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Join us for a valuable webinar on 'Specialty Careers: Core Surgical Training Application and Portfolio Development'. Whether you're an aspiring surgeon or in the throes of your application, this session is beneficial for everyone. Dr Prakrit Raj Kumar, a successful Clinical Fellow, will guide you through the complex process and offer advice on standing out in a competitive field. Topics include the CST application process, how to build a strong portfolio, and getting an inside look at the life of a core surgical trainee. Utilize this opportunity to gain insights and ask questions directly to someone who's successfully navigated this process. Don't miss out on giving your CST application the competitive edge.


Are you aspiring to become a surgeon and preparing to apply for Core Surgical Training (CST)? Join us for an informative and interactive webinar designed to help you navigate the complex CST application process with confidence.

In this session, we will cover everything you need to know to craft a successful application, from understanding the eligibility criteria and key dates to optimizing your portfolio. With his interests in research, medical education and orthopaedics, our speaker, Dr Prakrit Raj Kumar, has successfully obtained the competitive academic clinical fellowship for run-through orthopaedics in West Midlands and he will share insider tips on how to stand out in a highly competitive field.

Topics will include:

  • Overview of the CST application process
  • Building a strong portfolio: clinical experience, research, and extracurriculars
  • A day in the life of a core surgical trainee

Whether you're in the early stages of your medical career or actively preparing your application, this webinar is an invaluable opportunity to gain insights and ask questions directly from someone who has successfully navigated the process.

Don't miss out on this chance to give your CST application the edge it needs!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the eligibility criteria, key dates, and components involved in the Core Surgical Training (CST) application process.

  2. Learn strategies for building a strong portfolio, including the documentation of clinical experience, research involvement, and extracurricular activities.

  3. Gain insights into what a typical day in the life of a core surgical trainee entails to better understand what to expect and how to prepare.

  4. Acquire tips and advice directly from a medical professional who has successfully navigated the CST application process and obtained a competitive academic clinical fellowship.

  5. Have the opportunity to ask specific questions about the CST application process and receive tailored advice to help increase chances of acceptance.


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Again. Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us for this specialty careers webinar in course surgical training and the city building. Um My name is Edina, the specialty career webinar lead for minded bleep. I would like to give a, a good thanks for to all my team on the specialty care of team in minded. And I'm happy to introduce our speaker, Doctor Kumar, who obtained this very competitive fellow academic fellowship position in trauma and orthopedics in a run through program in the West Midlands. I'm going to hand over to perfect now. Thank you. Brilliant. Thank you very much, Dina. Um Yes. So basically what I'm gonna go through is a core surgical training, how to build your port failure up and then stay in life of for core training. So going through it so specifically, so there are different routes into surgical training. I think most people think that the standard route of CT ST is any route, but I, so I highlight different routes to it. So I have actually taken a different route as well. So we have our standard med school and then we have our F one F two. And after that usually most people apply for course surgical training, which is two years and then do specialty training in their specialty to draw orthopedics or whatever. The, the um surgical specialty from ST three to SC seven and a new CCT. Um, there's also alternative pathways. So you can have your surgery state run or you have um academic routes. So, um an academic um route is usually, um it's called an academic clinical Fellowship and it comes with a national training number, which means you have to compete again and it's a straight one through person. Um and it allows you to focus on academia 25% of the time, sorry, 25%. And so roughly, um so that's the route I went for because I'm interested in research and they allow me straight one to remember. Um Just so you have, so I can highlight it alternative, there's other pathways just called Caesar, um which is basically um a nontrained pathway for it. So you'd have, you basically do the same number of years and have this kind of format where you do two years of co training and two years specialty training but not form. And you have to kind of create your own, make sure you log all your numbers and everything, make sure you get the adequate sign ups. And generally, from what I've heard, it's difficult. Um but still a highlight that there is another way to get into surgical training or s become trained in surgical if um by this pathway. But generally, I'd recommend one of these two um building towards his career. Um is uh so I would say all your achievements start as easily possible because you can start as soon as you go into med school. Um And it really helped because that's what I'm a bit why I did. Um I started actually quite late in med school around third or fourth year. Um I managed to get most of my points before surgical training within those 33 years. Meaning our F one F two could just be done from R CS or learning surgical skills. Um So yeah, so the first thing, make sure you get this document. Um It's not easy and, and just type it CT CSD self assessment score in 2024. 