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Radiology Training Portfolio Guidance (2023) UK



This session will guide medical professionals through the portfolio requirements of applying to radiology, focusing on seven domains (Commitment to Specialty, Leadership and Management, Teaching and Training, Formal Teaching Qualifications, Audit and Quality Improvement, Academic Achievements, Prizes and Awards). Doctor Haro, an ST2 Radiology Registrar, will explain how to score points in each domain and will provide tips and resources for optimizing achievements in the time until an application. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

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A 45 minute session covering how to best prepare portfolio and boost scoring for radiology applications based on the most recent portfolio criteria. The talk will include an interactive Q&A session from a recently successful radiology applicant.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the criteria that will result in higher scores for a Radiology portfolio.
  2. Identify the criteria for significant exposure in a Radiology department.
  3. Describe the process for how to obtain a week in Radiology as evidence for a portfolio.
  4. Summarize the criteria for a national, regional, and local leadership experience in Radiology.
  5. Demonstrate the skills necessary to complete a long-term teaching or training role in Radiology.
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Are we live? Yeah. Hi, good evening everyone. Welcome to Radiology and Focus. This is a teaching series organized by myself. Um Shean and Bora, all junior doctors also looking to get into radiology. Um Today we're joined by Doctor Haro and um he's an ST two radiology registrar, um that's joining us from Southampton and um he's going to be talking today about portfolio guidance for radiology applications. Um So we have um this event and one more event and that's the end of the series. Er, we'll talk a little bit about that at the end. Um But yeah, thank you everyone for joining and now I'll just hand over to Ha Roots. Thank you. Good evening everyone and thank you for joining us for this session. Um I'm ood, I uh I'm an ST two so I applied uh two years ago uh before the changes to the 2023 application round. But um I've been in touch with lots of friends who are applying last year and they were successful and I'm also helping some friends this year. So, so I thought I'll share um what I know with you guys and hopefully help you uh with your portfolio for your applications soon. Um I'm just gonna move to the next slide. Hopefully you all can see the learning objectives. Um So I'm going to spend some time talking about the criteria that will get you um high scores for your portfolio and we'll talk about how you can achieve all of these and how you can evidence all of these um uh certain criteria. And uh finally, we'll just go through some tips and some resources for you and I'll allow some time for questions. So if you put any questions in the chart, I will go over those at the end as well. So looking at the application for your radio radiology application, um the applications will be advertised in around a month. So um keep your eyes out probably even less. Um And um well, if you see that you're eligible to apply and you have all the essential criteria, I would encourage you all to apply if you are ready for it. And as part of your application, there is a section where you are required to self assess your portfolio, give a score against a specific set criteria. And um this score will be used later on uh in your application and will be verified with the evidence you provided to see whether you get this score or any more or less. So it's important that you have a really good portfolio to get good scores cause this can constitute up to 50% of your final score for your application. The other components as you all are familiar by now is MS R A which is very important. Can't empathize this enough in the interview, which um usually occurs after your portfolio, this has been verified. So you'll have an idea about how well you're doing in your application by then. OK. So um we'll talk about the first uh part of your application, which is your self assessment of your portfolio. Um So there are seven domains in your portfolio that you need to be collecting evidence for and working towards. Um hopefully, those of you who are um junior. So I'm talking uh ma uh final year math students and um who have uh realized that they are interested in ology, not to pursue this career. I hope that from now you start uh recognizing are the domains that you need to start uh collecting evidence for. So this is a good time to start building your portfolio for those who are um at a more later stage in their training and ready to apply this year or next year. I think just see what you can optimize and we'll talk about these uh specific uh achievements that you can still, I mean, uh get in the time until your um application and um try to optimize your chances of getting a higher score rather than doing things that are unrealistic. It's important to know that only things that uh you have uh achieved after your first undergraduate degree or in the last 10 years will be counted. Um So things that you've achieved as a medical student or longer than 10 years ago uh you cannot use to claim points for. Unfortunately, so the seven domains that you have are commitment to specialty. This is um where you show how committed you are to, especially how interested you are. And it mostly through takes the weeks and electives. The second domain is leadership and management, teaching and training is the third formal uh teaching qualifications um which is something that they have added more uh criteria for and scores for uh specifically audit and quality improvement, academic achievements, finally, prizes and awards. Um we'll start with the first domain, which is how you show evidence to commitment to radiology. Um So