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This on-demand teaching session for medical professionals discusses Plan two and how to best prepare for it. With insights from a medical registrar as well as GMC statistics on pass rates, attendees will gain a psychological edge in their preparation and walk away understanding the different components of Plan two and what to expect on the day of the exam.

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This webinar will provide tips to ensure you can make the most of your PLAB 2 preparation while avoiding the common errors other candidates make.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives for Medical Audience:

  1. Understand the requirements needed for successful Clap Two exam preparation.
  2. Gain an overview of the Clap Two exam pass rate and success rates for different countries of origin.
  3. Gain insight into an accurate description of the GMC building and the experience of being in the exam.
  4. Learn a range of strategies to help develop a psychological advantage when approaching Clap Two.
  5. Understand how Clap Two is structured and the types of questions asked in the exam.
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Very surprised when um I found out that it, it wasn't working. So I'm very, very sorry about the delay in starting the webinar. So thank you, everyone that joined the webinar and like the title said, we're discussing about Clap Two, we're discussing about Clap Two and um how to go about Clap Two um as a form of introduction. Um My name is IO, everybody calls me IO I'm currently a medical registrar working here in the UK and you've been working there for about four years now. I think more than four years now. And um ever since then, I have add this in me to help other people's scale through platform two. I have a youtube channel that I discussed about platform two and working as a doctor in the UK. So it's, it is called step by step. Plan, explained, step by step. I explain it is on youtube and I just talk about general advice about working as a doctor in the UK. So you're very welcome to the webinar today. Um I know there is many people do have this anxiety which is perfectly normal when you are preparing for Clap two I had the same anxiety. Also when I was preparing for clap two, I wasn't very sure if my method of preparation was the best. I wasn't very sure if I was doing things the right way or not. So that is one of the reasons why I've decided to put out this webinar to help people prepare better for clap two to ensure you can, you can, you can make best use of your clap two attempt. So that is why I have put up this webinar and I hope to be able to help some people um in the preparation today. So generally, I will start by talking about plop two. So what is Plan two? What is Plan two? Um So pla two is one of the, is, is the last stage of the licensee exam to work as a medical doctor in the UK. So it is a, it's one, it it there are, there are other examples that could give one license to work in the UK. But by far pla routes is the most common is the, is the commonest route that people use. So when we talk about preparation for pla two, it starts way ahead of even the exam itself. Your preparation starts way ahead of the preparation itself up to like one or two years before the exam itself. That's when you start preparing for pla two. What do I mean by this? For example, I come from Nigeria and if you're going to come to the UK to come and attempt your pla two exam. You need to apply for a visa. I know many other countries need to need to apply for a visa. But I know there are some other countries who don't need a visa to visit the UK to attempt their pla two. So if you're going to come and attempt plateau in the UK as a Nigerian, that means you must start preparing for your visa application quite early. It means you must set money aside to book your visas to book your exams to book your flights. You know, you must set this money apart quite early. So you cannot just say six months to the exam. You want to prepare, you want to start preparation for plan two, it will not work out because you are not likely to have the money to to attempt the exam because the conversion rate from pounds to my currency is is very, very terrible for my currency. So you wouldn't want to stop preparation like six months. You need to take time to actually prepare your finances. You will need to ensure your bank account is in order to so that you can get a successful visa application because there are many people who have attempted to apply for visas to visit the UK for pla two but have not been successful. So it will be very painful if you apply for visa and they deny you and you are ready for the exam, you know, so that is very, very painful. So it starts way ahead of the exam itself then ensuring your ielts would be valid. Although you don't need it for Cla two, you need it for CLA one, but potentially you need it to after the platform two exam. Because for you to complete your GNC registration, you need your ielts or oet to be valid. So these are all the things you put into perspective. If either of these things does