1 important thing to know is it changes every year. So don't expect it'll be the same every year. So for example, take the 2024 1 and then look up 2021 and look at how much it's changed and how much harder it's got. So I'll get this document as a reference, but always aim for at least like 20 to 30% above what they're asking now because generally I sort of this. Um yeah, they always a a bit more than this. Um So uh so section one, so it's split into the different different sections. So last section one, which is like commitment to specialty. Um, and it's quite neatly split up previously. It just be box as 20 points, but now it's separate to relative uh subsections. And I used to have the MRC S. The reason why I've kept it is because it might get back in at any point. Uh We're not actually quite sure as trainees ourselves. Um, but uh one personal recommendation I'd say is that if you just create surgery and you wanna like pursue it, the early you get it done. Um One allows you to not worry about exam for life. I Yes and two. I think people take you a lot more seriously in theaters if you've completed MRC S compared like for example, if you haven't. Um So I always recommending II only did it in uh part one in F one and in part two in uh CT one and I wish I did a bit earlier like F two. So I recommend that and then I'm gonna go through each of these sections now. Ok. Oh yeah. So going to uh so um R CS it's sat in September, January and April. Those are the rough uh settings. I would say you need roughly four months or more. I mean, I took six months to repair, but uh four months is what everyone else generally goes by. Um And um in terms of uh say a common question most people ask is, should you say R CS England or R CS Edinburgh. Um Ultimately, it doesn't matter at all. Um I just went for England because um I'm from Birmingham, so it's close by to me, um London as opposed to going to Edinburgh for each time. Um But it doesn't effectively matter. Um And uh so the resources, this is what I uh in terms of how I provide for this. So part A and part B are very, very different. Um Part A is all like basic science, anatomy, et cetera. Uh What I would do this is like use E MRC S online question banks and ask your seniors for like um and questions that they've had um like um what's the best way to say? So uh um like they would give you tips, what question banks and why it's relevant, especially people who most. So I remember my E and my RC is very, very good, but some people might suggest later is past uh past, this is good. Um So I would get a advice from the most recent seniors and go from there. Um I would aim the E MRC S roughly three times before the exam. Um And you should be OK with that. Um in terms of book, everyone varies. Um I just use graphic books. Um But you don't use any book that um some people didn't use books, people just did M CS back back but II use the books because that's good. Um Going in uh F one. So this is what you need to be four points to be past ra um obviously the sections removed now. Um So I would, I would strongly recommend you doing it even though it's not in the section as one, they might bring it back. And like I said earlier, um it helps you data, et cetera. OK. So another section that's been removed of surgical courses. Um And this is quite simple, actually, II, I'd also recommend it one just for your portfolio and just it's useful for you to go to the standard courses. I think it's in the next slide. Yeah. Is this is the ones I went to I strongly recommend is funded um at the Royal College and you can get it funded by your um D AF one F two um ATL S you could only do F two and onwards. So uh what I did was I signed up wait list earlier on like when I was in F one. So by turn stock came up in F 20 it um So I'd recommend that it's very, very hard to get anywhere in the country that you get a spot it would definitely attempt. Um And it looks very good, especially if you're, if you're applying for a team um called CSD. Um Then these are the other ones I just did just to show a bit of breath. So I did urology, which is a really simple, easy one. And credited. So, um it's just uh you can look literally type up online. NC EP. Um And it's online free. You can do it um in your own time, prerecord asynchronous. Um And um well, you've just got one point easily just from one day's work. And then teacher, teacher is very similar, different teacher, teachers online. So we do one at um University Hospital Commentary works uh two day in person one. But then this uh I remember my F one F two. I did it um online and the and the same similar teacher teacher and there are the other online ones as well. So I'd look at your DNA see if they offer it and if they don't then start looking online because it'll be covered them. Yeah. Um and other courses are listed, all the ones that are credited but it's not comprehensive. Yeah, there's loads more, there are credited. So um but it should be a simple one and easy one that you should cover even though it's not in section like if the sections removed one, they might bring you back. Um And two. It's just generally good that you cover all these before. Um co training, it really helps good. Um This one is, I don't think this will really, really go. It's always gonna be there. The numbers are actually getting higher and higher. So 40 or more cases are very key. Is it has to be assisted or it cannot be observed. Um, uh, I start early so, um, you can start at med school. I used to go once a week, which was very easy cause I mean, by the end of the year I got my, all my numbers, um, simple, but even if you were starting an F one or F test, um, it's still very doable. Um, I would, uh, what I do is I probably go to, um, day surgery list, um, or, um, trauma because they're, they're usually quite quick. So if you spend one day you'll get around five cases. So if you spend weekends you've done your, um, you met your numbers. Um, what I'd recommend is every num every year. This number keeps you higher and higher. So I would, um, uh, recommend increasing it, uh, just aiming for like 5060 as they might change it. Um, yeah. So, uh, in terms of it sounds like this, it doesn't have just in your specialty. In fact, you know, um, um, I got most of my numbers, uh, from like general surgery, vascular. Uh, because, uh, for example, like things like, um, abscesses which are only like five minute max operation, um, you can do back to back and like to get, uh, e 5 to 7 in a day. Uh, which means that, yeah, it just means to get more numbers and things like vascular. Um, like tran like these, all, you'll get transferrable skills. So, uh, you, you wouldn't really focus on the, it's a specialty but more in assisting g hands on. Um Yeah. Um in terms of some people do say this. Um So it's just not observed a key thing, it can do anything from assisted to super strength. Um And the main thing out of everything um from this whole talk is unless you've logged it somewhere on my like got a certificate for it in, it's basically I haven't done it. So you need to make sure you