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Pharm breakout room



In this on-demand teaching session, medical professionals learn how to approach farm and make the most of the process. It focuses on topics such as how to refine your work, how to be aware of plagiarism, how to use letter to the editor format, and how to find a supervisor for a final project. The speaker emphasizes the importance of communication among peers, enjoying the farm process, and consulting former years to get an idea of what to expect. With insights on how to write an external project to get the best mark, this course promises a great opportunity to better understand the farm process and excel in the medical profession.

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First In-Course Assessment coming up? Imperial College London Medical Education Society is delighted to host our ICA 1: Written Assessment Talk where we give you guidance, tips and tricks on how to tackle your first BSc ICA.

The event will begin at 7pm on the 17th of October, with Joshua Killilea and Chhavi Nashier giving you a comprehensive run-through of the ICA. The talk will finish with a breakout room Q&A, where you will be able to join your BSc-specific Q&A for individual advice.

Slides will be accessible to all attendees immediately after the talk and it will be recorded and uploaded for viewing.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify best practices for structuring succinct and well-referenced paragraphs
  2. Distinguish source material from original written work to avoid plagiarism
  3. Explain how to receive feedback from peers and academics on written pieces
  4. Utilize available resources to find information on prior year’s projects
  5. Analyze the project selection process and formulate a plan of action to ensure completion of the project.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Um, yeah, because I'm not really sure, but I haven't actually had a look at everything around and around the topic yet, but I'm just wondering, what kind of support do you look for? From good, uh, so I can know the other people. So how can it be great? The course? It's amazing if you're stuck, just drop them an email. Um, and with if they feel like a lot of people are stuck on the same thing, they'll run some extra sessions that help you out a lot. Um, also speak to your peers in the same group, get an idea of what they're doing, obviously, like, you have to be careful plagiarism, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying just talk and discuss and see. The idea is that everyone has because I remember feeling quite overwhelming to my first. I see a not knowing what to do, and then you just need to your friends. Um, that'll be okay. And going to older years asking them to help. Like, there's lots of different ways to get help for your eye. CS. Thank you. Mhm. Just enjoy farm guys. I loved farming so much fun. One of the best medical. Yeah, for sure. It's actually my favorite year by far. Have fun. It's literally the least busy you're ever going to be for the rest of your life also, And, um and so so far. So make the most of that. Um, I've got a couple of things written down here. The reforms specific. Um, I know you said earlier that flow meter matters and how how well written it is, but that applies so heavily to farm. Um, as long as what you've written is flows well and the paragraph are linked to each other, which is a big thing to make sure you don't have a paragraph and then the next paragraph that are unrelated. You need some some link in there, um, and then also get the family because that will sort out all of your grandma and spelling and just make it look more professional. Um, the biggest tip that I'd give generally, I don't know how. I don't know. That's what I meant to say, but you should definitely try and get a hold of all the years work. Um, because then you can just you can have a look and then see, see how that their work was marked. Because then it's from the feedback that you can understand how to sort of form of format yours. Try and get a hold of as much of that as you can. Um, I know there's a lot of help coming down in sports from all the years. So I mean, if you're not part of the sport, find someone who is and ask for that email to be forwarded to you because that's a really big help. Also throughout the throughout this let letters to the editor thing, you have to speak as if I'm not sure they told you. But I think I did it as if I was a team of researchers. And then I was speaking to the editor so all everything had to be addressed. As we are saying this to you, the editor, a lot of people ended up addressing addressing the editor differently. You're talking about themselves differently. Um, which caps your mark because even if you wrote something really good, it's just an easy attack vector from Annabelle Sohag, which would bring you down a couple of marks which you don't want, Um, and also just start writing like you're not going to feel ready that I didn't have a clue what was going on at this time last year too. And I didn't have a clue what was going on for most of it. But starting, um, is literally the best thing you can do. Get some words down. Um, really, you want to be You want to be finished as quickly as possible, and then the best way to refine your work is read it and then any line that you're not proud of. And that sounds weird because it just does sound weird. But you know what I mean when you because you spend hours just trying to turn out these well referenced lines anything you're not proud of delete. Because that's the only way that you're kind of sort of separate the chart from the week. In terms of the writing quality, it's really hard to get rid of your own