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SFP Unlocked session 1: Getting your portfolio ready for SFP



This on-demand session is designed to give medical professionals an introduction to the Specialty Foundation Program (SFP). Presenters Elisha and Ankit will provide information about the different types of SFPs (research, medical education, and leadership), how they fit into the integrated academic training pathway, and why one would want to apply. They will also discuss the common opportunities offered by the SFP, including networking and mentorship chances, and the potential to gain certificates and qualifications free of charge. Questions can be asked in the chat throughout and participants will have the chance to give feedback at the end.


Join us this evening where we will give you an overview of what the UKFPO Specialised Foundation Programme is and how it differs between each deanery. We will also be discussing tips on how to do last minute brush-ups to your portfolio which is essential for the SFP application. Stick around till the end for a short Q&A session with the speakers who will answer any questions you have!

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the three types of SFP and how they function within the medical training pathway
  2. Analyze the pros and cons of applying for the SFP
  3. Become familiar with the benefits of completing a PG CERT or a master's module
  4. Gain insight into how the SFP can support individuals in their career paths
  5. Learn how to use the Orel platform to apply for the SFP in their chosen region.
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Uh over your eyes. Wow. Hi, everyone. I'm just gonna ask Robbie. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you absolutely fine. Let me just see if, could you just speak again? Robbie? I'm, I'm, I couldn't hear you, but I'm not sure if it's on my end, it might be on my end. I'll just uh what I think it was on my end. Thank you. Can you hear me now? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was my headphone. Thanks to everyone who's joined already. Um We'll give it a few, a couple of minutes and then introduce ourselves and start the presentation. Ok. So I think we'll give it a start and you're able to hear me as well in June. That's fine. Um So welcome everyone to this evening's talk. We're giving an introduction to the SFP and how to prepare your portfolio myself and I kit are presenting tonight. Um And we've also got some more of our team here who will be giving talks over the next few weeks. We've got Robbie Melanie and June at the moment, um who will be able to answer your questions in the chat throughout. So I'm just going to start sharing my screen and we'll get started. I'm just a um just uh to let you know that there will be a feedback form at the end as well if it would be really helpful if you could fill it out because this is the start of a series of talks and we'd like to know what you would like us to cover as well as, as what we've planned. Um So I'll, I'll just start sharing the presentation and we'll introduce ourselves properly. Um, so, um, my name is Alicia. I'm an fy one. I'm currently doing a research SFP in York. Um, and I'll let introduce himself as well. Hi, everyone. Um, I'm Anne Kitt, so I'm a med at SFP in Leeds. Um, and I'm currently on anesthetics in IC U for my F one year and I'll be doing my medical education block, um, at the start of my F two year. Ok. Um, so to start with, we just like to go through a bit about what the SFP is. I know at this time last year I, I was kind of thinking, is this something that I definitely want to do? I don't know much about it. Um, so just to, to go over a bit about the specialized foundation program, you might have heard some things from people who have applied last year and now F ones doing the SFP, there are three types currently. Um, there's a research SFP, the me SFP and there's also a much more new SFP called the leadership of entrepreneurship. SFP. Um How many of these, each of these is provided per region is, is really dependent on where you're applying to. I know a lot of places still don't do the leadership and entrepreneurship. SFP. Um But in terms of what they involve, um you can imply to, to more than one type during your application. But a research SFP is, is more targeted as being an opportunity to develop your research skills. Often they will include a fully funded PG cert or other qualification. And typically, people would apply to these because it's protected time to work on a research project. Typically, that would be a four month block in FY two with protected time throughout the two years to do a PD sort of qualification or prepare for that block of time. Um But there are exceptions, for example, Northern SFP has 24 month blocks, one in F 11 in F two and there are other um regions where they would do one day a week throughout the two years of research. So it's worth checking that out before you apply as to what their provisions in terms of time for that research component are. There's also the med SFP. So that's an opportunity to gain teaching experience often that is simulation teaching, which is what a lot of you guys might have have experienced already. Um And you might have already had some experience. And I know for me, it was in year five and we had most of that experience and it was led by F ones doing their SFP. Um But it also has an opportunity to do a phg CERT as well specifically in medical education. And again, it's protected time to work within that medical school to gain those skills that you can then use in your portfolio in the future. And then the leadership in entrepreneurship. SFP is again, very dependent on the region. Typically, they will involve a module of education from what I've seen and not necessarily a PG cert it could be a master's module. Um And there is also the opportunity to engage with the regional leadership networks and mentorship opportunities. And so that might be something that you're thinking about doing. Um You might have a small business that you want to continue to pursue and that could be able to give you the time and the the resources in the network to, to continue that or to start something new. Would you like to add anything there? And k uh No, sir, I pretty much uh just want to echo everything that Alicia said. I think it's a, it's a great opportunity to have four months um out of the hospital doing something that hopefully you guys are passionate about. Either it be research, medical education or leadership. I think there are three quite broad categories. Um And usually people who are sort of academically inclined find themselves aligning to one of these things. So a lot of people go for research but then I know a lot of people go for the medical education SFP as well and a lot of people are sort of entrepreneurs, they're business minded. So this new SFP is a really appealing SFP for those people in particular. And I can see a lot of people in the chart that are really interested in applying to, to the SFP, which is great and a few people that are thinking of up north and also down south as well. So we'll cover all of the different areas. Um And we'll cover sort of the differences between deaneries as well. Um A bit later on today and also in more detail further on in our talk series. Yeah, and, and just to add there, um I will again talk about this in a little bit, but when you're applying to the SFB, it might be that you don't like the sound of one of these or you only want to be looked at to apply to one of these. There is an opportunity on your application on Orel to select which ones you'd like to be considered for. Um, that might be slightly different depending on whichever region you apply to as to how they want you to show that preference. But you can also apply to all three within a de and be considered for those um and rank jobs, you know, you might rank some research, some med ed and some leadership jobs when you do come to rank SFP. So um just to give an idea of how this actually fits into medical training, this is the integrated academic training pathway which was published by the N hr um Essentially, it shows where research fits into the clinical training. There's a lot of clinical, like the word clinical academic is, is maybe something that you've