log every case. Um So the key things I always get off. Uh So I do it then and then so as soon as I finish a case, I log the computer and then log the case. So I don't forget, um we do it after um after all five cases, um three of you all, but you need to have the hospital midday operation and all quite a few key details. Um So I would do them there personally um in terms of signing this off ready for CSD out patients. So I would, so the way you should do it is um and get this consolidation log, it's on the E log. Then when you get the consolidation log, it'll come up with all the different things you've done like a fistula, whatever you've assisted in. And then at the end of your F one or just before you're gonna apply to uh C SA. So usually you have to uh log out and then get a consultant to sign it with. Let's see if it's on the next slide. Yeah. So I ask your consultant to sign it with his name um GMC number and the fact that he's a consultant. Um So you need all three to show that it's valid. Um Key things I would say that like tips to improve this bit is to start early with theaters um to start with just going in assisting, scrubbing up, then then work your way up, start like um asking to like start suturing s um skin and you can work your way down and then start to get more involved. Um And the best place I would say to, to is um it's probably DG HSI got my best operating time in AD GH in FF two. Um and in big centers often they quite consultant emergency. You don't get as much exposure. So if you're my student, I would say try maybe apply for a DH if you're looking for operating time, but it's not, it shouldn't be a major factor but just something to be aware. P OK. Um So the next bit is uh surgical conferences. Um Again, this should be uh very simple. You should um be able to attend uh Yeah, II split it into four because most people think it's only your specialty. So the first one I would go to are the big three. So I'd go to your specialty, whatever it is. Which is whether it's uh orthopedics, trauma, plastics, general surgery, et cetera. Ok. So for us, orthopedic is uh B OA or PT S or um there's also um a generally for all surgeons, surgeons in training, which I recommend as well. Um They have measuring categories. So um it's a good place to present as well. Um Then you have students specific conferences, these are conferences or by um you know, like University of Birmingham League Society, et cetera. Um These mm um is still gray whether this is or not. So I would strongly recommend still to go for three at least. So it says three surgical conferences. I'd aim for at least five and go for a professional accredited ones. Um um Then what else is you to me um the allied specialties? Um So um uh so I don't, so if you have an or anything that's orthopedic related, you don't just have to put it in an orthopedic, you can put it in similar sounding specialties like plastics. If you're doing hands work, you can present it in by so um or allied specialties. So just don't try and broaden your eyes as well in conferences. And the one common thing that most people forget is this medical education conferences. So say you run a teaching program and it's a bit novel the way you do it is very different things like that. There's always medical education conferences that you can go to and submit your work. So it's something I didn't use that much in med school and started using. Now, um though I mention it to all of you guys. Um And then again, the strict criteria, make sure you log it, get a certificate. Um It has to be specifically. So if you look on the appendix of this, it'll tell you exactly how to do it. Um But it, OK, um in terms of surgical experience, slightly different, um this is actually quite simple to organize. So I would organize uh take a week. Um It's uh quite a simple. Um You just arrange it with your hospitality affiliated if you're an F one F two. So I actually infected it in um where I am now. Um because I was very interested in robotic orthopedics. So I came in um it's time for the, it's kind of a nice week and your special you enjoy and yeah, time. So I would, I would recommend that. Um And then also if you're a med student, I would also take that elective, your specialty. Um And this is an easy way to get several different points. So either the elective, organize student um organize selective, apply for funding. And if you get a grant that's a prize, then go to the elective. It just get surgical numbers up and then after elective, write up, publish it and um uh submit it for pri price. So you get two prizes, um a publication and operating time just with 14 week elective. So that's what I would personally recommend. Um Yes. And then I think this is, um, most people will have, this is very unusual to have, um, in e to not having a placement. But, um, just make sure you have one and this is quite, make sure you have an F one or the start of F two before the application. Uh, because if it's not before then I'm not sure if it fully counts. So I had one in F one and then one in F two. So, so it could be just make sure that's the case for you guys. Brilliant. So sorry to interrupt doctor we've seen in the chart that uh the audio is interrupting. Uh OK. Would you mind maybe tearing the camera off and see if that improves the audio? Thank you. Can you let us know in the chart if it's still interrupting? Sure. Yeah. Um So this section is on the, what's called the, it, it's just a, a summary, uh a summary of all the um of all just gone through and it's just section one and I just wanted to put side by side of how it's changed just from one year to another. So it's become from like for example, they removed their, yes, they removed the surgical courses. They've put pushed up operative numbers from 30 to well above 40 now. So my guess is they're gonna put it to 50 next year. It's just a guess. Um, they put, they kept three surgical conferences at the same, but they might increase it to four or five and they've stopped it around if you see previously elective was the most important. But now it takes a week. So just make sure you get all three because you never know which one they're going create. That's the most important. Yeah. Uh Next slide, uh Brilliant. Um This is uh a simple thing to get, but it's actually most people really struggle with this. So what I'd recommend is, so it's AQ IP and you have to get it. Um You have to get two cycles um as you can see here. Uh And it has to be surgically them. So I wouldn't do it something like um it has to be surgically