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You can't there is any other research on it because we are creating the research uh So like it's so I mean throughout the whole year, you're basically developing your research skills with all the assignments and they kind of come together in the final project, and I think that it's interesting to see how we're able to apply it especially as like at least I had no research experience at the start of the year, um but I now feel quite confident doing it um. So yes it is something that you get to do research is very broad as you're putting it, you can either look at your research skills or you're physically doing research because throughout the year you'll be doing things that you're expected doing research, like looking through papers, critical appraisals you know, writing letters of the edit, er doing like like critical summaries of topics and things like that right in case reports, so that kind of stuff is anywhere going to happen for most bs cs, across the board, apart from the few specialist ones. When it comes to actually doing research, that's depending on the project, you pick you have more than opportunity to do research, be the primary collection of data, be the analysis of data and you can just move forward from there and you will end up doing research both like actually collection and both writing as well, all the project needs, nice and willing to mention, help out, like prefer the research opportunities as well, So I believe that yes, absolutely so with the, with the current team that I'm on before I even started IBSC project. We had this day when you went into like the orthopedic, like like labs and they sort of like showed us around and that kind of stuff or like one of the days were giving orthopedic talks, and from then and there itself me and one of my colleagues were like oh we want to do research with you guys even if you don't do the BSE projects and now we're in the process of getting your paper published, yeah so they're more than happy to mentor and things some The issue is, sometimes you might find that your consultants might not be the most you know like able to give as much time, but there are so many registrars and people underneath them and your day to day supervisors and the person you be dealing with directly in your project. They'll be more than happy to you know mental and help out because they themselves get publications from your publishing, everything so it's a win win situation, yeah, and like um with my day stay supervisor currently. Um He was talking to me and he was saying that like he's never had a b. Sc soon before, um so, this is the first time doing it so even though he's like not exactly experience, like he's, he knows what is needed, is very willing to like help out. He's really nice and so um he's like my day to day supervisor have a co supervisor as well. I don't really talk to my co supervisor although he exists, but it's mainly your day to day supervisor who will be with you and they'll be really nice is it, uh like they know what they're getting into this project leads, Yeah, okay, okay, I can talk about mine um uh oh don't worry, don't um am I like really loud no, but I just I don't want it to be okay, okay, so basically in terms of my project supervisor is the same as satch it, we just had a meeting with him today. He's really nice, I think generally what I've heard for the m. S. K lab projects. The supervisors are really really nice and they're good at like keeping up with the projects, but I think it's just very like dependent. I think one a few things that they really recommend is to kind of set expectations with your supervisor early if possible, Now, If they're generally clueless about who you are and what you know, um there's only so much you can tell them because you know. It's a little bit shocking if your supervisor kind of, doesn't realize that as a medical student, you're not like intensely kind of lab skilled, particularly um manassas, my flatmate, that's why I'm saying that, um but we were really lucky in that our supervisors are medic himself um. And I think he was very very aware of kind of our general ability, Cosatu and I are doing like two arms of like a similar project um and I think what's really important is to just tell them like Festival work out. How often do you need to be in another thing to work out as well, is what they expect you to know and what they expect you to not know it's it's a good idea to tell them what assessments you've already done and what research you're already aware of. Um supervisors really do this weird thing where during the time that our projects are being selected even though they used the Happiness Algorithm and Happiness School, They were asking people for their cvs um because they didn't actually know that they weren't choosing who they were getting so they might not know who you are and it's really important to schedule a meeting um as soon as you know who they are possible or at least send them email saying uh this is who I am and that's quite a good way to get on the right foot with them, but I think it can vary quite a bit, but usually they're nice. I think that's what I would say, yeah, so the super my own thing I did not give my cvs do not think that you have to submit your cv or do anything like that most people did not submit or even talk to their supervisors. The person that I was dealing with a white city was not even a person dealing with the project. It was just a random doctor who was there, and the only reason why like you hear about people handing in cvs and things like that is because if you get in contact with your supervisor like beforehand and stuff, they might ask for