Pathways to Urology Training in the UK
This on-demand teaching session provides a unique opportunity for medical professionals to learn from Dr. Akinti, the chief head of urology training at the Castle Hospital in the UK. Dr. Akinti will discuss the pathways to get into urology training, techniques for improving logbook experience, tips for creating a strong portfolio, and much more! All attendees will get the chance to ask questions and receive advice tailored to their own experience and level of training. Don't miss out on this vital opportunity to gain insight into urology training and enhance your career!
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the different pathways to get into urology training, especially in the United Kingdom.
- Understand the criteria for being accepted into course surgical training, including the minimum amount of surgical experience and points needed to receive.
- Identify the components of a successful portfolio, such as publications, presentations, and teaching.
- Gain knowledge regarding the Logbook and CSC portfolio, which are both resources for getting into urology training.
- Have an open discussion about the application process and ask pertinent questions.
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Yeah. Yeah, I just started. Now it's already put into in, like, next. One minute. Did you have anything you want to stop? Do I have any words? Okay, Don't worry. We already live. All right. So, um Good afternoon, everyone. Um, welcome to this edition of, um, cigar seminars. I'm being hosted by the urology units. Um, we have a very important person amongst us today that would be taking us through some vital information. And, um, it's very important for everyone of us to pay rapt attention. Please do not your questions. So that after the presentation, we could, um, uh, ask questions. And after him answered, um, so I'll be welcoming, uh, guest speaker today. Doctor Pollution Akinci, chef head nod is an urology training in castle, the hospital or in the United Kingdom. And it's going to be helping us, giving us tips on out to get into your body, training the pathways and things you need to know alternatives how to start where you are. Essentially, um, it's very good if you have questions after this, um, seminar so that everyone can learn. So without wasting much of the time, I'll be inviting Doctor Um I think the chef at night. So proceed. Thank you. Hello, everybody. Can you hear me? If the answer is yes, just go in the What's it called Chart section and just say yes. Any comments? No, Specifically you kindly. Um I think someone someone has said we can we can here, so I'll just I'll just take that as a yes. Um, So essentially, just like my my good friend, someone has said, um, I'm a surgical training whole. It's a part of East Yorkshire in England and especially today, we'll be talking about all the different ways in which you can get into training. I mean, the United Kingdom, Um, I think before we start, if you notice there's a poll that essentially is asking how many years surgical experience people have now, the reason that poll is there is because for the amount of years you you spent post medical school, that is what determines which part way you take. So I just want to know the amount of people who spend sort of like, less than two years between 3 to 5 years or more than five years, and that will sort of give us a bearing as to which area to focus on the most. So if you see the little pole, just put in an answer, and it should help us. Okay, Um, while you're doing the pole, I'll just give a brief background about myself. I graduated from Medical University in Zaria, Nigeria. Um, in 2007, I moved to England in 2018, or thereabout towards the end. I got my GMC license in 2019, and after that I did a non training F two job, which, if you go to something academy and you're right club, you will keep hearing F two F two F two. Well, that's that's the kind of job you'll probably end up getting after that job. I did another non training S h o job, which initially was meant to last two years, after which I was going to apply to be a urology registrar. Um, but I wasn't too happy about, you know, the sort of support I was getting in the hospital, um, essentially was one of those jobs where they wanted to use me for service provisions and not necessarily training. So somebody advised me. I was like, If you want to learn urology, just get into a training job rather than a trust. Great job, because it does the work, work, work, work. So at that point, I decided to apply for course surgical training, and locally I was able to get urine through program, which essentially is you start your training from ST one until you become a consultant, as opposed to the more common pathway, which is that you do course surgical training for two years. Then we apply again to become a registrar as a higher specialty training from ST three, which is a little bit more sort of stressful to do. Um, from the pole I'm seeing now, 85% of the people who are on this call have between 3 to 5 years of sort of, uh, since graduation from medical school. Um, we will then sort of proceed to the next stage of things. Um, in terms of sort of applying for training, it's very competitive, and at some point during the presentation, you see what the competition ratio is for the different subsections of training you can apply for. But like most things in this life, you know you have to sit down and plan. And if you know what you're planning for, then the chances that you probably will succeed become exponentially high. So some certain things you might need to make your friend in terms of preparing for a surgical career, especially one in urology, is things like the logbook. I will explain. She ate a bit further as we sort of go along with the presentation. But to find the logbook, you literally just need to go on Google and the logbook you register on there, and it is essentially where every surgical operation that you are doing, you lock them on there later on our sort of expand shades. And if you do decide to sort of take on a non training job pending when you apply to either become a registrar or follow something called Cesar Pathway to become a consultant, I SCP is a portfolio you can use to do your work based assessment and things like that that will help you sort of build a strong portfolio for applying for training. Now, the reason I wanted to know how much experience people had was because it has a significant bearing as to what you are applying for. So if you want to apply for course surgical training, which is the first half where you do two years as a course surgical training. Then we apply to become a registrar at ST three level, you have to have at least 18 months of surgical experience. What that means is that those of you who have done house job, you've done a Y. C and whichever job you are currently doing, all of the surgery you've done in that time should be less than 18 months on paper. Because if it is more than 18 months, it means that you are overqualified for course surgical training. And you would then have to apply for an S D three registrar job, which is essentially the next stage. Um, for people who have probably completed some sort of training in Nigeria or wherever and have already become consultants, you probably can still also reply Sorry, applying at S D three level to become a registrar because when you're already in the system, things will move much quicker for you, and it's easier. But if you spend less, for example, 10 years as a consultant, and you want to move to England. I think the sort of thing to do is to apply to become an associate specialist or a local consultant or do something called the Caesar pathway Caesar pathway again is something I will sort of expand she ate later on during the presentation. So what we're going to do at this point is probably start from course surgical training and those of you who it applies to. By the time we're done, we'll talk about classical training. I will allow time for people to sort of put questions in the chart box, and I will attend to them one by one. We'll take two or three questions at that time, and at the end of the presentation, we'll just take maybe, like, 15 2030 minutes and just do a full question and answer session. Okay, now the application for course surgical training runs once every year, and it takes a couple of months. If you look at the screen, you essentially see that this is for 2022 which is essentially this year, and it's passed already, but the applications will generally start around November every year, and if you look out for these applications, you can then apply and follow the schedule, as you can see on the screen broadly, what it