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And in the term um for us basically okay. Thank you That's all right um I also wanted to just quickly ask if you had like give one piece of advice to someone who's that going into your bsc, what would it be what piece of advice going into my bsc. I think it's find an extracurricular stuff like uh you know an extra curricular thing to do on the side because you will have quite a lot of free time on your hands when you're not working on your course work um. And I feel like just make the best out of it, just go, have some fun. You know, play some sport, your friends or like music or something on those lines, just go and do something that's my advice. Thank you very much. That's all right, that's okay, hi, sorry, I have a few questions as well, um so, I just wanted to kind of ask um because you said it was 100% coursework um I guess it's a personal preference, but um do you think that's kind of one of its parks of doing this bs, see that it's 100% coursework and you don't have exams or is it better a bit of a mix. So as far as I know, I don't think any of the bs cs are oh actually, I like management would be a coursework, an exam sort of mixed one, um but I think majority of the bs cs they're just coursework based. Um I think I think we've kind of stepped away from the exams um kind of structure, sort of three or four years back. I feel I might be wrong, um but yeah, I think I think it's it's great uh to do sort of a piece of work every couple of weeks. Um It's quite it's quite good and the way that farm runs itself in the first term, like you usually get a mock from the, from the teaching staff, so you you have you'll get feedback before you submit your your actual piece of work, although like the mark is on a completely different topic, but like you get to you know, get used to the skills and sort of the structures of what you should do like for your real thing so that I think that's that's a big win absolutely um and they're not like they're not stingy with with their feedback, basically okay, they're they're quite generous and they'll give you very good guidance on how to score high or you know how to do well. In the course, break okay that's good to hear and coming off of that oh sorry, did I interrupt no no no go for it go for it. Oh No I was just going to ask because obviously we did a bit of pharmacology before uh phase one A and b uh how did you find kind of easing into to this. B. B. Sc, with the kind of fairly limited knowledge that we had a pharmacology before um to be honest. Like I'll be honestly, you don't really need any sort of pharmacological sort of knowledge before coming into the BSE, at all because about this. Bsc, so, in the first, in the first term, that's usually when all the lectures are, it's more lectured based, and and you've got like pre reading and stuff that you're given to do you don't have to do them. It doesn't, it doesn't affect you your marks or like because there's no exam so like even if you don't do it, it's fine in a way, um and so the pre reading is usually extra knowledge that would help sort of your phase one A and phase one B sort of pharmacology, but you don't actually need to know any pharmacology to do well in um to do well in the course works. If that makes sense, um because you're doing separate research on the side and it's all more about the research skills and and how you write and stuff like that rather than the knowledge itself that makes sense, yeah, that makes sense um and just one final question for me um what what are you based at what campus um So in first, I was mainly based in charing Cross, which is really good because I live in, I live in Hammersmith, so it was just sort of 5 10 minute walk and then I'm in um uh and then there were there was one week that we had labs so that would have been in Hammersmith Hospital, which is again not too far, which is all right um. And then so second term, there's there's no face to face sessions at all um. So yeah it's majority of it's it's online or it depends on how your group wants to meet if they want to meet in person, if they want to meet online, that's entirely up to you guys, uh entirely up to your group um and in third term, it really depends because third term is when we do our own projects, so it depends what kind of project you got so I got my project in uh some areas, so I had to go in yesterday, um but people get at various places someone chill West uh Summit Summit um Queen charlotte's so Hammersmith Hospital um and yeah some lab based in Hammersmith Hospital as well on the Hemisphere campus uh Sorry, White City campus Yeah okay. Thank you so much you got any other questions from anyone else uh so why did I choose farm okay um I'll go with the ditties questions first and then I'll go to texas, so just waiting um question after uh so why did I uh do farm um so actually like I'll talk to talk to you guys about what my choices were, So my choices were farm uh first and then it was I think anesthetics and then uh remote and then it was gastro, and the last one I can't remember what it was um and I was happy with all five of my choices uh like whichever one I got, I was, I was going to be happy with and I was very fortunate to have got my first choice um um I think what really attracted me to farm, the most was probably the supportive nature of the staff because you probably have met show high um in your first two years or even third year. I don't know, I can't remember if she had talked plus much in third year um And you know sure had is amazing um and um he's been doing farm the course for like the last 10 years or a bit probably a bit more um so he's really he really knows what he's doing what he's talking about um. And just like in general like he's just one person to be around with so like the teaching side of things and the work support is great, but then there's also like the you know the out of lectures or off hours out of hours kind of camaraderie um with the staff like we get socials and stuff that was, that's fun um yeah, so like, I think, I think the support is probably definitely one of the big things for me um the contact time, I did consider it, but for me, I didn't it doesn't really bother me um. So, in first term, like where it's majority lectures were probably were probably in like three days a week and then three those three days, you'll be in for like 9 to 3 or something like that and then two days that you're off you've got you've got uh pre reading uh and like some of the modules to do or don't do something entirely up to you. It has literally no impact on on your marks on. On you know whether like it just might be a bit