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SFP interview: Clinical and Portfolio Stations



This on-demand teaching session focuses on Specialist Foundation Programme clinical and portfolio stations. It covers what to look for in terms of airway, breathing, and circulation, how to do a head-to-toe exam, and how to assess disability. The session also covers what investigations to request, how to quickly assess a patient's condition, and some interventions that medical professionals can do depending on the clinical picture.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify clinical signs/symptoms associated with airway compromise.
  2. Discuss interventions to establish and maintain an airway.
  3. Describe the assessment process for breathing.
  4. Explain the assessment and management of circulatory issues.
  5. Describe the physical examination of disabilities and when to order investigations.
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you know, um, anything in terms of, like, what sort of things you asked about? Mm. Yes, I did the name. Date of birth. Vocation. Patient? Yes, exactly. That. Usually being your scenario. Observation. And yet that's a good one, I think. See? Um perfect. Yes. So exactly. That's what I'm sort of things. What are they happening for A while? They presenting with that? Is it a high temperature? Is it on the in pain? Are they? What if they come in for in terms of past medical history? So basically, do your ass file that you would have. Don't get involved here. You don't have to time and limiting factor. Those quite tired of women in the eighties situation, so I wouldn't do as far how you do in your skis. But I would just say I would ask what s 500 from the nurse? He's a bleaching. Asked for a new set of observations on aspirin. Um asked to prepare. Um, if it's shocking, for example, then getting me see J You end up that before and you asked all that before you even go to the board. Does that make that? Yeah. So I've done a examples. And artifical is the next line. Please, I'm and so again, it's just if you're thinking trash pain, you're thinking quite a generically. I'm sure you've had it from 30 s are thinking cardiac. Anything respiratory. You thinking any GI I causes? Oh, usual. Five minutes to go through the h e situate. It is really scenarios on what you asked for in each section. Basically, And then I like I said before you do after after 100 about over the phone, are there acutely or mild? You don't even need to call the F one or doing, sir. Get the question there are they? So, um, you could usually ask that information on the phone. And so now I'm going to get three in a bit more detail about what to do with each airway breathing exaggeration on what you might get asked you d'oh sort of things you might want to be able to talk about. So in terms of airway before, right, And we want to the next side. Does anyone have any ideas about what sort of things you might be looking for? What some interventions you might do when you're assessing your in your patient. Yeah, Yeah. What knows? If you don't, I'm so basically you want to assessment that the airway is Peyton. So, um, when you go into the patients, that side you'll be asking, are they speaking on? If no other making any noises, is there any obvious foreign bodies do on their mouth? Is any vomit angioedema So basically you're doing Look, listen, feel. And so you're looking for any obvious again, like, Is that for, um, body's warm and your Dema listening for I did sound and in stride or any sort of snore and groaning, or are they able to speak in full sentences? And then you're always clear, the patient and And if there is some sort of every compromised, then you'd want to do some interventions at that point, So did you think you do go out with the new vest? So, for example, your head up and left, um, you could use it every object. So you use a nasal pharyngeal away or or are July way and depending on whether that what is suitable. Oh, you might even need to intubate off. Get contact the crash team at that point in contact and the statics. So depending on what those scenario is, what usually happens in interview is you'll be given your case and then maybe like I will do first, I would go and assess the airway of the patients, know once that it's able to talk to me. I will go through a look, listen, feel approach and then and it usually the into your low. What's tell you? I was painting. You go to the next one or if they don't speak, depending on with the interview is that he'll be saying, But you go to a little bit more detail and just be like, um, I was speaking in full sentences, Jimmy, that indicates that I raise page and, uh um, we want to us that's breathing. If no, if there is any signs I would compromise, I might do some airway and believers that had touching left that may age on be assessed or use. Um, the address to help the patient or and if they're picking, is still not improving that it's called for help, and you just need a few sentences. I am to be sustained and just move on to the next point. So that would be like next. Likely somewhere. By that, then you'd be like going. Teo Assess. Breathing is after that, So breathing the next area. Um, basically, you'll have done this before. So and again is a look feel lisinopril OJ so you'll be looking for. You'll ask for a new set of observation so you'd asked into your what other breast break? What