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Join esteemed speaker Dr. James Moore for an informative session as he shares his experiences and helpful advice on tackling NHS interviews. His comprehensive guide covers both face-to-face and remote interview formats in extensive detail to help you ace your upcoming NHS interviews. Whether you're applying for your first job or aiming for a higher-level position, Dr. Moore’s insights are invaluable. Moreover, you will also get an opportunity to know about the Bulgarian Student Support Network (B SSN), which is focused on supporting international students in Bulgaria. Don't miss out on the opportunity to get guidance on navigating the NHS interview process effectively from a seasoned professional.

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Join our informative and interactive webinar, where we will provide you with invaluable insights and strategies to excel in the NHS doctor interview process. This webinar is designed to offer guidance on what to expect during the NHS interviews and how to prepare effectively!

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the teaching session, attendees will be able to differentiate between face-to-face and remote job interviews in the NHS and understand the implications of each format on the interview preparation and process.
  2. Participants will gain an understanding of the variety and nature of interviews they may encounter when applying for different roles within the NHS.
  3. Attendees will learn about different stages of the NHS career ladder, such as fy1 posts and core training positions, and the associated recruitment processes.
  4. Participants will be introduced to interview preparation techniques specific to medical interviews in the NHS, such as anticipating possible interview questions, presenting clinical scenarios and delivering presentations.
  5. Participants will be able to apply practical tips and strategies shared during the session and effectively prepare for face-to-face and remote job interviews in the NHS.
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Hello everyone. Good evening. Hope you're all. Well, I hope you can hear me. Could you someone just type in the chart whether you can hear us or not, please? Hopefully you can. OK, perfect. Um So we're just gonna wait for a few moments for a few more people to join and then we will start. OK. I think we can start and get move on. So, hello, everyone. Welcome to our webinar this evening about NHS interviews. This is with Doctor James Moore. Uh Can you move to the next slide, please? Um So just a little bit about who we are. So we, we are B SSN the Bulgaria Student Support Network. Um Our aim is to build a more connected community for international students in Bulgaria and we wanna make it more accessible for students to reach out for help and support. Um We offer support and guidance as students face in process of re integrating back into the NHS. Um And if you ever have any questions or suggestions about any initiatives that we can start in your university, please let us know and finally, please do follow our page on medal and become a member. So you can um get email updates about when our next events are gonna be. Um So just a little bit about our speaker. This is Doctor James Moore. Um He's an emu so graduate um 2018 alumnus and um he's currently working at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. So thank you, Doctor James. You can take it away. Brilliant. Thank you Jim and uh thank you everyone for, for joining. I hope you can all hear me. OK. Um So uh we will start with this uh interview talk is basically gonna go over um my interview history. Um I've applied to a few jobs and had a few interviews. Um I would say I would divide interviews down in um in both um face to face and remote interviews and the approach and what you can expect to those different interviews in terms of the format. Um We, we'll outline in this talk. So uh my interview history, uh this, this is in a chronological order. So my first job was a fy one post in orthopedics was just a four month uh trust position. Uh fill a road to g um this was a face to face interview. Um The interview was with um a consultant from the surgical team and also with a, a member of the HR team. And there were, there were only two candidates for the job. Um So it was sort of very generic questions. A couple of surgical specific questions, but they were quite desperate um to have someone come in and um and there wasn't much competition um at that interview point, the second interview I had um was actually at Southampton. This was for a foundation fellowship position and this was a very large recruitment. Um I think they actually employed about 50 people um both at foundation level and at core level. Um and it was a massive initiative to recruit international medical graduates. Um And II know a lot of my um peers from Bulgaria um went for that interview as well and this was quite highly structured. Um So you had um a station with a clinical scenario um with two consultants and then you had a panel interview with three consultants and a member of the HR team. So quite, quite an intense day and they were interviewing lots