Prize-giving & Incoming President’s Address
Prize-giving & Incoming President’s Address
This is a medical teaching session directed at medical professionals that aims to celebrate the achievements of participants with a variety of prizes. It will recognize the work of individuals who have submitted abstracts that have been triple marked by members of the council executive and specialty representatives. The session will feature 18 pre-conference courses and feature a range of prize categories such as Asset Medal, Asset Innovation Prize, the Equality and Diversity including Wind Prize and more. It is an opportunity to discuss topics much needed to improve surgical training, exchange ideas, and appreciate the efforts of all individuals involved.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the judging criteria leading to the selection process of the prizes for ACID 2023
- Explain the criteria used by members of the council executive and specialty representatives when judging abstracts for ACID 2023
- Analyze the impact of opt out legislation on increasing organ donation rates in adolescents
- Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of low cost laparoscopic appendectomy simulation labs for laparoscopic training in low and middle-income countries
- Summarize best practices for ensuring compliance with GMC guidelines for the use of a chaperone in urology outpatient clinic.
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So now we're going to ask our incoming Presidente Mr son of a sheriff due to now lead the prize giving ceremony for acid 2023. Sure, thank you. Wow. So it's now that special time of the conference where we get to celebrate the achievements of all of you are delegates. The standard of work submitted this year has been exceptional. All submitted abstracts have been triple marked by members of the council executive and specialty representatives and chairs. We are grateful to all those who supported these prizes. So let's get started price giving 2023. We start with our oral prizes. The Asset Medal for 2023 goes to external valid, valid validation of the identity of the identified risk calculator for predicting urinary tract cancer. In patient with Hugh mature to Faisal Nawaz. There he is another round of applause for our met a winner. All right. For all of the prizes, please contact Chris Glove Jeff, our general manager afterwards. We'll be announcing all of them as we go along. The Asset Innovation Prize goes to how to design a low cost three D printed laparoscopic appendectomy simulation model laps I Bish, our Bay Cat Karki, the Asset NRC Collaborative Research Prize. Sad Hemi study, a service evaluation of operative treatment of dislocated hip hemiarthroplasty. In the UK. Initial results Robin Simpson, the Asset A SGB I short paper prize. Decision making an emergency laparotomy. Two trainees and consultants take decisions differently. Preliminary results of the International Quality Enhancement Initiative dilemma study Giordano Perin, the equality and diversity including wind surprise. Diversifying surgical workforce starts from creation of an inclusive medical school application process. Sophie Ravindran, the Prakash Sinha Quality improvement and sustainability prize, Healing Patient Harming Planet Review of waste production and recyclable itty of surgical instrument packaging. You key Lee the SRS research and academic prize, hindfoot stability test, introduction of validation of a diagnostic test of sub tail instability of deltoid ligament injury associated with ankle fractures, Robin Caldwell, the E S O surgical education and training prize session. The effect of three D versus two D training models in laproscopic skills acquisition. A randomized controlled trial of novice medical students. Georgios alum practice BGS systematic review prize, cognitive biases and heuristics in surgical settings. A systemic uh systematic review. Holy Elmore, the Asset in Gas Stock prize session. Application of low cost laproscopic appendicectomy simulation labs. I model for laproscopic training of low middle income countries. And it's comparison with the laproscopic skills session in the UK. Bischel Beca Takaaki star surge UK, medical student price survival and quality of life following CSF diversion in adult patients with leptomeningeal metastasis associated hydrocephalus, a systematic review and meta analysis. Just next valuable acid TMS. Oral prize session, frailty and renal transplant retrospective cohort study to examine the impact of the new 2019 kidney offering scheme on older transplant recipients. Oscar Edington, the bas Oh Prize predictors of five year recurrence and five year survival after pancreat. Oh do connect me for am pillory atnaa carcinoma and International Multi center cohort study, Thomas Russell, the British Hernia Society Prize, a Parisian pain in the groin. A case of Gargano's hernia, Rachel Crompton, the Asset Robotics Prize, pioneering robot robot assisted spine surgery, United Kingdom, Brian shoes. Aha Asset medical student, poster of distinction, heart rate variability as a marker of surgeon stress and cognitive load within vascular surgery. Calvin Dulue Sh Battle Battle of Surgical