about saturations? And again you'll be looking for. Is that equal chest expansion? Is there any obvious cause? Have you had any recent surgery? You do a full respect to examination and see if there's any and sorry to hyperesthesia. Is there any Dorner's Onda? Have a listen to the chest, and then again, the Examiner will tell you whether there's any signs of. It's a tricky of deviation, and it's It's like a resident differs and it sounds on or salutation. And my advice would be if you find anything if introduced house you like this and securely variation. Have a resident use the interventions at that point or asked the interviewer. So at this point I would be like I would at start the patient on four liters of oxygen or 15 minutes. Ideally I'd probably definitely needs non breathe. Breathe mask If you're in acute scenario and picture in saturation the low If they were easy, give some that nebulizer is, um if asthmatic in the past as well. That may be helpful on you. Probably ask that into your at this point, I'd also request her chest X ray and taking a B, G and tree. And she got her along basically. And then we assess that the end of each intervention that you do and sometimes interview will give you results at this point if you ask for it. If you just just told the patient and told them that you could give them, um, oxygen and that might improve, that's out straight away. And then I'll be fine with that. Sometimes they might let you talk, Which is that what they're giving me in my case. And so I just have to go through my assessment and then say what I was looking for a move on. So again next that went on to say, after I've condition myself breathing and I'm happy I go onto anyone to assess ejaculation. And for that I'd be looking for again observations. You're assessing other tachycardia. It has a little pressure immediately. Would thought would be the, um, acting. Women need to get fluids. Usually I have fluid resuscitation, 500 barrels and alternate and 50 for the patients. Quite small. And that's after the cold, I think, or any signs of bleeding. So are they pay or the tachycardia have they got me? I'm signs of obvious bleeding that from the end of the bedside and on what's necessary with changes that are the damage is, Do we have acute heart failure? These are the soft think you should be thinking about in the background, but when you're doing the station, you want to be slick. So you're looking through asking for the observation and you guys do a cardiac examination. Check it completely, really feel Central and Griff. Really, if it's prolonged, that indicates to you that they may be, um there may be bleeding. Then we have a whole then maybe the heart rate change on at that point. And also be saying to the interviewer, I like easy G. If indicated for the patients or just plain I'd like to get to last well, cannulas it, and if it that patient eating. I'll just get some venous access on at the same time. Take bloods export, which is life that point on watching what time you know, And you probably want to stop fluids a swell. So on with that, we'd want you just so your assessment, you might then be 100 in the city. If you costing you for the c G does it? Make sure you find oh, again, you might just be asked to complete Go through your full 18, the assessment, and then they'll give you results of different things. Does anyone have any questions? I think at this point or of your time, hum, it's fine. And so again, just going through. Once you've completed circulation, you have your patient is secure. In that sense, um, you want a disability, which usually involves You don't check the GCS. All that extra patients are responding. So I the variables pain or that one responsive. Maybe your brief neurological examination. If indicated to me, the play for context, you probably still good friends on that have other tyrants here or other sectors could. You don't want to use that and you could review diet drugs as Well, at this point is on. Do see what medication grown, which might be a legal contributing to the presentation. Um, Or if they're on any sort of regular foods and they come in with a head injury and then followed GCS, you might want to stop the quite glands at this point and in investigations at this point, you might want to see whether it whether you need er at CT, um, all if the Pyrex, you know, I'm from their procedure in, um, heart rate and the pressure do they are is the patients after, Basically, is that something you want to consider at this point with? Well, because you obviously want to do your sex is six. And finally you move on and say, After I've completed my assessment of disability, would want to do a talk to toe examination. Exposing patient has any sort of bleeding fractures. But next light, please. On the template on, um, looking for any of the injuries or any sores, um, problems and that you can see on obviously from the patients that side on Also examine that afternoon because on gets us what you're looking for in the afternoon when you're speaking to the Examiner's, um you want to say, Are you seeing any tenderness? Is any guarding rigidity, rebound tenderness and then in my own ass for their inject with The cultures are up when so that's during through the age assessment. Next, Like these, um, once you've done that, you likely be starting to like someone of the of completed my age. The assessment I've found exercise, I just depending