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Surgical Specialties- Portfolio and Interview series Episode 2 Urology



This on-demand teaching session is perfect for medical professionals looking to learn more about the Urology specialty. Attendees will learn about why Urology is an attractive specialty, from its cutting-edge technology to its good hours and high female training ratios. Sam Hock will guide attendees through the process of preparing for SS Tar Two portfolio and interview series. He will also discuss the five main Urology subspecialties and the advantages and benefits of working as a Urologist.

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Mr Sabereen Huq


ST4, Urology Trainee,East of England

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the advantages of pursuing a career in Urology, such as the variety of subspecialties and better hours for long-term work.

  2. Identify the different components of the SS T T portfolio, including the interview series.

  3. List the technologies used in Urology, such as lasers, robots, and A.I. implementations.

  4. Articulate the preparation techniques for a Urology portfolio and interview series.

  5. Evaluate the differences between Urology and other surgical specialties, with a focus on the stress levels for the specialist.

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Right guys, I'm going to try to log in from my com uh my mobile and see if that helps. If not, then uh I'll just start talking. So give me two more minutes and then we'll start. Uh This isn't ideal, right? Everyone I think I figured it out. I logged into my computer, uh my mobile. So when I showed up, I think you need to open your mic. It's not working. Oh, ok. You can't hear me. Uh You're not audible at the moment. Um I think you need to put access to your mic, you're visible but not audible. No. Ok. Someone has mentioned that uh you were able to hear and see him but if that's the case, um just need him to return and we can start. Can you hear me now? Yay or nay, but I saw someone commenting that they could hear me whilst you couldn't, can we just see that? Um Can people hear me? Uh let me see what's Yes, so they can hear me of Fabia. Have you seen the comments? Um Right. So maybe Fabia has not been able to scare me. I will text her and tell her that you guys are able to see me. Um Fabia, everyone can hear me except you. I will start right? Um ok, so apologize to everyone for the delay. Um I try to sort out her thing so not ideal but um thank you, thank you everyone for uh be with me. So sort of make a bit of myself. So I am speaking on my mobile. I'm going to very soon uh switch my mobile screen over to my laptop which has the, I think uh I still can't hear you but if you can start because um yeah, let's, let's start. Yeah. All right. So um I would have start off by saying hi Favia, thank you for having me over, but given she can compare me um to a situation. So um thank you everyone for joining. Uh my name is Mr Sabin Hock. Uh Call me Sam, I don't like being called mister. It sounds weird and um what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go through a couple of stuff to discuss about um urology training in general getting into urology. Is this the right job for you? Um I'm conscious that there might be people from all different levels currently on here. So it can be someone who's just thinking whether to get into urology and it can go further to someone who's applying for ST three this year. So, um I guess this is for everyone. So um do try to bear with me if there are, these are some information which you already know or you don't really think is much useful for you. Um, and then we'll see how things go. I'm going to turn my screen over so hopefully you can see my laptop and we will crack on from there. All right. Um. Mhm. Mhm. It's weird. But, yeah. Mhm. This is not ideal but you work with what you've got. So, um, bear with me again, let me try to sort the camera out. W I hope people can see that to some extent. It's pretty stupid, but um, we'll work with this and we'll see what we can make do. All right. So we're gonna discuss the SS TT portfolio and interview series and take it from there. Um, hopefully you guys can be, um, I'm gonna make sure that it's available to you guys afterwards but um, let me just uh bear with me one more second and then we can, um, show this to you guys as well. I will upload it uh in the website as well. So I think they'll be able to see it. The old one. Ok. That's fine. The uh the new one probably we make some tweaks, the new one. It's there. Ok. Ok. Is it, is it? No, it's not, it's not. Is that you can hear me now? I can hear you now but uh, since we can't see it on the screen at the moment. What we can do is we, I'll, I'll try to upload the slide in the website after our uh after our webinar because this content will be in the website available on demand so everyone can come back and see it again. So it's visible in. Yes, perfect. It's working now. Um Can you go back to what you did? Yes, it's working now. OK, perfect. Thank God uh very sorry for the delay guys. But as you can see, we tried our best but we we're doctors, we're not technicians, we're not apologies for that, right? Let me, I wasted enough of your time. So as you might have, uh thank you Fabia for having me. I've already mentioned to people how grateful I am for you to invite me. I'm gonna start on Krakow and this is most likely going to cover um people from different ranges from people who are interested just curious about urology to people really serious and bucking down on the ST three interviews, right? Um So the topics that I will cover are um why urology, how to prepare for a portfolio and how to prepare for the interviews and hopefully, um you will find something useful in the different segments here. So um first thing is uh why urology is something for those who are thinking about urology. Maybe I can convince you Fabia to re um come away from orthopedics and join me in urology. Um So the first thing is, it's awesome. I love working in urology. I do not have a shitty day, apologies for the language. Um Number one, number two is we've got amazing technology. So if you guys are um tech savvy, not that we proved it earlier today, but if you guys are tech savvy, you enjoy the latest instruments and everything. You've got um cutting edge technology being used on a daily basis in urology. So um just if I think of I use la lasers, a lot of different variations of lasers, we use uh different sorts of, obviously, there is the obvious which is robots which we use, which we started using at my hospital. It's getting more and more common in the U kit at least. And so if that makes us it attractive to you, then um with time it's only going to get more and more uh techs savvy and you can use a lot of new technologies A I is being implemented. So I mean, if that's something that is, you're interested in urology is a very good option for that. Um Multidimensional multicultural. What I meant by that point is, um you've got men, women from all ethnicities working at in urology. It's not um I know how surgery is a men's club but and urology to some extent is. But I think compared to the other specialities, there's much more women working in urology, there's a lot of scope for um people from different backgrounds. And ethnics who work in urology. And as a proof of that is the pe number of people getting into training. Uh, you're, you're getting a high number of I MGS GE getting in each year, which is, um, I'm assuming most of my audience today are I MGS. So that's always, um, a