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Preparing for FY1 Series - The Horus Portfolio



The on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and will cover the requirements for completing the Foundation Program. It will go over tips and tricks for passing the PSA, getting the required amount of core and non-core teaching, meeting the minimum numbers for mini CEX, DOS, CBD, S, and developing clinical teacher requirements, and learning to be an accountable, capable, and compassionate doctor. Attendees may also gain insights on how to submit evidence into the Foundation Program Curriculum and effortlessly map it to the Higher Level Outcomes.

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An introduction to preparing for, navigating and making the most out of your FY1.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the requirements for completing Fy one (including GMC re-registration, 12 months of training, passing PSA, valid LSA/CPR and health declarations).
  2. Recognize the curriculum outcomes under HL1, HL2 and Ethics and Law, CPD and Medicine, including planning a medical career.
  3. Develop proficiency in completing mini-CEXs, DOTs, CBDs and reflections in each rotation.
  4. Appreciate the importance of obtaining feedback from senior colleagues on clinical assessments, procedures and case-based discussions.
  5. Produce an evidence-based teaching session, observed by a consultant, which respects the learning objectives of the audience.
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All good. Oh, good. Your life? Yeah. Ok. Hi. Um, everyone. My name is Sid. I'm one of the, uh, c ones in, from orthopedic surgery in the West Midlands. Uh, just before we start, hopefully, um, everyone's able to access the chat. Do you mind just popping in? What stage of training you're at, or, uh, if you're a medical student, what year you're in? Just so I can sort of gauge because this talk will very much be for the, uh, ho E portfolio. I'll talk about tips and tricks but it is, there is sort of a set structure and how they want you to, um, sort of go about achieving the foundation program, curriculum requirements. Cool. Anyone else? What year or stage of training are you in? Sania Meds? Ok. Cool. Fine. So, if you're on fine. Yeah, essentially these would be just sort of things to think about as you go into F one. If you're on F one or you're gonna be an F one. Essentially, it's, it's worth knowing these. So the aim is to sort of cover everything you need to pass to the foundation. You on a CPA RCP is the annual review of um competency. Um and essentially what it means is that you can then go into F two. Uh Just a disclaimer is obviously that I'm not a foundation uh program, a RCP reviewer. So I'm not an expert in this. These are me sort of tips and tricks that I've picked up having completed F one and F two and sort of some of these specific requirements, especially numbers of assessments may vary between deaneries. So what are the actual complete requirements for completing Fy one? And I've added this link in here as well, which you can easily find if you just type in F one requirements uh online A G. So you need to have re registered with the GMC provisionally, you need to complete 12 months of F one training um which may be longer if you're doing things such as less than full time training. And the maximum absence from training, excluding annual study leave is technically 20 days. Um It's at this point in time, it is technically uh time dependent as opposed to competency based. Then you need to sa satisfy uh all of the foundation program curriculum outcomes which we'll talk about in the portfolio. You need to pass the PSA I know that some people have started F one um not having passed the PSA but you need to have completed it by the end of F one in order to progress to F two. And you need a valid sort of immediate life support or co certificate and also some uh health declarations of probity if required. So things such as fitness to practice declarations, almost all of these. So basically everything, excluding the 12 months of F one training in the foundation program, curriculum requirements and perhaps even the life support would have been done, uh, would not have been done, but the rest of them would have been done prior to foundation program. Um The immediate life support may or may not have been done. So we'll focus exclusively on this. So the how you actually complete the foundation program, curriculum outcome requirements. So what do you actually need in the ee portfolio? So the first thing I'll just highlight and and it's important thing is the, is the teaching that you need to attend as an F one. So 60 hours of attendance required a teaching of which 30 hours of core teaching. So these are the minimum, this is the minimum uh requirement. So things that count as core teaching will be core teaching organized for all foundation doctors within your um hospital. Whereas non core teaching can count um it can be considered as things that you sort of voluntarily go to or are not necessarily um attended by all the foundation doctors in your hospital or deanery. So within this, this is what the hos portfolio sort of tab looks like and it will be under the personal learning log at the bottom there. Um And so this is what it will look