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Pathways to Neursurgery training in the US



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and provides an in-depth review of the residency application process, including what factors program directors and institutions look for, the alternatives to the USMLE, and pathways and opportunities for obtaining research and clinical experience. Participants will also receive an overview of the differences between the matched and unmatched, and the statistics for neurosurgery in the United States. Attendees will gain insight into how to be a more competitive applicant, and learn how to leverage relationships and research opportunities.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the components of applying for neurosurgery residency
  2. Recognize the importance of completing research and presenting publications for neurosurgery applicants
  3. Understand the different steps of the application process, including USMLE score requirements, visas, and clinical experience
  4. Learn best practices for making yourself a competitive applicant for neurosurgery residency
  5. Understand the research opportunities that are available to neurosurgery applicants and how to best leverage them.
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I don't see the water passing are characteristics they look out for include interpersonal skills, feedback from current residents. So in the past, before Corbett one use one would have needed to go to the different institutions you're applying to on. Then you interact with the residents, and then they get feedback from residents and in terms of what we think about the, um, the applicants, then things like I'm interaction with our starter and interview just some of the very ill aerated characteristics that I looked out for back program directors. And then this is just a statistic. Some statistics on us, Great. I didn't get so much. And I am geez, but this kind of lists some of the factors that are considered on this table shows the difference between the march on the unmatched. So your smell is cars, for those are my tongue average score of 2 48 on my toes, too. For the wall, step to score means go up to 52 4 on much to 48. Such experience is minimum of abstract presentations and publications. You can see it's quite a huge uh no, a huge number on, then walk experiences with the experiences. So I'll talk my bottle of these leads and this. Just use this data about what is available. And then things are predictors for much. An intern Your surgery for graduating medical students were on your surgery. So just a little. It's similar to what I should, Elliot. So your smell is cause a step two scores. Number of obstructive presentations? No. So what's makes it for competitive? What? Four year for neurosurgery? Us. A. Medicine cause once grades in medical school. So if you're a US gradual grades and medical school, your class rank while for I Am Cheese. There's this MSB, this medical student performance evaluation that you get from your institution, which can off a test your performance as a medical student of then your research publications. Letters of recommendation, some internships, observation programs I might have undergone in for military experience. So I just think this one after the other. So for medical school performance, like a mentioned earlier, your creates quite important. So typically they look at the best of the best in terms of medical school performance and then your classroom kid. So for the your PSA for the US residency program. You need to have written your US a million us A. Military cysts. So they're three tests in total Step one step two step to used to be stuck to see us instead to see que Unless the three, however, because of Cupid, are doing a comedy arrested, two CS got cancelled. An alternative pathways were instituted for people to get certified. It's if I'm just certified. So Step one also DCs generator in the sixties here begin also feel exam it used to be in America will score three digit school like it's not possible. Feel on. The challenge with that is that Step one used to be like a screening tool in terms off, getting people into getting people in for interviews and screening people out from interviews on day. One of the things I am just in force get like very wild Step one scores kind of open does to them for now that it's become a passive feel system Where in America score is no reported, the emphasis now has been posted later to be step to seek, a sense that just happened to see it, where you have to see what date I would be from the program director So v from next year. Much to show what program directors are looking out at now in terms of screening in our screen, not applicants. What different people have precipitated that stuff to seek E and then a lot of the things like in terms of your research, I know that before cost on, but step to suggest your Emends an example in America all score on, but so one us to strive to really near very I schools with the two undense. You don't need to rush there three before applying. It doesn't give any added advantage. Some people say it does what from revealing data. There's really no other advantage in terms off whether Britain step three or not. So on. Then, after writing step one step to see key, then you look at what is safe MG. Part ways are available day about six of them on. Then you see which suits you better. One of the ones that I know a lot of people are taken is the one part we want, where you're right. A test of English proficiency wants. Already licensed to practice medicine in under the country to write a test of English proficiency. That's the 80 on there with That's Your step. When I step to see kids goes, you can do in a life was even just certification. The challenges I'm just face lower, much rate's visa status on then there. I'm just typically have to go through additional part ways to be competitive on then. This result in longer post graduation period, because I am just did. The moderate range is typically in the what So I am just have to do additional things to people if their portfolio just to make themselves competitive. So this usually results in the number off attentional above years. Some of the pathways I am just typically take include portion advanced degrees, such as masters of science, public health degrees on their Ph. D. Programs on the research fellowship. So research really should basically you're a research fellow conducting clinical Oh, this is science research. I'm at the facility a lot. That part of it is Progressive Density Fellowship, where some programs off are accredited Presidency Fellowship. See there for a year to a couple of programs off of that. So I know Boston does that. Boston Medical center does that like he does that like like hospital does that on this. So you can just check your PSA and your residency precedence and finish it programs so and then see, what's the the requirements are Some of them require you to, um, absolute from off you have a Visa State does, in terms of a permanent residents or your senses a while. So