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Paediatric Defibrillation - A Hanna



This on-demand teaching session is designed to provide medical professionals with a familiarity on using the Sherry’s defibrillator from a pediatric perspective. It will go over features to look for, preparing the pediatric pads, time-sensitive aspects and rhythm recognition strategies. They will be given the skills to help minimize interruptions in CPR, as well as knowledge on shock strategies and maximum effectiveness techniques. This invaluable information and more is necessary for the safety of your pediatric patients in the critical care setting.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Familiarize the medical audience with the features and uses of the Sherry pediatric defibrillator.
  2. Demonstrate how to perform proper patient checks before using the device.
  3. Help the medical audience understand how to coordinate patient care during defibrillation attempts.
  4. Explain how to correctly set up and operate the defibrillator for a pediatric patient.
  5. Provide the medical audience with guidance on how to recognize and respond to various heart rhythms.
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The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

okay? Yeah. Every other ones. Just check it. Okay. Okay. Yes. Just get start by just checking your neck about here, okay? Yeah. Okay. Good. Making much been things that we're going to start that. So I'm gonna give you a better Familiarization to the soul. Are Sherry's defibrillator from a pediatric perspective at one of the really big advances? Um, of the big advantages about having this machine is the ability to use the pediatric mode, but also use the 80 featured wife's and Immanuel load so you can go on a seven. Hybrid methods are very safe to use on that way. Some things to go through with you have the usual Jackson even checks itself. It wants to be program. It'll times. And once I have connected because it'll check the paths integrity of the packet of the pants and the experience off the parts. If any of those were to be in bridge, you'll get a red X on the front of the defense. On then is usually it's the coast of hearts. Aren't there two kids and plug it in the newspaper past switching on on. Then the defense will give you an option with this bottom bottom here to say my annual test. You can press that button. It will do a quick self test charge, deliver the shock and that will reset your extract it. Texas is a very quick way of sorting. It moves common problems with that with the heart started past. Usually it's a case where we have recess in the morning when we haven't quite got the trolley old stopped up and there's no pants connected on to the defense, so it will not be able to interrogate positive on on to the next mean thing that you want to look for one of your going to use the depo because you've got a tech art on these two likes, beside of people get fixated on their bonus point like standing. Get that it's plugged in the battery school. But so long as you've got to take on the front, your cecum is going to go. If you have a red X on your defense, that does not mean that the the thing is broken. You still go to use it, but you stopped the nearest member of staff and you send them off to find your defibrillator. That's got a check on because of the time critical nature results have to use the machine. It's probably going to work on, but leave the back up No. One that we've got a free test that machine on its way. So let's have a look at the pft past change pants are up to the age of it for 25 kg on. Then we start moving along in your adult pounds of that if you have a pediatric pants and I broke down instead of pediatric training, least just to give you two of these. So whenever you get pants and you open them off, it's much the same as the other parents. You get your start a pound and a half ago, if you were going to be sounded possession for larger Children, would you be using the elephants? But we go on carrier cost area with pediatric pets, and the reason why this becomes so good going on interior posterior with pediatrics is would have an accelerometer in the front clip. But we also have accelerometer in the back. So this is the technology that's able to see motion and tell us what people pushing on the chest. It is complicated with the larger Chatham of adults. When we put her pants on like this in this position because all we can gauge is from the front clip, it is able to tell us that death. The problem we have in pediatrics says your liver in 400 lbs of pressure on your chance chest. It's that seems what you'd be delivered on to the adults chest on. Adults balding will move about three centimeters into your mattress whenever you do CPR on top of thumb, the chance body being of a smaller free in. But they've been the same. Pressure has a much more increase into the market, so the mattress suspect is greater. And in that, yes, if we're able to put on accelerometer into the basket as well as the front clip on, we've sandwich the chest between the two several others. It means that the depth that you get on the screen when you're doing your compressions with pediatric pads. It's the exact death that the chance chest is moving regardless of how much they move I/O of the mattress. So it's a really good system to use in pretty affects you get very exact that the only thing we were using these pediatric pounds that we don't get that you'll be used to with the little pads. Hopefully not like new shtick is if you're not pushing leave enough in the defense, says Push harder. It's not going to do that with these pats because it doesn't know whether you're being with a chain or an infant. So four centimeters for the infant, five centimeters for the chance of can't differentiate between the two. You'll notice that there were red tabs on the past, the red times a there as a means, the guide you prepared in the moth. Some of the types of pounds that are used the pox could be separated from the past. So we cautious with us on the way that the red capsule possessions to show your high, they don't separate from the past people, this pounds. And if we