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Savings Accounts & Investments Webinar



This on-demand teaching session dives into the details of different types of savings accounts, outlining the pros, cons, and key points to keep in mind. It also introduces investments and why you should invest, plus offers insight into the Lifetime ISA, which can help people get onto the property ladder or save for later in life. Guest speaker Michael Excitable will offer expertise on understanding investments, wrapped up with a Q&A at the end. This educational opportunity is ideal for medical professionals who want to get the most out of their savings.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the benefits of having a savings account.
  2. Describe the different types of savings accounts, their pros and cons.
  3. Understand the benefits of a Cash ISA and the 20,000 lb limit.
  4. Discuss the risks and rewards associated with a stocks and shares ISA.
  5. Analyze the structure, purpose and government bonus of a Lifetime ISA.
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okay. Just going live. Um Great. Well, I've now. Okay. Good evening, everyone. We will shortly be starting. Our third seven are about savings accounts and investments. I was gonna give everyone another two minutes to tune in on. Then we will get going. Azzoni of you may be aware we have a guest speaker this evening talking about investments. Um, Michael Excitable introduce. Really? When she's finished her talk. Uh, here. Just bear with us, okay? So, as always, please stick any questions or queries you have in the comments section of Facebook. I will be keenly monitoring it throughout the whole session on I will pass on the questions and highlight them to. My speakers will have better either address than during the session at the end or in the day or so afterwards if we don't get them during the session. Okay, so I was always It is naturally pleasure to introduce about two Sira after she is doing the academic foundation program in the Oxford injury. And it's also a chartered accountant. We're very lucky to have this evening over to you. Sorry. Thank you again. So I everyone is our third installment. We are talking about savings accounts and investments today, so I'm gonna go through savings accounts. First, it's gonna be a whistle. Stop touring the different types of savings accounts. It's gonna be quite basic. It's aimed at people who don't actually know very much about this at all. And I'll be doing something a bit more detailed later on. I'm just putting down the ground work with all the basics on. Then we're gonna go to stuff that's more complex later. I'm also after I did. My walk will be introducing Abraham, who's from, uh, Charles University in Prague, originally from the UK on, he'll be talking about investments, so stay tuned for that. Won't be long. It'll someone to jump straight into content. So we're gonna talk about why you should have a savings account. What types of savings accounts. There are pros, cons of each on the key things you need to keep in mind on. Then we'll be going down to investments and why invest? So this is May were best friends. Right now it's gonna jump straight through. Okay, so why have a savings accounts so three things. The savings account acts as a separate pot that is less likely for you to touch If you can't really see the money there in your current account, Um, it means that if you're saving up for something specific, you're putting that money away, schooling that money and we're going to stay place on. You're less likely to touch it in the good old days, he could own interest on this violence you can interest now. It's just not really very good. Um, it used to be really quite useful to put your money away in a savings account, and you'd end up making quite a lot of interest on that. On the best part about that was used to make interest. That then got added to your balance on you made more interest on it. So compound interest. Um, at the moment, interest rates aren't that great. So you are looking for and kind of savings account that gives you a little bit of payback, but it's also suits your needs. And then I'll be talking about a specific type of savings account for the lifetime my PSA, which attracts the 25% government bonus at the end of it. So, first of all, these are the different types. I'll be talking about instant access savings accounts. Cash price is fixed, um, savings accounts, premium bonds. Lifetime, I says stocks and Chan's license. So the most basic savings account you can get is an instant access savings account currently, and I just kind of like another current account because of how low the interest rates all but normally it would give you a little bit more interest on your balance. So you be more tempted to leave your money in there for longer because the longer you left your money untouched, the more interested earn more money. All my money would make um, with an instant access savings account. There's usually no you have to pay for it. There's no penalty for taking out your money. Whenever you want on. You can get beyond money instantly. You don't have to apply to take it out What you do with some savings accounts, Um, it's only issues that it's not really maximizing your savings. You could do a lot more with your savings than that in a separate part, next fixed time savings. So fixed terms are a savings account where you agree to lock your money away for one year, 35 years on