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Pathway to Radiology Training - United Kingdom



This on-demand teaching session, hosted by the SA Radiology group, takes you through the pathway to radiology training in the UK, instructed by Dr. Aja. The session provides an overview of the training timeline, entry points, application process, competition ratio, and exam expectations. It seeks to help trainees make sense of the medical jargon, such as ST one, ST two, etc., and clarifies the significance of these terms in career progression. The session also provides helpful links, references, and resources to aid applications and preparation for the Radiology Specialty Recruitment Assessment. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process and is highly beneficial for anyone considering a career in Radiology in the UK.

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This event is organised by SIGAf Radiology community and will give a detailed explanation of requirements (and tips) that will be useful for junior doctors and medical students looking to apply for Radiology Training in the United Kingdom.

Speaker 1 - Dr Olaoluwa Adebajo (ST2 Radiology, North West, England)

Speaker 2 - Mr Terngu Moti (Junior Clinical Fellow, Salford Royal Hospital)

Learning objectives

  1. Understand and articulate the pathway to radiology training in the UK, including understanding what ST1, ST2 etc. refer to in the context of this training.
  2. Identify the structure and content of the Multi Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) exam, including how scores are determined.
  3. Become familiar with the key resources and tools available to prepare for the MSRA exam, such as question banks.
  4. Learn about the trends in competition ratios for ST1 training positions and understand the implications for their own application strategy.
  5. Explore the importance of portfolio development, and how this contributes to successful application for radiology training.
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So um I'll just um start now. My name is Junior Fellow in um Salol Hospital here in Manchester, United Kingdom. Um And on behalf of the SA Radiology group will be taking um Doctor Aja and I will be taking um this session on just shedding some light on pathway to radiology training. Uh Doctor Aba is uh an ST two for those that may not be familiar with this terminology. So it's, it's like in the second year of radiology training in the UK. Um I mean, we shed some light uh on that as we um go through the events, I'll start and then um we'll continue. All right. All right. So just as a brief overview, the training itself is five years. So you had me say ST one, ST two, that's just 1st, 2nd thought. So up to ST five and for those that we want to do interventional radiology, then you have an extra of training, which means you'll be like an ST six. And um the most popular route of entering the training is entering through the ST one pathway from the very beginning. Um As a lot of people may not have some radiologic experience to enter at a higher level, but you can also enter at the ST three level. Um We will be, we'll touch on that very briefly. Um applications generally is um is a national recruitment. So you apply through um the oral platform. So it's not, it's not um the jobs you see on tracks for doing that we have been looking for because sometimes these technologies may be quite um confusing. Sometimes you see ST one ST two application. But if it's through track job, then it's probably not or it is not a training job, the training jobs are usually done in um nationally and at strict um timelines. So just an idea of the competition ratio getting into ST one in 2023 and the uh 3068 applications for just 350 posts, these statistics are available and I will show you some links in my references. If you just Google it actually from the health education inland website, you can get all of um this information um going when we go through um these steps actually, you shouldn't be flustered with this competition ratio when we break it down. Um This year, I think it was about 4000 applications actually. So competition ratio may have risen to like maybe 11 is to one. So for every um one job, 11 people are fighting for it with you and the application will have its best specifications. Um for ST one, it's not really that complicated. I mean, most people that would apply don't even have radiology experience. So what, what will usually um count against you in person specifications most times is if you do have more than 18 months radiology experience outside your foundation training, which is like the first two years of your training. Um then you are too over qualified to apply at an to one level, But that's something that hardly, um, hardly counts against people except those that already like resident doctors from um other countries. Um You also need to sign and upload a request form when you are applying. I know a lot of people should have an idea what the Crest form is. Um It's a certificate of readiness specialty training. Basically just a form you sign with a consultant in the UK that you worked with, it doesn't even have to do in the UK, even in um Nigeria, a consultant you walked in for at least three months. They signed that you have um competencies. And in this 2024 they actually shorten the form. They actually shot in the form a lot. So it was very easy to get it signed. It's not as bulky as it was before. And if you are going at an ST three level, there's something called the alternative certificate fori uh if I want to equate that to surgical training, for instance, it's going to be, you know the um certificate of um higher surgical, um higher surgical skill that you signed to enter ST three. If you didn't do um course surgical training, uh this will kind of be like if you think of this certificate that way. Um That's why I can equate it to, to uh um surgically um inclined. So this diagram I've just used to summarize what the journey entails and the components and this is what we're going through. Um It involves the M Sary exams, your portfolio, the interview. And I've, I've used this colors deliberately actually because um I haven't changed the slide. I don't think it's Yes. Oh Yeah. Has it changed now? Uh No, not for me though. I don't know if it's anybody with similar. Uh It's showing on my own screen. It's showing the slides. We, it's high chart and it's changed now. Oh OK. All right. So we'll continue then. Yeah. So as I was saying, this just summarizes the journey um splitting it into MSR portfolio interview. And I'll explain later why I put these percentages um with them MSR being 20% portfolio 30 the interview 50%. And these colors I've used um I would also explain why I put MSR in red basically. So the