not work well, either you don't get your finances right or your visas didn't come out right? Or your English test is, you know, all these can affect your platform preparation. Another issue that I've seen very rarely is that some people's visa do not come out in time for the exam. So you need to ensure that you apply for your visas quite early. Other issues could be that some people who wants to attend academy in the UK because when applying for pla two visa, the plateau academics are not recognized educational institution in the UK per se. So me, so it's usually advisable but most people don't mention it in the visa application that they are going to attend an academy. Also, if you mention again, I can attend an academy for two weeks. For example, it's going to add to the cost of your of of, of your exams. That means you must factor it when you apply for your visa. You're going to need a bigger account balance to apply for your pla visa. So because of this, some people will get their visa when the academy have already started and they are unable to attend the academy. But luckily there are a lot of online academies these days. So these are all the things you put into perspective before even saying you want to attempt the pla two examination. OK. So I'll just go into some statistics. I will be sharing some statistics from Clap with you so that you understand um how clap two actually works. So I understand app platforms actually work. So I will just be sharing my screen in a minute. Um Yeah. OK. So because one thing I know is every exam you need to, you know, I'm the kind of person when I'm going for the exam. I try my best to understand every minute details about the exam, every single minute details, trying to understand the center part. I'm going to write the exam, the country, what the exam is all about? What are the past rate? Why is it that people fail this exam? What are the things that will boost my chances of passing this exam? So these are all so I try to understand everything. I try to gain a psychological advantage, a psychological advantage over the exam writers. So now I'm uh yeah, I'll just be sharing my tab in a moment thing. Is coming up now. Ok. Yeah, I believe you can also seal my screen. Can you all see my screen? If you can see my screen, if you can type? Yes, please type here. See if you can see my screen. Can you see what I'm sharing? If you can see what I'm sharing, please type. Yes. Ok, good, good. So now, so this is um the pass rate for 2022 plus two. This is the pass rate and we can see that the, the pass rate is 61.8% in total, 61.8% in total. And you can see that for women, they are more likely to pass than for men. So the pass rate in women is almost 70% and the pass rate as a man is is, oh, you cannot read it clearly. OK. I would uh I would see if I can make it clearer. Is it better now? Oh, is it blurry? OK. Uh Is it a little bit better now? I think it should be better now. OK. Yeah, I think, yeah. Yeah, I think it's better now. OK. Yeah. So this is the statistics for the pass rate for plateau and this is on GMZ website. So this is not something that is ing it's all over GMC website. It's, it's not anything um Edin or anything secret. So it is on the GMC website. And so I, so, so one of the reasons why this, this gives you a psychological edge is that, you know, that if you're a man, you have to prepare other because it looks like almost one in two of all men fail this exam. And for women, the pass rate is about 70%. So this is why understanding what exam you're going for gives you an edge, a psychological edge in terms of a preparation, then I'll, I'll go to some other statistics, I'll go to some other statistics. Uh There are a lot of them. Yeah. OK. Uh Yeah. So this is just with those that did IL and with those that did Ietioet. So the pass rate for it is 64% and the those that came through oet the pass rate is about 58% and this is based on the country of origin, I'll just give a summary of the country of origin. So based on the country of origin, these are the pass rates. So we can see from the is which is South Africa, Zimbabwe, Highland. Then down to the lowest which is about which is like 47% or 47.5% in people from China, Sri Lanka and Russia. So these statistics are all on GMC website and you know, so th this, this makes me if I'm preparing for an exam, this I I try to look at all these statistics just to see what's how it can give me an edge. What am I facing? What am I preparing for? I like to go to an exam? 100% even before I start reading, I want to fully understand what, what does this exam entails. So this is one of the statistics from GM C's website and in terms of preparation for the exam. Now, in terms of preparation for the exam, what what are the things to do? What are, what are the things to expect? What are the things not to expect? So I'll be, there's a video on GMC website. Um I'm just going to play about two minutes of the video so that you can see what it means um to actually be in the exam. Oh, so that, you know, sometimes when you have an idea of what you're walking into, it makes you more relaxed because some people are felt overwhelmed, you