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Student Meeting: Setting Up a Sustainable Healthcare Society



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and will explore how they can use their expertise to support the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and create sustainable healthcare systems. The session will address the effects of global warming and climate change on healthcare, how it can help shape the global future, and how to create an ecosystem in universities to help promote climate action. The housekeeping rules, topics to be discussed, benefits, and how to apply them will also be discussed. Additionally, we will hear from two medical students – Susanna from Lancaster and Drif from St. George - who will share their experiences and advice related to setting up a sustainable healthcare system. So join us and learn how to take real action against climate change!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objective 1: Understand why planetary health is important and recognize its global health implications. Learning Objective 2: Identify the effects of climate change on healthcare systems today and in the future. Learning Objective 3: Explain why medical students are essential to promoting and achieving sustainability in healthcare. Learning Objective 4: Discuss the purpose and activities of the IComedics network. Learning Objective 5: Build the knowledge and capacity for setting up sustainable health ecosystems in their own university.

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Computer generated transcript

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so thank you so much for coming today. Um, I'm Susanna, finally, a medical student at Lancaster. You need on D, and I'm driven a phone, your student or ST Georges. And we're medical shooting lasers about ICO medics. Um, so the purpose of today's meeting is Teo make you how you can support we commit ICS and how you can set up your own sustainable health ascites or your university, and helps promote the climate action even further, so that can I have a next light? Okay. No, just a couple of housekeeping rules before we start. So as a drug has mentioned, this meeting will be recorded and uploaded to meddle. So then people who can attend today can access it, and then you can review it as well after the meeting, and we would encourage you to put your camera zones and then we can see and the session confused, more interactive, and at the end of the session will ask you to fill in a quick feedback show a form. Just do that as know how we've performed. And if you've enjoyed the sessions and then after that, you'll get your certificates immediately. That can be also added to your medal account if you have one. And if you have any questions about the sections, do not hesitate to put them in a chapter book and then we can answer them at the end of the session. Okay, so the next light, please. So what we will be talking about today so we'll start from talking wire. Sustainable, healthy, important. And why are we so eager to promote it at the university and then that ties into Why do we need your help? And like why we need you to take action today on by taking action, we want you to have create a sustainable health ascites your university, and we really hope to provide you with skills to do that. So today they said next site and I'm giving it to you. Drift Well, so the first little bit just kind of like we're going to talk through Why, First of all, planetary health is important. So this is kind of classically used quote about climate change being the greatest carbohol threat facing the world in the 21st century. So this is taken from The Lancet count on climate change. Um, but why is it such a big global health threat. So let's imagine, for example, you want to go on a desert holiday. You know, go on a June buggy. Look at the Junes. A lot of stuff. Um, normally, you have to travel across the world to be able to do that right? So let's fast forward to 2070 warm. So instead of having to go all the way across the world instead, you can just go to Turkey, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Grease. And this is basically because of the desertification effects. So in the left, diagram is looking at between 1981 in 2010, I was basically anything that yellow showing areas of desert. So Spain, a bit of Italy, a bit of order area. They'll have a little bit of desert, but by 2071 actually, the rate we're going in terms of climate change, the majority of Spain, most of Italy, most of all guarantee greases well, is going to be old desert. I'm massive implications going to talk about in a second, um, but kind of in contrast, desserts, let's talk about water and flooding. So by 2050 it's estimated the lows of countries like Miami, more, Dave's, Solomon Islands, Fiji and so on. These places are organized, massively prone to flooding as of 2050 on there's this. Also, there's a statistic is going on in the minute where it's estimated about a billion climate migrants going to present by 2050 so basically people who are displaced from their homes because of climate change. And if you think, for example, that I just already has really long waiting times, it's very difficult to get appointments and all this kind of stuff. Imagine by 2050 when there's an extra billion people around the world who are now having to see health care provision from other countries. First of all, whether I'm going to access anything but also it's the problem of like is going to create a massive disparity in healthcare. So this is always talk about 2050 and 2071 for example. But this kind of impact of climate change isn't just happening in about 30 years time. So this is a photo from last year in London, sold flooding, and we could have used for us like in Australia with the bushfires, or even like with increased landslides. And Germany, for example, happened recently along. This has a mass effect in terms of disease burden on. So that's why I climate changes