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Session 4: Interview Overview + Personal/Motivational Questions



This on-demand teaching session is ideal for medical professionals who want to be prepared for their upcoming FFP interviews. The webinar will cover the three types of stations typically part of FFP interviews - the clinical station, academic station, and personal motivation station - including tips and examples. The panel of P doctors from the Midlands will also speak on the importance of speaking to people who apply to the same dean to get an understanding of which stations will be included and further preparing exam expectations.

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In this webinar we have covered the different types of SFP interview structures across the three tracks and common stations, with further details on how to prepare and a focus on personal/motivational station. Please do join us for the rest of our series to get more indepth advice on preparation for academic and clinical stations

Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify the three types of interview station: clinical, academic, and personal/motivational
  2. Explain how to prioritize different clinical scenarios
  3. Understand the common reference ranges for blood, ECG, and ABG results
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of assessment techniques and the medical history of interview patients
  5. Examine how to efficiently utilize time during a medical interview station
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OK, we will um make a start just so that we get through everything we need today. Um And just a reminder, all our content is automatically recorded and uploaded in our catch up content um afterwards. So, um thank you for those who have tuned in to some of our events before now, we are getting into the, the chunk of our webinars, which is the first of our interview series which are weekly um on a Thursday. Um So we're going to be covering quite a bit today. It's an overview of the interviews, the clinical station, academic station. Um There's going to be an emphasis on personal and motivational sort of questions which is very common with the med Ed and leadership particular, but also can come up in just normal research ones as well. So we're going to give lots of tips examples and then a good time for Q and A. But this is just the beginning. We're just scratching the surface of everything and then we'll go into more detail over the next few sessions as well. So um hopefully you have joined us before, but we're basically a group of P doctors all across the Midlands. Um So a lot of us from East Midlands, we've also got some from Yorkshire and some from Oxford and Kent, I think as well. Um So thank you so much for joining us and um I'm Ellen and the other. Do you want to introduce yourself? Hi, guys, I'm Mo. Um I went to UC and now I'm doing research in the East Midlands. Hi, I'm Julia. Um I went to Glasgow. Um, and now I'm also doing research and he amazing. Um, and I went to Cardiff Uni, I should say. Um, so I'm team Eded and the others are team er, research. So let's just get right into the content. So the main thing to understand those FFP interviews are, there's basically three types of station, so to speak. There's a clinical station, academic station and the personal motivation station can be a separate station in some interviews or it can be integrated into the other two stations. So the clinical stations, which we'll talk about in depth shortly. These are the sort of a e scenarios that you've done throughout med school and sort of ethical question. But do note not all medical education and leadership interviews include this. So I didn't have to do any a to scenarios. I was very lucky in my interviews but I know that some friends who did medical education interviews in other dean did have to do that. So it's just something to be mindful of and they won't necessarily specify this. Um They were very, they don't really give you much interview info on what to expect. Um The academic station is probably the meat part for particularly the research interviews. We already have a critical appraisal of an abstract or a paper. Some will provide you this a couple of days in advance to the interview. Some will provide it on the day. Some will just expect you to talk, talk about a paper you've read recently and still give a detailed insight again. We'll talk a bit more about that shortly and it may also include some data interpretation, some ethics academically from a medical education type point of view. Um They may go over sort of concepts or definitions or teaching methods and I've got to slide a bit more medical education and leadership specifically just to explore that in a bit more detail as well. The personal motivation stations questions, really, they're very much similar to white space questions. So they're really just looking at, you know, why are you suitable for the sap? What do you want to do for the post? Um Getting an understanding of your qualities, your strengths, your weaknesses, your experiences, and really just a time to sell yourself as well. Um I think so what people don't actually realize about the interviews are very, very short, they can be between 15 to 30 minutes. Typically the stations are like 10 to 15 minutes each and it'll be no more than half an hour. Um And you'd be surprised how much preparation will go in for a very short interview and the time will fly as well. Um And it's a panel interview. So there will be about 2 to 3 clinical slash academic doctors who will be interviewing you as well. Um And all of them will be online. Um So we put here book early to get the slot you want. So what we mean by that is once you get the invite that you've got an interview, go onto or straight away, basically, and there'll be a way to choose what time slot you want your interview. Um and just make sure you get it done. So sometimes it'll be a specific day and you have to choose what slot you want or if it's on different days. Um Yeah, just make sure you get in there early and can choose a slot you want, I wanted morning because I'm a morning person. Some people want afternoon. Yes, down to you and just with regards to that as well, um You can know from now what the interview dates actually are. So if you go back to the UK FP website, hopefully I've talked about it before. You should have seen a summary sort of Excel sheet guide and that has details of all the different deaneries and as a column which says dates of interviews, make sure you write down the expected dates of your interviews with the, the applications that you've applied for. So you sort of got a rough idea of when to sort of expect it as well and it does come round a lot quicker than you think. And it can be sudden notice. So we were just discussing actually. So I think for East Midlands we had about three weeks notice. Um, but Julie was saying for Scotland, she only had a week's notice. I know, I know. Definitely Oxford, I think they had a few days, er, than a week. So it does how much not you're gonna get. So it's important that you start preparing sort of just expectantly basically. So that's a bit of the overview. Um And now we're just going to get into each section really. So we're going to hand over and we discuss the clinical station and just to say as well. Um, if you have any questions, just keep on typing and chat as we go along, sometimes we may stop and pause, um, or we might build them up toward the end. We'll just see how we go we're doing with time. So hopefully that's just some reasonable information to start you off. Thanks Ly. Um, I also wanted to add to your point, um, your interviews will be some combination of clinical academic and personal stations. It might include all of them or two of them. So I think it's really important um, for you to speak to people who apply to the same dean, you want to apply, to get in, to get in touch with them through Twitter or linkedin and find out, find out what, which one of those stations will be included in your interview because for East Midlands they only do an academic and personal station for the er, research er, interview, whereas most other deaneries do clinical and academic and it's so it, it's really important that you speak to people who have done the same interviews before. So