heard and it might be uh the career goal that you wish to pursue or you might just be interested in having a taste of research for the first time and deciding if that's something for you. And the SFP is a really good opportunity for that if you do the research SFP. So a lot of you will have had some research experience in your SS IP or SSE with a medical school, you might have pursued, pursued research opportunities independently with, with supervisors. Uh the foundation program again, gives you that protected time to do that. And you don't necessarily have to um do that in order to be able to apply for an academic clinical Fellowship or um in order to become a senior lecturer or a professor in the future. But it is a way to see if research is something you want to do. Um And you don't necessarily have to have had much um experience in research or many publications to be able to be able to apply to the SFP. But it can be useful if you want to consider a career in clinical academia. Um just looking at the specialist training, typically you would apply for at the next stage, which, which obviously is still quite far ahead of you guys. But just to give you an idea, um you'd be applying for your um your clinical training, your ST level and you might then also want to apply to be an academic fellow. At that point, you do the application as well and if you do, you don't happen to get an SFP or a research SOP this year, that's no impediment to you doing it. But just to highlight that the aim of the SFP is to give people that experience, especially if you've not had it before. Have an idea. You want to continue, have a research project, you want to continue, it gives you that ability to do it and to um to just know whether this is something that's right for you before you then have to apply for it later down the line. Um So why apply to the SFP? And again, the reasons are different for everyone. Um So for a lot of people, it's a time to build a portfolio to develop skills. Um especially if I know I hadn't had too much research experience in medical school. And I knew that I wanted to have some of that experience now, um, before I got too busy later in my career, I didn't want, I want the ship to have sales there. And I knew that if I didn't get on to this SFP, I would still have the opportunity to do to find someone to do research with. Um within my F one. It, it wasn't necessarily something I had to do, but it has given me the opportunity to know that I've got that protect time to do it. Um Again, it depends on the SFP you do, it gives you a lot of networking and mentorship opportunities. There is the opportunity to gain certificates and qualifications at no extra cost, which is a real benefit. Um Although you can obviously do those um at your own cost or negotiate with the trust further down the line. If there's something you really want to do when you don't happen to get on an SFP for some people, it's a nice chance to get some time off the wards, especially if you're doing a me at SFP and you want to be teaching for one day a week with a medical school and you might, it's kind of a taste of that portfolio career that people talk about a lot and, and it really is what you make of it. Um There are some, I guess, relative negatives to it. Again, it depends on what you're valuing and what you want out of your F one and your F two. Um Technically, there is a relative pay cut and during, if you, for example, have a four month block of research, you would be earning your base pay. Um Whereas if you had been doing nights and on calls regularly throughout that period and getting those extra incentives, but you'll still be earning the same, your same base pay. It just might, it might be something that you want to consider. That is, that is an aspect of it. Um You also have the same A RCP. So the same portfolio outcomes to fulfill just like in medical school, you have to a certain number of procedures such as can bloods done in medical school, you have certain things you need to get fulfilled on the wards and case based discussions, et cetera. And if you're taking a day a week to do an SFP and a four month block out later on to do training, then that is that does reduce the time you have an awards and the time that you have to complete those skills and get them signed off. So it requires prioritization, it requires discipline and self motivation. Um But if you're considering applying to the SAP and if you're a medical student in general, you typically have those skills and that determination. Um And it's good to remember, you know, a lot of people have completed their SFP, we're currently doing it and it is manageable. Um And I guess there's another aspect it, there's less clinical time if you're off the wards, if all you want to do is clinical medicine. Um That's an aspect to consider and it is a competitive application process separate from the standard FP pathway. Um I would still encourage anyone who's even thinking or has it in the back of their mind that they want to apply to an SFP to just go ahead and do it. Um Because if, if you then fail to get a place, at least you would have the regret that you didn't try. Um But uh it, it, it also, it, it, it gives you something else to kind of think about when you're applying. So it's important to consider that you'll need to be aware of the procedure application depending on the region you're applying to which we'll talk about in a bit. Anka, is there anything you'd like to add there? Um Not really, I think, yeah, it's really important to be aware. Obviously, there's a lot of positives to the SFP and, and we're all quite biased because we're doing the SFP and that it's a great program which we fully believe in. And, but then there's also obviously these negatives which you can see on the screen as well, which you just need to be aware of. And it's, it's how much you value individually each of these points. Um And it's just really important to be aware of these negatives as well, not just for yourselves, but sometimes they might ask you an interview. Um I know one of the White Space questions last year asked about what are some of the sort of demands of the SFP? And you just need to be aware of the fact that it's not all fine and dandy that there are some slightly harder elements to the SFP and that you're required to do the same outcomes, well, the same clinical outcomes, but in less clinical time. And so these are some of the big sort of limitations of SFP. But then in my personal opinion, a lot of other things make up for that. So it's just something to weigh up um, before you guys start applying. Um And yeah, like Alicia said, I think there's absolutely no harm in applying even if you don't get a place. The good thing is, is that you're allocated back into the normal foundation program. Um So there's really nothing to lose in my opinion apart from just a few weeks of preparation in terms of your white space questions and maybe interview prep, hopefully if you guys are lucky. Um, but worst comes to worst. If you don't get a place, you'll, you'll be guaranteed a job. Exactly. And, and I think just as well to kind of talk about the relative pay cut point because I, I, when I applied, I was thinking, you know, I'm, I'm happy, you know, um, to, to be able to, to have that Monday to Friday for four months where I can do that research, but depending on where you are, you may be wrote it on to, on calls during that time for some weekends and some days it really is dependent and you can also like to make up that pay. Um, but that's something I guess it is. Again, all these things are weighing up what you value. And I, I think absolutely, it's very an individual choice, but I would say that the pros definitely outweigh the negatives in my view. Um I will also say at this point, if you have any questions that you want to ask, pop them in the chart, anytime we have um several people answering questions there. But also if there's something you want to ask us at the end, we will ask the moderators to, to read those questions out because it's, it's difficult to keep an eye on the chat and here and I can see that someone's asked if you're gonna receive the presentation. I think there should be a recording of this um session as well that you'll be able to access. So, so just to go over the ratios, sorry. Yeah, just