MSR is called um Multispecialty Equipment Assessment. I know a lot of people would know about this exam and I've said um target here like kind of directly step for the ST one applications Now, the reason I'm saying this is um if you make your applications um for you to get invited to put the portfolio that you've been working on throughout the year and then do an interview, you need a setting score from your MSR exams to even get through to that step. So it's, it's sometimes it can be a very, um it can be quite challenging because you may have put in so much effort, put in so much work and then you get a score that doesn't get um invited for the exams um over the years because of the increased competition, the cutoff that the asset um to invite you to put in your portfolio and to do an interview has been on the rise. So for instance, I would say like two years ago, it was like 519, 520 something. And then last year, it was like 539 the five total score, the minimum score that they um invited. And this last year it was like 549. So, II see, you can see where I'm going with it. It's like it's increasing by at least 20 every year. So if you need to have a target for your MSI, just the highest that you can imagine honestly is a good target because you need to look at the trend and know what exactly um you should aim for. So it's divided into a clinical part which comprises of 97 questions 75 minutes and a professional dilemma part which is like the S GTs um situational judgment tests that involves 50 questions in 95 minutes. I want the, the official MSI websites are also available and you can actually like see how exactly it's broken down in terms of the structure. But the clinical is just every question has one mark. And then the situational judgment test, there is really no right or wrong. It's more like a scale and then there are sign marks to how you were able to arrange your answers in the right scale. Um Eventually your score is scaled, everyone's score is scaled to an average and um divided into bands. So in order to say you've passed the exam and I'm using that in quotation marks, you must have had at least a B2 in each part which is like 201 and above. Um I mean, that means you can at least be invited for any specialties, but each specialty will now have their own cut off for that year and determine like who exactly they are going to um invite in terms of preparation for this MSI exams. Um There are question banks um available um just like um even the pla exams that we wrote, you know, there are banks available, there are some popular banks like past medicine. Um personally, that was what I used, especially for the clinical aspect. Um There are practice papers official practice papers and some books, especially for the S GT part, that the professional dilemma part, which is actually the very tricky um part of the exam. Um There are this UK foundation program, practice papers online. There are, if you just Google it, you are going to see some of them, even the MSI A on their website also have their own practice papers. And then there are some books that can actually give you like a very fond understanding, um, of the way to approach some of these, um, questions. And I think if those working in the NHS too may also give you some insight into it, but that shouldn't discourage anyone because I know a lot of people that wrote these exams directly from Nigeria and still got very good scores or directly from other African countries, not just Nigeria. Um, these are, I put these two books here because these ones helped me to just have a very broad, um, idea of, um, the S JT s and what the examiners may expect. I'm not like saying this is all you need to pass it. Um I'm just saying these books help me if you need, um, um, any reference to be able to read about the S GTs. So that's the, um, M Sary and I'll go back to, to, yeah, I think, um, we, we're still not seeing your slight but I just want to, uh, stop you because we didn't see the um question Banks and all are you presenting on like a, um, you know, the powerpoint View? No, I think when you go to the present view we just use you and we don't see the computer. Ok. I won't, I won't use that anymore. Yeah. So you, you are following it now, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There are some questions in the chat box. Um, ok. Do you want to answer them now or? Yeah, I can. So someone was asking about um resources for, I'm assuming the exam. Ok. So and resources. Yeah. So um I talked about one, I can put them um on the chart. Um and yeah, I think I can type you just, I would, yeah. So the past medicine was actually um very useful, especially for the clinical part. Um in terms of the S JT, let me go back to show. So this, I don't know if you can see these two books, the Oxford um situational judgment test. So that's the one most of the medical students use here to prepare for their um final exams. Although I think they have removed that actually from their final exams, but this is one book that they use and then they succeeding in your G PSD. So the GP trainees use these also for their exams and these books were very um useful the other banks too. Um There is the Samsung, it's Samsung that we know from Flap also does um these um emissary exam banks. Um the other popular ones to go, I think you, I won't, I can't really say there is one that is um best to use or better than the others. But I think to build your clinical knowledge, um past medicine was really helpful in terms of building your clinical knowledge. However, the questions themselves that come in the exam, they look quite, you would actually be surprised you would think they are, they look very easy compared to what you may have seen in past medicine. And so I think for me personally, Samsung kind of presented the Samsung question bands look very similar to the exam um in terms of the structure. So that also like this gives you a snapshot, um snapshot, remembrance of some questions. But you need to basically just decide on which uh bank or which style is more helpful for you. And then in terms of the preparation for the exam, I mean, you there's no, you ca you can't start too early, I would say, but I think it's also a very volatile, it's quite a volatile knowledge, to be honest. So even if you start early, I think most of your preparation will still be towards around October, November, December before the exams in January. Um Before we finish this session, I'll give like a timeline that we used for this year's recruitment. So it changes, but it gives a rough idea of the timelines for the recruitment from your application to the exams to the interview. I will go through that. Um I don't know if there are any of the questions that make sense. Yeah. Yes. In medical. Yeah, thank you. So those are like examples of some question banks. So like I said, I can't really say one is better than the other, but it's just my own personal experience, I think from, from um experience, most, most of my colleagues also, most people tend to use a bit um At least two question banks. Um um generally most people choose past medicine because um of the explanations and you can use it to build clinical knowledge, then use another one to supplement. So at, at lea at least minimum or minimum, not total logic minimum, you should have at least two question banks I would say and uh start early um especially for the S GT because it is quite an annoying exam and it's just practice, isn't it? Um mhm. Uh But with two question banks, most times it should be fine. The RN bit is um I think we'll get to that in the computing part but MSI as annoying as it is is still a weight limiting step. If you don't pass it, you're going, you go further soon. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So um we'll get back to the MSR eventually. I'll go back to that my chart, the components and explain better. But let me just move on to the portfolio. Um The portfolio is what most of us that are looking to get a job next year should be actively working on now, which is why we've tried to make this program early end of the year and you will see reasons why um this has to be as early as you can. So it's divided into seven domains with a maximum score 45. Um I can go to the official site to show you like the breakdown of these domains. But I think to be fair, like you, my advice will be you need to go to and see the domains themselves. Um Each part of it make give have like a spreadsheet now or however you think you can have a visual um representation of it and know the things that you probably have at the moment, know the things you need and know the things you need to work for. So I'll break each one down and suggest ways that you can achieve them. But I'm just saying that it, it still depends a lot on you and your planning in order to actually get a good score in this portfolio. So the first domain is the commitment to specialty now to get the maximum points here, which is like 10 points. Um You need the, I think I should just go to the um let me see, I should be able to, I have it open. I see uh I copied the link on the chart box. OK. Check it. Yes. Let me just see. Sorry. Just give me a second. I think if everyone can, can you see my um web screen at the moment? Yes. OK. So let me just use these two because I think if you see it then you can understand better. So the first domain is a commitment to specialty and my advice is be realistic about your portfolio, but aim for the highest that you can get. Like you can actually max out the portfolio in this one. It says multiple significant exposures to the work of the clinical radiology department. So for this last year, this year and last year, they've actually like made this part a bit easier to achieve. So in the past, you need to have um a test a week in two different settings. In other words, let's say you had a test a week in a tertiary setting, you need to have another test a week in the D GH. Um For those of you that may not be clear on what the test of it is. It's just like a um going to another department to observe how things are done um for for the sake of radiology at least three days. So at least three days you join the department and do all of the activities now this last year and the year before actually, but it was not as clear as it was this year. You can actually do everything within your hospital as long as your hospital has a radiology department and how you can do it is you can do a test a week for the three days at least and get it signed off as one evidence and then you can do another signal exposure, they've given other options. So other options include attending MDT S. Now, these MDT S you are attending should be outside your taste setting. So within your taste a week, you may have attended MDT S. Obviously, if you are, if you are following them for the activities, but if you attend other entities outside at least a week or you attend radiology based list like interventional radiology list, I don't limit yourself any radiology uh related list because for me, if you look at this list, you won't see nuclear medicine. I actually went to our nuclear medicine department in my hospital and attended some of the list and it still got accepted. So the fact that they just said uh one stop breast clinic or intervention and that's not like all they are just giving you examples, but it must be radiology related. So if you can attend any of those lists, um and in your evidence, make sure you have like a combination of these. So you must have three episodes or more. So let's say you have two nuclear medicine list or two breast clinic lists and one intervention ology list or two interventional ideology and at least one of another. So it should be combined and then it should be signed by um, your clinical provide or whoever is organizing this time, which is, should usually be a consultant and it's better for your evidences to be signed by a consultant radiologist that's working in those departments. So this is something that you can actually reasonably achieve your 10 points before um, the application, um, time reach. Um It's very achievable. The next one, if it's not clear, um Just let me know your chat box, I'll be checking the chart box. Uh Whatever questions you may have in the domains, the second domain is leadership and management. And the maximum score here goes for holding in national level leadership or managerial role involving radiology. Um That's seven points. And then if you have a national leadership outside radiology, that's five points and it just um basically goes down the list, you can go through the list and see um what that entails, but what you should know here is whatever leadership experience that you are using, it has to be a minimum period of six months, which is why I said that now it's not too early. So if you want to get your maximum point here, you should already be in a leadership room, is what I'm saying. Um Usually, um the evidence is should be dated before the last day of your application. So like if you are targeting six months, um, until the last days us, um, will usually be like November is in November 1st or December 1st. Now. Not even sure. 26 I'll show you the timelines. I can't remember the exact date but make sure that it, you would have had six months before that ended and not the time of the interview or not, the time that, um, the M sary exams are written, you should be very disciplined about the timeline and the evidence also just be um letter from your organization. Um Usually that's actually going to count um for this. So the opportunities here are, there are organizations