your thing because they think that oh they might have some say, but they do not have any pets or control as to who picks and who doesn't so don't think just because someone's out there trying away with the supervisor, doing this, doing that that they're going to get the project. Your happiness scale will take full priority and precedents and that's that's how you're going to be. It's the only thing that like um you know how to say in what you do um In terms of the more busy times during the course, obviously, I mean like I don't know what you think, but for me it was definitely after christmas, so now essentially where we were doing basically the literature review and the case for, at the same time, I think those like how many weeks is it four weeks, yeah, It's the thing is, it's a very skewed. See the answer is the only reason why you the answer sounds scary, yeah, but it's not a scary answer, yeah what are the more busy times during the course you will be busy, so the second, the second you come in you'll be doing almost right second week almost I say one the second that finishes you will be starting with, I see a two second that finishes you'll be starting with. I say three and I see a four, then I see a five and then your project. Yeah sometimes so for example, I say four and five overlap, so if you're working on four and five simultaneously, yeah, this sounds scary, but this is the same story for mostly all other bs cs, everyone does the same thing. The reason why you might like especially surgical students, we feel that it's were more overworked is because we will hold like compared to some of the other bs cs, just to give you guys an honest view, yeah the marking is more strict, yeah, so we have to work a lot harder to get the same marks that for example someone another bsc, which is sort of wing along and and end up with like of us, we sadly don't have that luxury to get a first, It is a significant proportion of hard work. Yeah don't let that discourage you because other bs cs will work too, but to give you an honest picture is what it is like you will be busy and everything so yeah first, especially now that doesn't count for anything exactly great you know, it's it's it's fine yes no. It does not matter at all. I could have not had any experience and most people just do not you could you could have disagreed. The first time you've looked at a paper in your life, don't worry literally like I think it was the first week we had a thing on how to read a paper because they knew. Most people have no idea how to read the paper and also when you read it, yeah sorry to job, but even people who had read a paper honestly after that session, they were like even though we have done research before, um like they taught it quite well. I think and it like it really extreme lines like the process of research and it made a whole less daunting actually yeah, but don't worry about research like yeah because obviously if you haven't done research, experience or hadn't have any before, like it can seem very scary, but genuinely this stuff on the basics and um you'll be fine you, guys did cry right, it's kristic or cry if you did cry, you're fine basically because you're basically translating the same skills, just a slightly higher level, so you don't need to worry about having previous experience or no experience you can just and you'll get support and like um with and you'll also kind of like put into groups where you kind of work on like a formative assessment first and then the actual one, So this is the case with like the later i c a s, but it's definitely the case for the first view um. And so um well, you, I think we have an option too, but we chose you, we don't have your phenomena you're you're you're you're you're put into groups, which is supposed which is a good thing I'm going to tell you this. You do not want to be choosing your groups. I'm being, I'm being honest yeah I know if I was with my boys that are in surgical, I would not be working at all yeah because you'll be doing team meetings. You'll be doing assessments together one of your assessments, the I see a four, which everyone like throughout the whole like bsc for all BSE options, you do it as a team, so you're writing the whole thing as a team, yeah and you do like ideally, no matter what you think you do not want to be with all your friends doing it. You want to be with people. You might not know at first, but through this, you become friends like I'm friends in my group, We chill now sometimes just casually just as it is, but by not having that initial comforts friends, you're forced, is like mentally to do the work, so don't think about choosing groups or not because whatever group it is you're gonna get along fine. All the groups work together well. You don't have to worry about you know being like in an odd group of things like that it's all chill, yeah, especially because like um like just remember that everyone wants to do well like we're imperial, everyone wants to do well, and so everyone's a keen kid hit, yeah, we're all keen, It's all good, it is the keenest university is this goddamn country, yeah, so you don't need to worry about you know, choosing just everyone's gonna be working hard, everyone's going to do no matter what you're doing if interested in surgery. I don't think it will give you advantage when applying to special arts positions. I don't think so in my opinion, let's see this is. This is my opinion, yeah listen, so will it give you points for any application. No will it give you something that. For example, you have publications in that specific surgical field that you're applying for will. It give you point to know but will it give you will it give