This on-demand teaching session with Doctor Sai Rash will explore the 2015 and HS Pensions Plan and simplify the complex language surrounding it. Attendees will gain an understanding of the three types of pension schemes, including the most common (defined contribution) and the most generous (defined benefit) that currently limits to the public sector. The session will also have an expert guest from Wesleyan who will explain their services that provide financial support to doctors, dentists and GPS. An article will be provided with resources for attendees to further explore pensions schemes.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the three types of pension plans currently available.
- Describe the pros and cons of the Defined Contribution Pension Plan.
- Summarize the components and benefits of the 2015 NHS Pension Plan.
- Examine key terminology related to pensions such as pensionable salary and annual defined benefit
- Analyze the financial planning services offered by Wesleyan.
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Okay, so that's just going life now. So we live outside. Okay. Thank you, James. Would you like to So, what we do? Okay, So good evening, everyone on. Welcome to another installment of our weapon. Last serious with Doctor Sai Rash. Uh, Doctor Asher is a qualified chart accountant as well. Assay a pack a Democrat foundation doctor in the Oxford Diener E. Um, and you've no doubt being following the entire series. So, um, just a quick reminder. Before we get going, I will be monitoring the comment section on Facebook. So if you have any questions Messiah or our guests from Wesleyan, please just come in on the video on. I will relay them at the end of the talk and hopefully will be in to get those pants it for you. Um, so, as always, it's a great pressure to hand over to Doctor Sai Rash on for our pensions talk. Thank you, James. Okay. Hi, everyone. I think this is all a seven installment doing quite well on me, So we're going to talk about the 2015 and HS pensions game. Um, pensions are painful. So I've broken this down. Really? Simply just because it it took me a while to get my head around it. So feel free to ask lots of questions in the chart. James will be asking me those questions at the end and will answer them life. Um, this weapon I was gonna be recorded so you can watch this as many times as you like on keep an eye out on www dot mind the bleep forward, slash finance and I will be putting an article a swell summarizing the webinar. But also providing some resource is where you could find out more about pensions. Scheme. Um, So what we're going to talk about in our webinar is what what pension is overall, we'll talk about types of pensions. I will explain some key terms that you might come across when you're discussing pensions on. Then I'll just give you a very, very quick overview of how the all of that applies to the 2015 and HS pension. Now, before we do that, we have on expert guest and a from Weslyn who actually manages unhelped. Everyone doctors, um, consultants with the pensions, he's gonna give us a few words, and they will be around for the questions as well. So, uh, do stay tuned. Yeah. Thank you, Doctor. Actually, I just thought I had to spend that about militants explaining Westly now, So we're effectively an organization before it's financial planning to medics. Business. Break the virus down into hospital doctors. Dentists on GPS use Their special is, um, on. We provide financial planning. A holistic financial planning boss. A whole range various for providing more bias to investments to supporting the checks. Three. Teo Solutions in later life There's a business We do generally have any insight into medics. We have an advisory boards that provides information to us and helps us understand what's happening in your world. We have a lot of Harvey and Kumar feed into this on a regular basis. Helps shape solutions in the last provide. The idea being is that if there is any points of financial planning, you knees, we should be able to provide you exactly what you require, but also taking to consider everything to do with you. Roll your career will pay on all that so fast sets of being a doctor. So if there's anything, anything you do require me before that course would be happy to help in our hang around with trying to questions that is provided. Thank you. Under. That's really kind. So we are just gonna jump into it. This is me. We'll know me by now. Um, so just going to just jump straight forward. What is a pension scheme? So there are lots of different pension schemes at the moment. Um, on a pension scheme. In a nutshell, is when the employees that's us contribute a certain amount of our salary pretax, uh, into a pot on. Then the employer will also contribute a certain amount of your pensionable salary into that part on because that money is being taken pretax. It's meant to be a tax efficient way to save for retirement. It means that you're not paying a higher level tax on the salary that you're making. Then you'll be paying tax on it later as income. But it should be more tax efficient because you won't be, um, hitting the hae attacks thresholds until bit later. That's a big complex for me as well. I'm trying to explain. It s so we will go over that. So that's what a pensions game is. Overall, but there are a couple of currently three types of pension plan's. Two of them are kind of the same thing, but I'll break them down so you have a defined contribution. Pension pon You have a career average revalued earnings pension plan, which is what the NHS pension plan is. UM, it comes under the defined benefit umbrella on then. The final salary is a different type of pen, short time that also comes under the defined benefit, um, umbrella. So