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It's like the content like the stuff that I have to research Because bsc in very reading heavy, you have to read a lot of like articles and stuff, so in my eyes, it's quite important that stuff that you actually like care about. Um So, I think that's my favorite thing like that I actually can conceptualize it and see why it's important yeah, okay, thank you so much, I might go to another breakout room uh I'll probably come back thank you, so it sounds like the culture um nice thing like because I hear, is like management and stuff, you can get a bit competitive yeah. No I really like all the people who do read for. I don't know why it's the same as the old years. They're just such a lovely bunch of people um probably, helps that most of them are girls um like I'm actually going out to meet up with some from my project uh this evening because like we've all gotten on so well, um yeah and um I will say so, the the like league of repro, he's called mark a real sweetheart. He's sometimes a bit tricky to like if you ask any question, he will dodge it, but there are other people you can go to which he will tell you the answer because he's always like oh you know. This is part of the learning experience, but then you just ask someone else and they're fine, so you'll hear older years, say that but like there's there's ways around it, you don't have to worry about that he's a bit of a sweetheart, but he's really nice just a bit tricky um what made you jittery um so what's the likelihood of getting the first uh. I think it's pretty good honestly. I think it's pretty good um it changes year from year like I know. Um historically like some bs cs, had higher likelihood of getting a first and basically for my year. They try to like change that like I think the ones that would always give out of us got a bit of a tally off I've had because they were like no, no no um and what made me sick repo, so actually, I was, I was not sure whether I wanted to do repro or Gastro, but in the end, I just wanted for report because it's something I don't know, I was like I can see myself a gastro, I don't see myself getting for the reaper as much um yeah, So it was the first thing it's quite hard. It really depends, I I am definitely not one of the known for being hard to go first and yep, hey prob could. I just ask how big is the cohort for re, pregnancy um and like what's the likelihood of actually getting it. Uh So repo, actually has quite a big like I don't think you're likely to not get in a few pill it first choice. Um It's only about 20 of us, but I think the capacity is like more um because they've taken a lot of external, So if they don't if obviously you put at first, they usually prioritize imperial studios versus externals, um but I really like that it's quite small because you get to know everyone on the course um. And yeah, it makes a nice little like community, feel I would say um Yeah Ok, thank you a graph mhm, hi, yeah um So in the first time is when you have all your lectures so um the type of stuff you lad is um There is a lot of embryology, but you have to remember these lectures like they don't actually count towards anything they're just for fun uh okay, that's for the door, yeah uh huh uh sorry, if I lost signal for a second um okay, okay, I'll carry on so if you guys can hear me um what I was saying was um the type of things you learn about so in first time, it's all lectures, but these lectures don't really count towards anything they're just there for like almost fun, so with that, we learn about like embryology um like growth and development in the first few years, and then it's like pediatric infection and allergy. Um I found them all quite interestingly, embryology can get a bit heavy but like I said um the lectures don't actually count towards anything that almost feel like fun um Also, I apologize for them. If you guys can't hear me very well, I'm having a bit of wifi issues um just putting the hiv part to him and I'll try to move uh mhm, I've been struggling okay. Um If you just want to keep on putting questions in the chat or, I mute, I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys have, it's got to where the ball that can't be honest. Thank you. Mhm, um right I can't tell if you guys can hear me, but if you can, if you want to put any questions you have in the chat or a meat that'll be that'll be fine and then I'll answer them okay. Um Can you know silly, hi, can you hear me yeah, I can high, I have a just a quick question um I wanted to ask why did you choose your b. S. C and what does your bsc usually like, mainly involve yeah, so um I chose repro just because it was one of the topics. I found more interesting and I knew we were going to have to learn about it in this year, so um I thought why not like get a head start and learn about it now and so reproached just like the other bs cs and the fact that you get lectured at the start, and then it turns more into project work. Um So at the start, the lectures are very like what you would expect from repro, about like um fertilization, embryology, um pediatric infections and stuff. Um It's all really interesting, but the great thing about the lectures is they don't count towards anything there, just for always like fun, like you can just sit there and like the other years of medical school and just like taking what you're learning and not have to worry about that. Um. And then obviously the rest is like um i c. A. S and project work and they've really not been too bad and reaper. I know some of um the other bse, they're like notoriously hard uh It's definitely not the case for repor and how do you mainly get assessed for repro, yeah, so just like the other like medical bsc, they're all they're all really the same. It's um with these things called i. C. A. S, in course assessments, and they're like