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This on-demand teaching session introduces medical professionals to the Specialist Foundation Program (SFP) application process, discusses the different types of SFP programs, and reviews associated deadlines and tips for writing whitespace questions and interviews. Discussed topics include the cutting of points for a rank for the SFP application, advice for the Situational Judgment Test, and considerations for the individual academic units of application. This session is pertinent to doctors entering the SFP program, as it offers guidance and clarification on the various steps to successful program entry.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the differences between the Standard Foundation Program and the SFP Program.
  2. Identify the different types of SFP jobs and their associated benefits.
  3. Learn the deadlines and application procedure for the SFP program.
  4. Understand the scoring system for the SFP program and how it varies by academic unit.
  5. Know tips for drafting whitespace questions and nailing SFP program interviews.
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So this session focused on introduction to SFP application process deadlines and tips on drafting whitespace questions and interviews. So my colleagues in so and have helped me a lot, and they recall on and other colleagues in putting this presentation two together so many times to them for their help. So sfp so it was previously known as a F P. A lot of, uh, doctors doing the Specialist Foundation program is still refer to themselves as as as economic foundation director. So it can. The term can be used interchangeably and surprisingly, you know, um, when health education England emails you with regards to your application process or like accepting an offer, they still refer to the program as academic foundation, so they haven't changed the templates. In some ways, at least, it was like that last year. So it's a type of foundation program that allows doctor to have dedicated time to complete an academic work outside clinical commitments. And they're usually two types of that is there's a type that you get a whole block to do an academic work. So, for example, each block is like four months, probably in the foundation program. So we have six blocks or four months. Um, sometimes, um, it is usually an F two that we have a dedicated time. Um, sometimes you get one whole block four months to do a research project. And with a supervisor, sometimes we can change the supervisor sometimes not depending on the academic unity of application. Um, but overall, the different types and a certain type is like You can have one day per week for the whole year during f two to do an academic work, and that is like the program I'm doing at the moment. So I'll get one year, one day per week next year to do academic work. And my track is research track. So you do not have to be in BNSF doctor to patient academic area, but it just gives you protected time. You can still do audit quality improvement projects, research case report um, teaching leadership projects, whatever in your hospital as a foundation doctor, but just sfp or AFP, previously known as can just facilitated facilitate that better in in a way that basically you have the, uh, dedicated time. You're paid for your research work and you can get a study leave and you can get like a study of that and conferences. You get the budgets and and basically it has some advantages which helps you. But it doesn't necessarily mean if you don't get an S a P job or a provisional as AFP job, you won't be able to do research or you won't be able to do your eye projects or teaching, so it's just a way to make it easier for you. So application process. You have to apply for the standard Foundation program. As I'm sure you guys you guys are attending, all those will be attending later are fully aware. So the application process is, um, similar in a way to other other applicants applying to foundation program Normal Foundation program as the deadline is the same deadline. So you have to apply for the standard foundation program before you can apply for the SFP. Um, so it's basically on Oriel. When you apply for foundation program, it gives you the option to apply for SFP and foundation priority program, blah blah, blah so other other things as well. And they keep changing that each year, so you will have the opportunity to apply for In fact, more than one job there. There are thousands of jobs under normal foundation program. So, uh, in theory, all final year medical student supplying should end up with a job. A lot of people lost event to debate English, but eventually, as far as I know, almost all of them got the job. Um, foundation program specialist foundation program is competitive in a way almost only 5% of jobs in the UK are academic. Uh, so it makes it so, in fact, more competitive. And you need to as I'm sure you know, um, you need to apply for it separately. You need to do your vital space questions. It's a bit like applying to medical school. You have personal statement in medical school application. Now you have wider space questions. When you apply to medical school, you have interviews. Then again, you have interviews in academic foundation. So for me, it felt like going through medical school application again in a way which wasn't really nice, but we made it anyway. So for a standard, FB United Kingdom is, uh, separated into 19 units of application, and those are the Dean Aries. But, for example, for um, especially the foundation program. The academic job. We have a slightly different, um, allocations. In fact, allocation system is a slightly different in a way that basically investment in north, central and South, uh, or three separate