NHS Bursaries for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical students
This webinar is for medical professionals interested in understanding the NHS Bursary scheme in England, which covers tuition fees and financial expenses for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. Led by Dr. Sai Rasha, the session will cover tuition fees, maintenance grants, financial help for practice placements, independent versus dependent requirements, and eligibility for the bursary. Questions, comments and feedback are welcome, so join in to get a comprehensive understanding of the NHS Bursary to empower your own medical learning.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives for this teaching session:
- Identify the rules and criteria for eligibility for the NHS Bursary in England for medical students.
- Understand and explain the differences between an undergraduate and graduate medical course and the implications for bursary expectations.
- Evaluate the monetary value of the Bursary and the allowances from which medical students can benefit.
- Analyse and explain the differences in eligibility rules and funding implications between students resident in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- Compare and contrast the application process and potential benefits of the NHS Bursary in comparison to student loans.
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by their good evening everyone on Welcome to the final Webinar in the finance Medics Cereal Mind oblique. Um, my pleasure to introduce. Once again, Doctor Sai Rasha is an academic training in the box for Diener E and also a qualified charter the Countenance. And this evening she will be doing a webinar for us on the NHS Bursary schemes both for undergraduate and proof Graduate medical students. Um, I will be monitoring Facebook comments on the video as we go along. So if you do have any questions, any comments, even to make and we'll meet, stick it in there and then we'll do a little bit of a Q and A. There are some questions in the end. Just a quick reminder. We post in the feedback in the so please want you watch this with a live or capture. Do you click the link on Give us and feedback. We really appreciate it. So over to you, Dr Asher. Thank you. No Everyone, this is my final webinar in this particular Siris. Um, there'll be a new Siris coming in a few months time, which we'll just go over some more advanced topics. Um, and we'll talk a bit more about any. Just financing those in that Syriza's well, um, might give you some good ideas for some old it's, um, on service evaluations you might be able to do that are related to help their finance. So this webinar is going to be about any just bursaries on. It's going to be full medical students who are starting, um, or in a medical medicine course, either Undergraduate, which means they've come straight from a level on haven't done a degree before. They have gone into an undergraduate course. So that's the five year plus course with a degree. Or they're going into a graduate entry program, which is the four year course. So we'll get started. And I was like, You know, when I'm like talking about each one, So we're gonna talk about the different proportions. So I focused on the NHS pessary for England. Um, I'm really sorry I haven't actually done the ones for Scotland's island or whales, so just drop me a message. If you feel like that would be useful for you, they are a little bit different just because the student fees or different in those areas on their work a little bit differently because they're run by different, um, entities. So that's why I want to make sure you're aware that this is for an address Bursary in England only we'll be talking about the different parts of it and how it works will actually be able to tell you some numbers as well. Um, of what you might be able to accept. Expect as part of the Bursary. So, first of all the energies banister in England, it's for medical students. Who will we'll be discussing? Medical students were going to medical school in England who are deemed as home students because it's different for international students. And it's different for you students as well. You students can actually access, and they just Bursary, and neither can international students so pleased to keep that in mind. Um, the other thing is, there are slightly different rules. For example, if you've come to the to England from Scotland or wails or island specifically to do medical schools, you'd still have to apply to your student loan from where you've come from rather than from student loans in England or Bursary in England. That's a little bit messy when it comes to that one because it is a bit different depending on whether you've done ah previous degree in England or no, where you're living. So it is a bit new ones to make sure you have a look at the NHS Bursary website because it is actually very, very useful. I got all this information from the one website I didn't have to search around. So the next thing is the uh maintenance part off. The first three is means tested, which means that is based on the amount of income of either your parents if you're dependent on them or your spouse or partner. If you live with Um, however, everybody gets a minimum annual Bursary that is non means tested over 1000 homes so you'll get 1000 lbs regardless of how much your parents are, regardless of how much of partner and minimum. And then you can also claim for additional expenses to cover expenses, going and coming back from your placement eso things like parking, which is an absolute godsend because sometimes parking a hospital could be 10 lbs plus for entire day, so actually having a parking being able to be reimbursed for parking is actually really, really helpful. Untempered very accommodation as well. If you're in a particularly large area where the different hospitals you're sent to means it's not exactly commute a ball for you. So festival. There's actually specific years in which you're eligible for a nature's Bursary. You're not eligible straight