on what he found on. But that point depending on what I usually ask for investigation as I go along. So I don't forget about them. And they may give you results based on that. Um oh, if they don't give you anything and they're still letting you talk to itch sometimes happened then just that confusion my age in your saxman. I don't want to reassess, but I became king. At this point, you don't You will have a clear idea of what is the clinical contact at this point, whether they're having an asthma attack, whether it's this time in your in and stemi, depending on if they give you in the city. But it's pretty obvious at this point what the clinical scenario is, but you be like is nice. They like to see that you're thinking about the other your thought process. So my differentials would be state your differentials basically exercise at Don't reassess a patient. You'd be practical about what sort of things you do lax. So would you get called for? How would you call us? A term, though we're most likely could use, um, the results of the investigation. They might give you an ABG like your chest actually doing for, or they might give you and and easy g p systematic. And sometimes they Well, just like what you're saying, what's the diagnosis? And then move on to the rest Rest of the questions that they love and which may go onto it us about the management of the presentation or whether that, um, what you might do practically as an f one. I'm So, for example, referred to get your ass. It does beat to your medical registrar speak to the senior, basically on which specialty is you might refer to. You know what the clinical contact is? A swell next. Like to use it Unless, yeah, that's a good point. If you don't know what to do at any point in, I think I reviewed the patient patient very sick. Then we'll do what you're doing. Real life and contact. You say you 20 for help. Basically there Interviewer knows that you're not enough one yet, but they want to know that you have things in, like, one. And they want to know that your methodical And so if you can practice this 80 scenario and verbalizing it because obviously you're not doing it in practice, it will be via swing over your teens. Then if you're sustained with, that will be fine on the interview with actually, very nice. I find, um on it wasn't that concerning. And so next I've got a pack Two scenario. I don't know whether it would be best if we just went through to the other people. I am commented on the truck and timers should be happy story next line. So this is similar to the layout of what I call it the Beginning. And I also had a set of bloods with me on my interview. It's different scenario up. Basically, clinical context was Let me we'll have a read given and I sat on observation and I have a set of bloods. And so at this point, you have fighting it in your interview to you on a pad, What you'd like to do. So I use these five minutes to basically I think my differentials thinking What? What's abnormal observations? I actually wrote the HD down in my on my paper away. What my looking for? Like breathing. So I should just do that. So that long? One, that interview interview ask you you'll be pretty much sat. Um, So does anyone want to do that? If I want brave the heart, does anyone want to do or do you want smoking with chart? I have not been keeping up with the track and somewhere, So if he could just, um uh, doesn't question, actually, Uh uh, someone else if you would ask for any CG, even if the patient doesn't present with chest pain. So listening question and for completion, you probably you can They're not looking good marking down. If not, I understand why you might want to have that great resource. This book, when we're talking in you on sulfur, we usually do as many. Did you even if just a it's a compulsion just to make sure that there's nothing that we've missed. Some people present and typically with Sammy's. And that's a medium. So, yeah, if you just go back one time Where? Okay, um, so, airway it Does anyone want to go through it? For example, it's really good practice if you talk if you want to, Um, how how you approach this in the interview and over this Know, but, oh, some form you could ask if the patient speaking if they're making any noises, any wheezing, snoring, um, and any kind of like choking of good things. Sounds me good. I think you all that. That's exactly what I want. But, um, I think the interview, uh, Bone imagine for 15 minutes, and we'll probably last you probably about eight minutes also to just talk through it. So you're going to want to talk about 80 assessments? Likely. So if I have this Well, when I If I have the scenario like the examinal after you, how would you approach the situation? And you most likely asked for I'd start off by saying to everyone that well, I go through and I tried. The nurse can allow your beach. So in this case, you would be I just asked me Ask my hand over an aspirin. I said, if you investigations so just X ray EKG body. But depending on what your what do you think? Appropriate. And then I'd start with saying that I discussed this patient by during an 80 approach. I'm I'm going to go through each one systematically is okay. If I carry on the interview will say yes. Then you go through a way and you, like you said and asking for any additional noises. Like you said, If there's any are there speaking and if they are, then you say you want to. The next one