that um are into this, you know, we have some even radiology specific organizations. Um A we also have a radiology and subgroup. We have ra two which Radiology interest group of Africa. They are doing very um very good work there and there are also opportunities there. Um There is uh also the UK RST actually. Um that's a very big group. Um And I think at the moment they are even trying to recruit um people there to, I think they need like a social media lead and something if anyone's interested, really, it's something that you can just, I'll drop by email, you can email me and I can send you like the application for them, but don't limit yourself. Um try to start something now that will count towards um the time that you actually need it. Let me see if there's any questions or not? OK. So I'm saying um please explain what else can be quoted as significant exposure apart from taste. OK. I would, I would go through that. Um II tried to explain that but I'll go through it again, significant exposure. So it is a week which is you take three days out, at least three days out to be in that department and be involved in the activities of that department and you get it signed. That's historic. Another thing, exposure. So outside your case study, you can do this randomly in your own time. You don't need to do everything at once. You can decide to, if your center has interventional radiology, you can decide to go and attend um that list for a fluoroscopy list. So you can go and attend a fluoroscopy list, ultrasound list, go and attend ultrasound list, um breast stop one stop clinics. Um For me, I attended by our Nuclear medicine department list. So what you need to do is make sure you have at least three episodes of this in combination. So don't just attend three interventional radiology list and that's it. Try to mix it up with something else. So if you can get at least three of that outside your Testa week, in fact, if you don't have any of these services, just the MDT S, even the MDT S of your radiology department, you can go to the MDT S outside the test that we did. So the dates should not clash if you go for MDT S and let's say attend another list. So two MDT S and one interventional radiology list that will still count as your maximum. I don't know if that's um clear now. OK. I was just um, I just gone. Oh yeah. All right. I'll, I'll just go on now. OK. So for that's about the leadership and then you've got teaching and training. This one too is something that is very achievable in terms of getting your um maximum points. The first one is a teaching program at a national level. Second one is at a local original level and the third one is just evidence of providing an organized teaching or training. So just maybe one of teachings or something like that. Now, the timeline for this is whatever teaching program you are going to do, you should have run for at least three months in total. And again, this is why I said whatever you are doing, you need to make sure it starts early, you know, you must have um and evidence saying that you are an organizer and then try make sure you are in the habit of collecting feedback. So your feedback should have been like reviewed by someone else. Usually the consultant that would sign this evidence and they are happy with that feedback. So once you, once you have all of these in place, um you can actually get the maximum points. So, I mean, with, with um organizations, I mean, I will refer a lot to organizations that at least are able to do stuff like this. Um The ra like I talked about radio of Africa, um try to organize teaching programs like this. Um even a radio too, we can organize teaching programs like this, but you need to really show interest because you need to be the one to like, you need to be the organizer basically of this. Um And you need to have it run for at least three months. So you have to like um be quite supportive about this even if you can't achieve, I mean, the maximum points if you have any teaching program in your trust wherever you work. Um So in a single hospital that will count already as four points. So both the regional and the local one still count as four points. So a lot of people here at least are able to get very decent scores. So even if you are not able to do an international or national one, even if you do a local one, well, it must have run for at least three months. You will have feedback that should have been reviewed by um a consultant and then you should also have a certificate, signed, signed up for it. Um That should still get you very decent point in this teaching part. And then the fourth domain is the formal teaching qualifications. Now, this part is the, it's one tricky part of the portfolio to max out. I mean, the reason is you need to hold a formal master's level teaching qualification or both. So the master's or P ad in teaching maybe in education or something to get five points. I mean, if you are not already in a master's program or you've not done one before, that means five points, you are not getting the maximum points yet. So that's why I said these are not parts that are directly within your control. And I think if you want to channel in your energy on various parts, uh I won't advise you to do start masters now just because you want to get five points here um against this coming year application. Um So something that a lot of people actually do, if you, you can do APG set also that gives you four points. And I think those are kind of easier to do because you can do them at your pace and all of that. But a lot of people in these parts end with at least two points. Now there are teaching courses, um very popular teaching courses that you can use to achieve that. So for me, for instance, I use um training health care trainer. Um It's on future land and it's an NHS England course. Let me just type it, uh train health care Katrina. And then there's a very popular two days program. One. I think it's, is it teach, teach the, teach, teach the teacher course for doctors. Yes. Teach the teacher a course for doctors. That one is done. I think you need to, I don't know if there's an option of doing it online. I'm not too sure, but you may have to go to Oxford. There should be an option of doing it online. It's a two day teaching program and that counts too for those two points. Um Thank you for putting it to me chat here. So a lot of people just at least land on that, but don't make sure you get two points, you can easily do those courses and get your two points in minimum um audits and quality improvement. Now, this one too may look a bit intimidating, but it's very possible to get a maximum point. So to get a maximum point, it says I have led to or more q audits or quality improvement projects relating to radiology, which can be shown to have resulted