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Safeguarding Children - A Perry



This online teaching session is focused on safe guarding children who present to the hospital environment. Participants will learn about the relevant policies, what to look out for in a child's behavior, and the impact of different experiences on child health and well-being. Attendees will also understand the importance of assessing risks and strengths, have the knowledge of identify red flags and be able to provide the social care workers with information about the child's history and circumstances. Lines of communication between medical professionals will be discussed, and participants will also be provided with an overview of the 'Bruising Marks Protocol'. Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to safety-proof your practice and assist in the protection of all patients!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the framework of safeguarding for children in Northern Ireland.
  2. Identify red flags that signal an unsafe environment or possible neglect or abuse.
  3. Understand how to appropriately refer a child in a safeguarding situation.
  4. Recognize the long term impacts of child maltreatment.
  5. Develop an understanding of the importance of early identification and intervention in safeguarding children.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Hello, everybody. I'm just going to talk about safe guarding all Children presenting to the eating. So what? It is safe guarding. Safeguarding is more than just more than child protection. Safeguarding begins with promotion on the preventative activity, which enables the Children on the younger people to go up safely on securely in circumstances where their development on the well being is no of the Bosnia practice. China Connection referred this testicle to the activity that is undertaken to protect individual Children or young people who are suffering or likely to suffer. Oh, all right. Okay, so I, um, us likely to surfacing anything from term? So we have. So I've got inboard know The Mile and ST and I. The safeguarding board for Northern Ireland was established in 2012 following the publication off the safeguarding border out 2011, both in almost the act. So the ST and I hardly replaced the regional Child Protection Committee with an extended wrote, includes the white area safeguarding. That's a lot that's naturally child of perfection. So we haven't quite few legislation, strategies and policies around safeguarding Children. These are some off the fear here. You would have you may be familiar with the Children. Order 90 95 Cooperating Teo Say God, child in the young people, you know the violence on the right down side is trust the policy boozing marks, which could be due to injury on primobolin babies Protocol. I'm said that injured an operational guidance. Nothing made likely. All those opposes can be find in the Internet. He go to the policy like really, apart from bruising on pre malign babies. Issued all the find under safeguarding Children. So no accidental injury. And I we work in a very busy environment, and it's very hot. Two spots the saddle signs. But consider I and I when the child at the story is a very big unlocks detail at the story. Changed each time it's told your mommy says one thing on that. This is one thing on the older sibling tells you different story. That should be a red flag. Um, there's a delay in sick and medical help, and also the history is no compatible with fainting, really or the chance developmental age. I came across west for 11 or the child or with the burn to the both um, both heels on the title. Was it ever months old? My explanation. We were given Waas that China was able to climb up onto the table from the table to, and he was able to walk over from the table. Teo Hope, unsteady on the home. So on that that story, the history given wasn't compatible with the 11 more the channels developmental stage or abated to mobile. So that was a red flag. So also, you need to look at the plate bs. A tendency is that if they are multiple areas attendances with injuries or illnesses, that can be, um, a point where you need to dig deeper. Well, there is a history of a violence or domestic abuse in the family. Well, child is, uh, has interaction with the copy has been a a normal. So this is just for information we don't need is this? But this you quite the information. So I put it up. So it is estimated the one in 14 Children having physically abused according in the UK, According to an SPCA see, it is very, very high numbers. Um, so we don't have safeguarding checklist, but there basically it's a must. The, um the play be a slight you can point to the card for. So what do you do if you have safeguarding concerns you cannot share? So she has a child according way. It doesn't necessarily have to come under the abuse and neglect if the child comes in with a lame injury. But there's a safeguarding concerts. That child can be triaged on the limb. The main Julie capital in the Manchester trash system. But speak denouncing judge involve a decent product. Doesn't consultant in concert on Dolly? I'm under here to Paula, say terrified. I fell to the pediatric consultant. Certainly med, if it's any significant concerns communicated with the family on the walking in a partnership document on reporting in a chimney. Everybody here is fairly familiar with unity in about a huge probably work in that side of Northern Ireland, you know, generally and maybe something new. You know, a genius stones for understanding the knees. All the Children in Northern Island unit today is, ah, framework to support professionals in assessment on the planning to better mate the knees off Children on their families. It's an assessment, Um, assessment shouldn't tell of a child's story on the provider over the off their wishes and feelings. Their hopes of years. If the child that comes with adult who's behavior we have