Neurodiversity and Autism in Medicine - Dr. Mona Johnson (Autistic Doctors International, Deputy Clinical Director for Patient Safety, NHS Digital) - audio starts at 1:54
This on-demand teaching session is hosted by Dr. Men and Johnson who have over 12 years experience working with management in the healthcare district. Mary, a clinical team member, asked Dr. Men and Johnson to speak to a local GP cohort about neurodivergence, particularly autism in medicine. In this session, Dr. Men and Johnson will discuss statistics relating to autism, how autism is manifest differently in women and girls, the need for accommodating different learning styles and personalities in medical practice, and how to build empathetic relationships with disabled patients. For medical professionals attending this session, there will be invaluable insight and information about autism to help them better understand the needs of their patients.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
- Understand the range of neurodiverse conditions and the distinctions between them
- Learn about the prevalence of neurodiversity among medical personnel
- Recognize the importance of 'double empathy' when communicating with neurodiverse individuals
- Develop techniques to prioritize tasks and resources for neurodiverse patients
- Recognize the importance of accommodation for neurodiverse individuals in medical environments
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so I'll give you a quick introduction. I guess so haven't everyone. And this is Dr Men and Johnson. It was speaking to us today about neuro diversity on autism in medicine. Did you passing conditions? That job? I would have worked management in the district for the last. About, um, 11 Getting up 12 years? Um, any chest I wrecked during implantation. On one hand, I used to leave at clinical team here on HS digital, right in the algorithms. One. So just to kind of a Not to say that technology is kind of becoming a mainstream part of medicine these days have to There are Korea's form, medics of baby, especially the newer diverge in one's in technology as well. But I always like this with a d h d at statistic about 2.5 years ago, so I'm still really were working out what that means for May, Uh, I think I met marry on the gang. It's got it's deducted international animals that Mary asked me to need of our local GP cohort. So this is Mary. Who you were expecting teeth every impressively day. She is a killed consultant. Any PSA test um, goblin depend on. She's an autism researcher, she said. Four. That you bring the trapped her a couple of chapters and some books, one that was a distant by large Arata. He set up the partition health program on, but she also founded Autistic Adults is International, and they'll just a medical student. Medical student's. Here are some statistical thing that they might be my one wondering, but to the place. But pages for those grades Onda join the plans of Community Have big something. That's one of the things that has a autistic doctor. Although I had two friends of medicines, sometimes having people who really indistinct the and my perspective was difficult because being got to stick and having a day. Actually, I have a a slightly different perspective on the world, which would come in come to like so marries don't like is a brilliant working because they published lots of paint, this one of which is with me or come back actually with me, and we'll talk about these bit on Uh, yeah, she's smoking a lot. Six. She's unfortunately got, um, coconut shrimp. Mind me saying that she is, Yeah, so she's not well join us today. Um, thanks. The main take kinds of today, I think probably. I mean, you're young, younger people, but your liver me on do you might have different. He's on Buddhism, and you're a diabetic now. Then, when I was training when I was training, it was really very little side about. Unless I knew about what is it Purple blue Been written on the back of a stomach, plus a low number? Um, Andi was probably mostly taken from on the class on things like Brain Man, probably on that cannot idea of the autistic savant, a condition that mostly affected males on lead to kind of profound problems. It wasn't usually sort of something that affected people have you were of normal, higher in sexual ability. It was mostly something that affected young boys potentially, But you could grow out some. And anyway, this negative timing of all it's it's already perpetuates The stigma on the other wants is a narrative edge of people. And there are impacts on pickles mental health. Because of this, the sort of misunderstanding assay autism. It's incredibly happy genius. It is, in fact, every one of us all, um, areas of the population, regardless of rice. Oh, and sexual general, any of those things. It's a lifelong neurological difference. And that's true. Um, all your divergent conditions to stick another newer Davidge and professionals existing whole field. You come across them, you teach in the electric. You definitely come across the medicine. That's not a problem. Mostly, I'm going to themselves on. It's just like saying autistic. Go to the medical students and I hated minority You so well, doing me what I'm talking about. So if we think about the proportions within the population, so that's the the diagram on the left. So that's all of all of us were all living in a neuro diversity. Hard on, I'm saying, got the newer typical to a big, big green spots coming that everybody had a neuro divergent. I agree because that I noticed it. Kids, a Greek within a agree you're a diabetic, covers a lot of different conditions. Dyscalculia at a comfortable Well, I can't be the same dyslexia and 80 aged a two rats, Um, and what is it? Well, which is probably one that most people will kind of know I get to be an artist um, I think of the ones that people know. It probably will say this black Syrians just proximal. I think the, um, another title having that. But, um, the I think people have