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Post-Pleven Syndrome with Dr Phoebe Jacob



In this on-demand teaching session, recent graduate Dr. Phoebe Jacob discusses the transition from medical school in Pleven back to the UK and the National Health Service (NHS). She talks about her experience in the NHS, post-graduation options for medical students, and necessary paperwork needed for medical council applications. The interactive session aims to help medical students understand what to expect post-Pleven and allay any fears they may have. It also includes a Q&A for any concerns or questions students may have, with a feedback portal at the end for Dr. Jacob to address any improvements.

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Welcome to our new series called Post-Pleven Syndrome, where recent Pleven alumni share their experiences about life after Pleven and their journeys transitioning back to the NHS!

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of this session, learners should be able to understand the transition process from Pleven to the NHS, including paperwork and process elements.
  2. Participants should gain insights about the General Medical Council requirements for international doctors transitioning back to the NHS.
  3. Attendees should learn the difference between the IELTS and OET English exams and understand which one might be more suited to them depending on their language skills and professional backgrounds.
  4. Participants should be able to understand the role of the Student Support Network and how it can assist them during their professional transition.
  5. Learners should gain insights into Dr. Jacob's journey through the transition process, allowing them to anticipate potential challenges and solutions based on her experiences.
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It's so scary. Hello everyone. Good evening. Hope you're all doing well. I hope you have been having a good festive season, festive period. We're about to start. We're just gonna wait a few minutes just for other people to join and then we'll go ahead and start. Hi, everyone. Um Could someone just um type in the chat with you? You can hear me. Ok, please. Um just to make sure that everyone can hear us. Ok? Ok. That's perfect. Thank you so much. So welcome everyone to the second part of our series um Post Plain Syndrome. Um Today we have Doctor Jacobs, Doctor Phoebe Jacob. Um She is an Emmy Pavla. She just graduated this April slash May. Um And she's been working in the NHS for a few months now. Um So basically what Postle syndrome is about is just about ple alumni giving us details and information about the transition from Pleven after we finish our last exam and transitioning all the way back to the UK into the NHS. Um So that's what Doctor Jacob is gonna be talking about today. If you have any questions, please just type them in the chat and she'll get to them ei either during the talk or after the talk, she'll get to them as soon as she can. Um And we'll also send a feedback form at the end. So you can just um give Doctor Jacobs some feedback so it can help with her portfolio and her own career. Um And just a few words about the SSN. So we are a nonprofit organization and our aim is basically to support international students that are in Bulgaria throughout them medical school career. And afterwards, when they want to transition back into the NHS. So if you have any questions or any ideas for us, please just reach out, reach out to us on our social media platforms. So thank you, Doctor J. I'm gonna hand it over to you. Thank you. Hi guys. Thank you so much for having me. Um And thank you to student um support network. It's an amazing um organization because when I was a student, we didn't have such things like this. So it would be amazing for you guys to just get a little bit prepared, get a lot of uh idea of what's gonna happen after Pleven. Um Just to warn you, it is a little bit scary, but there's so many people that have done it before you. And so you will be absolutely fine and organizations such as this are gonna for sure, help you through your way. So if there's anything that you have in your mind that you're a little bit concerned about, then just jot it down on the chat and I'll try to, um, get answering as much as I can do. Um, but for now I've prepared a little presentation of just a few of the more paperwork side of things of, um, what you can do after, um, ple so it is a little bit, um, lengthy and there are some like back and forth, But don't worry again, we can go through um a few things that you have concerns about or even a more in depth um presentation later on or closer to the time. So for now I'll just uh share my screen and um and then get started with the presentation all there. Lovely. So I can't see all of you guys, but I'm just hoping that you can see me the presentation at least on the presentation. Yes. So post Ple syndrome a little bit about myself just so that you guys have a, a ballpark on how the time frame of things is. So I graduated like gem said in April of this year um from Medical University of Ple, which I think a lot of you guys are from. Um and I started a clinical attachment after my um graduation. I would suggest that you guys get a place during your sixth year if