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In this on-demand teaching session, two S FP trainees with experience in Brighton and Newcastle will guide medical professionals through a mock interview, giving insight into the types of questions they can expect and the culture of the interview process. The session will cover the typical interview stations, such as the clinical station, offering tips on how to approach them. The two trainees will demonstrate how to answer a mock interview question, demonstrating how to explain the steps that would be taken to care for a patient in the course of the interview. They will also explain how to call for senior support and what to expect from the examiners. This session is essential for any medical professional preparing for their upcoming interview.

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In Team SFP's fourth and final teaching session, we will be running model interviews to give applicants a greater understanding of how to approach questions in the SFP interview. We have two guests who are current SFP trainees, so we will have the opportunity to run through four interview stations that cover the personal, clinical and academic domains. We will then discuss the approaches to the questions answered and include advice for your interviews. Plus a Q&A at the end for any queries for upcoming interviews.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the structure of a medical interview and each of the different stations within it
  2. Outline best practices for approaching a medical interview scenario
  3. Recognize the critical thinking skills used to assess a patient's condition
  4. Discuss how to recognize signs and symptoms of a medical disorder
  5. Demonstrate how to effectively ask questions and call for senior medical support in medical scenarios.
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Hello, everyone. We'll start in a second. Um Sorry, I've had to join my ipad, so I realized the camera angle is a bit odd. Um But yeah, we'll just wait a couple more minutes um to let people come in and then we'll give it a start. Yeah, just so for the people coming in now, we're just gonna wait maybe one more minute and then we can give it a start. Ok? I said we may as well start there. People can trickle in. Um Hello and welcome to the fourth session, the model interview before I start. Can everyone let me know that they can hear me, please? Um, because I don't wanna start rambling before. So if someone could just message on the chat, that would be great. Perfect. So I apologize on my, my ipad and my computer camera is broken. But um so sorry for the angle, but uh just an introduction about myself. Er, my name's Tilly and I'm doing an S FP in Brighton and um I hand over to Angus and Yanis. Perfect. Um Good evening everyone. My name is Angus and I'm an S FP trainee in Newcastle. I'm Janice. I'm with T Brighton and I'm doing ACP as well. Perfect. So just a bit of an outline of what we're gonna do today. So, uh unfortunately, due to capacity, we can really run mock interviews on you guys. So we're gonna run through a mock interview on each other. Um We can't divulge what sort of questions we had last year, but we can kind of give you a rough idea of this sort of thing, um comes up and the culture of it just so you can have a flavor before you kind of go to your interview. And congratulations to everyone who's um heard about interviews and well done for getting one. I know it's gonna be really competitive this year. So congratulations. Um So yeah, so we can start unless um anger. So again, has anything else to add? No. Ok. Um So just the interview stations we've been covering. So, um you'll receive information from your deanery about the interview, but these are kind of the broad questions we're gonna cover and I think, um don't be afraid to email your deanery um for more information about interview sort of structure and stuff. Obviously, they can't give you the questions, but they can give you kind of a, a rough outline, but usually they're quite good at providing that information. So we're gonna start with the first station, a clinical station. So, um I'm, I'm nearly 100% sure that every um deanery will have a clinical station. So this is just to make sure that you're competent because obviously you'll have one less block, um, F FF two placement or maybe even more. So they want to make sure you're a safe F one and F two. So we will start it. So we will start, um, we'll do each station as five minutes. So Janus, if you could please time five minutes for the station and I'm gonna ans answer the question and Angus is gonna ask it to me. Um So I will let Angus leave it. Perfect. Um So welcome to your interview. My name is Angus. I'll be one of the doctors on the panel today. Um We're just gonna start at the clinical station, um your medical I want overnight and you'll see three following s if you could just describe to me how you've approach this. Ok. Hi, my name's Tilly. It's lovely to meet you. Um I'm just gonna have a read through them and then I'll go through my reasoning. Um ok, so I think kind of before I can assess who I need to prioritize, I would ask um the nurses for some observations um and kind of try and get more of a history from each of the bleeps. So, um I would like a full set of observations for each one of the patients. Yeah, absolutely. That sounds very sensible. Uh So here are the patient's observations. Ok. Um So just looking at the first patient, which was the cardiology patient having chest pain. Um, I can see her, she's quite, she's a bit tachycardic. Her blood pressure's all right. Um, but I'm slightly worried about that new oxygen requirement. So her temperature is normal and the patient's alert. So that's good. Um, it's going on to the second patient news. The patient had the fall. Um, so all the observations are fine. I'd want to know from the nurses if the patient um hit their head and if it was a witness fall or an unwitnessed fall. Um So uh is there any information about that? Yeah, so if we just keep going through? Ok. Um So the last patient, so they're unable to get obser for the patient and they attempted to leave the ward. So I think the last patient has to be low down on my clinical prioritization list. So if there was