you have a better idea of what to prepare for. So um we'll move on to the clinical station, what to expect when you go into a clinical station. And I think it's again important to remember every, every DN is gonna do it in a different way. So again, try to get information from people who've done it before. But typically what happens is when you go into the station, they would introduce you through to 32 or three patients and each of these patients will have something different going on with them. So as you can see, patient one, this is an 81 year old patient with cough and shortness of breath becoming confused. They're febrile, they have a heart rate of 110 and their BP is 165. So this is looking very much like sepsis. Patient two, here is someone who came with hives following a bee sting who's becoming dizzy short of breath and wheezy. And what we're thinking of here immediately is anaphylaxis. And last but not least, of course, patient three is uh a family member calling about one of the patients on the ward and wanting an update and they're very angry. So these, these are very three different kinds of patient but they require prioritizing. And as you can tell from here in this patient two is the one you'll see first because they're going into anaphylactic shock. And that's when your airway closes. And as you know, from a a to A to e airway going bad is what will kill you first and then you would prioritize the patient with sepsis and then last, you would, you know, go to the family member to discuss the patient. So this is what you're expected to do and let them know why and for what reasons, what patients require your full attention at that stage in time. And this is something you should practice from now until your interview dates. Uh Next slide, please. So, so you've decided patient two, who's going to anaphylactic shock is the one that requires your attention. So what do you do now? Do you go straight to an A to eat? No, you have to be sleek about it. You have to be efficient, but you also want to gather as much information as possible. So you would usually say something like, well, I would look at the patient's notes what they've come in with their past medical history, their drug charts, their fluid charts. And then, uh you might also ask the nurse to uh do some other observations for the patient you're not seeing. So that septic patient patient one, you might tell her to do further observations for her. You might tell her to if, if you can to cat, he or she can to catheterize the patient to take some blood from the patient if they can and they'll start the sepsis six thing going whilst you see the really unwell patient. The third tip, I'll say is know your common reference ranges for your blood results and A BGS and ECG S. So the interview, the examiner might just give you an A BG. Ok. So we already have an A BG. Do you wanna tell us what's going on? If you know the reference ranges? You're gonna sound much more concise and efficient when you explain what's happening and you'll also be faster because remember this is a 10 minute, 10 to 15 minute station. So you've got to be fast, you've got to be quick in understanding things and interpreting things. So you have all that information. What do you do next? Well, do you speak to the patient? You ask the patient about any symptom, what symptoms they're having, what allergies they have, what medication they're on when they have any past medical history? When did they eat last? And what events happened leading up to the problem and you can summarize that in a mo cool sample. So these are the things you're doing even before you've done your A T you prioritize your patient and then you've, you know, managed the situation, you've told the nurse to go do some stuff with the sepsis patient. Uh and you're finding out more about the patient. So you know exactly what to do next side, please. All right. And then you go into your A two E and as you're all aware, you would have come across this in medical school, you look at the airway, breathing, circulation, disability, everything else and what you use to go through it is to look for your listen, measured, treat. So system. So for example, for breathing, you're gonna look, if the patient has respiratory distress, you're gonna feel their chest with chest expansion, you're gonna listen to their chest, you're gonna percuss and for measure, you're gonna get the sats, you're gonna get uh their peak peak flow if they're asthmatic. So those are the things you're covering. And again, when you say what you're measuring, go from bedside tests to blood tests and then imaging and that'll make you sound very, very concise and neat when you speak about them and then treat things as they come. So if a patient has sepsis, their BP is dropping, you know, lift their legs up, give them a fluid bolus to treat as e go and after you've done all the treating and your A to e what do you do next? Well, they'll probably ask you what the differentials are. So what you do, you say the, you know, most likely differential first and then you add two more and remember as an F one, your job is to escalate, you're the front line. So you see which patients are unwell and then you escalate to people who can manage them better than you. So if there's an unwell patient, then they have a new score of five or above, consider escalating to senior, ok? If their airways being compromised, ok? Or they're simply, you're not able to manage them, they're deteriorating very quickly. You're gonna call the medical emergency team. So that's 2222. And of course, if they go past this, you call in the cardiac arrest team. And so you need to look up and you know, revise how, where to escalate in what scenario is as this is very important. And um of course, you're gonna document everything, you're gonna follow trust guidelines. And if people need, you know, um immediate surgery, urgent surgery, you're going to inform theater and of course, refer to the relevant specialty. So there's, there's steps to everything and if you want to have an effective answer, effective answer for things they ask, you need to have a system to go through next slide, please. And these are some of the common scenarios that, you know, usually come up. Of course, some people would do a lot more than this. They'll revise things like hyponatremia, uh HHS. And that's fine. But usually what comes up in the clinical stations, it's common scenarios that you will have to deal with as an F one and they wanna see whether you can do this safely and also effectively and whether you can escalate at the right time. And that's what they're looking at. So these are some of the common scenarios that I uh you know that you must look at next slide and you know, your main resource to do this will be the Oxford Clinical handbook. Um They've got pretty much all of these scenarios on there in the emergency section, go through them other ways to supplement what's on the Oxford handbook is the mind website. It's really good. It gives you practical scenarios and practical examples of how an F one should be managing a multitude of different conditions. So I really recommend you look through that. And the third resource that will come in handy is our uh our lectures that we'll be happening on the 2nd and 9th of November and this is for the clinical stations. So we'll go through with you how to talk through clinical stations, how to prioritize how to manage and what to do next slide. And again, very important thing to mention some dean we like to throw in some ethics in there to you know, mess you up. So remember you learn about your full pills of medicine, Gilli competence, mental Capacity Act is a big one. OK? And this includes last and power of attorney and best capacity decisions. These are things that you will come across at an F one and you will be expected to know them. And therefore it makes sense that in your interview, you will also be expected to know them again, know about advanced decisions, advanced statements, DNA CPR and dolls. Again, we will cover this in our lectures later on next slide, please. OK. Before, before I move on, does anyone have any questions of on what the content of clinical station would include? I can carry on talking if you guys don't? OK, I carry on with the academic station. So the other station that you will most definitely get in an academic