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Good evening, everyone. Hopefully that's gone live. Good evening. Thank you all for joining us. Um, I'd like to just welcome everyone, um, to this hotly anticipated event that has taken far too long to organize. But we've got a great evening lined up and and I'll shortly hand over to Doctor Prius Suresh, Who is the, uh, the head of, uh, our cr for, uh, for clinical radiology at the moment and following careers talk, we'll hand over to Niall Burke, who's a current radiology ST to registrar, and he'll be giving us, um, hopefully some some useful tips on radiology ST one interviews. So without further a do I hand over to Prius thresh. Hello, everybody. Thank you, Chris. And, uh, thank you. Donna and Jade and Rod Rich for, uh, giving me this opportunity to, uh, talk to all the trainees. So I'm the medical director of education and training, and I started with the Royal College in September. Uh, I'm a musculoskeletal radiologist based at, uh, University Hospital Plymouth in the southwest. So if anybody is from the peninsula, then you will know, you know, the geography there. So that's where I am from. And, uh, I I am. I understand the first, uh, international graduate to be an officer at the college, so I would like to, you know, share this opportunity, uh, to be the RCR, uh, ended. And also, uh, ambassador for that reach to reach out to all of you. So I'm just trying to going to try and share my screen. So, Chris, uh, please let me know if you can see the screen. There we go. Okay. I can see your screen, so I'll put it on the power point. And can you see just my slide, Chris? Yeah, that's perfect. Excellent. All right, I'll meet myself. So you've got the stage to yourself. Okay. Thank you. Thanks a lot. So, uh, firstly, I thought I will just share, you know, uh, like where I work. So I told you about my workplace that is in Plymouth. And then my other big workplace is the Royal College of Radiologists, and I also be in the Peninsula Radiology Academy. So many of you, when you were applying for your, uh, radiology and you are, you know, uh, putting your preferences. You must have come across the, uh, Peninsula Radiology Academy as one of the, uh, go to places. So that's where you know I was the lead for the, uh, academy there. And, uh I mean, what what what else do I do? Like, you know, what else have I done? So, um, I came to this country in, uh, 97 just after my under graduation. So, um, what we call m b B s. And then I did my m r c p. Because I was told that if you want to get into radiology, you know, you needed to get MRCPI. But things have changed now, so you can and apply. And you have applied after your FY one if by two jobs as well. And then, uh, I did my fr cr I have done my, uh, postgraduate clinical education diploma because training and teaching has always been my passions. Um, from when, you know, I started, uh, my career as in in as a physician, uh, doing my m r c p. So, uh, the other rules Again, you can see a lot which has to do with education and training and, uh, with you know, uh, other interest of M S. K. So I'm the peninsula soft tissue sarcoma imaging lead. Uh, B s s R is the British society of, uh, skeleton radiology. So, again, an M s K society. I'm the council member there. And, uh, like I said, I was, you know, the radiology academy lead and the training program director, um, there are, you know, um uh, quite a few, Um, you know, awards and, uh, prices on the way. And the best one was when I could volunteer for the Commonwealth Games. That happened last year in Birmingham, and, uh, it was good, Uh, you know a good place for team working. You're working with a completely different team, Uh, with people you have never worked before. And, uh, I think as a radiologist, uh, you could fit in very easily because team working skills is one of the things that you will be focusing on today. Uh, you know, for your interview practice as well. So, uh, the other things that I do other than, you know, being a radiologist and the doctor is, uh I have a black belt in karate and that I took up about eight years, uh, 8.5 years back and I love running so than a few marathons and, uh, allow classical dancing and photography. Now, why am I sharing all this? It's not, you know, for me to tell you about just me, But the fact that you know, you have actually chosen the right specialty because it gives you that work, life, balance it, uh, and you need these kind of, you know, stress busters to keep the balance, uh, so that you can do the best for your patience. And the other thing that I want to share is that, um I strongly believe and, you know, my parents, and especially my mother was like, you know, never give up and hard work All these pays. So my message to all of you is your passions. Your hard work should determine where your success or you know what? What is your part? Uh, going to be in the future? It doesn't matter what background you come from. What color? Or you know what, uh, gender or you know any other characteristics? But the main thing is, if you're passionate about something, if you're hardworking, uh, you can go and sky is the limit. So that's the reason. You know, I wanted to share. Okay. What? What? My journey has been, uh, to date to come to the Royal College as the medical director of education and training. So you may do, you know, radiology? Uh, either, too, Because you are attracted by the diagnostic. Um uh, ability, because you don't need to actually see a patient, but you can actually help influence the management. Uh, it can be due to, you know, CT scans, MRI scans or ultrasound. I love ultrasound because there's a lot of patient interaction. You can actually take history from the patient and exactly, you know, make the diagnosis and help and management of the patient. So, you know, uh, radiology provides, you know, all these skills, uh, that moralities are very, very, uh, important and are pivotal to all the diagnostic part. Or you can have, you know, fancy imaging like you have the functional hybrid imaging. You have that ultrasound contrast that is used nowadays, you know, to get better information and characterize the reasons that we couldn't do before. And then we have the whole body EMR and diffusion weighted MRI. Uh, because the nice guidelines for myeloma now is to do whole body EMR uh and we have moved on from, you know, skeletal survey that we used to use for just doing multiple X rays of all body parts. And of course, you know, many of you will be here, and I think the I our team is here. So this is, uh, one of the main attractions that many trainees want to do Radiology because you can actually, uh, do many incisions kills from, you know, oncology from act trauma from ischemic limb from bleeders, uh, to, you know, mechanical thrombectomy, which is done by i n r But it's again an international radiology procedure. But, you know, there's a lot of, uh, contribution you can make