what basically you need to do is actually decide whether you like radiology or not spend some time in the radio department. See what the lack of radiologist is like in terms of their uh reporting sessions and interventional work. They do ultrasound list and um then make a decision whether you want radiology or not. This is a very important and um actually this is appreciated and given a good score in your portfolio. Um Let's move on to the next slide. Um So for things to actually matter, they define uh in the criteria for recruitment that you need to have more than one significant exposure in the radiology department. And they put the criteria for it as being as three whole days, at least in the radiology department, either as a day to week or as observer ship as elective when you are a student or a part of your degree or even in research, if you are working in a clinical setting with radiology. So all of these kinds of experiences come to um significant exposure. Um However, for them to be uh multiple, they need to be different. So um if you have uh takes a week in two different seconds in ideology or you have an elective as a student and it takes a, a week in ideology, takes a week. I'm saying three days or more, then you can count this as multiple exposures. Um So this is the uh scoring criteria for this domain if you have multiple exposures. So we're talking more than one, you'll get 10 points. For example, what you can do is you can arrange a test uh a week, couple of six days, three of them are in diagnostic radiology setting and three others in interventional radiology. So this way you have two different exposures that will get you the highest points. Alternatively, you can uh do part of your test week in a university hospital and the other part in a regional center or AD GH and you'll get uh also a test week in completely two different settings. Also scoring you 10 points. If you only manage to get one significant exposure, you'll get six points. If you have had some work with radiology, but doesn't fit any of the above criteria. So basically, it's not three days in, in that kind of setting, then you get three points. And if you couldn't um get any evidence for uh radiology exposure, then you will get zero points. Hopefully all of you will get at least 6 to 10 points. So this is something that you can easily achieve, email, radio registrars, all the, all the coordinators in your local radio department and um a arrange for this stage two week. Um This is a very busy time for most of those departments in terms of days to weeks, everyone will rush to get their um portfolio ready and everything ready now. So make sure you email as early as possible and um talk to your uh contact uh and radiologist so that they can help you our needs for that. Um What evidence can you use? Uh when uh you need to um prove uh or support that you have done a significant exposure. This can be a letter from the supervisor uh in, in the hospital or the setting where you've done your uh case a week. It can be a university document showing your um um radiology based uh placement or uh any project that you've done with radiology and you have evidence of it if it is a publication. If it is an audit or whatever that you can prove that this was um something that you've done as part of radiology, we can upload that. OK. We'll move on to the next domain which is leadership and management. Um The different uh things that you can do to maintain, show that you have leadership skills are either on a national level or in a regional level or local level. The highest points are definitely ordered to those who have a national leadership experience. And um well, this is tricky to achieve on a short notice. But if you um want to start early on, you can join lots of uh societies in the UK such as Society of Radiologists and training. They have uh a post for uh medical students and a post for foundation doctors that you can join. They even have other positions that they advertise that um are suitable for foundation and junior doctors. Um not specifically radiology trainees. There are the societies for uh subspecialties such as um uh gastro intestinal imaging and abdominal imaging. They have a junior committee, we have Ir Juniors uh which is part of the SI R that um have national leadership roles. So um get uh in touch with them, attend conferences, uh meet these people and see how if you're interested to apply to these positions cause it will be very helpful uh for your portfolio. Um The second uh descriptor is if you have a national leadership experience that is not in radiology. So if you are in the D MA, for example, or if you uh uh representing nationally, if uh you are in other societies and um uh organizations that are not radiology, but still to healthcare, then you are eligible uh to claim five points for that. Um If you do have a regional or local radiology um read experience, you can still also claim five points for that. Um You will claim less points, the more it is nonrelated to radiology or notated to healthcare. And if you don't have anything, you won't be able to claim for that. Um The evidence will be either a letter confirming your appointment in a certain position or um evidence of attending committee meetings or um letters from the relevant organization. And this should include the details of the post you were doing and the responsibilities that you were carrying in your leadership position. Um Let me just take a look if there's anything urgent in that time, uh the minimum duration of the role. So I think uh it should be for six months, at least. Um Most roles are advertised for a role of one year. Uh You can negotiate with the committee when you are applying. Um But I think you'll be OK to get a job that will last a year and you can evidence your leadership skills with that. Um That's for su on, on the chart. OK. We'll move on to that next domain, which is teaching and training. All right. So, um again, they define in the equipment criteria, but they count as a major