know, when you walk into the GFC building in Amon Street in Manchester, the occasion alone make some people feel that whoa look at all this building. Oh, am I competing against all these candidates? Because the truth, the truth is on the day of the exam, you are competing against every other candidate there in the exam. You're literally competing against them because if they perform very, very well, it's going to determine the cut off for the exam. So how do they determine the cut off of the exam? I will come to that shortly. So, but I'll just play this video in a minute. It's on youtube. It's from GMC website, so it's nothing. It's not, it's not like I'm generating the video for myself. So I'll play about two minutes of the video. Um Su Tab. OK. I believe you can see the video. Now the OSI this video will explain everything you need to know about the way the exam works. The test consists of a series of clinical scenarios. These will test you in a mock consultation setting to reflect how you would apply your knowledge and skills in real life. You may be feeling worried about taking the test. But remember, you will have done most of the clinical tasks many times before with real patients. Members of our team are here to help you throughout the test to make sure you have everything you need. Please feel free to speak to us if we can help you, you will receive an email before you attend the test. You must read this as it contains important information about the day including the time you need to arrive. It's also important, you're aware of the current measures we have in place to make sure our clinical assessment center is safe during the Coronavirus pandemic. We have made additions to the center to help us keep each other safe such as signs to remind us to keep our distance and screens at reception. We will also ask you to wear a face covering in certain areas and to regularly use the hand sanitizer provided throughout the center. We may also implement further safety measures. Should we be required to do so? You should not attend the exam if you have any Coronavirus symptoms or have been asked to self isolate or quarantine, you should check a clinical assessment center in Manchester. That is the building of the exam. That is ok. When you arrive, the person at the front desk will guide you to the GMC S reception at the GMC reception. A member of our team will provide you with a name badge. It's really important you wear your name badge at all times as it shows your GMC number, which circuit you are on and the number of the station where you will start, you will also need to provide your identification so that we can complete an ID check while you are undertaking the test. It's important that you bring the correct documents with you. Your identification can be a passport, a UK driving license or an EU identity card. Those with refugee status may also be assessment center before you enter the circuit. We will ask candidates to line up in order based on the station number you are starting at. It is important that you do not move place. Once you are in line before entering the circuit, we will use a metal detector to ensure that there are no electronic aids taken into the exam. You will be guided through to the exam area where you will see a circuit of OSI stations each with its own number. You will be taken to your first station. Please wait outside this station until every candidate is in place. And then we will begin the exam. You will have 90 seconds to read the instructions and review any patient information that is displayed on the wall outside each station. At the end of the 90 seconds, there will be an announcement to begin again. Please enter the room and you may go into the station. Examiners will need to check, they are marking the right candidate. Therefore, you must read out your name and number. When you enter the room, once you have done this, you can then begin the clinical task described in the instructions. There's another copy of the instructions and patient information inside the station after six minutes, they will. Ok. So yeah, so I I I'm just, I'm just trying to give you an idea of how the day works because some people on the day, they just become very, very overwhelmed with. They all, you know, entering into Adman's building. Everything looks so strange and you know, they, they just get overwhelmed by the occasion and get so emotional and get so destabilized. So that is why I've given you the video. So you have a mental picture of what you expected to, to, to what you expected to meet on the day of the exam. Now, uh what, what what the, the, the next thing is. So what kind of questions do you expect in your, in your um in your exam? What, what kind of, what kind of questions would you come across? So there is something that GMC has produced that is known as the club blue print. It's known as the clap blueprint. I advise everyone to download the document and go through it. It's going to tell you every possible question. You are every possible case you would meet every single possible case that you are likely going to meet. It is in there, it is in there. It is about 100 in total from, from what I