I'm doing so. It's very worthwhile to check what requirements are before applying, then from. And he's also apply for preliminary surgery programs on down Pretty nice area programs is like a forced one year preliminary thing where you kind of do more like general surgery. And then one of the things on me I'm just too is when they go for the electric rotation, it includes your surgery and that would get known by neurosurgeons in that hospital and then the tribute relationships and then re apply to the March Times off getting to the nurse address. Since the program, eso, I'm just would have completed resistance training in neurosurgery, their own country and then, after that transition to the US, just to show commitment, get more research, people don't show a lot of clinical skills, then some people. Also on the group was doctor or fellowships on the nearest on just scientist, a neurosurgeon in the nearest nearest such a program in the US Um, so when it comes to the US clinical experience for people were already US medical students, they typically to solve, internships it out their own programs or they go for external rotation on Dwell for I Am Just typically do it. A clinical observation is just to get some clinical experience, which is quite important in sense that, um, it helps one with letters of recommendation. It helps with networking so they can put if it face to the name. So when you're applying, you just want to be an unknown entity. But if you've already irritated True, a particular hospital particular program, they already know you. You can leverage and let's work. I wasn't it's working. You might have done that then. It also applies those for mentorship opportunities. Terms of getting the man told you can be very beneficial in the long run in pursuing this year's um, Ali or this residency process, then also puts us the research opportunities. I must add that for observer ships because of the visa limitation. If one is going to be on a tourist visa, business is a kind of limits when you can do clinically so you might want might not be able to have, like Ansan experience which research terms of public clinical research because you can't really have under patient stuff on all of that. But I think one time right papers and get some of the people there to be a senior those on on things like that. So off most of the research opportunities and then even subsequently, if one is going to push a research fellowship program, you can open such close to you when it comes to clinical experience. Okay, nickel observing ships. One of the things is very important to get involved. I'm to help and impressed the residents as much as you can because one of the things they look out for is not just being on island by yourself. One of these, the leukocytes are were you ever to work on, um, which which other people walk as a team on? Then they get a lot of feedback from the residents. Off course, you walk more with the residents than with the attending. So one wants to really be in the good books, rather off the residents. And then some of the things I want can help do is in terms of kids reports or write a case reports on interesting case, You might have seen or detail analyses A things like that just to help with some some form of research on, then fasting around time on assignment of projects. If you're given any assignments of projects, do you really want to get it done on time to shoot some commitment? And that that you're really, really into these event? Another thing one can do is you can take get places where you intend to, much as where you'd want to have the way you want to go for clinical experiences. So if you're looking at a particular facility or particle hospital where you're looking to much, you might want to get there for a clinical experience. Eso research, which is a very, very big parts thumbs, are beautiful sport. Fool you according to the 20 and 10 and I am peeing much. Announce comes every number of obstructs presentation of publications for those much, and it's in your surgery was 10.3, which is very huge number on the two types of being off research. Basically, the clinical a basic sensory, said physics answer session for being at the lab. And then the other way is one can get research is treated. Do a research fellowship of volunteers. A research assistant, Um, virginity can be discovered it up by such an institutional website so you can check different institution websites to see their research opportunities. Or, if your society website such as the C. N S. W s you does the American Association of Neurological, So June's on CNS is Congress of neurological surgery. We check society Web sites to see what opportunities there there might be on then connections you've made during your Alexis, which I mentioned any of your clinical experience. Or you can transition from June and active to get into a research fellowship. If that institution has that, and they can email specific physicians your future and ask if they have laboratories where you can volunteer or you can be a research assistant, one of the major measures of productivity So it's not just a lot of research exposure alone, they're looking at the number off publications or have strikes you have. So quantity really matters on. It's not so much about just push a shabby people's out. Getting a good number of people accounts for are productive would be so if one is undergoing the research fellowship for a year. One is to get like a substantial number of papers out. So no, just maybe one or two because they're looking at people were quite productive. And then authorship is also considered in times off. You for start or your second auto are just somewhere around on down the line. If, for instance, your own, that thinking a research here to do research also should really be very well be considered very strongly because that's like a significant time. But if it's just, maybe we shut period of time, Getting your name on people's is what might really matter. But other ship want to strive to get as many first got off people's. It's possible. I mean, it might not be physical if you're training for a short period of time, but if it's for a longer period of time, I think it's important to get that done. The letters of recommendation. So typically you need about four letters for us. Crowds would get to from too critical neurosurgeons and then from. And I saw a specialty clinic ship or general subject reaction on then they fuck. That is usually from the research Minto on additional neurosurgery Letter for I am Jesus. Letters are very important because the nurse surgery communities this closely need So they kind of know one another. So one wants to know. I mean, they want to know who knows? You know, if you walked with was ready to vouch for you in terms of your clinical proficiency research abilities on, then I'm just typically get a letter from research programs at the matter of gone true. Probably volunteered or research fellowships or clinical electives. That meant that true on, um, the other thing to consider this particularly old stroke. For I am just Visa Staters, which