teaching contribution by that, they mean that you should have either let or organized a formal teaching uh course uh or you were part of a teaching fellowship in uh your job, personally organized using a formal teaching course. So there are positions that are teaching fellows that are for junior doctors. If you are in that position, then this definitely comes as major teaching contribution. If um you organize the course such as this beautiful course that uh we're doing a session in today, then this is a major teaching contribution. Uh And the course should have lasted for a duration of three months. Um Let's carry on and this is the descriptors with the scores that you get. So if you have had uh a national uh or international teaching program and you were organizing it and uh during this course over three months, you get five points, which is the maximum you can get in this domain. Um If your course was on a local or regional level, then you get four points. If you've done teaching sessions to medical students, other junior doctors, uh an online session, you are invited to give a talk in a conference. This will count as two points because it's not a three-month course that's um organized mostly by you. Um So here, I think if you are involved in regular, uh, medical student teaching, uh, over a certain time in your, uh, department, whether you're working in Ene, you're working in medicine, surgery, you can always get in touch with med schools and, um, deliver a few sessions over a period of time. Specifically three months, you can get, um, there is a pole that appeared, I'm gonna answer later. So you can, um, get four points for that. If you are able to find supervisors and uh speakers and able to organize a national course, go for it. But definitely no, it's not a suitable time. This is something you have to think of one year ahead, at least one year ahead of your application time. Um If you cannot target any higher than uh two points on this, I can just stick to two points but um try as much as possible to be involved in teaching sessions at least locally if you can get the national experience, um evidence will be uh of course official documentation, a letter uh stating um what your role was and how, what your contribution was to organizing a course or um it should also have feedback from the people who have attended your course just to evidence that you have performed it and it was legitimate. Uh I'm just going to see is a conference for two days commitment to uh specialty. Um I don't thi think so because there's no um direct um interaction with the radio doctor department. Um I'll see as we're going along if there's any other place where you can claim any points for it, but I don't think you can claim any points for that uh in commitment. So the fourth domain is formal teaching qualifications. Um And this is something that uh at this point you either have or you don't. Um if you're applying, if you are in a fun and applying next year or just thinking of applying next year, generally, this is something you can work towards getting. But I wouldn't um su suggest that people stress themselves out and uh spend so much time and money trying to get a degree just to get points uh for, for formal teaching. Uh the highest points as you can see will be awarded to those who have a master's level teaching qualification. Um So if you're someone who's interested in medical education and um you're already planning to apply in a year or two from now, then um Yes, this is something that you can aim for. Uh you need to be careful that your degree has to be awarded before the date that you are submitting your application. Otherwise it won't uh count. So you won't be able to claim for it. Um You can get four points if you have formal teaching qualifications at the postgraduate level. Um So PG cert or diploma, you can get like four points for it um these, these are courses that you can complete over uh one year time master's will require two years. So um that's something we can consider uh evidence of training in teaching uh methods for at least two days. This would include a popular course known as train the trainers, teaching the teachers. You can uh do this course and claim two points. Um The alternative would be uh zero points. So I think this is the easiest way to get two points. If you are interested in uh taking your qualifications even further, then you can enroll in a course and get up to four or five points. Um The evidence will be your degree or your certificate and a transcript. Um If it is um a degree that you've gotten uh before starting medical school, it will still count. Um So you can claim for that. So if you've done masters in education before starting uh radio, uh before starting medicine, then that's fine. Um We're gonna go to the next domain which is audits. Hopefully, if that does answer the question uh in the chart, then that will be fine. If not, I'll address it separately. So, in audit and quality improvement, um you have also some definitions that you need to be uh aware of um for you to have a major role in the um audit. Basically, you have to have led it uh to claim the highest points. And this means that you were working on the majority of the parts of the audit or you were the lead author of the audit. Um And the evidence should demonstrate this as well. Otherwise, um you won't be able to claim that you are the lead. So if you have written the portfolio, uh if you have written the audit uh uh presentation only, for example, not done the data collection analysis, I need to clarify apparently. Um But I think that's fine. Um So these are the scoring criteria if you have two plus audits. So um at least two audits or quality improvement projects related to radiology then uh and is often a change of practice and you get seven points. So relating to radiology means that imaging is an important part of this audit or quality improvement project that you've done. So even if you're working in another department, uh but your project involves uh