in change practice. Uh Now what that means is um whichever department you are working. So I will give you an example of myself. I was working in general surgery at the time when I was working on this part of the portfolio. As long as your audit has a significant radiologic component to it, it has imaging component to it. It's still going to get accepted in this part. So don't limit yourself to saying, oh, I don't know any radiologists. Um I've not done my test a week yet, so I don't have a connection with them in your department that you are in. Whichever department. I don't think there's any branch of medicine. It does not involve imaging in one form or the other. If you can find something simple and achievable to audit within this time, you will still get your max more points there. So I'll just give you an example. I did, I did a note it on the use of um CT scans in diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. You know, there's this um not to go into the technicalities, but there is, there is there are guidelines about the timing of doing act scan in acute pancreatitis. So I just audited, you know, the department to see if we were um we were compliant with those guidelines. And that work actually um gave me a lot of points, not only in this domain but in other domains and who accepted in this part. Um uh So whichever department you are in, just make sure that you do something or have it at the back of your mind that you should have some imaging component um to it. So you need to do two of that and you need to be the lead. Now, something that you can also do here is um which I would advise is you need to also be willing to work with other people. Um Sorry, I'm just looking at the chart box says evidence from participating in c are they regarded as national international? Yes, they, they are regarded as international actually, but they hardly ever separate national International in most of these um in most of this evidence, usually national will be ma more points. So, but it's regarded as international and then it's PG diploma in education from National University in Nigeria. I actually think it should be. Um What do you think? Um Yeah, it should be, it should be just back up. Uh Definitely. Ok, definitely. And that's a good point about audit. Uh Just one before I forget. One thing I would say is um because we've talked about test a week, advisable to do your test a week, a bit early. Um Two things. One, if you leave it late, um you'll be competing with other people who are trying to get it and there's just a number of people the department accept at a particular time. Uh Number two is that most of the consultants and registers are very nice and approachable. Register that you. So if you tell them that, oh, I need audits, you get a list three and they are not really expecting you to be the lead, but if you say you want to be the lead, they'll just put your name there as lead. It will help you in the um audit also. Um So doing your test a week earlier and speaking to them, you get easy. Would you, the audit, you can easily com complete um when you, when you do one, so test a week you get one arranged quite high enough. Um You can take quite a lot and you get a lot of advice and stuff from it. OK. And uh and II also think if, if it happens that eventually you are running against time, um you, you, it's possible to also collaborate. So if you work as a colleague on a project with colleagues, um that's actually too can get um accepted, but it needs to be clearly written in terms of the um evidence because um I like the second project I was involved in, I was like a co-lead on that project. And the letter actually said I am a co-lead in that project, not just not lead and it got accepted to as um my evidence and for the audits. So if you have colleagues that are also working towards similar goals um and audits and projects, you can also um use that to um hasting up um your numbers too. Yeah, so I'll go back to, so that's the audit and then the academic scan for your audit. Uh Yeah. How much good can you audit the charco? Oh How did you show improvement in practice for your audit on CT? Oh So um I was just giving an example but yeah, and I'll go into it now, so I did the first cycle and found, um, the percentage of our compliance was about 70% or so. And then after that, I presented in clinical Governors presented it to our ED doctors because I think the gap I saw most of the times was the ED team are the ones that would actually have requested for the scan before the general surgery team. So the general surgery team may be using the guidelines appropriately, but sometimes from the ed, they would already have seen a scan being done. Um And you may have been at the wrong time. So after we like did so we did teachings um in the et we did uh presented clinical Governor General Surgery and then we a we audited it for another, I forgot how many months I did it. I think it was like another month or two and then there was an improvement in the number. So it went up to like 90 something percent compliance in terms of the um in terms of the timing of our CT scans. So that was how I was able to um show some improvement in the practice. Is there any other question uh audits done outside the UK accepted? Mm, I'm not, I'm not too sure. II don't see a reason why it shouldn't be, but I've not really also seen people that submitted the ones they did wrong Nigeria. So most people tend to just come here and you know, audits are quite, they are quite easy to achieve in a very short time, to be honest when you're here. So most people come and use the ones that they did from here. But I would say if you are, if you are stuck, like if you've not been able to do some here by all means, submit it, um submit the audits that you have just make sure it follows the guidelines of what they've said. It is signed by a consultant, the consultant writes their registration number and be very category uh about the wording and how it should change. So just be clear about what you did be clear about the fact that you completed two cycles, it demonstrated change and it to be signed supervisor. I don't see why the wont accept it. It's just that on a personal note, I don't know people that have um that have um submitted those that I did in Nigeria as well. I don't think they, they didn't give any restriction to it. I don't know if um doctor has any extra out there. I mean, I II mean to be safe, it's best to use any audits done in the UK. But if you have evidence and you can prove um it follows the guidelines of clinical audits. Um The basic principles of clinical audits just submit it the worst you would is not submitting it. Um And evidence you have just submitted. If you can, if you if you are in a um fixed and you have to just submit something. Yeah, OK. Just