you something to talk about the interview, will it give like the consultant or whatever something to discuss about. Oh yes, so one of the things that people was discussed was the BSE project did, I don't know someone said that they don't even discuss like what they got in there. B. C, they ask what was your Bsc project because if they can hear that you're full of it that are okay. This is fine, this guy is just full of it if they're asking okay either this project, and this, this is what we assess. This is what we did blah blah blah. They're interested in seeing you as a full rounded candidate and this helps get you into the research ladder because no matter what you no matter what like they can remove points and do whatever, but when it's down to the interview room and you have someone who's highly published in something and you're able to just talk about the topic in an educated way, it's going to benefit you in somewhere, another be that through contacts, be that, be that comfortable. Itty with the topic of be, that it gives you a direction that okay you know what I thought I want to do this. All these people are coming, and they're all saying that this, all the surgeons are like yeah this surgical especially, is not it why is that you find about the personal experiences you find other things you get experience in the surgical field and that might change your perspective on on what you want to do. Yeah also another thing that I want to add is that like um don't stress too much if you end up in, like a project, that isn't necessarily the specialty that you want to go in or don't even worry about knowing what specialty want to go in in the first place because I think what the BSE project allows you to do regardless of what the project is on, It's like such a said, it gives you something to talk about, and I think that regardless of what specialty you're in like it gives you something that you can show your skills like as a person if, that makes sense, um which it's like something that's different from other medical students who don't do a. B sc, in that sense because they won't be able to say they worked on a project like this does that make sense. It makes you a whole allrounder candidate basically even if there's no points, it gives you the all rounded nous okay, when you're an f one f two, you're gonna want to write some research papers because things do help. No matter if there's no, this whole like skewed system of seeing if it gives points or not but some things develop you in life, yeah, and they give you that developmental structure that now in the future, you feel confident writing papers or taking point clinical trials and things like that because you've had some experience and you feel more rounded with it, yeah exactly campus, yeah, so we're based, so Surgery is based in saint Mary's um I mean, I think st marys is really nice, like that ever, is really nice and everything um and you're on campus more so at the beginning of the year, um and then after christmas, it becomes like independent and you're basically not you're not on campus, um but you're basically just on campus in like for in module one, So that's the same with all bs cs, I'm going to say no bs cs are like this, all of them basically operate on the same like in the start, your in person and then you just independently do the work and that's just how it is yeah. Um Your question yeah how's be simple active interest, we're going to skip over that question very kindly know, just because Jasmine is asked a question about how about the publication you trust on before and tips on getting one so how likely are you, so, I'm gonna be as brutal as I can if you're keen and on it, there's no reason you can't do a publication. There's zero reason you won't get publication, especially people, project, even not the final project, I'm saying final project. Most people end up with a publication. I know some people with what the i c 01 in the person's are being published and it's been accepted for publication, and so it's like like it's if you're okay, the only thing is if you're on it, you'll get it, that's it, there's no like tips on your super like based on what you do your supervisor be there, even they want to get publications. They'll get lost author. If you're they're doing some first author stuff, so they're more than happy to guide you in that way, you can't give any specific tips on how to get one just be keen is what it is be an imperial student, just go there and just be like oh the whole thing that I think you want to get a publication. You trusted in this bomb bomb. Yeah let go of every social inhibition literally every sort you feel you can't walk up to a consultant, you walk up and say, hi, are you doing any research, I'm interested can we do something to get published. I want to write case report with you. If I'm willing to put in the work, are you willing to guide me. The scariest thing they can say is no, that's the worst thing they can say no, then you find someone else. This is not the end like we have to let go of this whole, like inhibition that we have mentally of oh no. If I ask if they say no what's gonna happen nothing, you find another consultant, there's thousands of them, you find another supervisor that can take you on you ask everyone and anyone that you can think that I want to help on the publication and you just take it from there. Rio's question are we gonna address oh actually um I haven't just said are there any opportunities, opportunities to do presentations so um so like in our, in terms of our final projects like um 50% of our markets, a 50% owner, something like that it's like a bit less it's basically a half um you do an oral presentation um