involves is you find the job advertisement for course surgical training on the Web site called Oriel. There's a slide later on that has the sort of linked or Web address tutorial. Or you can simply just google it and get on there, register. When the advertisement comes on, it essentially ask you basic questions like bio data. How much years of experience have you had? Where have you worked CV type things. I need to ask you for references and whatnot. At this point, if you have put in that registration that you have more than 18 years Sorry, 18 months of surgical experience, then application is likely to be rejected because you probably are overqualified, like we discussed you know earlier on. So especially like I said between November and April is how long the application, um, last during the application process, they will ask you for your portfolio and evidence to support your portfolio. Now, what that means is that there will be something called a self assessment form, which at some point I'll be able to disseminate some information around. So you see what that self assessment form looks like? It is a form that essentially wants to find out how much logical skill have you got. And the evidence for that will be hard. Many procedures you have in your portfolio, which is that website that showed you earlier on. I'll just quickly go back to the side just to remind ourselves. So this is the log book, and this is where you look, all the surgical procedures you have. And essentially it will ask you how many have you got? And it will give you a minimum to score a certain amount of points. Now, I have got a PdF of the self assessment form, but it will be a very time consuming process to go through each of the domains one by one, and maybe at a later point. If some of you have decided you want to apply for neurological training and you want me to go in depth about this assessment form, we can arrange another session. You know, specifically to do that, but your self assessment form will have domains like publication and to give you points for the number of publications you've got to have domains like teaching to give you points. When number of teaching sessions you've got, they will be domains for presentation. If you've given a local presentation, international presentation, original presentation, you get different scores depending on the complexity of what you've done. If you have an extra degree such as like a B S C in addition to your M, B, B, s and M S, C and a PhD, those who score you extra point. But at this point, I want to also mention that when you see the self assessment form, it might be scary in the beginning. But the aim of all of this is so you have the information and then you plan a lot of people do not have these additional degrees, and a lot of people do not have publications, so you shouldn't be scared about those bits. The owners will now be on you to score maximum points if you can, and all the other things that you can actually do. And if you get a job, if and when you actually get a job in the UK, you can sort of make a plan as to how you want to achieve all these points. And like I said, if we do another session about sort of getting into Coast surgical training, then we can go in depth about how to chase all these things individually. Now, whilst I was talking about course surgical training, I sort of focused on it because it seems like it is the most common route of entry for most people. Now there are two types of sort of entry. Well, three, but all of them will still boil down to two ways of entering surgical training from the beginning. Now, if you have interest in, for example, this particular specialty like urology, and you'd like a job that allows you start from ST one without having to reapply at C three level straight to become a consultant. That's where the run through training comes in. And in specialties like cardio thoracic surgery and your surgery. That's where it initially started. But urology was then included, but unfortunately I think about last year or so they stopped doing run through urology training in England and, uh, and in Ireland, but it is still available in Scotland. So what That means is that if you want to run through job, which is probably the best type of job you can have because it stops you from doing the interview process a second time. Unfortunately, you probably will be limited to applying for urology in Scotland. Now that notwithstanding, there are also academic posts that you can apply for. So this post are solely based on research and you'll be an academic training. And the name of an academic training is you start the training program. At some point, they let you go and do it. Take time out, let you go and do a PhD, and you'll be heavily involved in research as well as your surgical training. So when you become a consultant, you probably have a weekly route aware on Monday and Tuesday's you're teaching in the university and you're sort of working on publications, research and all those other things. And then you have, uh, maybe one clinic on Wednesday and to operating list on Thursday and Friday. That sort of thing you get if you want to go into an academic position, but it might be a little bit difficult for people coming from other countries because you have to have a solid background in research from your undergraduate dates. Now there will probably be some of you who already have that, but it is something that has to be persistent. You have to show that you are heavily involved, the research and you have the publications to back it up. There's a separate application process for academic post, which, if anyone is interested, I can leave my email and we can sort of talk about it later on. Um, the B portion on the screen that you can see is on couple training, which is what I've been trying to describe when I say you do course surgical training one bit. And when you finish your surgical training, you move on to ST three. Now, since the focus of our discussion is urology, course surgical training comes in many beautiful combinations, depending on what your specialty of interest is. And essentially, it is a two year job that will have either a four monthly rotation or six monthly rotation. Now, if you want to apply for a registrar S t three job in urology, it is required that you have at least 12 months urology experience. So it means that if you're coming through post surgical training of that 24 months, 12 of those months must have been spent in urology. Even if you're not doing course surgical training and you want to do a trust, great job, and from there apply to ST three Direct, which is a pathway that some people can do. It is what I wanted to do in the first place, but I decided to change my mind along the line. You also have to demonstrate that you've worked in urology for at least 12 months, and we'll sort of catch up with things from there. Now you can find urology themed course surgical training jobs that you will have 24 months advertised on the job and maybe 18 months or 12 months, specifically with the urology. The other 6 to 12 months, maybe general surgery, ent plastics for drama, orthopedics or whatever. Now, for you to be eligible to apply for course surgical training. We've already mentioned that you have to have. At least we're less than not at least less than 18 months of surgical experience. And if you want to do urology, it really doesn't matter. At this point, if you're applying for a surgical training, whether that less than 18 months is in urology or not, it could be again search. You just need to rank the urology jobs higher, so you have a higher chance of getting that job. Okay, you did a full GMC license if you haven't done a foundation training in this country, which is your F one F two years? But you've done house job in Nigeria and you've done N Y. C. You either need to get a consultant in Nigeria to sign something called the Crest Form. It means certificates of resonance to enter specialty training. It's just something saying that you know all the competence as required of the foundation doctor in this country. You have them. A lot of people get it when they moved to England and they're doing whichever job you just find a consultant who they are working with and just say, Can you sign this form for me so I can apply for training of whichever kind? So if you're going to apply for GP or any other things besides your old is the same form you feel? Um, we stated that you need a portfolio now this portfolio bit in terms of applying. For course, surgical training might be confusing because I already showed you that I see people age. You don't need to do that. I see people age thing before you apply for a surgical training. The portfolio is literally folder