a way I'd ask the nurses if there was any sort of LORazepam on his P RN. But I wouldn't want to be prescribing that over the phone. Um But I'd ask the nurses to get security for that patient and apologize that I wouldn't be able to come to that patient um quickly as I have for some other patients that are more acutely unwell. So, out of the first two, I think, uh if the, the second patient, I kind of hit his head and um the nurses were really worried about him. I'd kind of, I'd want to go to him, but I think that the chest pain is worrying me. And just before I'd arrive, I'd want the nurses to do some blood. So I'd get them to do a V BGA Troponin some euts and a full blood count. I'd also get them to do some, um, uh, I'd get them to do some, an ECG. I'd also ask if they had, if the patient had any GTN spray, um P RN and I'd get the nurses to give some GTN spray to kind of help settle the patient. Um But I think from this information, I would go to patient one first and um maybe ask if there's another med medical F one on that could go to patient two. But I would say that I would go to patient two after that patient. So, uh when I arrive, um I'd go to patient one and I kind of when I arrived there, um I would um check uh have a look at the notes. So, is there any past medical history for this patient? No, none of that. None of note for patient one. Ok. So I try and have a, a look in the um notes to see why the patient was admitted. So, um what was the reason for the admission for this patient? Um So we're not sure about the reason for admission, but we do have some results back after you asked for the V VG and chest X ray. Ok. Um So just looking at that VBG er, that hemoglobin is quite low and the platelets are quite low. Er, the sodium and potassium I'm not worried about and the glucose I'm not worried about, but I'd be, I'm kind of worried about that sort of low hemoglobin, low platelets, ma maybe the patients um having a bleeding or maybe it looks sort of a low hemoglobin, low platelets and make me think of maybe a hematology disorder. Um I'd also uh ask the nurses to just get the E CG. Um But I think it's important that I also would then go assess the patient. So I'd go see the patient um check the airways patent. So is the patient speaking to me? Um the patient is, but he's slightly drowsy. Ok. So uh the airways patient side move on to breathing. So I'd wanna get uh an up to date respiratory rate. I would have a listen to the patient's chest. Um I'd also check the tracheal position and I um would check. Yeah, so I'd have, and is there any information about that in terms of what? Sorry. So what's the, is, what's the respiratory rate of the patient? What I would also like to know what oxygen level they're on and I'd like to know when listening to their chest if there was anything I would hear. Yeah. So the respiratory rate is 22 and they're fine crackles bilaterally. Um And then in terms of the sort of the the pulse is regular tachycardic and the patient is warm and well perfused. Ok. So I if they ii hear um if I'm hearing or five minutes is up. Ok. So just kind of in summary. So I I'm I am worried about this patient and I'd want to have a look um at the E CG and because of the, the crackles, I heard, I probably want to get a chest X ray. Um So could I please see the ECG for this patient? Yeah, of course. Um So just having a look at that E CG now, so the patient's having chest pain, I'd also want to check with the nurses that they gave some GTN to the patient to help relieve the pain. And I'd want to make sure that the patient's BP was ok. So just having a look at the ECG, sorry, go for it. So if the patient's BP were to drop, what would you do next? Um So if the patient's BP was to drop, I'd want to give a fluid bolus, but I'm slightly concerned with the um what I've listened to in the, the chest. So I'd want to kind of do a full fluid balance assessment on the patient. So check if they're overloaded before I'd give some, some fluids. So just kind of some temporary measures I could do to help if the BP was really low, kind of lie, the patient back and put their legs up. And at this point, if I was kind of, I really worried about the patient, I'd want to, I am really worried about the patient. I'd want to call my registrar and potentially call the cardio registrar as well. Um, cos I'd want to know more about um how to kind of manage this patient. And I'm worried about the patient deteriorating rapidly. And I'd also want to know what the cos the patient, um whether, what the sort of treatment escalation plan would be for this patient and whether they had DNA CPR and whether I kind of would want to get it involved in managing this patient. Perfect. That sounds sensible. OK. Uh So we'll finish it there. So God, it was fluttering. So I think with these ones, uh admittedly that was, I was a bit flustered then I think you've got to remember that, that I didn't feel like I, that was, I didn't feel like I finished the patient and you won't necessarily, they'll cut you off and you won't necessarily feel like you kind of will know exactly what's going on or will have completed the patient, but they just wanna make sure that you kind of explain what you're doing cos obviously, it's quite a simulated and thing just being on teams or whatever you do your thing on. Um You're not actually going to be able to examine the patient. So you need to make sure you explain clearly every step and always call for senior support. Um, so by the end, you should have called for senior support and if you haven't, then there's a problem and I wouldn't worry about kind of completing the at E cos either the examiner, the examiner will rush you through it and like kind of make you go, make you go through it quickly or they just, it's more about kind of what you actually manage to do. Um I don't know if Angus or Yanis have any more recommendations on how to kind of structure these stations as well. No, no, I thought you managed it well. And you explained clearly your justification for who you're gonna go to first and then went through a sort of approach. I think also these questions when you ask them, when you ask, sometimes you ask the examiners for things, they're not gonna necessarily give it to you. You know, they, if you might say, can I have the