Safeguarding in Elderly Patients - L Barclay
This on-demand teaching session will give medical professionals insight into how to identify potential cases of domestic abuse and care for individuals who may be vulnerable to abuse. It will address the process of conducting a risk assessment, how to work with multiple people and services to ensure the safety of vulnerable adults, and will provide guidance on the Standards and Guidelines for Good Practice and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. Come learn the skills to equip you to identify and respond to potential cases of abuse and make sure vulnerable adults or protected.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Describe and demonstrate the importance of assessing potential cases of abuse and neglect.
- Explain how to complete a comprehensive assessment of a vulnerable adult, including social and medical context.
- Develop strategies for recognizing and reporting potential warning signs of abuse and neglect.
- Explain different safeguarding and protection services available for vulnerable adults.
- Outline effective and timely communication processes among medical teams and public safety services.
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Okay, so the second talk I'm going to give is a row in CF Garden and held or abuse and the D. This is actually a case scenario that I was evolved and maybe about 3 to 4 months ago on D I have B s my talk around the scenario. So it's a Sunday morning and emergency department. A phone call is received from MS is a. He was expressing concern about her sister. Mrs explains that her sister has been recently discharged from our hospital from an inpatient ward. Concerns Arrius to garden her sister. He was living with her, some on eights partner on They are refusing to feed her. The lady in question has contacted misses A on two different occasions. Stared very hungry. And week Mrs A sister asked for help. She states, I don't know what I could do. I live in England. Mrs. A states her sister has a history of depression on is largely dependent on her. Some so following on from the conversation, I could've signed posted messes a too urgent care. However, I had a massive concern about Ms is a sister on how she could be a vulnerable adult I asked Mrs A for her contact details on her sister's Fill me, um, Dia birth and address. I told Mrs A I would call her bite after I had a staph symphony to get filled details off the previous attendants. I spoke with the GP in urgent care and together we contacted the ward of much. The lady had been admitted it due to the discharge being lasts and 40 ours. The patient's notes were still on the ward. The nurse on the word communicated the discharge over the film. It becomes apparent that this patient is concerned regarding her home circumstances. On admission, I was referred to social services know dystrophy. Errol was done on the ward via they're open word system. The concerns were not really any day. So to note it was on the ward. These actions have not been followed through your med school and discharge. So when I looked into this key yes, this lady had reas concerns about her home. Circumstances are all admission to the ward from the people works complete, but on discharge they field to renew this. So the GP the GP and I worked together on this case. The GP rang the patient a mobile home and the lady did no answer the call. The GP called at the home address and the sun was in the hosts. The sun did not wish to disclose any information on the lady was in her bedroom scared, withdrawn sick and help on appeared very dehydrated. So the GP was I at this place on the GP decided then the less leery Need an ambulance So the ambulance was contacted to bring the patient about the hospital to see if environment So this lady arrived back in our emergency department Later on that evening. The lady was then admitted Pandan Further social work involvement. This lady stayed in the hospital for a further six days. She required IV fluids. Do you do to her dehydration now Keep in mind This lady had only been discharged. Um, less than 48 ours. Let's let it was deemed a vulnerable adult by medical commissions was placed on a community bad. So at this stage, all the people at the A P P one form have been in complete complete. The body march would be in complete on all those things that around domestic violence So whenever we left SKs there, there's lots of learning around this. So, firstly, I can I can see that some of the stuff would say, You know, the department is very busy. This is not something, really. We should be taken on as a nurse in charge, and I totally appreciate that and I agree to a certain extent. But whenever I heard that phone call and I heard that daughter, I knew there was something not right, so I felt that it was my you know, I was fully responsible to be that forget on, go and try and sort this lady. I'd I'm thankfully, I did. So the learning, the eye that I can see this come out of this is if there's any. See if garden concerns that area's regarding someone who may be vulnerable. Pleased, you know, ignore them. See if garden is everyone's responsibility. Be a kind of a lot, because you do you have a general care thing off your multidisciplinary team. I'm working partnership with um to think all the people that can help you. So that morning, the first thing coming to my mind is it's a Sunday morning, so it's the GP and dollars out of urgent care. So I just walk down the quarter on wood dining to the GP and spoke to him. Be imparted. He is with your GP colleagues like of ours. I look at previous attempts. It's on something because this is a great source of information. To see him with your Children seem seem thing applies. Look at yourself straight. Look, all those other people that can help to build a picture off the patient that you're dealing with contact your right of our social work team completely on a genie f required. Do you so scared to check again? F required on It is important that if you have a vulnerable adult, you do check. Is there any Children and that hosts, so most of the time you will do a sauce. Go check. Complete your CF garden documentation to include your body map on the A P p 14 and that's available in the Trust Internet on this is original adult CF garden form. If you suspect any abuse or harm, most people are fairly familiar with it. Now. You always document your care. That's very important document everything. Everything that has happened on the tenants of that patient, and I think just looking at some of the research just behind. See if garden the safeguard on board for Northern Ireland. I knew they weren't primarily with Children, but they do work. They do offer support to vulnerable adults. So there's six different sects, different length there, so empowerment. So Phillips Phillips support that prevention. Take action before the problem occurs. Look at the risk. Presented an act accordingly. Port on rat percent. Those inmates talked a bit partnership. Look at your multidisciplinary team working on Be a kind of a low, transparent on transparency and see if garden practices. And it was just. There's just one other document that want to draw your attention to you regarding vulnerable adults. It's just lunchtime 2010 the standards and gauges for good practice and see if got invulnerable. Adults. So that's document is available via the North and frustrate website. Uh, is a very lengthy document, but there is sections that you can just left out, Um, and have a we look at it and it is very, very good at saying post in you three other services on helping you protect these vulnerable adults are in our department, You know, that is me. And thank you very much for listening. So if there's anything there a tall, I'll try and answer for you to see, there's a couple of chats. Their nail is not really into my presentations or No, it's no places. Sorry. That's okay. Perfect. There's no questions that I can see the movement. Okay. Perfect sent key thing for my stomach. Really interesting case, like, because I think we, um They were told that case the time doesn't way. And we said that, um be very used to say, Well, that's no our rule. Yeah, there is ah, of, um, of care there. From what you've done that you know, about persons on safe and even there on our department, I think history of care. You need to at least get some assessment to get a problem to the correct person. And sue. Yes, thank you. Know there's no questions coming through that and see. Yeah, you can. Banks dance and great runner grazes under the low pasta cyst under the exact So yep. Absolutely. And that that will question off. What would you want to put your military Are some going to use good stuff? Okay, thanks very much. We'll start recording, and then a next talk is gonna be just in Here is ah, 11 inches himself. But I believe he's ah, specialist practitioner who is based on my hobby. He's going to talk. Just a boat. Really? Assessment. Drop its course. Thanks. Doesn't