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Neuroscience and Mental Health



This on-demand teaching session is an ideal opportunity for medical professionals to explore the BSC Neuroscience and Mental Health. It provides an overview of module content ranging from cellular and developmental neurobiology to neurological disease of the CNS to neurodevelopment, mental health, and mental illness. It will also cover pros and cons, what a typical week is like, advantages of applying to specialty positions, and expectations of the project. Participants will also learn how the BSC has informed their academic interest and why this course was chosen over others.

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MedED is delighted to announce the Year 3 BSc Fair, taking place on Friday 17th February at 6pm!

There will be a short introductory talk on choosing your BSc followed by a drop in breakout room Q&A. There will be representatives from every BSc to answer any questions you have!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ria Varma (Year 4 Coordinator)

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the structure of the BSc Neuroscience and Mental Health, including the three-block module and two-module structure.
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of the remote learning aspect and the organization's support system.
  3. Compare and contrast the neuroscience and mental health aspects of the BSc.
  4. Describe the range of projects available to BSc students and the assessment process.
  5. Analyze the academic and clinical advantages of studying the BSc Neuroscience and Mental Health.
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What is my favorite thing about my v. S. To um I would say having it be remote for me is a real pro because it gives me lots of time to um you know, organize my own time, but on the other hand, it, your aspect of the b. S. C. Is quite limited so if that's something that really matters to you, then, maybe this isn't the bsc that you would want to choose Yeah uh huh uh yeah, are you hungry okay high. If you have any questions or anything you're welcome to put them in the chat or uh huh mhm, yeah, sure I can give you a bit of an overview, so um I'm sure you've been told about the sort of general structure of the bsc right, so you're doing module one for all of autumn, so um that split into three blocks, block one is um it's called how often I have it here somewhere, cellular and developmental neurobiology, So that's all about cell biology, it's about like the nervous system they talk about about, like regenerating nervous system, block two is a neurological disease of the c. N. S, so um they will talk about like um the background of it you know the pathology, the presentation, treatment research moving forward um like experimental model is that kind of stuff and then block three is the sites sort of modules, so it's I think it's called officially neuro development, mental health and mental owners so that stuff like addiction, autism, a. D. H. D, schizophrenia, or that um so, Yeah, so and then at the end of each of those blocks you'll have in i. C. A. Um and then module too is um where you do your science and contest, annual literature review and that is very varied, yeah I would say first time has a not necessarily biochemistry, I would describe it more as like through is how I describe it, so they do go and it's more about. I wouldn't say it's heavy, heavy, but the content they do give is in lecture forms. I would say um I hope that answers your question, but yeah um and then Yeah module too is like entirely self directed. It's just like science and contest and then the literature review last five weeks very chaotic and then module three is the projects which is like february to me oh. Um Yeah, I would say um like the first term isn't necessarily very biochemistry, heavy. I usually describe it as brs, part three because it's very much about like clinical presentation like the background treatment. All of that um with a little bit of stuff about the cells and slightly more technical knowledge mm okay. No matter, yeah, so the question is uh is the mental health part of the bSE, very sciences e, or is it the most social aspect whatever they tell you at the official like bsc fair for a bsc. That's called neuroscience and mental health, there's not that much mental health, so I'm not sure if you heard where I was like describing what module one looks like, but block went and blocked you're basically just like pure neuroscience, see topics block three is um like a psych, ish, time um is when you do, I think it's good, it's neurodevelopment, neurodevelopment, mental health, and mental illness and um if you don't get a psych based topic for any of your module two things and you don't get allocated a psych based project, then you will only be doing psych for like three weeks of your years, so if you're interested in sight, really bother in mind, but um I would say it is more the scientist side and which isn't to say that they don't talk about the social side at all, but just be aware that there is a lot of the scientist side within the social side. If that makes sense, yeah um what is my typical week look like well during um module one, uh you only have to go in two days a week, so it's tuesday and thursdays and then the rest of it is remote um yeah, so that's quite good and it's never very it's never like back to back 95 lectures, It'll be like one thing at 10 am one thing at one PM type thing um so, in