thing you can think about to see whether it's something that you would prefer. Uh, one of the high surgical female training ratios. Yes. Currently, as of the data from 2021 on the bows website, the bowels website is the official urology surgical website in UK, I think 31 to 32% of the trainees were female. Um, currently, I'm in east of England, which is one of the largest deaneries. I we, I think we've got around 30 trainees at the moment. I would say 20 of them are female. So, um for females out there, it's also a very good opportunity, better hours. Um, of course, in the sense that um, obviously during the night times you are working from home. So it's a residential on call. Um, obviously, depending on how busy you are, you may or may not go in, sometimes you go in sometimes you don't. So if you think about it long term, you, once you reach a consultant stage, which would be the majority of your life working, you hardly come in in the nighttime. Whereas you for these four general surgeons, um coming in and operating doing a laparotomy in the middle of the night. Unless we're really lucky. We, as a consultant, you won't have to cause your juniors would be managing most of the emergencies like uh torsion and everything else. So that's something to think about longer term. Um Sh Fabia bear with me and let me know if like everything on the thing is fine and you can all hear me and everything. So give me an update, time to time. Ok. Yes, I'll do that. Excellent. Can you also see me out of curiosity? Uh, no, it's just your slide. But that's ok. I think, um, I've got a separate modeling page. If anyone's interested looking at me, I will leave it that bad. You can hear my voice at the moment. Short training. So, um, as you know, once you enter, um, I'm gonna ignore all the previous ones like CT CT one, Shof one F two. Once you enter training, um, urological run through training is surgery, urology. Training from ST three is five years. So you, you be you CCT out after you finish your ST seven, I think general surgery, vascular ST eight. Is it the same for orthopedics? W uh Well, yes, but I think, uh, there is a run through program as well. Uh, but that's just for Scotland, not England anymore. ST three. Is it still ST eight or ST seven? Oh, ST eight? Exactly. So that's why I better, uh, we finish at um ST seven. If you could have seen my face, you would have seen the sarcasm and everything. So I think um I'm not being rude or anything just like pointing things out uh variable, variable subspecialties. So once you get into urology, there is five or six subspecialties which you can um be interested in. Obviously endo urology is for stone work where you can use a lot of laser and everything. You've got andrology where you got um a lot of penile operations, cancer cases and a lot of other prostheses. So that's something to think about with private practice. You've got female reco reco female reconstructive surgery, which um it deals with a lot of uh female uh issues, which is great to work and you can also work in collaboration with ging these things. You've got male reconstructive and um so you've got a cup and then you've obviously got p oncology, pelvic oncology, which is um mainly robotic stuff. So you've got a different subspecialties which down the line you can think about. And um yeah, by nature, urology deals with kidneys, ureters. And you've got a lot of um um people who've got good humor and um wherever I go, I don't know whether my juniors butter me up, but they always say that they uh you, you consultants and seniors are always much calmer and um easier to work with maybe because our stress, our stress is much less. Um given the nature of our work. So it, it's something you, if you want to be a little bit less stress-free when it's a surgical speciality, you know, this is something I have no switch to. So sorry to cut you off. Um, urology, surgeons are very, very calm compared to others. We, we don't have much stress going on. The only thing that, uh you know, if you got a torsion, that's the only thing that wakes us up really properly and you know, everything else can be managed. So they junior as well, they're less stressed is what I feel. So I think it's a good speciality if you want to think of things long term. Um So that's something to consider, right? So let's move on um carrier pathways and you, so obviously we're talking about U game and um how to get into uh what are the different steps you would expect? Um in the UK. Um I think a lot, most of you do know these basic steps, but just to rehash you very quickly, you've got your foundation training or equivalent, which is the crest form, uh which you more, more of you should be able to know you've got your core training. If you got your CT one CT two accident, if not, you can go through sho posts and everything, which is the certificate for higher secondary uh surgical training, it's a slightly different form. Uh For those who are currently in their SAS HO level position, you will be aware of this form and it's the criteria you need to meet. Um I did not do any formal training till I joined my ST three. Prior to that, I did my F one equivalent back home in Bangladesh. I did um uh I got my crest form signed off. I got my um core surgical equivalent, the high surgical training form signed off over the last few years. And uh this is the first time I've actually got a training number. And um so that's something to think about just because you don't get in. Uh And I think not just anyone who's outside and thinking about it, more and more juniors who are going to the foundation training are opting not to get into core surgical training to because um it's amazing if you get it great. But um a lot of people find that um if, if they're dedicated that they want to get in this speciality, they prefer working in that speciality as an sh or something to really get their portfolio really good and strong while they apply. So it's a trend which has started um isn't officially the best one. It's still not the official gold standard people. The court training is still the gold standard to get into, but it's something for you guys to consider and it's times are changing. Um Obviously after that, you've got either your training which is a five-year process or if you've got experience back home and you're here and you think uh it'll be difficult to get into surgical uh urology specialty training. That's fine. You've got your Caesar pathway, which is article something 14 or something. And um there are amazing things that are happening currently in urology for those who think they can't get into training because uh I think among all the Royal Colleges, uh ba ba which is the Urology uh Surgeons Society, they have actually just this year, they have started a, a specialist committee which is basically anyone who's like middle grade trust grade um specialty doctor for a long time. They've got a guidelines and support system for them in place for them to se out to have the sei pathway and go through the whole process successfully with a lot of support. I don't know what um I'm sure there are support in other specialities as well, but they have def definitely taken an effort in urology to um get some real help done. Going back to women in urology. Our current Bao president is a woman um and the royal surge of, of me. So there's two main urology organizations in the UK. One is the Bows British Association of Urological Surgeons President woman. And then the second one is the Royal Sur uh Royal Society of Medicine Urology Section. Uh Just last year though the president was a woman so that you can see where