as, uh, interventional radiologist to management of the patient. Uh, it is less invasive, the hospital stays less, and it's better for the patient to have these treatments. So, yes, I'm sure many of you will be here, and you will be taken, uh, through the interview process by you know, the IR juniors who are going to do a great job. Then you have you know, other things that are coming in artificial intelligence. Yes, it will be good if we can use it to the advantage of, uh, you know, uh, making the workforce more efficient and also, uh, improving patient pathways. You have a lot of procedural works. And even with the new curriculum, even if you're not doing intervention, you will be doing biopsies. And drainage is so, You know, as a diagnostic radiologist as well, you will be doing biopsies and drainages. And there are radiologists who are doing endoscopic ultrasound. They're doing ERCPs. And, uh, they're doing colonic stent insertions. So you know you can sub specialize further in other procedures. Um, depending on the need and depending on you know where you are, Uh, in which hospital you are in the in the country. And, uh, I know I mean, the, um, interview when you are going through, that will be about you know why you want to do radiology. So hopefully you know, some of the pointers that have given you as to what radiology can do and how important it is in patient pathway will help with that. The other one that the the interview will, uh, focus on is communication skills. Now, many people have this idea that radiologists are in a dark room. Um, you know, uh, just reporting scans all day, and, uh, then they go home, Okay, But that is I mean, having if you if you have been to the departments and your attended mg P s, you know, what a crucial role video just play in. You know, every element of, uh, patient diagnostic and therapeutic and management journey. And, uh, communication with patient is also very crucial because you have ultrasound every every little just will usually do an ultrasound less, and it's very important. You know how you communicate with the patient, uh, make it comfortable, Um, uh, procedure that you're doing and also share the information, uh, anti level at which, you know, the patient is not alarmed, but it's also well informed of what has happened. And, um, as we said, You know, all your reports are means of communication. The reports are the ones that exactly tell, you know the reference. You know what is going on and what they need to do and what should be the management. Uh, you you especially, you know, in the G p land, they do not have access to any of the emerging, so they completely rely on what you say in your report. So communication as a skill is crucial in every aspect of, uh, radiology and, uh, every aspect of what the radiologist does day to day. So that is one of the things that I think the interview will focus, and you will be having, you know, they will take you through the workshop about that and, uh, team working. So this is another very important aspect. And, uh, this was when I did the Commonwealth Games, so I did not know any of you know, anybody there on that photograph. But after three or four ships, you know, it was like working with, uh, with the family that, you know, and, uh, in radiology, Uh, when you come in, you have, You know, everybody is important in that, uh, patient pathway and in your journey for you to do your work Well, it is reporters who bring your patient's into the department's. Then you have the radiograph assistance who help you with the procedures. You have the nurses head CS and I. C. A s. You know who assist with the interventional procedures. If you have any, then you need. You know, the Allied health professionals, like the Radiograph, Ear's and Sonograph Ear's who also report who do the scans and in our training scheme also, you know, uh, we have many senior reporting Radiograph Ear's who are able to have a year one training with them, Uh, go through the films and check the films. And then, of course you have, You know, the managers and that mitt staff, because you need to get equipment you need. You know, the business plans to go in place to have more trainees, more consultants. So it's a teamwork that actually helps you, you know, take anything that you do, uh, forward in the in, in your department. And I just wanted to give you the other thing that they want to know is, um what do you know about you know, what happens in, uh, training? And, uh, do you know that there are quite a few exams that you have to do? Uh, and you're are you well informed, You know, about these processes. So that will be one of the other things that they may want to tease out in the interview. And so the duration is five years for clinical radiology and six years, If you're doing interventional radiology and, uh, S t 123, training will cover all disciplines. So that's general radiology. And then you go to ST five s t four and five where you do subspecialty, but you still keep your general training. But if you're doing I are you start that from 456 will be doing a lot of fire. Okay, The exams are, uh, sorry if I just go back. So exams are Year one will have the anatomy physics exam, So, uh, we have brought it forward a little bit. So if you go start your training program in September, you will have the exams sometime in February. And if you are year three, then you have your f s u uh, to a And that is, uh, you start your year three in September. We'll have your exam somewhere in November or December, and then you're in year four. And again, You know, if you're starting your year four in September, you have your, uh, to be that's the final exam sometime in October. So just to get an idea, Okay, when are the exams know what is what are you expecting from, uh, to be tested on these? And, uh, when do you actually take them? And this is the new curriculum. This is available on the college website as well. So if you just go at CR curriculum, you know, you'll have all the, uh, information regarding this, uh, but it just tells you what is the critical progression point that you have a S t three. That's you have to pass your to a exam. And, uh, what happens? You know, to see City is the final thing. It's the same for, you know, and you get to do interventional radiology. Like you said, It's three years program. But again, the critical progression point is, you know, getting your do a exam. So I think you are. You're all at this level here where you're you're just going to get, uh hopefully you know, the calls for the interviews and you're waiting for You know, your m r m r m s are schools. Yeah, So then you have What do you expect in training itself? So you have internal assessments. Uh, we want to make good clinical radiologist, uh, and help you, uh, become, you know, uh, and complete your training to become a good clinical radiologist so that you can help in all the patient pathways and that will include all the morality. And