and as well as that like I see a three is it presentation, it's like a video presentation, yeah so I say to is a video presentation, So basically you'll be you'll be doing your presenting your team like like some of your team exercises. We also be having this journal club, yeah, so presentations will be like so they'll give your topic you research it and then you present the topic or the paper or whatever that they've given you, so you're gonna do presentations, so there's no need to worry you work on your like like public speaking in a way yeah and your ability to, essentially which, which might be a bit daunting for some but you're there are you critically appraise the paper and then people will ask questions to you about that paper or ask questions about your critical appraisal as to why you thought this or digital think of it this way and this way, and they're thinking on your feet and knowing about the thing you you end up picking up the skills as as time goes by, Even if you might not be comfortable like presentations at the start you will be at the end. Oh, yeah, okay tea t, big big question okay. I'm going to be honest, I'm just gonna be as honest as yeah, be completely honest, I'll be completely on as well, yeah It's bio, enjoy the bio orange yeah surgical management, anesthetics, anesthetics is difficult still, and then everything else because I'm being dead ass, okay, Yeah, Buy Orange is actually difficult. Yeah I just actually if you, if you, if you don't have the engineering stuff that's that's valid difficult. Yeah, however, there is some scaling to the model, so if you end up with like 40% you can still end up with the first because they scale it because everyone gets like 50% or less in some exams. Yeah, However, with surgical because it's subjective that's the issue yeah, So if we compare yeah nothing to with your skill, I'm being serious, it's nothing to do with your skill, yeah because if we compare as to like average marks or how easy it is to get seventies because that's where everyone like like seventies, yeah, The ease to get seventies is seriously harder in surgical than other bs cs. Because other bs cs, you can kind of like semi wing, do a bit of hard work end up with a 17 yeah surgical. If you work hard you might, I work hard, I mean like work it might be like 20 every day like every day 24 7 like not 24 7, but like 9 to 5 or 9 to 8 like every day. Um I can count on. I think I can count on my face is good, but if someone doesn't like it, then that's it yeah like I'm just saying like don't let this discourage you because I know this sounds very negative because the thing is that like what does the first read anymore really okay, I'm okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna give my other take yes. I first leaves a lot yeah like for some people like you know, we all say what is the first mean, but in their heads, you like you know what everyone's at first you know what I mean like it, doesn't mean anything you just like as Imperial overachievers, yeah The kids who are like top kids in school have ended up here that couldn't get to Oxford cambridge, so after that first heartbreak of Oxford cambridge, they can take a second heart break. I'm not getting a first which is the thing okay, but listen the issue that like the beauty of it is, yeah that you get bumped up with certain things yeah, so if your average is close to a first, they'll bump up to first, there's loads of different things in combination, if you get first and most onerous and motivational, but it is, but no if you if you end up with a first and a few of your like i. C. A. S and your project, they'll bump you up to the first even if you didn't get first and some of the other ones, so there are ways to bump you up to our first, which isn't but it is work, and it is difficult to get a first. Also kind of say like another thing is that like um I mean at least in my experience. Um I think it's always really easy to forget that like our final project, is worth like so much of our final mark or final grade um and for like at least what I've heard because we haven't done the full year yet. Um people tend to get marked a lot more fairly in the final project and so like don't worry too much about your kind of schools or your average as you go through the, because we say that, but we don't do this ourselves. It's worth 40% isn't it yeah, it's worth a chunk were saying this to you guys, but we didn't do ourselves. We still stress we are long about percentages and averages because that's that's just how it is as in, like I'm trying to say is that. Um you I think it's really easy to forget that the final point which is worth so much um and and that's something that can really like bump up your because it just has so much waiting. Yeah, see you can think of like your bs cs in two different ways if you look at management of bio, in if you study and you work hard and you do the questions and you do the lectures and you attend the stuff and you like revise it in your free time. You end up with the first like it's it's okay In terms of hard work, it's a lot of hard work, those two are the bs cs, the issue with surgical was even if you work hard even if you revise and do everything, you're not getting your first yeah to get first you have to you have to essentially have God on your side, yeah and seriously like like work on a few different aspects in your in your b. S. C. It's also partly luck, hot, take a bit of luck, yeah, I can't a bit of luck with your markers, hot take a bit of luck with your markers, but that's that's what we can expect yeah and at least in your final project you have the opportunity and at the end of the year, everything gets reviewed. Yeah