because you're locking your money away and basically promising that you're not going to touch it. That reliability burns you a bit of OPEC stra interest that you wouldn't get on an infection on an instant access savings account. At the moment, I think a good interest rate would be 1.5%. Normally, these used to be a lot better. I'm hoping that they start to improve. The economy improves as well. Um, on the problem with these know is that you can incur penalties for accessing your money early. So if you break the term and you want to come and take the money out, you can either end up for fitting the interest you've earned Onda paying penalties, factors and your money early and breaking the terms of the savings account. The best way to use these is if you have a few 1000 lbs a few 100 lbs that you can just leave untouched for a fixed period of time. It means that that sitting there earning you a little bit of extra money through interest on the benefit of it would be that your interest rates so I says there are three types. Well, there are five times of ISIS. I'm only going to be talking about 33 cash. I saw, uh, is probably the one that most people know about. It acts as a normal savings account. They have normally relatively good interest rates compared to the rest of the market. It's not that they have any worse off interest rates because being a cash, I see the other benefit of thumb is that all the interest that you learn in a cash riser and every other type of isis is tax free, so the interest isn't subject to tax. The limit for depositing in all types of ice is across. The board is 20,000 lbs in one Taxotere, which means if you have a cash price, er on. If you have a stop sign shares, I sir, you can deposit 20,000 lbs across the two of them in one taxi A. And that's a month when you're allowed to save. There's no risk to your savings in a cash price, so because it's not being invested anywhere, they're different types of cash prices. So once that you can access really easily and just take your money straight out. Does it falls there with your 20,000 lb deposit limit is commented every time you make a deposit so you can take some money out on, then re deposited on Do not incur your 20% 20,000 lbs limit. So you put in 5000 lbs, you take out 1000 lbs on. Then you put in 1000 lbs to replace it. You technically put in 6000 lbs a spot of your. Now it's, um Then you can have cash ices that have fixed home and cash prices that are limited access, which might give you so you better interest rates. All of them. Um, the interest is tax free. Interest rates can be slightly higher for the next term or the limited access ones. But the thing to remember about Isis and this is all the different types of Isis is that you can only open one type off Eissa in any tax here, there's no limit to the amount of Isis you can hold. So say like one time. I see you have been a cash. I said the next taxi you open and stocks and shares. I saw the next taxi. You on another cash? I sir, there's no limit to how many you have, but you can only deposit in one type of ice up cashier. One type of isotope ataxia. Sorry. So it means that in one taxi you can only deposit in one of your cash Eyes is you can only deposit in one of your doctors and shares Isis, and you can only use it in one of your lifetime, I says. Well, the other two I says that I'm not really talking about on, um, some of them have limits is well, so it's worth checking out what you're looking at next stops and shares Isis so everyone will be able to tell us a little bit more about these, and I can. So I'll just give you the basics. So this is a type of savings account that has risk attached to it. Your money that you're putting into this isis is going to be invested in stocks and shares either the stocks and shares or part of a portfolio off the provider with which you got your eye, sir, or you select your own stocks and chance to invest in it. means that you could end up having a return. That's much, much higher than the current interest rates. So there's that pro there, but the corners. You can end up losing money as well. Sorry about the sunshine situation. So the things with stocks and shares, I says, is that it's again part of your 20,000 lbs and your limit of deposits. But any interest that you learn from your socks and chairs, I. So it's completely tax free, which means if you invest it, it does extremely well. You make a huge amount of interest on it that's going to be tax free. The only thing to remember is that there is risk attached to it. So don't put your life savings in there where you can't live without them. It's it's very important to make sure you do things safely on with a Z little risk of possible on. They may be subject well. They actually will be subject to a fee because running a stops in check. As I said, it is expensive. The provider needs to do this for you on. They will need to purchase the stocks and shares on your behalf so that would cause a fee. So stocks and shows I can incur a small feels well, okay, Lifetime, I said. So there's the lifetime, I said, available at the moment. Um, before this, helped by Isis, is also available, but you can get help to buy ice anymore. Some of you might still have a help to buy I, sir. So if you have any questions about that, please feel free to pop them in the comments. And I'm more than happy to once or any questions about, um, But I'm gonna focus on Lifetime, I says at the moment, because their the products that's