is clear so that airway is patient. They're they're speaking. What would you do your next? If that's what you did interview and right? Just a Yeah, areas patient, patient speaking to you and and even I'll see you for breathing Well, because that's that's a low. I want to give him oxygen. So would you say 15 years not Rebid march in this instance? Then, like titrate downwards? Or would you go for something a bit less? I don't know. Extreme like a nasal cannula or a base most or something. Or is it safe to go for the news? I think if you're worried, 50 m is usually safe. Yeah, I'd go for that. Well, in your eye, in your life. And if you're worried if you you're not acutely, um well, then you might want to do a nasal cannula. Oh, you could just say both. If you're click with your timing in your practice, this thing you could say if you have time to look at the pass if you know it can tell you master looking here, Steven, I probably day I had it at this point a year ago. I said 15 years is not very brief, master. Just cause I don't want to think about any gout attacks alot book, um, you can say, you know, your cannula and assassin use asked, I don't think it makes a difference. It shows that you're just thinking that you identified that saturations are low and you want to make change that which is Yeah, exactly Anything out there? Oh, yes. So I think you can give him and it would get a BG from him because you're worried about his starts you can ask for a portable chest X ray to be done as well, because it's very likely that's a restoration or probably a P or something going on. Um, make sure he's not pulse oximetry going yet on, then Have a look at the patient. Is there increased work of breathing? That's just he's under respiratory distress. Um, well, then want Teo a few little chest examined. Does he have any obvious deformities on a chest? And it stars chest expansion. Chest percussion is a resident throughout. Listen, is the good entry. Um, other particular breathing sounds is that by basically was the bottom example, You have a Catholic basis or etcetera. So good. Yeah, that was perfect. Yes, exactly. You're very thorough. And you did intervention, and you ask them and you went along. So you gonna forget about them? That was good. I usually you'll do. A nice little talk about whether you want another interview will be like chest is clear. We want to, um, cause time is initially but no, that was perfect. They usually we'll say investigations a little bit of a while to come back. So you want to you next assessment? So on. You also mentioned that you're thinking about P. I think you're all the yes, So it's pretty obvious that person's it's likely from the beginning offset. And you know this person having to pee or, you know, that whatever, there's no, it was obvious. And so take what I found was useful. Was Taylor my 82 looking for things related to that or for all, Like dude making sure that you're taking off the scoring. So the score existence that would help for that scenario. So what I asked about that. But you can't take catering your a to eat on Day two specific presentation by just It will give you a few extra points, basically, cause so example, if you had pancreatitis all and you might want to cater it looking for the glass go score, cause that would indicate, like, severity of whatever of the pancreatitis. And it just shows examine of that. You know about this? Um what about for circulation? Did anyone have any When thoughts. And I'm happy for you to respond on the child who don't smoke. That's ones are so yeah, the pressure wise, a heart rate. You call, uh, for for reasons. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah, exactly. So it looked Pressure monitor, actually. Observations check for any signs of overload. And if there's any the colon preparations, JV and yes, EKG and I'll be access. Perfect. Get bloods. I'd be specific with when you're asking for bloods to be like, What's up that you want? So usually it's a generic ones, but I have to like the full book town. You need a lefty not gonna ask for a walk. You might want to ask for a D dimer depending on what's indicated. But I left. It means they usually fine and they will give you It's quite common to them to give you a sad bloods afterwards in one of the following side. Just they'll actually interact with what? And yeah, really good. Us. So again, you you've asked interventions. You don't you would do a cardio exam, But you you told me what specific findings you're looking for, which is really good and what that and then, you know, we want to do disability. So I usually found that disability was quite quick, and I usually say I just do the assessment of his neurological stage of the patient checkup with glucose and temperature. On. If I found any abnormalities or I thought that full neurological examination was indicated, then I would come to you. Thought I'm temperature was always one that was important, and I I used to get that quite often, but quite as necessary. And then, um, anything else for exposure? Just the legs. Yes, when he's getting checked, the legs cost DVT. Yes, exactly. So review the medication. Let's give them so just making sure that cause you think he was thinking is that in your Penis like swelling Good on day. Also, just again recheck the skin isn't any bleeding with everything out because this person that surgery might want to remember to check the surgical site, see if there's any so infection or bleeding or anything that's happened just a point as well. Lovely. So next wide, please tell me so you gone through, you got 80 assessment. I can send these lights on, and that's another 50 more detail bit since, Well, but basically you just want to be able to say this in a slip for my neck to the interviewer to say that you know how to do the assessment and then usually you asked for. So someone offered me See gi so time Where if you don't, then next, like you Would anyone be willing to interpret this season? Change? Um, so this is a easy G. If the said patient, I'm showing a regular rhythm. Um, I mean, looks like she's in Sinus tachycardia with thumb. No other obvious second, um, allergies? Possibly. Maybe there's some and hypertrophic ventricles. Possibly. I love it. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So it's Sinus tacky. And even before this, if you know this patient having, er he this isn't it's a fake clinical contacts like that, they're going to either give you science tacky or and I couldn't walk the pee. It s one Q very rare. The back of the book of you, that was Oh, but you know that they're going to give you something like that or it's gonna be I ask. It's gonna be obvious study or talk 10 to t waves. It's not really something abnormal. They know that you're 50 years on. It's not really so you couldn't get off gas was going to come up, but yeah, it's Sinus tracking on. Then you also asked for some blood results on the track. Start trying, say, next light. Be somewhere. Well, so anyone like you would like to inject, but not as well on in my interview, I didn't. Usually I'm a chatty person, so I wasn't really quiet any point. But I just saw when I was thinking, I think Oh, about so okay, Uh um hum well on even with, like, the EKG chest X ray, and just go for it systematically just so that they know how I'm thinking. And CRP is raised. Yes. So exactly. And they had a recent surgery was, like me some too high, But yes, he could. If you say that this er use rays, you get an infection. We always want to compare it to there that end. So I just want to say And what about the chest X right? Releasing these are normal. And yeah, that's pretty much checked. Don't be a long distance. Is the test actually going to be, um, normally a P? That's probably know. Is that so? Like, if you think about that, then that's fine. Um, So they've given you these usually give you a sort of investigations and results. Then what I got last words. How would you determine this of average? Oh, no, This point. Are you asked what your differential is? What you thinking so likely during ski? Basically be systematic. State your differentials. And what do you think? At that point, any times of like it could be cardiac? My talk to friends would be we, as I'm sure based on X rays at I am. Well, you want to do a lot with things. So there wasn't any shortness of breath. See you like, you know, when you're maybe but the tracks actually there. That blips on that pretty much fine. Um, so be systematically differentials. I'm if you're thinking be it was point, which I'm assuming you all are. Then what's what? What could you do not have the same way you do now to be and yes, well, score lovely. And one thing that I found or I think person made me stand up when I was I don't have well score. I had. The last one was for for acute pancreatitis in my station. If you can talk about it because they're not going to do the the wells for it, real life you go on and be covered and couple of it. But, um, if you could go through and be like, I'm gonna look for and different, So like they're talking Karnik is definitely immobilized. Also, have recent surgery Previously had a DVT. Have they had any hemoptysis or, um, after I have a clinical signs and symptoms may be beating and be able to comfortably that well school. And then that would actually showed me examine that you're very like, if you were able to basically recall the world's not really useful, Not physically the well school, but just in Mastic factors. I would have waste your time doing that because you've got lots of moving. It's like about, uh, agent, that's a little back. But yeah, that's like, Please don't move. And so, yes, in this case, it's over. Four p, very likely. What investigation do you do next, then? Based on that, it's a GPA. Yeah, lovely. And I want you won't get asked one word. Answer is you have, like, what would you like to do next? So you completed the wells for that indicates the CT years necessary, And but you're also the F one in the situation. Anything out? So they examined my, uh, Shin, What would you do next? And so be methodical, You might be asked. Well, the difference. You could say that the definitive management is, um, sgpt. And that's what they need, Like formal. I says it's about acute. Well, I don't that they are in this situation, but fun. All you've stopped. What? What would be wasn't difference of management for a yes. So treatment dose? Yes, exactly. So insulted. I'm not sure about the hospitals. What? We start patients on everyone on most people on put prophylaxis and department unless they're having indicated not to. If we use to subtract and pee, we start them on to those prior to any scan results in terms. So we would say that I don't want those back or whatever. Um, hospital guideline, um, policy are also for getting a few deep here at an F one. You you