then you will have, you know, pre owned call assessment and, uh, who, actually, you know, mandates. And how does it happen? So the scenery will look after, you know, the ERCPs and, uh, the Royal College. Uh, you know, it has put the curriculum out there, and it gives you access to the portfolio, and then you have the workplace based assessments, and then you have those assessments in informing the, uh, E s reports, CS reports, and that informs the ERCP. Okay, so that's the structure. So it's very clear, you know, from day one, you know how you will be, how the assessments will take place. What is the structure in place, and how will you get a satisfactory outcome at the end of you know, your year of training and again, all this is there in the new curriculum. And if you see here, we will, uh, in the interview, we will not be testing you on, uh, your clinical, uh, radiological skills of interpretation of a chest X ray or something. But that's what we'll train you. But these are generic skills that we would like you to have, You know, when you come. So, uh, we have already talked about, uh, professional development. Good clinical care. All that is, you know, part of having a good team. How do you work in a team? How do you are you self motivated? Do you have abilities of self, uh, learning? And, you know, uh, will you engage in, you know, teaching and training. And then, um, the the leadership and management is again part of, you know, what have you done as a trainee? Stewed eight, You know, to just have a taster of some kind of, you know, management. It can be just, you know, very basic level. But that is something that, you know, uh, we would like to know if you have looked at that. And then you have audit and quality improvement, which you all do as f r. One f fighters and also the patient safety aspects about religion protection. Uh, that again is something that you learn in medical school and also as foundation governors So, uh, if you see you know, uh, the interview will also be testing a few of the things that we would want all our doctors to have, You know, the generic skills. Like I said, you know, don't worry about, uh, teaching resources. There's loads of resources. Uh, and, uh, you will be having, you know, the college supporting, uh, many of the, uh, learning, uh, that there is a lot of, uh, resources industry a learning in the form of, uh, many talks, and, uh, you can access them. And, uh, there's also something called anatomy Lightbulb moments. And that's amazing. You know, that's teaching you anatomy. And that's useful. Actually, from, you know, ST one level two, consultant level. So that's another new initiative. You know that the colleges introducing. So But you will come to know all that, because you will be members of the college when you join radiology. And, uh, there is, you know, loads of resources. Uh, that is there. And many are for trainees. You know, all these radiant and, uh, case of the month and these loads, especially training handbook. So lots of resources. So all this is available. Um, on the on the platform as well on the website as well. So you don't need to panic. You can still have time to go through those things. And then there are other resources. Like, you know, we have the duty that's used by many of the training schemes. And then you have the clinical radiology journal and also you have, you know, the other six contributing with the college to, uh, bring up, uh, resources. So just in summary, like, you know, if you need to know, like, who does what and what happens in the training structure. So the Royal College is, uh, you know, it's responsible for the college tutors, uh, in the various trust and the regional advisors, the dinari that is Hetchy. But it's in England. It's called H E. But in other things, it will be the statutory education board. Uh, they will, uh, have overall a view of the schools of radiology who will have the heads of school and the training program director and then at the trust level itself, you have a director of medical postgraduate medical education. You have the education supervisors and clinical supervisors, so at every level, you will have good support. And this is just I wanted you to be aware of. You know, what's the training structure and personal If you needed to relate to this for the interview purposes about the college itself. We have two faculties. The c r n c e o. And, uh, like I said, our my remit as the medical director of education and training is this part of it where it sets standards for entry training practice, curriculum assessment. Okay, so this is for teaching and training. That will be my remit. Um, as the in my post attempted, we have about 13,000 members, and I think it's grown even further in the few years that we have had. And, uh, it's both radiologist and on college is that we have and, uh, it's a growing faculty. And, uh, I would like to see, you know, uh, many more trainees, joiners. I'm doing what we can to get more training numbers. And it's great that, you know, you are you are all at the stage where you are, where you're going to go for the interviews, and the future is like, very exciting. I mean, there's loads of new things happening. There's expanding specialty complex in aging coming in and, you know, the community diagnostic centers, which I see as a very good source of, uh, teaching and training again. Uh, because it's cold cases. So it's not as pressured as you know, the inpatient or acute work, but good, uh, place to start learning. And, uh, I think it's main thing is you're welcome. I want you to enjoy radiology once you're taking it up. And I hope you have a wonderful journey ahead, so I will stop share ing. And, uh, I did, Thank you very much. Pre, Uh, that was a fantastic and very inspiring talk as well. We've got a few questions for you, if that's okay. So we've got, um And if anyone else has any other questions for prayer, please just drop them in the chat now. So we've got one from Norman Aurora. He says, Did Doctor Suresh. What is, uh, the one thing you would recommend to do or study while preparing for the interview to maximize or to stand out? And what level of depth and extent do you expect from an answer during an interview? So a couple of elements there. Yeah. So, Norman first thing is, uh, what would you recommend to do? I think you're done. You must have already done it. You must have visited the radiology departments. And, you know, we attended the MG t s and seen You know what you can do for patient and how important it is. Because that's what I want to see. I want to see your commitment to radiology. I want to see you know, what have you done, uh, to choose radiology as a field. And how much do you know? You know what radiology does. So what I'm looking for is your personal experience. So I would like to see, uh, trainees bring in there. What? What have they learned? You know, I did this case, and, you know, I was following up this