um they are in regards to having women uh work in urology space. So that's amazing. Um The deary, I work in east of England. We are, we our TPD which is a training program director for those who don't know the training pathway. You've got some, a lead who sort of helps you with your whole training pathway is a woman. And um they are very supportive of uh people who even men and women who want to go less than full time for family reasons and everything. So I know it's um it's something you might not think about at the moment, but a lot of people do think about it down the line and it helps them with their training a lot. So it's something to consider. So you've got your specialty training, your seizure pathway, you have to get your Fr CS cleared uh during these is either the C CD pathway or the seizure pathway. And then obviously, a lot of people do post CCT fellowships in 11 of the subspecialty interests. If they want to, if they don't, that's fine. And then they get a consultant job. Currently, consulting jobs are good to get. Uh but obviously that changes and I don't want to get too much into that. Um and take it from there really. So that's the basic pathway for getting into UK urology. Um Fabia do keep an eye on the messages. I'm not really looking at them. But if you've got anything there do let me know. Ok. Yes. Yes, I will. Thank you. Right. So, working on your portfolio is um I've been working in urology for a few years now. Prior to getting my, I'm an ST four now, I've started ST four prior to that with ST three. Prior to that. Then I did a one-year trust rate job as a urology registrar. Prior to that, I was working in UCLH urology department. And um so I've been working in urology for a few years now and um I have to say that one of the main drawbacks that IMG suffer from is working on portfolios. Most people think that giving the Mr R CS is the is important. It's an essential criteria to get into training. Absolutely. But it is by no means the only criteria. And if you um stop everything in your pa and just work on the exams that you will be delaying your dealing, your pa into getting into training and everything because as you might have figured out by now for those who are here or who are, who have been here for a while that uh port, uh there's a lot of elements in the portfolio which IM is actually lacking and it's just because how we were trained, I guess so. But there's no point crying over it, there's no point complaining about it. It is what it is, it's a game and you have to play it according to the rules here. So you have to work accordingly and make sure that you uh work on your portfolio. One thing, my, one of my consultants will help me get a training number was whatever you do, just think on the back of your mind is that contributing to the marks in my portfolio if yes, do it, if not, don't bother. All right, so we'll get into uh the portfolio section after a while and I will hopefully try to give you some tips and tricks on what to do on how to build your portfolio up better. Um The other reason is position of comfort. I don't want to um blame people too much for this or, but one common thing is you start a job in a hospital, especially if it's your first co first Hopi job in the first uh hospital in the UK and you get quite comfortable there and you just feel like um you're happy there, you've made a huge step moving to this country, moving here and getting the job, which is true, you absolutely have. However, um if you stay in one place, you get um compliant, you just don't have that extra motivation and drive. I've been in four hospitals each, not more than 1 to 1.5 years before I got my training number and I actually moved with the only intent that I was getting comfortable and I thought that uh I'm not getting much more things out of her and I just, I'm comfortable, everyone's happy with me. I'm happy with them, but it's not really helping me with my um career progression. So I should move on. So that's something you might want to think about. I understand and respect that. Obviously, people have got family and everything and that makes it difficult. So that's obviously something you have to consider. Now moving on competition ratio. Um I think I, I've got a couple of slides, I'm not gonna go through all of them, but it'll show that it's clear that I think urology lies in the middle of not too difficult and not too easy. It's in the, the middle ground. So I'm just gonna scroll down and um these are all available on the um kg website. I got the, I just downloaded this yesterday, but I'm not gonna go through each of them but as um straight out of the bat Thoracic and um neurosurgery, one of the most difficult ratios, the ratios are on this side. As you can see the numbers 23 people for one number sh that's difficult. Co training has become more difficult recently because of um obviously, im are not allowed to sit in round one and um I think they've introduced M SI or they might have removed it. I'm not sure. But um obviously things are getting more and more tough as you can see in core surgical training. Previously, the ratio was 2.9. Now, it's gone up to 4.7. You can see an upward trend somewhat. So that's something to be aware of. Um, neurosurgery is one of the more difficult ones. Um, OS OBGYN is also relatively OK. I think s most people get into obgynst one and those ratios aren't that bad. I didn't add that here cause, um, I'm not an obstetrician. Then you've got your ophthalmology, which is also quite competitive. Ent is moderate pediatric surgery. No idea. Uh It looks quite competitive but it looks a 648. So yeah, competitive plastic surgery around the 4.45 range cardiothoracic is quite difficult. I don't know why this, this might be an anomaly. I'm just gonna ignore that trauma orthopedics, obviously 53 difficult level urology here as you can see, have been sitting nicely between 2 to 4 and um which is like, um you might think that that's uh for any of the other specials, you might think that that's not really that bad, but you have to think that people who are applying have um been working or investing a fair bit of their time in the urology training, uh sorry urology portfolio. So, um it, it is, it can be co competitive. So that's something to keep in mind. But I think um it's possible, it's nothing insane and um what I always say is work smart, not hard. Uh if you uh as long as you know, your portfolio inside out and you know exactly what you're doing should be fine. Um So let's move on right before we go, I'm sorry to cut you off again. Sorry, before we move on to the person specification. Uh One of the doctors have asked if you have any website uh where you share your, maybe your experience or anything or whatsapp group. Uh I'm guessing there's your Twitter account, there's my Twitter account. Um I've got my email account at the end. Uh If you've got any questions, I do not have a um official platform where I talk about my stuff, my youtube, I've got a few videos, 10 ft, 5, 10 years old ones where I've been traveling with my friends. So that won't be really helpful for getting into urology training. Um But I'm uh uh what I did this last time around was, um I found a few people who were preparing for the uh ST three interviews and I did make a whatsapp group with them and I did try to help them. Um But yeah, I mean, I'm sure there are a couple of people here who have messaged previously. I've been messaged previously from and I generally try to answer most people's question if it's something that I know about. I don't, uh it's something I don't know about. If it's not within my expertise, I