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Royal College of Surgeons



This on-demand teaching session will give medical professionals a unique opportunity to hear from a representative from the Royal College of Surgeons, Professor Roman Parks, and Logan Par from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of God's Go. Participants in this session can learn about the role of the college, access to valuable resources such as library services and journals, access to student grants and travel awards, opportunities for network events and conferences, and access to podcasts. Join today to learn about all of these exciting benefits!

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Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe the history and purpose of the Royal College of Surgeons.
  2. Recognize the benefits and resources available to members of the Royal College of Surgeons.
  3. Identify techniques to engage with and shape the profession with the Royal College of Surgeons.
  4. Access the college library and services, as well as college publications.
  5. Identify how to apply for grants, awards, and travel funding with the Royal College of Surgeons.
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um so we are fortunate enough to have some speakers and representatives off some of the Royal College of Surgeons to sort through out the UK and island eso. Firstly, you know, I'll let them introduce themselves properly, but just just a small introduction. And so we have a a representative from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of God's Go am, and he's named Logan Par. We also have with us today, fortunately, and Professor Roman parks Hey, was a consultant HPB surgeon and the representative from the Royal College of Surgeons, Adam Bro. We'd like them to speak to you all for about 5 to 10 minutes. Just about you know, what the colleges are, what they represented on what they can offer you. So ah, hand the stage over T. We'll and then we'll move on to a break afterwards. Thank you. You based good to go. Okay. Morning, Everyone. Um, delighted to be here in my name's ruined parks. I'm based on Enbrel. I did a lot of my training, and Northern Ireland's came 10, but I thought for a 12 month fellowship. And that was not 23 years ago. So I've been involved in the role colleges surgeons for about 15 18 years but been on kind soul. And I'm currently the vice president of the Road Colleges. Surgeons of Edinburgh. Good morning, everyone. My name's Logan and I worked at the Royal College of Physicians in Surgeons of Glass go within the membership engagement team. So I'm here to talk to you about it, and they kind of benefits that the college house and what you can gain by accessing college membership him. Let's go first. And his speech first. Yeah, I don't mind. I got a few find. I'm not sure. Emily. What? Where you want to run this? I've got a few slides I was just gonna pop up on, but, uh, happy to take questions. And I'm sure they're looking liable of a lot of similar things to say. But I'm having to go first. If you want to show a few slides. Sure, Sure. I'm you able to? Yeah. Lovely. There we go. Okay. I'll try and run through these fairly quickly. I don't know who's on the cold today. Often they're some of the medical students, foundation doctors and core trainee. So very quickly going to give you a bit of a background to the Royal College of Surgeons. So what does the college do? I'm sure we could say this about any college. Well, they're all colleges. Surgeons has been arrived since 15 or five had received its Royal charter from King James. The 4th and 15 or five on what it stands for and what it was against. Commissioned to do over 500 years ago was two sets standards in surgical education in surgical training and then clinical practice on. Essentially, that hasn't changed 500 years later. But it's not that any of the colleges are historical old institutions. They're hugely relevant. Toe what we do today. They set that curricular. They set the exams, but they also promote patient safety on high quality, excellent clinical care. So that is why we have college is a little bit about the role colleges surgeons of Edinburgh. It's really a big family. It's a global network. We have over 30,000 members and fellows. A. About half of those are in the UK About half of thumb are international, so the role colleges surgeons has a huge international profile across the world, particularly in Southeast Asia, but all over the world in North America, 15,000 members roughly overseas, on off our 15,000 members in the UK, even though we're best in Scotland, 80% off, our members and fellows actually live and work in England and wheels. We have that membership spread across more than 100 countries. On it's, it's growing rapidly. But what do we offer at the Medical Students Foundation? Doctors on court trainees? Well, it's whole host off valuable resources such a library, certain services, access to surgical journals and other journals you've heard already about Ackland and that to me that could be made available. If you're a medical student affiliate off the College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, we run webinars and your ink over it are. Regional specialty advisers organized a whole series of surgical M webinars for medical students. We also had some running for foundation doctors and core trainees. So ever Big M online presence on Drone Web. Your webinars. We also host podcasts and many if you might have heard these. They're great fun, led by two of our clinical leadership fellows