Uh but as the time will uh first screen the slides I am doing then I have to the, but no one you can try the other shares. Full screen, entire screen. Oh my God. Oh my God. Still have slight changes in the bottom of. Yes. Ok. Now it's better. Oh, yes. I, again, I would repeat them what you are gonna attack all three modules. And the first module I will going to talk about all the steps how to do our uh research, how uh how, how, how to find our research question, how to establish our team. And finally how to write protocol a the basics of our module one with two day session and tomorrow session about module two. It's about after we had a protocol, how to find our papers, how to select them and how to extract the information from them and how to deal with those papers that we want to include them in our meta analysis, our in our review. And finally, in the module three had called one session. It's more about uh statistical work, how to do our statistical work in a meta analysis, effect size mean difference uh heterogeneity. Also metal regression, Multivariate me regression. We are uh that after those three modules to lead his own systematic review and meta analysis. Uh And to find the question, I want to find the, the topic add to build permit as systems metals. Uh I will repeat so I can back about the different type of review papers, a narrative review and it's a broad question. Uh It's like a chapter or a book about causes about uh pathophysiology, about mechanism, about uh about, about about surgery, about about uh management of treatment in a broad way. They summarize the recent papers, Bama a systematic method to summarize those paper. Yeah, a systematic method to find which paper they want to include in this review. However, in a systematic review and meta analysis, we have a very specific and systematic method. We should step by step to build our review paper, the systematic review and meta analysis. Here we have a very deep step and a very detailed step kill the steps step by step and how we are going to do it all our system. And me a what is the difference again between systematically view and meta analysis systematically? It's more about a qualitative summary our papers and we summarize them a qualitative way by however, meta analysis, it's a systematic review plus a statistical analysis. Y we summarize our papers in a statistical way in a quantitative way. Y effect size mean difference. Y we summarize them be be uh however overview, overview, he a systematic review of systematic review, all the systematic review about this topic. And smoking and lung cancer, smoking and lung cancer is a broad question about the mechanism about the risk factors. However, to tackle adult percentage of additional ratio smoking can cause life summary papers published a however, she over over review about the same topic, systematic review about smoking and lung cancer over our umbrella. Now, now we are going to review meta analysis. Uh later we are gonna can be sessions and over review, comment and the comment, his own steps can be later, later session. Uh Again, this is also a brief summary about the difference between narrative and systematic uh narrative. It's a broad question, systematic, it's a very specific question. Uh search and and the literature. So uh uh sources and search study, study selection equality assessment. It's not usually specified and we don't have a specific steps to do them in review. However, in a systematic review, we have a very detailed uh steps, we need to do them and can to find, to do our search, to find our papers, how to select our papers in a explicit selection criteria and selection by two independent reviewers we are going to do, we are going to tackle at this point and how the selection, how we are going to select the papers that you want to include them. It's a very sensitive step. Uh We have inclusion exclusion. We have to do at least by two independent reviewers. We are going to have a narrative. We don't have this quality assessment also be a narrative. We don't need to assess the quality of the studies that we want to include them. However, the systematic, we need to do it. Uh The the flow chart does a review paper or a systematic review, systematic review, he a heterogeneous paper because many papers about to select them to summarize and to combine their data. This is what we call meta analysis. It's combined their data. Yeah, a QA quantitatively to build the systematically a very organized summary of those people. Uh OK. To be honest, uh this pyramids. Next time I will show you it about the evidence. Uh the evidence about all these papers, we have many studies on we have uh but as you know, we have case report and case series, we have a cross sectional studies. We have case control, we have cohort, we have randomized clinical trials and we have systematically review and meta analysis. The top of the pyramid I allow evidence paper. He is systematically on meta analysis, evidence evidence based. And after it section control clinical trials, clinical trials and clinical trials in the top of the pyramid who