themed. People get caught up with that. Um And make sure, yeah, it's two cycles and it's closed loop. So um easy, really simple. I would pick something easy and simple, rather something really complicated that you're looking to publish. So I would keep this and the publication separate. So I would do the quick as a quick like tick box exercise for two cycles. And then I would do um the other pro uh do your other projects for publication, people get stuck. We try to do it all in one sometimes with this section only and don't fully shoot either if you know what I mean, so I split them simply. So what I did was very, very basic. It's, it's very simple. It took me less than a month or two months back in my 1st 2nd rotation. So I found out there was no theater booking form as a problem then um I implemented it. Um informed I showed that oh, less time was wasted for booking patients then uh I said, what would you improve? So that's once I complete, I asked, what would you improve next? They gave a few suggestions, ed form asked as much better. Yeah, they said yes, improved. So that's two cycles done and it's quick, easy, simple, took maximum two months. Um And I would um yeah, I II the main thing is obviously like I always say log, so make sure you get a certificate with this exact wording. So just say like PKU Kumar was involved as a lead in all aspects and just use the exact same wording and say he participated in all stages implementing et cetera project surgical theme. And this way, you know, you'll definitely get it um in the uh what's it called? Um uh Like you'll need the points. I'll be in there like query. And then the next section is like a part of this which catch catch a lot of people out is you have to present this project nationally for full points to present it rally. So obviously present it at your local to meeting or a department but then also present it at nationally. Um uh Yeah, have the present this nationally or internationally. Um And the way to do this, I would say is probably don't go for the uh conferences like B OA, et cetera. It's unlike you can try, but it's unlikely accepted. So I'd go for small things. Um And also metal have been really, really helpful with this. So they've all presented projects for me, um like a presenter, projects with Meal nationally and it's one of these Q RPS. So um they offer access to like a lot of different um like opportunities to present your surgi uh surgical audits. So I would, I would present it. That is my recommendation. Um Yeah. Uh in terms of uh meetings or conferences, it's the same as the last one I would say. So when we went earlier and I would use stick to your professional ones. So B ABT S Trauma A A all those one I would recommend for quips most likely to get accepted. Um Yeah. Uh obviously there is gray area where it's RCA S accredited or R CS supported which ones with count, but I always stay on the safe side because it's well, no one's quite sure of which ones this, I always stay with their credit, they for sure ones. Um Yeah, I've explained this two cycles. Clinical um has to be very clinical and surgical, especially, I've given you some basic examples. So I do a theater booking form but we can do does B to you. Um Yeah, it's quite simple ones. Um There is a research on med section so you can do this as a surgical one. However, um I don't know if they will change your point. So I didn't use this. In fact, I stick stuff to my clinical um a surgical one with these forms, but this is an easy way to get it. Um If you can't or can't find this, it's very, very easy, so easy. Me one that everyone kind of does this. So look, look at your department um show there's no teaching on, I don't know, fluids or whatever. That's easy. Give it to all um um do a survey to show that, give it to all confluent. Uh See it should get the feedback form. Show you've improved their confidence and they do a decision for the next set of trainees four months later. Sure. It's even better two cycles and then get a consultant sign off. So that is simple. Um But I would stick to the clinical just to be on the safe side. Oh, this section is um it's not that bad actually because it previously used to be two sections. And the one thing I'd like to say is that it might at any point again. So it see two separate sections, one for a price, 11 for prizes, one for presentations and one for locations, but now just together. So make sure I would still get each individual one because you don't know if they're gonna change it. Um I'm just going to go on my next like, so, so um, so publications I'll go through that first. So it has to be a PUBMED index as we all know. So it can't be like um there's loads of GS out there which accept papers, but they're not PUBMED index. So you need to have a PUBMED ID at the time of your publication uh uh application. So if you don't have, it doesn't count. So um it has to have but yeah, um there's two different routes um that I used mainly. Um So there's obviously the clinical one. So one of the projects that you do um I would um publish them with their respective. So I did my master's, I did it all British for cancer. I did it in my special specialties. So um like the knee journal, wrist joint journal, et cetera. And then you can always publish it f in um allied specialties. So for example, I published one of my trauma papers in anesthesia actually in anesthetic journal. So bec um because he was rejecting a trauma journal, um so don't forget about using all specialties and then there's obviously supervisor journals, squeeze my SLS uh supervisor jo um journals. Um So um and they'll be able to guide you better about how that journal likes it written. Um So uh my supervisors were again just of injury and the trauma. So I've used that and then a common one everyone recommends is B MJ. I haven't um used to actually, but I know lots of colleagues who once they have their project idea and data collection extra, they go to B MJ and say, look, this is our idea. This is what we like to publish. Are you interested And they help you with each different stage? Um I haven't had personal experience with this but I know that they do that then a common thing that most people or most students or you know, we have to forget about is you can publish your medical education journals. So for example, if you've developed um delivered um a national in person teaching program, you can publish it in these journals saying how your organized it. Um And then what the novel features are for it. Um How this, why you're publishing