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PME Conference - Day 1 (Part 2)



This is an on-demand teaching session for medical professionals which will cover international opportunities in medical school from a UK perspective. Topics to be discussed include international volunteer opportunities, organizations to be aware of, how the pandemic has affected accessibility, and organizations such as MSF, Connect2Mali, Critical Care International, and Virtual Doctors. There will also be a video on various aspects of international health care. Attendees will gain knowledge on how to develop their medical skills and help vulnerable communities abroad.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify international medical organizations which provide medical student opportunities.
  2. Recognize the balance between providing humanitarian assistance and potentially causing further harm to vulnerable communities.
  3. Explain the impact of provider shortages on rural healthcare systems.
  4. Understand the role of virtual doctors in providing remote second opinion consultations.
  5. Analyze how Virtual Doctor's use data and technology to improve healthcare outcomes.
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cheap way. So, Tasha of us today, Um, and unfortunately, Dr Linda Eyes not able to make it. However, we do have a recording from her that we will play later on in the talk. So, first, I would like to introduce our first speaker of what is going on. Doctor Grace, Um, who is from Cardiff? Uh, if you like to turn on your camera and share your screen docks of grace, as you should be able to know, I know. So the message I got stepped back. So it was even lower. Which is why I've been doing Oh, no, no, that's okay. Just sort it out of my sleep growth thing. Okay? You see that, right? Yep. And contesting. Yes. So I'm just going to get a short talk, rhymes. International opportunities in medical school from the UK perspective. Thanks for the advice me along on s a ton of that for a little bit and then also just tell you that about charge that I'm involved with a swell just leaks to that. So first off, I guess just a little bit about me. I'm so, uh, yeah, I'm a GP based in South Wales. I also do a bit of event a medicine expedition work as well. More recently, I started training as a basic starting to say That's staying pretty hospital care with the ambulance service on. And I'm the medical director to develop your doctors, which I'll tell you about in a bit more detail later on in my main interest is this sort of medical education of things. And I suppose the you know, it's difficult to do one of these talks without sort of acknowledging the ultimate in the remote off Kadian. State, some international tooties rob see a bit limited. However, In some ways, that pandemic has actually made and, you know, sessions. I miss a bit more cost full and then one's mind movements, the possibilities of virtual or interior of the building up skills networking. And I think this is a really big on demonstration off that I just want Teo highlights and a few organizations that's with so being aware of what you like for the source of opportunities, um, you may be aware of some of these. There's the students were Grateful House on. I don't talk for them before I made they have freaking weapon us. They really get out there. So branches that makes medical schools, um, theology s and the role of geographical society. It's something that you might not think it's necessarily medical associates, but actually they've got so strongly. It's basically with World Ms Meds about scientific projects on four million International, quite to do a swell on. And then there's the Royal College of Surgeons and Umbrella in the process of setting up a new faculty and Alex specifically at remote rural humanitarian healthcare. Absolutely, from an international point of view, as well it's about that's just sort of setting up. It's try to establish exactly what it's doing, but I think that's gonna be really useful there organization to sort of be aware of, uh, obviously anything to do with topical medicine that are geniuses quite relevant, interesting, and then we'll know. Everyone knows about MSF. I'm not so different branches. I'm actually addresses for backs on the stupid. So I remember being part of that medical school. It's mapping, really. Did you stop that? It's for that is this one is a sleep thinking about things in in the UK it's also a really good way of testing appreciation of International House. There's a swell. So I suppose if we do think about voluntary option is easy. But what we can try to use a loser, just a few organizations. There's obviously lots of different ones I can't vouch for. I haven't voluntary had them myself. I know some people do you have with a few of them, I said, on these organizations, some of which you set, and students, some of which you have to be one yes place. Registration is as I see your interest rations. Uh, so floating Doctors are based in South America. A connector. How's that rational? Sweet to remain it on Cecil. It's taken a TIA access by boat on they have. It looks really exciting. It's on my list of things that I'd like to do what they But they accept all sorts of different levels of healthcare professionals, including them medical students as well on give you the chance to get out and help set up for next. Visit established clinics and provide health care of advice, I said, That's that's what That's where keeping an oil, um, get you those health care in Greece. Um, I have two friends you have on done some voluntary. Yeah, on this is very much from a humanitarian perspective. Supporting refugee counts on providing health care. I'm tender. They actually don't unfortunately, set minutes shoots to do medical things as they were, but they have to be one in the airflow in your registration, but they do it. No medical going tears on. So there's a a way of getting it about sort of flavor, perhaps about society giving from having that medical role Critical Care International is, um, it's an organization that one of my friends have established a baby. They do all sorts sort of remained. Health care provision export on countries My friend's a lot of working in Mali on on whilst they're probably not on organization that you could physically get with necessary on, they started doing for chole electives. Say you kind of join join in for a month or so specific part of time during their meetings, get an idea of how and in jail for it. But I'm not very useful medicine label you may have come across before. That is, it's more of when to search engine for humanitarian on volunteer work. It gives you a whole range off opportunities, um, and sort of be at the criteria for where he enjoy a set of project. Depends on what? The project that you find that there are. There are lots of opportunities out there despite cave and put on. That means you just have to be a bit more careful when it comes to choosing that project on also working out. You know, you don't want to be effective for cable where they're getting too much vulnerable community. Hey, don't be using up their house care results is because of the end of the day. You have to remember while she's up, she's trying to help these. These are isolated basis. Eventually, you don't want to sort of their cause more. But the disease that you're helping on strike this migraine expenses, expecting about the Children and Terry. So I'm going to just tell you a little bit about um on. There are ways about stressed years can get involved with a swell suit. One of my role is this as being medical director for the virtual doctor said Little Duct is essentially a based on in the UK that's a charity, but we also chatty. It's beyond, more recently in a lonely on. But what we do essentially is we connect on isolated house centers with volunteer doctors who may need of the UK, and we have a handful of doctors Zambia's well on. But we don't give diagnostic advice for treatment advice and come up with marriage with blanks to improve healthcare. So Ron depend on someone, maybe no name. So they get healthcare center. They see a clinical offset who will, in the majority of time do an incredible job. But sometimes they just one second opinion or what's a feeling. And historically, people would have to track attention for a day or two to the nearest hospital. The doctor male may not be there on, and then there's the sort of the loss of income, sensual costs traveling there family review on. If you can empower communities, cut that vice without having those changes, then that could be really valuable. The UK We have one doctor to feeling to 60 people, whereas it's on there. Nice fears are quite vastly different time. I mentioned that it's basically not so well on clinical officers on they are essentially because of their statistics are not going to Many doctors on the lots of countries have a clinical officers. You're spent three years trying. It gets. Was this really broad skill set on any go out into rural areas or earlier? Is 12 Probably girl. There is because a lot of the doctors with the other areas was like populations with the rural areas on. And then I see a huge number of patients on. Usually the first come watch your first come service on, and they will deal with pretty much taking that tablet. Primary care agencies set tricks and you can see. See, what about cleaning stuff is here when I say our clinical officers they were employed by the best your house. But we are resource courtroom on. This is the sort of thing that he will see on his screen. So a little kind of that useful demographic information that you need to know about patient hour the HIV status, vital signs summer where they can tell a bit of a story for relevant medical into the examination. For means, uh, medication. That's interesting, fairly self expression. And then we can write in this box here. I would like some vice diagnosis for treatment or on. Do you think I need to be fair? It's patient because obviously, whilst we're trying to reduce referrals, it's possible to to reduce things by 100% because some things are going to need to get you more of a definitive care. S O R. Aims. That's supposed like a lot of health catch out is that also need to improve patient can and healthcare outcomes on. I mentioned about sort of the referral rates, but we also want to provide on sort of a supportive environment, reduce professional isolation, which we think is really in court. Wholesome, really wanna put ourselves out business. Actually, it's still in. The system is incorporated to the health system is down, be around with them. Us. Giving the advice It should be set up eventually so that clinical offices can talk to on doctors or healthcare professionals within their district's on. Ben. What that's working. We can focus on another tree and on decide to do the same there. So currently we support around 233 Healthcare 37. It's These numbers were a little bit out of date now, um, as I expansion is sort of continued to spite of damage. Um, Andi, uh, you get a lot of different conditions on a Z. I said the clinical offs get dealing with things. Uh huh. Are application has the ability to get the same pictures for you as well? Certainly it's of shingles. Snake by a sad case of a child with some some burns after this is pretty common to to country cooking on a fire, particularly if if someone has their epilepsy units falls onto the fire on. I'm just going to shape to your a short video on that just tells you a bit more about the tragedy. Hopefully, the sap will come to