is a very big factor there to visit types, for I am known you as I am. Just so that's the jail and the H one b visa. So the general visa, typically after completion off residency program in my A requires want to return to one's home country for two years except one is able to get in with on while the each one p does not require. Want to do that, However, the H one B visa is not ready. Least concert as such. Because there was a quart didn't in the gym. He phoned in 2016. So it's not funded as Joan Visit are, so many residents are to blame the German visa. But then, except we'll get a wave I want. I need to return to one's own country for about two years before I'm going back into the US If you want it on the June visa, all you can apply for it and I'm interested in see. So for I am just post grad years, like I mentioned earlier because of the fact that they have to undergo additional part ways just to make themselves competitive. One of the concerns is that if you have been out off clinical practice for a while, so maybe what you've been doing this research there may be some concern about all good. Once clinical skills would still be so one of the ways you can make up for that. It's either I'm going to cut about kind of a labs or walk shops to kind of on your clinical skills. And then you can join Kleenex. A shadow attendings don't research here. So outside your went to apply. I don't think there's a particular Formula two days, but after one us on the gun. Careful planning in terms of beauty of you, but for you mentally is really, really important. When it comes to these, your mental should be a neurosurgeon, if possible in the U. S. Should be discussed with that lent in terms of where you stand on, what's your chances are. And then you can reach out to program directors or residency programs you're looking at and then into trying to interacted. What do you think of you to? Let's work on, Then you can. One should focus on where one has done research or electives, because there you already you already moved to an extent. So that's just kind. A little bit more chance there in terms of they already know you. And if you've been able to leave a good impression, I've got some strong little a recommendation from them that might be helpful. Then toe apply weight. But because of the lamotrigine for I Am Geez, I'm just often encouraged to apply to assume any programs that's possible. I've had people say that this is counterproductive. Issue applies 10 to 20 programs and then because the cost implication also when it comes to application. But I think our plan as to as many programs that's possible, might be a good idea because you don't know where you're gonna get interviews and because I just don't really get so many interviews. So you just want a costume? It's white. Eso the interview process itself. It's so after one application, as submitted to arrest in You give You If you're considered foreign interview on you, get called for an interview now because of covert. It's for a drop. So one of the things one can do is to read about programs I had of time on resources available so that at the interview, you're not sounding like you don't know what's going on. Do you really want to be able to put your best foot Trudeau so on, And so every processes like it does when open to you, I really want to make the best of it and then try to sell yourself on your unique experience is that one makes you stand out as a candidate. Essentially are like before, where you had to interact with the our staff and then the residents in the program. It's mainly virtual now, so it's basically what you can Are you able to sell yourself and then the ranking process after the interviews, The applicant on the program director So meter aunt least in other of preference to the entire MP, which days is on our car with them too much of a cancer program. So this is actually very interesting aspect of the old, uh, much forces whereby you saw me. So if you've interviewed out a program, you ranking order of preference in terms of which ones you you're most professors institution. So you run them in that with that. And then the program directors also run candidates that interviewed, read it in the order, and then they system days. Is this algorithm too much programs to applicants? Two programs? Right? Then it's commonly advised, I want you to match or programs. One has interviewed that, and then also to disclose with mentals on once ranked least so, um like I said, the information regarding this is quite normal, but some of this other places are found really up. Full terms of getting all this information on one country for the reading is, um there's this site neurosurgeon, match the dog on, then our There's this webinar serious by the NRA F which is the neurosurgery. Such an education foundation. So I think it would be beneficial. It was true, this additional sites just to get more information and on, um, in preparation for the march process. So thank you very much. Think that's about all All right. Thank you so much. I could have that insight position. Oh, before almost. Did you have any questions? He's pretty tall child books or not. You can kind of address that. I hope you guys going here. All right, so Oh, well, we're reaching for the questions, General, I think I have two questions myself. Uh, for the first one, you said when? June. You know that you mentioned something about the residency that's on, uh, programs. Some of the processes of us off our presidents. The opportunities there is, uh, sorry. Steps the requirements, But who's residency programs? Like what? What is it typically, but I kind of program a present for the ships to lasted a year or two. So one year to two years on then, um, each person is a program are specific instructions of requirements for application. Um, for Boston, I remember you have to offer it in. You have to have got it written your Step three because you're going to get the limited license by the state. So the state is going offer you're limited license and then, if your sister does, is also concentration. So typically it's best to go true. Whatever insufficient programmer, see what the specific requirements of what it requires the across gravity and the steps Because essentially, way do during president's information, she almost like a PT well, so you you do. I see you do now is around with their you do outpatient clinics. Stuff last. You, almost like a resident, is just the underlying a residency program. Then you get paid. You get paid. You get once a year, so your salary related other the PTO. I want to get on a trip. Compensation so and then what that helps do is that's It's like a food street the door. You already. They know you have seen where you can do clinically. You've done research with them. And then so some people usually transition from that into he into the residency program. That number of on residency? Yeah. Uh, all right. I think we have one person on someone's asking In the UK appliance, the train is national. Is it the same in the U. S. So when you say national, I know for for the for the us what essentially happens is