Societies, University of Manchester Scalpel Surgical Society, scalpel Surgical Experience Fair, Evelyn Wong and Ellis Snowdon. And with that, we conclude our oral prizes, we move on to our poster prizes. The asset audit prize prospective, conclude it of preoperative fasting practices. The tertiary care hospital in India, Jane Men, Donny Mendonca, basic Science including anatomy, the Martin gruber anastomosis prevalence in a morphology, Dominique Dennis bariatric surgery bombs Prize, Roux en Y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy versus medical therapy in the management of obesity in patients with type two diabetes, mellitus, systematic review and meta analysis. Ravi Kumar need dr breast surgery, memory fold, prized as adjuvant radiotherapy lead to increased survival impatience with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast. A systematic review and meta analysis. Diego Eliara last Aurea S C T S cardiothoracic prize, the UK targeted lung cancer screening pilot program. The Southampton experience Samuel ammo awful. The acid case reports prize akin to Mike Osis in the middle ear mimicking cholesterol test, automa, a case report and literature review shotgun modi the Duke's Club Prize, trans arterial hemorroidal d arterial ization versus open hemorrhoidectomy. For symptomatic hemorrhoids. A meta analysis of randomized controlled trials issue preet court, the endocrine surgery prize, central lymph node dissection increases the rate of post operative complications during thyroidectomy surgery. A retrospective observational study, Philip present Nesky emergency general surgery, abdominal trauma, prized day urinal and seasonal relationships of young pedestrian injuries, secondary to motor vehicles. Amena Akter A O T Prize, bilateral wall things tumor of the prostate gland. A 16 year retrospective analysis and systematic review. A Han Gupta Equality and Diversity winds Prize. The Court surgical training attainment cost a study analysis of different attainment, you know, surgical training using the UK medical education database. UK, Med Zack Vinik, um The Eye Me Ethics Prize Compliance with G M C guidelines for the use of A chaperone in urology, outpatient clinic, Elsayed Dasuki Global Search Prize. First experience in laparoscopic surgery in low and middle income countries. A systematic review jasmine by our British Hernia Society Prize. Impact of COVID 19 on outcome from one stop hernia clinics at a district General Hospital, a single center rep respective observational study, John John see Human Factors Prize incivility in the operating theater. Laurie Tupper A L S G B I Laproscopic prize predictors of reintervention following index cholecystectomy. Jason Co B A O M S Prize. M Biological and Developmental Understanding in improving outcomes of canine exposure, Shana Gupta B N T A Prize, haptoglobin treatment to improve outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. A consensus perspective on clinical translation. Soham Bandeau paddy A You grew Prize Duffy consensus studies, splanchnic venous thrombosis in acute pancreatitis, Michael Scott, the Baps Prize and Audit of Hypnosis management at primary care level. Key Schwang CIA Plaster Prize, pre operative CT imaging, a tool to predict incisional hernia outcomes following abdominal wall reconstruction, Marvin Lucas Roamer Quality Improvement and sustainability Prize. Do we need laminar flow in trauma? Daniel Lewandowski Asset Robotic Prize role of Robotic Approach in a little pouch, anal anastomosis I P A systematic review of literature is a Heb Jamal Bar Surprise optimal surgical approach for mid transverse colon cancer, systematic meta analysis. Best Oy L Como's Journal of Surgical simulation Prize, the MDT game implementation of novel simulation exercise to improve you to improve multidisciplinary care, teaching to medical students. Sebastian Chong surgical training and education. RCs PG said Mehrdad, who's operation is it anyway, is there consensus on supervision code use for general surgical procedures? Hugo Cohen Eric Society Prize, adolescent targeted organ donation education to improve the impact of opt out legislation, Kijang Song, both surprise evaluation of the clicky hip and diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip D D H. Maxx ross. About xprize five year single unit experience and outcomes of renal decompression for your ureteral obstruction. A retrospective analysis of 102 kidney units. Rabban Rez wanna rule apprise long term clinical outcomes of the abdominal aortic aneurysm get fit trial, a randomized clinical trial of exercise to improve fitness in patient's with abdominal aortic aneurysm Tricia. Okay COVID poster prize, host, age migration and newly diagnosed operable colorectal cancer. During the first wave of COVID 19 pandemic, a multi center comparative cohort study, Leo Brown, the medal prize for the most engagement with posters, documentation of recess station decisions in surgical patient's in the district General Hospital, Kenneth Shirt Y co Well, thank you all and congratulations to all our prizewinners. What an excellent display of academic aptitude and success. We are extremely pleased to have had you all