go on there. So for the academic achievements, um like I said, so some parts you have little or no nothing you can add. So you get five year, you need APD or master's. Um I mean, you may not be able to achieve that at this time, but for the four points, if you have one peer review publication relating to radiology as the first or you already get four points. Um if you have one peer reviewed publication, not relating to so any peer reviewed publication at all and you are the first auto, then you can get it three points there. But another addition to this is if you are able to present, have an oral or a POSTOP presentation at the national or international level. So relating to radiology as the first auto, then you'll be able to get three points. So just as an example, I was able to get um three points here because the complications I had were not radiology related. But you know, the audit, I talked about the audit on the pancreatitis. I was able to get it presented at like the upper gi surgeons conference and that was like a national conference. So that also gave me so one walk can actually give you like point in various domains is what I'm saying. So if you are doing a walk, don't just limit yourself um to one domain. You can look at other domains and see how it can, um it can help you. Um It's about, about presentation. Yeah, just going to drop a few things. Um I don't think personally I'm, I wouldn't say I'm involved but I'm more familiar with them with guys. They put quite a lot of um links and opportunities for presentation, for posters, for um avenues to present um on stage, poster presentations um and so on. So U AF is actually where the guys, they do quite an amazing job. So there's a lot of support there. If, if you're really considering you should try to join A and U Kr ing, you going to put a link to join with G and also a link for you um um society of in training. So this is just a society for radiologist and training in the UK. Um usually by one of the UK, radiologist trainers and open to clinicians interested in radiology. So they also put up and um advertise quite a number of um um I've been used for um research um conferences since you can attend. They're on Twitter and they're quite active on Twitter. So should give them a check, also strength post here. But I didn't really do that to sexually. Maybe at the end I'll find a way to do it. But uh S RT and A uh it should be fine. Yeah, someone said, does your publication matter for instance. Mhm. I don't think it does to be honest. No, there's no caveat um, guidelines before you can submit something you've done a few years ago. Um, it's not written in black and white, so just submit it. So I don't think you might have. So, um, just, um, as an addition, um, the accept even case reports in the reviewed publications, if you are looking for something simple because some specialties have removed case reports actually from their own um peer review complications. Or do if I would advise you something I working on to get presented, I would advise because these things, they change it year by year. And if they are going to change something there, the easy thing to change just to remove case reports from it. And then that's, that already makes um disrupt a lot of people. Um but for now they still accept um that so if your work has been accepted for publication, which has not been published and you have the evidence that it's been accepted already for the publication, you can see it as your evidence that if that happens. So you've not actually published it before the deadline, but it has gotten accepted. They can actually um you can still submit um that kind of work and it should get um accepted according to their um guidelines actually. And then the last one, the last domain, the seventh Domain is prizes and awards. So. Mhm. The maximum point here, if you get a prize awarded by a recognized radiology institution um specialist society or at the National International Level Meeting or a distinction in final year of medical school. So any of these can count for six points. So those um conferences that we are talking about those events that were talking about where you get your work presented. If you're able to get um the postop presentations or oral presentations and get even the price in some of those events that itself can count as a price or an award uh whatever what you have. Um I would say just so we still uh the the worst thing you can do for yourself if you have anything that you think can come for an evidence or come for a domain is to not submit it. Um Because in terms of my own story here, I have submitted to two awards that I had actually which to be fair. Like it wasn't, I didn't think it was going to get accepted. Like I didn't because it was in the conventional or II did a poster and I got an award for the poster or an oral presentation or a um distinction in my final year of medical school. It was, it was an award for something else, but I still submitted it and it got accepted in the highest um domain actually. So whatever awards, so you need to think deep whatever awards that you think you have already still have them in your US. Now don't just um, discard them and then you know, these links that um doctor has talked about those um conferences. When you present those papers, you can also get um some awards from there, some prizes there that, that will still count. Um Yeah, I don't know if you have any more opportunities for these prizes. Doctor. Sorry, I was on mute today. Um There's quite a number of conferences, quite a lot to be honest. Uh But the best you can, the best place to get information about most of them I would say is um societal and training. There are Twitter page early enough um about conferences. You can attend that all the um British British societies from B SSR, all of them. Um And um A also does a lot um with UK RST. So it's difficult to find out everything but if you follow some of the key ones, then you will get knowledge. Um And that is to have the papers ready to present anyways. Uh And don't, don't forget there's also something there about medical school. Any medical school awards is fine. Um um If you can, you don't have to present a massive paper, you can do it. Some of them, you just need to present an interesting case. You can go to your taste. We sit in one of the consultants, see an interesting case, try and follow it up when you get to the world at clinician, speak to the consultant and say, oh, I would like to write this up and present it as an interesting. So the doctor before you go ahead and my even can be, that's why it can they start with one of the best you need to treat and to the the amount of information you get from my family because it's quite a lot. Um uh in his also to need to be registrar, um especially ones and you to