injuries. But for the SFP program for the academic units of application for academic minister, like one unit one whole unit, for example, I apply to East Midland, which is itself to sceneries, Eleanor and Trends. But for academic unit, it's a slightly different to the normal foundation program. Okay, so your scores a scoring system for Founding Normal Foundation program is general standard for SFP. Each academic unit of application does it differently, and it's very important for you to go and check online on the Web sites because there is a significant variation between academic units. Uh, for example, some units may score you based on your In fact, some teams are basically shared, for example, all of them looking for posters, presentations, publications, Qvar projects, um, distinctions, prizes, awards and stuff like that during your medical school. And I'm sure you're aware so basically your CV and you put that on the separate categories. But they escorted slightly differently for example, uh, some Diener ease. Look at your publications. And based on your basic basically the order of authorship, they're squared. For example, if your 1st 1st author, no matter what sort of publication, is that you'll get the highest more. If you are like second or third or fourth day, you won't get much much. Some of the the academic units of application look at your number of publications. And the more publications you have, the more school they give you. No matter if your first or 3rd 2nd daughter or lost so they don't, they don't care. Um, some some sceneries consider like some some some academic units consider some awards as like eligible for points, and some may not. So you need to check that with your, um, academic unity of application. So for foundation program, 100 points available, 50 points come from your E p. M. Which I'm sure you know, is your, um de Sol ranking at medical school. And each medical school does it differently and how they calculated. But you should buy now. I think you know your, uh, sessile. Um, so, basically, if you're in the first vessel in the top vessel, then you get 50 points. And if you're in the bottom one, obviously, uh uh, as you go down at one point, you lose one point per deciliter. So and SJ tea also 50 points, Um, and our resources available for sgpt Just just very short advice and sgpt like s 80 official resources online. I do recommend I do strongly recommend that you review those before the SED 80. So and the deadline is basically 20 of September, But just to double check that because last night I was on Twitter reading some things from U K F B U K Foundation program and they have, uh, as far as I know, they have extended the deadline for a day due to the bank holiday on 19th. So please, do you check that, I believe, due to the national morning morning, um, is a period and the Queen's funeral on 19th? Um, they have extended that for a day, but I think it's 21st now. I haven't had the chance to double check and sorry, I didn't have the chance to update this slide as well. Just read that last night. Okay? So and then you have your medical school performance 41 to 50 years we discussed and then s 80 and then you end up the score also and s 80. It's a bit difficult to predict. And I would say, um, maybe look at the stats before from, uh, from your medical school. It should be available on foundation program website and then roughly see where you will be because it's going to. It's just slightly difficult because you have first applied to foundation program, and then you find out your, um uh, score in, uh um s 80. So it's a bit of a difficult thing to guess So then we have a CT, a specific dates and deadlines. Um, so sgot booking window is, um, a fair to seventh of October And do keep an eye on these deadlines because then there's, uh, basically exam. Um, example comes down full very quickly, so you need to keep an eye on whenever they advertise it. Just need to book it quickly as quickly as you can. Uh huh. Situational judgment, as Window one is 7 to 20th December, Um, and then 19 to 2030 is the second window, but almost two thirds of people do it in December. That's what that suggests from previous years, so SNP application. So on completion of your normal foundation program, you can begin your application for SFP. You can apply for two units of, uh, academic units of application, despite the fact that for F P Foundation program, you can rank all foundation program in fact foundation, dinner Berries or foundation of schools like 1 to 19. Yeah, so based on your preference, but for academic foundation, you only can apply for two places. So make sure that you really want to go to those places and make sure that you have done your homework before that. So basically, uh, do search about them to read about them and choose wisely because the only two options available the application is similar to standard FDA, but you have some additional sections that you need to answer. And so, for example, you have quite a space questions and each unit of application have does. It is slightly different, so some units of application needs whiter space questions before you're submitting your application. So at the same time, in fact, and some units of application academic units, they send it to you later. Um, and as far as I know, like there's some particular areas that send it to you like a few days later than some of the application and, uh, also the EDSS score. It is different as well. Some units of application put a high wait on that, but some you know, it's not really, uh, are interested in that. But overall, it's an important part of your application because for academic foundation, they won't consider your SED 80. So sgot is what a normal published it will only consider your death. Oil. That's a ranking and your