you can at all. Um I have got mine after um graduating. So that was in May and I did mine in renal medicine for about, um coming up to about a month in um in renal medicine and then later started off. Um So I chose the locum route, which I'll explain a few routes that you can go down, um, a bit further on. But for now I'll just go around the one that I went to. So I did a locum route and I did an F one program um in June and I did that for a total of one month. I then was comfortable in my hospital. And so I continued into an F two program in trauma and orthopedics. Um And that was for about 5.5 months. And again, this is very flexible and I'll explain a lot of the um avenues that you guys can have as options later after you graduate. So, but for now that was just a little ballpark about some of the things I did and I hope that you can kind of understand how far and how long a lot of these processes take just from um uh my journey at least. Ok. So let's talk paperwork. Um I will obviously give you this presentation so you guys can have like a checklist or a tick box or whatever, but I'll explain some of these things and a lot of it is, I would highly recommend that as soon as you get your information, you get your documents, just scan every thing through and have it on a little folder on your laptop or whatever you use as, um, a means of um, storing your information. But you, you will need a lot of paperwork, um, during this time. So get ready and don't be scared. Just as long as you stay organized, you'll be fine. So, um, the General Medical Council is if you are applying to the UK, which is where I am at. So, um, there are a few things that they require from you. And so um there'll be a bunch of paperwork that you'll have to do. A few of them are the me, well, not a few of them. These are the ones that you have to get done. The medical diploma, you get it translated, you do the Ielts O et you get an epic verification, a good standard certificate and a passport copy of your front section and I know that you may not know or you may know a lot of what these are. So I'll run through what you need for this and all this will be in um a requirement form for when you do apply for a GFC. So you will need all of these. There won't be negotiable. Um And so it will be good for you guys to have a little knowledge about what they are and, and so on. So with your medical diploma, as soon as you finish your last exam, your last state exam, you can go to student office and let them know that you have finished your um last state exam. And from then onwards, they'll be able to prepare a medical diploma, which will be a picture of you, your do your information and all the grades that you've got from one to sixth year. And that will be what your medical diploma will consist of translating it, however, will require you to go into center and get it translated and I will leave a link of two places that I know that are trusted for you to be able to um get it translated. The translation office also allow for your documents to be notarized. Um However, this is quite expensive and this the sixth year transition period is an expensive period just to let you guys know, let it is it is the prices do add up the translation alone costs about 100 LEV. Again, don't quote me on the pricing of a lot of these things because a lot might have changed since I last was in Ple um But a roughly ballpark figure it would be about 100 lev. Um You can have get your documents notarized. It's not a requirement for if you are applying for um the UK. So again, that's a price that you can avoid if, if money is something that you're worried about as well. Um I know that for students outside of the UK, there are reasons for which they need to get a not but for us, however, we didn't need to. So that's something that you can avoid. Um, Ielts versus OT. So these are English exams that you will have to sit and you will have to pass in order for you to, um, get a GMC. The Ielts however, is more prone to based on an English exam. So you'll have a listening section, you'll have a reading section, you're writing section and a speaking section. Um And again, these are all general, they have nothing to do with medicine as such. There will just be a general listening and reading an exam. The other students from other walks of life will also be taken for various reasons. The speaking task will contain something such as um a topic that they give you that they ask you to speak on. Um and you will not know the topic beforehand and the writing exam, which I tend to find that over the last years has been the trickiest one to pass. Um There will be two writing tasks. One would be maybe a comparison, for example, a map or a picture or um a di a diagram or a pie chart that they'll ask you to write an explanation about and compare the two. And then the other piece will be a topic that for example, um do you feel that students should be allowed to wear nonscreen form? It will be a general topic that has nothing to do with your degree specifically. So it'll just be a general one. Um I have found that over the years people have found that more tricky. So if you are looking for Ielts, um there are amazing websites out there and I would particularly focus on the writing portion of the exam and you do need a seven for