to go over the competition ratios very, very briefly. Um this is very slightly outdated. I think this is from 2020. Um but roughly the numbers are still the same. Um So you can see that vacancies to applications is around sort of 5 to 1 or 1 to 5. Sorry. So there's five times as many applications and there are vacancies. So you can see that it's a competitive process. Um and each um what, what they've called a UO A which we now call SUO A or specialized units of application has their own application process. Um And we'll go through a few of them, a few different things that they're looking for in terms of people's portfolios. Um Some people, some places use white space questions and others don't, some people interview and others don't. So it's a really good idea to just bear these competition ratios in mind. Definitely don't be scared by them. Um because there will be several other people in the same position as you and, and trust me, you don't need a lot of research experience. You don't need 100 posters or 100 audits. I think everyone is fair game to applying to the SFP. So it's just something to be aware of. Um if you did want a particular SFP in a particular area, it's a good idea to have a look at the competition ratios to maybe try and maximize your points if you're in especially early clinical years or preclinical years. But even if you're 1/4 year or a final year medical student, there's definitely some things that you can do um before you apply to try and maximize your points. So this is purely just a, just a painting image of, of the fact that it is a little bit more competitive. Um And that some places are more competitive than others. Um But overall, everybody's, I would say is fair game and it's just about how you approach each deary and, and playing to your strengths essentially. So this is I've taken from the UK FPO website, a screenshot of different parts of the time line which is available there and I'd encourage you if you haven't already checked to have a look at all the resources on the UK FPO website. And if you have your login, do you really get familiar with that site during the application process? But specific to the SFP? Because it is something that you have to apply for in addition to being part of the national FP pathway. Um It will be uh via the R um kind of web page and you do log in there to apply, but essentially the application window for all of the foundation program, specialized foundation program and the foundation priority programs all open on the 20th of September this year and make sure that when registration on our um kind of opens, so you might not have your log in here actually make sure that you do register um uh during the period when you, you're meant to um so that you can then have eas easy application to the, to the program. So essentially the SFP selection processes occur. It says between the Fourth of October and the 29th of December. So that's when you've already submitted your, your application for the SFP, along with your FP application between the 20th and the fourth, you would, they then deliberate on those you might hear during that period that you're invited for interview. Um And then you, so that's kind of the period in which interviews tend to happen. And then there's a deadline for you to amend your SNP program preferences on the 13th of October. So when you want to apply, you will be um show you can choose which of the programs you want to apply to. Uh and that should be made clear when you're applying um on the A, a website and by the UK FPO Guidance and then the specialized foundation program offers are released in rounds. So these are the rounds that they show on, on these dates and there's quite a few of them. So it's worth remembering that if you don't receive an offer in the first round, then you may receive one in the subsequent rounds. So don't be too discouraged if there's someone else that you know who's got a message on the 10th of January about the, the application process, it could be that you will get it in one of the subsequent rounds and it's quite a long period to wait, but it's worth bearing in mind that um you may not hear back during the first round. Um I will talk a bit about um accepting and declining offers in a bit because that can be a bit confusing as well. Um But then once you have um done that, um if you do get an offer and you accept your offer, you'll be taken out of the rest of the process and you will have been given that job. Um But if you don't receive an offer, you will be put back into the FP um applicate general sp allocation. Um And those will be heard about in I think March um in this coming year. Um So a as a kit mentioned are what term specific units of applications. So similar to how you kind of rank deaneries, they're typically units of application is what deaneries are and you'll probably know from having looked at where you might want to apply what? So for example, Yorkshire and the Humber Northern, those are deaneries, but specific units of application typically map to the same deaneries, but sometimes they might be a larger or smaller area. Um And, and so that's just what a specific unit of application refers to is a group of one and more foundation schools I joined together to process those SFP applications. It's worth bearing in mind that you can only apply to two SUAS. Um So when you're considering where you want to apply, think about the locations, you want to apply to look at the SFP programs and their application methods and their processing methods, whether they do interview, whether they don't, whether they use White space questions, whether they don't figure out which ones you want to go to logistically, but also in terms of playing to your strengths and which ones have the programs you would enjoy most and then decide based on those which team you want to apply to this year. Ep MS, the Death Ales are also not used for the SFP scoring. This is a big change and so that will impact a lot of the ways that these SUAS process this year. Having looked at a lot of their websites in preparation for this talk. There are some that have already published their guidance for this education year and there are some that haven't. So it's important to keep checking regularly to, to have up to date information because this information isn't necessarily published on the UK FP website. It's specific to the Suoas. You'll have to go on to their um kind of gene SFP web pages to get the, the specific information about applying to them. Um Even though you will be applying on REL and each SU A again determines its applicants scoring differently. Some don't use interviews, some do um and white space questions how they want you to answer those and whether they want you to differ, I'll show you in a minute. But um there's some that will ask you to fill out a separate form that they provide on their website, you fill in the white space questions and on the oral form put not applicable into all of the boxes. It's worth being really careful and reading the details about the se A you apply to very carefully so you don't miss anything and disadvantage yourself. Um And again, keep referring to the UK FPO web page, the SFP FA Q the 2024 key changes, the application timeline that I just showed you some screenshots from and they've also already published all of the White Space Questions for this year on document. So you can begin preparing them whenever you want to, anything you want to add. Um No, not at all. So yeah, I, I think just pretty much echoing what you said again. Um Like like Alicia said, so the White Space Questions have been released. Um I actually found out really late on last summer that they were released um a few weeks prior. So I had to scramble to sort of write my White Space questions, but it's great that they're out. Now. It gives you guys a few weeks at least um to sort of start preparing drafts and, and, and e reediting the drafts as many times as you can and passing them on to several different people to have a look at. Um And we'll also be doing some White Space Questions sessions as well before the application deadline so that hopefully should help you out as well Um But yeah, I would say take a look at them, take a look at the dean websites as well that you guys are particularly interested in. Um because some of them favor