in your laptop, where in terms of, let's say, teaching, for example, you have a bunch of evidence in that folder regarding teaching. In terms of academic awards, you have another folder and the things you you sort of gained in that bit. In terms of research, you have your evidence. So the portfolio is you keeping evidence so that when you apply for course surgical training and they ask you what is the evidence to say that you've done this thing, you have them. Okay, so that's what this portfolio means now, in terms of competition ratio. This is from the 2021 application year, which means that people started course surgical training this year. This was the, uh, sort of competition ratio. I know it looks scary when you see that it's a ratio 1 to 4, well, essentially in every four people, one person will get the job. The reason it is like that is initially in terms of applying for course surgical training. Let's say about 56 years ago, you could only apply if you had a British citizenship in Round one, and because surgery was competitive. Round to was what was sort of kept for international medical graduates and whatnot. But the jobs often finished in round one before it even got around to. So that's why a lot of international graduates never were able to sort of get into surgery as much as the sort of can these days, which is an opportunity for those of you here. Um, the thing about this short listing is when you want to apply for training, especially called surgical training, you have to have a strong portfolio, and if you have a strong portfolio, it guarantees you an interview slots. And the benefit of this is in the interview is literally you. In front of two consultants. They ask you questions just like a normal driver. You went through medical school, and you have a chance to defend yourself like you can score the entire points in the interview. If you want you just have to have practiced enough. You have to know the answers, and when they ask you, you give them portfolio. There might be nothing much you can do in terms of some aspects. For example, if you don't have a PhD, you don't have a PhD. But at the interview, if they ask you a question and you're prepared appropriately, all you have to do is answer it and they'll give you your points. So I wouldn't really be worried about the compensation ratio. It is just a thing of preparation. The first half of the preparation is get your portfolio sorted with your good portfolio. You learned an interview spot. When you go to the interview spot, you just need to prepare well to have prepared beforehand, and you answered the questions. Now these are links to essentially the person's verification and the self scoring guide, which, ideally, I should have shown. But it will just be time consuming. Like I said, um, in terms of the sort of evidence you give when they ask you for your portfolio, you need to be clear. You need to be concise, and you need to have looked at the person's specification, and you have to have achieved all of the things that you're submitting as evidence before the time of application. You can't let's say, for example, you want to submit that you're doing a postgraduate diploma and medical education and you don't have the degree certificate. Let's say you're applying on November. You you finished the degree certificate in June the next year. You can't put it because you haven't achieved it on already. Sort of Things are good. Is letter letters, reflections? Reflection is essentially, you're saying, um, I worked in urology for a period of about one week just to see what the specialty was like. They allowed me to outpatient clinics. They showed me things just to say that you've got the experience essentially, even if you've not officially work the job in the certificates and awards and posters as well. Um, in terms of the interview in itself, for course, surgical training. It is a relatively short interview with two parts. Um, one of it is the leadership parts and essentially give you a topic that you need to speak on, and after you speak on that topic, they ask you questions about it. for two minutes. Um, um And then you have a clinical scenario, which is five minutes each. They ask you a trauma related question. For example, a patient was involved in a road traffic accident the patient has now presented to any, uh, GCSF 10. And they invite you as a senior house officer and surgery. What are you going to do? There's ways to answer these questions. You say things like, Oh, there's a set standard way to do it. So you say Essentially, um, I recognize that this is a trauma scenario and I want to managed according to the HDLs principles, Um, as I'm in the any, I want to manage this patient in resource. I want to put out a double to double. To call. This is. You have to just know it. There's a way to know it in your head. And that's how you answer in terms of the other clinical scenario. Rather than saying you any any, they tell you you're on the ward and somebody had an appendectomy. Now their systolic BP is 70. Um, their post rate is 100 and 50. What are you going to do? There's also a way, a set way to answer these questions. So instead of saying I'll manage according to the HDLs principles, HDLs means advanced trauma, life support. Whereas in this bedside clinical scenario there's also another principal which is care of the critically ill surgeon patients. And you say I managed according to the principles of the care of the critically ill surgical patient. Want to assess this patient in an eight to reformat check the patient's airway? There's a way to sing it. So you just need to prepare before hand and know how to sing these songs. Like I said, You can score 100% in the interview if you want. You just need to go there and finish your way out of it like every job interview in this world, and you could potentially be fine. And that is what will help you in the subsequent ranking past this stage before we move on to the bit where we talk about, uh, the S T three section of training. I just want to ask, regarding course, surgical training. Does anyone have any questions? And if you do, just put it in the tag box. Sorry. The check box and I will attempt to answer two or three before we move on, so I'll give one or two minutes for that to happen. Okay, There are no questions in the chart box, so I will assume there are no questions at this point. If you do remember any questions you might have, please feel free to write it down. And, um, at the end of the session, we can go through things as they are now. Um, the next stage of things will essentially be, um, the higher specialty training, which is where s t three? Uh, which is ideally the 30 of your training begins. And like I said, some people choose to apply to this directly without doing course surgical training. And some people apply to it after doing course surgical training. Now the rules of this one are a little bit different. And if you look at it when you compare course surgical training, where there's several thousands of individuals applying. So, of course, surgical training is 200,000 people applying, and only 607 jobs are available for urology specific because you've come down to a subspecialty Well, a specialty in itself the amount of people applying. It's not that many. It's about 200. Now, when you look at things like trauma and orthopedics, you find out that there's 604 people applying, and they actually do have more jobs at 177. But if you look at it, there are about 400 people who don't get jobs. So in my opinion, I think if there are 200 people applying for 50 jobs, it means that you probably have better odds here as an S t three doctor, well as an S t three applicants to get a job than Khost Logical training. If you look at the numbers, the difference is only actually 0.2. So if you decide that you want to start from Costa Rica, train in the first place is not a bad idea. Anyway. You get, you can get into the system, just get into the system. If you're eligible for cost of medical training, getting through that route and at the end of the two years apply for a C three. You'll have all of the experience you need at that time and essentially should be far easier uh, for those of you who will probably want to apply to a C three direct, all is not lost. Um, it will still follow almost the same format as applying for a surgical training because you have a person specification, which you just need to sort of see in terms of your clinical experience. How many of these take boxes have you already take and the ones you haven't take? How can you go about actually taking those boxes in order to make things easier for you? Now the S C three interview is essentially similar to that. Of course, surgical training. You have