This webinar will explore the experiences of doctors who have undertaken a specialised foundation programme within Northern Ireland (NIMDTA). It will give a first-hand insight into the project opportunities that are available and the skills that may be gained from this period of research.
Specialised Foundation Programme Webinar
The Specialized Foundation Program (SFP) webinar provides medical professionals and final year medical students with insights from doctors who have completed the SFP. The webinar also provides an overview of the SFP and explains the programme's application process. Guest speakers include Doctors Rachel Miller, Marcus Boyd and Ryan McConville. The SFP is a two-year, post-medical school training course with a four-month dedicated placement in an academic or research setting. Offered by the Northern Ireland Foundation School, placements range from research centres to medical projects. The webinar instructs attendees on how to fill out their SFP preference forms, which are scored by clinical academics from relevant institutions, and goes through the timeline of the program. The purpose of the event is to provide a first-hand perspective to give attendees a better idea about what the SFP program can offer them and their medical career.
Learning objectives
- Understand the structure and process of the Specialised Foundation Program (SFP) including the application process, allocation process, and the timeline.
- Gain insights into the personal experiences and viewpoints of doctors who have completed or are in the process of completing the SFP program.
- Learn about the various SFP disciplines available for choice and the associated job placements that come with each SFP choice.
- Understand the significance and benefits of the SFP in career progression and development in academia.
- Identify potential challenges faced during the SFP and strategies to address these challenges.
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Right. We're live. So, hello everyone. Uh Thank you very much for joining us tonight for our S FP webinar event. Um Ryan and I will be kind of taken, but we are joined by Doctor Rachel Miller, Doctor Marcus Boyd and Doctor Ryan mcconville. We have uh thankfully given up their time to tell us a bit about their experience of the S FP program. Uh The way it'll work is uh Mr mccann and I will do a brief presentation on kind of what S FP is about and what Nimda is doing this year taken from their website, um which you should probably check out afterwards because it'll have everything that you need to know. And then each of the doctors will kind of give us a um kind of perspective and viewpoint of how they found it and what they've got out of it, which I think is quite interesting. So it should be a decent enough night and we hope that you get something out of it. So I will just start to present slides here and then we'll get started. OK. So hopefully you guys can see that. So, yeah, so this is our uh S FP uh webinar. We've been wanting to know this for a while, but thankfully, we've got it put together now. Um So this is really kind of focusing on the personal experiences and insights of doctors who have completed or are completing the S FP program. Uh Again, the way it work tonight is we'll give a brief introduction overview and then uh Marcus uh has done a, is doing a cardiology S FP. Uh Rachel is doing or has done a virology S FP. And then uh Ryan has done an oral medicine S FP. So it'll be good to kind of hear about their own experiences. So that's four months tonight. So if you don't know what uh the specialized foundation program is, it's essentially just two years uh training program following medical school, but it differs from the traditional kind of um program. So it differs because in F two, you essentially have a dedicated four month placement and this can be an academic research setting. So uh it's like in the research centers in the cancer center or W Wilson or up in Ulster or you can have a med uh kind of project. So during F 21 of your three blocks will be your kind of research project. It's available to any final or medical student. Um They can apply uh to the S FP. And this is once allocations are given out, which I believe is tomorrow. Um So the foundation school in Northern Ireland will offer 15 SF PS per year and this is split between QB and EU. Um We can tell you a bit more about the breakdown in just a bit, but this is kind of just a brief overview of what the specialized foundation program is. So the breakdown of it then is essentially uh in Belfast. Uh We have 12 SF PS and these are QB affiliated placements. Um and you'll be in the Belfast Trust for your C kind of placements, then uh UU which is kind of based in Derry will have then three specialized foundation program places and F two and you'll be based out of al theal in the Western Trust for clinical placements and then you will be affiliated with you and your kind of research project on them. So this has all been directly lifted from the NIM the website. So if you want more information, we've got links to it, um Essentially uh you will be allocated to the Northern Ireland Foundation School uh for F one. And this is through the preference in form allocation, which is now the given process across the UK. Um You will be allowed to then preference your S FP places once you have been confirmed as being allocated to the AN iIn and then uh you will conduct a kind of a