have found the arrest, somebody is doing those compressions for us. We can coordinate how that part was on to the chest by talking to them. Tell them what you're expected to happen. Tell him that you're gonna come down from 3 to 1 of which point they left off the chest for you to put a pad on. And then they immediately go back onto the chest. So it's left in 321 on the box. It's on the lower third of the sternum, where you couldn't eat of the hat. So it actually comes X marks the spot. We want to be above this every certain, um, I may be going a little bit higher and we never get. That was quickly as we can, and then we can go straight back onto the compressions. We do need a little bit of time to then coordinate public place that the posterior calf. So again they have more people than that up here. What? We're going to coordinate that we stopped the CPR, roll the child, run in place that hot so that we bracket of the heart between the two pads, roll onto the back and start running to the compressions. So the gold, the hand eyes that we minimize the interruptions to any compressions on the chat. You want the flu time to be a short as possible on what we do. You always that particularly regarding stopping CPR to look at defibrillation and rhythms and deliver and shops elbow. That's the that's likely. And Children. What we do is that for every 12th poles that we have the compressions to analyze rhythms and deliver shocks, we dropped the return of spontaneous circulation by 18%. Uh, it's no college, or you could see the suspect Asian for be find that there's actually trying to accept import. So it's a 32nd 36 7 36% drop in return, spontaneous circulation. So it is about coordinate any breaks in the compressions. Now turn on the defense. This defibrillator has been designed so that as soon as we switch it on, if it is connected to pediatric pants, it will go straight into pediatric mood. So that includes it's shock strategy. It's increasing shock strategy on also includes it's rhythm recognition. So most in terms will look with the same eyes a person. I'm not taking the A combo what age they are. This machine will take in the contract. You're looking through pediatric pounds, so it is assuming that this is a child will be pediatric rhythm recognition, where our our alarm that it's slightly changed, so things like your CT shop of the limits are changed a little bit when it comes to their chance. So if I turn on the defense and has always been the case with his old defense, there's a working group of the was set up for the zones initially, which is several nurses and never asked, What do you want from the defibrillator? And the answer is very clear, less pollens. So the presentation of all the things that we have in the trust you have a normal switch and you've got a shock bottom. But everything else is hitting unbelief. So we've got a day Whenever you search on all of your defense, I usually come in the same statement. That is, once we teach and Manuel for advanced courses, every serious adverse incident I have to look into has been on your low and wouldn't have happened how the SAP state and 80 move So these machines are accurate of determining shock of already, um, in three seconds, and they're 97% accurate. So that's probably as good as the vast clinical staff and both speed. So let's have a look. I'm using VF as a rhythm before I turned this defect below, have to have to sort of quote that by saying that this machine has become so good that sometimes with these little red boxes which produce a short burst of be repeated on repeated and repeated, the defense picks up the repeating pattern and those that can't be VF. So sometimes it will not shocked here from a rhythm 78 that just in the it's very smart with the fevers and not that it's not shopping. It's just in case that happens to turn on the defense. Yeah, it should say, Sound clear. You see, we're down to 50 Jews to keep everybody away. It's not charging, so we can start those compressions. It was like I don't charge up to the 50 jewels, and it's not our goal to make sure that the area is completely see it on. Then remove the person doing the compressions before we go over the shocked. I tell you to perform CPR on when your ent it yourself to the screen on the Diovan 80 day mood is the fault of the 50 chills. Initially for that first shot, it's already escalated. The 70 Jules, it's telling you how many shots you've delivered. It's showing you you're a last time or here we use this time of the pocket or drug timings from. And then there's no hydro or recess has been running for. It's this purple time over here. That's the one that we're going to start to indicate quality. So that's your CPR Tighter and attend the defense, sees you do CPR or thinks you should be doing CPR. It will put a two minute come down taper, so we'll always know exactly how long has that been? The cycle? Ideally, two minutes of CPR pens to be quite a long period of time. So it's a really good idea of the person in charge of the defect. How's the presence of mind to say were 30 seconds into the three minutes for a minute in with 30 seconds left to go Paticular, given a 15 2nd notification quite often, what we'll do know. It's kind of like our arteries in the last 15 seconds of CPR, where we can find the pulsation with the secret or progress, and then when we stop the secret are we've already lab work. Should we know whether that has a pulse or no real confidence to go timer here. It's in the kidney. Got about 40 seconds left up here, and we have this box. Everything to do with purple is to do with quality, so you got a whole time recorder. But it does not indicate quality and shoot not being there. So don't let the whole tank be a slow one minute and 39 or we have a little bit of the chest. So once we start doing compressions, if you want some purple box, what will happen is when the CPR stuffs. It's replaced by the death of my compressions on the street of my compressions, I have to alter my death because I put down to the five centimeters because of the next several over in the back. I have post compressions. You know there's a pulse. The thing is not recognized. The F it's charging up. Restart those