you. That's well, no. Okay. Just get you a bit more than I I about things so much again. Yes. At the maintenance, we have around 204 in tears. So there's numbers actually went up around 240 80 during the last year. So they came in actually, on a lot of people still reevaluated the importance of international health. Really caustic way. So that was that was quite a bit on. Get quite a wide range off different specialties So our end users are underground shoes. They think cases need to get it on. In the majority of the time. It they get it correct. We can reallocate this if needed. And did you see Elsie quite know stuff is quite general necessary comes to our our GP volunteers it quite a lot of infectious diseases, as it's expected on women's health, dermatology tricks, a reasonable spread, Uh, and perhaps the most rewarding thing is some of the fluid back he gets. Like I was saying in here with some of the And it's an objective, say, Correctol officer, to treat patients head clinic and saving, you know, it's the time to transport cost of stress Done. It's easy, easy, fast way to get assistance because actually access in doctors could be can be quite tricky in certain medications on the charity, had some recognition and the family and press on it just over a year ago, on where we also ended up going some courage. In any case, well, it was really positive on this was meant to our thing removed a bit from Tell him it's compare, and they're supplying these handwashing stations to clear it's first you can give a lot of advice for different, very sick and tired genes there. The structure is not a place to support it on. Then I will see that that's not so great. So we we sort of sidestep temporarily into to raising money stress. But we're now we're now supply the tournaments term solution as well as hand Russian stations to every new facility that we never gave you. Me eso, Yeah, most recent report has a really good and really good for your back. So it that's what if you're looking objectively, the number of ambulates call out, since it's going down, which is really good on people recovering quicker and from a sort of a public health approach, as if they can get back to that activity, use that economic. That's much better. Well, so the way that people get involved, I guess this seven. Let's see. The other organization that I was mentioning is virtual medical student elective switch for a bunch of medical students here have been involved with days and ounces research opportunities. Um, and it'll say on a moment you've got a team of medical students from kill here supporting our doctors of last resort teams. That's a safety net to make sure about. Cases are on certain things and see if anyone's interested in that on. That could certainly chopped me, um, out on. But otherwise, if anyone has me any questions, happy to answer them. It's just a little stopped taller. But that's what I feel it to a charity. Been some Americans that people can get involved. Thank you, Doctor. Daniel, That was amazing. And the work you doing with the voucher doctors is amazing to see. And I can't believe the statistics One in 360 for the UK and then one in 1200 Or was it for, um, samba? Um, we'll do a Q and A at the end, if that's okay. So I think it like ties in BUE few with our next speaker. Who is going to do in the international opportunities from Zambia. So we have Doctor Natasha, if you're able to, um, you know least make you go. Yeah. Hi, Doctor. Natasha. Hello. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. How you find? Thank you. If you're able, Teo, share your screen, please, on your presentation. All right. So, unfortunately, due to technical issues. I'll be unable to share my slides. I am, however, willing to turn on my camera and then just briefly speak, if that's okay. Yeah. All right. Can you see me? Yeah. All right. So thank you, Doctor Grace. I think that was a very large presentation. Um, you know, I'm not going to be. Oh, as he was, unfortunately, because I don't have my slides, but I hope whatever I'm going to speak about to be very informative and help. Yeah. So I was, uh, so you speak about international community's in med school? I am Dr Natasha. Children mean generous. Didn't medical officer. I'm currently serving as a pediatrician in Central Province off Zambia. Uh, I also volunteer for an NGO eat late and Joeckel Daisy cares Ambien way. Our primary motive is to spread healthcare awareness and reduce mortality mostly for non communicable diseases. So I studied medicine in both Russia and Zambia. I did the first four years old mine medicine in Russia, and then I'm completed from here, and I'm not active in here. Um, what I would like to speak about basically is maybe to encourage people to study medicine, but It's like studying internationally what the changes are in what are some of the avenues to, um, do so for a Zambian person? Yeah. So we have, um, many ways to study medicine internationally. Exam here. You can get a scholarship, you can be government funded. You can sponsor yourself a little, Danyon, that do go abroad. Study in Russia, Ukraine, China, India. We have some that go to Cuba. Um, the duration of study full medicine abroad is shorter than that exam here, but basically the teaching is the same. When you do come back to same here, you do have to write on examination skin exam. If you were trained abroad and then you can practice medicine like any other doctor having studied abroad, my experience has been that exposure is very important. I was exposed to a different environment. I was exposed to a different well learning. I learned different languages and in different cultures and meet different people and made life long friends in the process. So, um, I would say studying medicine internationally exposes you to different cultures, exposes you to a different will journey exposes you do many opportunities for some people like doctor grace highlighted. You can work in volunteer with many different angels that are practicing in different countries, changing lines of different countries. It is my hope that the engine that available in sharing with will be recognized internationally and which include people from many different countries. Um, yes. So what are some of the ways that you can end up there So in I'll speak personally for myself? I went to Russia. We have Russia and center in some get is Ah, good Russian community in samba. You can go to the Russian sentiment An occupation. They have a lot of information there we have the high education loans and scholarship. Would you can go there and make an application? Well, unfortunately, I don't have links to them. It should be in the slide representation. Yeah. Um, I would say so. Yeah. So I would say there are many international organizations that you gain access to by studying abroad. That many organizations that I love to hear that you worked abroad or you volunteered of roads out encourage people just ready medicine, not encourage people to go for the opportunity to study abroad. I've made many friends. I've learned a lot. I've learned a new language. Um, and I think I have a different perspective of medicine. The medicine practicing Zambia is mostly tropical medicine, which is very different from the Taxol diseases that, um, that a common in that, uh, probably in story in Europe and in Asia and everywhere else that people go. We have some people that study in China, for example, that have exposure to Eastern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine. We have people that go to into here and learn about traditional Indian medicine. Yeah. So basically, they just of it all is I would encourage you to study abroad. I'm not sure what else you'd love me to add. That's that. Thank you so much to Natasha charms, If you're then Uh huh. Okay, So next speaker we have is we'll do questions at the end On the next speaker that we have is Dr Esperance, which she was unable to attend today. So I have I will share a Precor did video. Um, just let me know if the older your share is a swell. So for next big. Can you guys here that we have another speaker of about international pigeons is medical school. We have the lovely doctor spreads to talk to us about a high experience. She's from Namibia on all that her introduced herself on. Get home with a presentation. Thank you so much, Doctor experts. Okay. Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you so much for having me a section on er to be here first. Before I do, move on to the presentation. I must command the work that the entire team is doing organizes from Namibia and literally want around the world and taking the time to put this together. I know when I was in medical school, these are for to Nitties. We would have loved to have opportunities to network people from other countries on to learn so much from other health issues that have gone ahead of us. So thank you so much for putting one of those together. My name is Esperanza Room and now I am a medical officer from them took pneumonia. I'm currently station, but you've seen from hospital on my passion ET at this point in time, public health. It has been for quite a while now. I haven't India with focus and Healthcare management on die and the doctor Manager called International Task Force here in In a Million, All right, so talking about international patootie is in medical school. First he let me start by staying, separating the myself a little bit cliche. All right, so one of my favorite quotes tonight is the life's most assistant. And urgent question is, what are you doing for others? This is Martin Luther King. I say he shaved because a lot of us have probably heard this before, but it really is one of my favorite colds. And the reason for bags is because medical school, being an intern, being a medical doctor, all of that can take its toll on it will be our office. If you decided to go into medicine, you have literally decided than you want to focus on other people on DNC. Old doing and pull exert a lot of pressure on you physically, mentally, spiritually. Every single aspect as an individual on one of the things that I've learned to do for yourself is to focus, particularly in times where by it gets difficult on diffuse as So did I do the right thing? You know, I really in the field that I should be in what helps me the most just to take the attention for myself into focus on kind of people. So when we talk about Internet opportunities for medical students, I'm going to talk about it every since of word. But it's really a lot comes back to selflessness, really. Walls comes down to, well, medical school is really so much. I wouldn't be looking for international opportunities when I'm really struggling to just balance. But I have right now on my place of 647 years on the A mother, really is that people on the outside me sometimes think you're getting more pressure to you stuff by looking opportunities instead of just focusing on medical supply, getting it over and done with it. But when you're in the system, you understand the importance of having a release of having something that you can focus on that allows you to take your focus away from medicine in a way, but still keep the core off you are watching is since he is all right. So I'm divided. The Stational presentation to three community education on do the third one is exchange programs. All right, so let me talk about community. Maybe start first by saying that although this presentation focuses on international opportunities, opportunities for us in a Libya will be considered international For someone basically cable