it. So like usually it's to say that, oh, this is a model that we used. So other people can create the same kind of teaching programs in their specialties. And it's an easy way to get publications without um uh like without basically asking a supervisor et cetera. Um And I strongly make sure you don't forget about that avenue, but again, it has to be permitting mix. I've listed a few papers like P MG. Um It's the main one used but does have this job, certification, minute clinical teacher. Um I'll just one more thing about publications. Yeah, make sure. So you previously used to be two, papers but now they made it one. So make sure, always get above to make sure you get two. Another e one would be a systematic review. Um, simple and easy to do you need and if you know how to do one, there are great courses outside like there's Anchors one. there's loads of different courses and there's your, your university usually offers some. Um And yeah, I strongly recommend that I use but um anyone, any of them are, are really, really good. Um Then OK, so next section is price. Um So it's removed now, like I said earlier, but I wouldn't um ii would still strongly recommend to get some uh just because it comes up maybe later in high surgical training and um or it might be brought back up uh like brought back into application next year. So just make sure I would say get one or two at least um simple ones to get. Um Actually I didn't get any of these but uh most people get, it's like a in your degree. So they get a distinction or honors or et cetera. Um So yeah, I would do um try and do that, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't worry too much about it because like, I wasn't at the top of my year or anything like that. So, um, yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't worry about getting a degree if you can. It's just, I'm just telling you it's an avenue, it's not the only avenue there conferences. There's the, usually the, ok one, especially as a med student. So if you submit to um, med student conferences, they, uh p, they, um, oh, so not student, sorry, just normal conferences with like a, er, et cetera. They usually have med student sections and it, um which means that you'll only be competing on the med students. And I hope, and usually most people um get a prize that way, which is a very easy way. And it's, it classifies all prize presentation here at the top of this section three. So I would strongly recommend that if you're a med student, then there's all, also there's loads of other avenues most people forget about. So it's like, um, so there's um essay competitions, um just look online for them. So, yeah, I think you have to do a lot of searching and digging. So II look at R CS, look at B OA MRC. There's loads of different ones and you just have to look at different organizations see what they have opened. Often, often the smaller ones don't have as many people applying for it because it's not less well known, for example, like the ba one, everyone notices one every year, but it's smaller ones are less likely to be by a fault, which probably means you have a higher chance. But um, yeah, uh I still would recommend doing it. Um, 70,500 words and um it's quite an easy way to go a decent price and if you do well and write it up, well, you could even submit that as a review. So two of us, one the same kind of thing and you have other competitions which I haven't done that much to, to be honest, but there's loads of different types, like surgical skills ones that ace it through. Um like how fast, how fast do you suture, et cetera. Um Those are good ones. Um But I actually don't have much experience in that. Sorry. And then this medical education ones which um are really good. So like um uh how has your society um said from society at Birmingham or what? And how have they helped and how have you led them? Uh How, why do you feel like this list of things like health, that general awards? Um And you can just um use your society um I if you're the president or anything and say how um and submit it to these awards and show how you've shown an impact. Um a quite, it's a, quite a good way um especially as med students or foundation doctors to show and get a, a good price and then you have your grants like I mentioned earlier. So if you're doing elective or even if you're doing a small project or anything, I'd always strongly recommend, um, applying for a grant. Um, yeah. Yeah. And then if you get it funded, you or you get money going on, like, and it's a price, it's a win, win and then also good look out for uni prizes. It's very, very good. Sometimes they have essay conditions there. Small research types. I want their own way. Distinction, One, which is the best research of the year. But um yeah, um just keep your eyes peeled on local university page as well. So it's, it's not uh you don't only need to get a degree which actually I do get any of them. There's different ways. So um try a be in all of them to be honest and then you'll probably um get lucky in more of them brilliant. Um So section four is on teaching programs. It's quite a difficult um uh one and it's getting harder and harder to be honest. So previously you were able to just organize uh zoom one and you submit um send link all around the UK and it would um get you full the points. But now it's getting a lot more harder, especially such a do a face to face teaching program and you have to at a regional level and if you think about it, especially semester, it's quite hard to organize different universities um in the same like pool or room And uh so there are the, there, there are, it does take a lot of effort. Uh But I would strongly recommend it as well. One in person teaching programs like or everything. You'll get a good networking opportunities, especially from the consultants who are delivering the talks. Um And they will, that will lead to projects, etcetera. And then two, you can collaborate with different universities. So you could do like a national, like you could do like a London one, et cetera. Um And yeah, so what I would say is it has to be um they've only said it four or more. So in previous years, it's been three months and another time it's been a minimum of six sessions. So generally what I would go for is a, a three month um format. So six sessions um every fortnight and generally that has met all of criteria and if you do it in person between two universities, um you met your criteria. Uh and then make sure and then one key thing I was there before you moved