completion of an S FP preference form. So this is what they're using this year to kind of determine who is a suitable candidate for it. So this will be reviewed by clinical academics from both QE B and UU. And you essentially rank all of your 15 available S FP um programs and associated disciplines and also the rest of the placements as well. So you'll be allocated based upon the score that you get from your S FP preference questions, which we've got some example ones at the end that has been put up on the NIM A website. So this has been lifted from them as well. So it's essentially just saying the allocation pro process is completed, you're allocated to the Northern Ireland Foundation School. And then if you're interested in S FP, you then fill out the form with kind of the whitespace questions and then that will be ranked and scored by these clinical academics from QB and EU. And uh then you will be uh finding out your allocation uh with everyone else and more details will kind of be given out uh at that stage. So again, for further guidance, this is kind of the message from this, go to the N MDO website and this is the QR code for it. So I'll hand over it to Ryan. Next. Thanks James. So just to continue now to talk a little bit about the timeline um for S FP that Nimda have on their website. So as we said earlier, um foundation schools and deaneries will be allocated tomorrow the 27th of February. And then uh almost immediately after on uh Friday, the application window for S AP will open. And at is at this stage that you will complete your um white based questions and rank your um S AP programs and disciplines and you have a week to do this. Um So this application window will close on the seventh of March this year um at 12 noon and um they won't accept any late applications. Uh The it is a week, but unfortunately, most of the information that you need, if you're already thinking of doing one is available on the N MDO website. So you can kind of have an idea of what you're most interested in, in doing and the associated jobs that come with that S FP and also the questions which we'll talk about in a minute as well and then um it'll be the 10th of April. Um ideally this year that um hopefully places will be allocated. Um So also available on the NDO website. Um You can see the available disciplines um already at this stage and there's a vast range of different SPS that you can choose from. Um some of them more like surgically minded and internal medicine ones as well as um like oral medicine and some other um different disciplines. And there's also the three available at Ulster that you can see on the supervisors as well. And just to sort of go through like an example, generic of P placement. Um, so your year one, will be in, uh, any sort of trust really. It could be and it'll just be sort of the same as any f one year where you'll have the 34 month rotations, um, through internal medicine or surgery, um, or something similar. And then year two, you'll be either in Belfast or in the Western Trust and your clinical and your S AP blocks will be in the same trust. Um So you'll have um 14 month S AP block, which could be the 1st, 2nd or the third placement in a two and then the other two will also be in that hospital and also the, the S and P programs available and the sort of associated um placements that come with them are available as well at the moment and they're not planning on changing until 2027. So, um it's something to keep in mind as well. Um What sort of jobs that you're hoping to do during foundation as well as the S FP block? Um As we said as well, the whitespace three questions uh are also available on the N MDO website at the moment. Um So each of these questions are double marked by two markers. Um And these are academics from Queens and Ulster and there's a maximum of 15 points for each question um with a 200 word limit and they say that the minimum score required is eight out of 15 to sort of progress further. And uh these questions are, they're just sort of aimed at um teasing out uh who would be a suitable candidate based on previous exposure. Um Sort of people's motivations for applying for S FP and the sort of how you feel it will benefit your future career um and aspirations in academia. And then thirdly what challenges you would foresee in, undertake in the S FP and how you would meet these. So that's sort of just a brief introduction to S AP to people who are going in blind and haven't really um been informed about it before. Um Again, we would just like to um bring everyone's attention to the NE MDA website and there's a QR code there as well and we've posted the link in the, er, chat for you to just read through and um find out a little bit more about the program. So, um we'll pass on now to Marcus who's gonna chat a little bit about his S FP, which he carry, he is currently carrying out and he's doing the cardiology one, so I'll hand over to Marcus now. All right. Thank you very much. Uh Ryan and James, er, and hi everybody. Um, lovely to have you along. Um Let me see if I can get my slides up before I still work. Ok. So, um I said lovely to meet you all. Um, my name is Marcus. I'm currently doing the cardiology S FP. Um, so it's kind of still a work in progress. Um, let's crack on my presentation will be brief and honest. Er, I'm gonna try and keep to 10 to 15 minutes. Um, I'm gonna touch very, very briefly, very briefly on my background. Um, I'm going to.