based on United States or whatever the case is on opportunities, that side will be considered a special on this side. Okay, so when I say community, I really need communities on silent for community, so opportunities could be divided No. One if you are somebody that likes to focus on a community improvement. So if you really like NGOs on you, like you're very much interested in how but like need to focus really is on how convenient proved how care for community members to insure be granted him the best healthcare possible, particularly in situations, really find themselves making public state health care systems. So first week we have one in sample being the one step at a time being my own initiative, based here in the media on, in short, a simple form. One step at a time initiative was talking about three years ago on basically allows medical students, interns, medical offices and specialist to get involved in such a way that, you know, when we started this initiative realize that particularly within the state states. Um, there are a lot of sitting hospitals over the world, not only in Africa, but one over the world we're by. State patients are not have ordered quality care because of the fact that they do not particular hospitals. Clinics do not have a quiet medical trust and medical equipment required, so you will have a patient that means something like Desitin, for example, after a C section. But because off the lengthy procurement process or because of the lack of responses or mismanagement of resources within state system, they are not able to afford these social drugs. And they are forced to fatal for things like prostitism all all right, And obviously, if you're in the medical student, you know that physician presents who don't go together. And so the focus of the submissions of religious is to provide through fundraising these medical drives and medical equipment for people patients within state system whereby the state is not able to afford, for whatever reason on do the they patients are being allowed an opportunity to not opportunity, but they are allowed basic human rice on afford any of those drugs on day. Those drugs in medical equipment. All right, so that's just one that's just running some cold. But we only really need to have 15 minutes for this presentation. So I'm gonna try and be some up. All these are going to nineties. Okay, So number two, you have childhood obesity demonstration. This is basically United States of America. You have a million hearts. Additions of also based in the United States of America won't help organization. Now. The Wall home organization really has been. If you will base in you in the world, you understand how large this organization media's. When we talk about healthcare organization, this really is as the names and chase it the body that basically dominates internationally when it comes to health information. Volunteerism on in, she calls also on. So with one health organization, one of the things that must tell you is as a medical student, you might be thinking to yourself I had, like, imagine ever having the opportunity to get access to the World Health Organization as a medical students. Because I'm just a student. I don't have a degree. Will they even consider me your visits? That is you think well on. I also made a mistake of medical students of thinking back. No, it's too large of an organization. Will they actually allow me to Anything? Are the opportunities for me of the office that is Yes, there are plenty of opportunities on the international spectrum. On important to realize is that as a medical student, your task maybe just reaching out. And when I say reaching out, there are emails that are dedicated to violence. Your opportunities, um, your platform in the various countries. So if you are in the millions, for example, there are chemicals just any change in towards the organization of in the media. If you are based in the United States, the same situation applies. And if you want, based on any other African countries, the same applies also if you are based and any other continents. And so it's important to realize that these opportunities are bigger, you are allowed to volunteer. All they need is for you to fill in. A volunteer for on day would be basically connect you with the volunteer program that will be basically to for you in your particular area on, obviously also because you are about a chair you want enable to say. Okay, I I'm quite busy. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Practicals clinical. Scary on. Therefore, I would prefer to hold me work on Thursdays, and side is on. These are the times starts. I'm available on these valentines. She eats really allow you to get into the details off how open your schedule is and how many hours you really want to get in a person that last was that organization. They also allow you to be speak out in terms of what it is you're interested in. All right, So here's the World Health Organization is beating large organization. However, they do have various pillars that you convinced a wellness. And I am really interested in more public house. And I really just want to focus on how I can improve the accessibility. Off half came within a lower social economic communities. You convention used to get involved in those particular pill is on. Then you have memories. Not angry is is an international organization. However, he had a hole just are based in Kenya. All right now important to know with this one that they are the eating NGO or held in she Oh, in Africa on I know you have one of one of two years international one and tears there for interior with, um, risk on they are doing some phenomenal work. Once again, the main focus really just gets and cheating quality hockey for however, they have various pills that you can also get involved in. They also have very flexible contact email, and Greece is contact numbers on all your social media castles that you can get in touch with. Should you be interested in doing work on that scale? Education. Now, when I decided to do an NBA A Masters in a daze, a script prosthesis, Business administration of the Focus and how do you manage things on deny Ended My feces is on the six doctor amount of paper doctor management in ST hospitals, particularly with psychiatry hospital in the media. On the disappointed just there are patients management, all right, so that is just another opportunity in education. Some of you may be thinking I'm just a medical student, So how does this video prime to me now? It's important to realize, like I state that opportunities really involved you sticking out of your comfort zone and saying, Well, I can I can you reach out to on How can I step out of my comfort zone? If I can turn down, It's okay, but he's fine. But these education opportunities have a list of your. Unlike the roster's that I have done are opportunities for undergrad. And I take, um, you take this one up because I know the presentation's international medical students on, obviously in this is 10 it. However, if you are medical doctor told me he or is specialist, then perhaps you could have to contact mutation incident. We can see what opportunities we can find for you, such as the end, a young kid management particle caged in public health except all right. But these ones listed only three options, and the reason for that is because off time first E. But they are so diverse, and the aim is to show him the opportunities are endless. Under driving, you can consider Harvard, and the reason I put Harmon first is because I know that as medical students and as professionals in general, we think of having we think absolutely untainted ble all right. But if it isn't particularly with these programs are such as your undergraduate program stuff he just allow you to focus on. Remember, when you're in an undergraduate program, usually you might want to really be in a place where by you feel that I don't really know what it is I want to focus on. I'm interested in about chemistry. A billion. Actually, it's also love in urology. I love this amount of that and so hard that offers undergraduate certificate programs that are not trian tense, but that also allow you to get a quantification while you're doing medical school, which is absolutely fantastic because usually people just focus on it school because it's starting tips. So number one getting any of these under graduate programs from Harvard liver soon as she got all from the College of Bridges Medicine and some Africa being just a few examples where maybe stick you so far above being in terms off your CV right? And I just wanted to mention when it comes to education, all right, this is very important because Lady has been getting quite a few Kansi's way by the number of medical doctors graduating and quantify on an annual basis. Has skyrocketed. And I know this is not just for a year, because when we went to be research, we found that the number of medical doctors being produced in all African majority of African countries do have medical universities has a greater than 50% interest in the past five years, which means that medicine is very quickly becoming one of those fields were by. You will launch us, compete on automatically get a job you won't need to save your seeding. You want me to apply on. They will. Then the board off. You know, whatever country inability to decide. Okay, you have this number of shots on this person. Seems like a very good candidate, you well rounded. So let's give them the opportunity. And that is much is from senior medical officer position and residents. Physician has all the way from intention. Basic intention position is a number of medical doctors qualifying and graduating VE is just becoming so large. Because of that, I really often do advise it'll students how every you can introduce, you see, be it in terms of education being a little, see your little certificate like these ones that are mentioning now or a diploma that you can do while you are actually study medicine. Please do it on. It will be just a few a quiet and also allow you an opportunity to just increase your knowledge. Special beta computer for the mid off your last e exchange from grams. Now, when it comes to exchange programs, let he stayed us. The opportunities really on absolutely Number gets. All right. So when we talk about exchange programs, one of the main ones that really jump out at me is the International Separation off Medical Students Association Or right now this basically allows us medical student to experience medicine within a different culture and social standing. So if you are based, for example, a card, if you diversity, you tell yourself. Okay, Well, I would love to experience what medicines like Namibia or I would love to experience. That medicine is like in the United States. The engine is international generation of medical students allows you those opportunities in various countries. Of course, they have countries that they continue to work with. All right, But if you do go on to the only, um, Sancho, will they be able to find the country fighting me, the countries that they party, the they partner with and how you can get involved on these programs and generally are for educational about four weeks. I know that his medical students, you're thinking four weeks is a long time. Will I be able to make up that time getting my clinical practice? Whatever the case is important to note is that the reason they have particular countries and universities they partner with is because off the similarities between their programs. So basically a simple form