um kind of research written bit so they might be like um like kind of a literature review or um that kind of vibe, there's some project work at the end and then in third term, it's all about your actual project, which is what we've just started now. Um So, really all of the medical bs cs are assessed in the same way. Um yeah and um just last question sorry, um If you had to give someone advice um for someone who's going into repo, next year as a bsc, what advice would you give them uh Honestly, I don't know, I I think repose definitely like a fun one and like so the lectures at the start. They don't really count, so don't write down all your notes just like actually enjoy the lecture just sit in there and watch it and like have fun with it um all the i. C. A. S. And stuff they're stressful at the time, but um it all kind of works out, so my advice would just need to like relax and then just like enjoy your bsc year. Thank you. Thank you no problem. Um yeah if you guys want to um you for any questions or just put them in the chat. If you prefer just go ahead okay um mhm, as I said, if you guys just want to put any questions in the chat go ahead. Yeah uh Yeah, so, the government all right uh all of the uh uh I've been fine uh I want a super the referendum is a lot of blacks and glasses uh yeah, okay mhm, yeah uh huh yeah uh He's like I'm not okay, yeah. I hope so I don't know about it, mhm, it doesn't hi if you want you can um you or put in the chart, Any questions that you have no you get no, it's not it's just everything this is Obviously people who uh certainly just missing Yeah, spend up be feeling okay, okay uh Let's see yes mhm, that's right uh huh two point okay. I don't know do you, yeah uh what what am I talking uh uh huh it's okay, absolutely, yeah, okay uh that much to do okay uh take it okay, okay, okay uh woman okay, it is in person help all right oh uh huh hi. Um If you won't even put any questions in the chat or um just a message or a mute, it's uh um so they had quite a mix of projects, so um repair is really good because they take. They basically ask at the start of the year if people will are more like leaning towards a lab or clinical or data project, and then they try to get mad, um projects to kind of match those proportions and then within those, the kind of obviously repro, based, so there's a few like pediatric one and allergy ones like I'm doing a milk allergy one at the moment, and then there's more like the Obs and Dyne type, which like maybe like I know, there's a project in like fibroids or like sperm parameters after covid. Um So they've got some really interesting projects and reef right, I would say I hate that answered your question right. Um So this bill C is actually quite small. I think that's only like 24 of us which um personally I quite like I quite like that it was small and like you really got to know everyone um and all the people in the bsc happen to be really nice this year. I don't know if that's like every year, but we've all gotten on really well um which I think is quite important. Um So uh the first time the contact ours are a bit hefty. I think most of the bs cs, like that just because you've got lectures um The lectures of you don't actually count anything they're just uh um for you to go to. Um I think it is required though um but they're not horrible. They like they started like 10 and then most of the time they'll end at like two or three um and then in second like the 2nd and 3rd phases much less because you're working more on your individual projects um and like in the projects like you can pick ones that I like falling online like my projects right now, I don't have to go in at all if I don't want to. They literally said you can work from anywhere you want um so, yeah kind of like that hi, miranda why would you recommend this Bse high um hi, um I would recommend the b. S. C. Um because I think it's just really interesting topic. I think choosing a bsc where you look at the projects and you're like I could. I could read multiple, multiple, multiple articles on. This is really important because the amount that you're reading like you actually have to be interested in it, and I think the approach is one of those ones that is interesting and also matters later like in this year you are going to do an awesome guy any place that you're going to have to learn about that anyway um. And the faculty is really nice, so I would recommend it um all right um um am I, interrupting you, so I didn't know if you were mid flow, no no go ahead, so I was just gonna ask what the allocation process for the projects are like yeah, so um in repro, um they do like the best fit happiness, so you kind of rank like 12345 like what your favorite projects are and they allocate you that way, which is nice because I know some of the other bs cs do it based on on kind of previous grades or like attendance, and that's not at all the factor, it's just um which ones you're happy with and they've also they also tried to get the right ratio of clinical and data projects. Um They asked at the start of the year and then try to get the projects to kind of match that ratio, which is really good, thank you so much sorry, I'm just writing this down go ahead um and what kind of projects do you did you were you, guys offered this year like was there a lot of choice um yeah it's really like wide ranging, so obviously that all repro, faith this or the project, So I'm doing milk allergy under, like that allergy subtitle, but I know there's other like pediatric ones. There were like some parameters after Covid, there's like fibroid and, and the mitri, oh this one's so all of those kind of like the ones that you would kind of expect, but they're all quite interesting which is good, that was what caused me to choose repro, because I was thinking about gastro and then I looked at the project title's, and I I