each of them in order to, to pass um 6.5 is what people struggle with a lot of the time. So seven is the requirement that you need for each um subsection. In order for you to have a valid ielts um certificate for the GMC. This costs around 200 lbs. Again, this is something that you might have to check up on. Again, it can be a personalized, but both heart figure is about 200 lb. The O et ex exam is slightly more expensive. So it's 320 29 lb. Um And however, this is more focused on the medical aspect of things. Um A lot of the listing tasks are to do with you and the doctors, you will have um an audio of a doctor and a patient conversation and you'll be filling in the gaps. Again, the reading will be very similar to that. The writing is always a letter. You will always have to be asked to write a letter to either another medical professional. So another doctor or you'll be asking for a referral letter. So this is something that you have a better chance of possibly practicing. I went down the O ET route and I found it a lot more structured and easier for me again. It's totally up to you. Um, what you find, um, better or you, you are able to work with a little bit. Um, you kind of have to see what, uh, what you're better at. Maybe have a little look into ielts and see, do a practice paper, see how well you do do a practice paper for O ET and then maybe decide what's, um, what's better for you as a, as a student. The exam consists of you answering questions. Um Most of the time you are required to be a doctor in the scenario and um, discuss the topic with your patients and you'll be given a card and so on. Um, again, you need 350 for each section to pass that exam. Um, and again, this will be something that you will need to prepare for. So both of the exams are something you will definitely need to prepare for. Give yourself about roughly over a week for you to get a comfortable, good, go at the exam. And again, the price point point in that to, um into play for when you do make your decision, once you've got your O ET slash your ielts, um I would actually recommend that you guys do this in your last year. So while you're in your sixth. You've got a like AAA month, that's a little bit more relaxed. I consider going into this because after you graduate, there will be a lot of stuff that you'd be required to do. So you do want to take the stress and the pressure off yourself. So I would consider doing this um during your time at sixth year. If not, do not stress, do not worry, you have ample time to do it before um your G and C. So Epic. This will be the one that you find probably the most difficult and the most um time um requiring of yourself. So I will say that um maybe we could do another presentation on Epic alone because it is quite long and it does require a few steps. But the basic steps is it's on our loan portfolio to make sure that all your medical doctor or your um diploma is legit, they're not false and they're translated and they've been verified. This one is a bit of an expensive one. So to create the account, it costs 100 and $30 and it takes about a, a week for you to um have the account and for it to be verified and your photo and your passport documents to be taken through. There'll be one section of the um of the um epic form that is called Notary C and that costs 100 and $30 again. Um Sorry, that that's included in the $130 that you have sorry. But what will happen is you will be required to make an appointment with the service and they will be on a camera and you will hold up your passport against your face and you will basically say that this is the same person or your documentation are correct. Again, it's an expensive um procedure. So make sure that you have everything ready and that you are inputting all your data accordingly and correctly. Um I will say that this is probably a presentation that we do need to go into further detail with and look up. There are fantastic youtube videos explaining how to do step by step. Click, right click. So don't stress about that at all. Once you've um been approved with your notary and your face and your passport has been recognized and creed, then you will need to upload all your documents or your medical, um your medical diploma, the the the translated version of that as well. So you have both and that will cost you another $100 and that will take about 1 to 2 weeks for that to verify um be patient with this um section of your um uploading because it does sometimes work immediately and for some people, it does take a while so do not fret it will happen and they will be emailing you and you can contact them for any concerns that you have. So once you have got your epic verified, you will get a long number and it will start with AC, it will be AC and then a string of numbers followed with that and that will be your portfolio's number. So you'll be able to use that for um anything that you need to do and when you're applying for your GMC licensing. So police clearance is the second part of what you need. This will be probably the quickest and shortest procedure that you need to get done. So this is the district um court which is in ple opposite the big Long Clock Tower, you can go in there and on your right hand side, there is a office and you will have to go with your book ID and ask