useful to read it and then go into the session next day. So you know what sort of what they're talking about, but that's up to you um so yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty chilled in your legs uh and street. This is really good, but you don't have to be like other courses where you don't know who to ask questions or you ask the question and it takes sort of three or four days to come back to you kind of think, so, yeah okay why do you get to decide whether you do a lab or clinic project yes, you do yes, you do so we've been given. I think well the big list of projects to choose from this year um and there are combinations of clinical projects or lab projects. It's entirely up to you to pick which one you want. Uh you are asked to rank them. Uh You're asked to rank your first like 15 choices um and according to uh teaching staff like um how it's allocated, it's it's um to do with your attendance, so the better your your attendance is in the first term, that more likely you're going to get your first choice um and yeah so that's that's how it goes, but to be honest like for me, like after my fifth choice like my sixth to my 15th, it really didn't make a difference. It's like it's all the same at that point, um So I was really lucky I got my second choice uh It was good. I hope that answered your question uh and then Sandra is there anything you don't like about this BSE or something that can be improved. Something I don't like about the BSE HMM to be honest. I don't think so I mean I think we have it pretty good in terms of every time before every sort of deadline or coursework that yeah of course work, deadline in first term, we'll we'll have like a week where or like one of the sessions will be targeted to um doing like a practical like like a like a formative run on on the, on the topic. If, if that makes sense formative run on on the coursework, so you know how to structure writing what you should write in which part of the um your paper and um and everything you do it in the group, so it's not too overwhelming the first time you do it like as a formative and then everyone was something they work to show, hag, or whoever the teaching staff is and then they will minimize everything and put it into a feedback document or in the feedback presentation, where they will be like okay, so we've got this paper from writing about this. Uh This is good about this paper. This is not so good about this paper and then sure how I would say for example, I would put you know this extra information here just for extra context and it would just it would just make the peace flow a bit better, and it's just advice like that that it's pretty good because you get to see everyone's working how you know. Some of the groups might just have a person who runs super well and you can just learn from them before your actual submission. Um You can take points from it and sort of you know um take it and put it into your own work and make it look nicer it sound nicer, um So, I don't really I don't think there's anything about my bsc that I don't like um something that can be improved. I don't know, I've really enjoyed my I've really enjoyed the BSE so far um uh this year as as a year In general like Bsc. In general, not my thing I don't really like doing research or writing um I quite like practical medicine and clinical medicine, um but you know as a bsc itself, it's it's fine, it's great um yeah, so that's my thoughts on it, uh how is the ratio of labs, tutorials, and lectures, so um I think in the first um tutorials and lectures of the majority of things um There are really few like pure lectures because a lot of the lectures were just fade into like a discussion slash tutorial, so like it's really hard to put like a you know a tag on it and say like this is definitely a lecture, this is definitely tutorial, um I would say probably 90% of the time you'd be doing a tutorial slash lecture and then labs only 10% if that, because labs your literally only in for one week, you do the do the experiment and that experiments is used for your i c a. Three, The data management um I see a um and that's about it, you don't have to go into a lab anymore. At that point, after that, after you forgot your data, everyone's got the data have to go in at all for labs. Um I heard stuff about it being really easy to get a first and then it's not as easy now because of some changes, is this true uh It's sure I don't to be up to be to be honest. I don't know, I think I think there is there is some truth to that um farm used to be um I mean to be to be to be fair like with the support, we're getting it's still pretty straight forward and I don't want to say easy, um but yeah the support is what makes it easy to get it first um. And I think I think I think faculty or even the teaching stuff they've just turned it down a little bit because I think they've been um they've been uh is that the right word accused of being too supportive if that's even a thing uh and the mark said, we've been getting up for my previous predecessors have been getting too high, and it seemed like fun was such an advantage that they had to tone us down a little bit. Apparently, that's the thing I don't know if it's a conspiracy theory or anything. I can't confirm that. Um yeah any other questions what is my final project. On so my final project, I'm doing at at cigna res, and I'm looking at um acute medicine sort of uh prescriptions compared to sort of community prescriptions and see if there's like any relationship between those two, That's basically what it is is a very vague kind of uh topic yeah could. I explain the overall structure of the course what you cover exams coursework okay, So there there are no exams uh throughout the year and in first term, so we started on the first week of first week of october, uh and then we finished in like second week or third week of of december um So that was roughly like the 12th week kind of period think 12 I'm not mistaken um and then so for the first time like I said uh it's majority lectures and tutorials, or a mix of the two. Um so maybe monday, wednesday and friday you'd be in for those things, and then tuesday and thursday you would be doing your expected to be doing your pre reading um and sort of the modules or like um yeah, some like like videos. Um You know the short videos that they put on it's nd uh in different parts um and then there'll be three course works uh throughout the first term, so I see a one is the letter to the edit, er so you would have been you would have given a piece a piece of um well you would have been given a paper that you have to read through, have to critique them. Uh You have to