SIGAf conference is here again. This year's conference is specially curated to help attendees build a successful career. Our seasoned speakers will share tips and lessons they have learnt. I'm sure their personal stories will inspire you and help you navigate your career path.
Maximum word limit is 250 words. Abstracts should be structured with sub headings
Abstracts should fall into one of two selectable categories:
1. Research abstract
2. Case report/series
If submitting a research abstract, the template sections are: “Aims” “Methods” “Results” “Conclusion”.
If submitting a Case report, the template sections are:
Background/Case(s) description/ Discussion/ Conclusion
Deadline: Abstract submission closes on 10th of Octoberr 2023 23:59 BST.
Authors will be notified of outcome within one week of submission close
Link to Register:
Link to submit Abstract: