Neuroanatomy Revision Series - Lecture 8 Special Senses
This comprehensive on-demand teaching session will provide medical professionals with information on the anatomy and special senses that are important for their practice. Get an in-depth understanding of not only the facial bones and foramen, but also the eyelids, muscles, vessels, and sclera. Learn about the roles of the suspensory ligaments, tarsal glands, and the cornea in supporting the functions of the eyeball. Ask questions and gain useful tips to stimulate your knowledge so that you're prepared for any station or exam.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to identify and name the four walls of the bony orbit.
- Participants will be able to describe the muscles which aid in eye movement.
- Participants will be able to describe the components of the eyeball and their role in vision.
- Participants will be able to identify the function of the tears and the eyelashes in protecting the eyes.
- Participants will understand the structure of the suspensory ligament and its role in eye movement.
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through one. Welcome to our final lecture off being your acne Electricity's. Thank you so much for joining us. Um, as always, I just like to mention that Make sure you've resisted on the middle link, because the feedback form that sent through there on DA the slides on the recording off this would also be uploaded on that. So we should have access to assume it's filling up in book three bathrooms. Um, other than that, we've got a brilliant speaker here for you tonight, so I'll just let him take over. And it, um Good evening, guys. I'm one of 45 medics, Preston. So until I'm just gonna go over the inactivity off the special sentence, But we'll focus on be here in the eyes that's more focused on the neurosurgery. So today would just be going over that I said the natural tears in the eyes. But I've kind of tell it it towards the workbooks that you would have gone through trend taking. Choose which you might be. You will be important in your skis. Um, so the special senses, that's five of them. Um, the vision, vision hearing smell taste in touch, but for the purpose of this will be focused on vision, hearing and, um, balance eso we can get started on the bony or bit itself. Um, just wondering if anyone knows, um, the four burning wars at all up in the chat. Um, but that's just any of them. Is anyone who has any of them if no, that's okay. Okay. Well, I just go ahead. Um, so each of the orbits itself has ast force of them. The medial lateral superior and inferior walls. Um, and if you have a look, um, thank you. We'll see in the skull in your year one year to anatomy. And the skull itself is composed. Many different birds will burns that contribute to the order itself. On the front of this phenol with the ethmoid, the maxilla, the like more the zygomatic and the palatine bones and each of these bones itself house each of the walls of these little bit. Well, how's these different bones? Like, for example, to me, the wall, it will contain death more than the my syllable on the like. More bone itself. Um, you ask is you can be asked about the walls off the burning all that and what might be like, need a water, for example. Um, you just have to be aware of things like the and for your friend. So I think I run. Been you, too. I was lost as well on the Cymbalta. For a number is kind of simple to remember. Just super is a balls in principle, Um, going on to the four hitmen itself. That's quite a lot in the Scott itself. By even in bed, about any will be It's off. Um, that you will need to know. Um, so things like yet one off for immuno Um, the informant for fissures on the supreme fissures these itself, you can iss, you can be asked, and you're musky. Um, but it's if you have a look at your work looks, you can go over them quite quickly because they kind of make sense relation to each other. Like the supplement is obviously above the Felbatol on. And it's on the greater greater wing of this feeling. Um, the ones I think you need to attention, Teo. As I said, the info and see people before about Beth more the ones, uh, both fissures and I would say Doctor Canal. Um, because that is a something that usually do ask. It's quiet. Clamp. One vessels go through it. Eso speaking about the vessels that goes through Ah, for him and itself. Your optical. Now you will have to know what? Both to respond. A simple just going along with the the names of stuff like Okay, canal. You buy the optic nerve infraorbital frame and involved. Too nervous. Simple. Freeman. The civil from this is quite easy. Just stick. You wouldn't know that. The end of it. Um, I think that's quite simple. Most of the foramen that you get in the skull. Um, So just to teach me and ask me is quite good. Where? So that you can use to learn what booster? Um, so the bonus got itself. You would have learned. I think in most you have one. You would have gotten quite love it. Um, but I think what I want to focus more on the eye itself, because that's what we I understand your side. Just quite important to know about, um, so we can have a look at the outside of the eye first. So the peri orbital and the feet so the peri orbital itself is just the periosteum lining off of it. So it's basically a continuation, all right. The fascia alongside the extra ocular muscles, which we're going to later on the actual fashion seat off the eye. So the pressure seat on the eye itself will help, too. Well, with the movements of the I end. Basically, um, it contains, like, me deal on lateral chocolate mints, which are basically triangle shaped ligaments around here doesn't get the side of the eyeball. Um, on day work with the public muscles to basically it kind of basic events that I bought from being being pulled backwards by the rectus muscles. Um, so I'm just wondering if anyone knows, I would have been the shot. What? What movement does even the the the media check ligament on the lateral check liver? What did they, um, limit its example? Let the amusement itself. I can't see anything. Obviously is question. But I don't expect you guys tablet. Okay, so someone said last checked, but does abduction. Yeah, it does. So obviously the limit. The opposite movement of it, which is adoption on the same thing in the medial check ligament that will do induction, and it will limit the movement or abduction. So if you you can have a look at the treatment itself almost starts to, like blends in kind of with the fracture itself off the in through and inferior oblique and the rectus muscle. And it basically forms almost like a sling around the eyeball itself. On that sling, it will produce another ligament that we call the Suspensory ligament. Um, I think it is important to have the suspensory ligament, uh, that basic the teacher moments. Um, if I'm remembering they do all things like this and the old ski, it won't be, like, pointed out, but they'll just ask it while, um, you don't ask it on one of your questions and then at the station if you guys are still doing your skis. So, having look at the islands, I'll itself is important for several functions with body. What is sorry for the eye, Um, and it contains because it's the five differently is going from superficial down to deep. Um, on most superficial one is obviously the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Um, and this is where the eyelashes will be a touch. Um and they will have these modified sweat glands around the eyelashes itself, called the celery brands of more. And these will basically just secrete depends that basically helps to slow down evaporation on the drying of the aisle is, um, I believe so. That's gonna be important. Functions off the islands itself. Um, um the the lay the layer below it. It's all the Claris. Okay, lie to the muscle that can be slipping. I don't know how much detail you will need to know. Uh, it does get spring through different parts, be palpable like more on the orbital park. Um, and they're all innovated by facial. Um, and I'll go into the other two as we go. So the tarsal plates are lay underneath the ocular eye muscle. Um, on the they like in the something that we call the, um my bill. My don't glance. So it's basically another name for tarsal gland. So do you. I think you can get away with those kids just saying the cost of plants, um, which they just secrete the only substance, too. Additionally, hope they've slowed on the evaporation off the I take film. Um, and it also helps to prevent the eyeball the eyelids from sticking together when you blink every time you think on. So the two. The two place well, just by the name the superior for the eyelids, the inferior for the lower eyelids I've developed and become. They consist of connect dense, connected tissues. And I put this picture here because there's something that's quite common that you see in love Adults and Children like, Well, you can get a stifling, Um, and it's basically when get infection of the hair follicle. Um, well, there is my billing plans. Casal times, um, on what happens is that normally the the glands itself can be drained if you like, remove the hair the it's tossed it. If if it if it's not, you'll start to build up on that. The Cialis and it is quite it's painless. You know, you might have had this. I mean, I've had this quite often, but you don't really feel it, and but you can distinguish the difference in a lazy on your style. Basically not. There's no pain with the Cialis and where it started to be quite painful on the next layer below, Um, the Tulsa plates is the beta papa baby on that you can you can have to those two muscles that helps to open the eyelid there. And these two muscles are only present in the, uh, pilot itself. So the innovation to the is different innovations to the islands itself. So the innovation to the muscles, eyes by the face, enough for the vehicle. I, um the Levator pub by itself, it's innovative by the ocular motor nerve on these, the superior tassels muscles that's supplied by the sympathetic fibers. Um, you'll get the