E CG in some situations they would be like no or do you, can I have a past medical history? They may just say no. So I think you've kind of got to be able to kind of not get too flustered and just remain calm, admittedly, I felt a bit flustered then, but I don't know if Janice has any other tips for kind of managing these stations. I think um what I used to do when I had my interviews was I would always try and have a kind of a systematic approach to the acute young well patient. Um Obviously, the at three approach is, you know, kind of everyone uses it both in clinical practice and in interviews. But I think if, if I would say if the examiners are giving you particular clues or mentioning something, I would say that's quite important and really pick that up and see how that is relevant into the, the clinical picture overall. Um And just, I appreciate five minutes isn't a lot of time but try and think things through, have a moment beforehand to think about how you're gonna structure your answer. Um Just because it can be a little bit hasty if you dive into it straight away and um you know, then you think actually I would have structured things a little bit differently. Yeah, I feel like for that question, I felt like I didn't actually manage to help with the patient, but I guess five minutes is not enough time and because I had a clinical prioritization first, I was never gonna get through to full A to e um so, yeah, I think just try and take a step back and just kind of stick with the A to e and definitely listen to your examiners. So if they say move on, move on, like don't focus on what you think may be going on and just sort of for like things that will probably come up. It's just in the back of the um Oxford Medical book, I think we talked about in our last talk, those acute presentations, they're, they're likely to give you quite common presentations of things. And it's important you just have an idea of how to manage, manage them um broadly. And just remember to always ask for senior support. I think realistically put yourself in that situation, you're not gonna be um thinking I can manage, manage this by myself and always think about who I would need to, who would need to escalate to. Um Does anyone have any questions for the clinical um station? Just because I feel like it'd probably be better if we go through them, the have the questions for each station as we go. Um Again, it might structure differently for your deanery. But II imagine that the the clinical station will be kind of broadly structured the same for every dry. OK. So I think if no one has any questions we can move on. Um So we'll move on to the personal station and I'll hand over to Janice and Angus. Perfect. Thank you. Um So I'd like to ask Angus. Um why do you want to get a place on a specialized foundation program? Yeah. So, uh I'm really excited to apply for this program because I think it will really help me hopefully reach my goals. Both clinically in terms of becoming an academic surgeon and also academically. Uh so I can explore my interest uh which is breast cancer. So, from my uh experience and placement and also wider reading, uh I've just been really drawn towards breast cancer. It seems like an interesting specialty because it's got input from both surgeons and also oncologists and radiologists. Uh And there's lots of exciting developing fields with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and gene testing, such as oncotype testing like they're doing in America. So I think this program would give me uh the time and space and also the guidance from an experienced researcher to hopefully sort of channel that uh passion into a project. And hopefully along the way, I can develop some new skills, for example, uh I'd like to try some coding using our studio. Uh And hopefully, this will allow me to sort of perform slightly more advanced statal analysis which could contribute to my, my final project. Uh And then finally, just outside of the academia, I'm hoping this program, I can also build some other skills uh such as teaching. So I'm hoping to uh help uh sort of run some teaching programs along with the uh professors and also hopefully develop my leadership skills by completing the NHS Leadership Academy course. And hopefully this will just uh contribute to me becoming a more developed and rounded clinician going forward. Perfect. Thank you. Uh Do we have any more questions on the slide or uh there's no more questions on the slide. Uh That's fine. OK. Uh In that case, I kind of wanna ask a few more follow up questions about what we've, what you've mentioned so far. Um So you mentioned kind of going down the clinical academic pathway and focusing on that in the future. Um How do you intend to balance a career in both clinical medicine and research and what challenges do you envision coming up? Yeah. So um I think having spoken to more senior trainees who are either embarking on the ACF or have done it previously, I am aware that it can be quite a challenging pathway um As you're expected to complete all the proficiency, proficiency of a a full time clinician alongside your research responsibilities. Um So I think I definitely have to manage my time well and set sort of either weekly or monthly goals and make sure I'm meeting my targets alongside my uh clinical commitments. But flip side, I think uh doing research can give you a chance to sort of step back from um you know, your clinical practice and have some time to think and develop uh new, new skills. Uh And I think this will complement my clinical practice and hopefully help me to influence guidelines alongside my uh clinical work. Perfect. And could you tell me a little bit more about the projects that you've worked on so far during your time in medical school? How you um found successes, how you managed uh challenges, how, how the kind of general sequel of your research has taken has been so far. Yeah, absolutely. Um So in my fourth year of medical school, I uh was involved in a quality improvement project and uh alongside the supervision of a consultant anesthetist, I uh led this project with a few other trainees. Um And I was looking at uh the effects of warming irrigation fluids in trauma and orthopedic theaters on uh the rates of hypothermia. As obviously, hypothermia