interview unless you're getting mad at or leadership, I believe you'll get some sort of other sort of question which other will go through with you is the academic station. So what usually happens for these is approximately 5 to 10 minutes before your interview, they will email you an abstract and you need to read this abstract and critically appraise it or you might be sent a whole paper the day before which you need to critically appraise. And what you'll be expected to do when you join the interview is summarize this abstract or paper. And also discusses strengths and weaknesses. So what makes it a good paper or abstract and what makes it bad paper abstract. They may also throw some graphs at you. So usually the most popular one tends to be the forest plot which you can see on the top, right, which you use when you're you know, comparing different studies in the meta analysis. The other things can be a flow diagram, consult flow diagram which shows you how people, you know, participants in the study are allocated, how they're followed up and analyzed. And during the interview, the examiners might also, you know, um ask you to define some statistical terms, they might say, oh, so the P value is less than 0.05 it's 0.02. So what does that mean? Why is it, what's what, what's that trying to explain? They may ask you what hazard ratios are odds ratios are. They might ask you to explain what double blinded study is those sort of things. So there's a lot of information that you'll need to learn before this interview. Um And usually when the interview ends right before it ends, they might also ask you, well, does this study apply to the real world? And we'll discuss a little bit more about this later next slide, please. So, so when you go in, you appraised your paper, how do you start? Well, you usually start by saying what kind of study it is. So if you look at the middle pyramid, you probably need to say, well, this is a randomized controlled trial, a cohort trial or systematic review. So start with that. Then on the right, you'll see the journal and impact factor. So you can say, well, this is published in external which is has an impact factor of, you know, 4.2 which is quite good. And then you'll go on to summarizing the paper. So you'll so and what you'll use the Pneumonic for this is po population intervention comparison and outcomes. So you'll probably, if it's a paper about heart failure, patients with a new diuretic, that's meant to help them, your population will be heart failure patients very simply. You'd obviously give more detail and the intervention will be, you know, the diuretic, the comparative will be the diuretic compared to placebo or maybe, you know, the gold, gold treatment at present and the outcomes will be, you know, what you're looking at, what you're trying to find out the mortality rate. Uh uh the side. Uh Well, what side effects happen? Things like that next slide, please. And the and after you've done that, you obviously discuss your critical appraisal and the two checklists that you know, are among the best to do. This is a cash checklist and the rob checklist, they go through different components of a paper. What makes a good paper. And then you have to, you know, if you go through that list, you'll see what makes a good paper, whether it's been allocated, whether, whether the participants have been allocated. Well, how, what statistics have been used, what outcomes have been discussed. And that'll help you summarize the paper as well. And it also will help you find the strengths and weaknesses on it. You know what sample sizes, what the power of the paper is, uh whether both participants and the, and, and the investigators were blinded, things like that to consider whether the paper is a good paper, trustworthy paper or not. Next slide. And this is some of the stuff you will discuss in your critical appraisal. So if you look on the left hand side, the internal validity of the paper. So that essentially is whether the results represent the truth in the study population. So you're trying to assess whether the results are truthful or there's simply methodological error in the paper and how things have been done that have led to so fuddled up results and that involves looking at the recruitment. So how were the participants recruited? Were they recruited online? So people who are not? So tech savvy might not have been able to see the advertisement. So there's a selection bias there, how they were allocated. So when the allocation was happening, was it randomized was a non randomized who decided the maintenance. So whether it was an intention to treat paper, uh blinding. So whether the participants are blinded to what they're receiving, what medication they're receiving. And also whether the investigators are blinded to what medication is being given. And this all again affects how the, you know how, how this, how the the information is viewed by the patient and the examiner and therefore how effective the study is. And also the outcomes of what were the outcomes was there only primary outcomes, secondary outcomes? Uh and also the statistics, what statistics we used, what statistic analysis were, were performed? All things that will make up the internal validity of the paper and therefore how effective it is on the right? You see the external validity, so that can the results of the study be applied to the real population? So you think about the population itself and all the also the resources available. So if a study has looked at uh patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, obviously, you can't apply that paper to people with reduced ejection fraction or say if a papers looked at uh Caucasian population, that data might not be so suitable for other countries, for Asian countries, for African countries. And finally, ethics. Where's the funding been received from? Are there any conflicts of interest next light? So, and where do you learn all this? Well, I found a really good book that I used. It's called The Doctor's Guide To Critical Appraisal and it goes through everything and it it it it's, it's quite a small book but it does take some time to, you know, go through and learn and it's got nice examples as well. So I really recommend reading that. Um And then there's some more resources we we have later on, but I really recommend this for learning about critical appraisals. And also there's plenty of youtube videos to learn about different statistical techniques and also the hierarchy of evidence and other things. And we're also gonna do in the lectures on the 12th 19th and 26th where we'll go through all the components of critic appraisal that you need. And we'll also give you some examples of how to speak out these critical appraisals in an interview setting. Next slide. I think that's Ellen. Thank you so much. That was really useful. A B again, if there's any questions that have arisen from that, please put them into the chat and we will er address them. So um we sort of covered clinical and academic stations and like I was saying before, with regards, if anyone has applied for medical education leadership, you are less likely to have clinical stations, but it's not 100% certain you won't. I know some people did with regard to critical appraisal. Again, it's less likely critical appraisal will happen if you have got a med or leadership because they need to focus on other things. Um but never say never. And actually, I also used that book, I just got it from a hospital library the critical appraisal book just just in case and I was really useful for myself as well just to understand statistical terms and just have a understanding of what may be expected of me. So medical education leadership is a lot heavier focus on personal and motivational questions. Um Some of the common themes. Um So if I just start with medical education first and just answer that question, did I have any? I had no clinical or appraisal stations in my um me DD interview, I'm allowed to say that I think, but I don't. Um So I was very lucky. Um But some do so again, going back to make sure you speak to current previous SRP doctors who should hopefully indicate if they had to um which will help save you some time as well. Um OK, so some common themes. So definitions. So instead of it being sort of statistical terms, hich of evidence, how would you link