slides a lot. I I know. I'm just saying a bunch of names that might be a little bit hard to remember, but yeah, uh, once you look at this later on, I'll send over It should make it a little bit clearer for you. So the injection of the eyes, it has quite a lot. Eat a limit. Um, but you can break up into simpleminded. Basically, you can divide it into three different parts the fibers, vascular and inner layer, and each of them has a specific function. Um, ideally, you should know all of all of this, but if you break it down into those villages I just said it'll be It'll be easier to understand what you took them actually do. Um, some said memorial plan system. Same a situation. You know, I said that the chill Asian is painless, but a stye is painful, Um, so that the first lay is the fibrous. Later it's the is lazy. The ultimate region on diet contains the sclera on the cornea, which helped continues with each other issue. I mean, that's if I sent it in the image. Um, and the main functional bases of them are to provide shape that I and they're trying to support the deeper structures that are within the eye, um, on most of the pharmacy later is give you showing the images x composing the sclera. Um, and that's what all the attach this weather Tuchman sides for B extraocular muscles are. So we'll ask you all speak more more of that later on. But they see the muscles are responsible for the movements of the eyes. Cornea itself is transparent. Um, on it's there's basically when it when the light goes when, like energized basic refracted into a corneal. Um, I don't think anything of that much for about the fiber slayer. Um, one is the vascular Leo, so it contains three things. The center Ebadi, the iris choroid ago. The cord itself is quite potent. It provides nourishment for the whole of the outer layer of the rest. Um, this everybody's You can see this one on each side off the iris itself, Um, so they contain celery muscles on the cellular processes. So what happens is that 30 muscles being contained smooth muscle fibers which are attached to the lens, um, by the celery processes on. But this will help to control the shape the landscape by constricting or relaxing. Um, and this will go in. They also help to the formation of the acres female that we that I'll go into in the next. The next part of it on the iris itself is just the It's just something and Mr Structure that's in the middle of the eye. No military in the center, um, on, uh, diameter off The iris itself can be altered by this new the muscle fibers contract never light relaxing similar to the that off the so bodies. So so that the, uh is the and the innermost region of the eye on it has two layers itself. So the pigmented outlay and the newer the neural in earlier, um pigmented part is is the layer that supports the corroded in the proves they mentioned vascular, you layer help absorb the light. Um, on it's It basically continues around the hole in the surface, off the on the neuro warm in a layer consists of photoreceptors Onda photoreceptors itself. I want it checked in life's and the light that's entering through, um the I, um on the and then you roll in the later will be located but posteriorly on laterally in the eye. So I'm going on to the I know I mentioned human. It's like a criss bodies and you must things like that. Um, so these are quitting. Want to so and the first image it has the vitreous humor. So So that's a is this the liquid would jump technically, which fills the back the back reason of the eyeball, um on and has this we can call the highlight cow Now the high low Cannell is Does anyone know what function it has? Okay, Um oh, someone said never had it before. Well, hello. Can itself doesn't really have a function than that. I don't because it's a fetal reminisce. Um, so when when you become an adult, it doesn't really several function, but it does contain left, and that's quite a lot. Here. Ease. About what? What the have that kind of does in, ah, adult. Just be a weather is the, um So the Victrelis him build in between the high low channels are it has three main functions. So one is that it helps to is involved with the magnet fine power. I, um, supports the lens on three. It holds the different layers the fruitful Is that about of the retinal in place? Um, now, having a look at the the I, it's so, um, there's two fluid filled areas. There's one behind the lens. And, um, the veterans chamber is posterior to the islands. So the ones that anterior to the lens or the anterior okay down here in the center and posterior uh, chambers that the anterior chamber is located between the cornea and the iris, and the posterior ones are between the virus on their salary processes. If you run with the sleep crisis work just around here, um So one thing that can happen if it has a problem with these chambers is a common condition that's in the elderly. So glaucoma, So if the drainage stops happens in the anterior chamber is obstructive you can get that level is is a possibility it happen. So as two types of black or more