different parts of your application and they, we them differently. Um So just have a look, have a bit of a play around with the different deaneries and see what they're after. Um because all the information is there and a lot of information will be released o over August and September. So if you don't see something there, now, chances are maybe next week or the week after it will most likely be released. So I'd say keep that sort of page on as a bookmark and, and regularly check it because I know, for example, um the Yorkshire scoring system came out very, very recently, maybe today or even yesterday. Um And we'll discuss that a bit later on. Um But yeah, just, just sort of keep the deaneries that you want in mind um and regularly check their website for any updates. Yeah. And um I noticed that people have asked in the chat about White Space questions, we will cover that. It's a part of the application process and, and we, we go through what that means, but basically you'll, there's, I think this year it's five questions that you'll be asked to write an answer to within a certain number of words and that's used um as part of the scoring. And So white space questions, typically there have been more of them but they ask you to explain in your own words or achievements, for example. So we'll go through that. So yeah, here we go. Um I'll let so yes. So, so for this year, there's only five white space questions. I think last year there was around 10 or 11 and again, some deaneries want them di or weight them differently. Some dearies don't want them at all. So it's just about having a look at which deary you want to apply to and seeing how exactly they we their White Space questions. So there's this link on the website um that shows you all of these white space questions and we popped the link in the slides there. Um You'll get a recording of it or it'll be very easy to find on the on the foundation program website. Um So an important tip to bear in mind. Um So some units of application might not actually ask you to fill in the White Space questions on Oriel itself. Some of them might want a Google form or a Microsoft um form to be submitted with your White Space question answers. Um So it's just a matter of reading their website and their guidance, it's usually very, very clear um and just have a look at which White space questions they actually want because some of them want them all, some of them don't want them all. Um So I would say just have a look and don't waste your time and sort of filling them all in if you realize that they actually don't need them all. Um So I think we've got a couple of screenshots next, which sort of outline how a looks. Yeah. So just to give a word of away, this is a screenshot of my application from last year. So how it looks on ro will probably have changed in terms of the format. But essentially when you apply to your foundation program and you go through the application process in section two, for us, it might be different for you. Was about the SFP you simply asked, do you want to apply if you click? Yes, it will then give you the option to fully apply. And I'm sure that will be similar this year, but just a word of warning that this might have changed. Um This is a screenshot of my application retrospectively. So it, it won't give all the full details that it would have when I was actually completing it. And so I selected my U A here from me. It was Yorkshire and hu you might have two. It's a maximum that you can apply for. Um and then um you will be asked certain things and you additional et cetera, et cetera. As you can see, I take no to all of these and I got an FP um but just just to give some encouragement because a lot of people are worried I've not got any prize and not got publications yet. Does that mean I can't apply or shouldn't apply? Um, but you'll get asked about these again. Yorkshire hum. For me. And I'm just talking about this because I applied to it. They actually didn't check A L for any of this. So it's worth checking again. Just reinforcing the point check what your SU A wants. They might have a separate form where you actually have to do these questions again, but just be very aware of what they want. And then this is I'm not sure if this will work. Um But this is a video and this video just shows me scrolling down what the white space question looks like. Again, these will be different. The white space questions for you are published already and you can see that words about 200. Again, that word limit might have changed. So you would, I would draft it in a, in a separate word document. Um What you want to say, send them off to other people for to ask for advice if that's something you want to reform them until you're happy with them and submit them on here. Or in this case, I was told by the Suoa, I was applying to put N A in into every single one of those boxes and then I would have to go and fill in my whitespace questions on a Google form that they released on their website specifically. Um If you were applying to two and one wants you to fill them out on here and one wants you to fill them out on their Google form, you would still fill them out on here. But for the SUO A that wants them on a Google form, for example, you would fill it out on the correct. So I'll hand over to. So um I know I can see a lot of um questions in the chat about the portfolio. So I thought I'd just mentioned the portfolio briefly and please don't get stressed too much about it if you don't have anything in your portfolio, that is absolutely fine. Um But here are some tips and so maybe you can try and sort of bu up your portfolio a little bit and especially if you're in earlier years as well, there should be sort of some good guidance for you guys getting an sp later on. Um So in terms of posters and publications, generally, a lot of um Uoas or units of application will give preference to those people or give points to those people that maybe have a publication or two or have presented a poster or two. And even if you don't, there's plenty of opportunities to be able to get um either an abstract at a conference published or a simple case report published. And I know, for example, this year Yorkshire is accepting first author, case reports equivalent to a first author research paper. And if you guys don't know, a case report is a really simple piece of work that you guys can very easily write with collaboration. And maybe a consultant or a register are just highlighting an interesting case. And it, it's probably in my opinion, one of the easiest publications um to get because it doesn't require the months' long worth of data collection and data analysis. And you can simply get a case report in a bit like a case based discussion, you can write it up and hopefully get a publication out of it and they're starting to accept that now. Um And so like we said, you don't need loads of papers and loads of posters to be in the running. Um You can just have one or two or like Alicia said, you don't even need any. It's just, it's just some points to be aware of. Um and always keep your certificates to hand. So if you've attended a conference or if you presented it at a conference, keep this certificate to hand. I know I had to sort of scramble through my emails when it came to the application deadline trying to find the certificate. Um But I would say as soon as you attend a conference, as soon as you present at a conference or as soon as you publish a paper that goes live, just keep a record of it um in one of your folders or on your desktop just so that you can come to use it a bit later on because even if it's not so useful, now, it will definitely be useful when you apply for specialty training later on. Um and audits audits is a great opportunity to implement a change or to examine how a particular thing is done in hospital against the national guideline or a clinical guideline. So you can present audits at various levels. And, and according to this, you will get varying amounts of points on your application by um depending on which Deaner you apply to. And in terms of actually doing an audit, it's always best to try and maybe lead your own audits and clinical placements whilst you're in medical school is a great time to do this because you'll often have a supervisor and they will most definitely have some