can see, it's about 100 in total or about 1 10 actually. But every single possible scenario that you can meet is there, it is produced by a clap. The only difference is that it doesn't tell you exactly what they will, what questions they will ask or what, what would the scenario be like? Well, it tells you the things that they will be testing. And honestly, if you prepare well, for any of these things act more, more fatigue PLO failure to thrive abdominal pain, jaundice, lower G I symptoms, upper G I symptoms, abnormal blood sugar, thyroid abnormalities. E ae we go red eye, everything is there. All you need to do is to know the differentials, the diagnosis of the fake history for every of these single cases and you will be good you would be good. I know many of your academies do. The, the pro academies are good, but I, I'll come to the issue of Academy later so I, I don't mix things up together. So if you download the pla two blueprints by GMC, you would know every single case that you can meet. Every single one is on the platform, platform two blueprint. OK. So that is it. So then what, what then, So I I'm trying to explain what are the cases you mean? So those every cases is there on the platform blue print then how many stations are you going to have? Usually the stations will be between 15 to 18, there will be possibly one or two stations. Well, usually between 15 to 18 stations and it varies from, from, from 111 plan to the other. It based from one part to the other. And usually you would need to pass between 9 to 11 stations based on how many stations in total that you have, you need to pass between nine and 11 stations, then you need to get the overall pass mark. So what do I mean? So there are usually two criterias for passing. So number one, you must pass the total number of required stations. So for example, if you have like 17 stations and you need 11 stations to pass, that means in total, you must pass 11 stations in total, it was past 11 stations and apart from that, you must get the overall Mac. So let's assume the overall mag is 1 70 for example, um the over the total Mac is 1 70 the past ma is 1 20 for example. So apart from passing 11 stations, you must get at least 1 20. So you need to pass the overall pass mark and to pass the total number of stations to pass the plateau exam. So because sometimes I've seen people, they pass like 12 stations, then they fall short of the overall pass mark. Then it's heartbreaking because most likely those people will just be like 0.1 mark from the total pass mark. And they feel so sad. How can you pass 12? I've seen people pass 13 stations and still fail all together caine stations and you see people that pass just 11 stations required and they still pass and sometimes you see people get the overall pass mark score may be 1 30 but they pass just 10 stations out of instead instead of 11, then those people still fail. And it's so very, very painful when you see cases like that. It is very, very painful. So you need to pass both. So someone's asking how, how to know the exact number of station. So you, you really can't snore until that day, you won't know you won't. Well, they will tell you. So in so how do you know the exact number of stations that you need to pass. Yeah. So you won't know until after the exam you won't need to know. So, it depends on the number of stations that you have. So, uh, the number of stations that, so there's usually a, from, so if you're having 18 stations, it, I think it's usually going to be 11 stations that you need to pass. But if you have 70 stations then it's going to be like 10 stations for you to pass. So that is usually how it is really, we do have like 15 stations or 16 stations. It's very, very, but it's most likely 17 or 18 stations. If 18 stations, you need the level certain stations, you need to pass 10 to pass in total. But you won't know the number of stations you are having on the day of the exam. Ok. So yeah, so that is it about the the way they mark the plateau exam, then there are things that they mark. I will just check if I can show you how they actually mark the plateau stations. Um ok. Just so that we can finish in time. I I only share my screen. So basically what are the things that they check? The things that they check would be like things like interpersonal skills, interpersonal skills, I think is the most important part of platform two. If you have good interpersonal skills, you are very likely to pass. And what do you mean by interpersonal skills? Honestly from living in the UK for the past four years working in the UK, I've come to disco to discover that it is just the way they talk to each other in the UK. You know, they, it's just, it's basically the way but from people in different parts of the world, they are different kind of communication in, in where I come from, people are very direct. If I want you to do this, I will say do this for me, please. Um If you want food, please do this, uh please, I want food, you know, but here it is totally different. People communicate indirectly, you know. So if someone wants you to do something in the UK, can instead of, can you put in that cannula for me? They