has a number of uh adverse complications in terms of coagulopathy, uh cardiac events and these are things that we're trying to reduce. And I think as this is one of my first experiences of leading a project on this scale. Uh ID, I definitely did find it difficult in terms of uh the admin and logistics, but I found uh sort of leaning on my supervisor for support and also trying to effectively delegate the tasks between the trainees was really helpful to, to, to reach our goal. Perfect. That's five minutes up. Um OK, Janice, I don't know if you wanna give Angus some feedback and Angus of whether you can get some insight on how to answer these sort of questions. So from my perspective, I thought it was really well answered because every question had a structure to it and you could follow through in a, in a logical manner and appreciate how different aspects were being addressed. Um So you were able to, to also raise some quite thought provoking uh points as well. So I think it's very easy when an answering these questions to give a very generic response. But I think by making it very personal to you and kind of tethering it from your own experiences to medical school, it, it does make it much more memorable to me, particularly the point about um coding and R just because it's not something that you hear very often. Um But it was also nice to hear a very synoptic view of your work so far. The way you presented, it was not too detailed, it was enough of an overview for me, someone who hasn't done this work or doesn't know about this work to follow along with what you're saying and, and understand what you're saying. Um And it gave a very good impression as to you being very devoted and committed to actually going down the clinical academic pathway um which is exactly what's expected really? Yeah. No, I agree. Um It was very structured. Sorry. Anice go on. I interrupted you. No, no, no. Uh No, I thought it was very structured and very personal. I think with these questions, it's really important not to just say I want to do ASAP co it's gonna help me do an academic career. It's gonna help me apply for a fellowship to give those like detailed things about. I'm really interested in breast cancer because then these people are gonna be hearing the same answers every, like, you know, for the whole day. So it's important to kind of give niche things. Um I think also it's a good way to kind of whenever you're asking, like, why do you want to do S FP? It's a good way. So Jana's prompted Angus but always incorporate like what you've done cos it's kind of like you've got to make sure that you kind of demonstrate your whole CV. And you'll only have really sort of three or four questions, large questions to answer that to try and make sure you tell them, tell them as much as possible about um, your CV. Um But yeah, Angus, that was really good. So I don't know if Angus, you have any other suggestions for how to answer these sort of questions? Uh No. Yeah, I'll definitely try and keep it structured because I think it is easy to waffle and even now I could feel myself starting to waffle. So maybe it's just helpful once you finish one point to take a breath and it feels like a long time. But actually it's not. And then you can just sort of gather your thoughts. Yeah, I agree. And I think um realistically that no matter the gene is gonna ask you, why do you want to do S FP or a question around that sort of real realm? So you definitely need to prepare an answer for it. So if anyone has any questions about sort of the personal questions, um we can go through them now or we can kind of at the end we have some time for questions as well. Oh, there's one question, what does c stand for? So that's just a structure that we can use um to sort of give our answers a bit more. Yeah, a bit more of a structure. So it just stands for clinical academic management and leadership and then personal. So in that example, I sort of covered um you know, I want to be a surgeon, clinically academically, sort of talked about my interest and then I also covered leadership and then uh if they asked you why specifically a certain scenery, you could maybe say, well, because my family are close to here or I'd like to, you know, walk in the peak district. So that would be the personal side. Yeah, I think definitely something about um make sure you kind of give a personal edge to it at the end as well. Um And often though I think you need to have a structure cos five minutes is not that long. So you need to make sure you get everything across. So now we'll move on to the next station. So the academic station, so I will ask Janice a question. So, Angus, if you'd be all right to set a five minute timer, um OK. So Janice, can you tell me about a recent paper you've read that relates to an area of your interest? I also sent it on the chart for everyone. So today I'd like to talk about a relatively recent paper. It's called um dexamethasone in hospitalized Patients with COVID-19. And it was published in um 2020. I think I can't actually see. Um So it was published then at the New England Journal of Medicine. And this was quite AAA landmark paper I would say because this did in time uh dictate how COVID-19 patients were managed in the hospital commu in the hospital setting. So essentially what they were looking at was they had about just over 2000 patients um in hospital with COVID at the time. And it was a randomized controlled trial, it was open label and patients were either given usual care at the time, which is described in the paper as what would constitute that that would be the control group or the intervention they were looking at, which was um oral or IV dexamethasone. And what they were trying to find out from this is the 28 day mortality of these patients and whether the intervention would be, would have a superior outcome to this. Um So kind of going through a bit more detailed um in terms of the patient uh the population, as I said, it's just over 2000 patients, which is quite a generally speaking, quite a good number, but I haven't been able to see a power calculation either. Um Those 2000 patients were randomized as well. They don't really, I don't think men exactly how they were randomized in the, in the abstract, but we can assume that it's reliable per se. Um