um, open angle and fives. Ankle open angle is when the that the flow off the it was human through the mash work is basically reduced. When that happens, you get a slowly. It's a slow, gradual reduction in personal vision until this Until, um, Dan stages where your vision is very, very bad. Closed angle is when the iris itself is forced against the mesh. Well, because of those overflow of them, the A Cosimo, um, that basically prevents further drainage. Um, and it can lead to blindness. So closed angle is quite a bit more severe than, um, you learn more about that Ed here. Three. During an ophthalmology placement hum. I don't think it's, you know it's not necessary. Beautiful that. But just just be aware that's two different parts, um, of gun things. Okay, um but this I got this. Um um, the two things I don't think you need to know. That's why I didn't cover them up. Um, and this is goes over everything. I went out so far. So just wondering this Anyone know what? Well, the the label that just by itself, on the left hand side does anyone know what's finding, too? There's not an artery and vein, but really, It just that's what we've located. Yeah. Is the vitreous chamber? That's right. Um, on D Does anyone know? But I said, I just want to ask one more. Um, just the one where there's the iris itself. It's like glue. Uh huh. Doesn't anyone know where this is? Um I don't know if you can see my mouse thought, but this is pointing to is one of the chambers. So you've got a 50 50 chance and anterior posterior. Yeah. So, yeah, it's an anterior. Um, you can let all of this for you or what, But I just want to check it for you. If I was basically explaining Well, um, so going on to the extra ocular muscles now, these you will have to know you're definitely after know you have to know them even in third year and fourth year. Um, so there's the Lovaza progress of our superiorize is the only muscle that's involved in raising the superior Island. So they asked if I ask you the article with the muscle that raises that I would just say, I mean by the name itself and elevated so later on the disappearance knees up at the top, um, on just be aware of what nerves control, Um, the these muscles, because there are three main nerves. Obviously, vestibule denies, um, but no one of them, well supplied by the same one. Um, so the Livato purpose a bar is the superior rectus the inferior rector's the medial rector's on that in favor of oblique. A lot innovated by the climate on the I think the lateral and the last erectus is Obviously it's innovative by the abdomen since now speaking that up ducks, um on. Then the superior be is invented by the trunk, you know? No. So it's just Well, how I didn't say it was, I basically memorizes exact picture. That's what I find it, um, was I know that the top one is elevated styling, So I just felt that that was done. The supreme oblique, The one on the top of the eye. I know. That's innovative. I want something that's different, Which is the trumpet. Everything else is okay. Muta. And then the, um, the lateral rector's is that the head left? Well, the lateral side of it is the optimism. Snow is just You can just try to remember those three in the West and, you know, the optimum. Um I'm not saying just learned that, but then what they actually do. But this is just a quick way that you might be Austin how to put the answer questions in the escape. Um, so this image that you see quite often on this especially looks about the the movements of the eyes. Um so the a superior rectus muscle here, um, it will. It's a little bit of innovation. The the inferior rectus muscle is involved in depression itself, and it does, to a certain degree, help him Induction. A matter of location will be I. But the main thing that you need to know is that simple. In depression, the meeting directors it so it's a duck's, the eyeball, a lateral renter's office. It was opposite. So Doc's it on the weight thing is that the Enbrel be considerably. Obviously, this is no Ampyra. It should be is going to want the top. Well, the inferior of pick itself actually elevates the eyeball on the superior. Probably depress, Is it? So just invariably elevates Sapir and sippy Rector's elevates. Uh, and then this incredibly depressed, is in your records what impresses, Um, I don't really have an issue. Wait A remark about, um, So there's something that you might want to be aware off. Um, because it is quite not just the cost is about your progressed test. They do have. Sometimes they have questions about cold know Posey's, um, ones up seat. The three, uh, I know knows that's involved in eyes. Um, so the main one you should know is that, you know, because it's really common question, they asked. It's just the I was ah, that something wrong with that, That been enough? Then I will be down and out. So the effect and I would almost be displaced laterally, um, by the lateral epis and inferior Really? By the supreme oblique forth Enough. It would be okay. Nothing down. Um on the six palsy they see the I will be they won't