would say, are you happy to put in that Cannula for me? That's the way they ask. Oh, if you can write that discharge letter, you know, they, they, they make it in form of suggestion. If you can follow me, you, you feel they're asking you a question whereas they're giving you an instruction. So if you come to the UK in the exam and you are doing things so directly, it, it's going to look strange. So sometimes it's just differences in culture, different. It's what affects a lot of international medical graduates. And it's not just in pla two, even in exams like MRCP, I recently I passed my MRCP about three years ago. And, and even looking at the statistics, you see that they, they struggle in communication because we came from a different part of the world that communicates differently from British people. And it's, it's not like um a batting for us, it's just different cultures. So if you don't really learn how to speak like them or how to talk like them, then you are going to come across like you have point of personal skills. So it, it's just unfortunately that that's the way the exam is structured. It's just unfortunate. So if you look at the pla two reports that I said now countries like Ireland, they score very high in this exam in platform two. But in platform one, they don't do as uh as good as they do in platform two people from Ireland, it's on the GMC website is the statistics is there is because they have the same medical system when it comes to clinical exam like the UK. So they are expected to do better. That's why they do very, very well. And some other countries do exceptionally well in the platform but not as much in the platform. So it, it's like communication issue. So you need your personal skills is basically talking the way people in the UK talk. And honestly to be, to be sincere, I think the best way to learn it is by working in the UK. But you cannot work in the UK unless you pass pla two. So it becomes a catch 24 situation. Catch foot four situation. So you cannot, you cannot work in the UK if you don't pass black two, but you need to speak like people in the UK to pass Black two. So people call it catch 22. 1 thing leads to the other. So, but another way to learn it is by, I mean, that, I think that's one of the things that, that I think that's one of the things that academics help with. If you go to an academy, they will teach you how to speak, how to respond to questions, how to ask questions, like doctors working in the UK, you also meet people who are preparing and you, they, they give you tips and I think that's one of the good things about academia, Physical Academy and even online once a time. So they teach you how to, to, to speak your interpersonal skills. You know, because honestly, when you consulting, it's just the way I consult. Oh, how are you today? Um Can you tell me why you're here today? Oh, I'm very sorry about that. I can see this must be very distressing, you know, acknowledging the, the patient. If the patient is poking, you have to be no nodding your head. Hm. Not just not the head, you need to be verbalizing. Ok. Yes. Oh, oh, I see. You know, you have to be given words of affirmation. You need to be responding. It's just the way you can. Um ok. Um 00, that will be very distressing. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Is there any way I can help with that? Are you happy for me to continue? Ok. Any questions so far? Does that sound ok to you? You know, it's just the way the the flow of your consultation, you know, when, when you're giving your plan to the patient, I asked the, how does that sound? Does that sound OK to you? Do you have any questions? Any idea? So you know, ask the patient that some people idea concerns expectation. You must always, you know, from, from, from as a as a candidate going to an exam, you feel like it's one of this, one of the mistakes that people make, you feel like the most important thing for you is to ask your questions rather that the most important thing is for the patient to ask their own questions. That's the most important thing in the exam. So if you don't have time to ask your own questions or to do all your own examination and ensure the patient have time to ask their own questions because the truth is the questions that you think that you want to ask. It may not be necessary to make a diagnosis and they may not even be marked for it. But for every concern that the patient asks, there is a mark for it for every concern that you do not address you lose map. But for the questions that you do not ask the patient, the examination did not carry out. You are not even sure if it's part of the market scheme. If they are actually looking out for it at all, you are not even sure. So the most important thing is the patient in front of you ensure that whatever you do, the pa you cannot, you must have time to, to ask, you know, ideas, concerns and expectations. So what do you mean by idea, concerns and expectation? You need to ask? Do you have any idea what may be causing your symptoms? So, uh do you have any idea what could be causing these troubles? So I did make concerns. How do you ask about concern? Is there anything