now, but I still um do it is make sure you deliver one of the sessions. Um So that there's evidence that you've taught. Is that ok? Um Yeah, yeah. So that's a really the easy one. For example, I can give you an example is like orthopedics. I said one of the six joints, uh hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow spine. Um And yeah, it's very uh if you just six sessions and six joints every fortnight um at my local university, hi local rooms which is free and then got um what's it called? Uh different other uni like universities come along. It's regional and it make sure key scan, like I said, needs to be a log. So you need to get a consultant letter that says this exact wording and you need to have evidence of feedback. So make sure after every session you have feedback forms. Um Yeah. Um and it says here you've shown the ability to identify a gap. So the way I've done that is I usually just a survey beforehand at my local university saying uh orthoped is not great et cetera. These, I wish I had more teaching on this and that way you had that filled out, but make sure you put all of this in the letter by the consultant excess key. Um Yeah, like I said, face to face, I would say minimum six sessions. So there's three months regional. So at least two universities, two hospitals, et cetera. Um And it has to be surgical and a teach. One, there's another section which used to be, which could contribute um regularly to teaching um more than four a year. Um So I would generally say if you're a med student, I would try and teach uh we have near pay teaching courses. So try and teaching others courses as well and let vice versa, let people and then you can um that you guys will tick the boxes as well as if you're an F one F two. I would just do bedside teaching. Very simple, but obviously the qualify for the regional section. But um just make sure you're regularly teaching to deal four sessions, whether it's near teaching or ward based and also organized teaching program. Brilliant. Um So now they have this sexual, which is really annoying. But so this is the only place where I actually lost. So um it's training and teaching. So you have to have a training in teaching. So what I would again, like I said, say is do a train and teacher course, look at your local um dealy, they should be running one if not. Um Westlands do one I know. Um and it's usually covered by a study budget um or there are ones online, make sure it's accredited. Um Yeah, and it has to be two days at least. Yeah, I think I caught up and then yes, that's it. It um one thing I'd probably recommend is a lot of people did this um is they did APG Cert in a first in the first year of F one. I mean, I didn't do that but uh it's a good way to get on it and it actually always comes up in your high specialty applications, whether you apply for all whatever surgical specialist, vascular, et cetera, this section kind of a gambling. So, get your or whatever in F one. Um, it's really good. So the best way if, if I had to do my FF two, I probably, um, so, uh, at the end of, uh, final year, um, you finish around April time, revise for your MRC S four months straight. Um, and you should be ready in September, sit in September, hopefully pass and then set your part two in later that year in January. So it's done in F one and sign up for your uh PT set F as well. That means everything is done pretty much in your F one year and you're ready to apply, you can just focus on the application there too. And in co training, you're just having surgical skills. So that's the ideal, best way to do it. But I think it, it is quite hard to do all of that in one year. So um I'll leave it with you guys how you do it, but um strongly recommend getting MRC. Yeah. Yeah. So just uh so some people do an uh F two. The reason FDA is because um if you're academic, it, it gets funded. Um uh whereas if you do that generated and fund it or they can ask university and see if you can do um in terms of courses, I just take it um that do it, Medics Academy and I do it online easily. I would definitely ask you again. Brilliant. Um Yeah, so this is just an example of how you can literally achieve most of the C SA in your med school in early on. So the experience is you can do 40 cases. It's once a week, one a week, that's e even if you go in once a week, you'll get three or four cases. So you should be completely fine with that. Then conferences, you should be able to go through a form. I would always, I always give the rule to keep, go to the big ones every year. So that's you be or uh or um British Trauma, that's two and then just generally go to one more. So keep two. I always do that every year. Um And then, yeah, I'd recommend a good time, uh going with your friends and a good time and also getting some points at the same time and it's bandage so stronger than that. And then surgical experience, make sure your organ stays two week in your F one year uh or just before your applications. F two key thing for all these points actually is it has to be done by October November if you have to. So I don't think you have all of the F two basically only have one or two months if you have to just focus and get everything done in F one, to be honest. Um Yeah, so it's such experience, get your taste a week done. Um In F one or to get your elective in med school and also this other one make sure you have a placement in F one or, or um start of F two. Yeah, in terms of publications. See, I got, this is my first publication actually in med school. Um And it was part of my elective, like I said, um and yeah, it gets four points. Um I'd always recommend getting two like I said, always one above what they ask because they're likely to improve. And then um I explained this but yeah, just go for a simple quip in my opinion. And if you present it, the metal is a really good place. Um uh they're very friendly and yeah, they accept it. I would strongly recommend that uh and then teach experience. So I did loads of programs but make sure it's in person for four points, not online. Um But um if you want like ii strongly recommend doing it in person personally because you're gonna need this point here and later on. So yeah, I mean, training teacher, I didn't get my four points because I didn't do APG cert. But um yeah, the trained teachers. So I got three out of five. So this left me with 50 out of 52 at the F one. So it's very, very doable. Um If you just start early. Um And even if you start an F one again, most should be achievable except the