them. It's like it's a delicate a period of time are usually around September way sending your applications. And then there's a program or correlative. So it's not just specific neurosurgery loan, it's Everybody applies around that same period of time, and then you get your results by much before the year, which is usually much in the march. So so you get results off whatever it is. So, um, applications Asian there on September thereabouts and then interviews Asian in November, December and then you get the results by March 2 full a year, so I'm not quite sure what the president means by national, but it's a structured and stand that so stand up first. That's where you just apply doing this them from. So I believe cause I'm on train in the UK as a foundation doctor, I believe the question is for neurosurgery protection in the UK. Apply nationally and then you are interviewed at in nationals level, and then everyone is running out on business. You're drunk in your eye. Look at that different parts of the country. But from what you've said. So if I believe you have to have been tablets each, um, residency area. So it's quite a friend. Yes, so dependent away you apply two, so you apply to specific hospital. So if you don't apply it on institution, you can get interviewed there. So it's where you apply to. The applications are considered on, then you get interviewed on. Then, after getting interviewed, you don't rank the programs and then programs run to you, and then the algorithm they're much is the applicants and then the program. So there's a very interesting video of the entire, um, the website. That kind of It's a five minute video that kind of describes the rock Roses D, too. So for those that I interested in checking that out, but okay, He's You have questions on the okay. Thank you. Okay. Sorry. Going to marry? No, no, no, no. Yeah. So Okay, thank you. I thank you very much. So I'm very good talk. I just wanted to ask, um firstly, was the benefits off like pros and cons of training in the US for your surgery On what a view. Have an idea? Part in it. It's like I get, like, clinical research experience in the US Is it impossible to get the direction residency there? So when it comes to pros and cause I've been I haven't expressed Nurse under practice in the UK so it may be difficult to say, but I know it's widely regarded as one of the best training the US particular disregarded as one of the best treatment opportunities for neurosurgery residency in the world. So amenable to give statistics in terms of which is better objectively amenable to say that. But then, um, like you mentioned in terms of if one has no hardly chance. So I'm not going to say it's impossible. But it's one of the things that once you try to because you're trying to build up a competitive put full year, right? And as an eye mg one is I don't want to use the word disadvantaged already. So trying to make us many things count for you as possible. So which is why the suggest or gets getting us clinical experience where you are known already. So if your instruments and you've done observer ships on where they know you take, uh, put a face to the name. So if your application, for instance, shows up at the hospital, they're people won't matter if it's written letters will know you already will know where you able to do under can't speak for you and things like that because you really want to make as many things count positively for you as possible. Okay. All right. Thank you. Dot is asking concerning resets. Our research is in your surgery. Only considered of tapes of out books or is it in already any trouble research on those are going to restaurants, Any tournaments, you know, that goes in the U. S. Decrease your chance, your chance of much insecurity. Okay, so So for the first question, I'm like I mentioned, the research is measured by productive itty Typically, they consider what you've put out in terms of productive, itty so research you're such experience can be or walk in in the lab or working with somebody in the research capacity. But then, if you're not getting as many people's out, they don't really consider it. It's like you have so many resources, but you know, you don't have so much out with didn't it's like, I mean, from the weapons about tended program directors really frowned on that. They really want to see you do something with what resources are available to you. So I think out what is really important about which is really important. And then once you're not depressed, to just push out to protect the journals are mean. Of course, you want to do good race that you don't know two on medical practice and stuff like that. But you really want without good numbers on then breast cancer and internal medicine or the programs. You know, one of the things we're looking at, the chart on the table where I talked about the personal characteristics that program directors I looking out for one of the very important in it's perceived commitment of specialty. So they really want to see that Or this guy. What else is track record being so they don't really want to see you going all over the place as much as possible. They really want people were It's almost like neurosurgery or nothing. That's the kind of way it said, like they really want that commitment. That's a part of me. So I'm not really sure if that would increase once chances are matching. And then remember when they mentioned Also in the past was I just going to take It's the ones that I really consider that those that are finished residency programs in the inner surgery in their own countries and then transition into the US So I'm not really sure residency and other specialties, my confined benefits. So I don't think so. I really don't think so on. But so there's another question of the child Books research People's published Well, medical swimming as long as it's research that constant was no surgery, Um, research that Constant was neurosurgery. Think that's what matters. So in terms off, are you publishing along Neurosciences? That's what really matters. Um, yeah, so I think that's it's, um it's good research. I think it counts for something. No, on. Uh Okay. So? So that my boss, the person I walked with was the chairman off department at Neurosurgeon Institution in the US for 12 years. So, uh, so for me, it's a thin, off getting clinical experience on then. Also, I'm transitioning into I'm leveraging on this connections on his mentor. She is my mentor. So on, because it's still strong ties with this program in the US Army original. That too transition into clinical observer ships over there on then with that also walking on research over here. So there's other things that I'm getting from the president residence. A fellowship I'm doing. So there's some time between the institution. I walk with a program in the US where my boss was chairman off. So I'm looking at transition. It true that on the any thoughts on transition from the UK to the US led trading or training, um, for transitioning from the UK to the US, I think as long as it's still along the part way off their surgery, I think I'm not