audits going on in their department. So for me exam, for, for example, I know I didn't have an audit by the time, by this time last year when I was um 1/5 year in August. And I emailed a consultant asking if there's any quick audits that can be done by the time the application deadline came about and there was, and I was able to lead it, I was able to present it and this was all done within about six weeks. So it's definitely achievable and it can help you get a few more points on your applications and so prizes. So not everyone will have this. So don't stress, I certainly didn't. Um So you can have local, which is might be a prize at your medical school. You might have regional and you might have national prizes. So again, varying amounts of points for each um sort of category um and sort of more for early clinical years or preclinical years, essay writing competitions are, are a good way of gaining national prizes or regional prizes. Um And the Royal Society of Medicine often has many conferences which you can submit abstract to. And again, there's opportunities for prizes to be won at those conferences for the best poster or for the best oral presentation. Um So again, it's just, it's just some opportunities to look out for. Um I would say the Royal Society of Medicine is really good in that regard if you guys are interested in presenting at a conference or submitting an abstract. Um So just have a look and I think it's very, very achievable if you're in early clinical years and preclinical years. Um and whatever you do now, it even if it's already being used in your SFP application, it can still be used again in your specialty applications as well. So it will, it will count pretty much for the rest of your career. So it's really good um to do it in your undergraduate career whilst you're sort of less busy as you like um compared to your clinical career, because often you won't have that much time to be able to do all of those things. Um But just some point is which, which will hopefully help you guys. I don't know, Alicia, do you have anything else to add to that? I would just say a couple of things here in terms of, first of all that, when you're reporting these things, those, those two aspects, one is for a lot of soas they will ask you to selfs core. So they'll give you a list of the evidence that they value and the points that they would give to each one. Just make sure you read it really carefully and you're really honest with it. And if you've got any questions, contact the seo A because once that application is submitted, they will probably expect you to provide evidence of those things. So make sure that you've covered all bases that you're sure that what you're submitting and what you're circling as, as the achievement you have is, is um is fully, you know, a appropriate and is fully like it's it shown on whatever certificate you have. I would also say make, don't panic if you don't have many things that like your number is the one I applied to. So I'm just using that as an as an example. They do score other things highly. Um So not just publications but things like whether you've done volunteering experience in the past and how long you've done that for will then add up a certain number of points if you've done a quip for an order in, in medical school, and you've only done one round of it that will count for a certain number of points. If you haven't completely gotten to the point presenting it, it might still get you points. So again, read your Seoas um kind of uh application score system carefully. Um And if you are in the earlier clinical years and it's not anywhere near to, to apply yet, just have a look at these things and have a look at. Just wait, you know, there might be opportunities to do these things as this is if you're attending this talk in 2nd, 3rd year, it might be a while away. But, but um, there is, uh then, then you've got an opportunity to know what you then need to do over the next couple of years. If you're 1/5 year applying this year, I wouldn't worry too much. There might be the opportunity to do, to do things in the next couple of months. But um, have a look at the su a pages because you might be eligible for more points than you think you will get simply by the things that you've done through medical school. Absolutely. So, um, so like I said, there's some, there's some tips that we get. We can give you guys to try and sort of uh bu up your application. So, audits, like I said, can be done in a really short space of time and they can be presented as well. So I'd say if you're looking for a particular domain of your application, I know for, for a fact that Yorkshire looks at audits and, and some place, some other places might not. So it's just something to have a look at. Um but they can be done in a short space of time and they can definitely get you some more points. Uh keep and gather your evidence early. Don't, you don't want to be scrambling at the last minute to, to try and find all of your certificates. So, um, get that in early and, and for things like audits where you might not naturally get a certificate, it's always a good idea sort of the day after or on the day that you present your audit to get a letter from your consultant with uh an NHS letter head, just detailing the activities that you've done and, and what you did exactly. Just so that counts as a piece of evidence. Um So additional degrees count. So some um, units will actually give preference or give points to people that have obtained another degree. This isn't common. Um But some places do. So it's just about having a look at which places do and which places don't. Um, and play to your strengths. I think this is probably the most important tip that I can give you. Um, if you have one paper, but you are first or I know for a fact that Yorkshire values that really highly. Um But for example, Northwest last year anyway, um they valued sort of the quantity of papers. So if you had four papers, you've got the max points which is eight. And obviously any further than that, you would still get eight, but they sort of valued if you had more papers as opposed to which position on the authorship you were on a paper, which, which happens with Yorkshire. So it's just having a look at the different dear, having a look at what they actually give, waiting to and what they give, what they don't give, waiting to and maybe just making a list on a piece of paper about how many points you would score in each scoring system because the, the guidance is very clear on each website and even if not there, now it should be released within the next few weeks. Um So have a look and try and apply to those places that you're not only interested in, but are likely to get an SFP offer as well just because you only have two places which you can apply to. So it's, it's just maximizing the chances from one of those two applications. Yeah. And I'm just going to chime in here to say again, if you don't have any research replications. I didn't, that's completely fine. And I'd also like to just point out that when you look at the White Space questions, I think there'll be a question about research. So even though you might not have published anything, I'm sure you've done posters, I'm sure you've done NSSE at medical school and the skills within that, that you've used, you can talk about in your White space question the skills that you've gained in any research activity. And I know this is specifically to research me, for example, anything within that you've learned throughout medical school, even if you haven't specifically, you know, done a lot of teaching or published something at interview, you'll still need to talk about those experiences and similar to any interview, for example, when you're entering medical school, what you learned from that and how you can reflect on that. And so any experience you have is valuable. But again, at the first stage, when you're being shortlisted, have a think be strategic and play to your strengths. And I mean, I I'm just going to answer a question in the chat here that is very related to this. Um I saw someone ask who, how far back do they look at? I used volunteer experience from before medical school. I, one of the deans I applied to the Deaner, we applied to actually even valued something like being the captain of