wouldn't be able to say anything but generally I'm quite approachable and I will try to answer your questions. Maybe something down the line. You never, I never know. Let's see how things go. And uh yeah, so nothing at the moment in some. And doctor Moman has asked uh about your experience between your current trust and LH um OK. Um I think um in answer to that, I can quickly give um a summary of my CV. Um I was born in the LAN not that far back. Um So I finished my internship in 2017. So my internship back ba in Bangladesh in 2017. Mm May I gave my pla one during my internship uh came to the UK immediately afterwards gave my pla two started my first job at North Middlesex University Hospital. I think toward the end of 2017 as a F two equivalence slash shoi, I think as you all know that those lines are all um interchangeable. Uh I got my F two competency signed off. Um Then I moved in 2019 to UCLH. I assume that was during June, July or August lock time back. I stayed there for um until May or June of 2021. I think obviously a big part of that was COVID. So, yeah, my portfolio did take a bit of a hit during that time. And then I moved to Watford for my first job as a Urology trans grade registrar in 2021 August or September and I stayed there for one year, 34 months till I got my number. So you said that I was there for maybe a year and a half, a bit more if that answers the question. And I worked in urology there and um I loved it there. That's one of the places where I fell in love with stone work and everything. So it was a very good experience for me. But um if you want to learn theater work, get into theaters and everything, I don't think UCH is the if you want to improve your portfolio, like your papers, research audits best place to go. Uch Absolutely. Lots of amazing things happening. But if you want to do your core urology, um surgical skills and everything, I think the most of the operations do, they are quite tertiary level and it wouldn't be suitable at a um junior more level. Uh a district general hospital would go a long way in regards to that in regards to improving your surgical skills in urology. But the downside to that is obviously the academic sites might be a bit less, but I've come to learn that academic sight completely depends on how motivated you are on your own. Any other questions, Tabi have no, these are two that we have at the moment. But um you can interrupt any questions you can, you can interrupt me rudely in the middle and tell me that you've got questions. No worries. We try not to but ok, thank you. So, personal specification is pretty straightforward. You have to have your MB BS, you have to have MC S by the offer date which is March of four. I'll show you the timeline later on and obviously you have to have your GMC registration, your CT one CT two or the CREHSP form, which is the higher surgical training, alternate signing, then you have to have those done. So um that's pretty straightforward as then if you have those, you can apply, whether you get shortlisted, that's different. That's the minimum criteria to apply. Now we'll get into some dull slides. But I think um obviously, I think a lot of people who are a bit more further down in their uh job, maybe working in urology are planning on applying down the quite soon, maybe this year. I don't think anything I say will help cause the deadlines are next month or something. But if people are apply planning on applying next year, which would be November, then yeah, I think you've got one year and you can definitely improve on your portfolio. One thing I was when I was in that position as an sho slash trust grade registrar working on my portfolio. Uh My mentor used to tell me that there's no point looking at the portfolio every week, you're not gonna get stuff but divide it, divide your whole year into four segments every three months. Start today and just count how much points you have. You might have zero points. It doesn't matter, you might have one or two points, doesn't matter. Three work on that. And then in three months, sit down and see how much you've added to that. And then in three months after this, so every year, four times you need to sit and see how much you've worked on your portfolio. I think that's a sensible way to approach. So people who plan on applying next year, um you've got one year, so there's not much excuse not to improve your portfolio by a good amount of numbers. Um So there are 24 sections, 24 points for marking might be a bit dull, but I will go through a couple of them just to give you an idea of what to expect or how to prepare. And um so the first one is basically uh postgraduate training uh degrees. Most people don't score any points. A lot of people don't score any points in these. You've got people who are doing phd S and everything. So they will have an advantage definitely, but that shouldn't uh demotivate you as the majority of the people who won't have a phd. When they're applying for the ST threes, there will be some, but that shouldn't be bothering you. Um So that's number one and so you can see from number one, most people will have zero, number two. Number two, would be uh OK, let's you tagging on Instagram number two would be um MS MD. So that will definitely, I know there are a couple of people who are doing masters and everything that will definitely help you get some points. Um and then comes the caveat like a lot of people do ask me from previous. Should I do a masters? Will that help me with my portfolio? And then everything I say, yes, it will definitely help. No doubt. But if you like I say, work smart, not hard. If you invest that same time in the other aspects of the uh portfolio, you get the same, if not more numbers than you would have if you had just done the master. So you've got a finite time and resource available. So you have to be clever and think how I can use that time an effort. So whether I should be working towards a masters for a year and getting maybe as you can see two points or three point maximum or whether I should be charting out papers, audits Q IP S and getting much more numbers. So if you can do both, great amazing kudos to you, if you can only have time to do not all of them, then think about the other parts. So these are things that you need to uh think about moving forward paper publications. Um Again, that's somewhere where most of us imgs do lag behind. Uh you have to have a peer-reviewed, uh, paper as you can see that. I'm number four. If it's three or more you get six points. Great. Very few people will have that. Um, so some people will have one or two, very few people will have three. So if you've not got any and you're planning on playing in a year's time, it, you should be getting at least one or one done. That shouldn't be an excuse. Um So that's one thing you need to work on. In hindsight, I have zero points on this part. But anyway, I got a train number. So it doesn't matter. But that's something just because you don't have anything, doesn't mean that there's no point in applying. You still have other places to improve your scores as we move along you will realize. So number four is peer review, uh author publication. So that's something you need to look into. Again, all of these are available on their official website. So no point, no need to really look into it too much or write this down. Uh Number five is again, um a little bit no non first author, period reviewed. Same. Uh You might be a second author or one of the coauthors there. You can see the markings there, bit less marking than the other one. Again, if you've got one year down the line or