that to medical education? So some things they could ask you is learning theories. Now, if you've integrated the med, you may have gone over that before. If not, you can easily find loads of youtube videos which kind of explores the main types of learning theories such as cognitive behaviorism. Um All those sort of things and some other core concepts um to know about is Miller's pyramid, which is one they use for professional competence, which is the knows how does how that sort of pyramid Um And you see the different like terminology as well. Blooms blooms taxonomy is another good one to make sure that you understand what that is and be able to explain that as well. And some other key contexts, um you know, technology enhanced learning, what does that mean? The role of feedback, lesson planning, being able to actually explain what PB LCBL is and also just some common teaching methods and tools. So snaps is a good one. We used it a lot in Cardiff and basically that's a way to sort of teach a clinical cases to students. So you summarize a case, you get them to evaluate it, to provide differentials and get them to assess it and to feed that back to you. And it's a good sort of assessment tool as well. So it's worth just reading up on some of those. There's some quite useful summary papers that the clinical teacher probably has as well. Just worth just Googling about. Um with regards to leadership, they'll be there's only so many questions they can ask in terms the definition for leadership interviews. A very common one is like what is the difference between leadership versus management? Um maybe go over leadership styles and qualities as well, clinical governance, which can also come up in my head as well. So the seven pillars of clinical governance is a very key one included, a little colorful digo there and make sure you know, how do you define clinical governance. What are the key sections and being able to just explore those types of topics are really important. And something that I can also come up as well is just an understanding of NHS structures and policies. So integrated care board or clinical commissioning groups, understanding some of the key of documents like NHS long term plan because a lot of the leadership jobs offer the opportunity to kind of shadow and sit in some of these top meetings to get this sort of high level leadership experience. And actually to show that you understand that the NHS on a wider scale is very important. So those are the sort of definition sort of questions that you may get, it won't take a lot of an interview, but it definitely could come up a large part of it will definitely be your experience. So from a medical education point of view, you should hopefully have an opportunity to talk about your experience with teaching particularly. So maybe that could be a teaching program you've done um just any achievement. So, you know, if you presented as me or done or presentation some of the other skills that you've had. So we, you've been involved, for example, I was involved in like ed, I work any opportunity to which relates well with medical education is important to show. But also on the other way, they want to be able to see how you evaluate and look back at your experiences um being able to showcase not only good examples of good quality teaching, um but also bad examples. Tell me about a time where you witnessed something which wasn't good and actually being able to have examples to give to both of those is very important as well from a leadership point of view. And they could also similarly ask you very similar questions. So Shamie example, tell me about a time where you've showed good leadership or tell me about a time where you, you know, you're part of a team and we'll talk about that shortly, but also link into the clinical governance. They could particularly ask about quality improvement, particularly your A E experience and make sure that this all links back to SSP but also to patient safety and patient care is really key as well. Um And finally, some of the other common things is just scenarios. So a very common question that will come up in most interviews is all about how you're going to prioritize sap and balancing your academic and clinical responsibilities. And they may also test your ability in terms of how would you approach set up a program or simulation, an opportunity to explore your plans for the post and how you want to sort of integrate that into your post. Um So they can be very varied and I know just from speak to different people, lots of mixed um um experiences from the medical education leadership but actually, you'll find that a lot of the medical education leadership interviews have the same structure. So for East Midlands, um it was basically exactly the same interview, but just adjusted whether it was medical education or leadership within the case of switching out the words for it basically. So it is very similar. Um So we thought that we would focus a bit more on personal motivational questions today, which we're going to explore. Um But this can also um in terms of showcasing good and by example of teaching, that could certainly also come up in research interviews as well because you're still expected to get involved in other types of, you know, academic work. You know, we all just had some training day recently and, you know, they have encouraged us to get involved with teaching. So it's still an expected thing that you'll do a part of your job regardless of what track you're doing. So hopefully that just give us a bit more of an insight because it can be quite hard to get information about medical education interviews. It's very much all like research focus and you sort of just left. Um So we just wanted to make sure that was in there. So let's get into it. And we're going to just talk a bit more about key structures, give you some work examples from a med ed and research perspective and some tips as well. So I'll hand over to Julia Thanks Ellen. Just a quick note before we delve into this. Um I just wanted to say about like interviews and things like that, that it's just worth noting that even if you are applying for like a specific chat, like research, you can still get asked, be dead questions in it. You can still get asked leadership, they really don't interview just for that tract. Um So it's just worth noting that like for my Scotland interview, I got asked about SGT even though like we were the last year to sit it and I thought it was a rather pointless question, but they like to test your thinking and essentially, it's just about testing your thinking processes and how you cope under pressure as well. So they will throw in some curve balls. And quite often, I've heard that like different places have asked about the pros and cons of different teaching methods. So it is useful to know sort of the med ed stuff and the leadership stuff and prepare for that as well as solely just like the research that you think might come up the standard research questions that might come up. OK, just add to your point. Um For my Nottingham interview, I got asked how I've developed my teaching skills. Um So, yeah, anything can come up just Yeah, exactly. Um OK, so now we're just going to briefly talk about um some techniques for structuring your answers. Um So these are some useful mnemonics, um, that quite commonly come up and are useful ways to like sort of structure answers around. Um, so the first one is C A, um, and that's mostly used for sort of your background and your motivation questions. So questions like, tell me about yourself, like why do you want to do research, why the Deery etcetera? Um, so C stands for clinical. Um, so it's quite useful to structure your answers like your clinical interests, um, your experiences and your skills, a stands for academic. Um, so it's useful to have an understanding about what that dean is known for and why you're applying. Um, but also just, um, if there's like a specific research group that you want to get involved with, like at that deanie, it's useful to mention that, um, under academic, um, stands for management. Um, so here you can talk about sort of positions, responsibility society positions that you may have had during med school or leadership roles. But also if it's a question about sort of like what you want to get out of SFP, you can turn it around