performance at medical school. Okay. And they will only, uh, in addition to that, they will only consider your water space questions and your application. Basically number of posters, presentations, uh, research projects, voice, blah, blah, blah. So everything that you have done, they put it together. They give you a score and they rank you against everyone else, okay. And depending on the number of places they have, they send an invitation for interview to almost two or three times the number of places they have it depending on the academic center publications. So if they have 50 places. They send it to 100 250 applicants, like lots of minus temples and something like that. There's a variation each, you know, it does it differently. But anyway, um, so you need to make sure your voice is based. Questions are quite well written, and I'm sure, as medical students in your final year, you're aware of a lot of important things that we consider medicines, such as being able to work in a thing, being able to communicate, giving examples and stuff like that. Uh, okay, so you need to understand more about your aspirations for person, an academic career. You need to persuade the interviewers or the people who are right. You are reading your application to consider you for an interview, that you are genuinely interested in an academic career. And that is then that's the clinical academic area. So So you you need to make sure that you send out the message that your clinician interested in research. Yeah, so that's the whole purpose. And you're safe clinician as well. You're safe, doctor. So a number of questions vary in each academic medical publication, and it's usually 250 World County pair questions. So it's like a like an essay you can consider a couple of s a series of essays. And I'm sure you you have written a lot of essays and medical school, and you need to have supporting evidence of additional achievements that will help your standards. For, for example, you've done a presentation, a project, a research internship. You can use those as well, and examples can be publications, presentations and degrees. So if you have done a master's before or a B S C or an ejaculation before, please, please include that and talk about that, and they would love to hear about that. But if you haven't done a degree before, if you haven't done a B S C or an intern kelation degree before, that's absolutely fine. You can still apply, and it doesn't mean that you won't get a job. No, not at all. I did not have any additional degrees in addition to M B Bs so, but I still ended up with two offers, so that's absolutely fine. You can apply, but I had publications and posters and I didn't have many adverse. To be honest, I only had, like one distinction, but I had quite a few publications about six at that time, about six abnormal, but a few posters as well. But apart from that, not really anything in that sense. But I still end up to offer so that that should be fine. Or even if you have a degree and you don't have publications of posters, that's still fine. You should apply as well, because your degree, I'm sure we'll be giving you a lot of more. So, uh, don't underestimate your application. Don't underestimate your achievements and go ahead with the with the application if you If you are interested in academic work and they're looking for keen people, so you necessarily do not need to be a researcher background when you apply. So they're looking for people who are able to learn who are nice and who can work in a team who are who are pleasant. So, uh, consider that so you can apply to a maximum of two units of application and you will rank them in. Uh, you were ranked the tracks the different tracks, so basically they usually have different tracks. Different university hospitals, Different research institute so please go through those strikes quite carefully because it's going to be your job. And when they make an offer, they only give you 48 hours to decide. So the first round of offers, we have some slides on that later on, Um, come in January and they only give you 48 hours to choose. So, please, please do your research before applying, rather than only like in that 48 hours period. So remember to only preference rank the tracks you're interested in. Okay, So and you are unable to link SFP applications. So basically, some people do to their circumstances, they can link applications. Um, for SFe, it's not the case anymore. Foundation is good and basically, uh, have their own, especially in fact, sfp selection process on 21st of September 30th December. So each foundation in school does it differently and at a different time. So some foundational school send you an interview invitation in October. Someday they may do in November and some are doing December. So as far as I remember, East Midlands sent me an application an interview time earlier than West Midlands. But that can vary each year. I can't comment on that. So academic units may said earlier preferences deadline. So the so basically check earlier and your local foundation in school so they might invite you to interview late earlier. Or they might ask you for some extra evidence as well. So just make sure you check your, um, academic in for application website and they usually have this information freely available on the verge so you can easily access that. So tips were writing, writing space questions. Please do refer to our website, and we have some tips and, uh, previous basically sessions with the liver last year and hopefully we will deliver more sessions of that coin. But for right, a space questions. We already have resources on our on our website. Please, If you haven't already seen that, please refer to our website. So one group dot so dot UK and you can you can you can benefit from that. But