of people throughout the day. So you had a time slot. So, um if they're interviewing lots of people, you're, you're gonna think that they're gonna maybe um invest um in, in, in, in getting more consultancy and it's worthwhile consultants taking a full day off rather than just an afternoon if they're, if they're, if they're having um a lot of candidates and they've got a lot of positions to fill you. You, you can expect a, a more comprehensive interview and then uh f to stand alone. Uh So this was my first training um position. Uh This was actually conducted online. Um It was a very brief interview uh through uh oral, which is the national recruitment um software. Um And you, you rank your preferences and dependent on your rank, which is made up from your interview score. Um You will, you will match um if you, if you, if you've, if you've managed to get um a AAA job, um and your preferences haven't, haven't been taken by people who ranked higher than you. Um And I think this was um the sort of beginning of the drive for remote interviews at this point in terms of the timeline, this was um just as the first wave had hit. And um COVID really changed the way interviews have been conducted, um particularly in training positions. Um And I think almost all training positions now actually have a remote interviews. I then went on to er, internal medical training and they actually aborted the er interview um halfway through the recruitment drive. So, um there was, they've always had an interview for internal medical training and they, and they got rid of it because of, because of the pandemic. So it was literally done on, on portfolio um which was, which was a shock to everybody. So, um we, we've been preparing for an interview and then it just didn't happen and it was just done on portfolio points um which favored some people and it didn't favor others. And then um my most recent jobs I applied for Um Again, national recruitment, a very highly structured interview and um you need to do quite a lot of preparation in terms of specific scenarios. Um you had to present a paper. Um So, and, and these, these are higher level interviews. Um There's often often a lot of information online um in terms of what to expect, how to prepare. And they, they often take weeks and weeks of, of preparation um to, to be able to perform um to, to an acceptable standard. Uh but that's probably gonna be a little bit beyond the scope of this talk. As I, as I suspect most of you are applying for your, your first uh jobs in the NHS or, or looking at um what options are available to you. So it's probably going to be more of the um trust filling positions and maybe the F two stand alone um are, are, are gonna be things that you're going to be applying to um in the first instance, but the same principles for interviews apply. So I've touched on this um on the earlier slide, say face to face versus remote interviews. Um You can pretty much expect um all national recruitment interviews now to be um conducted remotely er for a number of reasons. Um It's cheaper for them to run, they can uh interview uh more candidates and um they often now use uh different means of selecting candidates. So the MM RSA um N sra sorry. I'll get the bacterial up um that, that is now used and increasingly so for, for core training positions. So um core surgical training, for example, have um have adopted the um M SRA um as part of their recruitment drive on top of an interview. Whereas psychiatry use it exclusively. Um and um even ophthalmology, radiology, they all, they all use it as a as another element of um selection on top of an interview. Um So this is something that a lot of you will have to do also for general practice. Um Unfortunately, medicine at the moment is one of the only, I think the only core um specialty which, which doesn't require that the M sra exam. Um So watch this space. I, I'm, I'm sure they'll try and pour medicine into it at some point. Um And then your single, your single job position. So, um if you're applying um asynchronously to um a trust, so if you're not applying for say the August recruitment window, so my first job was from April. So there may be a rota gap. These are the kind of jobs that you may be, you may be filling if a, if a hospital has, has um had a, had a vacancy for, for, for whatever reason, someone dropping out of a foundation program, um you're likely to have um a face to face interview um and it be conducted um you know, with, with a small amount of candidates and um it would be probably quite a casual interview. In my experience. The larger recruitment drives tend to be a more structured and organized interview process. So you can have an idea um when you're applying for the job or when you've got the interview, what to expect in terms of, in terms of the overall structure and how, how you should prepare mentally. So um a few tips for remote interviews, so what to expect. So, yeah, dress formally. Um, they, they do typically ask you to, um, like spin around and show the room, um, and make sure there's no one in there and you haven't got any notes available, um, because you, you may well get clinical scenarios and they don't want you to be cheating. Um, so make sure your room is tidy