two consultants, however, um, the questions you will be asked, uh, urology specific. You will have questions about elective patients. You have questions about our patients and emergencies, and the interview timeline is almost again like coastal physical training, and it opens roughly around November, and it runs up to May. Now there is a short listing of candidates, and the short listing of candidates will be based on your portfolio that you submitted again. If you do succeed in getting an interview, then you can score as much points as possible from the interview because at the end of the day, what they do is that they add the marks you get from your portfolio with that that you get from your interview. And then they rank everybody now, because there are about 50 jobs at C three level, it means that you have to be in the top 50 or 51 to actually get any job. And the better your rank, the better your chances of sort of getting these jobs. Now we've already said that you know, you have two assessors. The interview in itself is 30 minutes, um, split into three. And like I said earlier, you'll be asked questions about emergency urology. So things like, um and obstructing effect is to torsion and things like that. You have outpatient questions, things like, especially general urology. And there's one communication station now. Communications would be things like Maybe they ask you to consent a patient or for you to break bad news. Something like that. Again, there are many resources or interview books that you can sort of consult that will help you better practice for this. At the end of representation, I'll show a few resources that people have used in the past and have been successful with. And if anyone wants to sort of use the resources as well, then it's a case of actually finding them online now. Asides applying for your higher specialty training There are things that you can actually do if you've got sort of a lot of experience. You realize that in the beginning of the presentation, when I tried to sort of stratify people based on years of experience post Medical School, there will be people who probably have more than five years post medical school 10, 20 years and are practically consultants in whichever country they're coming from now. It might be a little bit difficult for these people to start applying for things like a surgical training because they are very clearly over qualified for these rules, and they are sort of skills will be better utilized in other aspects of urology. And at this point, there are other jobs that you can apply on NHS apply for NHS jobs. Uh, some of them will have the title associate specialist or senior clinical fellow or a local registrar or trust grade registrar. Now, these sorts of jobs are not entirely useless because A you earn money from these jobs. And B, it's a way to sort of get into the system. Now. If you apply for these jobs, you can then join the ICP portfolio and start to build a portfolio that allows you apply for something called Cesar. Now, Caesar is essentially, um, the certificate of eligibility for specialist registration, usually in this country. If you enter a formal urology training post at the end of it, they give you something called the certificate of completion of Training, which is what allows you to take on the substantive, um, sort of consultant post. A substantive consultant post means that the hospital has employed you as a consultant and you'll be working there 95 for however, um um, how many years you want? But you can also apply for a locum consultant post, which means that you are there as a temporary staff, a bit as a consultant post. But it will be for a short period of time, and they can either choose to be New York contract or not. So it's not. It's not as definitive as a substantive post now for you to do that. You have to have some sort of certification somewhere, which is where the seizure comes in. And to get Caesar, you have to have entered the UK system somehow. So if, for example, you've been a consultant for 10 years and you see an associate specialist roll, such as the one displayed on the screen, you can take it. And in the following sort of two or three years, you can build a portfolio that allows you apply for Caesar. And once you get your Caesar sort of registration, then it allows you take on a substantive post. Now, the advantages of sort of taking on an associate specialist or a senior clinical failure job is that you know you probably can have more time for fellowship examinations. For example, if you're wearing consultant in Nigeria and you have your fellowship there, that fellowship does not directly apply here for you to get a consultant job. So you might have to write the F. R. C s neurology fellowship exam, and when you have that, it will inevitably be one of the things you need in order to follow disease that pathway. Now I have another slide that if you're interested in sort of following disease, a pathway I can send to people at a later date. It goes more in depth as a sort of things to do in order to prepare yourself, but all of it is heavily centered on building a portfolio. Now. I won't go through all of these sort of advantages because I'm sure some of you have already read them on the screen, and we'll just move on to the next phase of things now, in terms of applying to be an associate specialist when you get the job, I think that it's one of those things that may be daunting for most people because you're in a new system and you need help. Um, there are many people who are essentially mentors and specifically for people who are associated specialists in urology. Um, I will put on a link later on as to who these people are and how you can contact them there. There is literally on the bus website, the page and any of these people's names. Depending on which hospital, you see that as close to you can click on it, get their email address and just email them and say Look, I am working in this country as a Reggie Extra and I want to do C is at some point, and I need to sort of help on how to best maximize my opportunity and how to build, you know, the most appropriate sort of portfolio so that my portfolio has strength, and I can sort of get this is the first time, uh, I'm applying now. These are sort of the questions I know a lot of people might have in terms of going through the seizure process. Um, rather than answering them directly because I know only a very small percentage of people might be interested in following these routes. I've included a link at the end of representation to take you to a page that answers all of these questions. If you need further details by any means, I think you can contact me, and I will be able to help or at least find someone who has done it and who can talk to you and support you through the entire process. Um, essentially, uh, this has been a brief overview of all of the pathways you can take, um, for us to have a more in depth view. It will depend on the amount of people who intend on taking these pathways. And a little dates can be set where we can go through a surgical training in depth or higher surgical training in depth or Caesar in depth. Um, however, like I said, uh, I was going to display resources that people can use, depending on which ever stage of training you want to enter through or you are currently at, UH, that can help. There is a website called Medi Body. Many body is good for either course surgical training or ST three application. They give you a brief overview as to the interview process, and you have a question Bank of frequently asked questions. Now, about 60 to 70% of the people I know who've applied for course surgical training and registrar training as well have used many body. So it is something that you can sort of register on and sort of start practicing. Practicing is the key to applying or attending any one of these interviews. You have to plan appropriately, and practice is always ideal for you to also have another colleague who's applying to the same specialty or to the same job. E course surgical training, and you sit down and you sit down and sort of talk to them or practice with them, and it should make things easier. Um, the website from Boss has a lot of resources for people who want to follow the associates specialist route in order to build up a portfolio for them to sort of then apply for Cesar as a consultant and in terms of Caesar. Specifically, there's also a link there that tells you all of the basic information you want to know and how to sort of go about the seizure route. This Web this bit essentially had pictures of books you could use, but for some reason it's not showing it was meant to be books that you could read for course. Surgical training. Um, for