reviewing imaging or um uh imaging referrals and anything related to radiology, you will be able to uh claim it under this um category and it should have resulted in a change of practice. This means you have completed an audit group or you have presented your results and you have assessed whether there is any change required and if this improve the outcomes. So I would always recommend that if you have an audit that you started previously and you can quickly do a second uh cycle of the audit and close your loop that will be better to get you more points if you can present your results locally, such as some change and re audit or uh reassess some variables if you're doing a quick, that will also get you more points. And it's easier to do as you're just continuing on work that you started before rather than starting from scratch. Um And you will need two projects. If you have a few colleagues, you can work as a group together and um work on a few audits together. And uh every time one person will be the lead on it or you can call lead on these audits and get your points sorted. For uh this part. If you manage only to lead on one audit or quick and radiology, that's resulted in change of practice which is closed loop or represented uh data, then you get five points. Um If your audits are not 100% related to radiology or if they haven't managed to complete an audit cycle, uh a second cycle or um present your results and um get um any change done, basically, you will get three points. Um If you were part of an audit team, uh and you contributed to a part of an audit, but you didn't lead on that audit, you will get two points. And if you don't have any evidence of audit involve or quality improvement, then you'll get zero points. So uh from this section, I think it's easy to get the seven points uh start preparing early for audits. Um There is a limited time until the application uh uh closes. So you can still get a second cycle of an audit done and get your points higher. So, um that's something you can still work on, I believe. And it's important. Um your evidence that you can submit can be slides from a powerpoint presentations, uh form of portfolio assessment. So if you have uploaded a section on your portfolio as a junior doctor um for your supervisor to uh uh sign off, then you can download this section from your portfolio and use it as evidence. Um If you have received a certificate from presenting an audit or a work somewhere as well in a conference, you can use that um and your audit should have all the information of course, for it to come, be considered as a closed group like an audit or you have been able to make some change. Um So I'm just going to go back to the chart and um see what the questions are. Do all the presentations in a department meeting come under teaching domain. That would not unfortunately be part of teaching. I believe that would still be part of um presenting your audit is still part of doing your audit. You need to show your stakeholders what your audit results are and based on that come up with solutions or measures that you need to change. So the answer to that question is no, you will need to have a specific teaching session uh with the target audience and um you need to have uh feedback filled for this session. Um The second question is that the teaching course finishes after the application deadline and I have an evidence letter from the consultant already. Does this still count four points? Um I don't think so. The la the last couple of years, they were very strict that if uh any achievement you have is dated after the application has closed or when you have submitted your application even then it wouldn't count. So the application should remain open for four weeks until early December. Um If you submitted your in early November and uh you got your evidence towards early December, then you are limiting yourself from being able to uh claim for it and the same uh as well for any uh evidence you get after the deadline. So try to get things done as soon as possible. Don't worry if you couldn't get all the points that um you are aiming for, but uh stick to the deadline just to be on the safe side. Uh You can always claim points for it and if the committee disagrees with you, they might down score. You um just make sure that this isn't uh coming off as you're trying to um be sneaky and get more points. Um Can multiple people in an audit? Yes, if there is evidence to show that both people are uh doing equal responsibilities and uh are participating in the majority of the steps of working on audit. Then yes, uh they can be listed as cos and both of you will be able to claim points for it. This is a good way to cooperate with your colleagues and work together to get really good points. Um All right, we're gonna move on to the next domain, which is academic achievements. Um So, in this section, they are referring to things that are scientific, things, things that are related to um health care or to um other uh degrees as well. Um When they specify uh projecting to radiology, this means that it should involve imaging. Um how so, however, if you worked in other departments before, if you worked in cardiothoracic radiology, and you have a lot of cardiac imaging and chest imaging, that doesn't mean that you cannot um claim uh points for this. You still can um if you're working in uh surgery as well in lots of abdominal imaging can be used. So you can uh claim for that. Um if you have published uh your audit results or uh quality improvement project or if you presented it uh in a national or international conference, that also is an achievement that you can claim points for. Um And uh it's important to note that they only regard presentations that you have submitted to a conference for review rather than uh invites to submit work. Uh just because of the credibility of uh each platform and stuff. But I think for, for us, all of us have been submitting our work and not being invited to submit stuff. So you'll be fine um regarding