that respect, I would say it's pretty chill um module too is entirely self directed, so it's up to you when you set up your meetings, your supervisor, which campus and my based at Hammersmith Hammersmith Hospital, so bad that in mind if you have to travel or anything, um but it's pretty nice I would say but going back to the typical week. Yeah so module one is the only one where you're you're sort of really time tabled in if that makes sense and the rest of it is up to you really, if you're interested in a neuro related specialty, we're picking this bsc, give you an advantage when applying to specialty positions. I am not sure I would say having a a bsc of any sort of, gives you an advantage, but you know uh. Yeah I I guess it would give you an advantage and it definitely gives you an advantage in the sense that like it gives you more of an idea about like research in the academia side. If that answers your question, but that's all, I really know about it, um what are my pros, and cons about this bsc. That one's an interesting one I would say, yeah and there are things to bear in mind. For sure, I think you know different things work for different people. I would say the first thing is the neuroscience buses the mental health side, so um if you're going into this, looking for a very like psych based learning curriculum is that's not the case, it's mainly neuroscience is what I would say which is like it's very interesting but if you're going into this for the site, just be aware, there's a lot of neuroscience. The second thing is um the remote learning, so I really enjoy only having to go in two days a week for a module one, um but that does take away a lot of the social aspect of it and you don't get to know your cohort as well as some of the other bs cs um. Support wise, the organization can be a bit dodgy sometimes, but they're very nice about it and you know, however, vague the guidance or anything they give you is that always very willing to explain stuff. If you email them, if you reach out, um, yeah, so I would say that's actually a pro, they're very willing to help you out, it's just you have to be proactive about reaching out if that makes sense. Um I think the projects are a good range um I think that's a definite pro, um and I think everyone in this cohort got one of the top three or well that top through you only got three choices um but yeah and I would say uh there's a pretty decent chance of the first compared to some bs cs. I would say that's definite pro, um being at Hammersmith Hospital is both a pro and a con, depending on where you are what your preferences are, but yeah. In terms of pros and cons, I hope that answers your question, um what does the project involve in that okay, yeah so this varies hugely depending on the project um So does it can be either lab based or clinical and it's assessed with like a big right up in a presentation, um but you know it can be you know data collection, the one I'm doing is more about data management, so they've already collected the data and you come to the conclusions based on that, some of them are really clinical, so like you have to go and sit in clinic. Um You know do whatever your supervisor is doing. Um Some of them are like sitting in the lab, so they're they're doing studies and then you'll be involved in you know, carrying out some of the research on the subjects that kind of thing um very, very varied, depends hugely on the project you get, but yeah I hope that answers to a question how has my bsc informed my academic interest. I think bsc is a good year in general for determining whether you're interested in academia or the clinical side of medicine firstly, um but I I say like you do cover quite wide range of topics and the way they teach, it is very much about like where the current evidence spaces and like where it could be going forward, So I think in that respect, it's really interesting and you can really explore the bits that you're interested in further like it is all about like scientific reading and research and stuff, so definitely why did I choose this bsc. Um It was more chill than some of the other ones is what I would say and I that sounds like such an awful reason, doesn't it, but it's true, it's not as intense as some of the other bs, cs, and I think I had an interest in neuroscience based on stuff we'd already done from year one to year three. Um I did have an interest in the psych side, but not exclusively, but there are people in my who really went into this for the sort of like psych, mental onus side and that's not really they're not very satisfied with it, so just be aware of that um and I think uh stuff like I think the sort of future of neuroscientists so interesting, I think there's so much like scope and potential, and I think that's something they really explore in this bsc, what makes them more chill, um I would say the remote learning aspect. It gives you a lot more time like you know you don't have to travel every single day. Um I think the way they teach. Um Module one is more lecture based, so stuff like I mean there's a couple of practicals in there, but they're not very um frequent um So it's very much it sort of, feels like a continuation of second do a little bit in that respect, um which I enjoy it, just gives them the freedom to take what I like from the lectures and carry on, and again the assignments are very like self directed and when it comes to 2nd, 3rd term like that's all you, that's you creating your like your own timetable to be fair that goes for