a course of physical training, I think all you need to do is go on Amazon and just write called surgical training interview, and you see books that you know can help you. Um, I haven't got any close to me at the minute, and I was hoping the picture would show up so you can have a nice idea. But at some point, I think I can go on Amazon and share my screen and just show you which book specifically it is and so that I can help you for ST Three. Like I said, many body is probably your best bet. However, if you need books, these two books on the screen can help you. The one at the bottom is a bit of overkill, because it's what you need. Okay, sorry, I just got a little bit distracted by questions being put in the box, but I come back to that question and answer. I was saying that the second book below is essentially overkill for your H D three interview. But if you have information that is up to the level of Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons for urology, I doubt that there be any question to ask you at the ST Three interview that you cannot answer at consultant level, which means that you probably score the points. So if you got 25 lbs to spend well, essentially 50 lbs because this book has only one and volume too, and you've got time you can buy this book, digest the book from start to finish. Practice your ST three interview questions and you can get high quality answers and you get a high quality score. Um, that essentially, Bill brings us to the end of the presentation. There are some questions that are already popping up and give people a chance to sort of ask questions. And I will share my screen just so I can show people what the person's specification looks like. Okay. Should screen. Hello. Okay. Ooh. I don't know if some of you can hear me, but this is the self assessment score guidance for courses, you know, training. If you can hear me, just put yes, in the chat box. Okay. I'll just assume you can hear me. Um, especially this has many domains. It wants to know if you've okay, I'm just confirming that you can actually hear me. So this is a person's medication for your surgical training application. So the first half of it essentially wants to score you based on things like, have you written your membership exam for the Royal College Insurgents? And as you can see, if you've written and you passed the first one, which is part a, you get four points. Have you attended any surgical courses? If you've attended four or more, you get four points. Now, in terms of surgical. Course is, I'd like to advise people it doesn't have to be the most expensive course you can attend some courses that are free, some that are 50 60. You just have to be smart about this bit. And as long as you can provide evidence, I e. Certificates that you've attended the surgical courses and there's at least four, you score four points there. Your operative experience. We talked about the log book. You just need to lock 30 to 39 cases now. I usually tell people this is where you should be smart. In specialties like urology, there are simple things that you can attend, like flexible cystoscopy lists in the hospital are working on a daily basis. If you go to a flexible cystoscopy list in the morning, you'll have at least 12 procedures done. If you go to that same list in the afternoon, that's another 12 list. So it means that if you dedicate one day to just go to flexible cystoscopies, you can have at least 24 cases in your log book. You just have to be smart about it. There's no point spending your entire morning attending a list of, uh, and open radical prostatectomy that will take like, 2 to 3 hours, just so you can put one sort of take in your log book when there's other, simpler procedures that take far less time for you to do so you can go to things like social explorations. You can go to, um, ingredients. Little architect Amis. You can go to a transrectal ultrasound biopsy of the prostate is still procedures. So simple things what you use to score, You know, the six points, um, surgical conferences. Um, so in terms of surgical conferences, you don't have to physically traveled to other countries to attend surgical conferences when I applied, essentially just went to online conferences. So you go. If there's a webinar a conference you attend online, get your certificate and take the box. Okay, now, in terms of elective experience now, what the surgical elective means is that during medical school, like the medical school I went to, there would be a four week period where we would essentially go to some Random village and do a rural posting. But this rural posting was in the hospital, where it was essentially a surgical hospital in the middle of nowhere. So that's what I used to apply. This sort of evidence you need is maybe a letter from the dean of surgery in your school saying that when X y z person was the medical students, they spent four weeks between this time at that time the rural posting, it involved surgical experience where they got to see, maybe you can say I don't maybe not cesarean sections, but they do a lot of appendectomies and exploratory Laparotomy is in all these rural hospitals. So you just say that these are the things you saw this where you gain from experience and have a letter to support it. If you don't have a letter, you can do what is called a reflection. Reflection is literally you picking up your Microsoft documents. You write a small essay about when you when you had this experience, what it was about, what you gained and how you change your clinical practice. That's what reflection is, and you can submit that as evidence. So if you go through this person's persecution. It sort of tells you the type of evidence you need. So, for example, for MRCS, obviously, if you're reading it and you passed it, you just need your results as past. If you've attended the surgical course, you need a certificate to say that you've attended it and it has to have sort of your name, the name of the course you're organizing body and things like that. In terms of surgical experience, you already said what you need is the log book. So you print out pages from that, a log book without any patient information whatsoever you need, and you get a consultant to sign each page. Then you convert that page two pdf and the pdf is what you submit as evidence with the number of cases you've done in terms of conferences, you probably get the skates for attending conferences. And we've talked about your surgical elective where you need a letter. Um, and there's also something called the surgical taster. So surgical test. That is, for example, if you're interested in urology and all your past surgical experience has been in general surgery, you can ask them to allow you go and spend one week in urology just so you can see how things are done. Um, when you finish, you can also write a reflection or get them to write you a letter to say that X Y Z person came and spent a week in urology. Um, he we showed him how war drowned happened. Um, he had a little bit of outpatient experience. He went to the theater and he went to our bedside diagnostic procedures and all that. And then you can see how it fodder sort of informed your decision about wanting to do urology. So that's what the taste that would be like, Um, you also get points for additional degrees like we've said. A lot of people don't have this point. But if you do have it, then it's great for you. I'll just breathe through quickly in terms of prices. Now, some of you were probably the best in your university. You scored distinction. The evidence you use here is essentially to get a letter from your school saying that you were already price in that local institution. If you went to your national conference and presented the paper, you got the price for sort of the best undergraduate presentation or something like that, or your best graduated medical students or distinction in your final year. You can score six months here. So if any of you are like that, I would say, Get a letter from your school saying that you achieved this and you can submit it when the time comes for you to apply. There is also something called a clinical audit. Now, some of you may very well have heard of this before, and some of you may not have a brief description of what the clinical audit is. Is the fact that you might have found out. For example, we are misusing antibiotics in surgery, so you want to find out postoperatively or preoperatively? Does the national guidelines say, For example, if you want to perform and orchidectomy, you have to give them antibiotics at induction? So you look for all the orchidectomy? Is that happened in the last two weeks in your hospital? How many of them actually got antibiotics at