the scores. So uh for a postgraduate research degrees. So if you have a phd MD, you will get five points and that's something that you either already have at this point or don't, so don't stress too much about it. Um If you are already working towards a phd uh or an MD, that's great, you will get the five points. But otherwise it's fine. Um If you have at least one publication in Radiology as first author, you will get four points. And as we said, this publication doesn't have to be purely radiology. It can be another subspecialty using imaging. Uh But you have to be first author in this case. Now, if you have a publication where that is not related to radiology, but you are first author, you will get three points. But also if you have um a po oral poster or presentation uh of any topic in radiology, basically uh that you presented in any society, a conference um nationally as first author, you'll get key points. So um this is very easy to do. There are lots of radio conferences that happen all year long. Um You can present your work, you can submit your work um to the conferences, they're usually um very interactive conferences. You'll benefit a lot from them and you'll get um presentation also the presentation uh certificate uh for it. Um And if you, or, or if you were selected to present, um the next category is if you have one publication that you're not the first author and whether radiology or not, you get two points for it. Um And the same, whether you have an oral or um post representation, that's not uh radiology. As first author, you get two points if you have um one oral or post representation, um whether you're a first author or not, whether it's ology or not, you will get one point. Um If you show evidence of involvement in research, whether it was part of your degree or elective or part of your job as academic foundation doctor or uh a clinical academic uh post, then you'll get one point. And if you have none of the above, you get uh none. So I think the things that you can target are if you are already working on research and you have publications, that's great. Um If you're your publications have been accepted uh for uh but not published yet and you can also use that as evidence. But um if you don't, I think it's not realistic to start uh panicking about it and start uh rushing to get uh work research done, you can just stick to presenting oral posters and boosting other aspects of your portfolio. Just ize and see what areas you can target better. Um I'm just gonna keep an eye on the chat as well. Um OK, they're mostly audit, not research related. I will get back to them later. Uh So what evidence can you use? You can use your degree certificate, your ait summary of citations or conference catalogs, all of these that have any evidence of what you published or what you presented. Um That also mean that uh we need to prove, prove evidence for his uh choices and awards. Um And these part and awards you should have achieved after uh medical school. So nothing that you have achieved in school will count in high school. Um So the highest score which is six is awarded to those who have a prize by a radiology institution or society at the national or international level. And um here again is the importance of radiology conferences. Um There will always be one or two awards presented in every conference in the S RT conference, that site of it and training. There are at least 5 to 6 awards presented as well. So um if your poster was selected for best poster in its category, then this is your six points. Um and they are all national conferences. Um If you've had distinction award in your uh primary medical qualification final year, then you also get six points. Uh So for those who have that well done uh for those who don't target um conferences and uh prepare posters and submit them to get the uh points. And if your work is really good, then it will be recognized and you will win an award. Um you'll get three points if uh you have a prize awarded by a regional level institution or meeting. So um anything that's local, if you're done through your deary or in your uh hospital or um uh locality, then you will get three points. If you have more than one prize awarded by a local uh organized organization or meeting. For example, within your hospital, you won um the trust award for something, then you get two points. If you want more than one award, if you got one award only, then it's one point. Um So yeah, this is, I think one of the easier to get um points on and uh I would encourage all of you to have um submitted your audits and abstracts and hopefully you'll get points for it. Um OK, before we go into resources in somes, I'm just going to go back to the questions. Um Would a certificate from audit department be enough mentioning my role in audit? Yeah, that would be a good evidence of your involvement in the audit. Uh As long as it details that you are the lead on this audit or you are the main person working on it and your responsibilities. Um alternatively, you can um get a certificate signed from your supervisor who was involved in the audit with you. Um It's not mandatory your post would be fine. So whatever you can um get until then. Um Well, a post representation of an audit international conference count as publication. Um If it has been published in a journal, sometimes um journals, um conferences, they do publish their audits, uh abstracts and presentations in journals. If it was published, I think you can claim for it. Um If it wasn't then and you just have a certificate that proves you have a poster presentation, then use that in your academic achievement section. Um Well, a poster publication with uh European Society of Radio count. Um Yeah, if it's published then yes, anything that is published um in a peer-reviewed journal will be covered as a publication. Does the book chapter count as a publication? It um it will depend, I think it will be as low points rather than higher points. I'm just gonna go back to the table. Um So I