if you are in your clinical years already on. For example, in the movie of that is for about 30 years, whereby start working and hospitals and pretty extending into the reason when of fact, they weren't being partner you up with a similar program or similar university that has some local swelling clinical recommendations whereby your clinical practice at the exchange program will still qualify five. And so you would not be missing out on four weeks off work. You would just be getting experience in obstetrics and gynecology or surgery. Well, pediatrics, liver, the cases in a different cultural social skating on, and they also provide you watching a combination. That's very important. That's a medical student. You're probably thinking I'm not getting these medical doctor. So where I get all this money on, also important to those history for African countries, please remember that African countries are included with unique international situation of Medical Students Association. So you know what? Marking out? Yes, I just tackle one exchange program, Speakers of Time. But the opportunities are limitless. Let me say this or right in conclusion. Okay. Opportunities for medical students, mental doctors, specialness internationally are absolutely in this. I've been saying that since the beginning. This was a brief summary, but it's important for you to realize that there's so many opportunities and people that want to convict international. If you really just take the trying to reach out even by reaching out to me, I have how many emails off opportunities, international opportunities. Your people are stable. We would love to have you speak. We would love to have you just come over. We will provide a house for providing commendation. I just want you to be a part of, you know, whatever organizations or whatever foundation in how university and our medical school we want you to come and be a part of a students association foundation. And these are not just African opportunities that international opportunities on a lot of the times because of time because of all the things that I do, Unfortunately, I cannot, you know, But I one of them, I can't go in and take one of them. So it really is just about seeing of give you natural on things like or, you know, initial terms and organizations opportunities like Eastern ahead. And all these places provide these connections where by you being on the you came the Tribune access to somebody like me who is all the way in the million sound in Africa where by maybe, Yes, he Googled whatever the case is, it wouldn't be something that you necessarily Okay, let me, you know, link up with this person, but opportunities like us, we need to provide his opportunities for us to interact internationally and come up with opportunities that, while suited for us in conclusion, opportunities video on which made on there thousands of opportunities. You just have to be willing to go out and finding thank you very much for him. So that was I took from doctor Aspirin's on uM asked if I could share her email and she's said yes. So I will put that on the chart soon. We just had some questions pop in Ford up to Natasha. Doctor Daniel, if that's okay. Yeah, sure, his self or Doctor Grace. What might be the requirements for a medical student to get involved in this small interim opportunities? More of a Where should they stop? Yes. So is this so just in general for the virtual doctors or they just they gentlest general? Yeah. No, I think I mean our echo and not what our last Talk said. I think it's it's about having the big mindedness and the, uh, there's the confidence to preach organizations, whether they're student organizations or otherwise. I'm not just not just a medical student. I don't have any skills because you do on do. It's a suspicion. Is that list that I put in my presentation. So looking at some of their global health societies and things like that to be really valuable and just networking and saying yes to lots of opportunities to see where that takes he, uh, because you never know some of the minor work out for you if you say nearly definitely work. Andi, do you have any tips for a fast year medical student? Yeah, so I think again, it's, uh it's about just finding some sort of like minded people think this is a great wedding, I think so. Joining things such a sleeve or socks er for topical medicine and house on finding more weaponize like this and then his interactions. This is really useful, but also remember the thing. That's what got me more interested in this coming in. Was that gins back in size? London. I got involved with the stop aids on That was about getting involved with fund raising, raising awareness things, but not on this. Most most places have the research firms just getting involved with those sorts. Being was dries. You get awareness, and then a Z, you made the medical school. You can take up positions within, you know, the structure on, and then it gives you more experience. And then I think you just have to do it in the basement. It's a great three. Thank you. And then for Dr Natasha, we have a question for you. It's about um, have Zambian medical students been experiencing international experience. Is if so how? All right, um, answer to that would be yes. Like doctor aspirants, I think mentioned we have exchange programs. So my university, but I went to issues. A diversity of samba has an exchange program with cardio feeling recipe. And so they basically ask you to apply at some point junior clinical years and then the best performing student or the one who writes a very lovely motivation. A letter can get picked and then you can go so different. Universities do over exchange programs and you get to go to the UK, get to go to Japan. Different countries. Yeah, I'm thinking on then Doctor Grace. Final One Does the team in virtual Doctor's plan to expand their work to other countries? I know you stay. It's Zambia on Malawi stated recently. Yes, it is low is a serum extra tests. We just We've been running a pilot scheming, allowing on going to expand way Haven't really novelists. Actually eso the five year plan is to get you in today. So that's working Kenya. Uh, we've been approached. It's only different countries organizations that the difficulty is normally on. Well, it's most often is. He gets in the a legal instructions down there. We've been involved since the giving, say, 10 years. Every sweetheart agreements with the Ministry of House. That's what about a government metal. And it's often a lot that sometimes, you know, paperwork. Take that to make a change. Uh, it's slow, but then it's It's also working at the logistics of how you how you because it's UK Doctors aren't in cases a lot. There's a lot of sort of data transfer between countries. There's also there's a whole bunch of things. The clinical stuff is that fairly straightforward. They're finding the volunteers to answer cases against Spanish. That's what it's all that sort of back in and stuff on. Don't know anything about that. Takes the time, but we've got We've got a long list of countries predominant, vexing on sometimes. Forget it. That's the chat you set up. A restaurant is used to be a safari. Died out, too, is obviously we're so avoidable. Morbidity and mortality. So that's that's sort of what we did in time. They have a question from Anthony about How do you tackle challenges of network consigning the virtual doctor program fashion Say yes, you restart it if you get back on. Probably before so far, and mental thing coverage became widespread. It went through various different ideas to be a huge satellite. Which one side of the building on then, like the local Children, thought it was a great swing. That swing problem it on. Then it went out of sync with the satellite. Sit there. Then, basically, as technology year, three years has become a lot cheaper and more widespread, and smartphone course has come down. So I under I started to get a lot less, not essentially has made it relatively okay. There's also some areas where there's not going to be such a good signal, but said where at it and developed means that if there is a sort of down time in the network on it will hold that case in there. I feed the dente once you get more coverage again and it gets to that right, I said. It's it's not ideal, but it's been developed for low resource setting to China to count some of its challenges on that because we know that you know, name, date there. Um, mellow thing is gonna be 100 100. Several liable. We don't use it with tell and Jesus that it's not for emergencies. I'm just because it's it can't be relying on. You can discuss the emergency center after the event, but don't just send the case of waiting for that, actually. Oh, perfect. The thing. That's the end of the questions. Thank you so much, Doctor Daniel. Doctor in a Tasha. Um, next, we have also your medicine workshop, Which supposed to be something to minutes. But I will give you, um, we'll have a five minute break, if that's okay with everyone. Eso We'll see you in five minutes. Thank you, everyone. Hi, guys. Um, thank you guys were sticking around. Next up, we have, um ah, workshop on social medicine. We have speakers for my own Phoenix medic committee, which is great to see, and you'll be great to hear from them as well. So if we can get started. So the social media platforms that will be talking about will be instagram linked in and Twitter on the speakers will share their own experience. Experience is off. How they've used these platforms. Teo sort of increased that, um healthcare Professional? Yeah. Uh, presence. So, um, first of all, we have, um, Amanda and charms given us a presentation. About what? A Lincoln Workshop about Lichten. So if a Monday is also he helped that we go through a courtesy. There we go. Perfect. And then I will hand it over to them. Amazing. Amazing. Hello, everyone. Super glad to see everyone here in the conference has been going amazing for the whole day. And now now charms in. And I will speak a little bit about how you can use social media to your favor using linked did. So let's go to the next Lied. So I think is good so that we can start with some introductions direct charms on. We want this to be very interactive. So we want you guys really interact on the shot as well. So so that we can start off how many of you actually used lengthen. And if you don't use, also say on the child I don't like, I don't use it yet yet, But mining's Amanda I am a medical shooting your card. If you never city on aspirin, a mentioned were all parts of Phoenix. Medicaid. So one of the chairs been expended. Charms is also medical. You know, we're in the same university on we're, ah, your partners. Let's say let's put it like that. So we've been together since since the storage, and we've been having a great journey so far. We're both very active on social media, I would say so. Hopefully you will give you some amazing tips. Um, charms. Can you look at the chat? Do you Do you have looking at a trap and nothing's coming in? Yeah. Come on, people. You can like you let us know if you use it or if you don't use it. You know, we want to hear from you so that we can tailor or Tolkien, you know, see how much experience you have been thinking. Ah, but you know, as of the stars, Lincoln is the, ah, large business and professional with network. This is what the Lincoln is, the sort of platform where people say, Oh, I want really put myself out there for jobs. I want to put myself other for opportunity. They think about Lincoln, and I think it is the perfect business, um, network that more