currently available so a lifetime eyes the is a type of ice A with a maximum deposit limit or 4000 lbs per year. You then at the end of your term, which is either when you're buying your first home when you are 60 years of age or if you have a terminal illness with less than 12 months to live, you get a 25% bonus from the government on the balance in your account, up to a maximum of 33,000 lbs. The whole purpose of a lifetime, I say, is to help people get on the property ladder on or to help them save for the the older age. So the lifetime, I says, come with a lot of rules attached to them. They're worth having because you get that 25% bonus at the end, but you can incur 25% penalty charge. Well, we're drawing from your eyes or without, which is in which isn't one of the three reasons I just explained. You have to be between the age of 18 to 40 to open one on. You can save into it up up until your 50 years old. You then continue to, um, collect interest, but not bonus on the balance that's in the account up until you're 60 years old. That's when you can cash in your eye so the money is locked away for a long time, and you need to keep that in mind. It is 4000 lbs a year rather than say, you putting all your savings in there. So there is that. But it is also making sure that you shouldn't have any reason really to touch that money until you are 60 years old or by your first home on God forbid the illness part. That's not that doesn't happen, Okay, Premium bonds. So the reason I'm talking about these is because they are a complete their risk free, really easy to access, easy to use product where he purchased bonds from national savings and investments on rather than earning interest. You, your bonds, the more ones you have, the more entries you have into that priced rule you entered into a prize draw every month on, Do you convince are some of money anywhere between 25 lbs to a million pounds on all of those winnings, our tax free. So people like to use premium bonds when they have a little bit of extra money. They've maximized the current savings products on it's used. It's just a nice, safe place to keep your money where you have a chance of winning a prize. Um, you know, the likelihood of winning a grand prize is is low, but at least there's no risk to your money on say you went up a few a few 25 lbs techs in the, uh that's still better than current interest rates at the moment, so actually you're not doing too badly. Um, unfortunately, with this, there's no guaranteed returns, so you could win nothing. Um, and there's no regular return on your investments. Unlikely to win large amounts. You're not learn learning any interest. But the good thing about this is it's really easy to access. They're easy to cash in. It just takes a few days for the money to come back into your account. You have more odds of winning. The more bond you have, um, on everything's tax free. Okay, so just keep points, I'd like remember, when you're looking at savings account. Main thing is, how often do you need to access your money? If you think you're gonna need to access your money in six months time, don't get something that's fixed term or has limited withdrawals. Make sure that you've got the access level that you need so that you're not incurring any penalties or not wasting any fee on doing on accessing your money. How long can you live without the money? So, for example, with the lifetime eyes, er, can you really go without 4000 lbs every year? Most you know, medical students. That's actually quite hard to save. at the moment. So So I wouldn't maximize putting 4000 lbs in your lifetime. I sir, um, too early. Because if you need that money later on, you'll incur a penalty charge. Look at the interest rates. Sadly, interest rates at the moment on rate. Um, so just sort of, if you've got money that you can walk away for a period of time, you might get a bit of a a better interest rate there. But look at the interest rate on don't be tempted by high interest rates because they on make sure you know what's coming with that high end dress, right? It might be stringent rules about how you can access your money, how long? It's not the way for, um, or that you might have to put a specific balance in. I'm just check the risk involved. So in terms of stocks and shares, I sir, you've got risk involved there. Just make sure you haven't awareness of what your risk appetite is. How much are you willing to win or lose? How much are you winning to put into this on? Not be upset or emotional about on. How likely are you to do that based on how diversified portfolio is, even if that's from the provider or your own portfolio that you researched, which is Abraham's department. So I'm gonna This is great timing for May, so I'm going to pass you over to Even. He is, Ah, second year medical student, a child's university and Prague. He is a finance of the investor. He's been investing since 2016 on I'm super interested to hear his talks over to you high fax very much. Her doctors ever, um, I'm going to try and see if I share my screen here. I want you on, then I'm going to try. I can either just change the sides for you so you can just say next and I'll change your, uh So as, uh, she said, I'm a final, savvy individual, um, on today, and we'll talk about a bleed inside into investing. Uh, I can't talk for days and days about investing, but unfortunately, time is of the essence. So this is like a brief overview, um, investing on down. Hopefully, I'll be allowed to do some subsequent videos on individual investments and get into a bit more with mitigating. Um So let's start off. What is an investment? Uh, next, please. Uh, so I'm investment is basically on asset, which you can buy or choir, and it can do one of two things or both. It can generate you on income, or it can appreciate. This basically means that can increase in value on I think the best example, uh, to use here is buying a house when you buy a house. Uh, more often than not, it would increase in value over 5, 10 years. I'm in that time, period. If you decide to let out the house, you have been creating an income. A zoo. Well, uh, what kind of best way to describe it? Uh, so fucked is one of the many investment types you can do, but I'm sure what it cost Investments. The most familiar one at one want mine's tend to go to is towards the stock market. Um, so So if you do the next line, please. So when it causes investing them stop market and the property, but often being a misconception, Uh, but only the wealthy can do it over the fence. People can invest. Um, that was the case for the past, uh, decades, Like for the past 10 20 years, investing was really kind of an exclusive thing about you call you do by going to one investment banking firms Or, you know, you know, someone you, someone in your someone else, Uh, which was, you know, often daunting towards the average average individual you ever in the past 10 years with the introduction off something called zero commission trading APS, which basically acts which are very accessible and can you can, usually by a stock in a matter of minutes. Um, so this is now change of the game. Yeah, people don't have enough information, or this ingrained misconception is still more on leaving the system in Terms off has leaving article by Forbes every weeks ago, and it only 2 to 5% off people within the UK in best was quite a shock and figure to say the least. Um, hopefully by the end of my, uh, by the end of my talking increase that number, um, so it's even. It's like please. Right, um, so because the investing, we have to ask ourselves, why should born invest? Why should be invest? What's the point on for each person. That's generally a different reason. Um, I'll talk about myself first before I can explain some new the reasons. But for me, it's the new wealth on grating generational wealth, which basically means any money. But I gained in my lifetime. I can pass on to my Children or passive defense of family. Um, it's just something that's kind of definitely being used for that. You can call their office. The traps been only have the hand generation of all the back pain passed down. Um, and I think these investing trading APS attending a game off Who can do this on? Be sure you've heard you mention investing quite a few times now, and I would have just draw the line or a distinction between investing and trailing. Uh, very often you could see them come in to hand in hand in conversation, But there are two different things. One is a lot of risk of any other. Um um ast the asylum mentioned in the previous Calpine, Uh, you could lose a lot money, however, when it comes to losing a lot of money it's doing to do with trading. Uh, was trading is mainly focused on short term goals. Um, using something whole left with with without explaining it later on, both if you lose more than it is going to be done by trading whereas investing, I like to think of it as a bit country to what side was said. I think investing in generally risk free dependent on two things. On these two things are the money that important to be investments is money, but you don't need in the next year, two years, three years is money that we can, um, you know, put away on don't need on. The second thing is you have to be the word. I'll come back to that in a second part. I mean, it was fine, that fucker way to formulate it. But in the meantime, if you go into the next side, so, yeah, when should we start investing? Uh, as as a side say is immediately the I don't need to rules my question. Best in that was quote by one. The most famous investors. Uh, I'm sure everyone knows the name woman befit that quote works that with me by him is that there are two times, uh, we can invest. The best time was, in fact, 20 years ago. On the second. Best time is now because, let's say in 20 let's say 2013, 10 years ago. Mm. And you're there thinking, Well, I wish I would've invested now or it kept in training 21 days. Loads of stocks are come to the market nude. Uh, you know, providing many benefits to society is a holdup. I can see person can do well in 10, 20 years and even know now, you know, the kind of baby company or not performing strong as the, uh, the big dogs. So to say, uh, the the companies that can try a little wealth in these 5 10 years time if you have next live, please. Okay. So I'm instant beginning, um, house and I meant the stocks as well. But there are a multitude off types of investments you can do, and hopefully if I'm allowed to, uh, in subsequent videos, I could talk about each one of these individually. Um, but we have stopped your real estate. We have some people mutual funds, which is basically, um, similar to what style I was saying. The stocks and shares I saw. This is where you can get morning to a certain company. They can put it into a fun, which is a collection of different type of stocks. Uh, could be 30 40 different types of stocks on there often quite good, because there's very minimal risk. However, many best awesome minimum gain as well. Um, on one of the main ones on on this chart here about the ribs like to do is art Art is like a wonderful, um, way of allocating your money. Um, because, um, when it comes to the investing itself, but two hours, early pressure, or why why should we invest and it comes down to walk sideways was saying in terms off interest rates, money in the bank, it's just not doing much anymore on one. The main reasons for this is inflation. Uh, you know, actually might have to invent news, uh, orders that you need any articles or something like that. Like that. So what is inflation and how can generally impact uh, big, um one in the back have been The best way to describe it is about two examples. 