all the bs cs, like your 2nd and 3rd term is you creating your own schedule and workload, but I think um yeah the remote learning aspect and also I think the marking is a little less harsh and the way they asked you to do some of the assignment is less intense, So for example, we had to do like a literature review that's how I see a for um as as this. Bsc is very much like a narrative review is very much like an overview A lot of other bs cs. They ask you to you know like a methods or results section. It's very like structured. There's not as much food um so I would say stuff like that is what makes this b a c more chill, uh that helps no props, hello for the sake of changing things a little bit. I'm going to ask another question about your vsC uh has your um has your bsc lived up to your expectations um Yes or no you can be as brutal as you want because we're trying to give a student's perspective. It's not faculties perspective. It's true, I think um I would say it's lived up to my expectations, but that's maybe because I didn't have many expectations coming into this. I think um I think I didn't expect uh I think it's quite a big shift going from you know exams at the end of the year to a coursework texting and I think I maybe wasn't prepared for that. Um I would like I don't think that bit really I had accepted fully or you know, I didn't really fully understand what that meant um In terms of time management and stuff um Yeah, I would say bsc you're in general, is quite like you have to be quite good with time management um and yeah, but I think you know it met my expectations in terms of what I got out of it and the content I was learning and stuff like that. Yeah, if any, if you have any questions, you're welcome to put them in the chat, uh what is the likelihood of publication good question. I think you know if I think the faculty are quite helpful right, so even if they don't tell you that you know this is a published like this. Your work is of a level that is worthy publication. They're not going to tell you that but if you want a publication, I think that would be more than happy to help you with it and give you extra feedback and guidance. Um I haven't heard of anyone in my cohort, that's gone for publication, uh but I think it's definitely a possibility if that's something you're interested in, but you have to be willing to put in the actual work and do the initial reaching out. I think mhm, hi, uh If you have any questions, you're welcome to put them in chat, if anyone has any questions just put them in the trap or is it hard to get a publication, um I would say um I said this a little bogo, but they're not going to. I would say the way neuroworks, If they're not like geared towards getting publications, but I would say if that's something you're interested in, I think they'd be very willing to help you out with it, So you know, if if you are interested in this, then you have to be willing to put in the extra work and reach out and you know sometimes they can be actually they're quite good at responding to the emails and stuff, but you know like I would say the onus is on you. If you want a publication um was that I was, I think you know people are more than capable of it and I don't think um I don't think anyone in my cohort has gone for publication, but that could change. Um yeah I hope that answers your question. I know that was a bit vague, but um I was wondering what the split between the neuro aspect and the mental health aspect of the b. S. C. Is like yeah no matter what they tell you that the official b a. C. Fair is very much uh more focused on neuroscience, I would say like if you're going into this border mental health slash site aspects of that just be very well, that you know, it's heavily focused on neuroscience, so during model one you've got three blocks right and the first two are like entirely neuroscience, sort of focused and the third one is the psych one um but you know if you don't get a sign, just sort of mental health slash sight topic for your science and context of the literature review or your project. Then you know you'll only be doing site for three weeks or stashing month of your entire year, so just be aware of that is what I would say. Um So you know, it's really interesting during the mental health side because I think they do go into aspects of it, but we haven't explored in medical school up until this point, So you know it is really interesting, just it's not a good 2 50 slip how are the lecturers, yeah they're really nice, um I would say I would say like a lot of them end up being like projects, supervising stuff at the end, but usually they're very nice. They're very willing to answer questions you know people always go up at the end. Um You know with their questions and stuff and uh they're very, I think they're quite varied in their approach because they come from a lot of different fields and stuff, um So sometimes some people may find that a little bit jarring, but I think I really enjoy it. I think it's really interesting to get all these different perspectives and people who are quite prominent in left field uh research and stuff, So, I think it's a really good aspect of this. Psc, does anyone else have any other questions. You like me to put them in the chat, what was my favorite slush, what was my favorite assessment slash assessment um I enjoyed my slight module because the end I see a is like an oral presentation. The entire premise is that they give you like a paper and you have to design a study based on