patient, and I knew how how important it is. Have you attended? Uh, I think SRT does, uh, posters and gives you opportunities to, you know, uh, present posters and then many other societies which have given opportunities, you know, for foundation trainees to present. So have you, You know, uh, done anything like that to help, Uh, because all those things improve your knowledge, uh, radiology. And also about the clinical applications. You know of where radiology stand. So I don't think we are expecting you to, you know, go and read up loads and loads, Uh, just before the interview. Uh, what we are, uh, want to see is your personal experience that you can share with us is that, uh, answering the question, Chris, Hopefully, I think so. Yeah. And just point out, is about ir juniors do their own annual conference and says great opportunities, uh, to present that that nerve's along with other affiliated conferences that I are juniors are involved in. So have a look at the i r. Juniors website and see what opportunities you can find. And all right, we've got another question from Daniel. So he has asked, Do you think it would be a disadvantage? Expressing a strong in tension to pursue a career in i r or even a subspecialty like interventional neuroradiology at interview? Uh, no, Daniel, I don't think that will be a disadvantage, but I would like the trainee to know that they are aware that they have to go through the exam process and they'll have to do the three years of subspeciate. I mean, the general training that we had gone through. So as long as you, uh, say that, yes, I have. I'm here because I want to do interventional radiology. But I have gone through the radiology curriculum, and I understand that I have to have good basics of diagnostic skills for me to be a good, interventional radiologist and will be going through the journey of, you know, the three years of general radiology training and then embark on the next three years to become my are. I'll be happy with that. All right, All right. One more question, and then we'll, uh, we'll move on. So for trainees switching from other specialties, what are you looking for In terms of reasons for switching or commitments to radiology? Uh, yes. I mean, whatever the reasons are like, they can be empty. Number of reasons why you want to do radiology. And that's what I want to hear. It could be that, you know, um uh, some people like the technology. Like I said, you know, that's why you want to come into radiology. Some people like the interventional aspect. Some people like the fact that, uh, they radiology place such a pivotal role that, you know, even without direct patient contact every day, you can actually influence patient management. And that's what you like. So, yes. I mean, there are different reasons that, you know, trainees over the years have switched, uh, specialties. But as long as you are clear and you're able to articulate why you have switched specialties, we're happy with that. Wow. I hope that's answered their answer. The question. Um, so we'll we'll move on now. Um, sorry to anyone who's got any further questions. We'll try and cover them later. But, um, with time in mind, we'll we'll hand over to Niall Burke. Um, I'll invite him to this stage now, and we just want to say a massive thank you to Doctor Suresh for giving up her evening and and giving us such a good talk. I hope everyone's found it useful. And please give some feedback for her at the end. All right. So welcome, Nile. Good evening. Hopefully you can hear me. OK, Chris, can you hear me? I can hear you. There's a little bit of feedback from your mic, but try and change it almost like, Yeah. Could I just say, Chris, uh, we had this problem. If you log in via safari, there is a crackle that, you know you can hear. So because I use, uh, medal for B s s are. So that's why I know about this. So Okay, I'm on call, and I'm just switch Mike. Is that any better? That's, um that's about the same. Okay, uh, some sort of a technical hitch. If you want to, we can try. Um, all right, if you just want to refresh your page. And maybe in the meantime, we can ask you a couple more questions to prayer if she's happy to stay, because we do have a couple more questions. All right. So, um, Anna has a question for you. She's asking, do interview. Interview is know anything about our portfolio or prior experience at all before the interview, Or do they not have access to the application so far? Uh, yes, Anna. I mean, uh, the interviews, uh, the portfolios are scored by a set of, uh, consultants, you know, And, uh, the scores will be available to the, uh, interviewees. So interviewers like, you know, they will know what the schools are. Okay, so they'll know the scores. But not necessarily the specific details. Yes, So I think. I mean, when you are doing the interview and you want to bring in some specific details, please do. Okay, so perhaps, you know, that's that's really your chance to talk about all the all the things that you fulfilled in your portfolio. All right, so Niall is back. Hopefully with audio problems sorted. Hopefully, this is better. Chris, is it any better? Perfect. Yeah. Okay. Uh, so I'll try and try and share my screen. Thank you very much. I'm just a bit of an trait to to everyone. For who? Nice to know. I was, uh, one of the founders of IR juniors. And he's now are you ST 10 S t T E s t one Celestia one up in, uh, up in Scotland. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, thank you very much, Chris, for the introduction and thank you to Doctor Suresh as well. I am actually one of the ST ones and I've been tune in to Doctor Sherry. She's teaching in Peninsula on a on a Monday as well, which has been very useful in preparation for the part one exams which are coming up very soon. But I was quite happy to take an evening off to get away from get away from that part One study this evening. So my name is now, as as Chris has mentioned, and yeah, one of the founders via our juniors an S T. One in South East Scotland based out of Edinburgh and a former radiographer which will come into my discussion as as we go through this as well, in that all of us coming into radiology training will have a unique route that's brought us to training. And I think that's something that you need to, you know, try and try and kind of play off and and use to your advantage, not necessarily saying that you need to go off and do a radiography degree or anything like that. But you will have something unique about your pathway that you can bring to these interviews and and make you stand out from the crowd. So what I'm going to talk about this evening is an overview of the the interview itself. Some key reference materials which I think are quite useful to use and what I use for for my interview as well. Interview Preparation obviously still still at the point where you know people who are applying this year waiting for their MSRA results to come back and