such a big kind of thing at the minute because it is such a big global health threat is going to display so many people it's gotten is gonna change. The geographical distribution of conditions is also just gonna have a massive impact on healthcare generally. So why is this relevant health care? We've already kind of touched upon the climate migrants facts. But if we have to consider health care of the country, healthcare worldwide would be considered the fifth largest country in terms of its carbon footprint. So it's not so much just about how climate change effects health is also about the health care industry and this system itself. How that effects the climate, implant your health generally. But this has kind of been doing gloom. It's thankfully not like that. So as of 26 that land end of last year, about 50 countries of state of their intentions to develop climate resilient and low carbon healthcare systems. And another thing is that with operations zero something is starting with healthcare without home while they're doing is they're looking into different countries. They're looking at three main areas. So Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal and they're basically seeing they're looking at the information, seeing how they can make the healthcare system's in these three countries sustainable. And then once they do that, they're gonna look at this information. Look at the kind of strengths and limitations of what they found, and they're going to try and create a road map that's kind of generic and can be kind of tailor to any country around the world. And we're so essentially, Operation Zero is trying to make a road map for any health care system to become sustainable. So if you're looking from an international perspective, but even with the any chest, for example, where the first aiming to be the first country to announce are becoming that zero. We announced the Net zero National Health Service plan in 2020 and it's being a just over a year since that was announced, and we're actually on track to achieving this. So we're all on track to actually achieving being the first not zero healthcare system in the world ends kind of resuming it even further. Even the Royal College is a kind of recognizing. The important sustainability is well, So if we think about medical students, for example, loads of the medical student s a price. Is that the minute? And now we'll focus on sustainability. So it was a recent dermatology, one urology office and gynie in orthopedics, for example. So sustainability in healthcare is becoming an increase in the prominent topic. So why medical students? Essential. So as of some of 2020% of our healthcare became a mandatory requirement in undergraduate medical curriculum, and that's from the outcomes were graduates by the GMC. But despite this, so despite being just over a year and a half since this became a mandatory requirement, there's a lot of evidence to show that sustainability hasn't actually been effectively incorporated into teaching. So the three kind of starts there in Reference. 11 is from, um, published data. But essentially, what that's showing is that the Senate healthcare is a topic that not many students really feel like we talked about. We also don't feel like we really know about any of environmentally friendly any chest plans are available even though the NHS plan for net zero is such a problem thing at the minute, not many people actually know about that, But it's not like there isn't a demand. So actually, it shows that the 89% of students in the survey wants more sustainable healthcare teaching. So despite not really being incorporated effectively, it's something that we do want to have. Generally speaking is like looking at the body of medical students, and this is kind of reflected by the open letter to the GMC. So this is something that's recently come out by the plant, your health report called Leadership Team. And that's basically asking if we can have more Senate healthcare teaching and cooperated into the curriculum because, as it's kind of been recognized, it hasn't really been done enough. And so that's why this open that has been created for the gym, see to look at and then find the in terms of the plan is your health report card. They've looked at 30. You came medical scores and it's essentially established that there's a lot of room for improvement in terms of improving sustainability in the medical curriculum, but also just sustainability in universities Generally speaking, so this is kind of looking a lot of this is all ST initiatives that open letter the phl see on the publish research. All of that has come from kind of student information and research. So this is kind of wine. Medical students is so essential, we can kind of identify and create demand for these things. And hopefully we can push for kind of this stuff to be incorporated into the curriculum and also just generally in universities. So moving on from that, I'm seeing a briefly talk about ICO medics for a second. So we kind of have three main areas that we look at the toe educate to empower into energize, so to educate. It's kind of what we're doing right now. We're having a discussion about how students can help into a state of health care and how you can make your own ecosystem cities Ross or looking to empower. So again, by making your own society, you can have a say in what's going on. You can also represent the university as well and give talks that people might be interested in doing or having events or conferences. For example, you can also buy be empowered. You can also do things that by reusable masks you can buy reusable coffee cups, a swell and econometrics, for example, have a carbon calculator that you can use as well to look at your own carbon footprint and then finally to energize. So using things like social media to promote wellness, to give updates about things that are going on in the world of minute. Also till I have things like conferences and events and different