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Paediatric Wounds - K Nelson



This on-demand teaching session is designed for medical professionals to learn how to monitor pediatric lacerations and burns. Attendees will review the types of lacerations and burns, how to recognize them, and how to prepare for their repair. Strategies for wound management such as anesthesia, cleaning and closing techniques will also be discussed. This session will provide essential insight on how to properly treat lacerations and burns in pediatric patients and how to effectively manage the patient and the situation.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the different types of lacerations in pediatric patients.
  2. Describe the mechanisms of injury for different types of lacerations.
  3. List appropriate anesthesia for the management of lacerations in pediatric patients.
  4. Outline appropriate methods for closing lacerations in pediatric patients.
  5. Explain the importance of discharge planning and follow-up for pediatric patients post laceration treatment.
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word on that. Hi, everyone. Um, I'm here. One of the nurse practitioners on today and we'll give you is a brief chat about pediatric ones. Um, basically a few tips after how we hand to monitor the pediatric wins. Think so. So, basically, what is the wind? Um, laceration as a tearing or splitting off the skin, commonly caused by blood, trachoma, organization and skin cause by a sharp object such as a knife or a broken glass? Um, so you see the picture, The corner typically, what we would mostly comprise ent any with them. We could see before we would go near the change. We be securing the top A, c G and consent. Um, and it is key at where the change is a triage. They assess the wind. If it's covered up, the dressing must be removed because underneath out dressing, that may be worse, or it may be very, very superficial. And they have the change up from head to toe and the title of some description. Also, there were just noted, um, remove any sort of jewelry. I'm sure that you documented describing the color of it. Um, basically a swell. We need to know when we're seeing the change we need to establish the mechanism of injury. Um Andi, mainly basically really Night on on accidental injury next one. So there's various types of wooden's. Obviously, some I have listed here that we generally we wouldn't see what we would see would be penetrating ones. And that would include functions, surgical wounds and incisions, thermal and chemical or electric burns, which we would tend to see Bates and things as well. We tend to see, um, obviously gotten the winds or other hey, velocity projected on taste the competitor it the body we'd maybe wouldn't see unless it's Marty. See, um, and is Well, there is blunt force trauma on a lot of sublations lacerations on skin tears. I'm not going to talk about burns on, uh, what you can see here, The definitely the classifications. Auburn's. Obviously you can see this first degree, your second degree, your third degree and fourth degree. The main reason I have put this up is what we would tend to see a few burns. Generally, it would be obviously during the summer months when were blasted them. But, uh, somebody would maybe get the first degree ones coming, unfortunately, but merely you would see the second degree burns, particularly Children on, but will be from touching hot fire off the slayer stool. Know what we would tend to do when these Children present is obviously allergies? A on board as ky. I'm Generally parents would have that before they would come in, Um, burns that we would tend to repair All would be any burns, and they would get on the hands on the feet on the fetus, um, on on the growing region as well. And we prefer that onto burns, even get in a vase. Sometimes I do want to see them. Generally, they may, um, and if they do, they're very keen on photograph again. It's you. When that happens, we would gym, usually get the parents to take a picture with their phone on. They would then sound it onto the burns doctors and generally. Then they decide if they want to see the on. Hey, we would tend to monitor burns. Would be if a CEA did initially, if they just had the burns. They may not have any history. Um, if they do have a string, they do like us to dear. If the burn on generally this is quite painless, the reffing, the burn on, then we would dress it with either gel and at our cell flex. Um, depends. We use both. Some doctors that you'll speak to you will have a preference. So either one of those a man on it here and on a prep poundage, um, take it from there, we would give them a swell sometimes if it's sort of quite so professional, you're just about concern. Return to review in the next day, or else, if it's fair, is special on to the treatment room nurse. So the management of lacerations involves procedure. Anesthesia. Um, the most common when we would tend to use would be later Kim like jail on a nasal diamorphine, one that we would very rarely use for wins. Um, Lady Kin is then one of us is saying we would tend to use the most so basically, before we do between when officer, which is a related can first, depending where winds up. We really be using this on digits who need to give a ring block or if we have lacerations and Children that we tend to get will be on the legs on the thighs. We would use lady can and as well, we can use like jail. Um, and this is used really in Children off over one years of age. Um, for simple lacerations, with less than five centimeters on this can be poor onto the wound on left, um, to work on them whenever we leave the change for a way, we bring them back. Then then we can lay back in them. Um Teo, Honestly, is that the wind? So then we would clean the wound with either ceiling or surgical scrub or irrigation. If there's a lot of foreign body lot of debris, um, irrigation with either syringe, um, or bites of fluids. Um, for the closing techniques, Steri strips will be mainly what we would tend to use a lot of protective. That's first professional wooden