and you haven't, you haven't got anything out that you don't want the interviewer to see and you, you, you know, you're dressed in the, in the bottom half. Um, so, yeah, don't, don't, don't make that error, um, try and avoid, um, having any deliveries or getting your, your groceries, um, um, there and also make sure your internet connection is, is, is, is sound, um, because you just don't want that added stress and I mean, this also applies to, to doing remote exams now. So a lot of the, the, the membership exams are conducted, um, through the internet. So, um, yeah, that's, that's pretty much what to expect. Really um they're normally highly structured, structured, limited time to try and do a lot of reading for all of the available resources um about what to expect what stations, how long you have in each station and um then try and get some ideas of what kind of questions they're gonna ask and how you're gonna, how you're gonna prepare your, your responses. Uh For those um you, you can, you can drop points um quite easily in these interviews for just, just a slightly suboptimal answer. So for example, in the F two stand alone interview process, um my colleague, he, he, he was over 100 ranks below me for scoring one point below me on the CV section. So people, you know, if it's, if it's a highly structured interview and you have a limited amount of time, a lot of people are gonna score very highly. So one point could be absolutely huge in terms of your ranking. Um So, um that's an overview of, of, of a typical remote interview, face to face interviews. A lot of this is um is, is, is obvious, good night's sleep, you know, get there the night before uh rent out an airbnb or, or, or a hotel room, make sure you, you're dressed, you're dressing appropriately, know where you're going. Um And then know a few things about the hospital. Um So, um you know, is, is the department you're applying to. Um does they do a a special procedure. Have they got a famous consultant? Um you know, what are the trusts values? Um, you know, re read in, have a look at the, the CCC rating and, and um try and try and have something specific to the hospital that you can talk about that always goes down quite well. So, uh general tips for interviews. Um so you, if you've been applying to jobs on, on track jobs, you'll know the application form is, is very structured and you have elements of your, your CV there. So you want to be able to present your CV. Um quite often. Um They will have a structured question and they'll say, right? Tell me about yourself, tell me about your CV or talk me through your CV and you want to be concise um but have a prepared answer of how you're gonna approach that. So succinct, but you know, every, every sentence um you, you're delivering some valuable content selling yourself. Um You want to be able to explain gaps in employment. Um These are um highlighted on um national applications um especially with oral. You will need to explain gaps in employment. And also in the interview, you may get asked about what have you been doing for six months, you know, how have you been keeping yourself sharp? How have you been maintaining your, your competencies? Um So be, be prepared to, to answer and explain um any sort of gaps in employment um and try and fill this with, with extra things you've been doing in terms of extracurricular activities such as e learning courses, um clinical attachments, whatever you, you've got to be able to, to sell this particularly for your first job. If you've had a um a gap uh from when you've, when you've had your GMC registration to the time that you first get your employment. I mean, I had a, a couple of months gap. Um It was, it was difficult to get a job and I think the market is quite difficult at the moment. So it's not gonna be unusual but make sure you've got something to, to uh to talk about that's worthwhile. Um And then you want to, you know, most jobs will have essential and desirable criteria. So this, this should be um something that you look at when you're applying and uh in the third column of this, it will, it will say when this will be um um assessed. So some of it will be assessed on the application form and some of it will be assessed in interview. So all of the points that in the essential and desirable criteria, they say this will be assessed that interview. You want to make sure that you're able to answer points around these. So I would, I would print it out, highlight these, these points on the application form because you bet your bottom dollar, particularly someone from hr who isn't medical, they will be looking at this in a more structured framework and going do they tick this box here? They're the ones that you're going to have to impress in the interview um in terms of do they meet that essential criteria? So definitely um um refer back to the initial job advert and then um arranging practice interviews. So um this is obviously uh an important thing to do, particularly for um your specialist interviews and um and um interviews where you're, you're going to have um a highly structured format. Um So you want to speak to people who have, who have done these interviews, um go over their practice questions, go over their