haven't been offered interviews yet. And obviously fingers are crossed. And I hope you all do get interviews. Um, just with the preparation that you can even start thinking about now for those interviews and some broad tips from myself and then a little bit of my experience of the interview process this time last year. So it's gonna going to be a little bit of a chat quite informal today. If you're wondering why I sound like a character from the banshees of an issue and I am from the West of Ireland originally, uh, you know, I I will agree. I'm sure there's a few of you have seen this movie, and it is as bizarre as as you think it is. Okay, so the overview of the interviews essentially are that they will be on from the second, the seventh of March through Microsoft teams. So I know a lot of trusts and and boards and then within the NHS are using Microsoft teams. But if you if you aren't, it's it's probably worth while using it in advance and just trying to get get a little bit used to the interface. I'm sure most people will have used it at this stage. You'll get an interview time, and then you'll be asked to come in five minutes beforehand and and just be prepared that you'll be greeted by an administrator and not necessarily straight into the interview room. Just just again to kind of calm yourself and be prepared for these things to happen. They'll confirm your identification, and then you move into the A second room where, where the they'll send you a link in the chat and then you'll go into the room with the actual interviewers themselves. So what I'm going to talk about, I guess, is based mainly on the 2022 interviews. I'm not sure that there's there's been any specific guidance that's come out for this year's one yet, but it's it's likely to to be quite similar in that last year's one was a 15 minute interview, um, with four different sections as they're lined out here. Uh, so taking about 14 minutes with with one minute at the end, then to kind of wrap things up. So the key reference reading materials, I would say. And obviously, Doctor, Sure, it has mentioned a few of these, and I actually just going along to the R. C. Our website and being familiar with the training pathway is one of the most important things, and a lot of a lot of those things you will have picked up, obviously, on your on your, um, taster weeks and and different kind of interactions that you've had with the radiology department. But the RCR person specification is is something that I I'd recommend having a few reads through. It can also be quite useful in terms of picking up some buzzwords to put into your to your answers as well. Um, so I think that's that's one of the top of the list for a reason. Here, the applicant handbook There's doesn't seem to be one available for this year, but the previous years ones, obviously the dates will not stand, but you know there are elements of that handbook and the process which are quite useful to just get on board with interview guidance has as as far as, UM, we're not obviously won't have been released yet because the interviews haven't been released. But this was something that was sent around a week or two before the interviews last year and again give that kind of outline of the four sections of the interview. Um, I think there was a little bit of an issue of this not being sent to all interview candidates. So I ended up getting my hands on this through a friend who was also doing the interviews last year. But hopefully there will be some of this sent around. But essentially what I talked about this evening is is the same kind of information that's included on that, Um, in the past, the more traditional kind of face to face interviews that were done, There was always a lot of talk. And even if you get one of these specific radiology interview books, which are a little bit out of date now at the moment, because obviously it's it's a different type of format used to talk about, you know, being asked questions about topical issues in radiology, and you know, what are your opinions on on a I in radiology or, you know, workforce issues, for example, and I think that it's it's probably no harm to have a bit of an idea about the these issues, you know, and have have an opinion on them that's fairly well developed. But it's It's quite difficult, I think, in the structure as long as it stays the same for for them to kind of bring the interview in that direction wholly, unless you kind of bring it up yourself. And it's something that you want to talk about. But again, I would recommend maybe not getting yourself into a whole like that if you aren't very well prepared to get yourself out. Medical interview books, I think, are useful, particularly for those middle two sections. Um, so the one that I used was the medical interview book here. Now that I'm not getting any commission necessarily off this book, anyone in anyone buying it, But I did find it quite useful just to go through Some worked examples of those kind of more scenario and attribute and skill based questions interview preparation itself just to come onto that element of it Now, obviously there are a lot of paid interview courses. This paid courses for ever at every stage of training. Um, you know, whether it be for the part one or or for the interview stage. Or, you know, obviously it was always happening through medical school as well. And I've always felt quite strongly that people shouldn't necessarily feel compelled to pay for courses for these things. I mean, generally, we you know, the reality is we don't get paid enough to be paying, you know, hundreds of pounds to go on these courses. Um, And I think you know, a lot of the A lot of the times, these these people, these companies are actually taking a little bit of advantage. I feel of of the very normal kind of, um, you know, pre exam or preinterview stress that people are going to feel, um So that's that's just my opinion on that. People will obviously have have very strong opinions that they're, you know, going to that, that the only thing to get them through different different turtles in that so that's, you know, each their own on that. But I didn't use any courses, and I managed to score quite highly and got the job that I wanted. So that's also to be to be said as well. So with regard to just another piece of advice from my point of view, and this is something that I actually, you know, I loaded the idea of doing it. But in the end, I found it quite useful. Was to use Zoom or or one of those kind of zoom is quite easy to do it on. It's it's quite easy to kind of open a call with just yourself on it and record it And just, you know, even if you don't like the sound of your own voice, which, you know, despite the fact that I seem to be on metal quite a bit recently, I don't, uh, enjoy listening back to myself. So it's just useful to have it on record and and to go back and listen to the rhythm of of how you you know of how you're