way If you're doing an undergraduate course, which is one of the five year plus causes, regardless of whether you've done a degree or not, you are able to clip, um, apply for NHS Bursary from the course here for five. Well, I'm sorry. Five and six that Sorry the four or five is If you say into plate and third year, then actually, your course here four and five will attract the energy, especially because it will be all year five and six overall. So basically, um, it just help. It just means that interplay Ting is encouraged because it means that it's still covers your extra years. Um, on when you were integrating, you get the full student loan. Um, it just encourages that I know at the moment, interconnecting on getting an extra degree doesn't really give you any points when you're applying to foundation because of the rule changes recently. But it definitely does give you points when you're applying for core training and specialty training. So please don't let that put you off, because in the long run, it actually does really benefit you to have that additional degree. So basically five year course on ones you can apply for any just Bursary in the fifth under six years doesn't matter which years you into kelated as long as the cysts in the six years Ah, um, even if you interplay and say the sixth year you can still apply in that year is just 1/5 in the six year of the course itself. Gradual entry medicines or the medicine courses where you have a previous degree in specifically, are gradual entry course, which is four years long. You are eligible for any just Bursary from your second to your fourth year. The numbers aren't the same, so let me show you what that means. It basically you can apply for practice placement expenses from your second year, and that's really helpful because in the accelerated courses you start your clinical placements earlier, um, especially the ones that are dedicated, for example, at the University of Work, where it's a purely gradual intercourse. All our clinical placements actually started from second year. In fact, we were We were doing placements from first year. We weren't able to claim back for that year, unfortunately, um, but it's when you start doing a clinical placements, it is really helpful to have you can't claim anything in your first year at war on, in terms of repeat is if you have to repeat the, uh, if you're on the five year plus course and it just burst, we won't cover europaea that will have to be entirely self funded. However, if you're on the four year graduate entry medicine course, one need repeat year responded. Don't ask me why. Um, I have no idea. I don't know whether it sort of accepted. That may be the fourth. Of course, there's a little bit more challenging, or whether, because of the way the funding works and the amount of money you actually get, it works out that they can afford to do it. I really don't know. It just means you'll repeat years will be a little bit different, so keep that in mind. Next is the tuition for you. So the NHS Bursary consists of several different awards. One of the awards is a tuition award. So for undergraduates, which is the five past year course, your energy just burst. Recovers all of your tuition piece all 9254 years. Five and six. You don't have to pay tuition for you don't have to get a tuition alone for that. Which means your student loan is only covering years. 12 and three and four, um, five and six you actually get paid for? Um, so that means you just don't come out with the extra debt that you would have two years extra worth of 9250 for graduate entry course is the NHS. First, we only covers 303,715 lbs of our tuition fees on. That's only from years 2 to 4 on words. So for the first year, the 1st 2 3715 must be self funded entirely. You can't get a student loan for it. You only get the student loan for the remainder, so either you have to get a loan to pay it. You have to have cash ready. You have to sell from that. Basically, um, the rest off the student tuition fee is covered by student loan for all of the years. So the 5000 something Something I'm not I have another month. Sorry. Um, so just keep that in mind. First year, you have to bring find this 3715 from somewhere because it's gonna be self funded on for first year. You're not going to get any practice placement? Um, help either. Um, you'll then only going to get, um, 3715 lbs of tuition fee help from any just Bursary in years to to fool. The rest is through the student loans company. The one thing this time discussing an HS Bursary. So this is a little bit off topic, but I'm sure many of you know that if you already done a degree before, on you go into the undergraduate medicine cause, which is five plus years long, you aren't eligible to have a student loan, which means you'd have to entirely cell fund your tuition fees. Three years. Wonderful on entirely cellphone living costs for what years want to fall. So just remember that obviously, I'm not talking about the different rules in terms of tuition, peas and student loans. I'm specifically talking about any just Bursary. But I just wanted to highlight that in case that was something you haven't really once so living costs. The next award is for your living costs, so it's sort of like a maintenance grant. Um, and so it's either based on whether you're dependent or urine independent person. You're if you're dependent or classified as dependent, it means that you are still living with your parents or you still depend on your parents financially, which means that any, um means tested Bursary will be based on the income that they declare. There's a really helpful couple of cases with the calculation in the NHS Bursary, um, guys, which I'll be doing an article on, and I'll be putting the link in there so you can have a look. It's really helpful to show, actually, so you put in your parents income, and then they're also allowed to claim certain expenses which get deducted from that figure. Then there's a small calculation, which then sort of assumes the amount your parents can afford to give you. It's