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OK. Hello everyone. Um II know this time is not great because everyone had their lunch in here and also my colleague from Burma and Thailand where they have the dinner. So everyone is like insulin such and that then they're sleepy and then I would try not to get bored, you know? OK. Uh So my name is Paul and you can call me Paul. Paul. Paul, anything you like? And I'm really honored you have a chance to participate in this very first international conference by our colleague. Uh my daughter in the UK. I'm very grateful to each, every person coming here, turn in online and last but not least to our coordinate as well. OK. Um I'm just the one of the name of people who wants our country back at peace. OK. So today I'm just presenting role of telemedicine in conflict, so related uh uh to our country. And OK. So, so what is telemedicine? So actually tele tele main originator found a great uh walk like a far off and, and medicine is like uh according to our, how can I say? Ard, oh, we have to have people who in need of the like uh having the or anything, something like that. So actually, so we are given healthcare delivery. Ok. So telemedicine is there just kind of use of the information and communication technology to provide health care service to patient for a dent? Ok. And the other thing, a real time PCA delivery. So if it, when the technology improve time to time that we can do like the real time, like the uh facetime would be now whatever assuming and then we can really give the emotional speech to the, the the person who in need and also the other things, leverage and technology and by the technology, telemedicine, the delivery of the medical care, consultation, even diagnosis. And now we call like A I, so this can help us a lot. And then um so we don't need to visit to the patient like anymore. Uh So just a history review. And actually we, I think uh according to the Omy of the telemedicine uh published in 2011 and we just started using the telemedicine since the 1950. Now present, we we are hit by the COVID-19. So definitely there's social media platform like uh you can video call or five such as whatsapp telegram and sick and not talk. OK. And so you can, you can consult with the uh specialist and uh and become more popular and for the future. Um hoping that we're expanding to address a specialist and the difficulties. So key features of telemedicine as far as II tell for, it's like a we got removed as it's like the telemedicine allow our head care provider to connect with patients regardless of their geographic location. You can connect to the armies, people from the UK uh with real time and later V consultation, you can see if each other if you have the pro or good connection and like an internet service. And so and also um that can, that can provide the treatment as way the other density data sharing and data sharing should be like encrypted and then should should be safe and to from end to end. So and also we can make the, we can make the patient record and and or cloud or whatever and also it can, we can we, we can give the and uh informed decision making and then we can decide on the what treatment we giving each other. So, advantages of telemedicine, first of all is assessed. So we are developing every day. OK. So can be the same as yesterday. So today is will be better and then tomorrow will be much better. But and also we are having very easy assess to even the specialized care. Now today, um ju you may see the movie like the the Facebook movie on the Netflix, they actually mention in our country like uh we really use their like Facebook platform, we really left the platform. So uh even in the double entry, over 90% of people have their, their mobile phone. So uh you can find any, anything you want on your finger and your finger, just just find it on Google or whatever. So now, so they very easy to assess to. So using telemedicine, you will get them more easy access to specialized care and the two collaboration. So you can collaborate with each other. OK? And if you have like some queries about the radiologic diagnosis, you can just send that file to your colleague in the or whatever who specialize in this fee. And then you can, you, you may get, get the diagnosis on that one. OK? And also you can sort out the how where you manage this patient and also patient employment. The other thing is that patients are have a feeling like they have more easier access to uh specialized care with time. You don't have to wait for two week or three week to get appointment with the GP something like that. So I would say that's no loss at all for patients, but everything has to be a challenge. OK? So challenge wise, I think uh my colleague already talking this earlier um coverage, we need coverage so the coverage can be consistent all over the place all over the world, even in the UK, they are the internet coverage is not very consistent all all all over the UK. The other thing it cost, OK? For initiate or for implement new things in the the area like uh especially in area, be more pricey. The other thing is accessibility. OK. So we are dealing with all patients, elderly j and they have their own it literacy. So it could be the other challenge. OK? That every cloud has their lining from the COVID. We implement their telemedicine and also from their co uh we have our people government like government and then they now doctor the like the channel this, this which are on the left side, it's the uh like a teleconsultation page and uh our interim government from the arm. And so they really, really do the tele consultation to the people who need. So you can get the increased accessibility, there's no geographic barrier, you can talk from UK to Lima wherever and there's a cost saving, no transportation fees for the patient, no gas fee. OK? And more time saving. And the other thing is as far as I told you before pandemic rest score. So for the COVID-19, we get that uh we have the telemedicine and then we know we knew that uh that that can help has a lot. The other thing is sustainability. No doubt about the medicine can offer the sustainable healthcare solution, which is in the environment impact of the traditional in person care. So, so telemedicine in so, so in so we need medic treatment, we need psychological support and also we need a report. So the use of teleb technology such as video conferencing, remove patient monitoring. And the tele consultation has proven invaluable in delivering