producing your answers, the cadence and and the idea that if you were listening to yourself speak, does it sound spontaneous, or is it just kind of being rhymed off and and not really genuine at all? And I think that's the important thing. And I come back to this again later on. Is is to try and always think about yourself. You know, being in the interviewers, you know, position to try and see. You know what, What would what would be the feedback that you would give yourself if you were on the other side of the table or the virtual table in this case. And I think the big thing for me that I always found with this is, you know, using words, you know, it's all good and well, writing out an answer of you know, the reasons that you want to do radiology or the attributes and skills. But then when you actually come around to using these words, these are just two words that I I I find I can't take myself seriously saying like a plum and a plum and recondite, You know that I think these are words that if if somebody from home heard me saying them, they bring me back down to Earth very fast. And it's just about, you know, you don't necessarily need to be using these kind of fancy and and, you know, uh, you know words to try and make yourself high highfalutin when you know you can get your message across another way and you'll be much more comfortable speaking in in kind of more normal language for yourself. Um, otherwise So the the two middle sections, which you know the coping with pressure and managing uncertainty and the team involvement ones are ones which, you know, perhaps you will be less able to prepare for, because sometimes they'll kind of bring up scenarios and that. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you can put some preparation into them. You know that some some of these will come in the form of an A lot. You know, we've all within the MSRA. You will have done situational judgment, and there'll be these kind of weird situations that they'll give you something along the lines of, you know, you're an F I two and Respiratory Ward and your consultant is bringing his pigeons on the ward around like, how do you deal with this consultant? What are you going to do? And some of them can be so, you know, left to field that it can really take you back when they when they ask you the question initially. So I think the main thing to say is, don't be afraid to take a breath and actually just kind of absorb the information before you launch into an answer here. But the reassuring thing is, is, once you have a good framework to work off, it's It's very, you know, it's just about going through that framework and dealing with it. Um, when we go into the session, obviously afterwards, the more interactive interview preparation session we'll talk about the different frameworks that people use and and hopefully give you an opportunity to work through some of these. So there's the star and the spies ones those those are they're heavily written about in those books as well. But I think the main thing to say is, obviously when these questions come up patient safety and escalation escalating these issues, too, you know, more senior people at the appropriate time or the name of the game, Really. And that's that's what you know, If I was an interview, I haven't obviously interviewed on the radiology, um uh, interview panel having only come in last year, but I imagine they're they're the things that they're going to want to make sure that you're kind of, you know, you're basing your answers around, so we have just a few more tips here. So with regard to the actual preparation itself, what I want you to do is to really take as much uncertainty out of the situation as possible. And these are things like just simple bits and pieces, like testing your Internet speed, checking your mic camera, the lighting and all those things out where I am right now is obviously not a very good place to do your interview in. And and I wouldn't have done it here, to be honest with you. But every time I turn on this light, it doesn't necessarily help things either. So I'm going to leave it off for the moment. Um, so make sure your camera's not stuck in a filter. We probably all seen that, uh, got that kind of video call that went viral back in the pandemic with that, it was a lawyer who went on and he couldn't get his his zoom call off a cat filter. So make sure you're not on a cat filter when you go into your interview and Yeah, try and set up your room that wherever you're going to do the interview. So whether it be in in your bedroom or in the kind of more living room area, try and set it up a few days before and even just try it out and put things back again. What I found was the bedroom I was staying in at the time was far too small and the Internet connection was not reliable. So I had to set up in the kitchen. Um, so I just went down there a few days in advance and had everything set out. And it's just you're not worried about the logistics of that on the morning of the interview itself. Um, you know, there's going to be some form of a Y radiology question, and I think this is This is what I was kind of coming coming, you know, trying to touch on initially is that this is the interesting part, really, and it's the interesting part for the interviewers. I find it interesting, and the interviewers are also humans, so I think it's about developing your narrative. For this. It's it's fast. It's two minutes or so you're going to have to kind of, you know, give a rounded a rounded answer. But, you know, that's this is this is the point where you kind of get to sell yourself and give that kind of really kind of niche reason as to why you are coming into training or trying to get into training at this point. And I think whatever you do is to try and get it as far away on the polar opposite of I'm doing radiology because I don't like clinical medicines. And that's, you know, that would be the big piece of advice I think that any radiologist would give somebody applying these days and again Just think about how it sounds to the other person on the other side. Um, I think this was just mentioning the question that was asked to Dr Parish just before I started speaking. Uh, but I think that the the way to approach it is even though they may have your scores for the self assessment, just assume that they don't know what you've you know. You've got those scores scores for and just you know you're going to need to Sprinkle in those achievements as you go through, um, your interview. So whether it be kind of in the wide radiology, talking about your taste, your week or going to conferences as doctor stress has mentioned those kind of things and just almost what you want to be on the day is just kind of sound effortless in that you're just kind of, you know, it's it's as you're going through that narrative. You're able to just kind of stop off on the way and give all of these things that you've achieved