to kind of positions that you might want to hold whilst you've got an SFP. Um, so you might want to say like you want to become like the trainee rep for the deanery or like the hospital rep, um, things like that. Um P sounds a personal. Um, so this in this bit, you can kind of talk really about your additional interests, your hobbies, the regions. So why, for example, if you want to stay in a specific region, um you can talk about that there as well. Um The next um mnemonic is Star. Um And this one is used for sort of competency based questions. Um And bear is kind of similar as well for competency based questions. Um So these sort of questions are about like, tell me about a time when you've had to work under pressure, um or use leadership skills, tell me about a time when you've had to work in a team, um etcetera. Um So S stands for situation T is for task A is for action R is for result and the other R is for reflection. Next slide, please. Um So again, this is just summarizing the sort of camp structure. Um So these are some example, questions at the top about, tell me about yourself. Why do you want to do the SFP? Why do you want to apply to this specific Deanie? Um And these are the sort of things that you can structure your answer around. Um So just to provide a bit of example, so I, I went back and looked through my um application notes actually. So when I was um applying to East Midlands for medical Education, um I sort of wrote down from my own portfolio, sort of my sort of clinical interest, academic interest. And then how does that link specifically to what they offer. So for me, um I want to be a surgeon. Um and actually I really like that the East Midlands or my dad, they both had you all had two surgery rotations, which is great. And that's really important to mention as well because often you focus so much on the academic side, but people together it's only one rotation out of the sex rotation you have as a foundation doctor. So it's so important to mention the clinical side as well. And for me, I generally do want to have a portfolio career of surgery and medical education. And actually having that insight into an a block with one day week clinical four is academic is insight into how you balance your time um from an academic point of view. So to be able to develop my teaching methods and the fact that the SAP offers A PD cert was really important and the fact that you can choose your PT cert is really cool as well because some es they only specify which universities you can do it with. But actually having a choice is great because I already know the one that I want to do, which is actually a clinical leadership education and technology all based into it. And they offer up to 3.5 K fully funded, which is a very good um kind of good thing for East Midlands. And the fact that it links with two medical local medical schools shows I've done my research because actually not to and Leicester, we're linked with um the different types of teaching experience that you can get involved with. Um my role will be a lot of, I get to train up as a simulation fellow, which is really great my academic Roit and which again shows that I've done research into what this SAP offers for me and be able to continue, you know, my interest in anatomy. And Ed, I work is an opportunity for me to kind of slip in what I've done before. So I've ran anatomy program before. I've done ed. I work before. I want to continue that just to show bring in your experience and to answer as well um from a management point of view. And again, it's an opportunity to show if you're in involved in any other things. So I'm involved with the healthcare Leadership Academy. So it's an opportunity to say that I want to continue investing in leadership, which is very important outside education, an opportunity to do, you know, more quality improvement. Another key word there outside of your core SSI. But it's important to be careful with that and not say that you're going to use all the academic time just for your portfolio. It's not just that it's I need to focus on your SFP and then use that extra time to make the most of it really. And the opportunity to get involved in medical school roles as well. And os examining and assessments, et cetera supporting societies. And then for me, a personal reason for applying for the SPP was because high information is in the Midlands as well. And it's quite diverse. And that was quite important for me having been in Wales, I fancied a change as well. So straight away, you can just see that's literally just from bullet pointing in my notes, how much content I'm able to get into an answer. Um I'm not going to repeat it all again in like a very, you know, a neat way, but you can get an example, an idea of how I'll be able to express that very clearly. So some people try to be very explicit and be like from a clinical perspective, from an academic perspective. For me, I found that a bit clunky. Um but it is very clear. Um I've got more of a free flowing sort of style. Er but it's important that you're clear succinct to the point and just to mention, you probably will only get about 2 to 3 minutes per question. Er So you, you don't have much time but you need to pack in as much as you can without lifting stuff, but also expanding it and very importantly, linking everything back to SFP at the end. So hopefully, that just gives a bit of like a real life example of how to apply the camp structure that Julia has just been talking about. Um Oh, this is me as well, isn't it? Um Oh, no, Julia. Do you want to talk about this or shall I do it? Ok, I'll do it. So she's already spoken about this anyway. Um But this just sort of again, just gives a bit more detail of what's expected from a star sort of scenario. Again, this is will be very common across all types of tracks, particularly medical and leadership, but can also come across and research interviews as well. Um And the key thing with this, which people always forget is like you spend so much time when you white space question, you use them. Um I literally just copied and pasted my workspace questions to, to answer some of these questions. So make sure you actually go back and the work that you spent grubbing on those questions, make sure you use it in the interview. You cannot assume that the interviewers have read your questions because they probably haven't, they have no idea who you are. So you need to bring back everything you spoke about and bragged about in your questions and bring that to light. So I've copied literally my workspace question about the teamwork question. Um And I literally, all I did was just separated each line and how it fit into the star structure already anyway. So the situation was that I got involved in race quality work. The task was to create a teaching series. Um The action was, how did I contribute to the teams? And what part of the team did I do? So it was planning the meetings, communication delegating, hosting. The result always include some feedback, particularly very useful for medical leadership is feedback. And we presented a conference which is very important to say as well. So you show how you understand actions and how to present it and then the reflection as well. And reflection is all about linking it back to SFP. So collaborative working structuring program design key medical education terms. And then how, why is that important for the SFP? And I it was just by chance actually, I don't think I wrote it thinking it to fit to that star structure, but I literally just went through my answer and just separated each sentence er into that structure and that saved me a load of time having to think of an example. And I've already had written it for myself, then just do go back to your questions and I know that everyone will have written answers to all of the SAP white space questions. But it's still worth about going back to have a look, if there's any that you hadn't answered before, that might be quite useful to help you with your thinking. That's another er real life example of how you can apply the structure we've spoken about. Um OK, back over to you guys. So these are just some top tips that we came up with, um with regards to the personal and motivational section of the interview. So, um number one is tell your story. So they're interviewing a lot of people and they're really, really