overall, um, I can just as a rough estimate, Um, it's a similar style to write in personal a statement for personal statement. You need to persuade the board the selection board that you you will be a suitable doctor or, uh, medical students. In fact, both now you need to satisfy them. That you'd be a good academic clinician and and and a good academic clinician is someone who can. I work in a team who can basically, uh, manage their personal and clinical job quite well, personal life and quite clinical job quite well and can contribute to research at the same time as well. So you need to have qualities such as time management being efficient, being, uh, basically productive, being able to prioritize things. So you need to ensure that you are showing those, uh, those characteristics and also make sure all this just as a as a tip uh, you'll be a doctor first and and an academic academic research er or whatever you call it second, or even a medical teacher, as if you're doing education as far as your second job. So the most important thing is you need to be a good doctor, and they're looking for that and they may ask you Okay, so, um, if you are dealing with something important clinically and something important in your research development, whatever research carrier development, which one would you would you focus if you only have time for one, and you should always say the clinical one because that's that's the main reason that patient safety, clinical duties and basically, uh, clinical medicine takes priority over everything. So it's quite important for you to be aware of that. So what express questions for S a P 2023 carrier goals? What are your specific reasons for applying for a special foundation program and how it's going to contribute to your clinical and research carrier plans? And if you're interested in the integrated academic clinical pathway, you need to say that why you're interested if you're going to make a change in practice, if you're interested in improving the quality of care and how and when and why, so you need to. I have thought about that before doing your white space questions and even before doing your interview. So these are always important things to consider. So achievements and the experiences What is your? Sometimes the questions are like that are directed just what is your single best clinical or research achievement. You may have had 10 achievements, but they are looking for the single best one, so you need to choose carefully and you need to explain why you need to have rationale behind your behind your, uh, suggestion. So give an example and always support your, um, basically statements with the examples and evidence, so it's very important to be able to and what's his face questions? And also we have questions on team working. So as any other interview that you would go for, they will ask you about your team working, get skills. And if you have had any interaction with others, informal 15 before. Because in medicine uh, like every other job, I work in a team, and in order to be in a team, you need to be nice. You need to be a person who others can trust you, and you can work collaboratively with others and you need to be polite. You need to be efficient, so these are important things. You can give some examples on your previous involvement in society, that medical school or if you have had any jobs, I would suggest, uh, probably talk about academic stuff, like if you were involved in the research project as a research intern at your medical school or you're university. Talk about that one. How you're how you're interacting with people from other departments. Researchers. And also you can talk about your medical school, your hospitals and how you getting along with people on the board with your supervisors, with your big bag nurses on the board and with your colleagues. So it's very important to be aware about teamwork and how that and how has that helped you to improve your, uh, basically standards of care of patients? So what is this place question? Also, there's some general questions that are basically, uh, basically, in fact, the nature of the job, and they will ask you about, uh, some. Sometimes they have different questions on general questions that they would call, uh, they can also some of your questions as well. It will also go to your previous, uh, special interest interest or what you do as a as a hobby or understanding. Basically, these are some examples that from previous, uh, space question understanding the nature of Dark matter is an example of an unanswered high priority challenge in astrophysics. Please give an example of unanswered Hi, pretty challenging medicine and explain the reasons for your choice. I believe this was one of the questions in In In the, uh, population last year, as far as I remember, something similar to this not exactly. This one was something similar. So be prepared. So what? The space questions for SFP And so it depends on the type of program we're applying to for research are different types of questions for education and teaching. They're different leadership and management. There's different questions as well. So, um, in fact, almost maybe you should look at that, but probably more jobs or research. And then we have education jobs. There's still quite a lot of them, and but it's still less than research. But then we have leadership and management jobs quite fewer than other two types, so you need to choose your track carefully and focus on that one. For, uh, writer space question writing, writing those questions. And we have some programs specific ones. So these are different for research and education, teaching theme and leadership team. So you need to be prepared for some general academic style questions like interviews, style questions or