who have interviewed a whole range of interesting people on a whole range of interesting topics and podcast. You can listen to these at any time. If you run affiliate member, you can get access to the publications like the and the the Annals and the magazines on. We know I have enough that you can have in your mobile phone that gives you access to all these resources. If you're a medical student, you have access to to funding to grants and diversities particular. If you're doing electors or traveling, we give out loods of money to medical students every year on then we have our network of regional specialty and surgical advisers based on every region of the UK on they can help with networking opportunities with connecting you with surgeons on and running some of our events such a surgical skills competition, which was being hugely popular. So here you can see get access to Akron's and after me, we run undergraduate conferences and medical student opportunities to come and present your orders. On Day called the Improvement Projects. We also do these for foundation and core trainees on a zit say we have various grunts and travel awards that different people at different stages off training can apply for the big thing that we've focused on, particularly for medical students in recent years, has been around you'll surgical skills competition. This is held regionally all throughout the UK, and then we have a grand final on quite a significant price for those that when the national surgical skills competition, that's a great fun thing. But it's also a great way to start connecting with roll colleges. Surgeons of Edinburgh for foundation and core trainees. We have all the things have already listed as well. Assisting about things are going to help you in your career progression. Such a Z, the exam preparation course. We clearly run the exam in many centers throughout the UK domestically, but also internationally. We run the webinars and podcasters have mentioned that are more focused at court trainees. We have e book collections on. We have this regional specialty advisor network. The president often hopes host events locally that's been really impacted by the pandemic. But we're nice starting to look at getting the use running at the end of this year and into 2020 2022 so it will be lots off presidential forums where you come on interact with the the office pairs and with other treatment members of kind soul and trainees involved in the role colleges surgeons of Edinburgh on. We have a really active and a really important truly committee led by tree Lease run by trainees, and they report into counseling. Fact. The chair of that group is a full member of counsel on brings brilliant ideas on DPA ject that are then had taken forward by a lot of college staff's or truly committee is a really vibrant group on, but we love having people involved course we're very close links with that said, and with Bota and and they are engaged with some of our regular activities and regular events. A swell. It actually doesn't cost very much to be an affiliate if you're a student, that's 10 lbs a year for foundation doctors. 15 punds year and if your pre MRCS 25 lbs a year and you can get a lot of various things that I've already mentioned discounted fees on courses and events on, but you might be interested in the one right at the very bottom, which is disc kind of accommodation when you come to the college, Rotella 10, he'll place right on campus, 130 bed hotels. When you're coming to do courses exams, you can stay and really nice accommodation that this kind of gray. It's so just a few things that the Royal College of Surgeons is offering on trying to do to help trainees in their early years and particularly get themselves and started in a surgical career. We see it very much as a journey on. This is my really last slide Purple Ultimate slide, and we're engaging with students with foundation doctors with court trainees. Yes, you'll have exams to do along the way. But part of our infrastructure is old, built to these training committees, skill courses and hosting the exams and a friendly way as best we can. And but then to provide all the educational resource behind those the COPD not just when you're a trainee, but when you progress to become a younger fellow on a consultant and move on to the more senior years where you need to do annual appraisal on revalidation, so you need to come up, keep up with your your COPD, so it's a journey we love to have you part of that journey right from the outset on what we do is very much try and support you as you're coming through as an affiliate. Pre MRCs as a surgical member when you could come a member of the roll colleges surgeons of Edinburgh. When you then pass your fellowship and become a strong surgical fellow. We have a younger fellows group for all the senior trainees on early years consultants before. And you come, um, or established consultant a need to keep your COPD up to date. So these are just a range of activities and resources networking opportunities on really becoming part off of a global family. Thank you very much dot Honda over to Logan. I get much for that. And so I'm here to tell you about the royal College possessions to the surgeons of Glad school has to let me just share my screen for you to snow. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So should be sharing in the moment. Eso Hi. My name is Laura. Unnecessary. I worked with in the agent team in the Royal College of Positions in Surges of Classical. So I'm here to give you some further information about the college on and its benefits about use that it has and the opportunities that we offer. So we're currently the only multi disciplinary college in the UK for five different back up, please off physicians, surgeons, dental surgery and travel, medicine and podiatric medicine on. We have more than 15,000 members across 19 countries of the world. So and by joining the college, you'll be joining our friendly worldwide community of healthcare professionals and across all five faculties. Um, our keep eye or it ease at the moment are well being work force and inclusivity on. We seek pay an active part and responding to and shaping the profession around those issues. And we've been saying standards and leaving the way healthcare for more than 400 years, with the college being and established in the you're 50 maintaining on. But we are respected voice across the health care sector, both within the UK and internationally, and over the past year we've made great advances and engaging. We're effectively with and government parliament on the waiter health sector when it comes to creating effective health policy. So a lot about what you get when you become a member of the Royal College positions, insurgence of glass go. So as a member you got access to a range of membership benefits that the college provides and such as we offer CPD accredited world leading events alongside various other benefits as well. So our events a lot of, um, nobody move to a virtual setting or a hybrid setting is well, so you can access them from wherever you are and on we have. Over the last 18 months, we've adopted to medicate the impact of Kool Aid on our educational program. So the majority of our banter know running and at one of those formats, basically, and we've also brought several of our key membership examinations into virtual format. So again you could do them on Lane and but a lot of our exams. If you have to do them in person as well, you can come to the college and do them on, but we also offer hotel restaurants if you need. I'm staying Glasko and you the night before your exam is previous speakers for seeing, and so we also have I ever tell access to the library. And are you learning courses and where you can have free until I breathe loans and a personal library support as well. Quiet study space If you just want to come into the library itself, we have access to scholarships. An awards with one of our key school ex school ships being available for applications at the moment, which is the medical elective scholarship and so provides 1000 lbs to medical students annually to enable spend 4 to 6 weeks and studying abroad as a part for elective study. And so joining the college gives you access your range of committees communities on networks on. But whether you're seeking guidance or you wouldn't be involved as a member yourself, we have some examples of our communities, such as there are network of international and regional advisers and college tutors who are regional ambassadors for the college in the key areas, and that can also help if you want to contact them. They have never well of experience, and they also run courses and go two events in the particular areas, and we also have a jury entreaties Get a committee which is made up of physicians and surgeons, and so they represent the needs on issues off trainees and across the UK on. We have a physician called here in a search cocoa chair, and both of them do report directly to the College Council on. We also have a policy network and respond to health care related policies both within the U. K government and overseas. So if you're currently a full time student in the UK, shouldn't membership up the Royal College of Positions, Insurgents of classical is completely free. And if you're in your friend 18 years, then you have an affiliate level member, which is two parents, 50 per month or 30 points per year. And we think it's a great time to go into college. We have a really online and process to join the med to join us a member on. We have a membership support team, very ready and willing to healthier every Stage three application on. If anyone would like to find her any more information about the Royal College of Physicians insurgents of glass school, you can contact me in their connecting mail address here. Okay, Thanks very much for your time today. I'll start sharing that great thank thank you both. And but before we take a break, you know, um, I've been having a keeping an eye on the chart. We haven't got any questions as of yet, but thank you both for sort of explaining. You know what the colleges are cause I remember, as a medical student person, I used to get a bit confused, so I lived in England of my life. Knows I were Do I have to be in the English college, so I have to do you know, our s our CSE England? Um and you know, as you guys, is that, you know, the answer is no. You know, you can roll College of Surgeons, Adam, bro, you know, And I was involved in that when you ran the surgical skills, events and everything, and I thought they were great. So I think yes. Definitely worth knowing about that. There are all the colleges out there, and And what? What you guys can offer, basically and thank you. Thank you. All right. And no, no worries. Thank thank you. Both pretending and giving everyone sort of it in a nice summary of of what you can offer. So I think now and you know, we'll take a break until 10 minutes past 11 and Where will probably start the general surgeon General surgery. Talk from Miss Katy. Strong eso If everyone wants to go and have a break on, we'll start exactly a 10 past 11 s o.