competitions, which is an oral talk about in a little bit. And that's kind of what you can medics does, and that's what we embody. It's all possible to use his honor. So just before we get into logistics of how to set up your own society and how to take things forward, we would like to reflect bit about our own experiences. So Drop obviously has much more experience than I do because I have just started reaching out to people at university and we're just like, what does baby beginnings of finding our grounds and defining our roles? But every seed drip has much more experienced, so over to your drift, so I can't wait. I first kind of thought about setting up an ecosystem, it in my university and maybe March 2021 roughly that time on both ought be something that I could really easily contract up. You don't take maybe a month or so. I just like contact the student union. They might give me a few forms to fill out, and then within a month it would always solved. But actually, it wasn't until like September, October of last year that I actually managed to get the the society established. So it took, like about six months to actually saw down, and there are a lot of kind of obstacles that happened. And this is the things we really prepared about. So, for example, the university and what the student union? Sorry. I had to delay things because the way it works the same George is that you have to kind of felt this profilnine that they have in terms of having certain, like rolls you need to fill out. So it's really important we find like minded people. For example, they're finding I personally thought having another co president would be really useful because it helping to share the workload would be really great. And also when you kind of setting up with star, it's really important to have people who have to share that common interests. And they were, like, just driven as you are, making sure that you kind of set the society happens because it is very easy to kind of get lost in the paperwork and just kind of get demoted and stop there. And the other thing to say is that it's really important to know that you have to be flexible with these kind of things. So it was really for strength for me personally, because I remember that it was around May June so when I was finally, like, signed to make some progress. But it sounds like sorting things out. And then the student union election started, and after that, like everything just stopped because obviously the whole student union committee was changing. They were like trying to other reelect themselves, and new people are trying to be elected. And then the summer holidays happened. And then after that, it was about because freshest bears were happening. So, like the priority for this union, understandably was on the freshest. First, they weren't really looking at saying that new societies until one so it can be quite for strangers. That's why it's really important to kind of be prepared for these things and just to stay most of a city. But at the same time, I would encourage you to just start. It's just about, you know, sending that one email, that one message and then you never know that there might be people who are thinking about the same thing around you there just haven't expressed that yet. So just reaching out to you like you're years group charts and things like that. But I will talk about it in the next night. So how do you actually, now that we've reflected about their experience is a little bit? How do you actually get to set up the society? And I'm sure you'll have experiences of being in a group and like organizing events. But how do you actually start something from the start? So first step would be to find like minded, and that's fantastic people and that concerned really easy. But it might be a difficult step because you might feel like you're the only one interested in this initiative. So that's why I would just encourage you old to be, like, really brave and just typing a message on your years group Child, be like, Hi, I'm really interested in sustainability. I would want to get some people on board. If you're interested, please reach out to me. And then if you're struggling, maybe take it to your mets sock or maybe other, um, like a student union. And maybe they will help you other types to get people on board. So the next step, once you have this group of people, is to just define your rolls. And I would recommend to start from president at treasurer and, um, President, trailer and Secretary. These are like essential rules to have on your comedy. And then you can, for example, expand to have a publicity or events person. But these are like the free. You only need three people to start. Really. Second thing is to start out social media like if you don't have instagram these days, you don't exist. So you need instagram, gmail, Twitter. That's how you're gonna reach out to people, increase your reach and promote your events. That stuff, um, the next step is events, so make sure you have some general ideas. And to start with, you only need wanted to events to get the ball rolling, or just like even gaining the gaining the interest from people and just even organizing. The group initially might be in the and then just want to get that group to sprain storming your events. But the key is to plant early and to have a good plan and delegation of tasks. Forcep is money, and I know it's some of you might be worried that you know, to run event in your money. But actually, in current age, where you do most of things online, um, you can run things really low call. Still even up know costs. You can just use, for example, your universities, um, hum account on then most of the speakers that you will invite. We'll happily give the tox for free, so you don't really need money to run a society. However, if you do require some funds, there are sponsors such a sweat later on, or the empty you, which I'm sure you're heard about before. And lastly, something that drip has mentioned affiliating with your student