looking for you to kind of be unique. But also when you apply to a deanery, um and doing your research, you probably found that some dearies publish a lot about like how they're going to mark you and give you a lot of information about applying and some give you hardly any. Um So I definitely say that they're trying as much as like you're wanting a position there. They're also trying to suss out whether you are the right fit for them. Um And a lot of it is about just being yourself. Um So tell your story, tell what you've done. Um But always link it back to sort of SFP um and patient safety um for some of the questions um about like, where do you see yourself in the future? Like, what are your career goals? What are you hoping to get out of like, um SFP? Um Where do you see yourself in like 10 years time? I like to use the structure 10, 52. So basically that strut your answer is in 10 years, I would like to achieve this in five years. I see myself achieving this and in two years, I would like to be achieving this. So in 10 years it might be like, I'd like to be pursuing a phd um in five years. Um It would be completing AC F um in the region. Um kind of getting a better understanding of the literature out there preparing me for a phd. And then in two years, it might be successfully completing the SFP and applying for AC F training. And these are the skills that I've got out of SFP. Um My next top tip was about when describing your research, teaching or Q IP experience, always link them together and sort of a co story and about how this has prepared you for SFP. Um So you can talk about the skills that you've gained from it. And then um when you're talking about SFP, and you're talking about the skills that you would like to build upon in that you can link it back to sort of your research experiences that you've had in the past. Um So, for example, I talked about a project that um I was awarded funding for um and like sort of research summer grant thing. Um And I basically got thrown in the deep end, I had no knowledge of medical statistics. I had no idea how to analyze data. Um But I kind of watched some youtube videos modeled my way through that project. And then I basically linked it back to SFP saying that these are skills that I would like to build upon during an SFP. Um and game sort of more formal teaching in um throughout the whole process. Um Next top tip is, I'm sure you have a realistic idea of what is achievable and deliverable within a two year program. Um It's all very well thinking that four months is a nice chunk of time for research, but actually in the grand scheme of things, four months is no time at all and it flies by in the research world. Um So I think it's useful to talk to current SFS about the projects they've managed to do. Um But it's also useful to understand that four months is not a long time. So when you are answering questions about, say the challenges of an SFP and things like that, you can talk about how four months isn't a great length of time and how you'd like to hit the ground running from F I one. because they want someone who's motivated right from the start and who's going to be engaging with activities. Um And even at our induction, they were sort of saying about preparing the way for the four month block. So you get a good lead in. Um The next thing I recognize the challenges of undertaking an SFP um because there are challenges on your time also on your wellbeing, sort of the pressures of maybe getting an output. Um Things like that. Um So I think it's really useful to talk to current sfps. Um There are also obviously challenges of maintaining just your basic competencies as if I one maintaining that knowledge, also keeping up to date with your e portfolio and things like that. Um Because you do have less time um to do that when you are also combining that with an academic component of the program. Um Next point was think about why you have applied to these deaneries and what makes them different. So um some deaneries do your research basically. So some deaneries offer a breas through to go present research like East Midlands does some will give you a funded PG cert. Um I think Leeds also does a funded MS C for some of the research programs there. Um but also some have specific like SP teaching and so kind of find out what they're offering. Um I know, like for example, Scotland also offer like um honorary Fellow status and things like that. So find out what makes them unique. Um And just have that at the back of your mind when you talk to them about um why you'd like to apply there and your motivations um know your white space questions inside out because they can ask you about them. Um As Allen said already, um don't presume that they've read them because they see hundreds and hundreds of people and they, they won't, they might not have them in front of them. Um So you can reuse examples and touch upon things you've mentioned in there. Um But equally, they can ask you specific questions about them, um understand the training structure after F I one and the F I two. I think that's a key thing in the academic. They like you to know what comes after foundation programs. Um So the place to find that is on the National Institute of Health Research website. And if you look up like clinical academic training, um there's a nice graph, I think we've got this later on in the slides. Um So know that um especially if they ask you questions about sort of where do you see yourself in the future as well? And that's quite useful to refer to um or try and link your answers back to patient care, patient safety. Um and SFP. Um So that's quite a big thing in foundation years because ultimately, they want you to be a safe doctor. Um They want you to be a competent doctor as well. Um So what I mean by that is this is one of my answers I think that I came up with. So I was like, I hope to develop my critical appraisal skills further, so I can better appraise evidence and communicate, communicate research clearly with my colleagues and patients. So I can also become a better clinical doctor practicing evidence based medicine. So there you've got key terms like evidence based medicine, um like communication with your colleagues and patients. Um And this was about I think this was about skills that I wanted to gain um as well during SFP uh next slide, please. So now we're just going to move on to a couple of examples um for personal motivational questions that regularly come up. Um So for this question about what challenges do you foresee when undertaking an SFP, um I've put in bold of the key things that I thought were important. Um So for this one, I said from speaking to current academic trainees, it is clear that one of the major challenges of undertaking SF is the juggling of academic and clinical responsibilities. Time constraint will make it challenging to keep clinical knowledge and obtain all basic competencies. However, I feel prepared for this challenge as I've honed my time management skills through holding down a part time job during medical school and even played sport competitively whilst maintaining high academic standards in research and projects. So in that paragraph, I highlighted basic competencies because you have an awareness that you've still got to keep up to date with all your fellow F I ones and you've got less time to do that in, but then you switch around that sort of possibly negative. Um by saying that I feel prepared for that and then you give an example as to how you've kind of um prepared yourself for that challenge um to show that you're ready to undertake an SFP. Um the next paragraph, again, I've sort of highlighted the fact that four months is not a huge amount of time to complete a project. And that's showing that you have a realistic idea of research and about SFP. Um And then you address how you, you, you sort of address that by saying I would approach potential supervisors early, apply for grants and ethics approval during F I one so I could get the ground running. Um So that kind of shows that you've got a plan in place to deal with that challenge. Um And they like to see that you kind of have a, have a plan and that, you know, sort of, you recognize some of the challenges, but you also know how to address them. Um And then my final sentence, I kind of highlighted that the academic journey is not without