them for a police clearance in a short form to state that basically you've been a student and it cost you five left and that's how much it cost me. So I do not know if the price has changed since then, but it costs at the present five. And you would, I would also recommend that you get that document translated. It's a very short piece of paper, but it will save you a lot of the time. So with all these documents prior, you'll be able to open up a GMC account. Um Again, this will be something that we probably will have to get a presentation solely on. Um, once you've got your epic. You've got all your documents translated and verified. You will be able to open up a GMC account using the long C slash a string of numbers um account. Once you've got that gone, you'll be able to scan in all the documents that they require of you. Um Again, this is another procedure that costs you 100 and 70 lbs, roughly speaking. And they will ask you to fill out a lot of the forms, your name, where you went to school again, a repeat of everything that you've basically scanned into them um already pre and especially it have a lot to do with your sixth year. So what exams do you take? Um and where you took those exams, what hospital that you did your, um your internship? So that would be um first base or second base, whichever one you can just write that address down of that one and that will be fine. This is a personal advice for you guys. I would suggest that you would go on ABL S course um during your time in your sixth year. Again, this is a one day course. It is not too difficult for you guys. Um And so what you will do is I know that the course is available to fit only at the moment that may have changed again. So the course will be a one day course about safety and basic life support, um which you will be required to know and need as a qualification for when you do start working. Um And you'll have to fill out a questionnaire, multiple sort of questions about 30 questions and you'll go to the, to the um venue and you will perform CPR in order to teach you, they'll have a day a morning of teaching how to do rescue breaths and CPR and compressions and so on. Um And then you will do the last portion of the day with you demonstrating how to do things correctly. And that will be you done with a V LS course within the day, it costs about 90 to 100 and 20 lev as far as I um remember and then tips for sixth year. So this would be something that I highly suggest you guys do as students apart from all the paperwork, aside from all the costs of everything, just as you as doctors, I would practice. And I would go heavily into something called um sbar. It's something that we use in the NHS Daily. Um And it's how you communicate to other doctors, other staff, other nursing staff or anyone that um you need to have any medical advice from, it's called situation background assessment recommendation. So what you would do is you will explain the situation and when you're in a hospital setting, um we don't get to practice this a lot in Bulgaria in Ple. I remember that we, we didn't really um have that as a concern. So, and it's probably the only way that people in NHS communicate. So it'd be something that I would like to practice with, with patients. If you ever get, if you're talking to your friends and you wanna like explain the patient and what happened and so on. I would put, I would purposely make my um make all the efforts to practice sa to explain the situation and why they've come to the hospital, their background. If they have any medical conditions, anything that is um important in their situation, assessments of what you found out on your assessment, you know, on palpation, abdomen was soft, non tender or so on whatever and a recommendation. So do they require antibiotics for six days or do they require um another form of treatment or would you recommend them to have anything else? Perhaps it sounds so simple except it will take you so so far, it will just help people who are talking to you and you are talking to um understand the situation a lot better. Um And it makes a lot of things a lot more better in, in the sense of when you're in a situation where you're a bit confused and a bit stressed at work, you can use sbar and people can help um understand how to help you and they can fill in the gaps for you. So it's something that I would really recommend that you guys did. Another one is read EC GS, not the complex ones, not the ones that you will only ever see once in a blue moon, but the daily T wave inversions or small Q QR complexes that it's the basic ones that you just identify. Just try to like, make sure that you identify every single time you get a chance to just make sure that that's something cos that will be something that you'll be doing on a day to day basis. Um And last, but not least practice blood and cannulas, I know that this is very ridiculous of me saying, knowing that I went to school in and I didn't get many opportunities to do that. But for your teachers find um find equipment, find a doctor that will be able to teach you and show you how to do it and then practice, practice, practice, practice, practice. It's the biggest thing that you'll spend most of your time doing as an fy one doctor. And I wish that I had practice a lot more than I