1000 lbs in the bank in 2010. I could get you a lot, Lot more, then 1000 lbs can. At the moment on. The best way to explain that is if you're in the UK Uh, I'm sure you've all heard off the friend of our little like a very popular chocolate as a child when I was Ah, uh, young used to cost five pence just about chocolate. We're now going to the shocks, and it's now 30 p now, even though you know it's don't see like a large amount when it finally increased. When that gets translated into the big money, for example, that's lasting family and the 30 million of fiber into 30 billion. It's a law in 10 years time, whereas assets that the stocks and real estate, even though they are sometimes impacted by inflation or the external market that factors generally is not as bad as if money was sitting in an account which goes country to walk, Sideways was saying because she was advocating for, uh, placing your morning the bank on. Yeah, that's good. Um, book. For me personally, money in the bank is is becoming kind of obsolete in terms of its in terms of its used to the value aside, I mentioned, the interest rates are just ridiculously low on percent 111.5%. It's just not worth it compared to when you put it into something like stocks. Um, um, as I mentioned list risk of a very big thing to talk about when it comes to investments, especially when it comes to comes the stocks. We have to understand this spokes. Go on, they go down. But But he's allow. For the past 2010, 20 years, stocks have increased. The junior majority of increasing is turbulent. It's like a roller coaster. Going up and down for a final destination is always always higher than when we first started. So if you're willing to put money away for 10, 15 years, I could almost 95% 99% guarantee. By 10, 10, 25 years time. You will be a lot a lot more profit when it waas to be stuck in the bank. Well, that's have a next live lose. Okay, so we'll talk about this a bit later on, because time is it every time. So it's, uh, prostate, uh, 50 buck. With time left, hand. Carry on. Uh, talking. Um, let's go back and go back to the slide off. Um, slide, Go back to the content slide, please. So have covered briefly each each of these things. But I want to delve a bit more into, um, the d d y in the web. Um, I was thinking, decided early one before we went live on, but she would be interesting, but she herself is doubling into investing. She's just open a book open account, and she just bought a small amount chest on. I said to about the best thing you can do, because often the first thing is starting starting often The hardest thing anyone can do. As I said it can be due to the misconceptions. Um, that would be embedded in our society about saying stocks of risk, age of or more guarantee to lose money. Um, and it's just not the case anymore. If you are smart on gullible about what you're doing, So the first part high starting, um, the second hard part is being consistent. I'm back or system. I mean, if you say it's about creating morning creating wealth for a long time, you can't just by one share and leave it be you can while I while I do personally, is have a set amount off my normal income. So this is like from from a job, if your doctor, you got a salaried month after you've taken away your bills, you expensive. You're left with what would put into your savings. So I would personally, why know? Maybe we'll take a percentage off that each month and put it in to to an investment portfolio. Average stocks already, if you're creating a positive portfolio in the property as well, um, on doing that monthly. And if you do that monthly after five years time, No, you're gonna have a last part for your gonna have a large percentage gain due to the amount you've, uh Did you see mount? You invest in the first place? Um, okay. The next powerful to talk about is another kind of phrase. Last court that we use. I saw one of the questions I have something I presume about Cryptocurrency. Um it seems to be a big trend. Affect the currency value. So it's Mylan is made a lot of people rich on the phrase I want to mention is, if you have serviced it, that's how it goes. If you have 200 lbs, invest in the crypto. If you have less than 20,000 lbs, invested the stocks. And if you have more, more than from 2000 lbs, invest in a property and then once you get a big property about making stopped buying, are on all the rest of it. Um, so I have time to briefly mention Cryptocurrency. Do you want a questions? Um, let me try and explain it in the in the simplest way. So Cryptocurrency it's a nervous habit. You can buy some of the stocks, but it has a different function. Onda reason why it's becoming a bit popular moment it is because of the high press is that it's region, Um, but