opportunity and platform. It is a little bit different from all other social media because it's no, there's no content for fun. So instead of Instagram and Twitter, where you can actually just do, do not do anything. This sort of social media is towards the your business profile, and you keep more of a professional, um, performance, uh, professional Take, I would say, a professional, um, background shoe to whatever you do, and you really portray what experiences you have, what background is relevant to the school year that you trying to get into you. It can be a brilliant tool for networking because you can't give you a which me other people in your area off interest or sometimes know even. But it ends up opening some doors for other proteins. Stay. You can have related to your career or not. It may be paid opportunities and maybe volunteer opportunities, but they all add to who you are as a person, and they also add to your curricular to your CV onto your medical portfolio. For example, since we're old medical professionals here, it is your e portfolio, so in there you can put all of the information. Uh, you were going to be speaking a little bit more in detail about this later on. But you can put all of your information about your experiences. Your pupils volunteer, your previous jobs, your awards. Your, um you're sort of experiences a Zometa culture affection. And you can also post on the spot for me like older social media platforms showcasing things that you want to share with your connections on. It also opportunities that you want other people get involved with. Okay, so she will talk to you guys a bit about structuring a lived in account. Um, we did get some replies. Find a way that there are some people who do you use it. That's amazing. Um, hopefully nothing gets a few more tips from this workshop that a member and running, um, and hopefully will be helpful. So just gonna go through the structuring off, making a little account. Iss those out there who's have been, really, you know, gotten rounding making it active, or have increased an account yet? So first, when you it's quite self explain. Um, when you feel in the sections that they give you your lengthen, so for us you want to try and put a professional profile image because you, when When you let's say, apply for jobs in the future or less you're gonna present in a global conference where you would be a speaker in it. Some people are some organizations they will actually look you up on lengthen, and they can take you in their poster. Or they would just take you in a post somewhere, and that would then bring a bigger audience to your profile. Do you want to make sure you have a professional image that Tracy, you are appropriate me to the audience that you targeting on just that, make sure that little folder is clear and conceive face with a appropriate background as well. And then, as for the hit line, so be concise with hit like the headline, basically no stone, what your current positions are, what your responsibilities are within the medical profession or even answer them a compression. It could be anything or a specific role that you've picked up, um, over time so you could be the person of society. You could be a committee member, something or if you found a so no, that's opportunities everywhere. And then the next thing that you want a pill in is about your experience. So in your experience, you want to try and put in the relevant current and past rows that you've experienced. So in the past, he could have been the vice president off a society and then currently use now become the president. So by doing that, it shows your progression that you've, um, taking more changes, develop your skills and for the home what? You really have to, um, use it in other opportunities that you come by. And it also it's also a good way that people, when they come and see a profile, they actually could not believe you because they seem they read through your experience is to see what do you thunderstorm? And that's where more opportunities as she come. Because people people will be impressed by what you do in the past and what you do. Corneas. Well, and they think, Oh, this is actually a pretty good candidate. I could reach up to, like, 100 women tax and doesn't people. I should do that. But you know, if you're someone who doesn't have much experience, that's fire you don't have to make an entire list again. As a matter it's your equal folio. It's meant for you to keep track off what you do, Um, and for you to also seek out new opportunities that could then add on to your current rules. And the next thing that you fill it would be medication. So you wanna busy put in the, um, you see, like you're the grease that you've done and, like what examines you said what achy friends you've got in your actually study and you want to start from college onwards. So you want to put in your you can put in your GI CSC's, but in your levels on that you've done that. We need greedy monster special. Put all those in and I guess the most important thing with the medication but is not so much of the results, but more off affecting what you've actually learned wrongdoing that certain degree or except certain subject because they want to see that. Let's say you're someone who loves, um, biology, Okay, and you got an a star in biology, which is perfect. That's really good. Congratulations. But everyone out there who does medicine would have probably a really strong signs. What is it that makes it, you know, stand out for you? You wanna maybe put a comment about how you for developed it, and then you can put it into the experience. Everything kind of connects and things together. Um, Amanda, do you want to maybe continue on the other side? Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So based it from your education, as charms said it is, it is important to focus on what makes you stand out, you know, and some of the certificates that you get So you're gonna get certificates throughout your whole medical career. But you really want those that nature you, your interest and what you want to achieve really displayed on your profile. So if you are really interested in teaching, I would say, for example, you would put certificates that that show that you, um you conducted a teaching. They're like so many teaching sessions over a period of time. You are going to display the certificates that show your your interest in some workshops developed, designed for help you to help you in the teaching, in the medical education side of things, you know? So you're not gonna put any certificates. So I attended this, um, this course on this conference that are not linked to actually what you want to display in your profile because that when people go into your profile, you're going to see all of this information you don't want miss communication. We don't want any sort of friction between you and what you want to achieve. And if you have, if you put everything in there, there is going to be sort of, ah, something that blocks off everything. That is important because the people that they cannot focus on what is really relevant. So if I'm interested in this playing how engaged I am in medical education, But I cook, um, let's say I'm I really want I really want to display in, ah, magic word because when you go into like, you want to display multiple skills. But let's say I'm only focus on medical education and teaching. I don't want you to put certificates that I went to just, um I don't know. Ah, certificates about business sense. If it's about all their science courses, I want to put the display certificates that show my interest in medical education. So I attended Ah conference designed for tier for medical professionals on teaching. I have been involved in a sort of a certificate that have been involved in a medical education project. Let's say, for example, on some some sort of feedback that older students have given you about your teaching, and with that it links to the volunteering as well all interiors of great ways for you to show what you're interested in about what you're doing outside of your external off your external aspect of the curriculum, your extracurriculars on you're not being paid for it. So it is really by goodwill. You can do volunteering projects and in from until actual perspective. Since this is an international, um, conference, I can say some some examples I've all interior. When I was living back in Mozambique, a volunteered in Namibia. I volunteered even in Mozambique with some charities with, um, even with medicine. Pretty much I wasn't a medical shooting back back at the time, but I volunteered in hospitals helping out. So that shows a little bit of my interest in medicine, for example, and skills endorsement is quite nice because as you get involved with Well, the whole purpose of this conference is well, it's free Internet work. As you get involved with other other medical professionals, you get involved in coming in conferences. In societies you get to know people, and in your skills in the the unlike thin is the same as everything else. You want to display the ones that are relevant for which one to achieve. So you, if you want to put, for example, some some of the skills are leadership. Some of the one skills is also teaching. It can be organization communication, you know. And you can get your peers and your colleagues from other societies for example, committee that you're involved with, Um, or if you organize the conference, for example, you want to get people that are the precipitate with you on this to endorse you for your skills. So yes, I can check that Charms has been has been amazing job at with this. Still, you know she's a great leader. She has great communication, So I'm endorsing her for for Dutch. On with that, there's also recommendation is that accomplishments in their recommendations are really no, it's dependent on you is well, other people talk about too, so you can't really control that. So make sure that other people are speaking about you. That's that's why I'm not working so important, because you can say, Oh, I've delivered this amazing work show put charms, you know? So I'm going to be staying down on my profile is a recommendation or because the right people to her profile as well. So this is sort of like a just in overview. There's a lot more off detailed you into this. But since we're just giving a little sort of taste probably been, it's like, um, I think, yeah, terms. You want to add anything else? Who? Not really. I think you've actually covered everything. Maybe, yeah, So how to use, like the in Strategically. Why do you want to use Lincoln? Why should I actually go into? Because is your is your start off your door to a new world? Let's say with lengthen, it's it is your portfolios we said before. But you can't just open in a column, Lincoln, and not use that you need to go entry. You need to make use off. What's out. There is a great you know you can have all of the best tools in the world. But if you don't use them, you know, gonna sort of build the house, if you know what I mean. So you can have all of the tiles in your room. But if you don't actually put them together, is no good, actually make a place for you to live in. Well, weird analogy, but you get what I mean. So how how how can you actually use it? There's so, so many great ways of using and it's I feel like it changes depending on the stage of medical training that you're in a swell. So if you're especially when you're starting out, only then if your first year medical student, for example you want to look for a