attend the conference and now I guess it falls upon me to deliver. Are closing speech so well done for making it through the last two, the last session of acid, 2023 members sponsors surgical leaders, friends, new and old. You have made this the most special of conferences. A celebration of surgical training. A celebration that's truly demonstrated the values of our conference theme, reconnect and inspire. I'd like to start the closing remarks by thanking are outgoing Presidente Mr Martin King Martin, you're a leader, a mentor, a gentleman and a friend. You're a man of principle and drive that has guided our team through many challenges that have arisen in the world of surgical training over these last 12 months, always the human first and then the doctor. Most importantly, you have been a stalwart figure advocating for all surgical trainees across all surgical specialties and stages of training. Your work on behalf of asset over the last 12 months has been inspirational and something of which I can only hope to replicate this year coming on behalf of the executive council and all our members are massive. Thank you. I'd like to take this moment to ask you to please kindly except this small token, no appreciation, my friend this weekend would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our conference coordinator, MS Emma Barlow, the phenomenal work behind the scenes where she has taken every minor detail into account to deliver this spectacular event where we have been able to show creates the bright future of surgical training. Emma, the council and all the members cannot thank you enough for all your hard work and the respects to our educational content. We have had 18 pre conference course is a new record and I must thank our director of education, my Ryan Lalu in helping us achieve this for our members without the help of our sponsors and conference and events throughout the years would not been possible. We are honored by the continued support to ensure that surgical education and training can thrive. Particular thanks to our diamond sponsors, the teams of B, Braun John and Ainsley rcs, Edinburgh, Aaron mckie proxy, Me, Matthew Green. Thank you to the president's the teams of the four royal colleges. Your support through all the talks and events of the weekend have shown without any doubt that the surgical world is united for the betterment of surgical trainees. Thank you to Christina, our general manager who you all have seen at the registration side. But in every way, she is the cornerstone of this association and without and without you, asset would not be where it is today. Thank you to our medical school volunteers who you will have seen running around behind the scenes to keep the conference proceedings ticking over. I now look forward to the year ahead as asset President's. I recognize that there are many areas of surgical training that can be improved and its been inspirational to hear the views and work from a diverse group of fantastic speakers here. It was fantastic to hear such positive feedback and see you all smiling at our pre conference courses. The role of presidente is that of a custodian. Our association was established in 76 for surgical trainees to meet socially and discuss training matters. We are now one of the largest organizations with over 3.5 1000 members. My duty is to respect support and expand asset. My first duty is to respect our history, ensure that we may remain at the forefront of all discussion's across the spectrum of national meetings and we remain a key voice to guide the direction of pan surgical training within the United Kingdom. And Ireland support asset has the honor of drawing on the intellectual reserve of an enthusiastic surgical trainees across the United Kingdom. and Ireland. We are privileged to have diverse representation where race, gender, creed, color, accent, all the characteristics are respected. I truly believe we are now a leading example of an organization that reflects its membership and we are therefore more capable of supporting surgical trainees in their surgical careers. And with respect to expansion, I wish to build on the range of education and training opportunities for surgical trainees utilizing are phenomenal network of surgical training, representative sponsors and deliver for our membership. Surgical training has faced some considerable challenges in recent years and we must, we must now remain united. We must rally behind our members to drive change with robust debate, consensus and focused implementation of initiatives. And finally, I'd like to say to our members for thank you for traveling, presenting and participating. You are the people that make this a special asset. Conference, surgical training can be difficult but the buzz about conference, the conversation competitive camaraderie makes for what is already always a truly memorable weekend and helps give your frame of mind. A nudge back to the positive. We look forward to building on the success of Asset 2023 and keep your eyes open for the 2020 for conference announcement. Thank you all and I hope everyone has an excellent 12 months. We look forward to welcome you again next year. Thank you.