a non Medic associated team. Um or even music grades that you've had for ages. As long as you've got some way to verify, you've done that, you know, play to your strength. If you're less kind of, you have less papers, for example, you don't have any papers have a look for dearies that score differently. Um, and again, if you're more focused on me and you don't have any research papers, that's ok too, if you've got a teaching experience that is also really valuable and that'll be a question that, that they'll probably want, want, want have, have points allocated to. So this is um the self assessment scoring system that Yorkshire and Humber have released for this year. Um It was released very recently. We're talking either this morning or yesterday. So it's very, very recent. Um and it's what they will be using for their application process this year. We've included it just because we are from Yorkshire and Humber ourselves. We're doing our SFP here. But I know there's a lot of people in the chat that are looking at, read, looking at Sheffield and Whole York as well. And even if you're not, um it just gives you an idea as to what some of these deaneries might be looking out for in your application, even if it's not Yorkshire. Um So we can see here that skills based. And so this is things like um volunteering, work, musical activities, um enterprise, skills, sports competition, that sort of thing that has been given a lot of waiting this year. It's been given 55 out of a possible 100 points and the academic points has been given 45 points out of 100 points. Um And so by no means, will everybody have 100 or anybody ready? Have 100? But it's just about sort of picking a few experiences that can try and get you a maybe a few points or maximum points in a couple of sections or even a few points in a couple of sections to try and get the maximum points that you can. Um and again, different dearies will use this differently. So Manchester might not use skills-based scores at all. So if you're someone that has purely academic credentials, um Manchester might be something that you, you would want to look into. I I'm aware Northern as well just because I applied to Northern last year. They um give some emphasis towards people that have prior degrees or inte degrees and also one or two research papers. Um So it's just having a look at the different diaries and Yorkshire have only just released there. So if you've visited a website and you haven't found it yet, it will, it will definitely have to be released before the application deadline, but I'm assuming it will be released over the next week or so. And we just want to include this here just so you guys get an idea for Yorkshire in particular as to what they're looking out for. And I don't want you guys to be disheartened about the fact that so many points are things that you might not have because I can pretty confidently say I was well below full marks in my self assessment criteria last, last year for Yorkshire and I still got one of my top jobs. So it's, it's definitely not about gaining 100 out of 100 points or even 90 or 80 out of 100 points. It's just getting the maximum that you can and giving it a shot. If you really want to apply to Yorkshire, I'd say give it a shot. There's no harm in trying. Um but just make sure that your evidence is up to date and, and that you actually have evidence because I know a few people last year didn't have sufficient evidence and they got deducted points when, when it came to their self assessment validation. Um So make sure that you're actually getting the points for things that you have done with, with suitable evidence. Yeah, and I'd also just point out here the reason we've referenced Yorkshire isn't because this is a talk about it. It's because we, we happen to have applied there, but also because it's one of the few suas that had their criteria for this year published when we produced this talk. Um So keep an eye out for any dean that you're thinking of applying to. They should be uploading this soon because it's getting closer to the application um opening. Um So, so I'll, I'll talk briefly about interviews. I know it's, it's a few months away, but it's, it's just good to be aware of it. Um So most units will interview. Um So some may not. So Yorkshire, for example, didn't last year and I think it might have been the only one that didn't last year, but again, things might change this year. Um But as far as I'm aware, they're definitely not interviewing again this year. Um So I also applied to the Northern Deanery or the Northeast Deanie. Um And I interviewed there and that was a, a panel setting and I think that's the way that it goes for most of the other dearies that interview. So in terms of a general structure of the interview, um it's very sort of similar to an on annoy style scenario. So you will have clinical stations and you will also have academic stations because it's the SFP. Um And so your clinical stations will be things like prioritizing patients. So you might get a list of patients and you will have to discuss your rationale for which one you want to see first and which one you want to see last or you might get a, a patient that's acutely unwell and you just have to run through the A two algorithm and, and kind of come up with a management plan So it's things that hopefully you guys will have done when you're doing your ay preparations. Um and particularly for final years because the interviews are in sort of October November time or even December time. It's when you're preparing for these interviews, it's actually good oy practice for when, for, for the time that your finals come up. Um And in terms of academic stations, different deaneries do this differently. So I know, for example, London, um and Southern Deaneries, they do a lot of critical appraisal where you're given an abstract and you'll be required um to critically appraise that and you'll be given it around 20 or so minutes before, um or even before that. Um And you'll just be required to make a judgment on that paper and explain your thoughts to the examiners. Um But where I interviewed, which was nor, and Robbie also did as well where he's doing his SFP and I'm sure he can tell you a little bit more about that. Um It was more my own motivations for wanting to do the SFP and my previous research experience and, and what I would actually want to get out of a research SFP if I, if I did get a place in the Northern Deanery. Um So again, it's just having a look at how different dearies interview and maybe speaking to a few people that have interviewed previously at these different deaneries and asking them what their interview was like because chances are, is, is that they're not going to change the interview style dramatically. Um And they will generally keep the same sort of similar um types of questions, albeit a little bit different. So I know obviously the main focus for now, particularly for final years is is focusing on the application process itself. Um And so don't worry about interviews too much for now, but I would say once the application has been sent off and if you're applying to a Deaner that has an interview, I would say start preparation early in the event that you are called up for an interview and try and create some, some well formed non robotic answers that are unique to you. And that's really important because you don't want to sound generic or cliche. Um You want to try and put across an answer that's really unique, that's really compelling and, and trying to sell yourself essentially to the examiners as to why they should take you in their deary and why they should want to work with you for two years. Um As a specialized foundation doctor, I will also say here at this point, um people have been asking a chat about a spreadsheet or a list of all the Suoas. The UK FPO publishes a list. It will be on their website. If it's not today, it will be soon and it will contain all the details about the deaneries. I think typically it might be how many places they have, what types of sfps they have, um, and how they gore and whether or not they interview and some, it might have some extra details on there. And from there you can maybe have an idea and go to the, the websites, the specific um to go to and just to, to put that out there, there will be a list and