we'll do the one that we're not first, a defined contribution pension plan. Now these are now pretty much the most common across the private sector. Um, it is literally a pension, a pot where Theis employees will will contribute a certain amount of their salary. It's actually quite flexible what the employees could contribute if they want. They can actually contribute more than the minimum amount that they're meant to on. The employer will also contribute a certain amount. All of that's put into a pot on. Then that pot is invested by the pension provider to help the pop grow on. Hopefully beat inflation on the employer will also contribute a certain amount of that's put it to a pot on. Then that pot is invested by the pension provider as the employer will also contribute. Some amount of that spiritual on that is invested by the Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah. Uh, sorry. I didn't seem to have some tech issues there. Apologies for that. I have no idea how that happened. Um, I'm not gonna beat myself. Basically, the pros of this is that if you'd like to have a larger pension pot, you can choose to make additional contributions. Um, but the cons of this is it's not risk free because Thiebaud is being invested. And so the amount that your pension is worth Congar Oh, up a swell is done. Um, the other issue with this is that hot is finite. So once it's used up, it's used up. Um, there isn't a sort of payment in perpetuity. Okay, so then we've got a defined benefit. Final salary. This is what three old pension schemes for the NHS were. They are largely being faced out because they are very generous. Um, Andi, they aren't very common anymore. Um, so this is when the amount of pension being paid after retirement reflected the amount of salary that the person was earning just before they retired. So if you retired with a really good salary, your pension was gonna be really good for the rest of your retirement. There aren't really any constant is it was extremely generous and everybody loved it, which is why they covered it. And and so now, the one that we are on the career average revalued earnings, it's now a type of defined benefit pension scheme. Um, it's more or less limited to the public sector because private sector moved onto defined contribution schemes on it pays an annual pension amount based on an average of your mornings over the period of time that you have been contributing. The table that I'm showing here is how much of your salary you will be contributing over your career. Whilst you're working with the NHS for us in F one, we will be contributing 9.3% now. The amount we contribute doesn't dictate what our annual benefit is. It's almost like we're paying a fee to be a member off. This scheme on the scheme will pay out what they've calculated based on our average running's to be eso we'll be paying in 9.3% of our salary on the NHS will be paying in 20.6% of our pensionable salary on that will all go together into the scheme on that will help to run the scheme and fund the scheme. It does not dictate what our benefit is. A T end. What dictates our benefit at the end is our average pensionable salary over the time that we have been contributing into the scheme on, so that calculation is different. I haven't gone through the calculation. Um, I can do if you'd like in the article, so just drop that in the comments if you'd like me to do that. But I've tried to keep things simple in in this webinar. So the pros of this is it is safe for your money is not being risked. It's more generous than the define contribution schemes, because the payments are made up until you die. It's not that it's a finite pot, and once the money's gone, it's gone. Um, Andi. It also is, um, valued based on inflation, so that's taken into account when calculating the value of your benefit. Um, so the constant. This are that you have a fixed level off employees contributions, which means if you wanted to actually increase your pension pot value, you would have to do so by accessing and, uh, defined contribution scheme, either via the same provider or a completely separate private one, which then goes on as generous is this one. But that's not really that much of a corn, because you still have, um, an excellent pension scheme, which you're contributing to appropriately on, which is calculated based on your average earnings. And that's not gonna be affected by how much you are actually contributing. Um, so that's, um, in a nutshell. What the 2015 and they just pension scheme is. So some key words I wanted to talk to you about. These are things that will be mentioned in any explanation about the pension. So I thought I'd break it down what they were. So your pensionable salary is the number with which the calculation is made on it. Just it's basically just your basic salary. It excludes any overtime. Any out of ours work any weekend premier. All of that stuff. It doesn't include any of it. All it is is your base salary. Um, next is your pension contribution. This is the amount that's deducted from your pre tax salary, your gross salary on it, accessibility a fee so that it means you. As long as you keep contributing that 9.3% it means that your part of the pensions game and then that period of time counts is your service. Um, and it has no bearing on your final pension value. And so on an annual defined benefit. This is the amount that the calculation spits out to say, This is how much you're going to be paid for you until you die on. That keeps changing as every year because it's revalued every single year. So over the time period, your salary will be increasing. Therefore, your annual defined benefit will slowly be increasing a swell on. That's why we get the statement at the end on our yes