everything gets reviewed at the end of the year. So what happens is that if there's a need to bump up grades because they think okay. This person was marked a bit down in this this project, but they deserve higher after the reviewing, they'll bump you up so it's fine uh huh, so don't over any stress, but it's it's it's work that's fine, the single best thing nothing uh nothing, nothing, no no, I'll say okay uh No everything's the west. It's it's a good be a team you're not going to struggle to like like things there's a lot of support in like student camaraderie, so don't don't stress about that kind of stuff. Everyone is like United against like yeah. I think everyone's united basically okay, single best thing about when I say three single best things does double best things, okay, okay, one is the people I think in the cohort because I think that because like you get externals as well, I think people tend to choose surgery actually quite social people, which is, I think is really nice because I like such as said, I think there's like a lot of camaraderie. I think we like we have also wanted by our dislike of our markers uh but like um but as in because I know that other bs cs are actually like non brace like some other bs cs are like they don't talk to each other. That kind of thing that's not the case in surgical were quite like a social bunch is quite good um As well as this, I mean personally um I like the fact I like the workshops that we had so we had in first, but that's one thing like in module one, we had opportunities to do like workshops in. Like you know, we tried out like laparoscopy um We had like suturing workshop um and these are all things that like um we we got to do for like a significant period times. It wasn't just like you know five minutes, just try out kind of thing um We also got to see like kind of new and developing surgical technologies um that we wouldn't necessarily be able to like get exposure to when I say we know about otherwise and so these kind of things at least were like my favorite things about the bsc because um I just think it's fun, surgical simulations are the most like, is the most fun thing you're going to do which is surgical simulation because all of you guys are going to be in a room and you're going to be like doing like different like surgical techniques and suturing and laproscopic stuff, and all this thing and you can have like little competitions with each other, which is the most imperial thing you can do yeah or you can stack the most sugar cubes laparoscopically like that kind of stuff, can you did them how many like Miss School right yeah, Yeah, you got like was it like 12 or something like 15 oh, my God, I've got to like eight, I got 289, and I was like you know like there's there's there's no more space me to print yeah, so, it's it's it's a lot of fun, but if you say the single best thing the people has to be at yeah because if you look at the groups like the kind of like like close knit nous, you have yeah and the kind of like relationships you develop with the people in your course, is going to be, you're gonna have a good time that's what it is you're gonna have a good time no matter how things go like academically, you're gonna have a great time just because of how everyone is and the type of personalities that end up gravitating towards surgical. I'm just going to say, yeah you will have fun, yeah, because think about it, it's surgical, it's a certain okay if you look at the people on the course, it's still like the semi surgeon like surgeon archetypes where it's like everyone has like if you like personality traits, you know the bit of outgoing this the bit of overconfidence the bit of everything that sort of mixes together to make you a surgical innovation student, which is how it is and you have a good time. There's no need to worry and you have fun and you do research, you can do everything and everything will come and you'll be okay you'll be fine, it's emotional you know you have a good time to think about all the bonds. You've made with everyone throughout the year and have a good time you know good, good motives, good, chilling, you know, bonding over you know horrible markers. It's nice, it's good, Vibes, yeah how many people do have like uh 22 Yeah 23, no 23 yeah any any other questions you guys fire away if not chill too great. Three, if any any questions quick thing for you guys. Um If your breakup room is empty at any point before seven, you're more than welcome to excuse yourself and leave or if you have anything else to do that's um okay. I'll be sending the certificates tonight. If you get any feedback from anyone that highlights you or highlights your bsc breakup room, I will send it to you so that you know that you're gonna get it okay guys, so whoever said there's opportunities to publish, so based on the feedback guy who will receive, we will be putting out uh like whoever was the publication will be real quick, great feedback. Such was amazing, gave amazing whatever blah blah blah, we'll put it on my I'll put it on my teaching certificate look ability to to answer questions simple, Q and a yeah, we just got someone new joins, so hello you're free to ask us anything. I'll ask any question you have go ahead. I'm just enjoy oh you people look up we're popping as a room now, any questions and go ahead anything just shoot, we're very honest, yeah we're going to give the brutal truth but nothing but the truth that's just what it is and you can expect not to hear bsc. So amazing you guys know, okay, listen, it's just is everything yeah, okay, okay. Another thing is you're not going to find the perfect bsc every, even like people who said that the BSE was