um that paper, and I think it's just such an interesting way of thinking and you know it could do, tries to be a little bit more creatively I've um but yeah, I really enjoyed doing that that's my favorite session and assessment why did I pick murein, has it always been my favorite topic to learn about or was it more of a recent decision. I think um I said this earlier is more chill than some of the other bs cs, that definitely influenced my decision. Um I don't regret it um uh I think also I had an interest in your based on stuff from you know first to third year. So stuff like you know, I was on a stroke placement in my second year. Um I really enjoyed during the neuro stuff like you know, I always enjoyed doing your exams and stuff and placement in my third year um And I looked at the content and I thought you know it kind of matches, update stuff that I've been enjoying so fast, so why not continue and yeah, I don't regret doing that and I think again it is one of the more well. I wouldn't say one of the more chill deities, but it's definitely more children some of the other realities, so yeah I think those were the factors that went into it did we have any cognitive neuroscience teaching, I'm not sure what you mean by that jimmy like to recover, so yeah like coatings with neuroscience, yeah um As far as I remember, no really yeah, I think it's it's more, I think the focus of this year is more like the more experimental stuff and stuff going forward and what the current evidence space is, but I don't think they went into detail about like cognitive neuroscience if that makes sense, hi, sorry, I just wanted to ask um I think it's already kind of been mentioned, but I just wasn't here for that part of the where it was like up on the chat, um like what's the split between neuroscience and mental health in the b. S. C. I'm so sorry, would you mind putting that in the chat, my speakers have just like cut out completely. Oh, yeah sure no worries, thank you so much uh oh the split between neuroscience and mental health, yeah, whatever they tell you, it's not a 50 50 split okay. Um I said this earlier, but it's like a module one right is three blocks long um well, it's split into three blocks and each one is like a month is the first two blocks of neuroscience focus. The third one is the most psych, one is like neuro development, mental health and mental illness and you cover the stuff that's like schizophrenia awesome it actually depression. I think yeah there's some things you cover, but yeah if you don't get assigned a psych based thing for your science in context or your literature of you and you don't end up getting a psych bait project, which to be very unlikely if you really want one um like you probably will get one of your top treated um but you know if you don't get a psych based topic for those three things, then you will just spend like three weeks to a month of your entire during the mental health side, which is to say there's not um interesting uh but it just be aware you know this is your main interest you're going into it, but the mental health site that there's not that much of it in comparison, that makes sense uh what did the lab projects look like on the third block good question, um So, I think off the chart of my head, there were a couple on and started to imbalance issues and in a more general respect that stuff like going in um. And then you have a lot of contact with the participants in study um. And you're sort of like going in and helping out with those um There's other stuff that's like more data collections, frustrating management, So you will like you know carry out the surveys or you'll be analyzing um sort of scans and like categorizing them that kind of thing um yeah, so that's that's sort of a very very brief general overview of the projects, a lab based from what I remember, I hope that answers your question. Um If you want to give me a short curve, I can try and send you a for this project, um What skills do you feel you are gaining during the bsc honestly, I am winning during this BSE year because it's a whole um It's very very different to doing justice on. I think my scientific writing has like has improved so much. I think my ability to like read papers and stuff and sort of makes sense and like synthesized information from different papers has improved so much. Um Yeah, I think also stuff like time management. I know that's because it's very self directed, especially module to in modernity, you know it's new um even during module one like it's on you to complete the assessments to a standard that you're happy work on time like stuff like that. I think teamwork, does a lot of teamwork before each, some acttive during module one, You do a form too for the groups and you know the group lit, review stuff like that, so communication and teamwork, I think definitely skills that you build on during this year. Um Yeah, I hope that answers your question um online in person ratio, So during module one, we only go in on tuesdays and thursdays um yeah and it's not really it's not like 95 facts about lectures, It's more sort of like you have one thing at 10 AM and one thing at one PM, type thing um yeah, I would say yeah and then during you know module moderate food that's entirely up to you during module to, it's entirely up to you and your group and model three is entirely up to you and your supervisor. Um You know how often you want to go in how can you do you know some people really enjoy being remote. Some people think it you know It limits