ah, which tells us what are annual defined benefit is at that point on, it will increase as we further go further through all career, Um, on then so annual defined benefit and lifetime allowance. They're not specific to, um this scheme that just a generic term for pensions on the government has set the lifetime allowance at the moment at 11 million and 55,000 lbs across the board, which means that if you have on NHS pension on a private pension, the total value off that pot can't be more than one million and 55,000 lbs. Well, you will be taxed on any amount over that, um, the maximum. It's the maximum value of your tax free pension pot. Because the NHS pension scheme is calculated as an annual defined benefit, it's not calculated as a specific pot. The calculation that they use is 20 times your annual defined benefit at any one time. So if your annual defined benefit goes over 40,000 lbs, you will start to move closer and closer to your lifetime allowance on. But then you need to be careful. I think the numbers about 52,000 lbs, but I need to double check when you actually hit your maximum lifetime allowance on At that point, anything that you're putting a way above that is subject to attacks. Um, I can talk a bit more about that. If you like me to a get in. The articles are just put that in the in the chat at the moment. I just want you to understand these things because they are just terms that will be used a lot when you're discussing pensions. So, in a nutshell, what is the 2015 NHS pension scheme that you need to know when you're starting halfway one. Basically, it's an employee contribution 9.3% that you're making on your basic pay. It's a 20.6% contribution off your basic pay that the NHS makes as well. The contributions have taken pre tax from your gross salary. It does not have any bearing on how much you're actually going to make it. The end. It's only a way off keeping you in. The scheme on your retirement triggers the pension access on your annual pension benefit. Once you start, drawing it down from your pension will be taxed as normal income. So that is basically what you're 2015, and it just pension scheme is a little bit more. Um, it's very generous. Um, it's actually really, really good compared to the private sector. If you opt out, make sure you speak to someone like from, like Andy from Wesleyan to have another plan for retirement. Um, because you need to make sure that when you stop working, there's a way for you to make income. Um, this scheme, particularly, is low risk because the money is not being invested on. It also has additional benefits, which I haven't actually discussed on. These include a lump sum payment to your family or dependence if you were to die in service. Um, and there's an adult dependence pension on a Children's pension is, Well, um, you can read about more more about these on the Bs a website, and I'm going to pop that in The resource is for the article. But it's not only just your annual pension, it's also these additional benefits as well. So that is pensions in a not show for the NHS. Um, and he Did you have anything you wanted to add to that explanation before we went to questions? Explanation was great. I mean, one thing or it would have absolutely reads Ray, is that the skin is exceptional. There obviously have been quite a lot of press coverage about schemes changing over the years with the 95 to 2015 Steve you call rate stroke. Taking it out is an exceptional scheme with my from the calculations to work out. Haven't started me to paint a private scheme to get same number return. It's massive. So it are Anybody opting out game really need to think hormone hardest to the reasons why there will be no reason in painting your privates being real steam. Second to none on might say that they keep on the raise. There is the fact that money's not invested. If you look at the recession, you go back to April 2020. Way locked down started the first doctor to 5% in a month, so you put money in a unit. Need to invest in pensions scheme it fine contributions your investment value who have drops significantly. So it works with the test patient's guarantee to promise to pay that the chest will pay you once you get over time and as long as you live so you live in a very little pain in the index inflation rised painted over here types. There is absolutely no wrecks, so the point I'm a doctor ashes is absolutely key our exceptional steam, no risk by his benefits and something I think more more companies will do away from. You make a point. Normally, companies offer this private sector. Simple reason is it's just too, too expensive to administer to the fact that people have access to this. It's brain, and I will certainly encourage anybody. He's maybe on the best tea paying this. That's absolutely fabulous. Thank you so much that that's exactly my my thoughts is one is really reassuring to know that that that is don't know. Generally, the consensus is Well, um, so please, please do, um, give us feedback on die of realize I haven't been putting my contact details up, so I have no put my contact the pills up. So if you'd like to get in touch with me and do contact me at finance at mind the bleep dot com I look at that email every day, pretty much three times a day. Um, so I will get back to you if you have any questions, but I will pass it over to James now to tell us if we have any questions. Okay. Thank you very much. Sara, In Andy I'm finally starting to feel slightly more positive about the financial side of being an F one this year. So that's something we got loads of questions coming in Boyle means on if you want to jump in a Well, uh, okay. So first question came in from Recover Endo, husband and wife working in the NHS. Is it worth for them to both be in the