practice clinical scenarios and arrange mock interviews. Um This was the most valuable thing um I did um for my registrar interview, um II had three mock interviews with, with infectious diseases registrars. Um And they were able to take the time and really give me um fantastic feedback which improved my performance. Um I would um highlight um caution um about paying for material. Um As, as you'll become increasingly aware, medical education is a, is a lucrative market. So is the, so is the um interview market? And um unfortunately, there's, there's a lot of people who are, who try and take advantage um or and will try and take advantage of you financially to try and buy products and packages um which are designed to help you with your interviews. Um, I've fallen f to a couple of these. Um, I paid for a product for my internal medical training interview before it was, um, then um abolished and um it was an absolute rip off. The content was rubbish. And um, yeah, I wasn't happy at all and then I made the same mistake um in, in paying for, for content for my registrar interview, which again was, didn't have any benefit at all and it was a waste of a couple of 100 lbs. So I would, I would really be cautious about um reading these five star reviews for these, for these companies and I'm not gonna name companies here, but I would say um the most valuable thing you can do is um is um refer to a couple of books which I'll mention in this talk and also um practice, practice with colleagues, practice with your, with seniors, practice with family members, record yourself. But um yeah, I would, I would be very cautious about giving someone a couple of 100 quid for an interview course. Um They didn't save me any benefit and, and I did, I've done well in all of my interviews so far. Um I've touched on uh needing to know the hospital values. This is something that you can use as a bit of a filler in the interview. You'll, you'll notice that most hospitals or trusts will have an acronym of their values. It's good to be at least aware of these, not, not necessarily memorizing them, word for word, but, you know, have it, you know, you may well get asked, oh, how, how do the trust values align with your own? And you can go, oh, well, these values, um, you know, appeal to me in this way and, and, you know, if you've got a semi prepared answer, you're not gonna get flustered and it's quite a, it's quite an annoying question if you haven't prepared um that you could, you could, you know, stumble on. So um that almost always comes up and, and, and looks good um clinical scenarios. So um a lot of interviews um will give you a clinical scenario. Some of them will give you an ethical scenario. In addition, um the best way to prepare for these, I would say at your entry level interview would be to get the um Oxford handbook for clinical medicine and go through the emergency scenarios. So, um my interview for Southampton, um I was given a, a clinical vignette um of a, of a case that was a anaphylaxis, a drug reaction. And um then I went in and was um met by two consultants who then um asked me questions about the case and my management. Um So the, the algorithms in the back of the Oxford handbook for Clinical Medicine will give you a clear um approach that you can familiarize yourself with. And I think it's unlikely that they're going to um you know, ask you anything that, that's, that's off of that algorithm. Um You'll, you'll perform pretty well if you can recognize the emergency situation and your, you know, sensible management, you want to be saying the key words, the key words of A two E assessment and escalating. Um If, if you're, if you're out of your depth, um early escalation is never a wrong answer. They may say there's, there's no support available. What, what are you going to do in the meantime, they, they might come back at you with that. But um if you say those key words, they go oh this, this person is a safe um doctor who, who is gonna be suitable for employment. So, um that would be my advice on, on, on the clinical scenarios. Um um ethical principles. Um again, um you, these tend to come up in more um in the, in the high level interviews. So for, for registrar er level interviews, they can be quite um challenging. Um and there are various books on, on ethical scenarios. Um I didn't actually have an ethical scenario in any of my, any of my first interviews, but I have heard of, of, of candidates who have had one. It may be something around um a do not attempt resuscitation discussion. It could be a confidentiality scenario. It may well be a patient asking for a second opinion. Um 11 of these classical scenarios and um it it's just good to, you know, be able to cite your main ethical principles that you've covered. So your, your non um maleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice, um so be able to, to hash out a line or two about, about those in any ethical scenario. And then um in terms of your generic questions, um so, you know, the generic questions, weaknesses, strength, prioritization, et cetera, um practice these, um these are gonna pretty much always come up at least one or two of these. And um it, it's good to have a, you know, a structured answer and then