like once you've completed. So you, it will um, usually be a different color if you haven't reached the minimum number. So core minimum is 30. Non core is, um, technically, then it is a minimum of 30 as well. But overall, it just needs to be 60 but the core definitely needs to be 30. So you could have um, 40 hours of core teaching and then 20 hours of non core and that adds up to 60. And that's ok. So this is an example of some core teaching that I've attended as well as some non one, non core teaching. So we had a teaching session at the um hospital that I work in on confidential information and insulin prescribing as an oxygen therapy. This was sort of uh across different weeks and then I submitted that into Horace as well. Um in addition to competing the feedback at the hospital, um and then that adds up the hours. Then I've also done a course in my own time on basic surgical skills that counts as non core teaching. And I received a certificate with 12 CPD points. So I put that down as 12 hours. And then when you're doing sort of non core teaching, you can technically add in things like evidence. I think it's just good practice because one if you lose the certificate anywhere else, um This is a sort of failsafe place where you can find it. Um And secondly, it's just in case when they're going through all of this evidence at ACP, um if they want to see extra evidence, it's there ready to go. So next, I thought I'd focus on the 13 sort of FP CS Foundation pro Professional Capabilities, which fall under three higher level outcomes. So again, if you go onto portfolio and you go on to curriculum, you'll be able to see these. So HL one is about being an accountable, capable and compassionate doctor and then it comes down to clinical assessment, clinical prioritization, holistic planning, communication, and care, continuity of care. So you would essentially by the end of your program map. So if you can see here, it says 10 items, 10 items, 10 items at the end of each of these lines um under the FP CS, you would map evidence. So those would be things such as clinical um examinations that um have been actually observed by a senior colleague um case based discussions or direct observed pro procedural skills. So dos um so and all of that would would be added to Horus and then mapped onto this. So this is H two. So this is about being a valuable member of the healthcare workforce. So it's about working well in a multiprofessional team, um managing your own personal wellbeing, upholding values, quality improvement or audit. Um and then teaching the teacher. So we'll go over all of this and the minimum number in a second. But this is what the HL OS look like and the FP CS. Um then there's also about ethics and law CPD and then understanding medicine, including sort of planning a career within medicine. So what do you actually need in the EE portfolio? And this is a handy slide that I wish that I had when I was um sort of preparing everything on my portfolio for the ACP and before sort of end of um placement supervisor meetings, so we spoke about the um attendance and teaching and the 30 hours of court training. That's, that's minimum and that's mandatory. Then we'll talk about things such as um mini ces dos CBD S and developing clinic, clinical teacher and so on. Um And we'll, we'll, we'll do that one by one, but essentially these are the minimum numbers. Um I think as a rule of thumb, if you were to do three mini texts, three dot S3 case based discussions and then three reflections in each rotation, you'll be pretty safe. That's, that's the minimum. Um Obviously, there may be rotations in which you find it more difficult to do some of these things. So for example, if you're on an academic block or in a community placement where you have less sort of exposure to things such as procedural skills um that it may be worth doing more of these in another one of your rotations in anticipation of such a rotation. So this is an example of a mini CEX. So this was a clocking of a patient who presented as a major trauma call. You don't need to write too much, but you need to write sort of enough for the mini CEX to be contextualized. You talk about where it is um acute, then exact clinical setting if you want. So this is in the ed resuscitation room, I was there with my registrar. Um and then you can tick sort of the clinical problem categories. And these actually tie in nicely with H one. So you can then choose which one of these it falls into. So that when you're mapping it, you can then map it under H one and these respective FP CS. So then you need to get feedback on the mini texts and sometimes it can be that the, the reg consultant um that's giving you feedback says uh can you just drop the feedback and then I can sign off on it. Ideally, they should be giving you some verbal feedback which you can then put down at, at the very least, if not, they should be typing out the feedback themselves as well. But um that can be quite variable. And then at the end of it, you can put a small reflection on this, this the reflection section isn't mandatory, but the two um aspects of feedback on behaviors observed during the minis are, and this is pretty consistent across uh minis. Do CBD S. We'll, we'll go over this. So that was Mike as done. We'll move on to dots. So DOB S can be