sure if, um, if any went up transitioning in the elephants of treating literally would really matter as much as it's still within your surgery on, then. The other thing one wants to consider is a convention number of years post graduation. Because long as the number of years prescriptions count towards something substantial, um, I think it shouldn't really matter what. But then there's some programs that kind of frown. That's the number of years you've heart was graduation. So you know, before it's like there three sets impedes that kind of screen out candidates off from from other automatically screen out. Those have had, like a substantial above years post post post graduation. So the same time you don't want it to be too long after graduation. But if, for instance, one finds oneself in that position, you really want to make sure that the years I've really counted toward something, then is just on the dice points of this system for the application? No, not really. So it's It's most subjective. So what's you do is, um, you you applied you eras on, then you so detention that are sent us a minute because I mentioned that there Partly it's open now because off the consolation of step to see it. So whichever party one decides to take, so your scores evaluated. You're so you're feeling you're sending your scores your CV personal statement, then So you apply to multiple programs and then your letters of recommendation, and then you apply to multiple programs and then each program that ever if this candidates is a good fit for program. So I can mention before the US evidence that when school was a very big factor in terms of screaming and screaming out applicants on, um, But now that it's it's been changed to pass a fuel system step to seek a score is what many people have postulated would be the news cranium factor. So the dent which program dance creates wisdom, that and the research and then your your skin, it'll experience. And then they then decide to offer you an interview. And also application was no currency, an interview. So depending on our competitive, your foot for you is is working there, currently on interview and then after the interview yesterday for four months, you get around and then the algorithm them matches. So if you then I'm going to the parade, um, you might entreat program that you can get into residency program. But if not, you have to try again before the year. Doctor elements both for the next several reasons to be the 70 part series. And I started I deluded most common one nice parts we want. Where your medications medically license. Okay, yes. So I'm saying like, well, like so now who wants to see? Do you have to, like, get the like Guess execution after house joking that your body can apply. Funny. He said it was There were no you can. But what What percent? So I think once you've got in your full license to practice and which is typically often after asthma ship because for before, as much or you have is a professional license. But what's your answer is for certification. Think I'm glad to apply. I have completed your steps on other things, using every part we want. Yeah, but we want so and then you need to complete the examination. So I have to write a maverick. Add writtens that posted to seek a and then I wrote or 80 which is doesn't proficiency. All right, so and then if after all these one does not much into neurosurgery. So does, Um, there's there's this program called Soap, which is almost like a supplementary program. So for those that did not much, what's very unlikely? Because most US most neurosurgeons programs that field by the time the much processes don't know the stuff is usually for programs that are on field positions on. Then people can apply for that place is very unlikely for neurosurgery, so but if one falls into the category, I mean, the other thing is, too. You can seek feedback from where your view to find out What's, um what's, um, what they thought about your your application and what did think the problem and have been then also, um, oneness are walking on beauty in or improving or what you might have had in terms of our plan the year before in preparation for the next process. Because application is just once a year on day, if you don't much, you don't get in or you're unable to get interests into the so processing the after we to next September. I mean, what drained up during that period one. Then it's to work on other things. I think you can improve on off course you would. You're reaching your exams. You can improve on your scores. But the other things I think you can improve on that one. Will this work on those and then discuss with your mentors? Mentals will give you. It brought a view of what you think you can work on also, so I think it's a journey in That's requires multiple impute from mentors getting feedback from people who are already on this part. We already and and then there's a question about the range. Of course, from start of application, process gets in much. Um, so the number I have from what I So I from what I reviewed literature might not be accurate now because, you know, before one either to travel to different institutions for interviews on, you know. But that was about $10,000 about $10,000 to get that done right now, because interviews are virtual so that's kind, of course, coast on. You need to travel, but then through the things you need to consider depending on, so you know it's gonna see that the fees you you pay for your exams I think step one costs 1000 1 to $125. Yeah, it doesn't want to. In fact, on that from the mystic. And for a nine mg right outside the US that's there to costs to send amount, or it costs are for $25 which is $55. Then you need to You're gonna pay for question, Barnes, You know you're gonna pay for For what's it called the Indian? Me, the NBA mean, which is almost like a mark. Exactly. So all of those that cost a cripple, then in terms of them all Sorry. Okay, the question is, is application not just the years of religion I thought was years. Religion, so application process. It depends on them. Off programs are playing too. T o sorry. Did you say the question is start off application? Yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So it's not just I thought was just you're doing your similar journey, so the depends on a number of programs. You apply two, and then also, I think cost off yourself. Empty certification. You need to before you say from certification on then, um, after you get yourself into certificate that you can't stop like programs that number 4 g apply to determine the overall cost on. Then after applying to programs and they get matched, then after starts. There's a lot, a lot off that eventually to make in terms of whatever stage you're practicing, you have to pay for your license. A few there. So I can't give you a rough on. I mean, on average goes by noticably for my friends who have applied. I know people depend about $3000 thereabouts. 