in terms of uh the intervention, as I said, there's the um the dexamethasone, we could consider things here because it was open label, which means both patients and healthcare professionals knew who was getting warrant. We could consider things such as performance bias and how that would perhaps influence results or result detection. The other one being detection bias as well. Um in terms of the outcomes, um that's where the detection bias would come in where, you know, systematic differences between the groups um would basically uh that would perhaps have an effect on how outcomes were determined. Um and kind of going through to the external validity aspects of the case. Um in terms of the relevance of this given the time as well. It was pu published, this was quite a relevant paper. We didn't really have any specific ways of dealing with COVID that had a high um prognostic factor to of them at a time. And obviously, it was a pandemic. So everyone found this paper relevant to them. Um We also wanted to know a little bit because in this paper, they mentioned hospitalized patients, but it's a little bit generic really that, that phrase, we could be looking at someone who's just been admitted to the hospital with, you know, mild symptoms or someone who's a step away from intensive care. Um And there is a factor of kind of perhaps doing a bit of a subgroup analysis and actually understanding how these um how, how that spectrum would uh would perform. And if there's any differences in that, um in terms of the kind of population external validity, it was, it was undertaken in the UK. And I presume with a kind of UK population now it's a very diverse community. So I presume there is an element of being able to translate these results to other, other countries, other communities. Um And then we'd also want to look at um sorry in just a moment. Yeah, that's great. Thank you for looking at the external validity of the paper. Um Go on. Uh So it was just the final thing. It was um the ethics. That was the final thing I think I wanted to, to mention. So everything has been done according to the declaration of Helsinki uh prior for ethical has been done has been obtained. Um And it, it, it, it has essentially, it fits into the old pillars of being a ethnic. Thank you, Angus. That's good. Thank you. Uh No, well done Yanis. Um Yeah, so I think y you wanna say sort of what sort of structure you tried to kind of? So, II haven't done this in a while. So I think my structure was a little bit haphazard. But I think overall it's what's in the screen basically, uh which is essentially the question. So what essentially is the title of the paper? And in our case, it's frankly right there then kind of go into the po structure and that's, you know, it shouldn't be as choppy as I said it. But I suppose it can be a little bit more fluid if it's better rehearse. But then again, you know, on, on an interview day, it's a very difficult to, to be, you know, so fluid with things. Um and then from people going to the internal validity looking at how the patients were recruited, blinding bias, all of these things and how these may influence the results obtained. Um statistics. I don't think I mentioned that at all. I don't know if there was major statistics, but um yes, there was, but um it's good to mention as an obviously external validity and seeing how applicable this paper can be to the real world setting. Um And finally funding ethics conclusion, the one thing I will say is just as a final point is usually at the end of the appraisal, shall we say? They usually would say, would this pa paper change your clinical practice if you, if you were to read it? Um Usually I'd say no and I'd say that, you know, I'd like to have more reviews and more kind of a systematic meta analysis, whatever it is. In this case, this is one of the few papers I would say yes, because this did change clinical practice actually. Yeah, II agree. I think I wouldn't worry about not mentioning everything on this. I think it's really important to kind of give a AP O structure. So you need to kind of illustrate what's going on the paper and talk about the internal validity and the external validity. I thought it was really good that you talked about um the ethics and clean you a lot about that and that kind of demonstrated to the examiner that you've done your reading. Um But I think with all this appraisal question, they want to know how good of a study is it? And is it actually applicable to clinical practice? Because that's the aim of all research. And I think you did that well, and it's quite, you could either kind of incorporate it with your po or you can just to go on to it. But I think it's really important to talk about that. I, the examiners will always, I didn't really need to prompt Y Yanis, but they would always prompt if you kind of weren't necessarily on the right path, they'd make you actually a appraise the article. So I think it's important that you don't spend too long explaining what it was. Cos the main part of this section is that you are able to appraise the evidence. Um I think it's also important to kind of when we went over in our last talk to know about the hierarchy of um kind of studies. So obviously a systematic reviews at the top and randomized controlled trials um up there as well. But no, I think, I thought that was really good. And yeah, they would, they would ask you kind of what would this influence your clinical practice? Um Yes, Angus, I don't know if you have anything else to add. Yeah, I thought it was a good structure and you, you definitely pulled out some good points. Um, but think about the context and the external ability can be really helpful because you might have a study that has amazing results and, you know, great p value. But if it's not applicable to the population that you're hoping to treat then that, you know, it's not a reliable study. And so I thought you did that really well and that's good. Does anyone have any questions about the critical appraisal study? So I can imagine they're either gonna ask you to talk about an article you read or some deaneries. My understanding is that they can give you an article beforehand and that you'll have to appraise. Um, but II can imagine there will always be some sort of, er, question