did. So if you get a hold of that, then please practice or when you come home for the weekend or for the, for the holidays and you can get an attachment or so on and they allow you to take bloods and take the opportunity to do so. And last, but not least, um past me, that's a website that um has loads of past medical questions that people in the UK use as a form of learning. Um, so if you are just wanting to practice or brush up on your medical knowledge and this would be something that I would recommend to you. It's a bunch, it's a bank of questions that are there for you to just practice what you would do as a doctor, what medication you would be given what you would do in a situation, how you'd be handling the situation. Um, and from doing that, you will learn a lot. Um So yeah, I know that it's been a lot of information that I've just vomited at you guys. But again, we can go through anything you have concerns about and we will probably get, and I'm sure the, the um organization will get more people that will be able to go into in depth about certain topics. Um, do not quote me on all the pricing because a lot of the pricing is from when I paid for stuff so they could have changed. Um and you've come this far so you most definitely have got this. It is a scary journey ahead but you've got so much to look forward to and so many people that can help you. Um, do so. Um I would try and answer some questions while you've got if there's any other questions that you guys would like me to answer, that would benefit you guys. I'm sure I can do so. Oh, ok. Yeah. So gem sent a link of the B LS course that's happening. Would you recommend to take the B LS course alongside? Ok. So the you can take between a BLS course and the LS course, the immediate life support or the basic life support. Both of them are equivalent. Um They don't hold any more value than the other one. So both of them are valid and they would last for a period of one year. Um A s however, lasts for two years and it's an advanced life support and that, that requires you to have a two day um two day exam. So one day would be Q um question and answers and then the second day would be you performing it. This costs about roughly 805 100 to 800 lbs. So it is a lot more expensive. Um And it is a lot more advanced and I would recommend that once you start your training and once you start being an F one or two, you have ample time and a lot more exposure to be able to do an A course. So I wouldn't recommend that until you start working. Um A lot of your colleagues at work would be also doing the A course. So you could also do it with them. You wouldn't get a disadvantage not doing it. I would highly recommend ABL S or an I LS for sure. I hope that answers your question. Um But if there are, can we do the B LS in summer before. Absolutely. Yeah, you can do the B LS course any time during your whole sixth year or even the last day, it's only a one day course. So whenever they have them available, you can most definitely do it and it is valid for one year. So you do have ample time between graduating and you're finding a job for that to be valid. How did you get about getting your first job? Ok. Ok. That is a whole story in itself. Did you go via Gateway or not? Ok. So with this one, this one's a little bit more tricky. So there are so many avenues that you can go into for getting a job. One of the ones I would most highly recommend is um something called NHS track. So it's a website that has all the um jobs available in the UK and you will basically be applying for about 100 of them. You'll keep applying all of them. So you make your portfolio and it is quite, it's probably about a day's worth just getting that portfolio in which is explaining, answering all the questions that they want you to answer at times that you've shown um leadership times that you've audited something or so on. So you fill out that form and you apply to absolutely everywhere that you possibly can think of. Um And you hope and pray for a response back. So you would go for trust grade fy one, if you're confident, trust grade Fy two junior clinical fellow. Um, those are all the options that you can go for with the knowledge and with the, um, with the predications that you have just yet, the other route is locum route. Um, it's a lot more quicker but it demands for you to just drop on your feet and just go wherever they ask you to and it's a little bit less um cared for. You're not, you're not uh you don't have like a support system as such. Um So it's a lot more trickier, but it is, of course, it does give you the exposure that you want. So it depends totally on what you're doing. I however, did not go to the gateway program, I am aware of them and they are uh an amazing organization that help you and guarantee you a two year training program. So what you do is you fit through their um application and once you, they've accepted you as one of the, one of your clients, then they will put you through an interview process and accept you and they will find out spots for you. It does take longer than um going through track and it does take longer than going through local avenues. But a lot of people have said to me that it's a lot of a safe option. It does guarantee you a job slot within the two years. So that is something that