work. We just have to do it or ask a friend to do it because they can be more objective. Um, anything else? Yeah. Any other questions? No, thank you. Thank you. Sorry. Anya, My name for me. Um No, not really. I think that was everything. Thank you. Cool. All right, guys. Well, enjoy form. That's great. Um, if you guys have any more questions, you can feel free to, like you can give your email address is you can ask questions. Get a hold of an older that your friend with Just ask me questions as you can. There's no such thing as a silly question. And the more you learn now that will benefit you for your, like, final project. Essentially, I was wondering if I can have a look at you both of your papers that you guys reading? Um, I don't think I have a lot of all the years papers that Yeah. Is it? Is it, Matt? Uh, yeah. You're my bs anybody, So I'll be sending all to you. Oh, thank you. So you'll be able to read that, um, be careful with careful with plagiarism. Got distress that because it gets everyone in trouble. So you need to take themes from Aldi's work rather than actual work. But saying that is really, really helpful to read. So I certainly would forward down to you. You don't, and you can share that with your mates Well, as well, but, you know, stress of plagiarism Point. Yep. Do you mind if I send it to you after Just for you to read that? Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. How did you find a final project at the end? Is that right? Stressful. It's variable. Everyone gets a different one. You might have heard the farm gets shipped projects. It's kind of like subjective, but we get the ones that other people didn't want. Um, so I was working hard for your year to stop that, and he's getting farm specific projects that aren't being offered to anyone else. Um, so it should be a little bit better for you. But the truth is, um, when you decide, what project are you going to do? All you see is a title, and then you pick which title you think is interesting. Uh, realistically, you don't have a clue which one is going to be interesting to write up. I doubt anything is going to be super super exciting. Um, it's worked at the end of the day, so I wouldn't overstate the sort of the significance of being able to choose a better project. It doesn't really make a difference. To be honest, if you have a good supervisor, um, then you you'll have a good time with your project. Also, you've got an MBA, and so who who are always there to help? So it's it's really not not too big a deal. Just pick something you're vaguely interested in. Um, And if you don't want to do a lab thing, don't do a lab thing. If you want to do a lab and do a lab thing, that's the only real sort of choices you need to worry about. Um, yeah, and you can have a read of hours by then. You'll be a really good writer because that's sort of the point of the They teach you a lot about how to write and how the structure things. I'd say the only other thing that I didn't know about final project that I kind of wish I knew, um, was that if you have a good supervisor that you know of like you've worked them before, you can try and organize your own project, and you can try and do that from now. If you want, um, and ask you, how do you think you know, like that will work. I don't know if they're changing things massively for you guys and if that's an option. But for us, some people had already organized their projects and came with the titles and their supervisor, Sohag. Um, I have to think about that if you'd like right, because I was told that because the outside supervisor don't have a clue as to how to how to, like, help us, the people with external projects tend to have to mark the lower. So I was a bit worried about that when I was trying. I wanted to do something that's external, but I wasn't really sure about that. We'll often often, Um, by the end of the year, you're going to know what your markers like. Um, so there's two ways of writing an external project. There's the way that you think is going to be very publishable. Um, which is the way that you're likely your supervisor is gonna want you to write it. And there's also playing the game, which is the farm game of getting your your marker to give you the highest mark. So what I did, and I think a lot of people did is they wrote up. I wrote my farm version, and I just filled it with synthesis and, you know, lots of lots of criticism of other work and all this stuff when you read really sort of work, there's not much they don't bitch about other papers loads, But that's what they love in farm. Um, so right it how you know how to write it. And then if you have a shot of publishing you publish it, your supervisor will tell you, and then you can You can sort of change it a little bit, too, to make it more suitable. I think other people, they might have written it in a way that the supervisor has told me to. And they're not good, Mark, which is kind of inevitable. You need to write out how you've been taught. I see. I see. Okay. Thank you. Both of you. Any other questions about any? I see a or about farm in general or 5th. 4th year? How replacements going for a movie? Me and Monica had O N G together. Yeah, there's a lot of fun. Good fun. When do you What do you guys start like you couldn't lie. Yeah, that's it. How long would you say was it? Like a month or two months? 1.5 months to two months. We were lucky because our pathology has been moved from the beginning of the year to scattered one week throughout the year, Actually on path now. So we got lucky we have the same thing. That is, that Is that kind of like, but, uh, potentially. But we didn't. Yeah. Cool. It doesn't seem like there's any other farm questions. Thank you. All right, see you later. Thanks, guys.