such as the chin, the forehead or the finger. As long as it's not over a joint, um, stitchers, we would tend to stick or deeper in such a Sneed's, um, hands. Um, if you're unsure or whether we should switch your stairs to ask someone more senior than yourself, we don't It's very rare. I have seen that we would start your change. Speediest. Obviously, if there's a need for searching, we need to be thinking Do Santos change? Um, expects Or two plastics. Um, topical skin. Nutty stuff is another one that we would use an awful lot on. General. Who? Jesus on the feast or the hands? Um, remember that this is the same strength as a four or six on caution as of aged when using green near the eyes. Um, if you're using that near the A, it's going to talk. The change with the head back sometimes we have used is well, some gel in that food over. Put it over the change A Okay, So if you have a wooden just above the a break and you want to put you on it on, do you don't know if the change is gonna set? Still, obviously, get them during cradle in the moment or doubts arms on they hold onto that was well and get Make sure that you have the the, uh, Joanna over the A so that it doesn't go into the A. Um, and another technique for closing ones will be staples generally we wouldn't use the really asthma child when the last night over seems a change in stable Um, unless it's an older change. Um, obviously it's in their scale. Um, I have said hair, because Children that would tend to come in with winds up on their scalp. We wouldn't be rushing on the stable first, but with a novel, be tempted that we would. So if we have a change that has wind and their hair and it's long enough, particularly girls, we would tempt you left the hair on, cross it over as if you're going to tie the hair split. See, this is the tree Monjo so left the hair crossovers are starting to tie. This will help bring the would age is to gather is well, I mean, you obviously need another pair of pounds for someone and tree closer one with, um, some very final was in the discharge basis key was Blaine um that they the worst. The hair obviously for least find to seven days. Next story. Um, when to affair mentioned up Pretty fair it on the big your your burns. So basically, this is a wind overachievers be a So when we would see anything through her million order or anything that looks quite complex when it's to do the Children's based. Always speak to either my ex fax or um or plastics to see if they, um, like to do this dressing the ones we tend to keep it very basic, self lax gel in Ettus have said for burns for your simple ones. Your prim a poor for dry dressings Aquacel for packing ones will give a change that has never got an upset stomach. Attend a packet. Um, with some Aquacel, urban tell is, Well, we would tend to use his well for some things of it. A bit of a localized infection. I'm kilt to stop. We would tend to use if we have, particularly on fingers. If there's a distal tuft of also school completely, we would tend to maybe put about a calendar start or not to stop your bleeding, Um, on. In fact, in one's always her hair risk of infection should be king address Initially. Second closure can be considered after a few days, provided there no signs of infection, um, antibiotics to treat or to reduce infection. Basically, we can follow the wouldn't formula. We really don't always given antibiotics. For every child has got a wound. That is a really dirty wound. That is a hair risk of infection, then, yes, honestly, we will. What? F and don't spam speak to someone senior and discharge faces key with anything that we would tend to czmp sweep praying that you give a good discharge of base. Um, they may not return the so basically give appropriate information written, I'm verbal to the person, including that they should see medical attention as the develop saints been faction on that they take paracetamol or Britain or penury if needed on keep the wind clean and dry for Jesus back. She, um as well we would vase in the removal. Wouldn't lose. You're such a stricture is not that they tricked appointments with treatment room nurse um, on the day of discharge on that, they need to have any plan follow up of dressings that needs to be back in the day. It just charged with, as we do. What's practical. Get onto the GP. Um, when to review Chase wouldn't a needy and one that we've mentioned earlier and would be your superficial burns um, especially if there's no blessed ring on your concern. You're just not happy. Don't be afraid to break them in to bring them back the next day that we can follow the look generally for chairs of burns. That's when we would really see the blistering come, um, Andi as well. Sometimes they're tender and the maybe Children with finger injuries with ones that requires section. Um, maybe that's got a lot of Citrus, and you're not happy, but you just want to check again, reviewed them or speak to someone saying You're not for bass. So top temps from ourselves. The MPs will be appropriate allergies. Easier? Um, I like it to work. Taming Askey tired child was Dustin. Change can result in her finish, and stress is the change. The parents on yourself, right patients is key. You need to build about therapeutic relationship with the change on parents stuff, works, works, wonders when you get them on board. It is not always possible on sometimes, as long as you get a consent from the parents, you just have to go in and get your steri strip on or whatever needs to be. Don't get, um, because Sometimes I think the longer that you leave the child completely distress with, um it just makes the whole thing worse. Um, appropriate environment in a room with the door clues. Some privacy, um, is key, relevant destructive techniques. The town is that we have a Z wonderful is, well, general check shots. Sometimes the parents of Boone's like in the Children's watching something on it, Um, can also be agree distractive technique, um, and is, well, always ask for advice if your own. Sure, basically, when it comes to ones, and don't be afraid to ask because we're always a Roy's want to help us well.