pension scheme or the one toe opt out of the scheme and invest elsewhere? So the merit both being this game's one, they're essentially benefiting from oh, incredibly strong pension ski that both benefiting from contributions being taken out of the pain. Pre tax. So that's a tax benefit. Um, and in terms of, um, late morning life in retirement that both gonna build a pension out, which will make you sit there, even tax allowances. Well, so make absolute sense of both choosing for one of them's choose it and going to pains way I'll turn it if there isn't really any alternatives that match it. Because if you go to paint a private patients game, you're then losing the employees contributions going towards the pro for the increase in pensions that you get from your chest. So an extent of patients skiing wouldn't match. A nice wouldn't match with rate returns because the money is already tax one C's. It's it's been invested into into the ice. So my views and I got lost and lots of doctors that are Hubble's up. Both daughters, both of them paying scheme both benefit form the potential growth, the tax benefits on the retirement income. I completely agree with that as well. It's such a fantastic scheme. It would be, really you have to have a really windfall in your investment to really match the level of 2015 scheme would give you. I think the other thing is, well, is that you don't trash. You meant today that there's obviously benefits that that relying on the patient's getting one of those with the debt and service benefits. So if you're a member of the painted skin, benefit from a debt and service benefit, which is twice your super, I'm waiting pensionable pay. If you become a different member, we don't join this, then you lose benefit. So there's a There's an awful lot more paints of steam than just the pension in isolation. You've got that in service also, or some people will help the time. So ask you grow what you move through your career in your painting. Grows your spouse. Your Children benefit for a new health retirement pension, but it won't help. The time is broken down into two tears. Team one, which is paid with your unable to the road to observation or cardiologists. You can't continue doing that wrong to build this potential power. Um, it's Tier two, which is for more severe illnesses. But if you want to have the images pension skiing, then the wording changes from beginning to your own job to being unable to do great work so well. You're losing a benefit because unable to be grown job versus any work is completely different. So there's a lot more to painted in in just the actual patients are. Thank you. I have no idea about the second one. That's that's really interesting. Yeah, thank you very much. Okay. Hans is your question. Uh, the next one is from Janice. Um, Jesus. She's confused as to what will happen aged 58 a half. Um, when it transfers to the 2015 skiing and that she is looking to retire at 60. Depends how old John is is no, isn't it? No. Yeah. I mean, they get to the point, makes his body. So if if, if I suspect what's what Janice is referring to is a pension scheme had a has had a a phase period of transition from the old 95 states. 2015 on it, depending on how old you were. 2012. So when you had migrate from the not our ski into 2015. So I suspect what she prefers it is that as off 58 a half, so move from being in the old 95 scheme to last for a top 60 on moving to 2015 scheme, which is they're linked to stay at a time. So I think if the question what we need to be a bit more with discussion in terms of, you know, the impact have multiple. A difference in this case is the one element of schemes just goes down to make it you need Teo route. I'll leave that money into a state of time and or she decided to take that same time. It just means you take back to where we adopted taking that money earlier and escape. But that's a type of a sort of a conversation that one's won't make you would require. Just because the complexity in the level of discussion requires no completely agree. I think that's that's something very individual. And I understand it's frustrating. It's not very clear, but actually planning for that might be very, very important. We're talking about large numbers here in terms of money. Um, so do you Contact was doing if if that helps you, thank you very much. Hopefully, that's helpful. Jennison, you do get in contact. You need some further that, um, just scrolling down on. But we have another question from Jesse. Um, he says hello. Thanks for the women. Are, um what happens to the pension or money that you put in if you end up training or living elsewhere? Um, so sorry, Andy. I think you know, let's go ahead with this one. I have mine was gonna be more of a guess from what I've read, but you probably know better. Yeah, So the images thinks it's essentially benefit build up. So if let's say you had five years of service on. Do you have a pension? Grow over five appear and then decide to move? Brought up? Quite so do this. Their pension benefits will remain available on the pension benefit can still be taken at a time for that individual where they are that obviously have the opportunity to then crystallized pension here and then have money transferred abroad. Alternatively, there is an option where they could. So if it sounds a little straighter, is an example that could go to spray it. That side to settle that they have two choices is what set the income from pension here, crystallizing in UK all they could speak to a local advisor in the front of you. Put them, you know, to Australia an example on that advise. You could look at the merits of transferring the skin from the NHS Teo scheme abroad. They give you something similar in the UK when money's come in. It's