be able to adopt. Um, I've dealt. Sorry. Um, the affected. I will basically adopted by and media records itself. Um, so there's just done and out. So, you know, I don't know. Yeah, down and out, up and out. Weight is Yeah, that down it out, up and down. Um, and then just unable to adopt. Uh, we diet stuff is a very, very vascular, um, organ itself says a lot of that supply nerves. Um, looking through your work books, that wasn't a lot off. Um, like offers enough that you have to learn. But please be aware that you do need to know that the eyeball itself receives the main blood supply from the atomic country, which is a branch of the internal carotid. Um, all tree. So the stomach alter itself. If you can see about this image gives rise to several different branches. The central retinal tree, the, um, muscular branches, muscular branches, the surgery, the lateral, the superior trouble and super orbital. Just try to learn these images. When I was going to be this lecture, I remember that by just looking at these images on just a rheumatory. The office tree will help you to remember it. But the central to be with the central artery off the retinal, This one I don't know. I said that that the central retinal artery is the most important. Barajas supplies the internal surface off the retinal. So if you have an occlusion off the artery itself is highly likely to get blood. Um, being a strange is off. The same person asks blood supply as artery supply. So it means, um, supply the drainage of the eye itself. The superior temporal artery with the superior communicating with facial. Now facial pain under enviable. Tell me, um, on D disappear in fear or comic pain straining to the heaviness. A Sinus. Um um and they passed through Davis. If they ask what? What? I'm whole official, as I talked about before about the for a my skull that certain veins and arteries pass through the superior and inferior atomic means they passed through the superior orbit official. Um, these will be in my notes about in a lecture so going on to histology because I know I'm not going to much Bystolic because, but um there is something that you need to be aware mainly for the, um, progresses. They do cost these things. Uh, so just be aware that there's 10 millions off the retina. Um, on. You don't remember too much of it. You could use this new morning. Um, it's an okay way of nine against. But I think the image itself, it's much easier weights to learn it. Um, obviously not everything that's in the middle. Just just the weather. There are lots and cones in these two late two layers on this ganglion cells. Obviously, it began getting so low. Um, And to be aware of the fact that there's, um 10 differently is, um um that pigmented Leo, it came to know that that basically, it's a It's a thin melon and structure that and that helps, too reduce. When light enters, I A pill stays in between juice, the scattered back scattering of like, um so it helps to facing direct the light towards the front receptors. Um, and this is just going on talking a little bit about the chambers off the eye. So you took two bottles. Anterior chamber. That's a posterior chamber. This is in relationship. Histology. Um, just to give you, um, just another view of what? Um, I'm I don't really think the cost is, but I think I'm I think they do. Awesome story questions. Um, I think one thing I didn't go over is disclosure. Oh, so just leave that here. So the slower itself is basically is okay. It's a very talk. Five minutes kind of connected tissue, uh, layout and helps to almost form the scaffolding full to support the structure of the eyeball. Um, on this image on this side is think this is the This is ah, feelings. Remove. Yeah. Um, you don't need to know this much detail. Um, just be aware, were relationship that your changes and sugar chamber of your shiny, but, um and this will give you a different view on the images special earlier. Um, but in beautiful histology, this is, um, anything that you should know. Um, this by history, being something that a lot of medics don't really like is something that to need to them. Um, so we've gone over the I going to hear the second half of it. Um, so if I'm speaking a little bit quickly. Just let me know if I am. Um, so they it was So, um, have enough of extend you please. No, this image. You do need to know this image. No, just not this exact image. But just external be here and at me. Um, on the main plus of it is that contains the oracle or the pinna. That's another name for cooler. The pen is easier to say. It on the external water should be eight hours. Um, on the pen. The pen itself is made of elastic cartilage, and it basically helps too. Um, capture the sound waves when someone speaks where you get some on directed towards the external would be who's signators and the the cartilage there is got to contractors part that cannot basically helped it from this helix. Um, with in a club called anti here, um, and then you similar to the antibiotics and the units. You get things like the trainers on the anti