you guys can definitely investigate and I would highly recommend them. I've heard a lot of good things from them. Um is epic route, an alternative to a local nursery service available in. No. So the epic route is a compulsory route for all people who are heading back to the UK. You must get your medical diploma verified and credited. It is super important. That's not negotiable. There's no other counter um like equivalent, you have to upload your documents, get them translated and make sure that I have verified them as legitimate um quotations and that is the only way you can proceed forward. I would not go down um any other route then uh going that way um the local nurses are available in or any other city. Um I only know one person that got their documents notarized in the UK. Everyone else got their documents notarized in Ple. So I could only probably speak about how effective it is in Ple. It's a lot cheaper and it's a lot quicker in Ple. So if that perhaps helps you in any case, vaccinations. Yes. Um when you graduate and during your time whilst graduating, I will just get a list of the vaccinations that you should be up to date with. Um So this will be your HIV. So you'll, you'll do a blood test and the HIV, one will say, you know, negative for HIV, tuberculosis antigen. Um A and B um selfish receptors. So those will be the ones that you can pay. It's called nationwide um pathology. And basically you can just do a blood blood test and they will produce all this information. You got your chicken pox vaccinations, your um HEP B hep C and your TB vaccinations that should all be up to date. And um they will also run a test for you to prove that you have them. So if you don't have any recom, if you don't have any record of you having them done, you can get a blood test done and the blood test will show that you've got them. So it's called nationwide pathology. And the, you can call them and they will find you a slot that's close to you and they'll help you out with that. How long would you recommend to do the clinical attachment for? I think you would probably be in your best interest to do it for at least two weeks. That's um a good amount for you to gauge what's happening and to learn something to be honest, more than anything else, one week to probably settle in and just kind of get the bearings of how the NHS work. And then the second week for you to kind of implement knowledge that you have and maybe answer some questions in your own head, like how would I have handled this patient or do I know enough now to make the, the decision on this person's treatment. So I say two weeks would be good and any longer would be fantastic. Could you explain what types of jobs you did during F one and F two post? Oh, and the difference between two? Oh, that's a good question. Ok. So as an fy one, you are required to take bloods, take, make do Cannulas, do ECG S and do a junior clar in. So junior clerking is something when a patient comes into the hospital, um you basically find that everything to do with them. So their medical history, just a history that you would do in ple with all your patients and you enter that into the, into the system and you make a predicted progress um diagnosis. So they could potentially have a broken hip, they could have potentially a broken ankle. So you take, you write um a, a proposed diagnosis and that's basically what you do. And then, um, so when I worked in trauma orthopedics, a lot of my job was to make sure that patients were ok after surgery. So you'd go in, you check them, you do a full head to toe assessment and make sure that they're stable. Um And that their surgery has no complications if anything is to be action after the surgery such as antibiotics or um fluids or any of those things that you're action in those things. The difference between F one and F two. However, is that F two role is more of a leadership role, which means that if there's any f one problems that are not being able to be solved by your colleagues, you then would be someone would that would be expected to escalate that or be able to manage that yourself. If however, there is a critically ill patient, then as an F two, it would probably be your responsibility to head towards that patient and try to solve a lot of the situations and liaison with other departments. Um that would probably help you in the situation. So there's not too much of a difference, but you will see that there's a lot of a knowledge gap between an F one and F two. And um that really does help to have an F two around so that you can, you know, ask questions to them and say, OK, how do I go about this or how do I go about some other situations that I don't know how to do? So if you are gonna take an F two role, I would suggest that you have as much exposure to the NHS as you possibly can do prior to your, to your time. Um as a, as af two doctor. And um it requires for you to be um able to, you know, take leadership roles and answer the questions that your F ones might not be able to do or need requirement for answers for. So it is a big jump. But it is possible. Um, but yeah, what subjects would you say are the most important day exams to focus on that will help you? Oh, ok. Absolutely. I would highly recommend that if you have time to go and sit and read through everything