induction, then you compared to the national guidelines? If the national guidelines says 100% of patients who are undergoing orchidectomy must have prophylactic antibiotics, then you compared to how many percent of people in your hospital in that last two weeks actually had these antibiotics, you know, found out that in those surgical patients, only 20% had it. You know, have to think of a way. How can we improve in order for us to tally with the national guidelines and ways to improve will be things like you can't hold the teaching departmental teaching session to show people the results of this thing that you've done. And it will essentially be saying we are suboptimal in terms of this practice. Uh, this is what the national guidelines says. And then you perform a second circle of that audit to check if that the intervention you put in place, which is that teaching session has worked. You reorder it and you find that now, based on your teaching session, we are now at 80% satisfactory level in terms of giving antibiotics prior to our architect Amis, you can then nationally say that you've completed the closely audit the first loop audit to check or cross check in terms of national guidelines. If you are doing things correctly, you've now found that we are not doing things correctly. You've implemented things in order to improve. After we've implemented those things, you need to check whether your implementation has worked, so that will be the second group of your audit. Now, if you've done something like that in a surgical specialty, you can have eight points, depending on where you presented it. If you've done this closed loop audit, I presented it either at a local meeting in your hospital. But the original meeting you score eight points now. These eight point is the point that 92 maybe 90 to 95% of people are applying. We'll have it. So you must get this point whether you like it or not, and they want you to have essentially completed it. As it has said in this person's verification form, there are additional notes as to how you should submit your audits. There are bits about teaching experience. Whether you're teaching experience is locally the amount of duration you spend teaching, and so and such. There's training for teaching. If you have a master's degree in medical education, if you have got a postgraduate diploma or you just got a simple online teaching certification for teaching your score points here. The more complex your certificate, the more you score. You have to have presented things or representation. For example, the way I'm presenting this to you on this platform. If I get this kid's certificate for it as long as a surgical presentation and there were people in attendance and there's a formal feedback, depending on whether it's regional, national or international, you get points for that and whether I was in person. Um, if you have publications, you also scared score points. Either you have 1st, 1st author, joint first author that are points there for everybody. If you've been involved in any national, regional or local leadership position in terms of national leadership, there's things like If you have the role in, like the Nigerian Association of Medical Students or something like that, you can score essentially eight points. You just need to sort of bring out evidence to show that you've you've essentially done this, and that essentially brings us to the end of essentially the person's education slash sales assessment. For course, surgical training. Registrar applications also have something like this, and you just need to score yourself, uh, to the maximum of your ability, and this is what will decide whether you get an interview point or not, I will go back to the page and see what questions have been asked and attempt to answer them. Good to do. Yeah, mhm. You just awful. Okay, So for the questions someone has asked those working as an HMO in surgery Nigeria counter surgical experience, or only if one started residency proper. So working as an HMO or if you started residency is surgical experience. It doesn't matter whether it was in training or not. Um, in terms of applications, what you can do with that experience is essentially, if you're still working as a name or now and you know you want to apply, you can do things like register for that, a log book, like I said. And as you do cases, you sort of document those cases there and proceed as appropriately. Another question from Samuel is, does one have to do MRCS, Part A and B before applying for training Now, now that's a very good question. If you want to apply for course surgical training, it's not mandatory for you to have written MRCS, but as you've seen in the presence of medication. If you've written and past part A, you score four points. So it is advisable just because you maximize points for you to actually write that MRCS and actually passed the part. A part B is not so necessary now for you to apply for registrar training, you have to have passed both MRCS part A and MRCS Part B. That's something that I feel to mention so thank you, sir. Somewhere for sort of highlighting this bit. Um, there's someone called Cadre standing here. He said, Can one do CST? Urology specific Post and has it done? So the CST urology is not. It's a urology themed post. There is 600 ko surgical training jobs. What you would want if you want to do urology as a registrar is one that has at least 12 months of urology in it. So when you apply for course surgical training, they will allow you rank the jobs you want when you are successful in the interview. Okay, now what that means is that you literally have 600 jobs. Some of them are jobs that are focused or or themes towards orthopedics. some our team towards urology, some towards the ent, some towards general surgery. So when you want to rank this 600 jobs, it's you that will decide based on the amount of were based on specialty, based on the location of the job and based on how many months of experience in that specialty is present in those jobs. So for somebody who wants to do urology, if you want to rank 200 jobs, for example, I would specifically want those top 200 jobs to have some degree of urology in it. So I'll start by saying my first job is all the jobs. I have 18 months of urology, and it's based on the location I want. When I finished that, the next group of jobs will be the ones that have 12 months again based on location. The next one will be the ones that have six months, plus another specialty that I would not mind doing, if not urology specific. Okay, so I go back to the top. I realized that gentleman called Moses Abu was the first to actually start asking questions. I do apologize for not answering yours first, so I go and answer your questions, Moses. And then we'll go back down and answer all the available questions there. Um, Moses has asked the self assessment portfolio for run through neurology training. Is it the same as course? Surgical training? Well, when I applied, it was exactly the same. The run through Jobs and the uncoupled course surgical training jobs were advertised at the same time. The only thing that's different is, if you remember, I mentioned that there is an academic post that at some point you step out and we'll do a PhD. And you have that consultant job that allows you on two days focus on research and then the rest of the time, focus on like your surgical career that has a separate self assessment portfolio. And it has a separate application, um, process for the academic post. You do it through the National Institute for Health Research. Um, if anyone is interested in that, please feel free to, uh, indicating the chatter box, and I can give you my email and you can message me and or well, my phone number, and we can talk about that at a later date. But not many people sort of go through that route because something that you have to have been planning for a very long time, Um, in terms of the run through post. Like I said, it is now only specifically available in Scotland, and it will still be sort of advertised in the same setting as the co surgical training applications. So if you apply for CST, that run through neurology job in Scotland will also be part of the jobs that you can rank. And then there's can one apply for a surgical training and urology run through at the same time? Well, like I I think it's the same question which I just answered. Finally, can we have your email? If we have further questions to ask later on, I will just have my email now. Uh, tube Uh huh. I'm going to go. So you'll find my email in the chat section. Feel free to send me a message. Uh, if you have any questions or anything you like me to help with, uh, we've answered the m o. Question. Can you do a urology