3000. My friend were applied in the last I quit about $7000 or the house went to, no matter what. I applied to a lot of programs, like 100 from germs. And so? So I can't I want to give a fixed figure. What expensive, Really expensive exports. Would you Would you Would you like what would be your heart? But you say so what you got this song for? Starting pushes just walking through the process. So I think that you know what is the counter cost off the journey and see, depending on how you plan or recently for so if you have, If you're forced, I'm gonna be the one supporting you. should a process they didn't know. It means that you don't have to worry about the phones right on. Then if it's that you're gonna be getting it from your Syrians in minutes, that's you might have to Delia, your application to you have a substantial amount. Because if you're gonna be working for forms, um, it's that part of your savings going to write in the exams itself, part of your seven's, we're going to the application process. So I think on there what some other people do is to get nose offsets the cost and all of that. But I think your one doesn't soil. If I what's right, you're going to take and then stop learning towards it. So if you're gonna get your folks to pay for you, you have to let them know, give him a rough idea of what it would cost. Said that, um, they can get prepared. I think I have another question. How does one go about this application I want you to respect for Okay, So, like I mentioned there to visas that I'm just simply is it that the J one off the each one PVC the general so typical part of the my flight four. I mean it will be used to apply for by the hospital, while the H one DJ one is applied for by the by East Offend, you say you need to pay some feet to be safe. Mg two facilities to do one application because it's we're residency program. So then, like I mentioned, the age will be is the one that is the one that you don't require to go back to your own country after a residency program? Well, for the A. One. C, because funding was caught for a one B visas. So most people know our job. One visas. So most likely if if you're not a permanent resident or you're not a citizen, you're most likely going to be eligible for residency. Yes, a clinical effect electives for medical students. I think it counts in terms off. It's a US clinical experience anyways, But then Thea other thing is, if you're doing it while in medical school, but also keep the contact, keep contact with people, you probably supervised you that they were. You return to your own country so that you kind of maintained on network was your request for you can let them know that you're targets an application towards this certain cycle on then that you be needing a letter because you definitely keep your records off your electives with them. So if you're not due to apply at that point in time or maybe the year after, you can let them know where you get an application and then the SS is Let's walk in. Yes, that's a recommendation on keeping in touch. So you wanna keep the network and then on then, yeah, So I think clinically elected for medical students is a good one. Okay, So try to lose your condition and your vision for the, um, scarred. It's like I think again on the sure you're saying, like, classroom I will not make you think. I think things like finishing top of your class. So if you have like, oh, you have the best private student, you're your stuff. That's kind of stands you out the old This is like a star student kind of thing. Then your involvement in the area of specialization. So if you did like electives in neurosurgery here on the end, attention during the electives also so those are the kind of things that you can try and walk on here. It's an injury in them and you're in medical graduates. Okay. Okay. So, um, so there's a question about the difference between us clinical electives and extensions and observer ships. So they're kind of, I would say, maybe almost different Allergy for the same or form was the same thing. Because essentially what you're trying to do is, um, you're trying to get into you're trying to get the clinical experience that the observer ship can be an arranged thin from us from your institution on. Then they can arrange, like two or three months. Observers ship with institution where clinical elective is almost like you have rotations, and then you choose to do your rotation in a different facility. So basically, they're almost like different lingual for almost same thing. Essentially no. So I think we're ever because you have any questions you supposed to go for, then also wants us, isn't isn't that Is it possible, Leslie? So do the whole application process without going into the urine. It's around the without getting like going into the US exactly. Put understand that there are some special. It's insane tunnel. It's going to really put you on it like when you're getting it here without before smoke, or like you're saying it's, um it's, um it's, um so I don't want to say no, it's impossible, but it's gonna be really tough. It's going really tough. It's going to really tough because you want to make as militants counts for you as possible. So I know so much into, um, into internal medicine, our neurology and neurology without having to go to us, because the problem with the thing with neurosurgeon I don't want to see the problem is very competitive is extremely competitive. So you want to cross your teas and don't your eyes as much as possible. So as much in as many times you think they can get walking or fever, you want to explore the opportunity off course not, It's, um it would require a lot of financial commitment to require a lot of extra time. You just want if it's what you really want to do, I think it's what's it's worth. The extra steps. I think so on then Thea Other thing is, I think I should mention is a community is really important for sometimes it could be a very long journey on the days when you're like And why am I doing this? You get frustrated by the process. It looks like you're doing so much. Let's get you doing some little sometimes feels that way. But I'm having a community of people on the same path. We can be really encourage. And I can be really hopeful on days when you don't. You really don't feel like it. Uh, thank you very much. Like he's there. I don't got any other questions. Please. With that, I don't think that's you. Okay. Yeah. So just running question. Um, do you think you can't do, like, next? Works there like social media, like, linked in and sarin? Maybe like connected mirror surgeons there, And just commenting, your stuff, a message them privately. If you have, like, beauty portfolio in your surgery, tell them and tell them like your desire to come to us. I need there's anything that could do. It's like help you towards achieving There's Yeah, I think it's, you know, because of this social media age, I think it's one of the benefits off social media in terms of being able to network without being. They're physically because you get to meet the love people you get Teo, get people to advise you on what you think you can do. What do you think you should went toe out to go? About 17? So I think it's Yeah, it's it's really possible. So two interact