that possibly can for internal medicine because that's gonna give you a nice and round knowledge. Um, as an F one and F two, you won't be asked to perform life saving surgery or any of that, but you will be asked to look after a patient with basic medical knowledge. And I feel like internal medicine has a nice information for all aspects because although you'll be in a certain department, you'll be in cardio, you'll be in rest. People are multifactorial, they won't just have one issue. And so you will be required as a doctor to help them as a human being and help them in a holistic approach. So I feel like internal medicine would be one that would be good to um dive into as much as you possibly can and kind of understand a lot of the treatments. Um and what indications for those treatments. That's another thing that I would really recommend. What are the indications for these treatments. So if someone needs inhaler, what are the indications that you would do to be like? Oh, this person needs an inhaler. So yeah, that would be something that I would really um dive into. So the treatment plans for a lot of internal would help you. Surgery is another great one as well. It kind of just helps you understand what's going on in a lot of the procedures and why someone is getting sick. Um, from an F one F two point of view, it would be definitely internal medicine. I would highly recommend that if you get an opportunity to just dive into internal medicine and spend a little bit more time that would help you a long way. Yeah. Any other questions? Does anyone have any other questions for Doctor Jacobs? Anything about F one F two or just about exams in general? Like final year exams? Okie Doke. I think that's everything then and I've just sent a, the feedback form for Doctor Jacobs. Oh, ok. Someone's asked the question. Uh, could you go over your role in trauma orthopedics in Fy one again? Ok. Yeah, absolutely. So, as in fy one, I would, I would, first of all go to a trauma meeting. So that would be a meeting that would discuss all of the patients that are gonna go to theater that day. I'll just keep a little note of anything that I need to know. For example, if this patient needs immediate um, uh antibiotics after the surgery or any of those things. So you just keep a little know of those and then throughout the day there'll be patients that come in and for those patients, you are required to take blood from them, do a can and give them some fluids and take an ECG and do, and most importantly, a junior clar, which is something that would mean that you take a history of absolutely everything. So, what they're on, what medication they're on who they are as a person, how active they are as a person, if they've got any family, history of anything, um, and what's happened to them today. So why they have come to the hospital particularly today and um, just write down how, um, and they also do a head to toe assessment. So how to check their chest, check their stomach, check their mobility and um all of their movements and see if that's ok, document all of that and that will be probably in the morning part of your day, the rest of your day would consist of looking after patients after surgery. So the patient that you spoke about in the morning, you would now have to go and check how they're doing after surgery again, do a head to toe assessment of how they are if their chest is clear their stomach, if there's any complications after surgery that you should be aware and you should be treating. Um And if you feel like to check up on regular blood results from everyone to make sure that everyone is doing fine. Um And to write down, another thing I didn't mention is to also document and write down discharge letters. So every time a patient is discharged, it's a doctor's responsibility to make sure that they are fit for discharge. And so you will also write a letter to say they can go home and they need to go home on this medication. And that would be your job as an fy one in from orthopedics. I hope that answers your questions as nicely as I could. Oh, ok. I see. So here's our feedback form. Please do provide feedback for Doctor Jacob. Um And then you can get your um attending certificate as well. Um Doctor Jacobs, do you mind putting your um if you don't mind your Instagram down? So if people do have any questions, they can just reach out. Absolutely. If you guys have any questions regarding anything we spoke about or need any further advice on getting into maybe job roles or so on. I know it was, it was a lot in that short period of time. So don't worry, I'm happy to just try and accept this is my Instagram. So you guys can uh send me a message on that and I will try and get back to everyone with as much information and of course, um platforms like this will probably be able to do such a better job than I've done today. I see. Thank you so much, Doctor Jacob. We really, really appreciate your help and all your time as well. We know you're busy. Um So yes, thank you everyone for joining us. And as you can see, Doctor Jacob, um her email is here. So if anyone does uh sorry, not email Instagram is here. So if you do need to reach out, please do. Um Yeah, we'll see you at our next webinar everyone. Thank you so much guys and good luck with your job. Thank you.