publication part of it. Um, but I have had people, like, get two or three within, out, within one year. So, it's doable. Um, so it's something I thought I'd just mention briefly academic train called Fellowship. Um, it's a whole another to talk itself. It's a completely different. It's, it's not completely safe. You have to meet all the basic standards that, of CSD. So I would still do all of this. Exactly. But plus you have to do it for academics. I would say you have to get minimum publications presentations and prices. Um, and then they use this to they, and you write whitespace questions. So it's basically five questions that they ask. You, you have to, it's a personal statement effectively. Um And then based on these four things, they give an interview you and based on the interview, you get your spot. Um, af I strongly recommend it because it gives you dedicated research time, 25% off for research. Um, guaranteed run through number. Um Yes, I strongly recommend that as an academic myself. I get unbiased. Um But it's a whole another talk in itself. But I just wanna let you know either way you don't have to do a CSD whether you give ACF or normal CSD. So make sure you just get CSD um on, on point, like just make sure you finish this in F one. So again, change is always constantly, I just wanna keep, just because the 2024 1 says what I said doesn't mean 2025 they're going up the cases to, um, 60. So generally they'll keep upping it up a bit. So always go about 20 25% above what they ask. So it, yeah, I remember when I looked at it first in medical school, it's 15 cases now. So I've gone on 40. So I would always go 20 above what they are. So 60. Uh again, order, make sure you do two cycles, minimum, uh face to face teaching donor compromised online. If you want four points. Um If you want, if you're willing to accept a bit lower, it's online, that's fine. But I would strongly recommend this because you've got these same points for um a three. So I would do the same. And then one thing I wish I did early on um is P GF one or an F two. But I think I would do an F one personally. Like I said, the ideal format is why I said earlier. September MRC S part A January part B out of the way. And um a common thing, especially if Irc is make sure you do it quickly. Um So if you plan to sit up within again, 4 to 6 months, because they are the same knowledge they are left along the due to personal circumstances. Um Long time, one year. So I would strongly back to back because C a don't have provide the same knowledge. Um Yeah. Uh So just a quick a day in life called training. Everything's gonna be this amazing surgeon that you can operate all the time. I think I uh a lot of the time. I am just um opening, closing, putting the final screws in, et cetera. So don't expect like a camera or thing. You're learning all your basic surgical skills. I think you properly operate Um On your again, uh Just my experience I'm talking from but um you're doing your basic surgical skills. So what might be good is if you learn all your skills? F one F two. So simple things like transfixing, et cetera. Um You can do a lot more in core training. Um So I just, yeah, don't, don't go high expectations. You will um speaking um uh assisting, et cetera. But um it dependent specialty. For example, when I was doing general surgery, I got to, I do most of the appendix if not like and like uh orthopedic skin, skin almost the. So there's loads of like basic operations they do let you. But um on the majority like ankle, we fact uh fixation it's unlikely the most of it. So just the key according to get all your surgical, basic surgical skills, closing, opening. And um how for example, the um so in terms of clinics, it's actually quite very, very varied. I would say the focus is more on calls at night. Um The idea is to get your uncles and night an idea in CT two, you wanna be at level? Um See uh why is there Act Two? I called uh I uh be with the, I would answer the bleed and you would just sit by me, make sure I do the right things. Um So just start to step up early and then in clinics. Um So usually a bit more, but I recommend it's also required for your portfolio. So usually you should go once a week, about once a week. But again, I don't think many people actually do, but you should and then um there's obviously there's the wall on call shift. Um just do a lot of people think it seems to be complete wars which would be so nice. But yeah, you to get that privilege. So we still have to do. It was just like F twos. Um so that the one course shift. But yeah, yeah, basically after after hours, you know, regarding those stuff as well. Um But yeah, all, all, all a good thing but don't just go really, really high expectations. Um set achievable targets such as learning basic surgical skills as at 10, a few things and make sure you're ready to be on calls wise. It's probably the most important as a support training ready for it. Yeah, I think that's it. Perfect. Um Yeah. Do you guys have any questions? I think, how do you, how you wanna do? Thank you very much for this. Amazing. So we have some questions in the chart. I'm going to run through them. Feel free to add your questions as we go along. I'm going to try to go through as many as possible. Um So the first question is uh if you're happy for us to share the slides at the end of the presentation? Yeah. Sure. That's fine. Yeah. Yeah, I'll send it to you, upload it and the presentation will be, is recorded and it's going to be available on the mind the bleep page and also on youtube. So you'll be able to access it later on as well. Uh Another question is, when is the portfolio changed every year? Is it September time? It's usually, so you apply in Novemberish or? Ok. Ish time as usual change. So a few weeks before the application usually, but II don't, didn't quote me on it. That's roughly what I'm see. Yeah. Mhm. Thank you. So, keep an eye out guys. Uh they usually get posted in advance um, a few months in advance. Uh So the next question is for audit presentation. Uh do they need to be R CS accredited or do R CS supported ones come to be credited? Safer? But there's no strict, there's no, it's not clear on the guidelines on the, what's called the PDF document. So I just went credited safer. Yeah. Thank you. Hello. Good question is where would you advise to submit a review from an essay competition? It depends what they say. I would say. Uh it's basic science and stuff. Uh Go for ACP Association, Clinical Clinic, clinicians of pathology. And that not many people