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Setting up for Arterial Line



This on-demand teaching session is essential for medical professionals wanting to learn more about inserting and setting up intravenous (IV) lines, taking samples and flushing the line. Participants will go through how to properly secure the lines on a patient and how to ensure they're close to zero with a potential venting setup. Plus, they'll learn how to use a syringe and flush the line, as well as being given the opportunity to take a sample in the safe, professional way. At the end of the session, there's an open chance to ask any questions before moving onto the next topic.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate the correct setup procedure for an aspirate line.
  2. Be able to identify the necessary equipment for taking a sample from an aspirate line.
  3. Identify the correct procedure for taking a sample from an aspirate line.
  4. Know the proper way to flush an aspirate line.
  5. Show proficiency in setting up and sampling from an aspirate line.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

okay? Yeah. So this has to be done in something. Catches solely the dressing back. There is a lot of bumps. Think, uh, pressure back on the vitamin C, like with a line set. Should be finding this stuck by a needle. The did, um, Transducer couple Pick it up on the creatine. And, um also, you need old up, but I get that every time. Right? So you haven't officially about of Spike 500 with with, and I am just as as no, you did. Uh huh. I think this then, but please make sure that off is today to the side. Bring it up. Enemy of a fresh Oh, I should've ate. Yes. So used to see that clean my nose to prime it chamber. How they really often a gastric. It won't have tried the time unless you put a topical. So you put the regular until it comes to make sure it's open, We'll sign on the wall. That shouldn't be too the cream on. Well, I mean, I'm gonna don't want to come site say they upset on also playing this bad days trapped air here. So going off to the patient's side on the plane about it, so Okay. Okay. So what's once nine connected to the patient? Wraps the line. That and the thumb. Like a stress. Security connected the past. It it's close to about so zero it next year. This is liberal patients. Hot close to the patient. Take the cap off. Okay. Can Cat gone? Yeah. The close to the camp. Uh huh. I've got a patient that Okay. Which we'll show you how you were gonna take some sample of feeling professionally, if I know Fringe 10 Mills syringe? No, your gastric or if you want, Like, um, role of testing will take. Okay, but they're old. Ready to go. First of all, take your final straight on. This is you're gonna be about the year you discard. Somebody discard. Okay, so I'm off on day. Turned the top off to the circuit to the Bible, so it's open to the patient. Pull back here. Five miles. Me this card. Okay, turn off this range. Take a syringe old for this card and take your sample again. Turn the top off to the bike and circuit. You take off your sample. Yeah. Samples not spent it on the machine lasting. There's two flushable three, then. Okay, so for this part, keep it off the strangest. Our office. When you use your total just to flush the line is there and open it to this range. Flush this. Redness three. I'm gonna take over here, syringe upon your brain off to the body to finish. Um, first of all, line again. Okay. Okay. So that's a quick run through just off and set up for anterior lines and then some plain has for you. Any questions? Just there before we may go on. Okay. Good s so that we just get ready. Then we'll move on to our next talk, which is gonna be for gold on telling us up with a new start sample of this.