union, your University, you might be acquired. Good idea to get that formal recognition of the society. However, it might not be essential at the beginning. This one, obviously all depends on the rules of your university. And like organizing the street and groups. For example, at Lancaster, you can start the society at the beginning with about the formal approval from the street in the Union. But obviously pleased to check with your university first. Okay, so on to the next night. So now that we've talked a little bit about, like, setting up society, I was just wondering if any of you have any questions to ask. And so, please, um, I meet yourself and just ask away. I, um, President of Newcastle is a medicine society we set up last year. You mentioned some sponsors. So what were the names of say? Um, there are many kind of like professional organizations that happy to support student societies. And I'm sure if you you've heard about them before, so it's probably like wesleyan or the MD. You said the Medical Defense Union, or MPs Medical protection society, so they are usually quite willing to like give small firms towards the events need to contact the kind of student branch off thumb, get in touch with them. Okay, thank you. The other things say with that is it's also really important to kind of ask other societies at university. What kind of like how they have got sponsors a swell because obviously, like we can say question Eric things I M. P S, m, D, U and Wesleyan. But actually, a lot of universities, like there's like certain, like there's like, you know, like maybe a food restaurant. There's maybe like a store, something that we should like That kind of classic, it says, Like in To Sing for Saint George's, for example, is a few like restaurants that, like everyone kind of us because they know like they're they're very like, willing to sponsor students that really great with like in terms of giving food and stuff for events as well. So it's really useful to ask, like around with other like kind of societies that your own university to like, see who they use the sponsors. A swell Yeah, it's similar Lancaster. So I think contacting local businesses in your area might be a really good way of like connecting with your local community as well. And just for the promoting a society. I don't can't some quite scary, but it's often as easy as just writing that one email and okay, so next slight. Any other questions? Sorry. Before we move on, obviously there will be opportunity to ask questions at the end and show your faults. Okay, so should we move on? So one of the thing that you're probably thinking about now it's whether, like how much your society, how much independence will your society have? And here is time for us to make a disclaimer that were know, asking you to set up any comics brunch we simply want you to like. Take that initiative on D, set up a sustainable healthcare society or your university because you know it's a butterfly effect, like you'll set up a society, and then you're inspires some other people to, like take interest into sustainable healthcare, which will then further increase the region, raise awareness of this really important topic, and linking into that is the fact that we don't want you to name of society like equal medics, something it might be better for you to actually just use your universities names. So, for example, droop has called hiss society. Just iko soak up ST Georges. Um, I was thinking for the society online Custer. Just call it Lancaster. Sustainable Health Suck because it might make easy for students. I Your invested you to recognize them to find that society then so and just touch upon upon their sake. You can run your own bends, your own initiatives, your own competitions like they they will not have to be kind of approved by your medics, by any chance. It's just your own initiative, and it's your society. We just kind of give you that initial encouragement to take action. So next slide, please. So, Herbert ICO medics are here to support you in this initiative off setting up society and festival. We would like we would like to provide your platform to connect with each other on national scale. So, you know, there are 14 of you in this phone call. All of you have, like, really good ideas, really bright idea. So this is an initial step off, you know, making that network and recognizing that are so many people interested and there are people to reach out to if you, for example, want to organize a regional meat and go find a speaker. Signable. Um, we a second medically have quite a big reach, so we can provide you platform. Teo, publicize your events and further expand the retrieve your events. For example, by reassuring your instagram posts, um, we can also offer you advice and finding speakers on. We have quite a good network of people interested in sustainable healthcare. So, for example, if you want to run a conference or a talk, but you kind of don't have anyone locally just drop drop us an email and we might find someone suitable for you, Um, and fertile. If, at any point of starting up society, you're stuck in the process, just send up, send us an email on maybe we'll be able to help you on Most definitely someone will have gone for a similar experience before, and additionally, at the end of the session will be sending you a quick check list of everything you kind of need to take in order to set up your own society pieces. Um, so, no, we will be asking for a small favorite return so we will support your society. But we also want you to support equal medics. And this will be by promoting hour event your university on one of the waste in which we can do this is by reassuring our instagram stories and posts to make sure that we target more and more people in the future. We are planning to run some quality improvement projects, and we will need volunteers to implement them locally, and the same applies to research projects. So there will be a load of opportunities for you to get involved. So