it will be on the UK FU website because I've seen it kind of who who come soon like here soon, but I don't know if they put it up yet. They hadn't done a couple of days ago when I last check. Um So some top tips just sort of wrapping up. Um So we would say tailor your applications to the specific unit that you want to apply to. So again, really important to have a look at the different deaneries websites. The guidance is very, very clear. Um And they will say exactly what they're looking for. So it's a good idea to have a look early and maybe try to get a few points up before your application is due. And so White Space questions is, is really common across pretty much all the deaneries apart from Yorkshire this year as far as I'm aware. Um And so in the event that you apply to a dean that ask for White Space questions, start drafting them really early, make them unique to you and, and try and get some feedback on your white space questions, whether it be your friends or consultants or teachers, whoever, whoever it is just to try and make them look good and polish before you send them off. Um, there's absolutely no harm in applying. Um, I know a lot of people that regretted not applying to the SFP once, once the sort of SFP application window closed. Um, even in the event that you are unsuccessful, this doesn't mean the end of an academic career and it definitely doesn't mean the end of medicine because you will definitely get a job as a doctor. Um You can enter the, the clinical academic training pathway pretty much at any point and you can exit at any point. So even if you're not successful at, for SFP, there's still ac FS and clinical lectureship that down the line and there's clinical fellowships that some people do as an F three. And so you can always get involved in research and medical education. So don't be disheartened at all. If you're not successful, um, play to your strengths and August is a month, you'll be getting lots of information. So information hasn't actually been updated on a lot of websites yet. So it will be over the next few weeks or so. So, keep on refreshing them, keep on having a look at them every so often. Um And the sooner you find out this information about what different dearies are looking for and how they will do their application processes this year, the better it is for you because you can start tailoring your applications to those deaneries. Um So just be aware of those different websites. And the UK FPO like Alicia said it has a spreadsheet that it releases of all the different um SFP deaneries or units and it will say how many jobs are available for each program um on that spreadsheet. So that should be releasing soon. I think it, it did say coming soon or coming August 2023. Um So just keep your eyes peeled for that. Yeah, and I'm not sure, I think this might be one of our last slide. It not last slide, but um we will just after this be taking any questions, continue to take questions, send out the feedback form if, if one of our um managers could send that out now. Um because then you will be able to access um our recording and um we can send out the, if that's something that you guys want. Um Hopefully it will be helpful as a brief overview. Um Again, just remember that it is worth applying, but also um that if you want to do something like Med Ed and you want to apply for an SFP, um You can also apply to foundation priority programs as well and some of those will have an extra component such as an extra qualification or a financial incentive or even um time doing Med Ed. I know someone who's doing a foundation priority program with Med this year. So remember to look at all by you or other national program and you can apply to SRP, but you can also apply to financial priority program and it's worth having a look into that as well. If you're really desperate to do Med Ed and you want to apply to as many jobs with Med Ed in it as possible. Um Again, useful links. Um These are literally just, just go to the UK FP website. Make sure you read everything on there, bookmark, check it until all the details are out and this is your Bible until the applications are closed. Um And just make sure that you're up to date because things can be put up quickly and you can easily miss things. But this is, this is where all the important information comes out and all the up to date information comes out. Um So what I'll do now is I'm going to stop sharing if you guys could fill in the feedback form if you've got uh your time now. Um so that we can get these slides and the recording out to you. And we will be talking, I think Robbie has uh interviewed at London. So he'll be talking a bit about that. I'll invite the chat monitors who are also here. Other other members of the group are giving further talks to just um give any insights around any questions that have come up? Um Sorry, Robbi, before you go, could I just quickly say something about the application timeline just because I noticed a lot of um questions on the chat about it. Um So when you're applying for SFP, the timeline for this is actually before the foundation program and if you have accepted an SFP post, which you've got 48 hours to accept or decline, you are withdrawn from the foundation program. At which point you won't um have the chance to actually really be ranking your foundation program. Like I, none of us went through the um the process for ranking our foundation school. And um back in our days, it was because um the SJT was a component of foundation program, whereas it was not for um SFP. So you would be getting the results of your SFP before foundation program. And once you've gotten that you don't really have to worry about foundation program. And um because this year they've changed to a preference based system, I suppose it's also up to you as to um which area you wanted to go. For example, if you've gotten like an SFP in an area that you're not really keen for, you're not um happy to be going to this area for this particular set of jobs. And with the preference, you could potentially get a place that's closer to home that has more stuff that um you feel comfortable with it would be up to your personal choice as to which you value more. I know, um, someone who got an SFP and choose to, um, reject the SFP. But then it was because she scored really well in her Deel and she was quite confident that she could get into London and she got into London in the end. So there's always pros and cons to accepting the SFP. Yeah, that's about all I've got to say. And I'd just like to point out there, you have 48 hours to accept an offer if you decline the offer or don't respond and I assumed to have declined, you will be back into the FPP if you've applied to that or the national one otherwise, but it's really important to know if you accept an SFP offer and then decline the offer, you will be taken out of, of, of the running for all jobs. So make sure that when you get your offer, if you get an SFP offer, you're sure whether you want to accept or decline it because you, if you accept it and then decline it, you will be taken out of, of all the applications. And, um, since we're on the topic of timelines and, um, I've noticed some chat about competitive and then specialty training. I'm not, um, I'm not here to rain on anyone's bubble, but if you are thinking about applying for specialty training, um, right after F two, the application actually opens in February. So it's very close to the last rotation of F one and the first rotation of F two. And um it really depends on your SFP because some SFP have days spaced in between and some SFP comes um somewhere as a block in F one in F two. Sorry. And um essentially, if you want to make use of your SFP, you've got to be doing um the groundwork, you've got to be doing stuff even in F one. This is not to put anyone off, but then just um just as a um little note about the realities of timelines as well. This also holds true for um applying and evidence because um while you're applying, they usually only accept evidence that's um already there by that time, say you have submitted a paper but you haven't have uh it accepted before that date. Usually it doesn't count. But of course, like, um you've got an opportunity in the white Space question to um talk about your experience doing that paper and to sell other