traders. Um, there is very close relation to each other. They just both have anti. So that's he listens to ante, where is the panel on the diagram? Oh, I'm just just in itself until about this this whole region? Um, it's not labeled here. Um, before I send out going on the inside has been, you know, reading. Probably labeled if you want, um, on going to the going on to the, um almost the middle or so We have something called the tympanic membrane that helps to separate the external ear, which we just saw on the inner ear. So and I middle of the middle ear. So the tympanic membrane. When you look through someone through viral school, um, you'll see it's a very semi transparent, and it's kind of almost see things behind it or not. Really, um, has covered externally by skin and then internally by mucus membrane, which is basically the line we'll see Monilia. Um, you'll get more practice of looking at years later on. Um, essentially, just have a look at me. You can almost see some of the, um ossicles interest there. Um, just be a way of things like the past hands are just this really a hospital. Is it, um, the cone of light. So you can if you see this kind of, you know, you look on the membrane. Um, so these sensor innovation to be out. The surface off the tympanic membrane itself is by the something that something that called the Orrico Temple Now, which is basically branch cranial nerves. Three, um, on. But it's this one doesn't any, um, you probably want to, but I d the central innovation to the internal surface of the external one is the Oracle Temple know the internal? Is Theo less of her into? I was gonna also question, but I think that would be to be, um so we're still at the external part again? Um, um, so that's some vessels that you do need to know. Um, looking through the work with these are four main ones that they ask questions about is likely the last. It's in the wall ski. So the internet sternum is supplied while external Quit artery. Um, just be aware of these other four arteries that are involved in the in the external ear. So you don't have to say with a branch off or anything. Just know the names of these. Um, if you do want to know more, because up to you, um, so going on to the middle ear. So gone past the tympanic membrane which basically is between the middle age and the external ear. Um, so the middle ear itself can be separated into, to course, the tympanic cavity on the evidence panic nieces. So the tympanic cavity is basically but medially just is just after the tympanic membrane on this thing that everyone will know about the the hospitals. Um, the money is the incus in the state. Peace, um, and what they do there, why break their help? Help transmit that sound vibrations through the middle ear, um, into the and the epi temperament Research is basically, um, a space that's superior to the tympanic cavity searches above it. Um, and it lives next to the mastoid air cells. So the middle of himself has helped too. Almost amplify. It will help to transfer that towards there in a year. Um, especially to help. Um, so the main thing that you do need to know So it is three. Her order treat particles on how they work, so we're going to more detail about them. So the the money is interesting Stapes. So how do they won't transmit sound? So the sound vibrations that come into it, it causes a movement in the temple remembering that we spoke about on it basically helps a basic and goes through the middle ear, um, and helps to create, um, movement in the hospitals. So the handle malleus itself is embedded into the tympanic membrane. I think if we were looking up, this you can almost see, um, 100. Being one here on the base of the state is it's attached to the over winter. So they start articulating with each other on the sound vibrates the son weighs, will buy break through the some. The tympanic membrane passed through those chains of possibles goes to the over window. Um, I'm not sure if anyone would know this, but, um, well, you do. I lost that later. So that's two muscles that are involved in do you? These articles, So they called the tensor timpani and on the step ius so pencil tympani is attached. To be handle of the money is, um the state of these is attached to the neck off the stapes. I think that was easier to remember. Just cause the name's very similar. So the purpose both of them are to help dampen down high frequency my bracelets So what happens when you have a really loud sounds? They will contact the muscles contract. Um, they will inhibit. Well, almost, like lessen them off. Vibrations not going through the orders for your support. Um, and they reduce like the transmission of the sun was going towards your in the air. So that itself, the whole process of done pretty down the high frequency sounds is called the acoustic reflex. Um, so all muscles will be innovative. Buy some form of, um, just wondering if anyone would know this is quite far down in your workbook. Um oh, do you know which knows my name and innovate either of those two muscles? Okay. Somebody