about kind of analyzing evidence that you have. Um, so it's important that you kind of know what these words mean and like have a read through um some definitions. Cos that's kind of sort of what makes the difference with this sort of question. Unfortunately, you can't really blab on this question. You're gonna need to know what internal validity means and external validity means in um some sense. OK. So we'll move on to the next question. So, achievements or um yeah, achievements. So I'll let Janice if you're happy to time me and Angus is gonna ask me the question. OK. So our final station is our achievements. Um So if you could just tell us uh what's your single best clinical or research achievement? Uh And why? Um So I think my best research achievement would be um my primary research project which I did in my inter. So the project um I used a 3D scanner to make um online models um of vertebra. So I scanned vertebra in the lab and then made an online uh some online moles that I incorporated into a teaching program. And then I assessed with some uh students on the anatomy course at the University of Edinburgh. So I this um research was kind of a really big achievement for me, more on sort of on my CV basis. So I managed to get some positive results and I managed to create the modules. Uh And I then presented my work at the International er Anatomy Society Conference. Uh This has then led me to um contribute to writing a paper about the work. Uh And then I've also helped contribute to a textbook with this work um uh on a personal level, this was uh a really big achievement for me. Cos it was sort of such a big, big, big project and it's really nice to sort of be able to kind of actually contribute to a textbook um and things like that. And also kind of, it taught me quite a lot about resilience. So using a 3D scanner was really difficult and unfortunately, I don't have a huge technological background. So there were quite a few setbacks and I had to kind of go to some lots of technician and ask for a lot of help. And that's kind of taught me the importance of asking for help and kind of using all the resources available to you. And I think I will use this in my clinical practice. Um I kind of making sure to use all members of the multidisciplinary team. Uh So kind of on a personal level, I gained a lot of skills as well as it help. It's helped um grow my research skills as well. OK. That sounds really interesting. Um So what skills would you do? You think you're hoping to bring into the program that you've learned from this project? Um So kind of sort of talking about some personal skills. So I guess resilience so often research projects, I know there's a lot of setbacks. And I can imagine. Um I know the Deary does a four month block in F two and that um I might not be able to kind of fit everything I need to do in the four month block. So I will make sure to be organized and to kind of look at it, look at the project in F one and try and get all the ethics approval um that I need and kind of doing this long term project at university has really helped me uh learn that I need to be organized. I need to give enough time for everything. Uh I also think the sort of skills of resilience. So sort of having these setbacks, I will make sure that when I do a project, I kind of won't be kind of beaten down by it and make sure I use um all members of the multidisciplinary team and all the resources available to me. I know that this scenery offers some sort of like general clubs and I can help. Um which means I can sort of de like talk about my work and then maybe people can provide some guidance and I would always make sure that I kind of go to my supervisor with problems. Uh So yeah, I think kind of the main skills this projects taught me is sort of resilience and organization and I'll make sure to bring them into the specialized foundation program. Perfect. That sounds great. And outside of your academic projects. If you were to get this program, are you hoping to develop any other skills? Uh So, um as it's also a foundation program, I'm really hoping to improve my clinical practice. So I think kind of um by doing sort of the foundation program, I'll learn more how to manage patients acutely. Um and kind of improve my medical knowledge. I'd also quite like to um carry out an audit in the place I work. Um So I can sort of help improve um the outcomes for my own patients. Um And I'd also though, hopefully the program would allow me to um kind of carry out some impactful research uh and on a personal level, um I would like to be a bit closer to my family and sort of moving here would enable me to be a bit closer to them. Uh So yes, so I'm hoping to sort of develop my skills as a doctor as well as an academic and I think this program would offer me that opportunity. Perfect. Thank you very much. Good. Sign up. OK. So I apologize. That was a bit waff. Um But I think, yeah, so they kind of will be with all the questions, there'll be like a general question and either you'll be like probed more into what you say or they'll just ask you a different question within that. Um But yeah, so that sort of question was just talking about what you've, what, what I've done. Uh And, and it doesn't have to necessarily, if you haven't done a research project, that's not, that doesn't matter too much. It's just like some memorable moment that you've done. So I tried to kind of incorporate what the project was and like the achievements I got from that, but also sort of like a personal thing about the project, kind of the setbacks I had and how that kind of helped develop my skills. Personally, I don't know if Angus has any sort of feedback for me. It can be savage. I feel like I'm a bit tired so it wasn't my best. No. Yeah, I thought it was good. You went through the project coherently and it was easy as somebody who doesn't have a background knowledge on the project to understand what you're doing. Um So, yeah, I thought that was good. One thing I would say to people is that they are going to talk about their own projects, just make sure, you know, inside out because some interviewers might be meeting me and try and grill you on various aspects. So I just make sure you're really keyed up on it, especially if it was a few years ago and you were a bit a bit rusty on the project. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you have a new text sort of for those sort of questions. Um Yeah, like I said, I think it's really important to not just sell yourself but know exactly what you've done and be able to reflect on it, you know, um in a nice, in a nice way, in a nice summary. Um Just because I was thinking in my, in my interview and back in the day, I had a respiratory consultant and I did um rasp ID kind of project and we kind of got a little bit and, and we opened the discussion as you can say about it. So it's really important to know inside out. So it's really important to just showcase your enthusiasm because I think by applying to this program, this is precisely the reason why you're here to, to undertake either research or uh teaching or whatever kind of track you down. Uh Just being able to show that that extra addition to the regular foundation program does make a, a really big difference to, to the overall experience. Yeah, I think definitely be, I think sometimes when you're nervous, one can be quite monotone. So definitely try and be enthusiastic and smiley um because also often the people interviewing you may be your supervisor and they want to kind of know that you're kind of like a, a friendly sort of organized and sort of person they want to work with. So I think also try and get your personality through as well. Um But yeah, so I guess some general top tips, so kind of structure your answers. So um and align your answers with desired qualities. So I think kind of if you're talking about one question, you're saying how you're organized and resilient. The next question don't use the same sort of points. Try and kind of get a breadth of um skills you want to show you have. So definitely prepare, I think I wouldn't kind of like write a paragraph and just recite it, but you can prepare with bullet points and like Yanna and Anger said, make sure, you know, your research cos you never know who your interview is gonna be. And I think try not be overwhelmed if they, hopefully they won't be mean. But if they kind of be quite short with you, try and kind of just take a deep breath and continue because they're probably just trying to sort of test you. Um and definitely practice and read each Deanery's perspectives and what the Deanery offers cos each deanery is slightly different. Um I don't know if um yeah, so just make sure you know, your deanery inside out as well. Ok. Yeah, I don't have any points to add. Just yeah, good point to that is you can get so focused on what you're saying and make sure you convey the right points that you might forget the basic things, which as we kind of covered last time is, you know, just making eye contact, even if it was three teams, you know, smiling, um you know, conveying yourself in, in the best way you can because I think more things like that do definitely plant a perception of you and the interviewer's mind and within the 1st 1020 seconds they'll, they'll, they'll make a judgment on whether that, you know, they think you're a, you're an appropriate candidate for the role. Yes, I mean, yeah, I think, yeah, you just definitely gotta remember to be, um, really friendly and to be professional. So for example, don't be doing it on your ipad when it's slightly a weird angle. Make sure you have a plain background. Good wifi and always introduce yourself at the start of the interview. I think even if they know they're not gonna know your name just always be really friendly. Like, hello. Nice to meet you. Um I think sometimes it can feel a bit artificial cos it's online and obviously if it's in person you do that. Um But yeah, try and make eye contact and obviously that's quite difficult cos making eye contact is not necessarily, it's not looking at them, it's actually looking at the camera. So I think these small things can make a big difference. Um Because yeah, people do judge people quite quickly. Uh Janice, I don't know if you have anything else to add. Um Not really just make sure you're kind of dressed comfortably, make sure you have some water with you go to the bathroom beforehand, all the kind of usual, uh you know, regular pointers just make sure because the interview lasts, I think, 20 minutes, half an hour somewhere there at Max. And, you know, in that, that small amount of time you do want to be able to perform as well as possible. Yeah, definitely. And I think with the clinical one, cl, like, don't get, um, dissuaded if you don't sort of complete it because five minutes is not enough time. So, like the one we did there, II was never gonna be able to prioritize talk about the prioritization and to go through the full medical management of that patient. I think the main thing about the clinical one is they want you to, they, that you're safe, you know, they don't want you to straight away kind of go in with M manager and not like, actually ask for senior help. So I think it's always just about safety. So I wouldn't, don't be kind of disheartened if you don't complete it or if you don't know exactly what's going on. Cos often the stations won't necessarily have like an answer. They'll just want you to know that you've kind of run through the at approach and been a safe doctor. Um So does anyone have any questions? And I think Angus, if you could put the feedback form, so we'd greatly appreciate it if you could provide us some feedback. Um because this kind of helps us with our F one as well. Um But if anyone has any questions about the, any like the interview structure that you might get. And again, just remember, you can email your Deanery's like hr department to say like, um you know what sort of structure it is, they can obviously not tell you the like topics, but they can provide you a bit more guidance. And I think some, I was quite lucky. I only had to wait, so II only had to wait five minutes before starting. But I've heard sort of some people have had to wait like hours cos things are delayed or like hours are a bit dramatic, but like an hour just sort of sitting there in the waiting room. So I think be prepared. You could be there for a while because things often don't go to plan. Mhm. Yeah, definitely. And if anyone has any questions before the interview, feel free to message the page, we can try