people on social media, so I know they are quite a number off neurosurgery, attendance and even some program directors on Twitter, so you can just follow up then course. You know the only thing about cold million people, and sometimes you get responsive. Sometimes you you don't get a response. Let me share. For fact, The president's a fellowship up here right now. I read. That's my personal linked. It wasn't Lincoln. They connected. And then if I take a while to come to clinic with him and then that's I got a position. So I think it's possible on this is one of the best things. I think that has happened to me. Terms off doing this here. Paperwork, things very put. That's fine. It's a leverage to show me that you are, Yeah, uh, the other ones lost. Um uh, So sorry I had the existing ago. It wasn't down the road yet, but that's the guys, Like a lot cycle the arteries in March. I think the most Is that about, like a day on? All of the guys are my three of them that much Nursers all hard piece is it was wrapped. Believe it's getting soon. Neurosurgery do as a 90 but it was on and keep. It was around school and having a hard piece of like he is, in the necessary, like to get it started in one spot. Well, I don't think it's I don't think it's, you know, I used to think that will also puts ever listen to a couple of program directors perspectives on this. They say that it sometimes it even goes in my count against you, in some instances, like it's not on welcome. If you have, it's fine, but matters is others. It's influence your competitiveness. So, for instance, if during a PhD you've been able to put out a lot of research papers kind of shows that this is, um with really adept in the research in the research area, so but then if you if you if you are saying maybe some other things like and then you put full year or so. For instance, it was during in period of fiscal interviews, and then you go, you're not really cool. Pleasant. To be around with the residents of reservations about you is that it can often so I don't think it's an automatic. It's definitely increases your chances, but I don't think it's like tomato get like a mention. Most of this things are so it's not like there's a clear courts box that check pass it. This's face is this. Some of this is to very subjective. But, um, I mean it, Steve. From what some program directors have said, advanced degree sometimes helps. Sometimes it doesn't. Oh, thank you, but I think I would do it freezes that before, and I am generally want stoplight. If you don't want to say you don't want to go see a plastic and what that means, Do you say your tone with house job? You're looking so price and I'm sorry, I don't know what the next steps that working for you. Okay, so if you remember that fact, that kind of listed. Yeah, quite a lot of options. So I talked to my research fellowships. So doing that research fellowship is an option in the U. S. Or doing a progressive. That's a fella she presented option. Um, worse than the clinical experience is another thing you can do to kind of get your foot's to the door. Um, besides advanced degrees, I mean, advanced degrees. Also quite another level of application getting into a program completely program and things like that. But I would you would you need to start the issue of the size we are playing to see fellows for research for the sheep or yes, yes, for the research fellowships. I don't think you have to be on the June visit from the research finish It so used to need to get us started out also. Oh, you can use other questions. Please put state. Well, you know, But I have the, uh What the What? The liver is to ask you a personal question. Oh, uh, so what? Why, why? Why did you choose? I mean, we don't just hustle. I don't. These trans big white wine you're said, um so I think for me I'd always been fascinated by the level system, like red from very, maybe from secondary school for fleas and reading level system on, um, grill. And then, of course, you know the classic, because inspiration and stuff like that. But then, um, I think the reason why I I prefer neurosurgery to neurology in the sense of times. Still, level system is the fuck That's what surgery you had and fire problem. You fix the problem? Is that the result? So I kind of like the approach to treatment as opposed to just medical aspects of, for instance, patient constantly, some drooling a tumor. You can see the midline shifts you consider the terrorist in in the neurological status. Gwen, get out of my toe. Patients does get better, right? So I kind of like the rapid response to treatment and the fact that you get a walk with your arms. So I think that that's that's what it it is for me from your surgery. All right, Take Burbridge. Doctor. Did I I like just like you're you're inside and some white white. Um, it's quite similar to tires on sexually boat, so I mean in in the UK I I mean, I did what I did. Secondary school in *** actually moved to the UK, Did a levels answer on during my levels. I volunteered in a film for orderly patients on That was actually my first time off being around people that were you. Um I love them. I dementia on, um, I I felt helpless, but then and I felt I want to make a difference. I looked at my interest as all inter. I was very interested in science, um, on, But I just combined on my interest in science and also my my fascination about never system and outfits could go wrong and out. The illness does not affect the pair of patients on leads off. Also, affect your family. So that was all going interested in in, like, near side insulin. First place on. Then I go into medical school. I was thinking neuroscience on your a lot. I mean, you're a surgery in urology. Um, like in my second year of medical school, I had the chance to, like, go into theater. It wasn't near surgery. Actually, it was correct or surgery, but the consult on made me allowed me to assist are like, Wow, this is so cool. But I kind of put it on the back of my mind still on, then. In my third year of medical school yard if s my first experience of nearest surgery case, Um, it was a patient came with chronic subdural hemorrhage. I had sent a patient the before surgery show, super confused, lots of like neurological deficits and sir, and on actually did the beholder. And I went to sit patient in next day and I was like, Wow, like, look a watch on. I mean, I I didn't really it just like, wow, look at the difference I've made on. But it's mostly like making difference deficients life. The practical aspect also, the outcomes in there. So you're quite poor, actually. Love times A. Things don't go off patients. So I'm aware of that. Why? It's mostly making different special life. I didn't science behind the I've been involved in a couple of research project as oh on. I really enjoy research, and I feel good. I love on inside questions in, like in your surgery, So they're like, I'm your treatment for Gilenya blastoma or like, um, body streets, spinal cord injury and sure, and so it's a mixture of things, really, you know, those are my particular interest, particularly spinal cord injury is a gap. Best