a view of, like the Septra What does it mean? And this picture is just to get a straight, but it is kind of a spectrum within within people on. It's not a linear thing from one into another. But it's about having remains, um, have abilities in interest, I guess. Or aptitude, which you might be higher. Although, uh, and it's very typical for your divergent people have all the cool, spiky profile so across that's absurd image on there. Rights, instead of being able apostle, remains kind of a spiky have thing. That's a kind sounds so that's a repeat, since signs of older than what I weighed this picture because it's that's that's good. So I just wanted to administrate that, you know, although this was a condition that was off, I thought, That's boys. Is it actually least equally effects and get women and girls. There's a brilliant it's grape ins gotten cold. Swan. The Scottish women's autistic associations, such a person, brilliant people. So if you are interested in looking about spit more, they do some really pretty in community support. You can do that, but what does it mean? Um, I was within medicine, and I'm thinking about learning and living over career of continuous professional development. Oh, I think it's ready. Was thinking about that. I went when I went to Manchester, were one of the leading places for doing problem based learning, and that was a learning style that really seated me. It's really practical, very hands on it. He's thinking through from a problem based prospective, I really wouldn't have done very well in the medical school that expected me to kind of just and then and absolute. That's I'm I'm I'm okay, but so I was pretty. I was good enough optic to get through my levels and all that nonsense. But really, it's not the way I enjoy doing that much more injury conspicuous from a practical perspective. And so that means, though, um, you're a diabetic city, different learning and thinking. Sounds need to be accountable for three medical away from medical school all the way up, um, the street to place quadrant training and afterwards. Um, the other reason that it's important within maximum health care is that it's not just a practitioner who are affected, is also patients. So I just wanted to bring up this topic, which is the double empathy on. But this is about understanding what's going on with the other person on. I think a lot of the what we told about once is a new driver, Um, but they they're not people to imagine what it's like to be the other place it on. That's not really strictly trick, or it's any ask drink for your division people. It's a cyst in your typical people on That means that so this double end of the problem means that when you are communicating with something, he lives in the same or very similar to retype. This year we don't have this kind of lost in translation problem. It only happens when you're in different newer types of your new attack is really quite different from the other person on go. This sprains the problem more in the interpersonal spikes rather than in one or other of the individuals which think is a little compassion that way. I'm thinking in any case, it will say, makes this thinkers partition is about How did we make sure that we really understood what on the patient is telling us? So I've got another bit on that, but it's coming up in a while. Eso I just wanted you to think about for yourself. I really like the comic, That's, um, by a th did you? She complains of great stuff on a website is well, but I want you to think about it for when you will become things like house officers and for some of your colleagues will be your individual. How would you address things like doing tasks, getting yourself to continue through the jobs list on. But for me, they definitely felt like jewels are lots of the time on. But I think at the very beginning it was quite difficult to understand which things with the priority and how we'll decide between them trainers. It's quite important to know about. I had we help on your diet region and students of Chinese to prioritize that would on gluten that skill because it is a learned skill, a swell. It's not just I cannot do this, and I can't stretch myself is a bit more work Plant supposed to do that, but we can learn techniques about Consentyx to light weights just month. So what's it like as a new road divergent patient? Guess? One of the main difference is that I experience have it around sensory processing more than anything else. So some times I not someone will touch me. And I really don't like it feels too much without such be in a place, I really go back or when I'm working somewhere that it's got really bright lights. I'm I kind of can't cope with it. I'm It's absorbing a lot of my bandwidths, and I might want to go 10 days like itself. On these are the kinds of things that we would wanted to tell. Our patients feel more comfortable around thinking about about sensory environment. I'm not the same muscle Lantus stick, Or did you just eat people? So what sets me might be right for somebody else that they might not be bothered by the noise of the fridge. Uh, the phentermine like horrible. That's sound of the F one great seeing in the way I am of them, but they might be bothered about other things like that might be monstrous with things like executive function. So let me adjustments in order to help, but the information of you're sharing with each of the land. But my you might want to think about how you provided information to people things like follow up in a way that doesn't require you to hold a lot of information. That's Would you, like, know from your training? So far, it's kind of good crops. Is generally is thinking about near a diversity in this context. Is this something extra that we need to do? Double check and make sure, because I shouldn't be a big ball. Venerable tea, please. In contact with that information in the way been your typical people, and that kind of falls into that. I wear a simple adjustment vehicle GT