you can have medical specific questions in terms of what you've been doing. So, audit research, quality improvement projects um and how you, you know how you go about these, what are the differences between audit quality improvement difference between um an audit and research? So it's good to know the definitions of these clinical governance is another thing that often comes up. Um So it's good to know, you know, your pillars of clinical governance and um you know, delve in delve into some of the definitions and that some of them are actually worth memorizing. Um OK, so generic interview questions. So I have a couple of some of these. Um you, how do you manage stress? I've, I've had that in a couple of interviews. Um So, you know, your, your, your good answers are, you know, obviously being honest, but you know, exercise um you know, you know, talk, talking to, talking to colleagues or, or however you manage stress something wholesome. Um And then in terms of prioritization, this is a classical question and they may even tie this in with a clinical scenario where they give you um a list of say five patients and they say, OK, you're the doctor on call. Um who do you see first? Who are you going to prioritize um your bleeps gone off? You've had these, of course, what, what are you going to do? And then you, um you know, you rationalize, OK, this patient I need to see first. This patient, I'll ask the, the nurse to do some more observations and um call me back if there's any concerns in half an hour and you know, you, you, you, you can assess your time critical ones. So um practice a few clinical scenarios in terms of prioritization as well. Um And then there's the generic response in terms of how you prioritize. Um in terms of, OK, um I would prioritize um you know, in an emergency situation um over um you know, a patient who you or an outpatient sit over a patient in an outpatient situation that isn't emergent and it will assess your judgment, but that is something that often comes up. Um And then they're gonna ask you about, you know, what you, what you're wanting to develop um in terms of um you know, what you're, what you're gonna offer to the, to the trust, how you're going to engage, um, what you're interested in, in terms of extracurriculars. And if they haven't already asked you about audits and research and, and things, this is when you start laying it on thick about, oh, I'm, you know, really interested in antimicrobial stewardship or something and, you know, I've read this and II think that this, this is something that I'd be really keen on getting involved in with the pharmacists in the trust as, as, as an example. Um So show, show some uh interest and have something, you know, that, that you've prepared to, to answer those sort of questions. Uh And then what do you anticipate needing help with? That's sort of similar to a, to a weakness question in a roundabout way. Um You can then tie this in with a course that you want to go on to say you haven't done advanced life support. You can say, well, you know, I feel like I'm not, you know, I haven't had any experience in resuscitation decisions. This is something that or um um responding to a resuscitation. Um I II would like to gain experience in this. I would like to gain confidence in this. And I think any opportunity to, to uh to go on an ALS course would be fantastic for me to develop um and give me more confidence in, in holding the cardiac arrest bleep. So you can then tie it in and then say actually I use this to be um put on the list to get a course out of it as well. Um So you gotta be, you gotta be thinking about um you know what, what you're going to be getting out of the, the role and you know how you can access that study budget as well. So drop a couple of courses in there. Um whether it's basic surgical skills or um advanced traumatic life support or pediatric, um life support, whatever courses you're interested in, um pretty much every job will have a study budget, even non training jobs will have a study budget which will be able to be accessed to facilitate those. Um They often start about 700 lbs annually your study budget for a nontraining post, which which will fund all of those courses I've mentioned. So if you mention that they may well go, ok, we can get you on the list for that as well. Um So audits quips research and teaching. Um So um the best way to prepare answers for these is um referring to the interview book which are um which is on a later slide, it will give you um a a poor answer and it will give you a good answer and it will give you a bit of theory about um all of the different elements and things that you should talk about. Um So there, there is a book um on special specialty interviews. And um this, this book is absolutely fantastic for these generic answers even at your, you know, your first uh interview. Um you, you want to be having a, having a look at these sections. Uh So that's the book in the bottom right hand corner of this slide. So, um medical interviews, um if there's one book that you, that you buy, um I would, I would recommend picking up a copy of this, you can, you can get loads of copies on, on ebay for people who have, who've got their registrar er