systematic review and meta analysis paper evidence to uh put new guidelines. Usually uh domains management, the new guidelines based, systematic review and meta analysis. Uh What is the purpose of systematic preview to summarize all the published about a specific topic, allow large amounts of data to be simulated, provide an objective collection of results of the of the research and provide reliable recommendation guidelines. Their new guidelines and their new protocols are based on recent published systematic and meta analysis. Um OK. Hello, I'm so sure. OK. Uh Had anyone under any question? Uh OK. OK. Again, we have about this energy question. OK, perfect. Uh Hana. I will begin this week, next week and the third week and be five sessions that I will gonna to be with you about this diagram. A 24 steps of each step step by step in detail, 24 step. Our steps to do a systematic review and meta analysis. Hi the diagram and I do a 24 steps to do meta analysis. All the references, the paper I use them uh references to to read them will comment about systematic a meta analysis in the health care for which 200 or 300 papers can is very beneficial to uh it's, it's, it's focused on a system to give you a me analysis in the health care. Uh Come in in details, five sessions. I'm back on all those steps, narrative review. Uh Where does it stand in that pyramid? The evidence here. Uh Yes. Uh It's very low, it's very low uh evidence based guidelines or evidence based. It's like a chapter in a book, something pathophysiology mechanism, a a disease like a specific new operation. It's not an observational study and it's not a uh how I want to tell you and it's not an in a uh a specific steps that we want to conduct it as an evidence based. It's, it's important uh mechanism, evidence based guidelines and our guidelines, cross sectional case control, cohort clinical trials. Summary me the most highest evidence based our strongest papers. Any other question? Ok. Uh Very briefly, I had all these steps very briefly but behind the picture. And at some point again, the three modules, the first modules I were going to tackle, we are going to find our research question how to organ to establish and she uh sorry. Ah Yes, yes. OK. But point or or OK. Or OK, we are gonna first to talk about how we are going to define and to find our research question again, then how to establish our team after this step. And now three steps and our step is to define our resource strategy. Yeah. And after I define question, should I build my team or ball to work? Give a ball to work be whole three steps in parallel. First one, it's to define our search strategy. We should search terms or search strategies that I want to run it to find my papers. Two to define my selection criteria, selection criteria based on what criteria I will select my papers. Three, I wanted to design the data collection form. What are the information that I want to collect it from the papers that I will gonna include them in my review then to write my protocol and to register this review, a systematic review and meta analysis. Our protocol registration, a national sorry International Company specialized bill systematically me analysis submission, our protocol, they give us uh approval for our protocol. We begin in our work and all the step, each step by step in detail. After that, we write our protocol and, and, and, and, and register our review in a specific company N and EM protocol and register it. Uh OK, I'm sorry and register it uh to work, honey, we are gonna to begin our work our to run the first strategy and hey, the search strategy and now we defined it. And the step number three, we begin to work on it or begin to run it on it on multiple database database database. It's like pub pub is one of the database database. It's a place where we, all the papers are published metal PUB met. We are going to run our search strategy to find all the papers that are related to our topic. Then to collect all the references and all the papers a behind the database or behind all multiple database. And uh it's important database, multiple database because why I will mention and at least we need three database and I want to run our search just PM. We need at least and base med line go at least three database and to run our search on it in each one from each one, we collect all the references that we obtain them from our search strategy. After that, we combine them and three database. So uh 100 papers and the 1st 150 papers and the 2nd 150 papers and the third one, I combined them all in a one file. Then I eliminate my ate what? It's the me, what's the meaning of eliminate my duplicate and the papers we gonna because of a and A papers we publish the Google scholar MEDLINE do. After that, we begin to screen our title abstract and to collect and to compare he step number 10 and 11 tomorrow, I will talk from step number one to step number one uh concerning module to later has to be how to extract and how to deal with our paper that you want to include them in our review module three is about that and meta analysis working he has one