more, hopefully, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be getting one or two marks on these uh points in these as in there is no excuse. Basically, I got full marks on this. So um you should be able to work around and see what you can do um something with it because um this is an issue I have, which is my N score is really, really going up. So my points will be deducted if you, if you could uh discuss about N scores as well. Uh At the end the beauty of urology. Yet again, there is as an end score in urology. Uh How many years of experience you have in urology as of now, it might change in the Absolutely. Your your marks do not get deducted with your experience. So that is beautiful and wonderful. Hopefully, it doesn't change for most people in the future. So we don't have any of that um end score rubbish with us. Thank you very much. OK, I'm thinking about it now. Uh number six is non peer reviewed journals, e publication podcast, very similar to what uh Fabi is doing. If you get something similar like this up and running, then you can get that one point or any non peer reviewed paper, any ee publications and a newspaper, you get one mark. Most people will get full marks in this and you should be getting full marks in this. It shouldn't be, it's a nobrainer really um moving forward. So one thing I should app uh mention about little tips and tricks with the papers. If you're working in a hospital and you've got working with a consultant, you're full of enthusiasm. You're saying I want to do a paper, I wanna get it published. I want to do this and that. They will always be very helpful and supportive. But you need to be clever. Again, work smart, not hard, they will want to publish in high impact journals which changes the world and lives and everything. Well, that's very admirable, but that's not your main goal. Your main goal is to get the maximum marks on the minimum effort. So you don't need to necessarily try to get published in the most highly indexed journals. The ones which are really um presti you need to Google. I think it's for any speciality really. What are, what are the peer review journals have a look for urology? Go to the website, go down to some one random one which is not necessarily in the UK. It can be somewhere in Asia, somewhere in um South America, Africa. It doesn't matter Eastern Europe. And uh if as long as it fits the criteria, send in your paper, get something published and that will meet your points. You don't have to be publishing in nature or anything. So that's something to take home with. And remember, I think that's same for you um Fabia in your orthopedic papers and everything, right? Um Next is audits and Q IP S again, if you've got one year to two years time, you should be maxing out on these points. Um Very simply. Uh if you've done two urology audits, sorry. Two urology Q IP S you get full mark or if you've got two urology, it's two urology, full cycle audits, two cycles, you get full mark and if you've got one cycle audit in urology, you get um half mark so you can have a look through that. But just think of, OK, what do I need to do in one year or what do I need to do in two years? I need to do urology, two cycle audit or I need to do urology. Q IP um at least three and then you will get the full marks done. Most people will have full marks in this. You need to do um the natural question I'm assuming will come very soon and the message would be, can you give me some ideas? There are a lot of ideas. Um It depends on where you're working, what kind of job you're doing at the moment. But based on that, you would get a lot of different ideas. Um I would say do text me or email me and I would um I think um I can give you suggestions, tailor make to what current situation you're in cause I think it's quite difficult to get into it generally. But again, with audits, it's tick boxes, you just, you don't have to make an audit with changes, your hospital saves them 1000 lbs a month or something like that. You just need to get a audit registered. Do a very simple audit, get it signed, do a second cycle, get that signed and that's it. Simple works best. And there are lots of simple audits that you can even DVT audits. But for DVT audits in urology patients, nobrainer, there's no reason why you wouldn't get full marks on that. So those are things to think about. Uh You don't need audits which are really complex, really uh time consuming. It's good to be involved in some of them, but you can be involved in some of them for your own sake, for the department's sake. But when you're thinking on the backside of your portfolio, have all these things also uh ready to go. Um try to do retrospective audit like uh and anything that's available uh online, for example, uh you don't have to go around collecting patients files and everything you say you're doing an audit and you can just log in to all the patients details online and find all the information and then do a retrospective audit. This is the outcome, this is the changes we're going to do and re audit in two months, three months time boom, you're done. I think that's the best approach to do. Uh Not to say that's the official approach, not the official. I mean, that's what the as in you got, you can do proper audits and Q IP S which actually change your department. Um I'm all for that, but in this instance, I'm talking about your portfolio and how to churn out the maximum points you can get in the short period of time. Um One of the doctors have asked, what are the evidences that you need to give for audits done? Not in UK. Hm. So, um if you see, if you, if you can see the screen and you can see at number seven, it's mentioned initiative design and completed the audit on it's highlighted here. So, um most of my artists, all artists are in this country. So, but obviously, a lot of people are going to be applying from abroad. Um I would say you, you need to do the audit. It has to be a certificate and it also um you'll have to have a certificate, say your head of the department needs to have, give you a certificate where it's worded very properly and clearly that say Mr X initiated designed and completed this audit from this date to this date. And if this was presented in our local this and that and um it's signed off whether they want to see uh the powerpoint presentation of the audit uh or a presentation of the audit as in, they won't ask to see it, then if they want you to upload the evidence other than the I just uploaded the certificate that I had and that was it, um, that, that would have been sufficient. But if it's from outside the country, I do, I'm not sure whether they will ask for more evidence and by more evidence, I mean, they might ask that, um, can you show us the, uh, the presentation that you did? They might ask, ask you, I'm not sure. But in, in, if you're, if it's within the UK, there is these audit pla these uh your hospital might have official certificates for audits. And there's in the NHS website for the urology, there are audit uh templates which if filled out by the consultant is sufficient as proof. So hopefully that answers the question to some extent. Um I would say, uh for most of the data that you're gathering from outside the country, the most important thing is how you're wording your um certificates. And if you had them worded properly according to their criterias, they should be giving you the marks moving forward, right? I'm gonna move on. And um I think we're getting to the end of these uh portfolio scores which, you know, we're halfway there. Um So I would say look at number 78, 19 at your own own um leisure. But