because you will have achieved them at this stage. And that's the other point to make. It's not that you have to do anything between now and the interview. It's about using what you've done already your taster weeks, any you know, bits of posters or presentations that you've done, you know, even interactions that you've had with the radiology department and why they've had a particular impact on you. Those are the things that you need to now start building into the narrative for your interview, I think be ready at the end for that one minute question, and I was quite glad that I was here as well in that I had a kind of a short, sharp kind of answer to give at the end, you know, there was. You have one minute left. Is there anything else you you'd like to add? Now, you may have got around to speaking about You're most proud achievement at this stage, but, you know, have something else lined up and and have it backed up with something like this. The reason I'm so proud of this is because, you know, and and just be able to speak about it for, you know, 30 40 seconds. Um, try to be, you know, to come across as a human. And I think clinical radiology is is a clinical specialty. And there is interactions. Obviously, you can vary that as you go along, and when you become a consultant, the amount of patient interaction that you have is very variable, and you can vary that as much as you want. But things like empathy, interpersonal skills, team working these These are skills that the recruiters are looking for in in, you know, the people who are applying. And I think another thing would be when you're watching yourself back, you know if if you managed to record yourself or even the answers when you're reading through them is if you were selecting people to come into radiology, you know, would you make a good colleague to that department there just just different ways of thinking about it? I guess so. My experience of the interview was I went to New Orleans, uh, for Mardi Gras the weekend before the interview, which I wouldn't necessarily recommend. It all had a great time, but I came back very stressed because I had done no real preparation and I would have felt far more comfortable if I had spent that weekend beforehand. Maybe doing you know anything for towards the interview? A little bit of reading a mock interview, something, um, so I think, you know, if I had my time again, maybe kind of organized my time a little bit better and not not head away from my friend's 30th birthday. Um, the 15 minute goes. The 15 minute interview goes very, very fast, and the next point obviously comes on to that is in a 15 minute interview that's so structured, it's difficult. I found it difficult to having come out is like how how have I set myself out from the next person or the person before me in that interview process? I think that's what you need to be thinking about now as well as is how you can kind of deliver the narrative and what what is the what is the unique element of your pathway? Because we all have unique elements to our our journey. As I keep saying that we can kind of put forward and and, you know, make make it very difficult for the the recruitment team to not give you that spot or to give you a good score in your interview. I'm at the most of my background in in my interviews and that I obviously had a previous career as a radiographer. So was very aware of the multidisciplinary kind of nature of radiology. And and obviously having been a radiographer was also quite aware of the fact that you know, most patient's at some point in their health care journey will encounter radiology department and radiographers are obviously quite often more front, front and center and frontline in terms of, you know, chest X rays and plain radiographs and CTS see a lot more of these patient's now you can maybe sometimes being a little bit removed from that as a radiology trainee or consultant in just kind of reviewing the images a lot of the times. Maybe forget that. But, you know, remembering that at the you know, the end of every scan that you're reporting or commenting on or doing is that there is a patient there at the core of it all. And I think if you have that value in your head, going towards radiology or considering a career in radiology, I think that's that's something that the recruitment team are also quite keen to see. Um, and then obviously the other bit was the undergraduate radiology engagement stuff. So obviously I are juniors and different bits that I've done through the years, and people will have different bits of education and engagement stuff that they can talk about. Sorry. So the key bits to finish up and before we move on to the the interactive part is that obviously everyone is nervous about these interviews, and taking as much uncertainty out of the situation as possible is what you need to do, and you know you won't feel comfortable very likely. But you have to kind of give an illusion of comfort. And that will come with practice. And, you know, even like this evening, it can feel a little bit awkward, kind of trying to, you know, us posing you a question and interview question and then speaking in front of four or five other people trying to give an answer. There's no judgment here. It's still very early days, and there's a lot of time to kind of get yourself together for these interviews, so don't just kind of go for it. Try and answer it as best you can, and we'll try and, like, you know, develop those answers and give you some points going forward so that you can kind of put across the best version of yourself at the interview. And I'm going to say it one last time is that there are unique and engaging elements about your path. Radiology. You have to tell that story fast, but you know, now we is the time to kind of craft that narrative for yourself and, yeah, put yourself in the shoes. The interview panel, if you can. If you can get good at that of of thinking about what you sound like to the people who are, you know, interviewing you. I think it it does help and gives you that perspective of what they, you know, think about what they're looking for from you. Um, yeah. I think if at this stage last year, I think I would have quite liked to, you know, start sketching out even just kind of mind mapping out some answers for why Radiology, The key skills and attributes of a radiologist. Those things would be quite useful just to have and put to one side. Even once you start scribbling bits and pieces that you can then look at in the weeks before the interview and for those middle sections, I would recommend that's where I think a book is quite useful to have a read through and some worked examples. Obviously, you're not going to copy them completely, but you'll get some inspiration from those there, and that is my talk. Sorry, I'm a little bit out of breath with that one, but hopefully there's something in that that you can kind of bring forward. And, um, you