more advanced level based statistics and uh meta regression meta analysis. I will begin. OK. Any question about this uh module one and about those nine steps uh fi a scan and uh we NASIB uh should we be collecting every single paper related to our research question or the ma majority? No, all of them. The next step by step to build this map in your brain. Uh Yes. Can you hide and you are sharing on the I chose. Hey, there. OK. Yes. OK. Thank you. Yes. OK. Uh I will begin in each step by step. Yeah. I begin step 1234, each one. Indeed. Uh again, a a meta analysis review on meta analysis. It's first, how did our question then to write a plan to our review than to search for studies. After that, we are going to summarize all those studies and we are gonna to select all of the studies and to begin to summarize them to build our systematic had. And he is dead. Yeah. And each one of them, he is the yes. Uh every, every, every step of them, we are going to tackle them in detail. The first step it's about to define our research question and how we are going to find our topic, that topic, how we are going to transform it to a research question. Uh We are going to first define in our mind, what are the primary and secondary aims of the study? Yeah. And now what are the topics that you are gonna back? The more clearly a research question? It is the more clearly we are going to find our papers and to build our social. And I feel exactly what we want exactly what are, what are the result that we want to obtain it? Our, it's more strong kill mccain our protocol. It's more strong. After that, we are going to develop a good research question and defining the aim of the study requires a scanning of the literature to identify gaps. Head step. It's very important. And they tell us how I know how I want to find my topic, the topic to find our topic. It's very important to do a scanning to all the literature, almost to all to the recent literature. And I want to do something related that proof all the recent papers published about Alzheimer Pro recent papers, recent treatment, recent uh uh diagnostic markers, recent uh paper is new and to find a paper to kill a system review and meta analysis recently published also to try to identify these gaps and a topic. But mama on me analysis papers ma on me analysis. Hello, also she ham and no, if we find a systematic review, a meta analysis for the similar research question or a similar research question. And no, I can't do another one. No, we can update systematically to a meta analysis and you are gonna to, to see a no systematically me analysis, you will see it on the same topic. But because the 1st 1, 2016, 2nd 1, 20 23rd 1, the 2024 1 of my system, a four A and mine is the fifth one and we can do 1/6 and 7th and 8th. We can because all always we have a new paper. The first systematic must be 2016 in 2016, 2020 we have the four years and those four years we have more than 10 or 20 or 30 articles recently are newly published related to OPIC and I can do an update and I can update the systematic review it now. Similar research questions, similar protocol to do my new update of the systematic review like statistics and not only meta analysis, more deep into meta aggression to me, a subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis and a more statistical work. A not one already. I have been uh I have uh uh more article than Daniel Hen System of Little bit 1, 16, they had uh 40 articles that are included by NAA by 2020. I have mass and 70 articles that are included and we have 30 articles plus my results have gone uh more strong because s and had a different unknown, more statistical analysis. They were me but how to find our topic. It's by scanning the literature to find the gaps proof about meta analysis. The second one, meta analysis ma before that dot Doesn't mean I can't do another one. I can do an update systematically. I can do a similar systematic review with an update of a recent, a recent, a previous systematic review 2023 2024 analysis. More strong. Uh It's important when we are going to define our research question uh in our mind, full items to all our research question. Pa it's mean uh P and a population uh E or uh I or E and a man intervention or uh or uh exposure uh exposure exposure. Exactly. E it's for intervention and I it's intervention and e it's uh uh exposure, an intervention called an intervention. Experience exposure, smoking, like smoking like uh mobile pollution exposure. See its comparing group and oh, it's the outcome. And what are the studies that I want to use it for? In apply about this one? About our mind of our research question uh smoking. Uh how uh smoking and lung cancer uh population are smoker population exposure but smoking group and the nonsmoker will outcome here, lung cancer more and mixed method. After I will bring my team, my team I bought and uh uh expert do another neurologist uh very experienced in me and the previous review me analysis and he will guide them. He will guide us sorry with a later submission, our paper and experience their uh their trust in our paper