probably won't be able to request in the South. So you'd also mention that Well, you will be, but you need to sing your approvable. So, um, you just to say that the possible need of you a consultant, uh, you probably means contact radiology to back this time. It's just basically means up to explain My person's in the emergency GPA. It might not be if the patient's observation is stable, then they might want me acutely, which is fine as well. Um Well, yeah, the next week. So if you're going to next light, please from what? Um and they will Just asking a few questions on at this point, just discussing little monkey with the P. Well, the things does anyone don't know anything else that you might ask? Well, practically Well, all that's what you do at this point. But he would you prefer to admit young Good. Um, So, yes, you did admit them. You'd obviously treatment regimen, Just tens. I'm sometimes if the patients got, for example, history of heart failure all and the CT pa results of come back and they show you and my heart strain, then they might need an echo. And this doesn't have to happen as an inpatient, but you wanted a sax baseball. Is that how? Okay, braceros, um spirit three. If we did. And and these are just things that you want, um, chopped. I mentioned to the interviewer just to be like I'm considering actualize that, but and they don't expect you to know that it's just like Beth incon You want to show them what you think practically, which is good. And that's like, Please, um, you know, it's very unlikely you'll be getting a CT to type. Does it really Asacal on boys in the middle bar? And I'm if a something's like STD and everybody opiates, basically. And so that's usually what you do for the 80 scenario, and you just summarize it. By and by the end, Guildenstern asked a few more questions by the interview. Other and once you don't know 80 bit. But it's just about differentials management and what we do next in terms of how our next like these. And so I prepared by basically don't Oxford hum book the emergency section, and I just did that. The 80 print steps of the same for each scenario ask for the same observation after the same interventions, and you just don't have to cater it basically based on where and the cute scenario. So, for example, the afternoon would be looking for, like to determine, to ask Miss about Ricky, Look at their peak flow, but and you might get a few different interventions like Nebulize is or prednisolone book. Even if you don't know anything about the clinical context, you can still do the 80 in stacks, and that means don't that's what they're looking for, what they want. You. They want to know that you can tell that's that's in the patient patient, and you're gonna be a safe one. So I went through. These are quite common on. I went through the end of the opposite hand block countries basically revived. I think it's more useful to practice speaking out loud. About 80 are really practice with your friends practice and do the practice interviews where you just are able to talk through your 80 scenario Asper interventions and be with article on okay, and just anyone have any questions about the clinical I am station? Well, we could do question at the end. It's fine. If not, I'm I move on to the portfolio station, so this one is pretty much like your personal station in your medical school. Interview was a bit more specific about why you want to do that. I FPs a free program. I've found it. I think I didn't. I thought this would be quite easy, so I didn't really pass that much until a week before book. You just want to be something to be able to say. The reason why you want to do X f B. They just want to see that you're passionate and that you had some plans. Basically, on that reason why I wanted to ask me all that you have some ideas about why I used to be and they're really common ground. I think I'm going to ask you questions on They just want to see that. You know that you have an idea about what you want to do. And you're passionate about your relative like education research into shape. And you got some ideas and I'm watching experiences. Um, there's a book that there's a good book, which is a huge 4 lb. My answer is, but I basically just practice talking about this Are friends Lincoln some blood and I want to talk about the books I used Just practice talking about is out and which is a scale, our neck and you it's honestly find that I think the Russians, I've lost, like, Why do I want to do the SSB on D? How will that help me in my wriggles on? But they were just high. It was more of a conversation with the parts of interviews with really nice knowing that was intimidated and it was really pleasant. And one thing that was useful. If you go on to the next I p's done with, um, sometimes they're like, Why do you see yourself in the future? Just hot soon. Knowledge doesn't have to be in depth about the integrated doc about closing pathway. So if you I think actually, I'm not sure if this is different for educational leadership but because I wanted to do the research time. But I just have some idea about the appeal. Help me want to get a C s all gets a political luxury lectureship in the future because I couldn't start doing my research trials. If you've indicated who's we have to be able to talk about what to do in the pastas while just briefly have some sort of disarming about this and they don't question one it. But it just