things that might not be seen on um your self assessment. And OK, that's all for me. I to rob me now. Yeah, thanks. And thanks. I, that was a really nice introduction, I suppose for me, the learning points there are every SFP is different, know what you're applying to before you apply. And I think, I think actually it's something I didn't quite grasp until I was properly like, well within the application process, to be honest towards interviews. So make sure, you know, where you're applying to read that website inside and out and actually ideally talk to someone who's doing an SFP in wherever you're going. There's obviously quite a lot of people in this group, fps in various places throughout the country, get in touch with any of us more than happy to chat. And similarly, most people who are on social media, email, et cetera, more than happy to talk as well and you can leave an email with foundation called the E A who are doing them. So get in touch, talk to people. Um I suppose just to briefly talk about the London SFP. So I applied to London and Newcastle. I interviewed it both. Um, the London SFP interview was quite quick. It's a 20 minute interview or was where you had 10 minutes to critically appraise and abstract. You were given about 10 minutes before the interview. Um, and then 10 minutes to basically run through a clinical scenario. Um, as you were a junior doctor, um, both are quite intense, quite stressful. You do a lot of talking in those 10 minutes and it's quite hard work. We'll talk a bit more about it when we do interview sessions. Um, but, er, it's worth having a look on the London website because I have some previous interview stations and CRE guidelines. So that's probably worth looking at I probably also would say. Um, so I was very lucky and I got both of my top jobs for, for London and for Newcastle and I chose Newcastle because it suited me better and think about jobs that will suit you better when you get to those offices because, er, and if an SFP isn't for you, um it's also worth thinking about. So I suppose my quick summary is every, everywhere is different. Look at what each Seo A does and think about what's best for you, what you really want to do if that makes sense, hopefully to go to off ta Thanks Robbie and um Jane and Wayne. Do you have anything you want to add? Yes, so I can talk a bit about the um Nottingham application. So I apply to um East Midlands and I think within East Midlands, you can apply to either Leicester or Nottingham. So if you're looking to go um to do leadership, I think that would mostly be based in Leicester. Whereas um for research and me it would sort of be more based in Nottingham. Um So I think because I applied to Yorkshire and Nottingham, I think um there were quite big differences in, in the sense that, you know, with Yorkshire, you don't actually need an interview and I think they're not doing an interview this year as well. Um And yes, we mentioned previously, I think for Yorkshire, they are quite self assessment based. So they focus a lot on your portfolio for East Midlands. They, so they want you to sort of, you know, go through the UK FPO um portfolio. So you on the UK FPO website itself in your account, you'll have to list down all of the publications, all of the presentations and prizes that you have. Um But they, they don't focus that much on your portfolio as Yorkshire does. Um And for East Midlands they had an interview as well. It was quite similar to London. Um It was um almost about about 20 minutes. Um I would say, I think mine was exactly 23 minutes because I to time it. Um and um for the session, um interview you don't actually have um and A to E station. So I think that's so that's, you know, one of the things that differs between deaneries and I think it's very important to sort of find out from each deary what they expect of you from the application and the interview as well. Um But I think in general, you know, when you're going for interviews for the SFP, the structure is um, is quite similar. So you'll have and this is something that we'll cover in future sessions as well. And because we'll be having a session on the critical appraisal station and the clinical station where you'll be um be expected to talk through how you would manage an emergency um case. And then also, um we'll be having a session on the personal motivation session as well. Um So yeah, that's it for me. Sorry ju I think we can't hear you. Are you on? Sorry? Fine. Um Jack. Do you have anything to um do you want, is is there anything you wanted to mention before we end the session? Um Yeah, so I, so I applied to Oxford Deanery and um an A hu um so I know what the interviews like at again, it's, it's very similar to the London interview. Apart from like with the London interview, it's very similar with the whole, you got to critically appraise a paper and then move on et cetera. Um And the clinical stations whilst Oxford was very quick, it was only 15 minutes and it was two clinical stations and then two sort of research stations, we had to interpret data there on the spot. It was not the nicest of interviews. I'm not gonna lie. It was very quick, very demanding and they expected you to pretty much go through it a two week in detail which we'll talk about in the later sections. But the one thing I didn't like about Oxford interview was it just didn't seem standardized because some people had questions thrown at them. Some people didn't have questions thrown at them. I had no questions regarding my a two week. So I literally talked through the, a two week and I had the interview and not ask me anything whilst I spoke to someone else who did have questions asked. It was very, it wasn't, it was very subjective, basically a bit like an sky. So that's the one thing I didn't like. And then when it came to like preferences because I want to do academic neurosurgery. And Yorkshire Hamburg had a neurosurgical, a FPSFP. Sorry. So that is why I chose that one over the other deanie because the other dean, we didn't have that new surgery post. So even though it sounds, you know, procedures going to say like the Oxford Cambridge or London Deaneries, please take into account the perks of the SFP what they actually give you um regarding like academic funding, um whether there's extra like PG cert, et cetera because they all do help later on and look at the posts, look at the actual rotations because some of them are absolutely rubbish. Some of the rotations are rubbish and um so just please have a look, don't just do an SFP purely because of the SFP and do five other rotations which you absolutely hate. So bear that in mind. Um And Yorkshire Ham have changed the way they um they're short listing, which is all online. Um Please have a look at that because it's rather different. Um and they take different things into account. So other than that, I think just be strategic if you are lacking in publications, et cetera or lacking in presentations and don't go for a deanery, which is purely going to short list on academics because there will be probably an exponential amount of people applying this year because then you change the UK FPO. So just be very strategic with it. And best of luck, that's all I can say. Really? All right. Thank you, Jack. Um So I think that's it from us unless anyone else has anything to add on. No. Um Right. So once again, thank you, Alicia. Thank you a kit for such a great session. I mean, it's, I've applied for the SFE but I did find that very helpful. Um It was a very detailed session. So thank you both. Um And thank you everyone once again for um attending our session. Um So just as a reminder, we have another session next week. Um Same time Wednesday 7 p.m. Um We'll have um doctor um Sunil um Duga who is the, um York lead um for the SFP. Um So, you know, he'll be here. Um um If you, if you've got any questions, please do, please do um feel free to ask him. Um And Robbie, I'm not sure if Paul is, is Paul going to be joining next week as well? Email, you know? Ok, will do. Um So, yeah, so, um thank you once again everyone. Um And hopefully we'll see you next week. Yeah. Thank you guys. Remember. Um, if you'd like the recording and the slides, um please fill out the feedback form, which is in the chat and we'll see you next week. Thanks, everyone. Thanks everyone. See you soon.