that accept of our paper. Uh Mohan, another leader of the meta analysis, ma a professor, a senior member, uh leader uh who will coordinate the project, the protocol, uh the work of all the team members and facil facilitate their participation. All the basis of that project. Uh three define our sister. And after I define my question, should she live with a, should she live with smoking and answer if I will find all the papers that are related this topic of med or on any data? Yeah, I should, should have a and I want to summarize all the papers that tackle the topic of smoking and how I will find those paper by to do a search search strategy and, and I should search terms. I will go to do to use them to find all the papers that are related to my topic. Uh because it's important to do doesn't, to don't miss any articles, any articles that are missed. It's a bias. Uh Also what's important and what I attack before and we can't run our search strategy in one database. It's important to run it in multiple database. Uh OK. Application about this about the search strategy. Search strategy should terms. Yeah, II gonna to use them to find all the articles that are related to my step three is to define my selection criteria, inclusion and exclusion. What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria based on them? I will select the articles that I want to include them in my review in bad. I run my search strategy and I run the search and smoking and lung cancer and 100 papers from those 100 papers I keep related. I just and no smoking with lung cancer mentioned a main topic on paper and how I will select my papers that I want to include them. 100. I will apply my inclusion and exclusion criteria based on them. I will select what are the articles that I want to include them in my review, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Uh The main inclusion exclusion criteria we couldn't based on the study design and the cohort study with the case control cross section, cross sectional uh few system on the clinical trials designed the observation of da clinical trials uh or why it's important. It's important inclusion with exertion criteria but no screening process and screening man selection man and ha 100 papers. I want to select, what are the articles that I want to include them? The selection process might be by one person at least should be done by two independent person. No independent person for articles alone. Let me had what are the articles that we want to include them based based in exclusion CIA and inclusion exclusion criteria to apply them independently? 100 papers, similar articles that are included, study design, data collection, data collection for I bad. I select my articles. Y first had my topic, lung cancer and smoking and lung cancer. Second, the work of me. What are the articles that are related to smoking? And third, I will select them based uh inclusion and exclusion criteria. Uh 100 I select it to my topic based on the inclusion and exclusion and inclusion criteria. What I want to do with them, how I will deal with them, who and to extract domain information that I need them to build my system at me. Analysis. What are those information, those information I need to exclude, to, to, to extract them from each article by an Excel sheet author, independently papers extraction information, whole information, data collection form. More data collection form should be first part about social demographics. So demographics because I was she the name of investigator and name of the first author and the year uh mean age participant in each article, percentage of female, a male ethnicity. One what was the explorer or the intervention? Uh She can tool that used to assess exposure. Uh What are the tools that used to do intervention should outcomes? How they assess the outcomes? Which tools, which scale uh statistical analysis? Yeah method they use, they use uh Mas and ma uh how do we need to mention them? I need to extract values, results and sensitivity. If you see the results analysis result, I need, I need to, to do my meta analysis. I need to extract it from each article. I would summarize that's extraction for but un part I want part about the characteristic part with quality assessment. Third part with outcome measure quality assessment. OK. Study characteristic will outcome measure usually personally I prefer that extraction social demographic. So outcome but statistics with equality and the same stuff, you know this and all in one step. Uh And the whole with that for main study characteristics mean age percentage of female or male ethnicity, name of the first author, male here uh that they used at the outcome outcome. They, that, that they assess it and they assess depression. Uh uh a of information that I needed. I need to extract it. Excel sheet. He he Excel sheet two at least to independent author, at least to independent reviewers. Uh extraction headed data. I'm sorry. From the same article in article comes in article all comes in the second one that extraction for each article and each article become under a role in