its hurdles and obstacles. And I think resilience is a key word in research. Um They like an academic and sort of like research program is not plain sailing. There are going to be bumps in the road. Um And it is key that you are resilient and you give examples to show how um you've shown resilience in the past. Um I used an example about one of my projects um about data analysis and um statistics. Um And then I turned it around to be like um showing that there were obviously bumps in the road, but I managed to address them and that I would like to kind of build upon these skills, like during an SFP uh next light just for time, I think we'll just do one more example and then we'll just upload the rest um for you all to catch up on that. Um So this question was like about how you're going to prepare for your foundation program. Um So this was about sort of, um I think with this question, specifically Eleanor already touched up on it about addressing both the clinical and the academic side of the program, which is key because it is you have, it is only four months like one rotation out of the six where you're actually doing research. Um And so for this example, I highlighted that um by being prepared to start both the clinical and academic rotations, you're addressing the fact that you understand that you're not just going to be a research fellow and you're not just solely going to be doing research the whole time that you'll make the most of the opportunities I've highlighted, spoken to current SFP doctors because that shows that you've taken an initiative, you've done your research, you've got a realistic idea and you've got some insight into the challenges of combining clinical and academic work. Um I said about booking courses essential for my development early, so I could apply those skills to patients early on in foundation. So again, you're bringing in patient care, patient safety. Um You're also talking about your development and then I say about academically. So then I move on to address sort of like the academic side about contacting potential supervisors early. Um getting involved with projects during F I one and starting the process early again. Um So, yeah, cool. Um I'll just skip that. We've got an example there about career goals which you can catch up on the catch up content. Um And then this was the diagram. Do you want to talk more on that? Um I think it's just worth noting that IMT now is like three years, like core medical training is three years, not two years, but they've obviously not updated the diagram yet. Yeah, it's very common thing. So just make sure, you know, um and just in terms of the equivalent of that embedded there, there isn't really is one, but I guess the common things is that you can be a clinical teaching fellow, you can still consider doing like a phd or masters in medical education. There's still a ways to progress, but it's not as set out there. You can very, very much like carve your own pathways um for medical education. Um And with leadership, you know, there are like the national leadership fellow positions that you can go for as well. So they are, they are the equivalents, but it's not as structured as it is for the research AIC training pathway. Um So coming questions, we're not going to be through all of them and actually, we will talk on more on these um in our third academic station series. So after the following two webinars, but it's just useful to take photo hours. Again, we'll upload these slides as well and that very much will link into our next slide and use of resources to find these sort of common questions. Um So the sort of um what's the word one that everyone uses? And I certainly I didn't buy it. I'm, I'm very much, I don't buy stuff if I, if I can avoid it. Um, I managed to get mine from a hostel library from placement. So do try and not buy it. I mean, some people do and that's fine but just, just try to just this live in crisis and finally a medicine like, save you money if you can. Um, but this book is absolutely great. Um, it covers um, these sort of personal motivational questions in so much detail with worked examples. It goes over the structures we've talked about as well and not only is it useful for now, it gives you insight into what you would get later on in your interviews to, to come as well. And it is a really great book. Um, we've already talked about mind the bleep for the clinical stations and the, and the handbook just go to that emergency handbook session to go through that list. Er, first choice A FP is a good one, previous seps and of course, we are a great resource. I'm just, I'm just assuming we're going to be a great resource but we have quite a detailed, er, web series to follow, um, which we're going to break it down and actually lead you up until when most interviews start because I was looking at the interview dates and most interviews start sort of mid November. And our last interview series ends on the ninth of November. So if you just follow us, I'm not saying we'll give you everything, but we'll give you a pretty good gear at things as well. So do check us out as well. Um So time for Q and A, we've spoken a lot, we've covered a lot in terms of overviews, structures, stations and question. Um Hopefully, that's given you information that you may not have realized, er give you some food before, please use this opportunity to ask as many questions um as you can. Um But like I said, we will be going um into these phase in a lot more detail. We won't be going over personal motivational questions again. So this is your opportunity to ask questions on this now. But academic and clinical stuff, we will be doing more in depth stuff um to follow. So please do ask questions and um in the meantime, I will launch feedback form in case you do have to go, we really appreciate if you can give us feedback and it's really useful for us and feedback is just great. It's part of the comp of GMC. Great. So please do give us feedback as well. But if you do have any questions we were around, so use the opportunity otherwise we'll have an early finish. So, um well, we just waiting for a few questions to come in. I'll just ask you some questions from research perspective. Um So one thing I was asking you guys about was like, how long did it take you to sort of prepare? Um So I guess, yeah, if, if you want to answer, when did you sort of start your preparation for interviews and, and how did you find the process in doing that? Ok. Right. Sorry. Could you repeat that again? When did you start preparing for your interviews? And how did you find the process doing before I ask that question? I just want to add one more, one more tip for everyone's benefit. Um I think it's important if you are doing clinical stations and academic stations to form like a group of people or even a couple of you to practice things together because, you know, we can all read the Oxford handbook when, but when you're actually given scenarios and you're giving a patient that's deteriorating, it's going to be very useful to, you know, having adapted to that all quick fire, you know, attitude where you're answering things you're thinking about things in the moment and you're giving good succinct answers. So I really recommend you, at least with a couple of you practice going through things and, um, your question about when to start preparing. I'm not the best person to ask that to you because, um, I don't wanna say how, how late I started preparing, but I think it's very important that, you know, I think we, we were discussing them before to do small amounts regularly because that'll save you from a lot of stress. And also if you're building up that knowledge over time, you're gonna retain a lot better because you will need that information for your finals. All these clinical scenarios are gonna be useful for your finals revision. So try to start now do a little bit read, read one condition a day and just, you know, have a look at things, you know, watch a youtube video about, you know, a paces interview, uh a paces er clinical scenario. So you get an idea of the rhythm that you need for to answer these clinical scenarios, but start, start a good time. Um Approximately one month would be good. I think Julia. Um Yeah. No, I'd agree. Um especially if you're, you've got finals in your last year as well. Um because I personally found