the social aspect you can have any bsc, but obviously that's down to personal preference um What's my final project on my final project is um The title is reflective, functioning and eating disorders, what that means is like um is it sort of data management projects, so uh they've collected data from a bunch of children from the age of I think 11 to about 16 17 on reflective function's about how you perceive the world around you and how it was a sort of evolutionary thing right um because it enables us to work in to use and stuff like it's a handy tool, links into stuff like attachment theory. It's very interesting if you want to read up on it, but yeah it's about how that effects um like your perception of yourself um throughout around you and how that correlates to eating disorders and it's very interesting because the data set um it just uh usually it's like white people and usually predominantly female that the status set is actually predominantly not female and predominantly people of color, so it should be really interesting, um I'm really looking forward to it yeah any other questions, no perhaps um yeah. If you have any other questions, I feel free to get in tough uh No one in my cohort went down the route of a publication that was because it was difficult and no one wanted to as far as I know is because no one wanted to um but again I don't have an intact knowledge of uh what the people of my cohort are doing as far as I know, none of them are going down the publication route, I could be wrong, um but yeah, I think again like I said I think they'd be very willing to help you if that's what you wanted to get down um yeah and in terms of publication, there's lots of different things you can do you know, there's like you know you can do a little commentary sort of thing, which is your first, I see a um you know you can do a bigger sort of like a lit review. Type thing you know, so I think I wouldn't say it's difficult per save, but again here it will be on to chase down people. If you want to get a publication, um how has this bsc changed my view of medicine, I think um actually in general, I would say it's quite interesting because during, during the bs, ceo usually uh for a lot of people, it solidifies how how much they like clinical medicine um uh For some people, it solidified it and how much they like the more academia both this side of it so in, in that sense, it's really useful, um but I think personally I would say it's I would say up until you know do I think a lot of things we were taught or the way we were taught was very like objective like this is the presentation in treatment, and this is the you know going forward. The management plan you know this is the biochemistry, this is a and I think the way the bsc is taught in general. It's just I think you realize how open a lot of the fields are and you know you love to evaluate things more like you look at the current evidence base and you have different about it, um And I think you know I think if it's used so much insight into, like I think you really have to think for yourself and I think it gives you a lot of insight into what is happening in the future and I think it broaden up the world of medicine for me. I think which sounds really weird, but I think that's my personal view if you have any other questions, top mint, the chat, no props, um yeah if you have any other questions and don't hesitate to get in touch is neurostat, recovered. This psc mm not in a dedicated sense as in like you won't have a session where they sit down and talk to you about neurosurgery. I think it's very contest jewel in the sense that they'll be like neurosurgery is an option for treatment in this, These are the worst neurosurgery is being considered as an option in those sort of condition or presentation um yeah, but I don't think it's very as a, it's not they'll be in depth for the context and I would say in a general so of you, it's not very in depth if that makes sense what's the most exciting area for new research and you're in my ears, kenyan. Um interesting question, I think there was some stuff during what you want that. I thought was so interesting um It was stuff about like regenerated, it was, it was stuff and like regenerating the central nervous system and it's about how you can use that and stuff like um bring traumatic brain injuries and stuff. It can also be very difficult in quite a lot of conditions um Because you've got to like re route through all these things, I thought that was so interesting but personally, I, I have you know, I like site, I like the mental health site, and I think there's so much. Um I think because it's a field that's always changing. Like you know, you talk to some of the older researchers and they're getting to grips with social media as you know a factor in the development of mental health conditions, and I think the social aspect of that is so interesting and it's always changing like the understanding of the evidence base and I think going forward is gonna be so important in treating these conditions because I think they're only going to become more prevalent aren't, they, so I think you know mental health side is just fascinating and I think being able to capture these things early you know, finding predictors of mental illness or like traits, genetic traits like I think it's so interesting even like pharmacology. You know, there's not that many new drugs out there that have been developed for use and mental health treatment like that's just so much scope, yeah, no cops.