the Excel sheet name of the author year uh mean age behind the behind this paper that they can percentage of females should tool. This down outcome intervention should scale analysis. We compared them with na uh consider form such new tools uh all online based. Uh But usually um hi there I table. It's an example about what I am talking paper and paper. Uh statistics, a meta analysis, published analysis, uh another one but he had a table from a meta analysis that was published. Uh extraction by the way, the extraction for me and all this information we need, we need to include them in our manuscript and, and I had a I screenshot a meta analysis that was published paper had a table that author and the first or the second or the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, each one. He paper OK. The year of public A A sn is published. He first author design and it was high sectional, a participant kind of a potential of female. Zero mean age I mentioned mean angel participant of uh sorry uh sorry, 5057 uh 57 mass under deviation, 4.4 0.4 4.4 medical condition, depression, depression, uh statistical statistical result, outcome level of adjustment, extraction for the social demographics us an outcome and statistics. OK. To write our protocol. And after I defined my search topic, search terms that I want to use it had and am I uh inclusion and exclusion criteria had? What are the information that I want to extract, extract them from each article? And should that extraction form? I need to write my protocol, my protocol proposal to my proposal. Prospero Prospero a international company to register all the uh system and meta analysis that are related to health care. Uh submission, my protocol and your protocol got submitted, got rejected for a reason, got rejected, but don't worry about and you will get a, a acceptance, acceptance and your protocol. The exclusion criteria information that I want to expect them and items that exception form my protocol registration be prosper a profile. My uh my review protocol number. Uh It's important to mention this number. It's important. So we kill the recent they mentioned and our number number with a your system if you was register and your protocol was valid and reliable and he pro pro they review your protocol with ACA and your protocol, it's valid and reliable. OK. You can acceptance with your work on the question. OK. Um MS when I'll update a old systematic review, do I use the same information on other people's paper or you mean you add only the new stuff? Can you the question? Can you reformulate your question please? Is a had any questions? Let us know? OK, wait on the, can we explain uh steps? Yes, yes. Step six. It's just after we write our protocol, proposal, proposal protocol, is you all available protocol? First introduction. Will I want to use it? What are the inclusion exclusion criteria? Will what are the items that I want to extract them through items that I want to include them in the extraction form? But I will build a protocol. I will submit it as a pro pro who had a website, a small submission submission. My protocol to review my protocol, you acceptance in my protocol. It's accepted. Your steps must be in, you can begin with your systematically me analysis ID step six years to register our protocol. It's an international company specific for the analysis and health care uh domain. OK. Who has to review a meta analysis of clinical trials submission, case control cohort and uh cross sectional systematically meta analysis. Registration be prospect uh Any other questions? Yes. Uh Dima is asking Prospero. I would like to know about the time needed for prospero to accept or reject maximum one and this one don't. It's one month, one month. Yes. OK. Christopher Ramus. Uh Can we repeat the first four steps quickly here? First four steps. Uh OK. OK, I will repeat them. Don't. Yes, I uh nasal. Will you elaborate? Will you elaborate in later sessions on how to write a proposal? We can? Yes, we can, we can heal pro protocol. It's all we can make your next session. Uh For one of my proposal is I mentioned in exclusion criteria. What other? OK. Next uh next tomorrow I will show you uh a, a protocol. OK. We can show you protocol or uh specifically privately. Yes. OK. Any questions about C Yes. Uh No, that is that correct? Uh Yeah, I about 10 minutes. I will try, I will try uh we need to apply them. OK. OK. So call us how we are going to do with them. And I had my search strategy, smoking and lung cancer. OK. If I will build, if I will run my search strategy, master strategy, let me at least at least, at least at least four database, uh A free free paper published recently with all uh combination of three database. It's, it's enough 14, the debate will have m but at least 3 to 4 database uh that we find papers, we find published papers, MEDLINE of science, Google scholar and web of science. And uh but we need access to them, Howard University, University man, access to some private university and then access to them. Uh Google scholar for free pop for free. But don't worry guys. Yeah, I'm in how