just keep an eye out on the hour instagram and use letter. Um, lastly, if you already have a society that is set up, we would like you to nominate one person that will be a dedicated econometrics representative, and it doesn't have to be a separate roll. It can be, for example, a secretary. But we would like that person's email. So then we can send them a swell. The email about our it bends or are competitions because, as you know, so it is due to get a lot of emails and messages often get lost. So having that representative will make sure that we have a next rolling, maybe. Okay. So I know that we've kind of explain what kind of support we can offer. And, um, what are the steps of setting up to society? Was just wondering if any of you have any questions. Oh, we have a pool of past since Sorry. My week over the popular press. Well, or I can hear you almost time, if that's all right. Yeah. Okay. Maybe you could just put you a question. The chart book? Yeah. It was like I can kind of hear you then towards the end of that. Okay, soon Nutramigen. Um, so our if I think you'll be good to answer that actually, being quite quiet for the whole thing to my name's are over. And one of the EEG medics, directors, um, a CT one on aesthetic training in London. Um, the rationale behind not being all under coherent neck. It's really logistics, to be honest. Um, what Ah, big mindset here is is to we understand this either. Different groups around the country and different medical stores will have different ideas about how they want to tackle the three big kind of climate a sustainable healthcare issue. Um, and I think what we want to do is support that independence across the board. Our motive behind everything really is to is not a kind of a motive. Teo. Further ico medics is as a project. But mawr, we understand that everyone needs to make change. We want people to to go about making that change. And so we want to kind of encourage all people in their own ways wherever they are in the country, in whichever medical school that part off to have set up their societies and Onda and do that we don't have the capacity really to be monitoring on managing a network and national network of sustainability societies. Um so this in in a way, is our is our is our solution, which is to try and encourage foster Andi support. He committed societies around around the country on the thing. One of the things we we were chatting about quite recently was how once we have got societies that we know are in every university how we can actually try and get societies to collaborate with each other as part of one larger here in network. Um, but at the moment as an equal Medics brand. We simply don't have the manpower to be able to do that. And then there was a lot of what question that Laura has asked saying that from our experience in other national committees and groups, it works well. Fundraising applications to be part of the same group. So just it. So obviously you, your society will be kind of supported by a car medics. And if you apply for some fundraising applications for your events, you can always say that you're linked. Teo Medics Society. Would you support that area? Um, yeah, Absolutely. I mean, if you guys have a society, one of you was from Newcastle, I think. And you had a society Newcastle if you were to be promoted, have events which were promoted by us on our socials and kind of work with us through your designated ik um eight. Medic's representative. When you go to find fundraiser fundraiser, fundraising opportunities in Newcastle, you Can you then be able to legitimately say Look, we have a reach which actually goes beyond Newcastle because we've got a national project which which has a you noticed a gram following of 5000 people who were actually sharing all of these events. Um, and people, you know, for responses and fund and fundraising opportunities. We always want to know what their what their potential reaches for for them because they want to know what you know. We're we're about to get how they how much they're brand will be advertised by by sponsoring you. But what I would what I would say, actually, from what you said earlier was that actually starting local is a really good idea of fundraising on do. It doesn't cost a lot to run these run these societies for the most part. And actually you could quite easily find a local. Well, you know, my you need it was a burrito, a burrito shop that would give any society 50 good and that 50 quid will go a long way. Because actually, you were not going to spend 50 quid on events. Really? If they're all zoom and so that was a question about it. Him. So there's another question from Julia. Um, so she said just wanted to know what kind of offends you had in mind for us to distribute. So I think Drew, if you might be able to elaborate on that because you have a society running. Yeah, sure. So let me just double check the question. Yes. So, in terms of, like the events that you go medical be running, we're gonna be announcing that actually inside in a second. But like, we have a few events that we have planning upstairs, like always, a big conference, which is something we're gonna be mentioning in a second as well. In his honor. We'll talk about that in a second, but is really just kind of stresses anything we kind of post like, generally speaking, especially this kind of relevant for your kind of perspective. So especially with Medical Street and relevant, for example, like we sharing that kind of stuff because first of all, is not any beneficial to your society is also really beneficial for us in terms of promoting our like reaches. Economics is well, other than that is that kind of stuff, really, in terms of social media. But again, if you have any questions, you can always come like send a message to any of us like everyone who has my email here, or you can contact you. Go medics and send a message a d m. One insert, for example, Just to clarify. Um, yeah, um I read this question as in what kind of events