what one has understand about Cryptocurrency is, but it's generally a four year cycle down. By that, I mean, you take a big conference and pull, which is the main Cryptocurrency. That everyone's more or less heard off is a four year cycle, and by that every four years, transfer bit con reaches in you all time high. Uh, after least all time high, it been spent. The next three is declining. Bye. 80 90%. I was value before increasing to a new all time high after four years time. Um, so in 2017, you know, it comes all the height, the game, Um, So that one questions were saying, What's the best way to maximize maximized games on crypto? Um on Byetta was a general rule of thumb, but I like to use so whatever you find, I kept it cool and see what you like. You first put in money about you're willing to lose on by lose. I mean, you lost it with for three years. It will increase again after four years. But you've lost it in terms of your car driving out, uh, immediately. So that's what I mean by putting in more willing to lose or slash not used for a long time. What, you don't know if you find a good coin on, but if it increases that say, 40% must but a fresh holder Alan to use if it increases by 40% you should take out your original investment. And that means you're playing with the prophet that that takes away all of us. It was an investment is out. You know, playing with profit. Any money that's on there is a cough. It made us doing the best way to maximize games and crypto come and said that can be that can be applied All points across the board. Um, so that's er associate the Cryptocurrency. Um, I think that's everything On my end I want I want I want to end on a quote. Actually, um, we're in a changing, evolving, chaotic world, uh, moving out of a fast pace in terms of technology in terms off society as a whole. And it's a very chaotic. However, among all this chaos, there was always, always opportunity, um, commit to make wealth. So I hope you enjoyed my little brief, uh, insight into investing. I'm sure it was also a pack A on Tikosyn. Well, uh, due to my attention to and they're hopefully in subsequent videos, we can pinpoint. Um, just one. Just one investment type and talk about it a lot more s. Oh, thank you very much. Onda, Uh, I'll get back to side or two. James, Thank you so much of room. That was really, really interesting. You are so passionate about the subject, and that definitely comes across on. But that was really interesting. I didn't actually know about the difference between the trading and the investing and all that kind of stuff, and I actually really like that. We have quite different views on them and it be quite useful to explore. I think I sound quite risk of us and you hear the opposite. But that was really, really useful. James, Do we have any questions in the comments that we need to action before we finish off? Yes, we Diovan actually addressed first about currency. Very well. Let me just get the others up. It's, uh, the next question of her arm, Neil Waas. In the lifetime icer is the 25% bonus at it each tax year or only when you have money to the account eso. The 25% bonus is added at the end of the term, So whenever you're cashing in the ice er, so if you cash in the ice er because you're buying your first home, the 25% bonus will be given to you then, based on the balance that's in your account of the time if you're crashing in your eye. So when you've turned 60 years old again, that's when you'll receive your 25% bonus on the balance in your account. At the time, you will have an interest rate attached to that count on that interest rate can either be monthly or annual based on the type of product you selected, but the interest rate is different from the 25% bonus. Okay, so hopefully that answered your question. You know, the next one is from Zuhair on. Do they ask tax wise, any plans on How would you minimize capital gains tax? Okay, so capital gains taxes is not something you think you need to worry about just yes, eso um, it's not really something you'll incur in your eyes or savings. It's something you're more likely to encourage when you're selling property. That's where you get capital hit by couples gains tax, overselling art, property, things like that. Minimizing capital gains tax is our fun business between a very fine line between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Um, which I would highly suggest you had an accountant for, um, when you're doing capitals gains tax, you have to have undescended evaluation done off the thing you are selling or buying. Um, on. Because of that, you can't really design what capital gains you will be spending or what couple games you will incur. Um, it's very much out of our hands with that one. Um, I can talk about that in a another video. Actually, I think that's worth doing. That actually with a broom is well, because I think you can incur capital gains when shares the past between family members on the, um so we can have a chat about that. But thank you for that question. I think that's really useful to know that. Not something you'd like me to to talk about. And then another question from do hope. So, if we use the app to access our icer, do we not have to pay management, please? So it depends on the type of I say you've got. If it is a, um, it's an access. I see a or a cash price. Er, then it's up to the provider. Whether they charge you a fee or not. Normally they don't. Um I'm pretty sure all stocks and shares I saw in