specific posts? And how has it done? We discussed that we discussed MRCs. Uh um can you kindly run through the S T three requirements or help the link. Yes, I can do that. I will do that. Next. Um, I believe the publication have to be a problem. It indexed. Yes, they do. They do. They do they do they do? But again, the type of publication you have, um, it's a thing of being sort of. It's about working smart, not really working hard. So if you can get a simple case reports as opposed to some very, very complex, systematic review that will take you months and months to do If you can get it published on pop bed, then accounts just make sure you're probably first daughter or something like that. I understand that you have also is trying to do some work in terms of helping people get publications. So if I'm well, if I were, you get heavily involved in that. At any point, you can get counts. Just you see opportunities, chase it If you can get these opportunities in Nigeria, Um, please take them and essentially do what you can with it. Uh, I will quickly go through the S t three, um, sort of person specifications. It's almost similar to that of the post surgical training, but a little bit more complex. So I will stop sharing my screen to my screen. Hello? Okay. Okay. Mm. Okay, so this is self assessment for urology. So socially, like I was saying, you need post graduate degrees. Now you see things like how many of the following qualifications have you been awarded? If you have a PhD, you get six points straight, and that's the high. In this first section, that's the highest you can get. So some people have m. S C s, and it will allow you to get three points if you have. So if you have things like courses, for example, yours is quite a bit more a TLS If you get into coast surgical training there setting course is that you must complete mandatory. So there's things like the advanced trauma life support, which is what I said. For those of you want to apply for CST? That's what guides your response to clinical questions about managing. You know, the trauma patients. There's a care of the critically ill surgical patients. Another course is mandatory for cosentyx training, although these days I think because of difficulty finding space. They are trying to make some of these things not as mandatory, but even if it's not mandatory, you see that will help you score points towards your ESI three applications. There's things like your advanced life support, which is your HDLs basic surgical skills. Again, if you get into college, surgical training is something that you must do and your score points. And then when it comes to your ESI three application, you need to also attend courses that are specifically related to urology. And some of these courses are highlighted there. Um, you can find these courses on the British Association of Urology Surgery Website, or you can find them on the Real College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, England, website. Or you can just simply google some of these things and find the courses, attend them and get these points that the problem with these courses is they are quite expensive. So this journey is one that is quite expensive as well. Um, if I go back to a TLS, a TLS is about 607 100 lbs, so it's the Christmas and so is the basic surgical skills. So if you do three of these courses you're looking at about six times 3 18. So 1800 to 2000 lbs. However, if you do it during course surgical training, your dinner will pay for it. If you're doing it on your own, then, unfortunately, whichever possibly working will probably not pay for it. The only thing in that list if you're in a non training job, they might pay for with your advanced life support, which is your l s again. If you're in training in course surgical training and you want to do urology, you tend. Attend all of these urology specific jobs. You can convince your educational supervisor that it is necessary for your learning and he might be able to waiver. It's such that your ordinary pays for it. Uh, again, how many publications have you got here? They ask if you've been a first author of a book chapter and stuff like that. So again, the more publications you can get ideally in that first two years, if you've gone through your surgical training or if you haven't in the two years you are preparing to apply for a C three, you should make this self assessment from your Bible. You have take the highest score possible that it's achievable for you, and you chased them one by one. Um, in terms of audits, the audits here are the same as what we discussed in course surgical training. So you just need to in whichever job you're doing. It's a one year contract you have, or whatever amount of years you do audits as much as possible. Urology related audits and you scored your points only that here, whereas course surgical training, you just needed to do one audit. And you have to have done two circles essentially first cycle, finding a problem, putting the intervention and the second circle to check whether your intervention has worked. That's what counts as one closed loop audit or two cycles audit. Here, they want you to do more than one closed loop. So it means that if you've done two or more closed loop audits, you score four points. Um, the evidence for that will usually be an audit certificate. The hospital you worked in gives you or there's a form you need to fill out is an audit form for 83 applications. If you google it, you can find it. It wants to also know how many presentations have you given since you finished medical school. Um, it could be at a national meeting, even if it's an international meeting like neurology related national meeting in Nigeria that you've done as long as you have evidence to say, you can submit it and it should also count. There's also emphasis on whether the presentation is oral or as a poster. Usually, if you are the first author of an oral presentation, you score much more points. But I think in this person's medication, it doesn't actually matter. As long as you presented the poster somewhere, it was a national or international poster. One or more, you scored two points. If you then have done an oral presentation, which is in front of a podium, you stood in front of people, and you've presented just while saying, If you've done it orally, as opposed to showing a poster somewhere online, then you score more points. If you don't do among score five points. A lot of you have gone through a lot of conferences, and this is this is child's play to you probably shine at this bit um in terms of post graduate medical teaching experience. If you've organized the course before and you can prove that you've done it, you get as a principal organizer of a relevant course for those, for example, those who are heavily involved in this organizing this presentation I'm giving you today. You're saying that you can get a certificate to say that it's something I've done and in my portfolio I've run this for this amount of years. You just need the letter and the certificate that proves that you've done it. Says it's got. Do you have a qualification in medical education? This is where your post graduate certificates in education or post graduate diploma or an M S C. You can get this from all these open universities in Nigeria and things like that. As long as you have a degree or diploma to show from a recognized institution, you can score those points, uh, medical, postgraduate prices. Some of these prices you get. If you presented a poster somewhere, you want price for best poster or something like that, you score points there, as you can see. Have you been awarded any breast presentation prices again? It's something that maybe at some point, uh, this cigar umbrella is something that, uh, sort of we can organize the conference. We get people to come and present abstracts, and we give a price to just within ourselves for things that people have done. And you can use it as sort of a price of presentation as long as cigar is a registered sort of organization that is known which I think that a lot of work is currently ongoing For it to be fully recognized, we can start to sort of give up prices on our own, and it will help people from our background sort of get the necessary point that they need for these specialty applications. We talked about surgical log book. It is still the same log book that we've spoken about. However, in terms of these a log books, because you are applying for core sort sort of a higher specialty training, you have to have used I c p to gather your evidence. Now, in terms of core urology procedures, what they mean is things like Do you know how to do is crucial exploration. Do you know how to do a flexible cystoscopy