personal said understand, and also some specific ones like research, education, leadership what, what's important from each and okay interview So when you received an invitation for an interview, you need to, uh, basically be prepared about talking about the white space questions answers. So if you have talked about the particular society you're a part of, you need to be able to talk about that in the interview as well. And, uh, depending on the type of program you're applying to, they may ask for some further evidence is or they may ask different questions with different styles during the interview. And not all academic units of applications will interview That's important to remember. And yeah, so some some academic units just rank you based on your right ear space questions your E p m. A medical school and you're supporting evidence, and that's all they use. So if you receive the uH interview date, you need to basically be prepared before that. Just make sure if the interview is online or face to face, you need to be prepared if its face to face or suggest travel there like the day before, and get your steadily from medical school and sort things out, and you should keep checking the websites for finding out when it's the interview way to be and interview preparation. You need to look at clinical scenarios. Usually management of activity on, well, patients, Uh, social sepsis. Um, m i p e uh, anastomotic league. Uh, surgical patient, surgical complications, medical medical emergencies. So just be prepared. Uh, they may ask you about, like your approach. So make sure you are very like family with your weight, we approach. And basically they need to make sure you're safe, doctor. And by the way, just make sure that it because you are applying to an academic job, it doesn't mean that they will. They will not consider your clinical, um, skills. So if you come up with some unsafe answers in clinical scenarios, if your approach is very abnormal is very wrong, and then you are giving, like, very wrong answers and you're not in the right direction in any way, and you are basically not a safe doctor from their opinion, they have the right to inform your medical school, so you will have some consequences if you don't want to scare you. But I just mean that you need to take it seriously. You need to, um, just imagine your doctor and you need to treat the patient. Just don't think that it's an interview, some another dinner and they won't feed back to my medical. You know, it's important you need to be prepared. Treat it as a like a semi of ski station, so you need to be able to interpret data. So sometimes they ask you to for your interpretation of, uh, statistical data and things like that. So you need to be prepared. Uh, I would suggest to have a recap of your virus that's lectures from medical school and read about it online. And, uh, yeah, just be prepared. Critical appraisal. You need to be able to know different types of lawyers. You need to know about internal validity, external validity and various areas of interesting with regard. Students critically appraised, appraising their literature. And then, most importantly, you need to know why sfp and why that particular delivery. If you know, very important professor there or you you have read about the research you can you can mention that, but just make sure that person is still accepting your students. If you just say something for random, they don't like that. You just say I like to work with a professor A or B or C, and that professor may not be working at all, so may not have retired already. So you need to make sure that you're you're not saying just some stuff to please them. But you actually mean that you're interested in research is interested in working with that party profession. So yes. Um, And when you received an offer, you only have 48 hours to accept it to reject it. And, uh, when you accept an offer, you will be withdrawn from the national allocation process. So normal foundation program. And don't be alarmed by that as something normal. Uh, and it's important when you accept an offer. You cannot change that anymore. And you cannot basically refuse to go on your specialist and you have to go through that. So basically, because it's a job offer to you, you cannot refuse later and off. The timeline is 11. January is the first round and then second round, first round of fourth round. So, like this first round, some people, including myself, for example, we got two offers, so I accepted one and declined one. So then, in the second round, the one that I declined, goes to somebody else, and then they decided in 48 hours if they're going to accept or decline and then it goes like that for four rounds until all the programs are usually usually almost all of the programs are filled out because, as you would imagine, it's quite competitive to get an academic job. So eventually, yes, almost all jobs are gone. But you will have. If you don't get an offer in round one, they will either tell you you are invading this or, uh, you will basically be rejected. So basically, if you're in the waiting list, then there's a likelihood that you will receive an offer in round two or three or four. So yes, please refer to our website. Uh, so on website and also meddled and thank you for attending and any questions. Please feel free to ask, uh, and please fill in the feedback form and long. Now, would you please post I think you've already done. Yes, the feedback from is already in our I posted, but I also sent by email. Thank you. It would be great if you could please fill that out. And you have We have our email address here, and that's my personal email address if you need to. But please feel free to send us an email too soon dot contact at gmail dot com. And, yes, that's all from me.