things such as actual procedural skills. So this is from my FD rotation, I must disclose. So this is um knee aspiration, this is um IV access. So getting a cannula and taking bloods out of there and in the context of um um a trauma call, then assisting in manipulation of disk radius and distal arm fracture and then plastering. So it it just depends on what um you're able to do at the time. So even things such as cannulation can count as dots as long as somebody is there physically observing you. Um and that someone that's observing, you should be senior to you and able to give you feedback on it. Next, we'll talk about case based discussions. So this can just be based on anything you've seen and then you just need to have um a sort of debrief with, again, ideally a senior colleague, what it it should most definitely be a senior colleague to be honest. Um And then they can give you sort of feedback on it. Um prob uh pro sort of provoke you with some questions as well um on sort of management and um thinking sort of beyond just this individual case as well. Um And re taking away some learning points from it, then we'll talk about developing the clinical teacher. So this is about actually doing a teaching session. So this may be aimed at other foundation doctors or medical students. And this should be observed um ideally by a consultant um in my experience so that they can then give you feedback um on the teaching session you've deli delivered. Um And then they can also sign off this form after that, then moving on to reflections, you can literally um make about anything. So I've written it on things such as managing my own wellbeing, reading from the bottom up or accessing sort of patient details after discharge. So any sort of um errors that you've seen that were, let's say data takes, whether you were involved in it or not, you can reflect on it. Um and so on. But I think a good way of using reflections is when you haven't had enough sort of um items mapped to a bit of evidence. So such, such as at the point of writing this, when I, when I wrote the reflection of managing my wellbeing alongside foundation training, I had no items sort of mapped to the fitness uh for practice section here. So I thought it would be nice to write a reflection on it and map it and then that just added one item there. So it's a good way of bulking up your CV. And obviously there's um evidence behind why we do reflective practice as well. Next, we'll talk about the tab. So this is um sort of 360 degree feedback um that you get from your team. So you need 10 responses, at least two of which need to be consultants. Um one other doctor that's more senior than F two and then uh two senior nurses that need to be banned five or above and then two other allied health professionals or other team members. So that can be pharmacists or HC A S for example. So again, this is under the horse portfolio tab where you click on um tab there under the subsection. So team assessment of behavior. Next, we'll talk about um clinical supervisor and education supervisor reports. Um It's important to stay in touch with your supervisors throughout and set up these meetings. Well, before um the rotation sort of ends, it can be that the um consultant is busy. So you just need to sort of think about getting this in towards the end of the third month and towards the middle of the fourth month. Ideally, you don't wanna be meeting them long after the rotation is finished like I did here for the second rotation where the rotation actually ended in April. And then I only got the end of placement report done in May. So that was a little learning point for myself. And then I addressed that in F two by sort of making sure that I would meet with my supervisor. Um Well into the third uh month out of uh four months that you have in each foundation job, then it's finally, it comes to, well, before we talk about four, actually, I've made it about the uh mandatory quality improvement projects or audits that you need to do per year. Um Oh, sorry, before that, there's also personal development plans. These go alongside your sort of um educational supervisor and clinical supervisor meetings. So you need to think about what sort of specific development needs you have for a given rotation, how those objectives will be addressed. And then once the rotation has finished, you need to talk about how you've actually achieved these objectives. So you just go back and talk about how each of those developed needs have been addressed and achieved. And if not, you also make a note there and how you plan to sort of address that going forwards. So now we'll talk about audits and qis so technically, you need to do one audit per year is what they say it could be different uh based on which hospital or trust or dean or you're in. Um but when you do an audit, try and make sure you get good evidence for it such as a certificate from the audit department or a letter from your supervisor. Um Even if you don't enjoy audit quality improvement projects, the fact is that if you want to go into higher training, you will need to do it at some point. And that will be useful for both your sort of Horace E portfolio requirements as well as your own CB going forwards. So it's just worth collecting all of that evidence in one go. And then finally, um having