positions. Um But you probably want to keep this book until you've got um a national training number. Um It will serve you well up, up until um a registrar level and then uh in the top left hand corner is the Oxford Clinical Handbook. Um So I'm sure you've all all um seen a copy of that before and the uh emergency scenarios are, are in the back um which are valuable in terms of practice for your clinical scenarios that you encounter in your interview. So, um specialty interviews. Uh again, I think you probably a bit beyond the scope of this, of this talk. But um I think I've, I've mainly talked about it is, is you're gonna have to do a lot more uh preparation um and prepare for each station. Um So I know for um anesthetics, you, you often have to um deliver a presentation um off the cuff um, for my reg interview, I had to prepare um, a presentation of a paper and I had to deliver it in, in five minutes without a powerpoint. And then I had three minutes of questions on that. Then I had an ethical scenario, then I had a clinical scenario. Um, then I had questions on quips audits. Um and then, um, a generic question about commitment to specialty, but they'll have variation between um each um each uh specialty. So, um you can often get information on forums from registrars who have just gone through the interview process and from the um recruitment website themselves, they'll give you an idea of, of the time limits and um some example uh questions um to prepare. Um and that's it. So, um any questions feel free to write in the chat or um shout out, I'll, I'll try and answer them as best as I can. Yeah. So if anyone has any questions, please do feel free to ask. So we'll just have a quick Q and A session and then we will wrap up. OK. Um Someone says, what is the difference between AQ I and audit? I think they mean equip and an audit if you were asked if we were to get us this in an interview. Yeah, this is, this is a question that you need to go, go away and, and prepare. Um So basically the overview is an audit is looking at um the compliance of a process to a set framework. Um And a, a quality improvement project is actually taking that further. Um You may highlight um a defect in a process and then be looking at um then implementing a change to improve it. Um But you definitely need to prepare an answer for this and um you that book is going to be ideal um to give you a, a much better answer than that. OK. And then someone asked, how much time should I leave for preparing interviews, especially studying, studying cases in the Oxford handbook. Um Well, that depends on um you know, your, your ability and general knowledge of, of medical scenarios. Um I would say in terms of preparing for interviews, you know, you want to be preparing for a couple of weeks, um It's not going to be time wasted at all, um being um proficient and knowing those algorithms really well. Um That's gonna be great for, for, for any, for any medical job. Um So however long it takes you to prepare for those and then all of the other elements of the interview in terms of, you know, watching back how you sound, getting feedback from, from people in terms of your body language and some of your answers. Um It, it's gonna be individual but II prepared for, for a couple of weeks um for, for, for my interviews. Um pretty much throughout. Um OK, someone says as an I MG. What can we do in Bulgaria to improve our CB? So um getting, getting involved um with stuff like this um trying to, trying to get involved with uh the, the conference um in Sofia for um for junior doctors and, and medical students, maybe getting involved in it and, and producing a poster. Um and then try to try to get clinical attachments really. Um Yeah, I mean, if you can get involved in some research in Bulgaria, I mean, it's pretty difficult. Um And then e-learning, I would say um try to try to get some certificates, um get some access to some um CBD websites. And um yeah, um you can then say you, you've spent 50 hours doing these courses and um and, and that, that sounds good in an interview. So things like that, but most importantly is is getting your, getting your medical degree and getting your GMC registration. Um OK. Someone else asked um will you be penalized for not answering with the algorithms with the clinical cases? No, you won't be penalized uh for not answering with the algorithms but it might be difficult for, for you. Um And the algorithms algorithms are designed um to try and prevent you from missing things in, in in acute settings, which is why the A to E approach has been adopted. Um So you're, you're working through an emergency situation and a method um in a methodical approach. Um And you're revisiting that you revisit the A to e you're reassessing the patient um using that framework. And that is, has been recognized as the safest approach. Um So for emergency situations, having um a good idea of the structure, I would, I would highly recommend, I mean, of course, um there's deviation from the algorithm, the algorithm is, is a, is a, is a guideline. Um But particularly for, for a foundation level II, would I would stick pretty much to what the guideline says? OK. Um So I asked, where did you graduate from? I