shows that new research the why we want to do a self be why it might be helpful for you. Another thing that I found useful was even though you won't know what we want to do for you except the project with the allergy is time to advise, maybe just have, like, a brief like maybe like a great idea about what it wants to go doesn't have to actually would be what you want to do or what you end up doing, because I think I take my mind about what I will end up doing. Book time that I applied. I was I want to do actually Tekturna on to my inspiration. That's why it would be really useful for me to do that. I mean, and next line, please. And I only applied to Northwest and the interview was really nice. Actually, it was really even if you just be confident. And if you show that your passion about and prepared that, they'll be able to tell him that every it's coughing hour of your time like know, stress out about, uh um, it's useful to practice Finals on D are just generally wasn't hot body. Mm Oh, and it's also just be a bit practical when you're explaining on so so like we will introduce yourself. Oh, date the family is a good thing as well. At the end, if you try, that just turned. Don't be delegates tasks and caught with the members of your team that do you? Do you get used? Juicer asked about that and next time, please. And again, it's already wife sat side of practice. Lots of different times. Be able to, like, summarize. Approve. Your experience is that you don't so that you don't your inspiration and be able to talk about your recent project, or they won't have a clue what you've done in the past. So it's just being able to talk about what you don't cystically on be able to sell yourself. Salter Um, and otherwise it's fine. Yeah, and just anyone have any pressure, that's all. That's pretty much all I have to say. I so or anything that anyone wants to ask about, doesn't have to be about the stations. Could just be about anything FBS a little agent? Um, no. Do they read your white space question before the interview and some mind us Haven't? No, they didn't know they didn't know. Also, I think it's different for you guys to do. Is it a national? Is it just one? Right? So it's a question I applied for. It was January, so I played the Northwest. I don't know. The you guys do. You got? I can't remember, But they didn't know where. I probably didn't know what I like to be. So constipation, all the leadership so they don't have a clear. And is it like, well, they have open adjustments and question any other questions? Um, I've dropped in the sea bathroom, everything to the feedback from in the chart. If you just please fill it in on day, you'll get the recording and the side talk to your credited. Thank you. And do you explain talking about specifics hospitals in the Diener e like if you ask my Northwest. And so I did. I did mention so and also a little bit like I want to work with this visit in 16, but and I'm not sure whether that will put your disappointed or not. I don't think it matters. I think if you asked why Northwestern. Yeah, What? I don't see why you can't off about it. presently. Um, I didn't see any. Do I still walk place so? Well? Well, you told me people have that. You could have a black, please, of paper, doctor notes during this week. Yes. So they're really extra about Know? Basically making show the right you want me to pay for. And then they're making it in front of the screen when you finish the interview just to be like, don't tell anyone. Book. Yeah, that if I, you're you got given five minutes. And how can I get information about what Invasive do good in the Northwest and so as well anymore. What specialty you want to do right now? They don't really. And like, if you want to do new neurosurgery, then obviously you know salt. But I like really good for that. If you want to do it tonight, even take marry is Tommy's. Basically, I just will be like, depending on what specialty you want to do what the big teams in the northwest and then that would help you. Obviously, that's you don't have to look for these teams. It's just if you have some sort of plan and that be useful and can you bring a paper against in the arm. It's in the first place. You don't have a critical of Brazel station that? Correct? Um, it showed up. Um, yeah. I don't think in the Northwest. Okay, I'm I only applied from the class, so I'm not sure about the all those And I didn't have a blood vessel stations then in the mature about that, it's not working in sulfite. Uh, that's what I really like it. So I would, um Yeah, I'm really got It was actually my base possible of students of That's familiar. They're very border. I think you got a lot of opportunity even. Well, on the road, it's got open, like now I really have a lot of the tracks. That's one thing. But I didn't look at probably but about and way you guys have already ordered your you're you've actually plots. I'm not using. The big difference was always really good. I recommend it. If you got the other questions, let me know. And some waking possible my email address. It's just the one I used from When are you leaving? Going to bars? Anyone have any other questions? I don't think there's any more questions once more in half. And you so much. That was such a anything, you know, everything was and yeah, I feel very possible. You know that people have any questions? Yeah, and I'm sure you'll be fine. Thank you so much. Well, by by