of mucus. It seems like before, Buster, my seems like matter where you do promise is this still poor? You might have done a fantastic surgery and then produces the serotonin month six and then for spinal cord injury. Kind of almost like it's it's it in destruction off once once like in court. I put it that way. Remember, we had a patient of three patients who went diving in a pool. Another C six c seven simplex a shot that was it down or drippage it on You like me despite your bests abilities in terms of fixing the fracture and mobitz spinal cord is injured. And then because of the very for neuropathy city, it's doesn't like my my recent. My interest in terms of spinal cord injuries mean I know medicine has advanced in love with this cylinder off a lot off crowds to cover a little bit. Yeah, I think is just discussion really interest that you want me on the side. So just that way we could get your presentation. Yes, I think I can share it. So just I'll be able to share. It's we does in sick of the neurosurgeon group. I don't know how. Okay. I look to see about community shoots, the others we turned Okay, A Previously have any questions? Comments these first child take over. Thank you much. You're welcome. So it's a really, really nice. So since when do is give me I think I could stay on the person When When you when you want to apply, is any killed like safe, I say like you could apply it in time. I know that I can play out why I should have time while like, maybe not only your surgery and, uh, planes like, uh, like neurology know as a part of it is get anything in your sleep. Well, people see people see me, you can You can do that depending on if you're saying if you're you're not getting into a neurosurgeon program, you don't get it into a urology program that people were like It's no surgery or nothing, because they didn't see you getting urology program. It's not like there's a direct pathway to cross into any research programs we may have to make. Hey, may have to make peace with the front. They might end up really religious program. However, you know, because of the advantage. In fact, in urology, if one is that keen on walking with once and contain the vascular and urology as a fellowship where you don't use to get your hands. So, for instance, a neurologist four years in the US and then you can do a fellowship for about two years. So I tell me about your fellowship. You're still that residents in neurosurgery. So So Just decided in estimated to stuff, I think something like that, Like a traditional neurology. But I think we see that time or you have any questions? These would touch that books. I understand. You could also do spine surgery. True lot of PT X look like there's another roads she expired. Like, if you're interested in spite so it doesn't suit, I could buy a look. Eso You know, our nurse surgeries, um, bread in spine. But if we do, um, let's see what you want to spy. Just Yeah, I mean, yeah, but, um, you know, and then waste is fine. this hind for two picks would be limited to more than two components or around there. So, for instance, I don't know at a lawyer for to predict surgeons, I don't think so. In terms off, if you have, like a need tried throughout two more. I don't think they go as fast taking that out. I don't think I know they can. So first, that's where I am right now. We do a lot off spice injuries, so we do. For patients with, um, degenerated days, some people, dyskinesia ones between spondylosis is on the list. Is is with all of that which automatic surgeons can do. So they're going to spend a fusions to control. I'm elective means and stuff like that. But when it comes to your dealing with, Maybe so, for instance, we had a patient with Iraq, right cysts else about some weeks ago. I mean, I don't think orthopedic surgeons would I don't think so. I don't think they will do that. So been in a way, six point. Do you mean just fine in intensive, confident my connection? Okay. Yeah. Or some some of the spinal cord of timid I'll do. You do you have any insight on that? Automatic surgeons that's in the UK today. Go swells meddling with the spinal cord. I mean, I know that some patients are coming, like from that explain, according injuries, their money belt. But it's spinal surgeons, but I actually have no ovaries are. Well, the difference is, and it's a 90 to look into. But I know the manager of patients in the UK Okay, what's for So for a spinal cord tumor goes with two months of the spinal cord itself. Today. Today delve into that. You know, I have seen the management of starting spinal cord compression. What? I don't leave their manage primary to most of the spine. It's It's something to look into. Yeah, some mostly shows or something. That's I know. I think we're ready. You still you have any questions? Is that it does any advice you give the young ones very close to that in medical school, like really getting nervous surgery. Okay. Thank you dot What? I tested much like, uh well, like like they would say, Oh, it's commonly said impossible. It's nothing, but it's require a lot off love. Um, a little, um, improvement or a lot of doing require very competitive. Put for you to get to get into a program. You know what? Also the one of the weapons on the on the area of stuff that I shared. So I I remember the program director saying that although the average that used to be considered for step was 2 41 for us crowds, the guys that program director, maybe it was saying that there's waas. I think that their intake off essence on that cycle was 2 65. So me, I don't like Oh my God, like that's a lot of that That's in addition to resettle because those are like, very academic program. So those are programs that they are looking that's best of the best research scores. Let us a recommendation, So I'm not going to say it's impossible. What's It's a lot. It's going to take a lot of chicken a lot. Well, do you know, like any program that is friendly nursery? Try inches like I am differently. So, like the site I shared the rest and see what's the just, uh, I'm sorry that just one of the signs that should clear there's another much a resident. So those horse kind off. And then if you check Frida, you can see the number off the requirement and they consider him off. I am, Geez, that have mite sensitive progressions from you Does? Yeah, and then you can see if they have any. I am choosing their program on, like, a different time in Angel's. And then I'm geez on didn't see our you compare with people that have similar, but for us, you then, you know, kind of just give you an idea of Well, I will you measure. Oh, so I think the mission was shot route when? By 8. 30. All right, but I think we've got a beautiful thing about that. Succession. Very, very trusting you about the possible sooner certain training the U. S. So, you know, more questions. Uh, think we could bring this mittens or gloves? All right. Uh, thank you. Thank you, everyone taking somewhat appetite for think I'm out soon. I like these. Um, possibly percent. 60 minutes. Thank you dot Beautiful person picture. Thank you for that. Thank you very much.