purchase only then you know you want to go into, um, other profiles that for overseas that you see and you know, people that you have been having following and and you've seen that they post a lot of opportunities, not in their profile. You want you sort of interact more with that final a little bit more of opportunities. Maybe in second year you joined the society you joined. Ah you are the vice president of a society or or you join as the social media lead of a society. So you want to share down your Lincoln, you make your post and you put a relevant hashtag relevant half times a super important Because this is going to show the hashtag depending on the hashtag that you pour is going to shoot your other people is gonna be It's gonna pier as relevant on other people's feet. So you can put hashtag is such a hashtag medical education hashtag medical students hashtag um I don't know, um, careers in medicine, for example. It's really gonna depending be dependent on what you were what you're speaking about. But do not put put loads of hashtags that also doesn't and it needs to be sleepy. You know, it needs to be like one point. Ah, you need to also tug the right accounts in the description off the off your post, for example, on people because people will actually see the post that you're making, and they can like on reply. And this is going to show to their connections on feeds of their connection. So that's how the words get spread around. You also can reflect on your experience and how you learn for May. So you can say I actually designed ah, teaching session with these many students. It was very nerve racking for me because it was the first one that I've ever done. But I learned how communication is important. How how to actually design engaging power point slides on. I am really looking forward to starting this new project on teaching as an example. So it's just about talking, structuring your posts well so that it is engaging. And then people can celebrate with you while you're accomplished, because lengthen it is for that's for you to network with other people who are also celebrating where you have conquered terms, you and I go ahead and introduce the other ones. Yeah, So, um, actually, there was a question on the metal chat that was asking if there's a work home within your lengthen profile and actually kind of linked to this, so there isn't a were kind of description, but when you like to use, lengthen strategically when you're writing your description to lengthen, you want, basically try and reflect and right, but what you learn from it and just put, like, a short summary, really like whole estate because people are actually will read through it. Um, and you want to try and use lengthen as basically a networking platform, uh, where you can reach out to people you can actually look up people who are in your hero interest, and you can just drop in a taxi. Hi, I'm interested in Byetta, and I was wondering if I could potentially do something with you or join a collaboration with you. Um and then you can even use the link thing to just promote on a Ventolin conference that you're involved in. Um and, um And then I will actually go through example about how we started that on our own lengthen profiles and you want to try and also attach at primary like evidence in the post that you've done it because it just proves it. That's proof that basically that you have done it and people are also it's a marketing strategy where people are more attracted like a picture there or or face that wrist agree. Um, yeah, I think we can wonder the next lie if they also add Namenda. Okay, using in practice. Now, let's show them, eh? So this is just a snapshot from one of the post that I made. And it was one of the most views on, like, some comments. I should go, um, so you can see her, like my hand short, and that's, like, hit line there. Um, And what I did in this post was that I put the relevant hashtags. I put a poster up and I wrote infection about You know what I did, uh, what I'm feeling about it and how what I'm looking forward to in the future, Um, and then you kind of promote the organization that you're involved in so that, um you are also supporting the operation that you're working with. So just just like the commitment and sure was that you're doing this off interest ridden, you know, just because you have to do it. Um So for me, this is an organization called into my school where I home get, um, on the Parisian good pre medical students to get into university in the UK and a lot of this work. You know, I don't expect anything from it, so you you can write that like literally what I just said. I wrote that in my description, but and it's generally it's not scripted or anything. Um, and I got and you just get a lot of people. It's reading your story on dust. Like what I meant. That's a girl, you know. It's is a platform where to build your portfolio. But at the same time where you can share stories professionally and appropriately, of course. And yeah, this is how I used to in practice. And now Amanda will show you how she means hurts. Yeah. Um, and in just to highlight, I think arms used exactly what, like so many tools that we were saying, like if you could go back to the DePriest line just that people can see she introduced how, like her, you know, opportunity her like for accomplishment. She tugs the society. You know, the organization that she's involved with. So it shows the point that we make about creating a profile of your organization or your society that you can tie. They can also always link things, too, and then people can also follow that page and see what have you been up to? It's really so really important to create a profile of your organization. He's talking about her accomplishment, how what skills? It has talked to her. And, ah, what shakes which enjoyed about it. And then she also puts their another link to another opportunity. So people that are looking at those boats, they can go ahead and follow up from that by sort of signing up to the mentoring scheme, you know? And then she's putting all the relevant hashtags at the bottom as well. So this is a great example of how how you can use it. Okay, so I'm just going to go really quickly because I know we're short on time. I wish we were We could be able to speak to you so much, Wellington. But pretty just drop us. A message is well, we can guide you a lot more in the little more detail about how choose think did in practice. But this was, um, other Botha's well, that it's asked arms mentioned is really gentlemen like, you know, actually wanting thousands of people do is your post celebrate with you Just proceed there because you wanna sort of this is something that I've done and I really learned from it. This was just something from this the mentalist name that we having heart of university. So last year was I was a student mentor and then I want as the the student mentor of the year and I just celebrated or not. So I I I said that because we we always start to serve as, ah the the community as a medical student. But since we're know doctors yet we need to do in other ways, right? And this mention scheme I started during the pandemic. I really wanted to help students because I and I knew that they were gonna have challenging times with Covina and starts in university. So this is something that I talked about made a little reflection on my on my my post. I tagged the with the hashtag student mentor So instead of I didn't use loads of hashtags like like charms, you know, So there's not a certain way of doing it is just about being genuine being out there, those celebrating in and, you know, networking with people. Pretty much. So this is, um this is us, uh, showing a little bit about lengthen. Okay. On if you have any questions, please. Please, please just drop us a message. We're more than happy to help. I hope that this was used for two. Just give you Ah, little bit off this sort of Well, you know, it's sort of Oh, I want to create a lengthened profile in our I want you to prove mailing. They provide there so much many. There's so many ways to improve your ling them for vials. Well, maybe you're not using it to the full potential, you know? So just drop us a message. Yeah. Thank you, Amanda. In charms. That was amazing. I definitely took a lot from there because I have linked him by Don't I'm not very active on it, so we'll definitely take the strips. So I just put in a cure card where you can, which again is gone on, go to Amanda on John's, linked in pages and connect with them on that. I've also put their emails. They're just So if you have any questions or for them, I'm not sure if there's any questions on Metal Page because I I can't see it, but no. From here. Perfect. Thank you so much. chance and Amanda, did they think and to see the the accomplishments you guys have really inspiring. So next talk we have is let me just go is from, ah, social media. Um, leads TJ and Stree. So, um yep, they're here. I'm just going to warn you for this presentation is all means expect them from teaching. So over to you guys. Um okay, cool. So hi, everyone. I'm Shree and uh, uh TJ. And are you just gonna be doing a talk on instagram and how he can use instagram to sort of increase your engagement. So I'm a second year medical student at Cardiff University. I am the social social media lead for Phoenix Med it So I'm part of the committee. I'm also on Oscar, See, Social Media representative. So cost is, is just another organization taylor to do a ski teaching, So yeah, and then we have made I am 1/4 year medical student again. A card, if you first e, which seems to be a trend with unpassable speakers. I was involved in setting up the heart of healthcare international perspective, social media, and ensuring proper engagement on that as well. It's growing it to the level that currently is a zoo. Well, as being the social media lead of Phoenix, Yes. So today we're just basically gonna go through these things so growing an audience and how you can do that using your stories to the maximum benefit. Um, the pros and cons of having a business account. This is a personal account, um, various ways and making your instagram page aesthetic. And also using a link tree. Great. So the first thing we'll talk about is how to grow on audience. So what we did when we started our Phoenix medic page is we started following other sort of med school societies med it pages, anything that would have a similar to target audience to us so that, um when we start following them, they may start disseminating the information that we do, and so more more medical schools and more medical students will find our content and then start engaging with our content. Um, we also talked about the instagram algorithm. I think teaching. We'll talk more about that in the business versus personal account type of thing. Um, there's also something about posting regularly. So when you're trying to grow on audience. You want to post regularly, but you don't want to post too much. You also want to make sure that what you're posting is actually useful information and something that your audience would benefit from and that there's actual used to it. So you don't want to basically spam your audiences feed with various things. You want to make sure that, um, that you post enough just so that there is some sort of engagement. So, for example, for this conference, I'm sure most of you guys would have seen the stories that T. J and I have been posting. Um, we've been posting quite a few for that, like countdowns and question and answer things, trying to make it