amazing at the start of the year. We're like crying midway through the is it like you're not going to find a bsc that's perfect just do the one that you like resonate with that. You resonate with most, that you feel on too because at the end of the day like you're the one who's gonna have to do the BSE and so you might as well do it in something that you enjoy because you're going to be doing pretty much the same assignments, yeah assignments are the same, yeah for most bs cs. Apart from you know, bio engine management and a few others, the assignment are the same. You're doing the same stuff. The same literature reviews the same kind of like processes, but what you will have the difference of is that you'll be in so the environment, which give you that bearing that you need be there for you know career choices be that for you know, like like the people around that you're gonna like meet and connect with, but it's like you can't like think of it to like laterally, like you can't think of 22 D yeah, It's many many things that come all together and so there's no such thing as your perfect bsc. You'll make that bsc, your perfect choice, Your science projects, happiness scale, and you can make your own um project as well and submit it with the consultant or whoever is running your project and you can do that project instead of doing the ones that you rank on your happiness scale, but yeah it's happiness scale. Otherwise, you can make your own bespoke project yeah and if you do do your best boat project, then you have to like try and get it sorted like end of your three yeah end of your three, you should be yeah like running on that. Being like, I want to do a project with you do dbc projects, things like that blah, blah blah, organizing it thinking of a research plan and just putting that through to search. Most people do like one of the preassigned projects and it's just based on happening scale. You like we'll be done, but we have one and I think top seven I think we had one yes, we have clinical based ones. There's lots of clinical ones, there's clinical ones, there's lab ones. There's um what you're doing uh So, I'm so, I'm doing a mix of clinical and lab I'm doing, I'm doing, yeah, teaching like I was, I was like how do you describe it. I guess, so basically you can have a dry lab, yeah, so you can do like lab based clinical based, you can do like like stats based, you can do like analysis and stuff based, yeah, you can do like stuff where you're like, for example, I'm doing like br, research stuff in the m. S. K lab, you can do that you can do stuff where you're like looking at like one of one of one of my fellow colleagues that is looking at like like uh like based on, like like recovery after surgery, looking at like squat depth, you have a squat rack in the middle of the lab, so that's not lab based, but that's still like in the lab, you got a squat rack and you're getting everyone to do like like squats and things like that like you could do like a deadlift based one, looking at like like if you can do anything, basically is what it is, so you have clinical based, non clinical you can do from home like a home based project, like you just do like stat analysis, you can do anything yeah all right any problems. Any questions you've got three people that haven't asked a single question that you have to ask anything anything you can ask is there good is the other good restaurants around around saint Mary's campus. Know the answer is no okay, so you're gonna a little bit, but it's express yeah, we want to see Pizza Express's one thing, yeah, Pizza Express is nice, but there's no like Nando's yeah, there's no like okay, okay, okay there is, there's no Pepe's, but there's a chicken cottage there's subway, there's no mackey's of opinion is is opening less soon so from next year. You guys love a piano is there for pasta as well, there's you know there's bizarro, which is a good italian restaurant, what made you choose to say about a good question, I personally, I like the fact that it was a surgical based one, as in like no no other men school in the UK, does a surgical vse, um and personally, I really liked the innovation side of it, I like the fact that and like doing the thing as well, I like the fact that we were exposed to and got to try out like up and coming surgical technologies and stuff like that, so, I like as in, like I want to do something different cause, I was like bs, cs quite unquote don't count anymore points. I was like I might as well, doing something that I am intrigued by and I I like this over the other ones, yeah, so for me, um surgeon, arc type, so I was like okay you know what surgery something I'm interested in doing, I don't want to zone myself into something so specific like cardio or gastro because some of the other disease you have lectures on the topic, so some of my boys are in cardio, I've been doing like loads of lectures about like you know access and this, and that and all these cardiac conditions and like just essentially spent like a month running about all the other cardiac conditions, I'm just like I don't want that because we don't, we don't have any content to learn yeah they're just like okay here's the day. We're gonna orthopedic surgeons come in and just teach you about some orthopedic stuff here's what we're gonna have some some neurosurgeons come in or some cardiac surgeons come in or these surgeons come in and they're just gonna give you like a like a flavor of everything. Um yeah, it's more like when when all the assessments are the same and you have the option to pick something you're like why not pick something that you're interested in because I was interested in you know the development side