a very complex process, more so because the patient's skin has so many benefits and so no guarantees. But that would be a discussion with an advisor in the country. They will be moving service to see whether it be more beneficial to leave the funds here or two moving abroad, But simply there is no risk to you live in a sense, that money is lost. Um, can I ask a question that, um, I right in thinking that once you leave the NHS pensions came? Yes, it does remain that for you to access later on. But you do lose those additional benefits of the death and service benefit you do on things you help were in changes for my name will be going to do your own job to be able to work. So the benefits are watered down for for members very much. And then I have a question from Google. Uh, do we get notified, or is there some way to check how much that we have contributed so far? So kind of. Do we receive a notification, for example, for about across the total lifetime limit. So if you have access to your yes, so you'll have a a benefit statement. Um, but you're able to look up. It's a the bottom you scroll down on. Then your pace lips will tell you how much you've been contributing. Each month is well Uh, and did you want to add anything to that? Yes, The side gives you access to the total statement. Total Ward statement is the obligation the NHS pension have to providing information. So historically, what used to happen is they never gave you everything. You have to have a paper steak sets out, so you're now walking. When you log into it, it will give you it's ham, which we entitled 2050 under that habit tell you a pension we were yearly as an income on it will then provide some Boeing. Amazing Keep it we need to know is how much of that paint it better work now. It doesn't really do a forecast. It's normally looking at that particular point in time. So the current statement about it up until the first of March 2020 the other 0.2 Teo consider, is in terms. And this isn't an issue for a for a next one next to or a call medical training. This is only something I need to start considering. What's the consult? The annual allowance, which is the amount that you can paint your pension yearly, is four thousand's. If you go into that there is a potential tax charge on you may get staying from the NHS, but also the energy pensions arm. Oh Torey's but not sending states out, not making people where. So once you get to a consultancy or want to reach consultant good practices to contact me, just pensions and ask your annual out statement, you can have it every year. It's part of the service that they must provide on that will give you a breakdown of Hammond's to be paid. So I have a growth you had on your pension in isolation currently in previous three years. So I think I mean the best things. We doing this at the early stages before consultant monitor your pension level by going through the fcr to get total ward statement. Want to get a consultant? Then you should be getting your annual outside year. It's make sure, you know, exceeding that on. But if so, then that's obviously where we come in to talk to you about methods that always and t deal without potato tax charge. Okay, thank you. Just, um, checked. But my understanding is correct. And just reiterate a point. If it is correct when you cross that threshold, um, taxed the entire amount of taxes. And it's not just like income tax, where the amount that you've gone over the threshold, it's tax, it is your entire pension. But is that correct between? So you were talking. So there's two things here, so you get a lot of time allows the last time around to set up a little if you go, if any amount over that, if they tax at a useful tax rate. So if you let's say, you know, listen, there's a pension. It was a million on you go to 11 minute. Anything over a million is Taxotere. Is it 25% of the lifestyle hours And that's the tax charge of the first of the total of 80 patient. You won the first in amount of force of thousands. You go over the 40,000. You own your tax. So you you live in sporty urine of years 50 10 over. You're being gonna get back 10,000 tax marginal way. So for a force upset tax fire tax charge on that example before Okay, thank you. That makes more sense. Pressure. Okay, So, back to the question, We have coming in another one from Jersey. Uh, what happens when you're working as a locum saying f three? Yeah. Does that mean that that year would not really count towards your pension? As it's local work? I understand that your local, um, salary does not get pension is not taxed. Um, is not pensionable. Um, but I don't know if that means you're also over the pension scheme or if it's a break. Yeah, I think the pen to you that if you don't get quite free and you decide to go for an agency, they clearly the agency separate entities that spent no pension contribution, you decided to do a free on get contracts you bring. I think in some cases you can ask your contributions to be paged Noble. It depends on the circumstances. I mean, ultimately, you're going for an agency. They you would just be the further in 12 months because you are paying into it. You can go back into steam, start once you get to call. Medical training is next one. Um, but so I think it's if you do, you work through the hospital. I've got quiet, I'm sure done loaded word, but I've been able to pension. I think it just depends on the circumstances. We'll get nothing. That would be, ah, thing to contact Wesleyan about in more detail, wouldn't it? Because off just how complicated it would be to arrange that, Yeah, the next question I'm actually follows on from now. Um, so if you were to go and work in a different country for a couple of years, so it's similar to a local work and then return to the