interactive so that people know that, um, our conferences coming up just to increase our audience, our target audience for the conference, um, finally interacting with your audience of doing things like replying to comments, answering messages, quickly posting regular polls, countdown timers. I'm just creating more stories and stuff like that. So, um, what we've been doing during the conference is whenever people post a picture of them attending the conference, we'd be post that on our story so that people can see that other people are engaging with the conference and hope that other people also commented tender, confident. So, yeah, that's just a brief summary of how to go on audience. I'll pass it over to TJ now. So the big question everyone has when they finally south an instagram account, whether it be personal or four society use is with pro with a business count or a personal account. There are many different things to instead of what to do with this. So with a business account, you actually have an overview of your growth as a pain. So you'll be up to gain insights on how many followers you're getting each month, whether you're up on followers down on like things like that, which can really help you target different things. So if you're like sit down, you want to look at producing better posts, Um, and more I catching one through. If your followers or down, you need to work on doing more collapse, so you can target that it's the same with the person that count. However, you don't have that option to document your growth. You actually have to go through and visit clear work out how many people are following you each month and how many people are liking you. However, what you know people will have noticed. If you've engaged with any of our instagram stories, is the business accounts. You can actually play company write music, but with the personal account you actually can. So for this conference we have swapped the Phoenix Medici page to a person, the counselor, that we can, um, really give you this mainstream songs where it's the coffee right. Songs tend to be older sometimes, like Happy Birthday and things like that, which on copyrighted with businesses, well, you have the option to boost your posts hours personal. You don't truth be told, I've never actually seen a society trying actively boost their post. They normally just go through passive engagement, which normally works quite well. Um, business account will actually make your society or even your own personal page look more official because you can put in your email address a phone number if necessary. Location. Where is you can't do that with the past. Um, on one issue that we found through running various social media accounts is that the Instagram itself doesn't actually allow you to put links in the captions of photos. So what this means is you actually often have Teo take full advantage of that one link that you get, which we'll touch on a bit later. But with business, you can put you can only put in two links personal, you know, in one, um, which is why with a personal account, we have been forced to use a link tree for very the various societies that we're in. Sri. Well, now, take a that cool. Yes. So, um, like I mentioned before, we used ah lot of stories to sort of increase our engagement on conferences and stuff like that. And when you're using your stories, you want to make sure it's not just like a picture or just text saying, Oh, yeah, we have a conference coming up. You wanna make the best use of all the like facilities that instagram gives you So one of them is using popular or trending songs. So, like I mentioned, we are a personal account just so that we can make ah use of like, mainstream song sounds that are trending right now, so that It sort of makes the story more like, I don't know, just, like, makes it more flashy and makes it more interactive. Um, useful, actually. Pictures or Jif. So you may have seen that on our stories as well. We put things like live or like calendar stickers and just anything to just make it more lively, more colorful, more vibrant. We also use the countdown features. So, um, we have a countdown set for the Phoenix Medic conference, and then we posted on each story to just give a reminder to people Oh, it's these many days, it's these many hours, um, And then we use poles a swell so pulls to get, um, people's opinions on things. So I think they released a pole today asking people whether they're attending the conference or not, and they didn't get He didn't really give them another option to say no. But you can just sort of use the polls to make it, however, like you can ask them questions. Oh, how have you been finding this? What? Would you like to be seen in the conference? Yes. No. Just for yes or no questions. Um, and if you want to make it more open ended. You can use the question feature the Q and A feature. So, um, you can ask people to ask questions about anything or answer questions, and then you can collect and calleda all of those questions and sort of use that later in the conference. Repost your feet post. Yes. So this is sort of a passive way of boosting, um, your post just by as soon as you posted on your feet. You a report on your story so that people can see that you've posted something. Then they can click on the post on your story. And if you immediately take them to the post and they can like it, comment on it, just basically in track with it. Um, do instagram takeovers? Yes. So this was a big one for us. So, um, things like collaborations, um, and takeovers. They really sort of expand your audience because they really boost your audiences. Well, So we did a tape over with Doctor Julie to anything. Um, and that really boosted our audience. We found that that was very beneficial because, um, people from her page started finding out about our page and started following are page because they like the content that we were posting. So we highly recommend doing things like collaborations and takeovers on finally making highlights. Two groups similar things. So, um, as you can see in the screen shot, we have a separate highlight for conference for vaccines for basically grouping an old opposed that we don't did on one topic into one highlight. So if people just want to go through the vaccine thing, for instance, they can just click on the vaccine, highlight and see whatever we've posted about regarding backs vaccine. So yeah, that's pretty much it positive to PT. So feed management is probably one of the most important things you'll actually have to worry about whenever you do, in terms for a society or even your own personal account. So a lot of the time when you and you can tell this is very society basis slide. For when you introduce a committee, you always want to have them might have the same theme or same colors so that your feet looks nice. Um, if you think that I like in person when you go to a job interview and your well dressed people often form a good opinion of you with Instagram. It's the exact same thing. If somebody who would like to either join your society or joining one of the lectures looks at your feet and it's it's all over the place, different colors of clashing things like that. They're not going to be more inclined to join if it's as you can see for our conference in the sports cream shop, we used a low same colors or the same theme, and that just makes them go up. They've they've spent time organizing it, so they're more likely to be able to organize a conference better. Of course, this is all subconscious, but it is just organizing it perfectly on. Do you want to take advantage of the panels you can actually see in a couple of them? We use many different panels. Sue Instagram. If you're know where you get 10 panels, each one can contain a different image. Sometimes you can put the same image in twice just for fun, but that enables you to include is much information as you possibly want without overwhelming your feet. So where is with Twitter? Um, you have a word cap on a photo cap originally. Week. Instagram. You don't really have that. You can just keep swiping without disrupting your feet too much. Um, one of the most important things that sure it's already mentioned. It's don't over post. So when you're posting every hour, people will actually tend to meet your account or on follow it. Because a lot of us following many different societies and companies, and we don't really want that overarching. Oh, this poet person is posted to the 12th time today that will actually force people away from your your page. So it's finding that perfect balance for this conference we posted three times daily for the past three days at nine o'clock, either 12 or one o'clock in five o'clock on. This is quite important. Think about timing's. So I like to think of what I'm doing at certain times with your more of a schedule person on Do you live? You do things that set times you want to think what other people will be doing at that time, So if you posted eight, you'll get people waiting for the bus and things like that before they get to work. 12 and one, you'll catch people on their lunch break scrolling through instagram parts of time and five your catch people when they get home and sit down and having your coffee things like that. You want to think of what your audience will be doing at that time in order to target the correct people on ghost consistently as well. When you don't post consistently, people will think you're in active and again we're just in fully unfollow you or they'll completely forget who you are. You want to find that her effect. Almost all the locks zone between under over posting under posting as well. It's placed in consistently. So we as a society trying to, um, post at least once a week just to keep our engagement up on. Now we have it back every street. Yep, but I think it's our final one. Just link three. I think we briefly mentioned it, Um, when we're talking about the business versus personal accounts. But linked tree, I think, is an amazing, amazing applications. Basically, what you can do is you can add all the links you want to. So, like the screen shot shows we have newsletters. The conference registration form. We have our other social media links all linked into this one accessible link on. So, like we mentioned, since you can only have one link in your bio for Instagram, we just have this link tree. And so when people click on the link tree, they can go and check all the other links that we have so more often than not, what we do is when we pull something on our instagram. Since you can't put a link in the caption for your post, we just say Lincoln bio. Then they can go go to the link tree, then find all the other links that they need to find. Um, you can also track your take counsel. Basically, what that means is how many people have actually clicked on your link tree, and so that's a That's another way of monitoring. You know how your page is doing, how people are interacting with their page. So we know that personal accounts don't really have the same the same facility as the business ones do where they can sort of monitor their growth. So this is another nice way of sort of monitoring how many people are interacting with your page. Ah, like I mentioned before, you can add all the locations, all of them in one Easiest are all the socials in one easy location. So we have our our Twitter instagram Facebook linked in everything our Facebook community, community page, everything all in just this one link. So rather than telling people Oh, yeah, the surface. But this is our instagram. We can