the innovation side. Because you do have an innovation project, where you're you're doing med tech stuff, yeah, oh, yeah, we should have, we should have we should have touched on that, so you have this project within it where you'll be developing your own like medical device type thing, yeah like medical innovation, with like a team of innovators, and if you're really good, you get to present it at Giant, which is like a like a med Tech Health conference. You know where like doctors from all over the country, like come to attend or like and you get to meet all these like you know, big companies and people and you might be able to give a talk. If you have a really nice you know like Project, but it's basically like a good blend and if you have that architect you want to come a surgeon, it fits well. You know it just fits well, yeah I mean even if you just interest in surgery, also fits well, I mean you could, I mean I don't know I'm like on, I mean I quite like to do something that involves surgery. I don't think it's like I don't think I'll go, do like a surgical specialty, but I think I probably do something mixed, medical, surgical, but one of the main things is that like it is broader, as in all the other. Bs cs are like gastro, you know heme like specific things and also like I'm not ready. I mean personally like I what I quite like about the surgical one is that like we don't have all these like very specific niche lectures about like microbiology and like I don't know, do you know what I mean like I don't need to know about like nerve cells again. Yeah Basically you, you skipped learning the scientific stuff for specific like because like if you are. If you, if you, if you like, I'm just being honest, like this is me like if I don't have a specific interest in neurology, for example, if I have to sit through neurology lectures, or if I have to go like because a lot of stuff will be attendance mandatory, Yeah, especially by the BSE you surgery. We have shaky attendance, but that's because we can like semi choose to come, in which it's attendance is mandatory, but a lot of things I don't really care about yeah you can you can comment when you want to, but if I have to sit through compulsory cardiac lectures and I'm not interested in it, I'm not going to enjoy my biggest you know what I mean personally, I like variety, yeah flavor of everything, yeah you don't have to commit and you do get a taste of everything, yeah like I got a taste of orthopedics and I was like you know what this seems to really like like jangle my keys like this is. This is something that I'm really like like it's like like you know it gets a bit excited. You know you're like when you get a baby like keys like you're like oh this is exciting, isn't it, this is fair, yeah now you have, but I was like this is This is actually quite interesting and I was like you know what now. I'm now. I'm looking at you know research on the topic and things like that were previously. I was, I was doing research and urology and I'm like oh orthopedic surgery might be it, so it opens your horizons to everything and then we think oh pediatric surgeon and they come in like oh yeah we don't do many surgeries were just trying to avoid as much surgery as you can because it's it's a child. You don't want to unnecessarily operate because like a child's body will heal yeah, so you don't want to necessarily do surgery. I was like you know what, fair, so if you so, if you're interested in doing the whole surgery thing all the time, or you won't have that blend of you know, Clinical and surgery, pediatrics is good, touch that kind of stuff you know like that kind of thing, so it opens your eyes to everything that's why I chose this one, which is 10 tins, Riaz bucket. I don't know the questions, yeah guys, please get in the feedback, please yeah, it's also is good, yeah and if you say any of us were outstanding and we see you around campus, you might buy you like a croissant like a coffee, yeah or like that kind of stuff that's so funny. Um I feel like that's enough of an incentive. I might just give you a really nice feedback As well such it look at this. I've been writing. People yeah recap, okay, listen, If we can you know like who's going to say no ok or like before like your your nine am necklace just like croissant tray, just they're like well, did you give feedback. Uh If anyone's any other questions just fire away, if not take a chill, enjoy your life vibe, I hope you enjoyed such as ted talk, yeah, yeah, thank you for coming to my ted talk. I hope you really enjoyed the escapades. No so there we've got some views you got some speakers. If you guys have in showtime no one's ever turn the microphone on. In one of these things, it's okay or the camera where's okay we just existed. I don't always have more questions, thank you so much. Oh, no worries, thank you for coming. I hope you guys like actually like after this talk and so like also just listening to the other bs, cs, as well like they'll record it, so I would say just like even if you don't have like listen to them just like skip through it, so just to give any pertaining questions, you could know just so that you know like to make an informed choice is what it is, yeah, we're not saying, so I'm not saying, choose surgery. I'm saying, make an informed decision and make sure that what you choose your happy to do, yeah no problem, no problem guys take care is there anything you want to say anything add anything manasseh, any final thoughts. No great use, everyone's gone let's go no. There are two viewers. I know, I think they're gone, okay, piece were off all right all right, take care of us, I'll catch you in a bit, yeah, okay all right.