essentially, if you take a step back, you need to do at least 2 to 3 full cycle audits or QR PS to max it on these marks, urology related. It has to be um moving forward presentations. Since medical school, these are roughly divided into two oral presentations or podium presentations and um post representations you need to have at least um as you can see, number 11, at least one or more um moderated or un moderated um would be one moderated would be where um you've got a moderate speaker along with you who's sitting there and are doing that session and UN moderate is where you just go in and have a speech and then come back. So these are little nuances in U in um UK um scientific conferences. Unless you go to one, you wouldn't really understand the subtle differences in them. Um So that's something to look into. But again, you need to be doing, I would say you need to get at least um 2 to 3 oral presentations and 2 to 3 poster presentations to max your scores out. Next comes the question about where sort of do I present these conferences? Obviously, you've got your big ones bows that then eu a uh conferences then, but it doesn't have to be them. You can present at any um conferences. What I did to get a lot of uh to get some score was I randomly Googled uh scientific conference. I found out that they were doing a medical and found junior doctors um scientific conference. I think it was in Finland or something that year. And I submitted one or two of my articles which were rejected everywhere else and they accepted it. It was during COVID time I went online, presented for five minutes. I got a certificate and that marks were approved. So, um, if you got some big presentations and stuff ready, great. Um, if you've got, if you're short of time and you want to get some quick marks as well, um, you can always look into other places. It doesn't have to be in the UK. You can have presentations done outside and oral um online presentations which have become a thing after COVID are also acceptable. So that's something you need to consider, right? I'm going to move on uh teaching experience. Um Number 15 and 16. So I'll go to number 16 1st. Do you have any medical uh education qu uh degrees? Most people will get the training, uh training, the training certificate, fewer people will get the diploma in MS C. So again, if you've got marks, full marks on these presentations, ad dates, Q IP S uh how much time do you want to spend on an MS C? Just to get that three point there? Whereas you can easily do a course and get one mark. So for that two points, you can spend much more time in getting all these things sorted out than struggling with as in chasing after an MS C. But if you've got one in medical education, great kudos to you, but if not, and you don't want to do it at the moment. That's fine. It's not the end of the world if you go up to number 15. Um, oh, ordering as in organizing a teaching. So if you're working in the UK, uh, which I assume most of you are, again, quite simple. If you're working in urology or urology team, do a catheter course, um, or get, uh, ask the education conference, uh, education department that I want to do a catheter course. Um Ask them to send out emails, do 4 to 64 to 6 uh teachings at a space of every month or every couple of weeks. And um to make that even if you get some tri some people to come from other hospitals that becomes a, a regional teaching and you get more marks with that. So these are um so as Principal Organizer Re Relevant course, which is closed by the, by the c application. And if you tell your head of the department, look, I want to organize a catheter teaching course. Um I want to do five classes. I wanna do do it over the place of four months. Are you happy to sign me up? Uh at the end, most of them will say yes, absolutely. Go for it. What help do you need and um do that, that, that's one example to do. Um I did a different one. I, I don't know whether a lot of, you know, mind the bleep before they were very big, they were organizing these things and I helped them out and I got my full marks from them. So that's something to think about to sort of, um, get maxed out on these. So most people will get three or four in this. And if you've got at least one year to apply, then you should be getting wherever you, whether you're working in the UK, whether you're working outside, whether you're working at a F two level, whether you've been working as a trans grade registrar for a while, you should be getting these marks. It's, it's something that um you should be able to get. Moving forward. Postgraduate prizes. I had zero, never won anything in my life other than some lotteries, but uh most people will have zero. Maybe one. If you're a genius, you'll get two. It says what it is. There's not much for me to explain in regards to that and there's best presentation prizes. So this would depend on if you've gone to a conference and you've gotten a best award for that, then you can definitely get some marks out of that, which is always helpful and nice. So, uh those are two things to consider. OK. And moving forward is the surgical log book for urology. Um Now with that, what I would say is, um it's ST three is expected is for people who are starting their training. So you have a lot of people who have been very experienced, um, applying. So they might find it quite basic. But, um, they're looking to train people for five years rather than having people who have been trained. But, um, I mean, so that's why the requirements are quite simple and for people who work in urology, but it's also fair because you've got a lot of junior CT one CT twos who are looking to apply for urology and it, you should be able to apply from your CT two T three without having to do to register job. And that's why it's kept the way it is. Um I for those who may not know level 1234 R four levels, which uh I think level four is uh level four means you're able to do this procedure without any supervision and are moderately able to manage most complications on your own. That's a level four. Level three is with minimal supervision and everything that, that's how level three and four stand. Most people will be getting level three and three or four. If you're AC T two or above or a registrar, you should be getting level four in all four of these criterias. No excuse if you got one year to go. It's simple. What evidence do you need? Again? Very simple. You need uh the work base assessment which can be a CBD or AC or a, a PB A signed by one consultant. But for each procedure, you need to have two. So for example, scrotal exploration, you need to have two work base assessments signed off. It can be by one consultant, it can be by more consultants. But at a level which you are going to get the marks for level three for cystoscopy, everyone will get level four without any doubt, circumcision, most people will get level three or four stent insertions. Most people will get level three or four, mostly level four. So these are where you, most people who are serious about the interviews or as in getting it, getting a number will be maxing out on their marks. And um if you work, if you've got one year to apply, I think uh the maximum number is 20 you should be getting se northward of 17 at least. And if you're much more junior, you should be working towards getting these criterias. Thing to keep in mind is obviously these change little every year. So you need to be aware of what's changing and if they do change it, there's no point crying over it. Everyone has to get on board. You need to get on board as well. Tough love. Um um One of the doctors