know, at least you know, happy to take any questions at the moment. But hopefully you can kind of take some elements of that even into the the interactive part tonight. Uh, and we'll hopefully kind of get you all set for your hopeful and fingers crossed again for your interviews coming up in the next month or two. So thank you very much. Thank you so much. Now, that was really, really insightful. And I hope we'll go along with easing some people's nerves. Um, yeah, I personally found that really helpful. So thank you. We've got a couple of questions for you, if that's all right. One. Um, are we allowed to wear headphones or a mic for the interview? Or would that be distracting for the interviews? What do you think? I don't think there's any right or wrong answer to this. I think this is I don't know if this because I couldn't see my video when I came across earlier on This is distracting. I think that if I had this on earlier on, it's It's about what? Whatever you feel comfortable with on the day, I think, and as long as the microphones are working, I think that's the other thing. Is doing a test call with, you know, hope you might know other people who are doing the interviews in advance. But whatever set, whatever set up you're going to use, be it you know, with microphone or headphones or without just trial it beforehand. And don't be doing it for the first time on the morning of the interview. That's that's the only thing I would say. Do you get any time warnings during the interview? Um, I think they will start to wrap you up. You know, they're quite guided. And in fairness, I only have experience of two particular interviewers from that day that I did my interview. But they were They were very, you know, they were very helpful and kind of keeping you Cam. And I think they you could go by their cues. I think they'd start nodding towards when you were kind of coming to the interview to your answers and that as well, so that I don't I I I'm sure they will give you a point of of trying to wrap up, but I can't remember specifically if they said, Oh, you've got a minute left or anything like that. I think it was more more of a natural flow, I would say. Okay, cool. There's a question here which I think is quite a good question from Ettien. He's he or she not sure is asking. Um are therefore separate questions only so one for each section and potentially, uh, you know, party That's not included in the diagram. Um, so it's, uh, a new it in from from med school. So yeah, there. The way it works generally is that there were 44 questions. It was fairly well structured in that sense. And at the end, if you were kind of coming to the end and maybe had a little bit more time left, they would then maybe ask a bit of a follow up question from there. Um, but it was, I think, the thing and I kind of mentioned this is the end of my talk. Was I I kind of struggled to see because it was so structured. It was like, why radiology? Give an example of a time that you encountered a stressful situation, an ethical scenario. What are the skills and attributes of a good radiologist and I came out was like surely anyone who had got that presentation, the presentation about the guidance would would be able to answer every one of these questions. Um, so it was very much by the book for me. I'm not sure if that was everyone's experience. I think I think in general it was, um and then you know, if there was some time at the end, they might ask you a little bit of a follow on question, particularly about the ethical scenarios. They might delve into those a little bit if you you kind of left something that if you hadn't closed the loop in in answering, I guess the the ethical scenario that might kind of come back to that. And then at the end, I had about a minute to two, and then they just ask, Is there anything else I wanted to add? So I think it's just having something, um, something to add at the end. Some hold, you know, not necessarily. Hold something back, but have a have a few bits that if you haven't managed to address them in the in the 15 minute or the 40 minutes before that, to have something quite impressive to to end it on as well, because obviously that's the last. That's one of the lasting impressions you're going to make right. So thank you, Dial. And if there's any other questions, then we will all re gather before we go into the breakout sessions. But before we do that, I just want to hand over to Jade. She's radiology registrar who's, uh, involved with Red Rich, who have been helping us organize this event this evening. So Jade welcome. Thanks, Chris. And that was a great talk by both now and prayer as well. And so I'm at ST three in Adam Brookes in Cambridge now, and I'll be applying to interventional radiology in a few months time here, and I'm part of both I R J and also part of Red Ridge. So for me, this is like a perfect event where everything comes together. But I just thought I'd just spend a couple of minutes telling you guys a bit more about rad rich before we move on and go into our breakout rooms. So Brad reach is a sort of collaboration, really, between the Royal College of Radiologists, where previous forms part of the steering group but also with Sorry, I've got a cold to my voice is going a little bit, but it's also something that I founded with both a new and Hannah, and it's for radiology and oncology. But the main goal and the main sort of emphasis, really is making sure that we're making sure our specialties are diverse and full of people that really want to do radiology are able to get through without lots of barriers in the way. So there will be workshops throughout the year that you guys can get involved with. If you just type in rad reach RCR, you can follow that. And we're also on Twitter at red reach as well. Maybe you got any questions about red reach. Feel free to send me a message or so, and you can contact me through either I. R J or on Twitter. So either is fine. But also there will be some more work I'll be doing in IR juniors with sort of equity, diversity and inclusion as well. So keep an eye out throughout the year. That's all from me so you guys can get out into the breakout rooms pretty soon, but have you got any questions. Drop it in the chat box. All right. Thank you very much, Jade. It's great to hear a little bit more about Rod Rich, Um, and how you guys can get involved, if you'd like as well. So without further a do, we will, um, go into the breakout rooms. So on your screens, you should see on the left hand side panel, the second icon down says breakout sessions. And, um, you should find your name next to one of the moderators names and that that will be the room that you're allocated to. So and once you're in the rooms, if you're not already, then, um the registrar that you're with will introduce themselves and tell you what to expect next. So it looks like most people are migrating making their way into the breakout rooms.