and I'm in a so we are trying to work on this. I know you can't do any, any paid. But how example about me uh OK. On the its own uh about search strategy, search strategy. It is important to some operators and, or not and, or, or not. Uh and smoking and lung cancer. All the results holded two terms. Smoking and lung cancer. Yeah. Papers related smoking, all all papers related lung cancer in both smoking and lung cancer. However, as a victim of smoking or lung cancer, all the papers related smoking related lung cancer is that all smoking not lung cancer? I only the papers related smoking only without mentioning lung cancer. Iam, for example, I want to study the effect of CBT for the treatment of depression among Alzheimer patient CBT Manetta uh cognitive based treatment. Uh No, sorry, I'm sorry. It's a, it's a type of uh treatment uh behavioral treatment, the cognitive behavior treatment, it's a type of psychological treatment under treatment treatment, uh therapy or cognitive therapy. We need to assess if the therapy of depression among those patient. Yeah. The PP population, our population and the Alzheimer Patient intervention intervention which her C treatment treatment population, our population. Alzheimer patient I intervention CBT, cognitive behavioral treatment therapy. Comparison patient without depression and outcome with depression. OK. P population. It's Alzheimer I intervention, it's CBT cognitive behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy. Patient able to co therapy therapy will outcome with depression half. OK. Screen I will try. Please tell me as I'm buying pop. Yes, ma'am. Ok, perfect. And I have a bus five minute and how we are gonna do our search and our, our topical way, cognitive behavior therapy. Depression. An Alzheimer patient. Yeah. By the issue of how the CBT affect the depression among Alzheimer patient and the hot items to ma ma salon, cognitive behavioral therapy and depression. Ok, I guess. Ok. One filter paper. OK. 5000 papers. Reliable and depression. Usually to find papers. Me analysis or B is more advanced. OK. Be ho enter your a search terms. Mm but, but A CBT treatment, depression. See all the terms related laity and CBT and sorry or add with or act of all the synonyms of the treatment. OK. Or cognatus behavior. Hey, therapy or uh behavior therapy. Uh CBT. All the articles they use CB and now in depression. OK. How about depression? Uh DWI MDD. Major depressive disorder uh or the result of depression or HLA major depressive disorder? Uh sh that depression uh major depressive disorder MDD? Uh depressive uh major depression. But because it would record all the synonyms related Bush Obama search, I have 628,000 articles related lead. Depression about Alzheimer. Alzheimer, Alzheimer's disease or A B uh New Natives disease or how do you synonym hot A and 2 million papers legacy. OK. Kill little papers related less CBT or cognitive CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy or, or S and not let us here and killing people in the age of depression, depression or MDD or major depressive disorder or depressive or major depression. And 6, uh 628,000 articles how they relate but depression who related bless CBT. Alzheimer or Alzheimer disease or ad or New Disease. 2 million papers or, or, or I need to find the papers that they had a topic or they study how CBT affect depression among Alzheimer's disease. What results at to, to this box to carry box add with end with those results about CBT and those results about depression and all this uh 6 628,002 million I combined the three results. But it should and I need to see, I need to see common, I need to see the common between all of the time between the po search. OK. I just call papers 1000 papers, 2,001,000 papers. 1000 papers. They u they study that CBT I will have that treatment among depression uh uh of the uh to depression among Alzheimer patient. OK. Effect of recollection based therapy program on Alzheimer's disease patient. OK. Selection selection, cognitive therapy for dementia dementia and also of the time. Um I will stop for today. Thank you very much. Oh, I am ready for your question again. Write down my email and you won't have any questions after the session. You can contact me. You bye. I am ready for you. Yeah, take off you. Thank you. Ok. Had on the questions, just try it down the screen and start each session built into your project. It's the No. Hello? Ok. Kusum is asking how to make sure that I didn't miss anything as the Campbell articles. Uh ok. Ok. How you, how I sure that it didn't hurt anything. Ok. Uh, you can't make sure you can, we try our best to our top a paper to don't miss any papers but a kid we can't make sure. Ok, someone is asking tomorrow. Will you start from step eight? How come and more of the? Yes. OK. Yeah. Yes. OK. Dema is saying it was a very informative session and see you told me you see, thank you all for joining, see you tomorrow. Uh Hey guys, so a feedback, feedback, feedback automatically be on uh certificate platform. OK. Mhm. Ok. Yes. OK. Yeah. White from c see you tomorrow guys. We'll be safe.