register us. We don know what you not. So it does not have to be researched, it does not have to be on the research. I just case presented somewhere in any of the surgery legit meetings. Um So you'd have to look too far or limit yourself most of these um most of these conferences, um they accept anything to just submit and see what, what happens. Yeah. Yeah. Uh Federal scholarship Boss Award. So that would be accepted, I don't think because I, during my year two years ago, I tried this, it didn't work. So categoric it is not gonna work. Yeah. Ok. So that, that's the um those are the domains for, for the portfolio portfolio be, you know, um let's go back to the sides. I mean, we, we'd ask more questions um as they arise but let me just go on. Well, almost don't know you. And then the last part is um interview. I won't talk much on the interview. The reason is, I mean, that's a, a whole like Jance itself. And usually, I mean, when you've scale through to get there also, you actually get a lot of avenues and platforms for support for it. But uh w what I can say is it's so it's in two parts. Um There are two stations broadly 10 minutes each, it's on a virtual platform. Um So the first part, so over the years they had followed like a set. Um I would say setting pattern in terms of these stations. But this year like a week to the interview, they actually emailed us and said they were going to make some changes to it. And so one thing I can say is always have an open mind that anything can happen, anything can change, but preparation and practice will still uh be adequate even to cope with some of these changes. So this year we had what we call prioritization of CCAS scenario and specialty skills station. Uh the prioritization of clinical scenario, they just give you like clinical radiologic cases, like clinical cases, everyday cases that you see on your on your ward in whatever specialty you are in. And but I just ask you as a radiologist, how would you prioritize, you know those cases? Which one do you think is most urgent? Just in order of importance? I think the most important thing I want to see there is just your c reasoning and how you're able to justify your prioritization. And then the specialty skills is still like broadly what everyone may have known. Um just testing different aspects of, you know, um not technical radiology bits for things that will connect radiology. So they can ask you things about teamwork. You can ask you things about uh communication. It's just a very um a very long bank of stuff if you want to see if you want to get an idea of the kind of questions that you can see in the interview. Um Radiologic Cafe actually have like a long list of possible questions in the interview. Um If you just go to radiology cafe, you you at least for now you can just see them and have an idea because the other resources you may have to like pay to be able to assess the kind of questions that you see. Uh But cafe just have like a full outline of list of questions that are just there, although the answers are not there, but at least you have an idea of the questions. Um So in terms of the recruitment timelines, so I'm just using an example of this last one that just happened. The applications period was from 10 a.m. on the 26th of October to 4 p.m. 23rd of November. So this means that your evidences should try to achieve them before the 23rd of November. So your evidence should have been signed, um, the dates on there should match with this period. Um And then after you submit it and that's where you use the oral platform and that's where you upload your press form. And at some point in December, this year was 19th of December. They invite you to take the MSR exams and the MSI exams you basically have to log in and just choose a date. So that, that ranged this year between fourth and 16th of January and after the MSI exams, now, this is why we said M SRA is like a step. You would only go ahead to evidence, verification of note if you get the desired cut off in the MSI exam. So for some people, the joining me and at this point of the MSI exams and you, you won't proceed further. Well, if you get the cut off, you are now invited to upload your um all this portfolio. We talked about the evidence and that happened between 13 to 25th of February. And from there you get invited to the interview um and the actual interview itself and then the offers and all of that. So in conclusion, I would say it's a journey. Um but the key thing is you need to plan and you need to prepare and be connected to other applicants broadly. What I mean by this is you see the um opportunities that um doctor A Deja has also given. Um you know, um those in ra those in UK RST. Um This subgroup, Radiology subgroup of C A be connected to platforms that will actually like give you um these opportunities as they arise because you should, if you do it in isolation, you'll probably be quite deficient. And by the time you realize it, you may be too late for that cycle. So try and know what's try and be connected, try and know what exactly is going on um at every time. And uh this, I mean, all I've talked about uh can be found in these links here. Um I didn't talk about the entering through ST three pathway. I didn't officially talk about it. I don't know if doctor a just threw some light there. But um I, I've made my focus the ST one pathway for now and then we can go from there. Um The ST three just to the ST three pathway. Um I think they started a couple of years ago, last year, last year or two years ago. I can't remember now. Um So there are usually a few um training posts available nationally at ST level. The main um requirement is one you should be in training already somewhere or working as a radiology registrar somewhere. Um Two, you should have passed at least first part of the F RCR exam because um to pass two ST one, you must to become ST two, you must pass the first part. So you cannot be ST three without passing the first part. And I think the last one is, you must have gotten signed that you're competent enough to work at three by consultant, think preferably in the UK. So it's more focused towards uh registrars or um clinicians who are in training in other parts of the country who are not in training online currently in the UK. So the more conventional pathway is um ST one three is just an additional pathway for other people to get into training. Um, fewer numbers um must be set and this a bit more difficult. But on the link that um what is posted, I'm sure you'll be able to see, read about the ele eligibility criteria. I can try and post, post it also. I think I have it open here. Um ok. Uh yeah. Can put it here too. You have it here. Yeah, I have it on my side. I just push it. Yeah. Yeah, for some weird reason. So, uh so just to talk about your