just click on this link. It'll take them to the page and they can just follow them and interact with the pages. So yeah, I definitely make use of Link tree Thanks very much for listening. Of course, we have actually just spoken about business counts today and accounts for society's But our personal accounts are actually quite good as well. If you are wondering how to use your page for personal use is well, I would highly recommend taking look at mine and trees. I tend to post things that I have done for society's so that one song looked at it and it is considering me to speak a webinar. They automatically know that I have done previous work. My most recent post highly exhibited this and you're more than welcome to take a look at it at it. But also be be aware that there is the option. Teo, hide your account, so make it request only versus a public account, which is away. Something that you do want to weigh up in. Medicine s in. My instagram name isn't actually my proper name, so that it makes it slightly harder for patients to find them. So that is one way of getting around, actually being able Teo, have your own instagram, which is available to the public but is only really people that know you, which is something that is in the healthcare community, very important. Where is most people will, but they require their accounts is request. Only other people will do it like like I have or just completely changed their name. So it's only people that know them can get access. Thank you very much. Um, we any questions at all? Um, so at the moment, there are no questions in the chat. However, if we've got one will talk, and then we can do questions at the end. If people do have questions. So uh huh, Carina you their issues. So just gonna move on to our last talk. 40 are workshop today. It will be represented by Daisy. Um, and you'll be talking about Twitter. The Z is also a part off our feelings. Man at committee. Woody, I've got the the sore throat. It's so bear with me. But you only talk about better, So I just wanted the X lied so twitters a really good place to have solved more informal that linked in place to network. I got my Twitter in first lock down, and I gained quite a few opportunities for using it. So just being part of the metal conference committee, So I'm really recommend making one of you haven't already. Um so most important thing when you have a twitter is sort making a good first impression. So you get a photo for, like, your profile photo, get a cover photo, and then you also get just a really short by a car member. What character limit is on it? Um, but so I chosen kind of fun photo and then a landscape for my head. Er I'm just somewhere I like going. I've seen people have some group photo is there? So you got so freedom there with what you want to do. Um, next slide. Oh, wait, No, sorry. Get back. Uh, eso in my bio I've got because I'm currently integrating. So I've got the subject I'm into creating in on. Then I've also got that. I'm a medical student, and I talked my medical school. I also work. Is Haiti A So I've included that in there on then. Quite often, people were half if they have any committee positions. Um, so I missed Junes. Okay, well, how I'm probably National Working group, and I'm also the president of my left branch. Look all that in there. Um, And then for fun, I paid a drug B and I like baking. So I think it's really nice to have the important part about your subject and where your university is that when people find you don't like Oh, we go to same university or their local to me that including you could also include maybe what your interests are in terms of, like, magical path. So while from people have all I'm interested in emergency medicine. Why? I'm interested in global health. And that means when people will go to look at your profile. They're very quickly. Tell if you're going to be tweeting things that are of interest to them or if you have similar interests and pretend you're gonna see, um, opportunities for one another. And then I just included something. It's a little personal about me. And so my interest outside of medicine in the fact that I hate to try to be on beta see and next line. So on 20 you get the option to penetrate. So these are self is plugged. My twitter is that. But there's also Amanda's and then two of the girls that use medical like Metroid. Quite a lot. And so I just wanted just look demonstrate how different your takes or having a pin treat could be. So for me, um, that's partner tubes were global help roll on. That's something I really passionate about, advertising that so that when anyone looks on my profile US first thing, they're they could see a Daisy really cares about climate change. And she's very actively involved in climate change on health on diets. So providing some advertising for our survey there. Where's Amanda has gone for sort of like a little bullet pointed, maybe didn't feel that, herb. I was able to encapsulate all of the information about herself. Um, so she's going to just some little bullet points there to sum up herself. And then when people see they cook on her page, maybe be like, Oh, we have some things in common. So looked Follow her. Um, Marina has got, um, very impressively has published something in the BMJ so rightfully so has pin that as her tweet. ASUs is one of her, like, really proud of achievements, and it's also something very passionate about. So then it starts showing people what her interests are on that and then Cathy has got something that's quite funny on that obviously went quite viable. She's got 8000 lights on it, so they're so different. Takes all having pinned posts uh, next slide. So I would recommend when you first up your Twitter account if you don't already is to follow. So your own institution. So I'm extra Hence why? This is all Exeter based, but you'll probably find this quite a lot. So you can follow just a gyn generic university. One. You follow your medical school, you'll be able to follow any of the hospitals you work in. Quoth and some of the hostile departments have their own. And Twitter Page is a swell on doll. So research focused ones on there may be even more specifically different schools of research have their own Twitter. Those really good to follow these as this is where any local opportunities that may come up. So I know that the hospital one there's a couple of different hospital ones near me and the department ones, and they were all fine. If they're doing an order or doing some research, they put that up there and then you've got the chance of saying, Oh, I love to help you. The data collection, um, the medical school quite often will be sharing if medical students are achieving things. So when people are getting published or representing quite often, do a little bit of a publicist E. For that, Um, and then obviously far as following, the research is really important to keep up to date with what research is happening at your unique, and you may find that there are certain areas that research something that you have a really interesting on. Then you'll be able to find out who those researchers are because they're usually be taxed their accounts on. Then you can always send them a d. M. And so let's say I'm I'm a mental confusion or I'm help ask. You did on. I'm really interested in this. Is that any chance I could be involved in any way people in more than happy to saw, um, to share with you and try and get you involved if they have next long. And so then the next thing is to follow your interests. So this is just quite around And so actually things to show out for you congested. So, um, following the Lancet following the injury students. So I have quite an interesting time implant. She helps. That's why I've got the London school pipe gene and tropical medicine there. Um, but then there's a lot of different journal groups. You can follow those different societies. You can follow your local societies that your university may have Twitter accounts and this just really great way toe have a very curated timeline off things you are interested in. And so they'll call from post articles that you may be interested in reading. They may be posting essay prizes or certificates. They may have conferences and Webinars and I just find that it's the best place to keep up to track and find out when these things are happening, because there's not really any other place you can be, where you can collect so many different organizations in one place and be kept up to date with them. So I would just go on like such a couple of them, like Search BMJ student on, then have a look at who they're following. And then you might see some other different journal groups, and you're like, Oh, actually be really interested in following the, uh on the same in terms of if you're interested in cardiology, find some cardiology journals or societies and then see you, they're following. Going through people's follows is a really handy way to find people of similar interests to you. And if you find there's a couple of other medical students that are using Twitter and they've already similar interest to you, if you went through their following, you might be able to find another group of medical students that also share those interests. Um, and it it's just about engaging with one another, like giving people like from that celebrating something. So we're applying to and saying Congratulations on then you so build up those mutual relationships with of the medical students or healthcare professionals that using Twitter, Um and then they may potentially even see opportunities and talk you in and say, Oh, have you seen this? You might be interested. And so yeah, there are my slides on. So my top tips toe how to set up your Twitter. Thank you. Daisy is always nice to see you get tips on a platform social media platform that you don't like. I've had any. Don't. I'm not that active one to it. I think when I saw your slides one that's going to I think I that at that moment I was like, Okay, maybe I need to fill. So, um, thank you so much to all also show medicine workshop speakers. Definitely like a lot. Um so if I go on to the next line So I have just put up a medium, um, a screenshot off all our social media pages on QR codes that you can scan Teo, follow us or interact connect with us you know. So we have Facebook linked in is the Gramm YouTube and Twitter. So if you'd like to, you know, give us a follow feel for you to do that. Um, there we go. Just I'll just leave out for or a couple of seconds so that you can stand that. Okay, so I think is the next right. We have a, um something launching soon. It's called Phoenix People. It's an opportunity for Phoenix. I did community networking. Small, less in form or a lesson formal setting where you can discuss current or related topics on Ah, Coach have much will actually discuss the details about it tomorrow in Tamara's workshop. So he tells coming soon. Get excited on scan the QR code again. I'm sorry. There's been so many QR codes, but scandisk, you're good on DS. Oh, well, that will talk us through Phoenix people tomorrow. Um, yes. Next. Okay, so this is actually contours the end off our first day off the conference. Now I can see in the tetanus 61 people. It's human. First conference. Honestly, thank you for staying of us from I don't know what that uh Do we have any questions or, you know, let's say secure Miracle sends you to the edit patient. Global Doc. You might wanna Sorry. The cure a coat sends them to edit page off the off. Which one? Which one? Oh, they're not any in each consequence finished cat, which