and help out with anything. Um the feedback forms in the chat now. So, yeah, that would be really helpful just for our portfolio if you could fill that in. Um But yeah, if anyone has any questions about anything else as well, um I take it you've all ranked your jobs for the Deanery for the sp deanery. Um Yeah. So then I usually when you, you'll find out about the interview, you'll get a score, I think. And then you find out when there's the dates we find out February, January. Um and there's different rounds of like releasing offers. So if you don't get an offer in the first round, don't worry, a week later, they kind of release more um more jobs because obviously some applicants will get both of their S APD. So please don't be disheartened. If you don't get one first round, there's always the, the kind of the, the next round, so you may get a job as well. Um And I think you, I don't know how it will work with the structure this year, with the, the, the normal Foundation program, but you usually only have sort of 48 hours to accept. Um So you've kind of just got to take a risk. Um And if you as in, if you, yeah, as in, if you, you only have 48 hours to accept and you would not necessarily know where you're gonna go in the normal foundation program. Unfortunately. So we've got a question. If we had mentioned evidence of feedback we have gathered from teaching in the White Space. Questions. Do you think they be much chance they would want to see this by screen share? Definitely not, there's not enough time and, and for you to be getting evidence up, they're kind of trusting you and also kind of, you can tell if someone's really passionate about something and someone's actually done the work. Um But yeah, they're just, they're trusting you to um to not to blag about it and I think, I don't think they'll be looking at your whitespace questions, to be honest. I don't know what Janice and Angus think. I think the whitespace questions are just sort of a stepping stone to get to interview what you say, interviews, what they'll uses. They don't, these often the interviewers are doctors and they're not gonna have time to have read through everyone's white space questions and realistically and they, they, they're just not gonna do that. So whatever you say to them, um it's kind of what they're gonna think, but I think they'll, they'll be prepared to be grilled. So like if you don't know if you kind of lie about something and you're grilled, then you're, you know, you, you probably, you will, you'll fail the interview because they, they want, they won't want to be with you if you have been dishonest. Um But yeah, I think you don't need to share, you won't need to share evidence. No, definitely not. Yeah, there's a very low chance they'll even have access to your White Space questions, but they definitely won't just grill you on them. Um I think also they, they will um you right space. This is a kind of a good time to talk about projects you're doing actively. Um And what you're going to do as well. Cos obviously with the point system, you have to have like a Pubmed ID for something. So I think you can say, oh like I'm doing this teaching project and I'll help designing this and hopefully we're gonna get, you can always talk about what you're gonna do in the future as well. Don't worry about um kind of having everything set. I think if, if you don't have a lot of research projects and everything like that, you can use a lot of different examples. So any time you've taught maybe younger medical students, you've kind of had a good experience on the ward. I think it, you don't have, they don't have to be sort of research projects per se. So I think you can use lots of different things. So if you get like a leadership question you can use if you're like Captain of Netball Society or something like that, um They just want to know that you have skills that are appli applicable to medicine, which is kind of er, most things you can do from like extracurriculars as well. Um I wouldn't mention extracurriculars for like every single question. I think it's a nice kind of add on to, to some questions and it's, it's quite a good to theme. So let's say they said what? Show me a time you've been a leader, you would tell them about, let's say I was the captain of the Netball Society, but then they'll link it back to the S FP. So I think it's really important to always link it back to medicine. Um because that's what they kind of wanna know that you have the skills for. Um So before I ramble everyone to sleep, does anyone have any other questions? Thank you very much. Yeah, thank you, Jan. Um Janis is doing a um S ap with me as well in KSS and he's doing uh his projects on HIV. Yes, HIV. Um So, yeah, there's just, there's a whole, there's a, a really big variety of, sort of projects and I don't know if you joined the first session, but Angus says, yeah, he is doing one on breast cancer. Uh And I'm gonna do one on um hematology yet to decide what I'm doing. Um But yes, I think also some deaneries, I know they're gonna preset research blocks if you get a job. Um where, like you get a research project that you're not that like a specialty you're not that interested in. I still think it's worth taking it because the four months you have off and the, the research you will do, it's always gonna be good for even if I've done hematology research. And let's say I want you to apply for surgical training. I'm gonna have like maybe lab experience and, and all, you know, doing, doing research projects, gain skills and they interviewers later down the line are gonna wanna know that and I don't think S FP is a sort of thing you sh um it's not a, a chance you should sort of give up just because the specialty is not exactly what you wanted. I think also in that four months, you, you, you will maybe have time to do other things as well and the projects you're actually interested in. So I definitely don't think sort of uh reject an application based on that. Um Obviously location, everything is your life, medicines, not your life. So if you get a really rubbish location, um you gotta think about that, But yeah, I wouldn't kind of decline a, um, an application based on a specialty. Um, yeah. Yes. Ok. Thank you everyone. Thank you. All right, we'll finish it there. Bye.