any chest, what happens to your pension? Steam? Yes. Oh, because that example. So let's say someone decide they do it by one and quietly, that about two years contributions, they decided that they they work in Australia. Two years of pension with basically remains dormant is normally get further growth because, you know, paying scale sometimes by half, two years. And then Jordan goes back into a nasty one. Next to they automatically. You know, checks have got a responsibility to enroll the one that the auto involvement rules set governments years ago, so they would also be wrong into the scale. And this game just continued to start to rise and grow. Based on the skin moles that time you just go to years, right? It would. It would deduct years. The two years of service would be deducted that the two years of no having way, if you think about that, would be with the career opportunities body weight. Today, it's affecting the way it works is that you're getting 1 54 coming year. So the one I wanted to explain it, if you think about it, the new one. If you were 1 100,054 going works at some not one night that you guys have a pool. Second year, you get the same. My parents report and you wanna get placed in fights with It's a one story is if you don't need the chest, there's two parts remain, and nothing happens to you that the next two years you're working abroad. There's no contribution going to skate and then you buy. When you come back, you go. Then you would then have your next whole income one people paid into the pace of steel and so on and so forth. One of the benefits of the career adversary evaluate that he's taking a nap, pretty grating is a appear time. One of the problems with the old bottom salary states is that they weren't on best in the final three years of retirement. So in some cases, some people could be penalized if they ended up working less towards of time. And this seems much very skin on your cool race. That's what she does well, so there's no real negative other than that you're gonna lose two years of pension contributions. But the contributions before your paintings, it won't be effective. Uh, thank you. See, kind of just carry on from where you left off. I hope that answers your questions on the week. Um, next question is from salami. Is there anything that construct you from receiving the NHS pension after a time? So, for example, if you have a significant amount in savings No, I think your your pension's game is your pen. It's your pension. You will. You make that you thought that you have been promised by the NHS that that is what you're going to be paid and your life went from when you retire. There should be no reason why you wouldn't receive your pension's game as far as I know. Yeah, I completely agree. I think what? They were very serious that some some government benefits means testing, so the benefit may be reduced or available if there's a savings little over a particular amount. But these are the benefits that virus people that are around work or to say something that you're actually right. There's no reason in my mind pension should be reduced freaking related to that. You might say you were 40 years, 40 years of service, and the benefit will provide that income into continue to pass away. Um, Tom ask, Is there a online calculator where you can work out roughly the amount that you would get per year for your pension? Post retirement that absolutely is. And I will be providing a link to it in the article, so keep an eye out for that. There are actually a few you can get, so I'll put a few one there, see which one you find the most useful for you, but they're quite quick to use. Yeah, again, I've been carrying that because you can when you get a good idea what your pension income is, what more be worth in the time on the East surprising how much pension steam pays out on my cassette, comparing that with privacy. When you take into account investments, volatility risk associated with it, it's It's an exceptional scale. You conceive benefit that you're gonna get something where you can take it. Way to promise the pain that you have committed time progressively life. Next question. So the next one is from Michelle. Uh, she says, you mentioned that the any chest pension benefit will pretty much remain the same. Even if we end up living elsewhere, how do we prove that we're retired? Get the one back that Is it possible to get the fun back? We stopped working before the retirement age, so so have you. Okay, so it's active. Previous retired. So first and foremost, pensions governed by retirement. So they the 2015 steam is linked to statement time. So it's staying in time and obviously dictates when you can take ski. So if you're in your thirties, they all your student the neck. One moment 68 could even be like that. So you would need when you get to a time. This isn't something you need to remember, but you need to compete was called a cut You a form and then you go in for last lost questions about you, your details. He tried various of the bits, so they were verifying your retirement at that stage, so was the second question. Eso the second bit waas. So if you stop working before the time major here, you covered that part. So it's Or how do we want her proven that irritated you could get it about time for the time before time you can. The reality is, patients seem to like take a pension before the standard type of age. So the standard time eighties that's a 68. You can take it before that, but then they apply an actual reduction. So they said, you take money off you by taking the pension either a year 234 years before, so you can do it. There are rules related to that. You just need to mind for the earlier you take it, the more the less your gas. Okay, that's