mean, Sophia. Yes, Sophia. Yeah. And then um how does a clinical attachment differ from clinical work? Some have, especially those who have worked in a different role within the UK and that, and sorry, I didn't read that correctly. How does a clinical attachment differ from clinical work? And some have, especially those who worked in different roles in the NHS. And can it be included or best left excluded in junior doctor interviews? So like if you've worked with an HC A for example, in the NHS, um should you include that in your interview when you're talking? Yeah. Um Any workers in HD is actually um you know, very valuable. Um It's NHS experience. Um It's, it's, it's looked fondly upon in an interview. So definitely talk about um patient patient encounters and, and your experiences and that you've, that you've, that you've been involved in um as an hea that is definitely relevant and, and will be brownie points, um a clinical attachment. Um It is worthwhile doing even if you have works in the NHS in another role because you're, you're gonna be attached to a doctor and the role of doctors is very different to um allied health professionals. So, um yeah, you, you, you're then gonna get opportunity to see um what a, what a doctor does and what's expected of you. um have a go with some of the systems. They might let you do some procedures. Um It depends on, it depends on um your, your stage and, and, and how, how the hospital um have, have structured your, your attachment but definitely worthwhile getting a clinical attachment. I can um recommend that enough. OK. Someone asked if you could give some examples of algorithms maybe like the anaphylaxis one that you had maybe. Yeah. So like uh anaphylaxis, um you can have, you know, your, your arrhythmias. So your ball complex narrow complex tachycardia, you've got bradycardia. Um you've got, you know, stroke. Um Yeah, you've got, you've got loads of algorithms, you know, pe um so these are the, these are the things that you're, you're gonna need to need to know really um heart failure, how, how you would approach um a patient who is acutely deteriorating in a methodical manner and um start safe treatment and early escalation and get those investigations um ordered and underway. OK. Um I actually had a question. Um Obviously, you know how we learn in Bulgaria, um like how we learn our topics, e etiology, pathology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis. Um Would you say that's a good way to prepare for the interviews or should we kind of throw it out of the window? Like that type of order? All that type of like structure? Well, I mean, you, you're probably not gonna, you're not gonna get asked a question. Um Like you do in, in the exams in, in Bulgaria where you have, you know, you already know what the question is gonna be. You, you know, you just, you don't know which question it's gonna be. They're just the titles of, of the synopsis. Um So you rarely get a question where you're having to apply knowledge or at least in my experience uh in Bulgaria. Um you're reciting memorized knowledge in the exams, whereas you may well get a clinical vignette in the interview, it would be more likely you would get a clinical vignette and then you need to recognize what the pathology is and then go into the correct algorithm and the correct management approach. So for example, um acute abdomen, the back pain, you know, you've, you know, you, you, you've got, you've got to be coming up with, with, with a, you know, with an appropriate differential. Um and you can't, you know, you're not necessarily then gonna be able to give you a structured approach as you would uh in a, in a, in a vi uh from, from a bulgar medical exam, er, if that makes sense. So, I think those, those clinical scenarios are the ones that they will test you on. It's unlikely they're going to test you on anything aside from that. I mean, of course they could, but if you can manage those confidently in terms of knowing the algorithm that is gonna serve you very well? OK. And are there any other books, apps or things that you would suggest for um practice? No, um Just those two, so they're the only two things I used and um or they're the only two things that were beneficial for me. And um I then practiced with um with other registrars um for my high specialty interview. Um Yeah, that, that was it. II II really, I really wouldn't advise any other material. And if you, if you are thinking about paying for other material, um really read into the reviews and um scrutinize it before you shell out a couple of 100 quid because people will be after exploiting you. Unfortunately. Um I have another question. Um If you have work in, for example, mental health, like I have aha job in mental health, but it's not a part of the NHS. It's not private but it's like halfway like in between NHS and private. Would you say something like that is like enough clinical experience per se? I mean, there's, there's never enough clinical experience, the more clinical experience you have the better for sure. I mean, if you can get two clinical attachments, it's gonna be better than one. I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's all relevant. I mean, you can still talk about it. Um if, if