that worries you in particular? Is there anything that worries you in particular? The expectation? What do you hope to get out of this consultation? So that's just the way to ask it. You must ask all those questions, you must ask all those questions. Then another, another thing is for you to so that you can maximize your time, you must have a pattern. You know, one of the things that academy I think academies need, need to, they need to change the way they train people for pla two, they train people by asking them to learn scenarios. I think it's a very wrong way of asking people to, I mean, it, it's good because of all these scenarios, they repeat it. But the problem is people learn these scenarios by ha. So if there's a little tweak in these scenarios, people will not remember. There's a tweak. People end up asking questions about the scenarios, their le but if you teach people about the conditions, let them know how to clap each condition in their own words, in their own words, and let them know the approach to getting the diagnosis to treating to management, then you will be OK. Honestly, you will pass on someone that ends up trying to learn these scenarios. I can remember doing my own because one of the things that they would definitely feel a candidate for. So they said they even though this thing is everybody thinks it's an sky and it's very objective. But the truth is if one, there are some mistakes that if you make, they will deliberately give you the lowest possible mark. For example, in my own case, I could remember there is a case of a taxi driver that do have hypoglycemia during my own exam. You know, I've learned the case. I was so happy immediately. I saw I was at the door. I was like, yes, this is what I was looking for. I'm going to blast this question. I didn't pay attention. They've changed it from taxi driver to lolly driver. So when I was referring to the patient I was asking. So you drive a taxi? I said no, I drove a lorry immediately. I said that I knew that they were going to mark me down and true. They gave me the lowest possible mark in my history, taking my examination, my interpersonal skills, they gave me the lowest possible maths in everything. So which I knew it's not fair because you can't tell me that I did not ask history. I asked the questions, I only made a simple mistake but because they knew that it means that I have read this scenario before. That's why they did that to me. So never make that mistake of assuming because you are familiar with the particular scenario now thinking that it is the same scenario. No, it is not the same scenario. If everyone is thought about out of clock specific complaints how to answer the ethical ethical scenarios is one of the difficult one also if everyone is taught. But their approaches to eee all ethical scenarios is is either under um breaking back news or things like confidentiality. And you know, all these in or dealing with an angry patient or dealing with colleagues and things like everybody just need to have a guide, but you don't need to actually crab these scenarios. But people end up crabbing these scenarios and they end up making mistakes in their exam because they've crabbed these scenarios. And when they change the scenarios, they can only think one way in the way of that scenario. But if you learn your history taking well, your examination, well, your ethics. Well, there's no reason why you need to cla this crab. The scenarios just you can go through these scenarios, flip through, see how they can twist their questions, see what kind of questions they usually ask is good but not trying to people literally cramp they, they literally taking these scenarios, word for word, which I don't think is a good approach. So, so, so they will mark you on your interpersonal skills. They will, I mark you on your history taking, they will mark you on your examination, then they will mark you on your investigations and management. Those are the things that they will mark you on. But usually people are good with most of the other part except the interpersonal skis. So it's good to usually have a pattern of history taking. I developed a pattern for myself and this is for cases exam, mrcp patients exam, but it also applies to it applies to, to um plateau exam also. So I'll just share with you in a moment. Yeah. So I mean, I won't be teaching about history taking today, but I would just, I'll just show you how I oh I organized myself, you know, so for even when I'm practicing with myself alone, this I think this way so that it became part um it became reflects to me if I'm taking history any new complaint, I just follow this. So I will scroll down. So you can see always think of 3 to 5 differentials after the clinical scenario and ask questions about them, you can see they highlighted in black. So I think of immediately I read this scenario, I think about 3 to 5 differentiates, it must be one of them. And I asked about around differentials. So I asked this way. So P three MAOA, that's the name Monica. I follow. Then I use so crutches for pain and I always do review of symptoms systematically from head to toe. I always do so from CN SI. So