have asked uh regarding how to prove that you, what level you're in, in your surgical experience. I think it's with the log book. Is it as in what level you are with your surgical experience? Um No, um for so in urology there is no far in CT you can't work, have worked in you uh surgical specialty for more than 18 months or something like that because we don't have any end number. That is, that is not, uh, an issue. If they do introduce N numbers in the future, that will become something to consider. But as of now, because the N number doesn't matter which means that the experience doesn't matter. You don't have to show uh whatever else you have done, you just have to show these things that they want, whatever else you have done. It doesn't matter. So, um I don't know whether that's the question he or she was asking, but if they do message back clarifying, if that's what they want to know, uh Let me know if I'll be here. OK? And then the final mark score is the uh medical management or leadership score. Um As you can see which has been highlighted two or more is four points here. You can see that this can be mass precedent. Most of you might not do that. B MA local rep. You can potentially do that. It's a bit of an effort but a lot, II, I know a lot of Im Gs who are become stepping up and becoming B MA reps that gets you marks. The simple and easy and beautiful one to do is be, be becoming a rota manager. As you can see, it's clearly written for six people. Or more for at least six months. So suppose you're working, um, as an sho you've got 67 juniors and you say that, um, can I, you ask your consultant that, can I organize the rota for a few months where we just, um, uh sort of distribute work among, for example, today, I'll be, in the words, tomorrow, I'll be in theater the day after tomorrow. I'll be in clinic and things like that. And if your consultant is happy and they sign you off in six months, then great. That will give you a that will give you the one road two points, you can do the same thing twice, four points. So these are things to think about. If you've got any other leadership, it has to be a medical related role. Um If you've got something like that going on, then that's great. All of these have to be after med school, obviously, nothing you've done since uh before med school as in before graduating comes. So that's um some that's, I think that is the whole portfolio in a summary. It's quite extensive. It might sound complex, but the more you look at it, the more you work towards it, the more clear it will be right off the bat. My portfolio score was really wasn't really good. Um I'm, I'm, I'm not being modest or anything. It's just the honest truth. Um It wasn't that high. I knew people who had gotten higher scores. But um as you will realize as I move forward, it's I think the interviews is the portfolio is to get you uh uh get you through the door to give an interview. And in the interview is a whole another ball game where um it will match where things will change. And most of your score is from the interview and that's where majority of the points are achieved. I knew people during my year of applying who had much higher scores than me in the portfolio, but they didn't get a number because the interview when the interviews game um I managed to do better. Al so um that's something to think about. But portfolio is very important to get you through the door to give the interviews and uh every single point works. And if you just go back and look at it, have it printed out, have it if you're very serious, obviously and getting into urology, have it printed out, stick it onto something and uh make sure that you work towards it and think about the little things which can give you, you can quickly get points out and try to work towards those. Having a mentor is very useful. One of my consultants was my mentor and I'm ever grateful at UCLH. Uh mon, I was, I'm ever grateful to him because he's sort of gave me some of the same advices that I'm telling you guys on how to get maximum points. So you will need to have a mentor when you uh to uh when you're seriously thinking of applying, you need to have some people a bit more senior who can guide you cause um everyone's happy to help you. But uh with, if you're getting the correct information, it's quite important because we've got a tendency to randomly give uh advice to people without knowing much about it, which I'm not really fond of, but that's something to think about, right? Um Yes, we have three questions lined up at the moment. The first is um one of the doctors have asked, uh is there a chance for someone in GP training to come back to urology? Um Absolutely. Um If you've, if you, there is no reason why not. Uh All of it depends on this portfolio scores. If you've got these scores, you can apply and you can go into things. I know a couple of seniors who finished their GP training and is now entering psychiatric training. So I assume that the same rule applies for any speciality. If you can, if you can prove the portfolio scores and everything, then cause I think the portfolio score comes down to your commitment to that speciality. So you get the numbers then why not? And uh what is the average score for a self assessment to be shortlisted? Uh Yes. So that comes the um caveat. Um They will never officially release a number every year it's slightly different. I can always um and the total score um during my time, the total score was out of 81. And um I had a, I think 55 or 57 and that was sufficient for me to get a short listing this time around last time. I think you can go as low as um in the forties. So I would say 50% of the portfolio score should be sufficient to get you on a seat uh interview because they will interview roughly 100 to 120 people. So I'm just gonna, I'm just quickly scrolling up to give you an idea. Basically, if you go to urology. So if you see here 2 50 le let's go to 2022. The year I applied 2 3200 and 35 people had interviewed. I know this as in interviewed, there were 60 there were 60 numbers I know for a fact that 120 people had interviewed because when they sent me an email saying book your slot for interview, it was over two days and I, I did a quick count and there was around 6, 100 to 120 slots there because I was one of the first people who logged in to have a look. So if there was 1 20 s um interviews and they took 60 people um and 2 35 people had applied, I would say, um they usually remove. Um the as, as in 50% marks is I think what I figured out over the last 1 to 2 years, I don't have an exact number, but if you've got 50% of the score total score cause the total scores change every year a little bit here and there you should be getting um uh in review call. I hope that helps. There was another question. Yes. Uh What are the courses that one must do for your portfolio? Someone has asked regarding a LS Crisp? I mean, I'm um this speaking about urology and praising it in. I do you do not need any A TLS scores. You do not need any cry T scores. You don't need any of these 708 101,000 lb courses for your portfolio. I've just gone through the whole uh I've just gone through the whole portfolio. Have you ever, have you seen a single score? We, have you done this in? Have you done this course? If you have done this course, you will get this many points. So there are no courses uh currently um that um you need to do compulsory as a compulsory course to get marks. Uh That's a actually that was what was changed last year during my year, which was the year previous previous. We did have that and it had, have you done three? There was 22 parts. So