think you would get like two points. It will be Perevi and it will be not as the first author. So I think you can count some, get some points for it. Um Do award in other years of med school count like 3rd and 4th year. Um Yeah, specifically for the o for the um honors and your uh PM Q they require that to be in the final year. Um There's no other limit for when you got your achievements other than them being after you started med school. So I would claim for that as well. Uh Just make sure that you can fit it in any of the categories, otherwise it will be inappropriately categorized. So won't be in that distinction category if it's not final year um potentially a local because it was at your med school level. Um If we have done a two rotation during medical school, would that be considered as exposure? I'm guessing that two week rotation? Yes. Uh Yes. So that would be counted as exposure. Let's go back to one of the slides here. So a student select component electives or part of your degree, they would count. So you can use your um transcript or your degree if it had details what um uh rotations you had and uh you can supplement that with the three day week in your local department and get the highest points, um audit certificates and awards and prizes. So it depends on whether you want an award for the audit certificate. Um So if you presented uh work and you were selected as the best poster or uh you want the order presentation category, then yes, if it was just a recognition of you presenting without an award, then I don't think you can um with a phd before med school count. Yes. A phd, which form at school would count and uh definitely claim for that. I think I have it here. Yeah, so definitely do that. Um Let's go back to the slides. OK. So in terms of resources and uh what can you use to prepare for your portfolio? Um On Aio you will find previous radiology uh application efforts and the upcoming one which should be advertised in a couple of weeks probably. Um So you can see in the documents, uh what are the person specifications to make sure that you are eligible to apply to begin with? Um And uh you will be basically long listed and invited to the MS R A and all the other steps in the process. Um Among that, they will be the uh self assessment criteria. Um We're not sure whether they will be updated. We're hoping that they won't be and this will be the version that you guys will use to apply. Um So you can see what are the scoring criteria for every category that you need to claim for and make sure you're being as accurate as possible, make sure that you have the evidence ready or can guarantee that it is being ready before submitting your application because you will need to back everything up. If you haven't backed it up after um they invite you to submit evidence, then you will get down scored. And one of the risks that you can take is um appearing that you are trying to lie and take your portfolio and claim more points than you deserve and you don't want that cause they can disqualify your application. So make sure you have the evidence ready or um are working towards getting it signed off and um then submit your application with the claim scores. Um A good reference that um I think it's important that you all use for um applications and everything is a geology cafe and the Ir Juniors, they have updated pages uh which I put the link for um to see basically what are some tips and what are some uh things that have changed in their geology application process? Um Yeah, I think I'll spend the rest of the time taking more questions. And if you want, I can tell you more about my experience, which was a bit outdated compared to your um current application process. But I've been heavily involved since they updated it and trying to keep up to help as many people as I can. Um a two day radiology conference can radiology conference count. So, uh it depends on what you are trying to claim points for. It can possibly claim you the lowest points in commitment. I'm just going to go back to the side because someone else asked about it. Um exposure to work of the clinic, radiology, not meeting the above. So, so I think you need to have work in the department itself, have to have seen how they are working as a radiologist to claim uh the highest points. Um So I'm not sure that you can fit that anywhere. Um So another question, if I rank the fifth over my class in medical school, is that what they mean by distinction? So distinction will be specified on your degree. When you have received your degree, it will um specify on it. And there is also equivalence that you um if from, for those who graduated in systems other than the UK system, um you can look up online how to get the equivalent of distinction in the UK based on your grades. But um it should be clarified on your degree or uh final certificate PM Q? Oh. Um Do we need to have evidence before application code or we can upload them after being shortlisted for interview? Um So what happens is once you are applying? So in November, up to early December, when the application is open, you will um score yourself, you yourself assess yourself on each of the categories that I showed you in these tables. So if you have 23 weeks, then you will put 10 points and then after you submit your application, um they will send you a different link for a system and that you can upload your evidence on. So uh then you go to this separate system later on and you upload um the letters that state you've done these two takes two weeks that deserve you. 10 points later on, someone from the treatment committee will check that um this is verified and either agree with your score or give you a different score based on the evidence you've given. Um So in the recruitment uh process, they require that all your evidence is uh achieved by the time that you are submitting the application. So if your certificate is dated the 10th of December, and you've uh submitted your application on the fourth of December, this means that you have