all these questions that listed in black, I already know them reflects. I don't have to think about them because I've practiced them so much that it became reflect for me. So from CN SI asked about headaches, vision, stomach spa for system, I asked about cough, shortness of breath, fever for cardiovascular system, palpitations, chest pain, dizziness. You know, I have it for every one. Then I've got this other uh one also, then past medical history. So what are the questions to ask in past medical history? These are the questions to ask uh sexuality. Sometimes you have to take personal history also, although you need to know that it is rarely needed. But if need, you need to know the five piece of taking sexual history, the medications you need to ask about routine medications, other medications over the counter medications and other contraceptives. So you need to know this pattern because they must, the, the, it has to be a form of mind map immediately. You remember when you know the next thing. So you, may I ask you question? It's so fluent. I'm asking it any routine medications. Do you take any other medications? Are any over the counter drugs? Do you take any other contraceptives? Do you have any allergies to medications? No food? No, any other thing? No. You know, then family history you just need so you need to have a pattern. Very important. Then another thing that most international medical gra they don't ask about is the social history is very, very important in the UK social history. Very, very important. What kind of accommodation they live in? Especially elderly people. Anyone with a fall confusion or elderly people, please ask about the social history. I believe you can all see what I'm showing. Yeah, I can share the file. Um I'm not, can I share it on you? I'm not sure I can, I'm not sure I can share it on. Yeah, but I think I would have access to the email that we used in registration. So I'll forward it via email. I you the email of registration. So yeah, so these are everything that you need to ask. So these are how to ask about ideas, concerns and expectation and these are. So for me, this is what I use for my investigations. It's something like British without the I so bedside. I, I know all of these investigations. There is no way I can miss anything. No way. No, there's no complaint. If, if I follow this, I know this pattern and there is no way I can miss anything. If I follow this. You, if anyone that's not applicable, like two more maca may be in a fa patient or something, I mean, just ignore. But if I remember all these, every investigation she can think of falls under this, every single investigation she can think of. It falls under this. So all I have to remember. So rather than cramming. 00, this patient that came with um with taxi driver or needing. I put insulin. Who, what are the investigations I will do as long as I remember this, I think I will be correct. So, yeah, so, exactly. So that is how I was able to get myself organized. So I will send the file um to your email so you can have the file. I wrote it down myself. It's not like the gold standard file. It's just something I wrote down for myself. So it's not, it's not a plan textbook, it's not apla um guide, it's just something I wrote for myself. So, so that no one will think that oh yeah, this is textbook or anything. So I have to put in that disclaimer. It's just something for myself. But I'm happy to share it with everyone. Ok. So another mistake that some people make is try is is is coming late for the exam, please ensure you don't come late for the exam, please. No matter what happens, never come late for the exam, never come late for the exam. That is very important. Um So what other tips, what other tips I would just, I think I wrote down some other tips that I wanted to share with you today. Ok. Yeah. So some people have asked questions about which academy is best? Which academy is best? Or is it even? Can you pass it without going to academies? The truth is there are people that have passed the exam without going to Academy. There are people that have passed without going to Academy but academy is good. That's the truth. I understand that the academies are too expensive. They are absolutely too expensive, too expensive, very, very expensive, but they are good. I learned a lot of things in the academy. Even after there are things I learned about the British patients that nobody taught me in any induction or any place. I only learned it in the academy. So even after passing the exam, there are many things that you have learned in the academy that would be good for your practice as a doctor in the UK. So academy is good, people can pass the exam without the academy, but it is very, very unlikely. That someone who haven't got gone to the someone who didn't go to the academy would, would perform better than me. Because the academy opened my eyes to a lot of things I was able to practice with other people. I was able to get access to money kids. But the fact that you can practice with other candidate is very, very good, but people can pass without academy. And which one is the best? Everyone I I cannot say I cannot recommend