I think it's always good to actually do some courses there was, have you done two course, uh foundation courses which was BS S and A LS, which I had. And have you done three urology related? Have you attended three urology related conferences slash courses, which I had. So it's always good to uh go to some uh urology courses conferences to make cause they change, they change the rules every few years. So uh it's better to be not caught off guard and just do some basic courses. But uh you do not need a TLS because I do not go to, thank God I don't go to any trauma calls. The bleep goes of the surgical risk can go running the orthopedic rates can go running the anesthetic rate can go running. Um I'll be chilled, sleeping at home. Thank you very much. Um Is that it question wise at the moment, there's another one. the last question before we move into the next segment because we are already 11 minutes uh past that time. So, how about um a consultant from form from abroad? Um Can the, the doctor is asking, can they use an ook log book signed by a consultant from abroad? I think the answer is yes, I think you can. Um There shouldn't be any reason why you can't. Um, like I said, with the other all evidence outside the UK, whether they ask for any additional um evidence, I do not know at this moment. So I cannot comment on that. What I will do is I will, next time I go to my meetings and I speak to some other people who might have had some portfolio things from abroad, I will ask them definitely. And if I know that I will um email, drop me an email and I will try to let you know. But as of now, I don't know whether they want any extra evidence from abroad. I don't think they do. I think the E log book is sufficient. They rely on people's good faith to not sort of lie on their documents too much because serious repercussions and everything. So don't, if you think that please don't uh try to falsify documents and everything. Uh I think that's one place where it not only about to interview your GMC can come into questions. So, um if you are doing something fairly, that's fine. Um but don't uh sort of get into another pathway, so to say, right, we're nearly done. So don't worry if you do everything. This was the, I just thought I would um just put this message. This was one of the, the best email I've ever gotten in my life, which was them telling me I'd got my number, which was amazing. Um And um I ranked, I think it was, I ranked 20 in the UK during my interviews and um I had applied for east of England as my first uh preference because uh my wife's there and I was working nearby. I preferred it all together. So that was all very nice. So, if I can do it, I've been very lazy prior to that. I just worked smart. Not hard. There isn't any reason why most others can't our timeline important because it gives an idea how to work towards most things. Most applications in all surgical specialities as you can see, starts in November. So if you're planning on applying this year, great. If you've got nothing on your portfolio, too late, bad luck. Um If you've got one year, you've got, you've got one year to start working on your portfolio or two years or three years, depending on where you are, what you want to do. And that's I think sufficient time to start getting um your scores for your portfolio height. I don't think you really need to worry too much about the interviews. Um At the moment, um You've got, you've got amazing. Um when you do get shortlisted or prior to that, if you're working urology, the interview questions aren't super difficult, they will um uh there's a lot of um materials available, a lot of courses available for the interviews. So when you cross that bridge, um you can text me, there's a lot of other people, you can email, they can help you out. I've just put my marks from the my interview. The reason was as I said, I didn't really score high in my portfolio, but interviews I did exceptionally well. And thus, I think that's what caused me uh hopefully got my number. So that's definitely something to keep in consideration. Um If you want, I can drop me a text or drop five a text, I can give you some basic books that people study for urology, which can help you with your reviews um or books that can help you with your urology knowledge, that's not an issue at all. And um I just thought I'd add this picture. I don't know if I can zoom in. This is a, this is the official um logos from the Korean Urology Association. I loved it and I hope to make a cap out of it one day. Uh It's quite cute and nice uh moving forward. I think that's it. Um As you can see throughout the slides, I love MS and little jokes and things. I think all most urology trainees are the same surgeon, uh consultants even more. Our speciality by nature deals a lot with these jokes and stuff. So you have all sort of weird things. That's my uh Twitter handle. That's my email address. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want any um help with your uh carrier progression and urology. I will definitely try to tailor it and help you according to your specific situation and um hopefully that helps. I think that's pretty email address, please. Um I'll write it here. Right now because there on the picture. But um, mhm. You can also drop me messages on Facebook. I will try to answer those, um, uh, as in on messenger, not Facebook, same thing. But, um, yeah, I, I can, I can do that as well and, um, that's it. Is there any other questions? Let me have a quick look. What is the email speaker's e email you? That's it. And then, yeah, fabia, anything to add? I hope that that's been uh useful to some extent to some people. Hopefully, even if one person gets some benefit out of this, I think that's a success. Um And um uh hopefully you should join. I, I hope I've convinced some of you, Fabia you included to join Urology. I am actually intrigued because trauma and also is so overwhelming when it comes to portfolio and then score is dangling over my head. But I am intrigued. I would not lie although I do still love trauma and orthopedics. Um the intention for these webinars. Um Thank you so much for uh being a really great sport and jumping on the word because um the intention behind this to help everyone because I have a lot of questions regarding surgical training and I don't get answers often and it's going to be a series whoever is watching. Uh Please let your friends know as well who are interested in different surgical training. This was urology. Uh I've done one with um vascular surgery as well. So we are going to bring in trainees like Mr Hock today who will help us out in building our portfolios and there will be other teaching sessions, um more surgical, but I'll try to bring in other trainees as well from nonsurgical departments. But let's just complete the surgical ones first. And thank you for so much for joining and being patient for the entire time. And yeah, thank you everyone. Um Sorry for the initial issues with the technique that is not the best people to sort it out. But I think we there eventually. Um Thank you Fabia for having me. Um Best of luck with um all your future webinars. Hopefully we work again soon on something similar. And um thanks ab uh I appreciate the slides. Um I'll send the slides to Fabia. You take that lead Fabia to send the slides to whoever wants it. Yes, please don't hesitate. Most of these things are again, the portfolio scores and everything are available on their official websites, but if you want to slide, no worries. Um And thank you everyone. All right. Thank you so much. Signing off now guys. Thank you, everyone. Bye.