just thought those were quite boring um because you're going to be doing a lot of research on it, So you want it to be something you're going to be interested in um being teaching on genetics, acrogenic pick, is stem cell research. Um I think we've got, I think we did get a lecture on stem cell research. I'm not um I think maybe epi genetics mentioned a few times just like as it would be, um but we did get talk about stem cell research. Um Not too much obviously, obscene gynie with pediatrics is like quite a broad topic, so they tried to do like a little bit of everything. Um So yeah we we did get talk, but not like extensively. Um yeah, okay no problem. Um you can just keep getting yeah, so the repro bsc, it's just like all the other medical bsc is where like were given the same i. C. A. S. And such, but obviously they're repro, focus, so at the start, we're doing lectures based on like um fertilization and realogy and then giving birth than like children tells um and then all of our i c. A s are based around that crime and stuff, so it will be like on Pcos or it'll be on like some parameters um yeah and then so it follows the same layout as all the other bs cs, just with like a repro fapiis, which is quite nice. I I really enjoyed that okay, Basically that all answers your questions okay, serious, my part sounds a bit loud uh huh uh. Um If you've got any other questions feel free to like um you or put them in the uh yeah, what did your typical um no, I wouldn't say it's worked quite heavy. Bsc is definitely the year where you can get like it's good to sign up for. Like I know the cSP elections are out like I would definitely recommend going for something. It's definitely something that you can like do alongside other things um So at the start. In first term, it's all like lectures back kind of stuff um and but then in the 2nd and 3rd kind of phases is a lot more like individual work where you're choosing when to do work, which I really enjoyed um so. Yeah and then it's the first time no not 95. I think they made a rule that they don't want us to start um like any day before 10 am, which I really appreciated um and then it would most of the day it would be like half days or like finish up to maybe um definitely not a 9 to 5 every day um And you can definitely get away obviously don't quote me on this, but you can definitely get away with like missing a few sessions. If you need to, because the first time is all about lectures and like they don't countable with anything so it's fine always in passive. Um The lectures are mostly in person, I think what I think that are, If you know that actually that are a few times, we did online days. I would say in general, it is mostly in person um how much Smith Hospital yeah, so that's annoying, but it's until it becomes time sorry it is only for without time. Yeah I don't know mhm, so this bsc isn't actually um one of the like more like once it that's hard to get a play, then, so, if you put this one first you're definitely more likely to get it from the other Bs, see how unlikely as you would get a first, I would say, it's definitely not one of the ones that is known for being hard to get a first in. Um I don't actually have the like starts on which ones are more likely to get a first, but this one like I know, I know, I was saying most people, if not, yeah maybe maybe like half upwards get a first. Um It's not it's not difficult, but it does depend a lot on your project. I think um and that's kind of like self driven, so it's completely up to you basically whether you get a fast um just how much effort you put in, um so I would say the pros are that repose a really interesting topic, and you and your b. S, the year you have to be interested in your topic because you're gonna read around it like tons. Um I would say the cons are maybe at the start of the year. It's a bit in perth and heavy um and then maybe um uh the repo, lead mark he's a bit tricky to get questions out of so um that's definitely like you can go around that like there are other people you can ask to do the re, protocols. Um He can help with that kind of stuff. Um So, yeah I would say I'm really happy with my choice, so maybe I can't think of many cons, but um yeah, I think another pro is the people who do repro, all seem really nice. It's a small cohort, so you get to know each other really well um which is really cute. Yeah. Um So I think that's about like 23 of us um So it's like a small cohort, but that's really nice because you get to know the project you get to know. Your like horse leaves, really well like most of them, know you by name um um which I mean guess uh I guess I guess it has its pros and cons, because if you're not there, they'll notice you more, but you feel really comfortable going up to them and having a discussion with them or asking them questions because they all know you really well. I've been vaccinated um hi, for the person I just join, feel free to put any questions in the chart. No problem how is everything hi, yah, yes, there's I think okay seems like you've got a lot of questions I'm so happy to see yeah it's been good um how how long does this go on for you. I know from this. From this point onwards, you're welcome to excuse yourself if you have something to be getting on with you, can't stay like um if you want to but up until like past this point, if you have something to be getting on with this evening because I know that you're really busy, you're more than welcome to excuse yourself because I'm sure we've had a lot of info in the recording and recording. Two stops When you're when you leave, yeah okay, I'll probably have them, but thank you so much have a lovely evening. I'll send the certificates tonight. Um. If you get any standout feedback or anyone specifies repro, in their feedback, I will message you ok that's lovely, thank you so much enjoy your evening high.