compressions. One else is clear, and that's safe to do so everybody stands clear. The shop is in the strip back onto the chest. Under two minutes time, I was immediately reset. You give them two shocks on I up to 85 pills. So we haven't escalated and shocks allergy that we agreed that 2015 when we deployed these so certain the CPR well happen is you see that that I've got to just my death a bit heavy handed. I want to keep the death to the rec that here about five centimeters for the child because I've got the accelerometer in the back pain. That's exactly the metformin. Did you hear there? That's the state. You should be going for a set of 100 for a minute. So our therapeutic greens from our space is 100 100 and 2100 for permanent. We've got good evidence to show it loves the maximum that we have for that ventricle maximizes the other quickly generate from our CPR. So what is it case of trying to keep that up, particularly in practice, But bringing the speed's going into the red bridge? No. One of the things that you'll notice it's different from the adult parents being on is that you get a release of our only our cards and you get a diamond that looks quality over time with the pediatric pounds because it doesn't know whether This is a Chinese or a infant. It doesn't move that death. So trump Algeria those qualities for you so you can not to see the release far. And you won't see that the quality index don't do either. So does that. Hopefully that experience are cover our defibrillation and a book. Quite often, we like to manual mode because we have calculations to work out. So I'm sticking straight into my no more would have defaulted 50 Jones. Well, in this case, if I, you know if we say, for example, we have sexual child, so we weren't better. And the plus 4 lbs True. So we have a friendly Keller grandchild on work. We need to get four juice for kilogram. Which friends? Up to 80. Jules. What? I come in on your ears on the yellow orange problems with your to do with your electrical therapy. Just the energy or four. Done. So in this case, I dropped 70 on. I've got 85 so I wanted to get it. If I don't get the exact energy that I want to find out on as a ramp it up, I can. Then I've got my energy set up, but I compressed, charge or analyse, even though I'm a manual move. Now that that's one of the things that stands this machine from el other places and other machines. Yes, if you're confident on the charger, deliver the shock. But it's always Yeah, I heard you could let deep them having like off the rhythm itself. It will not only charge up to the energy that you have already established, so we're able to get targeted electrical therapy to China specific. Four days. But it's done through the a day to everybody. Clear, shocked. Never notice that your CPR time has come back on again. And even though we're any man, your mood, the ages, no rolling and we'll continue to learn the background on that is by far the safest way to run recess. On all the top of just to cover in the last three minutes is something that you probably less likely to see. But we do need to cover with you on. That would be if we had, um, we have a need to cardiovert so cardioversion a moment that you really want to see if they can see yourself are needs updated in the hospital here will be the same. But the ball? Yeah. So we have sent on off. When you press this button, it will not carrying. It is synchronized. It's going to give you dot So on the armrest, not across all of Northern Ireland. All the fence with leaves sent on until you switch it off. So, in the unlikely event, do a cardio were into a V F situation. You would need to switch the same off to ensure that you would be able to defend it. It that happened to cases in the Republic of Ireland where people were cardio worth into B F because six state owned it didn't identify any are ways. And we're not the liver shops and nobody had activated Look, So it's important that we got sank on on that. You switch it off if we go into cardiac arrest. With the exception about the Galvin, which switches off, they're saying after each cardioversion. So what? The end of the heads of the home. Every time you called over, you've got to make sure that your synchronized it's it's that key check. So the energy is that we're going to use when we started off with 1 kg way. We have a 20 kg chatted from our six year olds who would drop with energy doing, and I would go with 20 Jill's machine. Those 20 Jules. It will actually dropped on the single digit gills if you're using internal spoons. So now what we could do is it is synchronized or helping secretaries. We're happy about the energy. We can compress the charge, but obviously there be some sedation and placing some oxygen therapy in place. And then once we're ready to do so, like any defect, it's press and hold in the shop on terribly electricity's remember, because it started with from our way of the four members, the energy three. Everybody clear everything. It'll tell you below the electricity, how much electricity actually delivered. They are smart machines. They work about the impedance of the chest. So if I want to 20 June's delivered to the chest, it works at the hospital over 21 Jews to be the equivalent, so let it do not work for you. Help me with the cardioversions. The sense stays on until you switch it off again. Just remember that for 10 seconds after 10 seconds That defect local. That's the end of that chemical kiss. It stores everything you know, everybody in your press and memory change of me, maybe compression that clinical. Actually, you don't. And then it resets itself back to the corporate presentation that we want all the defense to present that as we just 80 with the options from under you over, right. Anything that's covered before take questions. Okay, So what, this point will live close me talkin, take any questions and they're already it's new crisis, the bone. But just getting type that guys are are on. Meet yourself and ask if you've got some questions. We don't have, um, any questions today And, um so Well, that's good. It's Freddy. If you folks and thank you. I think you're getting off the hook with it. Years old. Very much, thank you. Minutes