concerns off, it's tempting to talk about the adult. But the unity issue to be about, such as the focus is on the child and child's knees. Unity has a four common themes. There was four things are knees, so deficit in any aspect off the child's life, each other, on impact upon their well being, owns development on strength, aspect of the child of their life, the family circumstances on the environment which are posted. Maybe they have a really good family support uncles and auntie's liver nearby, and they can provide really good support. The grand grandkids and gamble. You know, that sort of things will come. Come on, their strength existing on the potential risk. So matters which may impair or in danger the child safety and development that could be panned. Other call a problem struck problems domestic of us in the household, and that sort of things let Erian's and protective factors relationship on the structure thought promote so well, being off the change. So, you know, Jenny, home looks like this. It's a bit blood. This isn't the paper. Copay is kept in the Navy College. Drop behind the clocks. Um, computer. So you energy has six pages. Days are just the faster to pay this. You need to make sure you put the details of the child on a rail us yourselves. And if I lost eight pills, um, do you need to talk about what are you worried about? What's working out? What is a strain if it what the strength of the child is on what we want to see so that we will be last worried about this dish. So what makes our good referral? So good river. It's typed. It doesn't ask to be type of you can still write it. You need to make it reasonable on Creon Simple. Our It provides details and ocular it. I'm evidence based include a spastic leaders and times, and it was spoken to the child on complete all appropriate sections on Meds in a timely manner. And so the peripheral. It'll be something that is very difficult that reach a perspirant. Use a lot of medical Jagan's and short with no details. It's not really clear why here worried about the child. No contact because that means social worker has to spend most of the time chasing up all those important information's on does not provide the context. You need to put things into the context on Explain. What makes you worry about the child on the whole station on. Do not ask him. Just stick to the fact you shouldn't drink a large assumptions on be delayed a wreck. Oh, so as I mentioned the idea, there is a specific policy about the bruising marks, which could have a Jetta injury on pretty mobile babies. So the key principles off the protocol it's any pretty more by the baby find to have a bruising marks which could be just angel, which cannot be explained by play be a street meant on the care provided by health health professionals, including bruises. Marks arising from birth trauma should be referred me medically. Teo Hospital best singing a pediatric pediatrician for a comprehensive assessment. So why do we have this protocols? The aim is to provide ah consistent approach across northern my arms. So bruising bruising is the most common present. Presenting features off the physical abuse in Children on minor bruising in the WHO Implants can be forward later by city a physical abuse. So by picking up bruising in infants, you can't a stock that s got I didn't just get physical bodies. So this is a bit old study, but in the study of the 401 in funds, really? It it for these, um, hum it. Definitely. It's the implants. 27.5% had a previous injury in with bruising accounting for bruising a country people 80% of those injuries. So there's a clear floor charts off what to do when Yeah, so that may be more of the baby. This is if you get you going to the policy policy has appendix on. The policy has everything you need, including fla chart on body map aren't all that referral forms. So we there's a lot more study done by other vast childhood experience in the impact over Aziz. So what? These is EAS. The chronic stress stations accords at the bus childhood experiences on that often associated with per outcome fortune in educational like employment, involvement in cry on family director and arrange off us health on the middle building meges So what? These Izzie's NC's can be bubble abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical, emotional and incorrect. Parent or separations. Domestic violence. Mayberry office in the household, alcohol and drug misuse in the household. So these are impact off for Morrissey is here. If a child is exposed to four more days, it's it's two times my more likely to have a chronic disease four times more likely to develop. Type two diabetes is another interstitial and three times more likely to develop coronary heart disease and 20 times more likely to have been in jail in their lifetime. Which is quite significant. The numbers. So try my informed. The practice trauma in form of the practice is a railing, please, and then standing off drama and it's impact threw supporting the development of skills and knowledge that, at the work welcome us. So what? What does it mean? Just immediate? So it is busy and stressful environment. It is a very busy environment. It's easy for us to miss the subtle signs of second and needs oh, call for help. But if he understands that impact off the obvious and intellect off the child that has at the time as well. A long term, um, health issues and also impact on the way that Social. Yeah. So it's on how healthcare system. We also have to be aware that we often the first point of professional contact, Um, which the child who has, um who is facing the neglect abuse? Uh, come. And we are people who can who have a power to stop it. We have resource is to intervene that so the messages that safeguarding is everybody's business on. We just have to be earlier. Yes, we have is a, uh maybe, uh, working on that pressure, But this is something we cannot miss. Um, that's me finished. Thank you. It's thanks so much.