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Risks Associated with Energy Drinks Consumption in Palestinian Refugee Children



This on-demand teaching session will explore the risks associated with energy drink consumption in refugee children and adolescents. It will cover topics such as prevalence rates of energy drinks and tobacco smoking, association between drinks consumption and mental health outcomes, and the potential impact of unhealthy lifestyle programs on refugees. Attendees will gain insight into the potential risks associated with energy drink consumption in refugee populations and how to identify high-risk individuals and provide them with psychological help.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. To explain the risks associated with energy drinks consumption amongst refugee children
  2. To assess the association between energy drinks consumption, tobacco smoking, and depression amongst refugee children
  3. To identify high risk groups of refugee children for targeted interventions
  4. To understand the mental effects of energy drinks and tobacco smoking on refugee children
  5. To recognize strategies for improving smoking cessation and healthy lifestyle programs amongst refugees.
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No, the one My name is Mr Dean. Model shortly. Must, um, Uncle Student in my fifth year at, um is our best. They are present. Your session is entitled Risks associated with energy drinks consumption in breath in and if you see a Children introduction. Energy drinks Consumption is highly prevalent among well seen and Children frequent in Asia drinks consumers reported stress depressive mood so side ideation and other psychological adverse events, then moderate and infrequent energy drinks consumers mean angels, energy drinks, consumption was associate with experiencing physical fights on accidents or injuries. In addition to elicit drugs, consumption and harmful behavior. No job after the rest of our knowledge. No studies have examined effect off in urgent drinks, consumption or refugee Children. Psychosomatic behavior on mental health. So our aim wants to examine the association between energy drinks, consumption and tobacco smoking or refugee Children's mental health are specific objectives. Where to examine the association between energy drinks, consumption, tobacco, smoking and depression among the refugee Children to examine the association between the nurse drinks, consumption, tobacco smoking and physical fighting among refuse it methods are some relation. Waas school Children from seven tonight grades from refugee camps in the north of the West Bank, so design about 350 per seen a refugee. Children, males and females age between 12 and 15 years were interviewed. Necrosis Channel study in 2000 and 21. Study tool. A sexual specific interview based caution was used. The participants were asked about psychosomatic symptoms during the week before the interview on dialysis on Scared for Depression and Children with Cut off. 15 was used. If your consideration are, are be a tentative miss you. Never City was taken for consent was taken from barons and their Children, said the six as Bs US Waas used adjusted multiple logistical addition to the grade gender working hours, cigarette smoking, water by smoking. They have smoking black tea, coffee and chocolate consumption was used to assist association between in urgent drinks, consumption and psychosomatic symptoms. At the values a van, a 0.5 all results table one chose does in our culture. 64 some belt. So the genders, males and females were were equal. About half person for each of them, about 9.7% off them were working about Ah, depression was about in about 23.5% in males on about 34.4% in females Physical fighting Waas found in about 21.7 s. Event person the a daily basis on in several times per week. Based it was about 41.9 person. It certainly was found daily in about a 9.54 basin on ah in 43.3%. Several times were weak, able to chose the cracks and better off in energy drinks. Consumption is divided toe A and be a chose the practice off the back on caffeine products you can see here The energy drinks were found on in about 56.2% off the population. Cigarette smoking towards sound in about 14% of the population water pipe was found. About 24.6%. Black tea will sound about my 92 123% of the population, with a significant difference in males able to be sure, but it off use You can see here the difference between males and females in ah consumption off finish drinks two gates on others in a daily basis or several transfer week or if they were, excuse us. Okay, Table three shows. Adjusted binary regular. A logistical addition of the association between the drinks, consumption and other products you can find you can find or see here that the energy drinks consumption is highly prevalent among males. Um, Andi in ethical smokers Water pipe smokers Coffee in takers A with the be values for these variables wear list than born 05. So they were significantly different the next. A bill on the final table. The adjusted multiple logistic regulation for the association between energy drinks consumption and getting a nervousness or engagement in fighting for Children who were getting nervous and engaged in physical fights. Ah, daily, where 2.5 ah more likely to be energy drinks consumers at 1.6 Toby. More likely to be ah, in hire. Date about 44 times more likely to be the breast, 3.1. More likely to be water by smokers, 24.5 More likely to be insomnia daily on about 2.9 and so more likely to Toby in so many a serial several times. Berry. All of the the values here they were less than 0.5 on. For those who were getting a nervous and engaged in physical fighting several times Bear week, you can see that they were more likely to be a female's. Ah, more likely to be, uh, the breast more likely to have a toe have work on more likely to be an insomnia, either daily or several times bear week. All the be values were less than Bonzi Row five. So our recommendations, where there is an urgent need addressed rates trucks up. Sorry to address the risk factors. Identify high risk killed Rin on off are accessible psychological help. The results of this study can help improve smoking cessation programs and healthy lifestyle programs among refugees. Our conclusion. This study revealed the high prevalence of energy, drinks, consumption and tobacco smoking, and they're the tree mental. If the tear mental effects on refugee Children thank you for your attention questions