Setting up for a chest drain - A Perry
This on-demand teaching session is ideal for medical professionals. Learn how to properly set up and administer chest run procedures, as well as explore the surgical treatments and medications used for medical trauma and complicated cases. Get tips on proper sedation, patient monitoring and consent, trauma chest preparation, and syringe injection practices. Make sure to bring along your questions and get ready to have a learning experience!
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the steps involved in a CT for chest pain
- Demonstrate how to properly set up a chest pain medication and progesterone kit
- Understand how to use different medications for treating chest pain
- Recognize the importance of patient consent and monitoring equipment
- Demonstrate proper technique for injecting medication into an area of the chest.
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Computer generated transcript
The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.
Okay, so we want just change the order ever since Lately on the next talk is gonna be just set up for a chest runs on. Then I'll be followed by and talk agreement on the muscle or a CT. So and that's what really is. If you've been asked the setup, progesterone and what you need and you do not Sorry, guys, we'll just try and fix that kit. You guys were just told him. I said, Enough for some chest pains in the apartment, and it's a generally the doctor's doing just dribbles out through kit and should important that you're except deck, and it feels crump a minute. We're in 53 units and aerosolized procedure. And so just remember to be accepted in your in your kind of gloves on, and you might be asked to get some kit for us. And it's just two different suggestions. You do the first test, usually these much larger and trauma during the surgical check stream, which a using for traumas or are complicated Course. He's in medications that you use it with a normal chest, and but with this article on, you need to get the trauma. Chester going to need some work. It also need from a lot of section considered you sedation of your patient felt and those that monitoring assistance and consent from the patient for rich and four standard questions that we can just secured amenities under fast, Fantastic. And but with your surgical Citrus, Well, so I'm gonna go into that. Okay, So, Teo, you with this? I don't think it comes with sleeping with the syringe. I touch to the back. Okay. Before the evil is injection site, take the couple pulled 20 was a border, and you should be able to see the water comes up here. I said I'm ready to go next to go for the Paxil for this one. We just need to come to the ones that you Oh, no. I was just gonna let her, but we'll make sure that she brings next thing that he's got spending a buckling. Make sure if you want to check your bottle, But look, the chest