Do you know how to do a urinary extent? There's levels of experience to this. For example, if we take scrotal procedures, a level four means that you can do it by yourself. There's no consultant in the room. A level one means that you're operating with another consultant to register, or somebody who has to teach you the steps. You don't know how to do it. A level two or three means that level to you can start some parts of the procedure, but you need help with somebody completing it. Level three is that you can do most of the procedure, and your your consultants is in the room sitting down on the laptop doing something else, and if you need help, you call him. So these are the sort of level of points so, ideally, to score all these points for people with a lot of experience, if you can do scrotal procedures, you can do circumcisions. Hysteroscopy stent incisions at consultant level by your PSA yourself with confidence there and and the consultants can verify this that you scored level four. That means that you can score all the highest points, so if you really want to get into the extra training and you got the experience, then the aim is for you to score all these five points in these bits in terms of medical management of leadership, for example. Again, I keep using cigars because whoever is in charge of this sort of platform, this is a very good leadership role for them. Unfortunately, it will just be one leadership role, and you probably score just two points if there are other organizations. For example, if you had the mesh president in whichever hospital you're in, if you're a total coordinator for your department, then you've done it for at least six months or a trainee rep. You can score these points again. It's a thing. Or I said, you need to work smart and not necessarily work hard. And essentially, this is just a brief run through of the persons medications like self assessment guidance for a C three applications. Do you think that you can simply just Google and find it on the Internet and sort of take things step by step? Like I said, all of this is about planning. This is where you need to begin in terms of planning for applications. You know what is required, Which is, I suppose, the purpose of this entire session we're doing today. All right, I'll go back to the questions and see if there's anything that I've missed or failed to answer. Mm. All right. Index for the quest form can in Nigeria also then sign it. And how recently most you have worked with the person, I mean, it crashed form. Ideally, if you're not in Nigeria, you're working with the consultant. I think it would be it would be better if it's signed by a consultant who works in this country. The Nigerian consultant can sign it. But my question is, if you're asking how long ago must have worked with the person, I don't think it would make sense for you to get your form signed by somebody who worked with, like, five years ago. What about the experience you've had in between that time and now you know, why can't anybody in the most recent five years actually sign it? I don't think a quest form can expire, but if I were you, I'd get it as close to the date of application as possible and make sure it is signed correctly. Otherwise they will reject it. And you probably have to get it signed by someone else. So I don't think it does expire. I think I have probably gone through all of the questions I have been posed. Is there anyone else who would like me to answer any other questions? Otherwise, we might have come to the end of the session. Give another two minutes to see if there's anyone who has any further questions. And if there are none, I will, uh, let my good friend someone take over. Yeah. All right. Uh, good afternoon, everyone. Once again, Thank you so much, Doctor Shown for, um this exposition, I'm sure for everyone that joined really gained one thing or the other. And, uh, it's actually an, um, experience. Um, just before we close this. Do you have any questions? And, um, I think he was here not long ago. I was going to call him up to the doctor. Was, But also we have Doctor Abu the Did you have a question? So there's there is one question there. Somebody called praise. I think the army and someone will probably be the best to help you at this point because there's I understand his work on going in multiple platforms in terms of, like, working towards getting publications for people. So as long as you are here and you indicate interest, I'm sure they should be able to help you just start getting involved and learning these skills to do these things. So, the answer to that, we'll stick with the stick to see gas, I think. Yes. Um, thank you very much, Doctor. Praise, um, praise. Um, please. Um, are you part of the cigar platform? Um, if not, then you can just add you on. There is, um, a, um, link that you join a more for the link on this chart box so that you can just click and depending on the specialty, want to join? Then we could invite you. You could join and want to join. There are a lot of research going on right now, And so many things are looking that the world and they're very soon we start having, um, distance out there. Some units in cigars already have publications already. Okay, um, you could just join cigar dot org. I'll just just chat box dot org And you basically get able to join the particular specialty that you're interested in and register the details and you can message the leads. And I've then put you on. And you you said your back is going on and the most important thing is that you participate. Also, we have so many same nerves coming up, and then we call is joining, um, get across to delete as well, and you will get plates information. Um, thank you. Once again, Dr um, actually, she figured for coming on really upset this, um this part of the goals of cigars to have to put a mental orders, uh, people that will show the way it's You can't underestimate the in terms of having me in, um, in any if you do want to enter. And so it's here in the UK because sometimes you just have plenty information disturbing. You're stressing you and so you just sit there just writing you any time and you don't know what to do. And I got bad news out there for 20 have people that are there and they are working. The talk is very easy for you to follow their footsteps and build on their sources. And this is one thing single tries to do to bridge to grab a couple and bringing people that have experiencing these things already and help others. Um, follow this pathway. Um, we hope that this session this afternoon was educative enough after this closes, Um, a link to be sent to your emails where you feel your feedback from once you're done with the feedback from automatically. Um, a certificate of attendance is issued. Um, cigarette is now a recognize institution, So having these certificates can really help in your portfolio Just as a doctor, she said, uh, my colleagues have distance kept somewhere. Um, if you have difficulties with any of the distance, if you just on this message and I'll be more than happy to talk about, um let me check you dynasty online. If just that I could address. But if not, I'll just have Dr, uh, Moses. Uh, just talk is the West African lead and, uh, a lot of things that they also have to offer at the moment. Uh, let me see this ear, doctor. I'll be right there with us. Um, I think he's busy. Okay, All right, then. So this goes to the end of the day and thank you once again, Doctor, shopping for your time and sacrifice. And they are very busy. Uh, here. It's absolutely fine. If it's absolutely fine, it's near future, You know, You need my help with anything, especially this goes out to all of the people have attended, You know, you've got my email. Shoot me an email. You need me to talk on something, Just let me know. I'm happy to help. Okay. All right. Somebody has said. Now, if you need anything, you call this message. Uh, apart from money, don't Don't, Don't Don't know. Okay, if you need anything, Okay. Science money is on this capital, so thank you once again. And I wish everyone is very happy weekend and to enjoy the rest of your day. Um, this program was recorded life, so you can always come back. Or you can share with your friends people that have questions they can. This is very accessible. Just come back to the middle platform and you can watch through as much as you want for the resources. Also, I will be uploading these slides so it will be? Yes, it will be as a catch up content for everyone to easily come back and assess them. And I think with that stuff exist in this presentation. Thank you. Once again, everyone for joining me and thank you, Doctor. She in for your time. We need to update every grits with everybody. Yes, bye.