any of your experiences apply to the particular question, uh it's working with people, it's working with um patients. So it's, it's definitely relevant to, to those scenarios if you, if you can fit fit in an answer. Um but I would, I would really advise trying to get some um some experience in, in uh in say a medical or surgical discipline. Um um you know, shadowing some foundation doctors uh for at least a couple of weeks. Um If you can, I mean, I appreciate it's, it's not necessarily easy to get, but if you can, it is definitely gonna serve you well. Uh could you please quickly go through an algorithm like an example, like go through a step by step algorithm I think is what they're asking. So, I mean, going through the algorithms really is beyond the scope of this, of this er lecture. So um algorithms, it it would be an A to E approach and um you would, you know the the algorithms in the back of the Oxford Heart Book of Clinical Medicine are are very clear. Um You literally have boxes. Um what's doing that scenario, what investigations to order? Um If this, if this is a yes, if this is a no, then you go down a different part of the, of the pathway. I, I'm, I'm not gonna go into er, an algorithm now. Um, but you, you've probably got about 15 algorithms um which could commonly come up. Um But yeah, just, just pick up a pick up a, an Oxford ha book of, of Clinical Medicine and, and go through those emergency scenarios. Um You can even pick up an old copy. Um They're, they're available very cheap and old copies. You get a couple of um a couple of editions earlier. I mean, you can pick them up for, for a fiver on ebay. So um just pick up a copy of, of, of Oxford handbook and the interview book and um you can start your preparation um going through those and you know, you read around the subject as, as as well. Um if it's a scenario you've not encountered before. Um but it's gonna be far better than, than me going through one at hoc now. OK. Are there any other questions? And doctor Helen just said that there's some really great youtube videos by Ollie Burton on youtube and he goes through some um algorithms. Uh She's here. Hey guys, I'm sorry. So I'm just gonna jump in right at the end um before we um get off and finish the talk. Um I'm the president of the Bulgarian Student Support Network. So I just wanted to add to um a question that was asked earlier about boosting CV points um or CV applications and James sort of alluded to that. Um Joining societies like our society, the Bulgarian student support network and so sort of management or man or leadership role can look really good on your CV or um joining other, other societies within your university, like a um society or medical practical skills like anything like that where you have a leadership role and you're managing people and you're giving back to the community of um health care and, and students and you're offering teaching anything like that, there's loads of opportunities available. So I urge all of you if, if you want to boost your CV, the best thing that you can do during medical school is to join these societies and to give back and do some teaching. Um And also, yeah, like, like I mentioned, if you want more in depth sort of um details on the, how to go through the algorithms of the emergencies. Yeah, Ollie Burton on youtube, he's, he's done a play, there's a playlist that he's done emergencies. Um And he just goes through a couple of the, the more high yield ones, like I said, so, yeah, so that, that, that's all I've got to add. I'll, I'll give, give, give it back to James and Jemima now. OK. Someone says um can interview decline feedback. And if so how can we request for feedback. It's a good question. Yeah. Um, I, I've, I've not ever asked uh, for feedback. So the national recruitment um, interviews will give you feedback. Um, albeit very brief, you might only get a line from each interviewer. Um, I think, well, I mean, I, you know, I, II haven't, II got all of those interviews. So I suppose if you've been rejected uh from the job, um, then it's a very, it's a very fair point to raise to. I'd probably go about emailing the, um, the, the contacts in the hospital you've been in correspondence with and saying, look, um I'm wanting, I'm wanting a bit of feedback on my interview. Um, is, is, is that available? And II think most places should, you know, should, you know, give you, give you something. Um, so definitely worthwhile getting feedback if you haven't been successful. Um And probably just through your, your, your port of call in terms of your correspondence with, with that particular hospital. Ok, I'm having so sorry, I forgot to add, we will be looking to add new members to the BS SN team very soon. So keep an eye out for available posts. And does anyone have any more questions? So then we can wrap this up? Um We'll just wait to see if anyone has any more questions and then we can finish. Ok. Do I think we can wrap up then? Thank you very much, everyone for joining us. Thank you, Doctor James. Um and this um recording will be up on our page. So if you do wanna come back to this, you can just go on our page and find the video. Thank you very much. Everyone. Have a good evening. Bye-bye. Thanks. Bye.