not necessarily what they're expected to give you on. It's not necessarily what they might actually be able to give you. It's just the assumption on the calculation that's been made by in a dress Bursary that's then deducted from your means tested number three amount on. Then that's what you get for the, uh, to be an independent student. They're multiple rules. One of them is You're either estranged, and that's sort of like Oh, you have to prove that using like a court order. For example, you're if if the your parents are no longer alive or if you have more than, well, minimum 36 months of pace lips to show that you've been supporting yourself. So those pace lips don't actually have to be continuous, either. You could have been working here and there on In total. You've got 36 months or three years worth of pay slips on for that your means tested against your own income, all your spouse's income. I know I've put first boxes bit in the dependent bit, but that's because you're now depending on your spouse, and it's counting your spouse's income. Which is why the best way to maximize what you're getting is to make sure that you're classified as an independent student if you can be, um, because it means that your income is most likely to be zero or close to that, Um, so you can attract the maximum level off maintenance program. So, like I said, that everybody gets a non means tested ground over 1000 lbs. This isn't affected by your parents uncumbersome Lasses income or your own income. That's what you get on. We all get extra. Week's allowance is well, and these are different for whether you live in London. Well, you live outside London in student will term time accommodation or you live outside London. But you live with your parents or spouse. You get different amounts per week. Um, anything over 30 weeks of the course, which will be based on what your courses registered with, Um, you cost it done automatically so you don't actually have to submit how many extra weeks you're doing. That's something your medical school has already done, and all you do is you select the course that you're on, and it's calculated automatically so the numbers I'm going to give you, Ah, going to be the minimum because you will also get your extra week alone's a small So the maintenance, the maximum you can get if you live in London. This is either, if you live with your parents or you don't have your parents is 3191 lbs a year. If you live outside of London and you live in terms, time, accommodation or student accommodation, I not with your parents was the house. Then you get 2643 maximum. And if you live outside of London, but with your parents, your spouse, then you get 2207 lbs. That's a month, and then this. This will be deducted by that calculation that I mentioned in terms of their in common what they think they're contributing to your studies. So for disabled student allowance, you can apply for this. If you have a disability, we believe you have a disability. It entails an assessment that is done externally, so they will send it to a company that does health assessment. Um, they will be local to where your university is you don't get this independent assessment of all your needs. The the whole sort of assessment can take around two hours. It's quite in depth of what needs you have and what struggles you have. And then you'll receive, um, allowance for for various things, and you'll receive sort of hardware software so you're not likely really to get. I'm like any extra money. You're not going to get rid of extra allowance or a certain amount of extra Um, Grant. You'll get things like if you need to print, because it's easier for you to read, um, off paper rather than on a laptop. You can get a printing allowance, which you claim back for whenever you buy. Think, um, or paper. You can get software that can either dictate what's written so you can hear it. Or it takes down what you're saying whilst you're dictating. You can get coaching sessions with a professional known and coach if you got ah, learning difficulty, um, and support with that on. They also help provide um, evidence for you should have exam um, the word like extra time or breaks and things like that. They also recommend those as well, so the disabled student allowances more sort of polis tick way of helping you succeed and putting you on the level playing field is your colleagues. It's not necessarily extra money is the word allowance says, um, But they do sort of put around, figure out how much of that extra help costs or any just by three purposes. So the next we're going to talk about, um, parents and carries allowance. Sorry. Let me just go back because I knew I'd skip something that we go. So, um, you can kill a mom mileage. Sorry, but we're going to come back to parents are I did skip plot right displacement expenses by accident, so you can claim mileage from your home. So it will be basically the return mileage from your home to the placement minus the return mileage from your home to medical school. Um, so you get mileage for driving. Unsightly is you got 28 pm mile driving and you get 20 p a mile for cycling. Um, and you can claim any public transport costs with receipts. Um, you can also claim for passengers who are medical students by basically submitting their names and there any agents? First, three numbers on. Do you get a little bit of extra money per mile? So they're taking passenger's as well. And that's really, really helpful the next. Because we do end up actually traveling quite a lot. For example, one of my placements was a daily 60 mile round trip to a hospital that was quite far away. Um, s so the mileage really, really help with that? Because I was spending a lot of petrol. Next is a parking you can claim for all parking that's been incurred. It's part of your placement. So say you've had to do street parking if you're doing sort of a house visit, Um, if you had to go to, um hospital, do the parking from there, I if I've had to go say we've had to go to a city something clinic, Um, and there's no parking except for and CP