claimed for something that you haven't actually achieved yet. And I don't think that's very uh something that they really like. So try to avoid doing that, try to claim for points that you have um the evidence for at the time that you're applying. Um if the degree with honors distinction, then does that count or does it have to be final year? Uh if your entire degree is with honors or distinction, it means your final year is also with honors or distinction, your total, your final degree is with honors, basically distinction, but they specify distinction or equivalent. So make sure that um if you're claiming that specific point, uh the highest points for that you have distinction or equi or what's equivalent to it from your degree, um I'll just go up to that table quickly. So distinction or the equivalent. So honors unfortunately, will not give you the points. Uh If you submitted evidence and didn't get into training the first time. Can you use the same evidence for your next try? Yes. As long as they haven't expired, there are uh commitment to radiology has to be with. I think all evidence has to be within the 10 years and there are some evidence that they require that uh are after you started medical school. So if your evidence is still up to date, still within that 10 ye uh year period, then you can definitely use it the next round of applications. Um It is something you don't have to repeat. Mm and everything else I think will stay the same. Um Any advice to score higher in MS R A, I'll leave that till the end if we have any time. Um Could they, you ever score you higher than you have scored yourself? Yes, that's possible. You might have mis understood the criteria and given yourself a lower score. Um and uh upon review it, they decide that you actually deserve a higher score. So yes, this has happened before uh to people uh who told me about this not to me, my score was exactly the same as I submitted it because I um uh was very rigors with ma matching the criteria. Um So it's possible uh but it's also more common that they might, they might downs call you. So try and make sure that you are being as honest with yourself and with them as possible so that you don't overestimate yourself or, or ruin your chances of having your application considered. Um Yup. Um What is the safe score in portfolio to get into training? There is no safe score. It's just a matter of strategizing and seeing how you can best optimize your chances. So your portfolio is 30% of your final score, you have your interview, which is another 30%. I'm sorry, I believe it's 40%. Uh It might be the other way around the interview. But I think this is how it is. And um technically, uh if you can get higher scores in MS R A, this will um give you a really good chance if you can guarantee that you prepare well and do well on the interview, which is something you can't guarantee to be fair, things can go wrong on the day, but it's a simple interview you will do well. Um that's some another way you can start choice but you don't have to worry and stress about getting a degree in teaching and organizing a national course and a publication as first author to get higher points. Just work on the domains that you can actually improve. You don't have to have a full score. I think anything above half, I think the total points are 45 anything that above 25 points I think will be ok. But as I said, um I've known of people who've had really low scores on their portfolio, but really great scores on their MS R A and um they got uh offers with high ranking. Um So don't uh stress too much about that, do your best prepare what you can prepare as early as possible, but don't stress too much if, if there are things that you cannot realistically achieve. Um Does that train the healthcare trainer course count as training the trainer? Um I believe so there are very different variations of it. Um As long as it's a two day course and you can produce a certificate for it, I would say yes and you can use that as evidence um for uh formal teaching qualification. Do we have to do redo the MS R A? Um if you go to the interview stage but not get training number. Uh I'm not sure. Uh Fortunately I never had to face that myself. Um I think you would have to repeat. I'm sorry, the next round of applications. Um I it's very rare that radiology do a round two. I think they fill all their spots from round one. You become in a very competitive um specialty and application. Um I think you'd have to repeat that. I'm sorry, the next year, I'm going to um see if anyone has any more questions. Um Oh, great. Uh Just a reminder to everyone to please fill the feedback form. Um The link is posted in the chart. Um Thank you so much for everyone for your attendance for your active participation for your questions. I wish you all the best in your applications uh whether you're applying um in a month or uh in a year and hopefully we'll see you all in radio very soon. Thank you, Doctor Har. That was a very informative session and I appreciate you answering all the questions. Um Just to let all the viewers know as well that we have our finally bent um called Preparing for the MS R A on the 26th of October, that's going to be delivered by one of the ST ones who has recently got into radio. Of course, um Doctor Neha Lister. So on the 26th of October, she's going to be delivering the event called Preparing for the MS R A. Um If anybody's struggling with a link or where to sign up, please just put a comment in the chat. Um Otherwise you can find it on the medal page um for our organization. So I think we will call it an evening now unless there's any other last minute questions for Doctor Haut. Thank you for organizing this and best of luck for your application as well. Thank you very much. That's much appreciated and hopefully we can stay in contact as well after. Absolutely. All right, let's call it then, ok. If anyone has any questions that they send later to you guys, I'm always happy to help. Brilliant and I'll take this offline now.