say what's good about what what they've done well and what they could do better and perhaps offer your opinions insight into what they can do better and how they could do it better uh in a professional way um and then so I think that that piece was 1000 words long. I think let me see it's 1000 words long, yeah and then the second task I see a two is the oral presentation. Uh So we had to make a video on various topics. It depends, which, which one you're allocated so for this year, I was allocated um to talk about uh ibd uh to talk about um either Crohn's or uc, um I can't exactly remember which route I went down, um but you have to put you have to give out you know you have to provide evidence in the field that's for the treatment of either one of those things uh and you have to talk about it in depth and say oh so this is you know the evidence out there is there anything that contradicts contradicts what what this information is saying and I think at the end you have to make it do a something like a very quick summary and say so for example for this patient, you would do this this and this um and then the third um and then I see a three is the data management, one, which is to do with the the lamps that you'd be doing sort of like first or second week of november. I think um you what we did, we did it on guinea pig ileum. Um So we just added various drugs to the guinea pig. I'll um and see how it responded. Um I think the main takeaway slash difficulty for that one is how to like what to do with the data, how to work the data um and how to standardize um all the different sets of data because you'll be gathering data and pulling it with other students from from your course um. And then you you will proceed to write a lab report with an abstract and um the intro, the methods, the discussion, and conclusion, and everything like that and it would be I think it was like 1500 note, uh it was 1500 words long um I see a three, it's one of the tougher ones. I think um to end the term on um and for term to you would be doing your science and context that is um that is a solo piece of work, so you'll be doing it by yourself, um and so that um you'll have to interview a patient or you could take a history a full history from the patient. Um from one of the clinics that the teaching staff is from slash they usually do um take a history you're right about the case and be like and and pick something out from the case that was interesting to you or that was that's not very well explored in the medical field. Um It's kind of difficult to find that like to find something that you're interested in slash it hasn't been discussed in the medical field yet or fully explored yet um. So for me, I did um I wrote about sort of the use of oral contraceptive pills um In patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, it's quite niche, there isn't there aren't a lot of papers out there that's directly and talking about, so this, with the relationship between those um so that's why I chose to talk about it to point out the fact that look there is actually not much evidence for or against the use of it. In these uh in this group of patient's um yeah, but that one it's it's that paper could be could be could be written quite quickly Because majority of the giant of the, of your january you'd be spent doing your literature review, which is 3500 words long, but that would be a piece of group work will be split between the four of you um So it's it's bearable, and I think from this year, we've had an extra week um compared to previous years, so everything was just spaced out a bit more so it's less suffocating january, um so it's pretty good uh and then that um switch started sort of two weeks ago, so the beginning of february um I'm supposed to be be uh doing my project, it depends, who your supervisor is and how much how much work they need you to do usually the first week or two. They'll probably send you some pre reading to read, to read up on or to go in um to the labs or wherever to meet the team um to, to sort of introduce yourself, um Yeah how easy is it to public to get published in this bsc compared to others. Um yeah truth is, I don't know I don't know how easy it is. I think a lot of people in doing farm, they are well. I think actually, I think this probably covers a lot of other bs cs, like you know all the other medics, they're actually quite brilliant and some of them are quite keen and they right very well. Um I don't I don't really have like a stat for you in terms of how easy it is to get published like the final project wise, um I feel like there is scope for it, there is definitely scope for it. If you speak to your project supervisor, you know when third term comes around and if you really really want that publication or you're very interested in investing in it, or sometimes even if the project supervisor is super invested in it, like you can get it published. I don't want to say easily um because it still takes effort to to make it you know, publish standard kind of work, um but it's definitely possible um yeah it's definitely possible um uh and I yeah I don't know how to compare it with another bsc. I don't know I'm not entirely sure um is it more group work or individual work, it's more individual work uh Lashley, so for the, for the i c a s themselves, it's more individual work um so out of the 56 i c a s of you count the final project six i c a s. Um only one of them is group work, um but during the weeks in between course works, um in first term, you'll be doing a lot of group work in terms of you'll be doing, group discussion, group discussion's and also you'll be producing a formative piece of work, um which is related to your um following, I see a uh you'll be doing it as a, as a, as a table as a group like a group of four, perhaps something like that, so in terms of that, that's pretty that's that's quite a lot of good work in first you'll be with your colleagues a lot, If you choose to go in, that is um do you choose groups or is it allocated, it's uh it's allocated it's allocated so it's luck of the draw you get um I was really fortunate, I've been allocated in a group who they're just the brilliant people, brilliant minds they right super well and um the people that have worked with before as well, which is good because I know I can count on them and and hopefully likewise with them, um so yeah, dedicated, but majority of the people should be quite civil slash sensible um like no one, no one would like sabotage the proof or not pull their weight. People tend to be quite nice, yeah, is there anything else that I could talk about anyone, any questions, mhm, mhm, mhm, uh mhm, yeah, yeah, yeah