call cock. We still claim that that because that's what we need, where we could park to go to our city center clinic. So you basically, as long as you have the receipt, you can climb about, and lastly, you can claim back for a temporary accommodation for up to 55 lbs and night. Um, if you this is needed full, um, placements that are non communicable. Or if you're doing nights, for example. And it's a night placement than it's safer for you to know. Have to commute before and after, and you should stay overnight so you can do that from 2 55 lbs and night. So your practice place and expenses we talked about disabled students announce, and we are here on parents and carriers. So if you have Children or you have an adult who's completely financially dependent on you, you can actually claim parents or Caries allowance. Um, if you are holy or mainly fine and if someone's holy or mainly financial dependent on you throughout your time training, Um, so you reapply every year. And so if circumstances change the amount, you get changes. So for your partner or your first child, so say your partner on did two of your Children are dependent on you. Your partner will attract 2448 lbs a year on the two kids will have a track 549 lbs each. If it's just your first child and your second child, not your partner. The first child will attract 2448 lbs on the next child will attract 549 lbs. On top of this, you also get a parent's learning allowance on. This is a meanest tested allowance, and we talked. What means tested? It's based on if you're living with a partner who owns money, for example, or if you're living with your family who earned money. Um, it'll be based on how much they make on. They will pay you up to 1204 lbs per year to students who have dependent Children. Um, there's a separate form that you have to fill in for childcare costs to say you need a child minder or nursery. Um, they can cover up to 85% of costs with a registered child minder or not registered. Nice tree. That's when that website, um, and you can claim that separately, and it's a separate hard copy form that you get off the website. So, basically, if you have kids, please don't let that stop you from going to medical school. They will be super proud of you on how hard you work. They'll see you for except like, excellent example that you are on there is help available for for you just a little Noah's well, which is much more detailed in the guide. If two of you are medical students or two of you all students, then you can each claim 50% of the cost so that together you got 100%. Well, one of you can choose to claim 100% of the costs, and then the other pleasant doesn't. So you can't double up. Basically, that you both came half the costs each or one of your claims, all of the costs. Um, well, that was quick. So, um, please, please give us feedback on this one. I hope are covered. Um, everything you needed about the Bursary. Um, if there are any questions and peace, pop them in the chat or just send them for to me at finance that mind bleed dot com. Um, I hope that broke down enough. It was this weapon all came out was a very kind request from one of our viewers, and I thought actually would be a really good idea to go through it. So, James, do you have any questions? Yes, we do, actually. So J has written in the said Yes, please. For some info about spilling in Northern Ireland. Um, and also, do you never cities or finance awarding bodies have authority on three status? Sophie, status is based. So the first one about the island thing, I'll have to go away and come back. I might do an article on that one for you, so just keep an eye out. Um, the next thing about fi status of his status is based on a very strict set of criteria on there is no movement on that. The, well, the entity that decides on your feet staters is your university. So, um, your university will tell any chest Bursary what your feet status is that you can't. Then I go back to when it just Bursary and and sort of a peeler. It's what the University of told him. So if you did have to appeal, it would be to the university. Um, in terms of feast a tous, you have to have, um, been given leave to remain in the country, lived for a certain amount of time in the country. Um on there are few other things in the guide. I can put that in the article for you, but the fee status is is dictated by the university. Okay, Thank you. So I hope that answers your question J. And then there's another question from earlier. So as a graduate starting the undergraduate course, um, I eligible from out of my eligible for the 1000 lbs. Where is that? Only from my fifth year study. So you're eligible for all of this energy, especially that we talked about in your 5th and 6th year. You. The issues you will have is you won't be able to get student loan, which is different. It's from the student loans company. Um, so student financing gland. You'll have issues getting with that because you'll have to sell fund off the first to the fourth year. Where about you? For the fifth on the sixth year. You can have depending on whether you're dependent or not. The minimum 1000 lbs maintenance Want all of the practice placement expenses on the tuition fee Bursary. Okay, thank you very much for doing that. Helps. You know uh, So there's really questions so far. Um, we do come back and check the so if anyone else does have questions because anyone that is watching it catch up, um do post them and we will try and get back to you on that. Um, otherwise, I think that's all from us this evening. Just please take the time to go and fill out the feedback we do. Read it. We do use it on. But doctor actually will be developing another syriza webinars. It is useful to have some stuff to go on to make the best as possible from you guys. Anything else from you, Doctor? No, Um, just basically, don't worry too much about this, because and it just burst re do come and do a talk in your first week, uh, explaining everything and they stick their actually directly from. And I just be a say, um Who are the body? Who who provided on they