it quite a lot doing finals and SFP applications, normal foundation applications. And then we obviously had like PSA and SJ. Um I'd say another point as well is like, don't underestimate the emotional toll that applying to SFP has on you. Um Just because you spend so long writing your right space questions, you then have the build up of interviews, you have all the prep for interviews. Um So I'd say like for me personally, I spent a solid kind of two weeks um doing a lot of interview prep. Um and then had my East Mess interview and, but I definitely say, like, it helped me going into the next interview, um especially just like with the format of being online, having two interviewers again. Um also just sort of rehearsing some of the questions um in the first interview, hoping that they came up with the second interview. Um But yeah, no, definitely emotional at all then like analyzing your own performance because we're all our worst critics. Like I went away thinking I did terribly in both interviews and then was on Facebook the next day and be like, oh my God, this is a disaster. Um But yeah, no, I think, I think the other point is, you know, the best way to prac prepare is by doing so as I said, you know, you read just reading the clinical er, sorry, the Oxford Clinical handbook is not enough and just like that for research, just reading how to critically appraise things is not enough, you know, go on um you know, the lancet or go on PUBMED, pick out a random abstract or research article and use the cash checklist to critically appraise it and aim to do a couple of abstracts or a paper every few days. And that's how you build up the ability to do it quickly because you only have what 10 minutes to critically appraise an abstract for your interview or a whole mass of paper the day before. So you have to be fast at it, you have to be able to pick things up as quickly as possible. So start practicing critically appraising papers and you know, abstract co that for me, that was the most difficult thing. And um you know, being able to come up with, well, we'll teach you how to do it all. But being able to come up with these things takes a bit of skill and takes a bit. I definitely say, like, don't be daunted by it. So when I applied to sep, I had absolutely no knowledge of critical appraisal. I had minimal medical stats and medical sort of like research methods knowledge at all. Um I literally just had the knowledge that I self taught myself from doing research projects during medical school. Um So I would say, like, don't be put off applying if your medical school hasn't taught you anything like that um in depth, like because I know some people did like indicated degrees in it and things like that. And I was very much intimidated by that. But don't be um I just put another useful resource in the chat called the bottom line. So critical appraisal that I find really helpful. So basically, it's a website that critically appraises papers. Um, and I found the best way to use it was to kind of find the original paper that they critically appraised. Don't look at their critical appraisal, appraise it yourself and then look at the points that they've made and compare them to what you've done and your critical appraisal. Um, because I found using the cash checklist, I didn't really know where to start and I didn't know if I was like picking out the right points and things like that. Whereas with the bottom line, it kind of reassured me that I was along the right lines and then I could go and use the Cas cas checklist after just to add in terms of like, um working with others. I, we had a really good year at Cardiff and we had a great chat with everyone who applied for SAP. Um, and we actually, someone would share a paper and then we'd like go on Zoom and just talk about it. Um, or we just split off into subgroups. Um, after knowing where everyone had applied and we regularly just met up like two or three times a week, just, um, ask each other some of the questions from that interview. But we talked about before and just giving them, giving each other feedback as well and, and set up interviews. Um I I'm not sure if we talked about that, but that's really important, particularly when people have gone through the process, um be really useful. Um Because they can, I remember my first mug interview. I was like, oh my word, what am I doing? Like I taught the top. I'm actually really bad at this. But actually, um after doing a few muck interviews, your competence comes, you realize what your downs are and you're able to structure your answers in a very like, clear and succinct way. Um It's very, very humbling. Um And you realize how much of a waffle you are until that somebody saying, yeah, you need to sort yourself out. Um So don't you need to prepare there, there's no way of fumbling this. Um You can leave it as close to the deadline and you know, you can do that, but we don't recommend doing that. Do you try and do it a month in advance, I'd say? And that's why it's really important to know what your interview dates are again because you may not necessarily get the notice you're expecting and you don't want to panic on top of clinical placement. Although exam revision, you know, stuff may come up in life that happened for me. Um And I didn't think I was going to be able to make a job interview and I did. So it's important that you do the preparation, do everything you can to prepare yourself. So we haven't actually had any questions which I'm very surprised about. Um So I'll give it like one more minute. Um I'm very happy to have an early night, but we are here to help you. Um So please do ask any questions. Um And please do fill in the feedback form. Um I will uh just send that again to the chat. It is really important and really if you can fill in the feedback form. Um but it's feedback forms always, we always trying to help each other. We're all in this together. So filling out feedback forms is like giving us a cake, basically, definitely it would be really great for us and it helps us to improve as a team as well and work and us as well. So hopefully you found out really well today um giving you an insight into all the different key sections, clinical, academic, personal motivational, useful resources and tips there as well. Oh, that's really good to know we've preemptively answered some questions. So hopefully that's the case for the rest of you as well. And our next event is next Thursday, we'll be back. So just to sort of go over what we'll be going through in the next few session. So academic split into three. So next week we're setting the foundation going over like hierarchy of evidence, er key terms, study designs, then we're going to use the foundation was built in the following er series and we go through critical appraisal in more detail, go through some work examples. And then the last academic one is kind of going over the extras like graphic examples and we might just go over some extra common examples just to recap some of the stuff we talked about today. And then the last two are based on clinical scenarios. So we'll pick out some of the common scenarios we spoke about today and just go into that into more detail. So you've got an insight into how you can prepare and what they're sort of expecting and that should lead you up until interview time, really. So hopefully it's just easy to follow around, you know, have dinner, sit around a laptop with your friends and just give you some content to talk about as well. But please do start soon and make sure, you know, when your interviews are going to be just a as you have one be hopeful, start preparing. Um And either way, um it is really useful for the future. Um doing this interview preparation, you never know. Um um If you do apply for any interviews later on the same thing's going to come, this is going to apply as well. So thank you so much for coming today. It seems like we don't have any more questions. Please. Please please fill in the feedback form and we wish you all a good evening and hopefully you can join us again next week. Um we'll stay around for a few more minutes. Um And yeah, then we'll end the live and I'll upload the recording straight away. So we know we spoke about a lot today. Um So you're very welcome to come back and watch the catch up content at any point. Um Thank you for joining us today.