you had in mind for us to organize. So, um, again, you have freedom in organizing the events that you want because we understand that the need will be different depending on the university. So please do not feel like you have to get the events improved like approved by us. Just you have a free hand in organizing events as long as they're promoting sustainability and healthy. Obviously. Um, yeah. So I was just wondering about any other questions. I was just going to say one thing. Based on that, we you might be kind of one race of what you know. We're trying to work, encourage all of you guys to set up or or we'll set up your echo medic well stable healthcare organizations and societies. And why is that? And really, truly the motivation by behind all of this is not something to further the medics brand. It's It's simply because we truly believe that there's a massive issue here that needs a dressing on there as medical students and as the doctors of tomorrow. You guys have a really big part to play in that, and so it's very much a. It's almost like a not for profit motive that we've got here, which is we want to. We genuinely want to help you to set up your society's and once you're up and running and going great, fantastic, well done. You've done a great job, and we'll happily help you in any way that we can. Um because I I can see sometimes how it, you know, it might come across that we're trying to say we're set up an organization, do your thing. But, you know, we helped you, so, you know, keep keep keep us in mind. But really and truly, there's no no other thing we had, um Manchester, you need to set up one recently, and they're they're collaborating with leads, and they're collaborating with CSH in there when I was in all sorts of cool webinars. And it's fantastic to see because, you know, those are more more medical students and mawr student health care professionals who are going to learn about you know, this really big issue and you know society of the moment because at the end of today, we'll working towards the goal of improving awareness about climate change in sustainable healthcare. So we just had to encourage you to take action. Basically, has anyone had any? Obviously, we heard from New Orleans already got a society. Has anyone had any issues setting up society or tried and not managed for is in process of trying or or anything right up. That's a really I can see a little bit about this. Um, Teo at Brighton, where I am sitting, we set up a green medicine society. Uh, was my second year. So a couple of years ago, now officially great sort of loss of support, enthusiasm. And then I think we sort of struggled, really? When there was quite a lot of zoomed fatigue and, um, that kind of thing. We struggled to get much engagement in the last 12 months, but part from that the set up was pretty good. But I think for me sort of this sort of benefit of being sort of ico mix affiliated, if you like or supported mutual relationship, um would be kind of talk ideas and that idea of collaborating other societies would be really valuable. Um, also, I don't know if anywhere if there's, like, a repository or the different societies, because I sort of haven't heard of. A lot of the society has been mentioned today, so just have a live room. But there, um hum bill somewhere, this's something that we're currently working on we trying to make, like a tablet or website that would compile kind of email addresses. And instagram handles the fold e healthcare societies. Um, Christy. Okay, but yeah, maybe that's a good idea. If some anyone here has already already has a sustainable health. This site, you maybe just put your email or instagram handle here. It'll be really your school. We'll send or feel free to send an email to the email address. You see the bottom of the screen with your person who you might designate us there that pleasant to contact if in your society, by the way. And it says I have an XL document of the healthcare societies, which any chest motions put together. Oh, yeah, and it's just ocean that very good on the, um yeah, that would be brilliant. If you could email that it out to us. It's pretty. The link for the website Julia is right on here. Yeah, thank you. No problem. Any more questions for any more questions? The other thing I'm actually about because what have you mentioned about zoom fatigue we've been discussing. This is saying George is about what we're finding is cause, obviously a lot, because obviously is a student union society, for example, is what? Which is what we are. We've gone like we had the intention of protein events for students only, But actually, we're kind of realizing that a lot of this stuff it's it's things that already qualified Health care professionals don't actually know that much about unless you're like actively reading about it as well. So even like switching up your audience. And that sounds like having maybe a lunchtime. So because I might be a bit easier for, like people who are working to actually access it, for example, instead of in the evenings, giving them events as well might be really useful. Having apple lunch lunchtime talk from like, I don't know if there's a sustainability leader your for example on That's like another useful way as well and I just have a quick flexion is all of us, okay? You talk a lot about kind of different educational events and just stuff that we could do. The societies I'm just wondering if it's kind of like practical steps that we have said it shouldn't for when you're like saying, like, reaching out to medical professionals, I come, But we could be promoting their implementing kind of more medical things. What? What do you mean by that on do you cough stuff my head, like maybe like implemented were really recycling on Been the whole still that I kind of worried that it's just kind of things like that. So So actually, the action behind everything. Yeah. And do you mind if I answer this treatment, Susanna? So if so, if you slide So I think we put something