answered Michelle's questions there. Another question from Solani Ondra mentioned about being able to move the funds from the scheme abroad. Is this possible with any country or can they be certain restrictions? I'll be honest that night so it would depend on the country you go Teo as to what their pension regulations are their pension processes after whether it could be transferred to turn on the country. So maybe I'm not sure, actually, Mark say, well, he had on the country on it would also depend on whether they actually run those pension schemes or no, and how protected they were. So if you're going to a country that's relatively like the UK on bit works in a similar way, that's fine, like Australia, for example. But if you're going aboard and you're going to a country that doesn't have the same sort of infrastructure in place, you could be putting your pension at risk as well. Great ones. Interesting actually saw a similar question about this on Reddit today and the answers were very similar. Have been just definitely a a financial advisor and your specific situation and which country you're coming too. We have one question. The rest. I will go through on answer in the chat because I understand I'm just giving up his time for free for us, which is really so, Yeah, if we could just have one more. Okay. Uh, you lost two questions. See, either they were kind of bounces before. If you complete your GP training after three years, um, then you go to live abroad. Um, would you still get your pension at retirement age? So you never come back to you on HS? You just kind of go up. And then when you hit a 68 70 whatever the retirement age is, you then claim your pension back from the UK. Yeah, saying please be the same. You know that one that quite so you create a VTs don't buy your service, the pension would still be available. It just You just need to make a judgement course whether you take it here when you decide to transfer elsewhere based on some point stopped directions, braces. Well, as to what side did, but it would be valuable. Okay. Thank you. Um, and there's only one more question. Yes. Really, Um, again, on a similar vein, the stuff that we've already talked about If you decide it's best for you to leave the NHS pension scheme but later decide to rejoin side from not being able to make the two different parts together. Do you lose many benefits? I think if you actually opt out, you can't rejoin it this far, as I'm aware, Is that right? No, we do. I mean, I have had clients in the past of all to down. Think if you walked out of some of the oldest games so say the 95 scape for a particular number of years, then you wouldn't be able to. You were able to return to go with 2015 scheme of 2015 schemes. Now the dominant skip. Then you can rejoin the scheme of even had clients have been out of medicine for quite a number of years and come back. It joints cape because again, if you look the pension rules of wired a pension rules under auto, when Boyd joins an organization, the government requires that mean more enrolled back individual set time, trying the individual that has opportunity to then onion roll themselves. But boy, it must enroll you into this game. I think in my in the context that I read say you joined us enough one. You said you didn't want to do the 2015 scheme. You opted out, but you continued working for the NHS on. Then about five years time you changed your mind. Thought. Actually, I'd rather like to go back. But you you've been working for the address for that period of time. I understand. You can't enroll back in. You'd have to almost leave the NHS and and come back in to be enrolled again. Um, not sure what my understanding is that somebody can go back to the scheme any time on. And maybe the complication to do with some of the other ones gave me 2095 or whether they wouldn't allow you to rejoin the scale set. The difficulty is that what's the difference? But looking at the wider government pensions walls around the auto Roman, if they came back even to the NHS, they have to be automatic enrollment part. That ruling? Um, yeah. Thank you. Know the same as well. And I can just update with the answer to that one. Good. Thank you. Feel that's a really good question. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. God has been loads of great questions coming in on a soon as I said no more quick before you guys have no more questions. Mawr started coming in. Bible perfect. You guys later, and hopefully they're going to be answered in the article. Um, or we can reply stuff on Facebook. But that's been really interesting. An informative talk and quit the Q. And I, like you can tell it's definitely a difficult topic for everyone. I mean, yeah, it's a lot of discussion, and it's not. It's no easy. Um, uh, just before we wrap up, just like, uh, remind everyone. Please do give us a feedback. We've actually had some really good response is for the last few weeks, but the links have posted in the comments. Um, just take five minutes. Tell us what what was used for. What was know how we can improve that. We do really appreciate when you guys set the time to do that. Um, and then Sira and Andy, Is there anything you want to add before we finish? I just want to say thank you, Andy. I've actually learned a lot this evening. Um, Andi, it's been really, really useful having you on here. The quality of this weapon are definitely went through the roof. When? When you joined us. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For our alliance to sort of come on board is if there's anything like this coming up in the future. But we can provide some support more. So jump up really close. Thank you. Everybody have a lovely evening. Thank you so much for joining us, Onda. Uh, yeah. Good night.