know about, but they have a lot of funding grants and prizes for the award. So I got prizes from there. So definitely it definitely recommend going there. What else is useful? Um So like uh since they also did one, if we did uh a review article in like A I Neurology, uh if you submit it to the conference bars, then you can win the essay competition. Um the generally this um associated specialty, but you can also do it in allied specialties, like I said um Yeah, that's Yeah. Thank you. But I'm trying to think of questions that's answering your question for you. A review from an essay competition. Yeah, that's that. And the respective journals. So if it's spouse, their general theology, etcetera, yeah, that answer the question. Yeah. OK. Next question is if we teaching experience, if I teach students on the ward and get feedback across to hospital, does that count as organizing and delivering? No, just organized six formalized sessions in like rooms, feedback forms. Um No difference because yeah, uh it doesn't count my understanding. It's harder cos it's a gray area. I would just be like crystal clear and do it properly personally. Yeah. Mhm Make sure you aim high to make sure you get the exactly. Uh The next question is when the criteria states surgically themed, does that include like, can they do an audit in the rotation or is it best to wait for the general surgical rotation? I just such that I didn know if s and technique comes on us, I mean, uh such a so again, another greater I would do it either if you have time. Now go to general surgery consultants and ask them, can I do an audit? And they should, uh, and make sure I don't say audit, I would say Q IP with two cycles because I think there's a lot of confusion regarding this, make sure it's AQ IP with two cycles. Um And I would just ask them, they in the hospital, you just go ask them, can I do and can do a general surgery on recommend? I'm not sure if the safe option guiding to that or not, it's just the safe side. Ok. And just stick to surgery once. Thank you. Um And the last question in the group chat at the moment is if it's possible to get in touch with you regarding the ACF. Um Oh yeah, yeah, sure, of course. Yeah. Um helps a lot of people regarding the ACF applications, it's very difficult. I mean, the only reason I call it again because of my senior. So make sure you always ask, um, if any, any application in terms of systematic reviews or anything like that. I have a few as well, um, that I need to get done as well. So I'm happy on top of that. My email if anyone is interested. So generally my topics are in orthopedics and medical education. Um, just want to help to get the application. But, yeah, go for it. Ok, thank you. And a few more questions came through. So does a public first author review article count as a publication. Yeah. So you get maximum points for that. Yeah. Yeah. Mhm. It, it doesn't say anywhere that it's original research. Um I'm pretty sure I actually did that whole thing. Um let's see where it is there. We are almost. Yeah. So I Ortho side doesn't say anything about original research. So yeah, I mean uh I would always, like I said I would do original research one review and it's safe but um if you're struggling just do a review should be easy, quick and fine. Yeah. Ok. And the next question is do medical education conferences count as surgical related if they were accepting surgical related admissions? Yeah, I mean uh it's how you doing it. Uh I think yes. Oh that's a tough one. Have a look because I II always go off this. Um So if surgical, if it's for this section, I would say just be on the safe side and don't know. But if it's for presenting like for the presentations bit um then because he's project that delivering nationally. Uh but it doesn't matter which conference. So, does that make sense? So if it's such conferences probably just be on the safe side. I'm not, no, we're not all, no, no one's actually fully sure about it. It's just being on the safe side and submit to a, et cetera. But for presenting, I would say it doesn't matter. OK, thank you very much for answering all these questions. I think that was the last question on the group chat. I also put a link to the feedback form in the group chat. So everyone, if you can please fill in the feedback form. That's how you get your attendance certificate for this talk. Thank you very much, doctor. Er, if anyone has any questions, feel free to message us. Do you have anything else you'd wanna add? No. Uh um um Just the thing is if you have any questions, any projects or anything you wanna get involved with um my emails at the end. So if you need uh asking questions, um I think the most important thing I'd say more of this is um ask your like immediate seniors and stuff. That's how I got my um number. Uh So just ask questions added at the end. Um Any doing MRC versus A CS? What's A and um yeah, the next question, if you can, please clarify what you mean by that. Uh And we're going to go to the next quick question, do both cycles of the audit need to show an improvement or is it enough? If only one does show improvement, it's really quite simple in terms of if both cycles to pick the thing that shows improvement in this. So, so you're looking for first time, you're looking at VT E and the second time you can just say, oh, improvement was, it looks more presentable. I'm gonna just, I would say make sure it shows improvement but it could be different, for example. Um Yeah, that sounds so no. All right. The we got the clarification for the previous question. So it was MRC S versus uh CST. The MRC is the exam confused any experience if locum were doing MRC SDA training program, what do you mean? Sorry. Um Yeah, move to the next question. Let's see. Clarifies, feel free to message us to clarify to get more information. Uh Now the last question is, do you get penalized by doing an F 34 CST? Uh No ne is nothing but um quicker again, the quicker. It's a lot personally, I I would do it quicker because um I don't know, II it there's no, it's not formally PS or anything like that. But if you quickly get in, get your national training number, then you can Yeah, if you need a year out, et cetera, I would do it but the later you can delay it, the applications are getting harder and the quicker you get in the easiest for you. Yeah. Um yeah. Ok. All right. Um yeah, I think that was the last question. Thank you very much. No worries. Thank you for joining see you guys. Yeah, email me if it's ok. No worries. Thank you everyone. Bye.