last slide. A that's where you said um the medical part. Yeah, I think that's, that's um I from my own thing. Sorry, I can't hear you clearly. Can you hear me now? Yes. Yeah, I think the most important one first is M sra because you can have the best port but you don't pass M SRA and it's all wasted unfortunately, which is quite sad. Um So, uh I think that's I would say it is the most important step in the journey. To be honest, MSR, another one is connecting other applicants. It's quite important. Um UK RP and UA I know they have um whatsapp groups, whatsapp subgroups where people meet to discuss and practice the necessary questions when the time reaches. If, if that kind of your um if you like stuff like that and you, you do well in groups, you can join them. Um and they give lots of information about uh how to put your portfolio or any questions you have, you always find a trainee there that can answer your questions. Uh The portfolio is, is it can, it can look very um cumbersome and looks like you need quite a lot, but it's very doable and most people always be around the same ballpark. You rarely see anybody that has a phd in education. Most people are we on the same team. But uh but that, that, that, but there are a few stuff you can do. They start with, get to start with, don't really um And you can always get advice from the trainees and consultants when you do your test a week on how to go, go about it because everybody's journey is different the way I did mine, it went from the way mo did this and you always, someone there might be similar to you and we will advise you properly. Um Just, just a question that what are the options for people in training or practicing with the large in Africa as I. And so I think that's if you want to look at the S3, um uh basically application route, something you can consider if you have a pattern of the F RCR. Um just look at the I know this presentation we've not really focused on, we are focusing on ST one, but it's something I know a few people have um done and been successful with. So um I think most is just a question, just check with the any specification. That's something that you can consider would say. So there is even the um in the ST 31, there's actually like the um self assessment for it. Uh Let me put the exact link that I'll take you. Although the first one I posted should, if you check from there, you should be able to go to the self assessment. So this portfolio that we've just talked about there is also the one specifically that should give you like the self assessment guide for ST three and then same approach, basically same principle, you have to first know what you are aiming for. So you need to go through it now and know what you have and know what you um I mean four, um I would say we would appreciate a subsequent session on that. Quite a few of us fall in that category. II don't know if this regular subgroup of c organized one but I know UK RST. They did one last year. They might do one this year. I know the guys in also might do one this year. So if you join those groups, you might, I don't know how to you guys. I know they did one last year. I was, I, II actually saw that, to be honest. Uh, but I'll give you too much to decide if he wants to organize a one for ST three. Like we would communicate, I think on that one, we'll most likely um do it with um our colleagues to um r off may collaborate on like trying to put that one out, but we'll definitely keep everyone updated, you know, when um we are going to do that um program. But it, because it would be uh I II am of the opinion that it will usually be more effective coming from someone that would have done it and gotten it this year. Um Because there may have been some changes that may, they may have made and it's something that is relatively new. Um Like Doctor Duba just said, it's just within the last two or three years that they opened up that pathway to enter that level. No. So this I could back this slide of the journey components because why we said MSI is the rate limiting step and get you to the door in the grand scheme of things. It's just 20% of your to top score. So your aim as much as possible is get a good score that gets you to the door. Well, don't be too, don't be too flustered if your score is not like one of the highest because in the grand scheme of things that makes 20% of it and by the time they scale those scores, the truth is even someone with 600 something and you with probably 560 it's, it's not going to be that much different when they scale you to 20%. So don't be discouraged, just be focused on getting into the door and then the portfolio itself now mix up 30% of the final score. So which means the interview is actually very important. The interview is 50%. That's half of everything. So no matter what, you may be feeling, you may not have had a good MSI score, your portfolio may not have been as optimal as you want it to be. If you get an invite, you give it your best. OK. Give it your best. Do it like that's, that's, that's all it depends on because most times that actually tends to boost a lot of people and they still run very well even with not so which caused in the MSI. And for so that's why I did this slide and want to just emphasize on it again. Are there any more questions that we more addressed? OK. It's a good time to. Ok. Ok. Ok. Um So there's a, I've just put the feedback on the charts here just so people can um actively feel the feedback. It could also be sent to you um as an email, I start this program. And so do well to still um if you filled it now already, you don't have to fill um it from the email. But please, we do appreciate this um feedback and it's very useful um subsequently. Um Doctor A, I don't know if there's anything you'd like to ask. Um No, I think it's, it's good to be thinking about because he's quite Johnny. Um But it's very doable. I think you've covered most. It's just the, we, we should stop, but it's longer than we should stop, to be honest. But um it's just to give an overview and an idea of how to, of how the process is. And I think you've given you've done quite good. Uh Not enough for me, I would say. Uh So for those that would want to also join um this group. If you just go through the um websites, you have to call and try to join, you, see the link for the whatsapp group there and Doctor Ava kindly posted, they want to join uh recap. Um and UK RSD, you need to join first, um apply to um Facebook needs to be accepted through Facebook there. And they also have a whatsapp group because I'm part of that group. So I just need to um once someone, I mean, you can send me a message, I can ask, you know, for you to be added to the whatsapp group if you're interested. Um Yeah, so thank you everyone for um attending just going to end this session. Yeah.