any a particular academy and say this one is the best because there is no data to compare. No one can say that this is the best. No one can say that this is the best academy. So I cannot, there is no data to compare. Everyone. Claims that, oh, we do this, we do that. Just ask your friend, where did they go to? Can they recommend it? And the truth is from what I've heard is most of the academics have similar pass rates, most of them have similar pass rates. That's what I have, but I have no evidence, no academy has any evidence to compare with other academies. So yeah. So in summary, regarding your plateau, one of the ways to help yourself is start preparing very, very early. Try to get the book known as the clap two plateau blueprint. Try to get it. Look at all the complaints and conditions they go through it. Try not to memorize these scenarios. Just retreat and say the common questions they ask in these scenarios but try not to spend your time memorizing these scenarios. I have a pattern of asking questions, learn about in interpersonal skills. How do UK people talk to each other and consult? You can watch some UK based videos of consultation. There are many online. Um Is it many gigs or something like that? There are many and you see how the way they consult online, you know, even if the scenario is not, is not relt able to clap, but just see how they actually communicate with your patients. That's very, very important. Um I think, yeah, I think those are some and avoid mistakes like like repeating what you read in the Academy books. Uh because they know if you make a mistake and they tweak something and you didn't pick that. If tweak it's different from the previous academic books, then they will be very, very angry. They will most likely mad the person law and be very, very time conscious and show that you practice because you wouldn't have a timer that you'll be looking at that. You spend five minutes, six minutes, but you need to practice as much as possible so that you would have an unconscious timer inside you. When you're spending 67 minutes, you would know that you're spending 67 minutes. Ok. So I think some people the session should be finishing any time from now, but some people may have questions. If you have any questions, you can pop, pop it in the chat box so I can answer. I just give 23 minutes for those that may ask questions, two or three minutes for those that may have questions. So just to ask to add. So I mean they are looking, they they usually say that even though it's an exam but they want you to interact that like you are interacting with a normal patient, like in the clinic, it's difficult, you know, in an exam to act like in the clinic and be very relaxed. But that's the standard that they actually expect to interact, you know, and, and also don't promise the patient what you wouldn't do, don't promise the patient what you wouldn't do and show it to always. So you will discuss with your seniors, you discuss with your consultant or with your registrar. OK? And it's important, read the instruction of the stations very, very carefully. If you forget the scenario, there will be a copy inside and you can go back to it and read it is aloud. It is very, very allowed. OK? And also, you know, there's some, there, there, there's some, there are some words, you know, I know that sometimes GMC I said that, oh, don't oversimplify, don't oversimplify things like um like if you're talking about a UT I urinary tract infection, don't call it water works infection. Or if you're talking about the anus, don't call it back passage. But the, the fact is that is what everybody in the UK uses even the that are there. That is what they say in, in clinic. Everybody say, oh, you have thought about infection or can I examine your b back passage? Can I examine your front passage? That's what everybody use. So I find it strange that the M GMC said that, oh, don't use that long, Don't five things. So when I was preparing for the exam, it was a culture shock that oh France passage was that everybody? Why would this a culture shows? But when I got to the UK, I discovered that that is what everybody says in the UK. So um yeah. OK. Um I think if the other, if you have any further questions, I'm just going to pop in my email. So that is my email. Oh, sorry, I will adjust it again. Can you can you can send me questions there? Yeah. So you can send me questions if to my email if you have any questions. And also I've got a youtube channel um that you can gain a lot of things from. Also. Um There are many useful information there. Also, I'll just pop in the link. Yeah. Also um I'll just pop it in the chat box. You can send me an email if you also need the, the history taking mafia that I sent, you can send, you can just let me know in the email. Let me delete this. Yeah. Yes. So this is my youtube channel. That is my email. You're free to email me with any questions you may have if you want the the history taking and I'll be happy to answer. Thank you very much for joining the webinar. Hopefully in the next few weeks again, I should be able to do another webinar on some other useful topics. Thank you very much. Bye.