care a fee because they require someone to manage it. They require it to be looked after and curated. Therefore, you will have a different type of feet across the different providers, but you will most likely in color of the regardless of if it's a high street bank or not. Okay, so hopefully we've been able to answer all of your questions. So scrolling down, uh, we have another one. How many lifetimes Isis can you have? You can have one lifetime. I said you can. However, if you're buying your first home with a partner who also has never bought a home before and has their own life time, I saw you can combine them, which means you will get 25% on each of your balance is. And you can use that to buy your first one together on this one, I believe, is for a broom. So how does one become more knowledgeable and smart about investments such a Z stocks, mutual funds and crepto by, um, very question. I don't know what my experience first got to have a bad time. Um, so assignment. I started in 2016. We see that awfully long time ago, but quite fast. Uh, I will always admit my first year I lost money. Um, I love mornings. You to mistakes. You know, enough knowledge on, just due to due to outside influences change my perspective on things. I think the first way to always learn is by practice. Um, and locally, almost all trading APS have what we call in demo mode. Uh, which is what you have given x amount of money and you can and start investing in that way. Any mistakes going to make that he will learn from Because you do them from your mistakes. When you're in the market, any mistakes you do make it. It's made with morning about You're not going to lose. It s so that's the first thing I'd say. Uh, the second thing is usually deals with the search. Uh, just type in how to invest. Yes, it is it. It can, uh, expending more knowledge quite a bit on. The third thing is by talking to people like myself, um or even when you talk to them, to talk to people who are in the market or you are in a long time but is never stock market seems to be quite trend this year. Every time they can have the seems to be investing frustrating. And I've seen seems to become a guru overnight. Um, talk to somebody who's been there for a long time because they a lot from their mistakes. Uh, so I think that's everything. But I've also got difficulty in the Facebook comments. My to instagram pages. Um, in there. Why? Why generally post, ah, stocks that I think are going to do well in 5, 10 years time. Um, so he's on our stock that I met your ritual of the night if you want to get rich overnight from the local casino is open. Uh, what? The stock market is no place to get rich overnight when you're investing. Um, so I hope that I'm certain question. Um, yeah. Oh, thank you. And there's a couple more for you. Um, so one is what? What is your opinion on rowboat traders such as? Well, simple or nutmeg. But on the next one, this one and the other one is just, uh, this is from Val gender. So in order to buy any sort of shares, what sort of account do they need? They need some sort of special account. Uh, What? I've already used a question. First it was the latter one. Um, So So? So when you open one of one of these investing absence eat. I will. Or trading to 12 or free trade with the most popular ones. Uh, said if you can option for them a mode, which one? It is an email address, uh, her. But it won't open actual account. What you need is one again, the email, but some sort of verification, which is generally your passport or some for my d. Just so we know your legal individual on. But you definitely need on some money. Of course. Uh, most accounts have a deposit amount off about 50 lbs 200 lbs. In these you travel or trained to 12, but in some of the more more, um, well known accounts. One known platforms they do require a higher amount deposit on by the second or the first question. Uh, verbal traders. Um, I'm going to admit I'm not too informed on on mobile traders. Um, that one of the beauty off, off, off investing things change on a on a monthly yearly basis. Uh, with new two new terms or new ways of investing I'm keeping up today is a permanent importance. Um, so I myself after after after this finishes our be doing searching straight away, uh, having posted on my instagram what I've learned. Um, So what, folks, that kind of answer the first question. So I do apologize for that, but why do you find out? I'll be sure to, uh, do another video on this. Hopefully, I'm allowed to. Thank you. Okay, thank you very much. I think that's all the questions, but I've been able to see so far if anyone has any further questions, just put them in the comments. I will make sure they get to start and even him. Um and hopefully that will get the answer them for you. Uh, just before we gonn remind everyone the as the services that we provide us another totally free or we want in return. It's a high quality feedback, things that we can reflect on things that we can use for our portfolios. And interviews of you in the medical profession will know how important this is on the form that will be posted in the comments will be open for a good few days after this video is posted. So if you're watching on capture for a couple days later, please still take five minutes out and just fill out the back room for us. But really appreciate you. Okay, so I believe that is also thank you very much to both of our speaker's doctor, Sai Rasha and um Hussein, but very, very informative and that's it.