about quips. S o B Kinetics is is a multi kind of ranched project that we've got a moment. One of a massive things that we're doing in a moment is developing a quick line As you start your F one to f cetera, you'll see basically that doing quality improvement projects is like a necessity in your career on do. You can't really get a good training job without having done a quality improvement project. One of the big issues is that people do these quality improving projects on D. Just do them to take a box because they have to, and lots of people do do projects that they don't really necessarily care about. The fact you're here today says to me that you care about stable health care on what we want is to encourage people to be doing quality improvement projects in sustainable healthcare in their departments. In there. The quality improvement bank is something that we're currently working on and hopefully should have up running this year this calendar year and essentially means that I use a future clinician. Even as a medical student can go to the bag, pick out a template for a quality improvement project that's been done somewhere else in the country and apply it to your department, to your medical school, to your to you hospital and in that way actually make it on the ground difference in sustainable healthcare. There's also the opportunities in terms of research will be looking for kind of data collection help when it comes to further research projects in the future as well, Eh? So there's plenty of opportunity in terms of just more. Keeping in touch with the co medics is a brand to get involved with these things. And actually, once we get the quick bank up and running, we will be looking to disseminate that through the various sustainable healthcare societies that we are in relationships with. A swell Does that on to your question? Yes, I thank you. That's very helpful. If I could just not as well another thing, if you do, in terms like on the Ground Action. So one of things we're doing with George is, for example, is that where it talks our student union shop a swell to try and like, because lows appeal by, like plastic water bottles. That has been them afterwards, and they just keep doing that. It's like a repetitive cycle. So we're trying to, like get the student union shop to Bart like, kind of invest in recycled like reusable bottles, unreasonable flats and coffee mugs and, like kind of surf, were also in talk to the student union to try and like, increase the number of kind of water fountains as well. So like this. If you like, contact your student union in the shop and things, that's another way to kind of make the difference. Like in terms of the university. Cannot perspective Cool on the sign of tiki plug. Really? That if, um if you fancy buying some of our some of our stuff from the website, we've got reusable face most. Which type two are, um, Teo was the word. They all talk to our mouths. So it means you can use them like surgical. Most as well as we use for coffee cups. Actually have that mask nearby. Second show Perfect. It's really pretty. And has our logo. Yeah, cover looking. Um, So if that's all the questions that you guys have, um we can move on to the next slide, which is our future events. And we do have actually quite a lot of exciting things. Organized shootings on will be releasing a student competition soon, so keep high, keep out. And I on our social media channels and Ireneusz letter on obviously we are hosting. Are you kinetics conference on the May in May. So if you scandisk your code that will take you to the pre registration link so you can feel about in any time. And in the meantime, also, you can, um, go to GMC Open letter, which is linked on our instagram bio, and you can sign it is our, which will again help. Okay, so the next time, please. Okay, so we're coming to the end of our session on, but I would be really grateful if you could fill that Phil and the feedback form. Um, it's only medal up. So once you feel in the feedback form, that will generate a certificate for you automatically. And you're also again and access to the recording of this session, the slides and kind of our guide on how to set up the society. And also, if you have any questions that you fought off and like you just forgot to ask in a session, pleased to send us an email to hello at Echo Medics, Oxycodone, UK, or you can just DMSO on instagram and we'll try to get in touch with you, okay? And yeah, thank you so much for coming. And we really do hope that session was useful. And it gave you some encouragement to form a society at your uni and thank you, um, are if we help? Has anyone got any other last minute questions that they want to ask or feel free to put in the chance? Well, can I just ask you a quick question about the unpublished students survey you mentioned about the kind of attitudes towards this? Briefly. Just the reference of the end. I'll be interested to read bit more other. Yeah, sure. So that's, um, like, unpublished research I've actually done. So we kind of a survey of state. Georgia is looking at kind of like all the clinical year students try to get, like, a survey going. See how, like you got, like, maybe 100 50 people replying, Um, by conducting, have a chat with you, Um, about any of that information as well, because it was really interesting to find out how. Basically, no one really knows what state of health care is. No one realized it was like a mandatory requirement, which is why this is kind of so important, cause no one really realizes that basically, it's only kind of starting to get again destruction now. So which is why it's really important life. We push and make seven healthcare societies. Then, like, people are going to start to realize that actually, it is quite a big problem. Yeah, because, um, yeah, we do a research project and forth years. Well, and I was kind of thinking of doing something along the same lines. I guess if, um, it probably be even more useful if I don't know, say, like,