spoken about that last row, we can go up to completion of form R. So for is actually the annual review of competence uh progression. This is where you've reached the end of your F one. You've had all of your placements and you've had your final sort of es education advisor and es clinical advisor meetings and you then have to submit all the evidence onto Horus. Uh You even need to disclose how many days out of training you've had that are not annual leave or study leave. So um sick days or leave for any other reason as well. And then the evidence that they'll consider includes things like the education supervisor, the end of your report, your portfolio as a whole as well as uh this form itself. And the number of days that you've um been uh out of training and then the A RCP review panel will come up with an outcome. So it's outcome one, if you're on F one and then there's an outcome six when you reach the end of F two, not really relevant or useful to know about that. But, but the aim is for an outcome one essentially. And then they'll transfer that information over to your first advisor from the next job. Um, and then you ideally do not want to have any unresolved causes of concern. Um, but if you do such as a serious investigation, you need to disclose that or if you have, um, any sort of issues that have occurred within or outside of your training that can directly impact, um, you as a trainee, it needs to be sort of disclosed and discussed as well. And then finally you'll get some comments from the er panel that's looking at all of the evidence. Um They'll just say ACP requirements met well done. Um They don't tend to give much feedback at this point, but it's, the whole point is just to get you through to the next year. Um And if there's any issues with the ACP, um and you receive one of the other outcomes, essentially not outcome, one, you may need to meet with your, um the, the panel there and the foundation program lead. And then finally, you, you'll have to sign the form as well uh once you've received it back. So that's sort of a whistle stop tour of everything you need for the foundation E portfolio. Um And we've spoken about sort of everything you need within the e portfolio and that, that makes one aspect as you can see the third row here um out of all of the other things that you need to do as well. So a few final years that are here it's just worth, obviously, once you get your rotation jobs, try and anticipate when your busy rotations and when you sort of less busy rotations will be and plan um All the other things that you need to do around that you need to make good use of your um self development time. So I think uh all F ones and F twos are permitted two hours per week or it can be taken as a day off a month to specifically spend time riding up things in their horse and portfolio as well. So it's, it's good to make use of that. But yeah, I've, I've reached the end of my talk now. So if you have any questions at this point, feel free to post in the chat, happy to go over um any of that or if you join late and you have any questions happy to chat through that. Do we get allocated time to give teaching slash do audits and quips? So, um in terms of teaching, you, you can get allocated time um to, to teach so that can be within sort of your um working day and then sometimes they'll have a sort of pure teaching rota. So for example, you and all the other sh os um in that rotation. So for example, let's say you're on orthopedics, uh All of you may be required to give one presentation um every one of you each week essentially. And then, um there's a consultant there who's advising you and then you can get that DCT form signed off that way. As for audits and quips, you can technically get time to do it within the working day, but it may not always be the case, but ideally try and do it while you can at work. Um If you've got sort of extra time and the ward is quiet for whatever reason. Um Otherwise the, the sort of two hours that you are have that you have protected time for per week, you can use that for horse. You can also technically use that for audits and clips, but it is technically speaking meant to be for your um self development time, which includes things like your e portfolio. Anything else happy um to chat through, if not, there's a feedback form on here, um would be good to get your feedback on this. Uh Like I said at the start of this talk, it it is very much a talk aimed at foundation. Um Yeah, one doctors or two doctors technically, but um if you are starting off as a, if you are finally a medical student and you're gonna be going into F one. Hopefully, this is somewhat useful as well. Yeah, perfect. Thanks so much. S that was a very concise targeted talk, I think very useful for all of us. Um Thank you. If anyone has any questions, there's still a few moments, drop it in the chat. Um otherwise do please take a second just to fill out the feedback form. It's really helpful. Um We hope you enjoyed it. I hope you find it useful. Hope you learned something uh and just keep an eye out on our Instagram for the er announcement of the next session. It will be next week. Uh We'll also send you an email with the link to join the session once it's been announced. Um but thanks again, said it was really useful. Thank you. Thanks everyone.