essential medical service in situation where social physical facility and me Medicare person is limited and conflict telemedicine can play a crucial role in providing primary care and managing chronic condition conditions. Facilitating me has support, offering specialized consultation for complex cases and even training. And we can support the local Medicare or non Medicare person as well. And also I believe my friend and our people from Obama definitely remember those time, how did our leader gave supposed to encourage the whole country to the desperate COVID area? She did like a a like video conferencing every 8 p.m. I think so. And during the COVID era, then she invite uh like uh all her person from the different area, like even the doctor from the UK. So, so actually we uh we were one of the best to take care of the COVID during the COVID era. We really control the COVID for the CO PA then. OK. So NASA is opportunities in a conflict area, what we can get from there, telemedicine. So we can get remote care, we can provide care where physical access is limited and we can have specially assess and also we can train the lo lo people to have their uh uh health education as well and also to deliver the health care to the others who are in need, but they saw the input of conflict on the head as well. So definitely it damaged our infrastructure, did this shrine everything? OK. So and also they destroy Deri the supply to our our hospital or people ashe and also lack of a heck walker. These photos showing how they are rooted to feedback. OK. So there is also barrier in the conflict area. II could not cover all the areas like within 30 minutes like that. So that we have that kind of barrier of our infrastructure, we need, we need the infrastructure, we have the the care facility, uh live connectivity. And the other thing is language and we got lots of minor ethnic group and I've been uh over 145 and Negros living together in our country. So even with our own people in the same country, we have like language barrier. So the other thing is security, we just got it before. Um wheat, we have to ensure like uh our patient privacy and data information elsewhere. So the main barrier to implementing this telemedicine in complex area is this this? So that's it and ST power supply so we can do we we don't have electricity. So we have to use like the generator with the gas and then on the in the conflict area, uh the gas price is light and believably pricey. OK. So and also mean they cut off the supply change as well. So actually this is the main barrier for implementing the telemedicine area, especially in Myanmar. And also we have special population, um like elderly, they all have like their chronic chronic disease, like diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, who needs a continue medi continuous Medicaid care and with the medicine and everything and we have the refugee internally displaced person and then they all have the limited healthcare assessment. And also we got like chronic illness, like uh asthma, uh diabetes, they all need their ongoing care and the medica medication management. So uh when I do result like on the telemedicine and I found out there's a case study and done between Israel and Palestinian a uh authority. And they did really, I implement the telemedicine to address their healthcare provider shortage. But now all you know, these areas are not have anymore. OK. So, so for future consideration and one integration, we can similarly integrate telemedicine with a assisting health care system. But actually for the conflict area, it's hard to say we got the he really, how can I say this system? And we have to train more people to get the more uh health care to the person in need. And we have to do more research to find out what will be the better communication system in our conflict area. So implementation of telemedicine, private and complete area as far part, like most of the telemedicine interes were initiated by the standard organization. It's like uh based in USA over Europe. So ma search organization often had a positive linked to the setting. So this organization often fail, the gap between the local system or the government could not or was are willing to fail to, to various limitation. So, on ground consideration or implementation on telemedicine, I would like to share like that what is happening really in Myanmar right now. So this is the data from the UN HCP uh UN AC uh let's see the above right, right upper corner. So it's like we got 56.6 million people live living in Myanmar and 18.6 million people are in need of the busy life staff. And then then if you differentiate by cluster, you would, you can see 20.1 million are like heck OK. And on the picture on the left side. So this is that this patient are showing the estimated person of the internally displayed person and people in our country you can see. So all the green area, we can assume this area is a conflict area because people have to remove their from their old and to the other other place. So basically, we got like almost 3.5 million display people up to 11 November of this year. So they really in need for their support, like business about food, share clothes and has support as well. Meanwhile, we have the military that bombing everywhere, including the river areas, IDB camps, religious area and also to the hospital and the medical care. So I area that online usually destroyed up by the opposition. And even if the media could use the network, there may be a chance of leaking location from the internet access. So definitely have the risk of having bone or a strike by there. So this is one of the major barrier implementing telemedicine in real situation. OK. So I see we need more like equipment supply, we need manpower, we need diagnostic machine, CD scanner and we need financials that uh this, this is the main thing and also we need Medicare supply to continue to everyone to get their visit, visit. And this is my last line. And on the virtual the right side, we call, this is the dying down. This is our tradition and twine that, that twine whenever or whenever you throw to the ground that tw that times stem EBR because it got, it got the heavy weight in the base of the time. So from this time, I got inside, if you get the proper foundation, so whatever which situation happened, I think we can, we will get upright and then we will stand upright. So thank you very much for your attention and your pressure times on this glo Sunday. Thank you.