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Join us at Glow 2024, the Global Women's Health Research Society conference, hosted for the first time in Scotland. This event is led by Rosemary Townsend, a renowned obstetrician, and senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. This conference aims to address and discuss substantial challenges facing women and children's healthcare: conflict and migration, climate change, infectious and epidemic disease, and mental ill-health. We have an exciting agenda with workshops, discussions, and research presentations exploring these pressing topics. All industry professionals are welcome to join, whether in person or online. Take part in our workshops, varying from research ideas to grant funding strategies, and even using creativity in research. So, join us in reflecting on how we, as a global women's health research community, can rise to meet worldwide healthcare needs.

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We are excited to bring the Global Women’s Research Society Conference to Scotland for the first time, to be hosted in beautiful Edinburgh on 23rd and 24th September 2024.

Established over 10 years ago, the Global Women’s Health Research Society (GLOW) was initially established to facilitate education and networking among researchers based in the UK who were conducting work on reproductive, maternal and newborn health and stillbirths in low-resource settings. Over the years, this community has expanded to include those based outside the UK and to include both topics related to women’s broader health and of relevance to high-income settings.

The 2024 GLOW conference, supported by the Medical Research Council, will focus on the effects of the ongoing global crises of climate change, infectious diseases, mental health, and conflict and migration on women’s and newborn health. We will particularly highlight successful innovation and partnerships that are ‘rising to the challenge’ and meeting these crises head-on.

We recognise that not all pregnancies are planned or welcome, not all people needing obstetric or gynaecological care identify as women and that reproductive health encompasses the full life course. Researchers and clinicians in clinical, epidemiological and social science spheres all have relevant and important insights to share and all are welcome to come together at GLOW.

Conference Venue: McEwan Hall, The University of Edinburgh, Bristo Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG


Learning objectives

  1. Understand the four key global challenges of conflict and migration, climate change, infectious and epidemic disease, and mental ill health, impacting women's health.
  2. Gain knowledge from subject matter experts on their respective fields of research and clinical practice, and their approach to address the identified challenges.
  3. Explore the role of partnerships and innovation within the global women's health research community in meeting the healthcare needs of women worldwide.
  4. Engage in workshops, discussions, and research presentations to develop strategies and possible solutions in rising to these global women's health challenges.
  5. Learn the importance and ways of creativity in engaging participants in research and disseminating research results, with a specific focus on women's health.
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Good morning. Could I encourage you to take your seats, please? And s one shot, turn the light so bad. Hello, everyone. Um We are going to get started on time because we've got a very packed day to get through. Um So thank you to everyone who has been punctual and I hope you've had some coffee and a chance to relax. Um And welcome to Glow 2024. My name is Rosemary Townsend. I'm a consultant obstetrician and a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. And it's my pleasure to welcome you to the mcewan Hall and to the city of Edinburgh for the Global Women's Health Research Society conference. This is the first time the conference has been held in Scotland. And we're delighted to show you a big Scottish welcome, particularly tonight. Edinburgh is a city steeped in medical history, particularly in women's health. I'm from James Young Simpson um to Professor Critchley, who's with us in the audience today in the city where anesthesia was discovered and applied to childbirth. And the first professor of midwifery was appointed and where seven female medical students sparked a riot by trying to be doctors. We are coming together to discuss some of the biggest challenges facing women and children's health care around the world. Today, the theme of our conference is rising to the challenge and we've identified four key challenges that we're going to explore together over the next few days. Those are conflict and migration, climate change, infectious and epidemic disease and mental ill health. We're going to hear from subject matter experts in these areas who are going to tell us how they in their research and clinical practice are rising to these challenges. We're going to highlight the importance of partnerships and innovation in working together as a global women's health research community to address the needs of our world. Today, we've got a packed program of workshops, discussions and research presentations and we're gonna be able to reflect together how we as a clinical and research community can rise to these challenges. Really excited to be doing this with you all. Um And I really welcome all of your participation, both those of you here with us in the hall and the majority of our audience which are online. I have a few notes of housekeeping for you. Um Just before I hand over to Professor Wender Graham who will kick off our conference formally. Um Firstly, there's no set planned fire alarms. So if you do hear alarm, please get out of the building by the nearest exit, we will assemble outside on Bristol Square. Bathrooms are on the lower ground floor, there's catering served and posters downstairs in the foyer area on the lower ground floor. I'd like to say we've got a lovely number of posters here with us today. We've also got more online. Um So please do have a look at the online posters. The posters downstairs will be visited by our judges in the coffee breaks and they have been broken down into four groups if you want to go with the judges and hear the presentations as they are given. The first session, today will be the public health posters in the morning coffee break and in the afternoon coffee break, there will be the psychosocial health posters. Um We have six workshops this afternoon. If you haven't already signed up, please do head down to the registration desk and sign up for a workshop. These include a wide range of topics including a Dragon's den for research ideas, how to get your grants funded and also a creative workshop exploring how we can use creativity and engaging participants in research and disseminating our research results, which is really exciting. We have ak tonight, as I've already mentioned, this will not be here. This will be at poo calls which is the university residence. It is about a mile south of here. It's a fairly easy bus or walk if you want to and if you need any help getting there, please let one of the organizers know if you've never been to aa, before you're in for a treat. But I don't want anyone to feel scared.