So cat, since provide your old medications have to disabled patients about the patients with protected characteristic, have more joint, isn't it? Was wanted to bring up if they're just in that same way, that I could be a baby sensitive to touch. Some people can do strange things around pain. I have this experience myself. When I had appendicitis, which is that in some odd kind of way, I can put my attention somewhere else. So I'm I'm not aware of being in pain until until my hand experienced. It's not performing off cliffs, and it's just being a bit worried. I'm thinking about how things might be different for your artistic on your divergent patients, on how you might want to communicate differently with them around things like physical examination's. For example, I'll frequently say to people taking them in the tummy, and you need to also tell me out because one you will find is that often. But testing patients waiting change their facial expression because actually, what they're doing is tolerated the examination on So a lot of attentions is on that on the expression that doesn't change, which is one of the things you will will be aware. It's one of the parts that were trained on it tickles. Look for expression. Changes in the patient's so indicate consistent patients may not do that. I'm the same for other patients with new road divergent types of conditions, something like behaving a way that it is less predictable in terms of this kind of pain scale response, so we're getting close to the time. So that was fine. Original sentence sides as a last minute replacing that had to just make a big banana, did some they didn't hope you don't mind up on. So it's about some research that Mary and I were involved in, which was around barriers to healthcare assistant patient. But I loved of the same issues. Affect people with other conditions, like a HD well, dyslexia just fax here on In the research that Mary conducted of autistic adults and under comparison control, Greep on the challenges really fell into three May name. It's one was around predictability. Do I know what to expect? But I'm going of communication. So I given the communication in the way that makes sense to me. Um, is it clear? And I'm ambiguous from the other aspect of sensory processing. So am I so overwhelmed with being in the moment that mean that I can't communicate this Sunday in a way that helps me to cap on 0.2 cuts and other areas of overlap in and the central core to all of the challenges was about a two health service being more aware of what the needs of participate and your diversion patients on what it means to say. But it's taken your divergent on day. Think we're in England. At least they are going some degree to addressing this three on some other treatment that's in the pilot place of the moment and hopefully come to you guys. And so they get into the last bit of what I wanted to talk about, which is about thinking for yourselves, if, if you are yourself when you're divergent about how that kind of framework of thinking might help you to articulate to your colleagues or trainers what you might need around those three parts of them. The unfortunate thing I found is that, um, we really need to tell people what we need, and that's really hot because often we don't meeting. What was it is that we need a what's going to make things better? So, um, some hoping that this gets a bit of a toolbox to other people to frame some conversations if they need Teo, because after we did this, research did actually really help me in terms of kind of just chunking up where I'm not me to the place to help me feel more comfortable. So, for example, in general practice him and many people will agree doing placements a general practice a little. We'll go into careers in general practice because you should, because it's brilliant and it's a great place. Someone with a day usually like me. Because two patients one of the 10 minutes 60 just writes on be using a broad base. It's expertise to recognize anyway. So thinking about things like, um, how do we make that training a crime and write for a year is I Region Training's, um, I'm kind of then having a way of articulating that with trainers etcetera and so that they know a bit more about what expect. Um, and this is just a bit more about that. So if you want the size and if they are helpful to you, if you're autistic on your entire vision, it's for you. He's lost some a lot of juice and tea on dispositive Klay. You know this? This was originally for trainers around setting educational objectives and that controls things were clear, said that people could develop. I'll have reasonable adjustments made two, then three training journey so I hate that. That has been helpful. Um, I'm sorry, but I was not the build participant. Yeah, that's nothing for me. So I'm sorry you said not happening in the four months that you were expecting. I couldn't get the thing to work. So I grow stuff that that would probably make it difficult, fueled fasting questions. But I don't know if you go have much. All right. Thank you very much for your talk is very helpful and informative. And at the moment, I don't see any questions on the chat There will make the IV slides and video recording available after, If you want to revisit it, I guess. Yeah, that sounds really good. Okay, well, I guess the only other thing for me to do is to plug, um, the autistic doctors and up to sit medical students. Facebook page. It's so I think you just find them. If you do go into Facebook and on type it in the search. But but you get to a a public page where you can make contact with the team. Um Now pick things up is a private Greek with that very private creasing me. Have you want to protect our members on back. Sure that it feels like a safe place for people to express themselves. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much for stopping and last minute to join us today on, Uh, yeah, that's the look with everything. Okay? Ranking Buckingham thinking.