on toujeo? Yes. So, um, so the safety is Is the facial nerve? Yes. Um, the Testim punny said, is the trigeminal, um, eyes read it as the mandibular. I don't know. It might be. I I have to check that by we worked with Definitely says my debler, and I want to check that. It did say that, um, I might be wrong, but I have quite a businessman, but yet of Yes. Oh, yeah. I didn't know how specific you wanted to be. But, um um, you don't you stay trying to, um I just ate my people. Oh, um, by Alaska. I'm surprised that you guys know so much. About what book? Already. So that's pretty good. Should be a bit more confident for your skis. Them? Um so the use definitely, um, you'll see is basically helps to connect, uh, the middle ear to the nasal pharynx. Um, and it helps basically equalize the pressure. Um, that's in the middle. It tries to make it equal to the middle ear. Similar to that off the external order. Three million tests or twisted? Noticed. Um, so what's interesting is that in Children, the chief itself is shorter and not it's not the same curb fashion that we see here. Class straight. So middle of infections and Children are quite a bit more common than you think. Um, so one of the most common conditions that you hear about is a practice media. Um, what blew? Get, um so that that happens when you have constant dysfunction off the street. So if the well the eustachean troops. So if that tube itself is unable to equalize the pressure between the external world for me. It is on the middle here. Um, it could be due to quite a lot of things. So blockade, inflammation, things like that. You get a negative pressure that would build up in the ear. Onda helped it. What happens in for in transit? Eight from the milk here, and it will become blocked. Um, in the middle ear itself. Um, hum. It can lead to a basic, becomes a site of bacterial infections, and pathogens can replicate. You get more, you start to form this. Basically, you compare it to a normal here, so the drum move appear inverted. Um, and fluid will be visible. That is completely different. You could barely see what's what. You could kind of see. Um is common ent condition that you can be asked about definitely hitting your purpose. There's not somebody ask is definitely progressing. So just be aware of that. Um, finally went on to the inner ear. Um, I realize I've been putting by fast, so the nail has two main functions. Uh, you still like its main function is to combine it mechanical sounds that you here from middle ear so black and through with all schools, the acoustic reflex and everything that's happened. It doesn't converse. All of that sound into electrical signals, which goes through the woods report, Wait to the brain. I haven't gone. I haven't gone to detail. So people is because I don't think you need to know that wasn't a workbook. Um, and I don't remember having to learn that second, um, on the other part of the is to help to maintain balance. And it does this by detecting position emotion. Um, And if you have a look at the skull, um, the temporal bone itself, um, Petra spot and that's where the air will be located. Um, and we'll go into the two components that make up in the air, which is the bone, your lab print on the member's number. So the bony lab runs itself, is host of three parts theseventies said canals. The same said canals. Um, on the vest of you on the overwhelmed house on a copy up. And you see the over window, which I kept talking about where the state is was, um, it has to, um so the complete it's self. You see suckers. It's It's no show, um, kind of shape it has a tube that stops it. Busy spiell spirals mind itself to east. I think it's doing a lot of times, I think the the 222, 2.5 times I'll say that, um, around this central central pillow of it, um, which is called them. You want the list? Um, you might not need to know that. What city is that off called? The model is on. It basically helps to produce this cone self shape. Um, and this is where the some branches off the the best. The cochlear place of the cochlea portion of vestibular. Quickly enough classes through some branches of it. Um, so the other part is the big 33 semi, certainly Canals, um, easily named anterior lateral and posterial. Um, and they contain, um, semi circular canal. Tell me circular ducks, which are responsible for ban. It's so balance done with all this. All of them. Um, but some some kinds of like, they have a more prominent more of it. Um, there is a of fluid that the bony level does contain. Um, does anyone know what is quite, um, the If you've gone through a lot of what you might have, um, learned that is okay if you haven't, Um, so you're fine also, um, so the lap of itself contains peril in, um, just leave it there. Perilymph. There's not much else we need to know about it. Um, um, so we have talked about the same. It's overcast in the popular invested with part where the open window is. Um, it's busy. The center off Alberni labyrinth yourself. Um, and it's it's forms a connection between the middle ear and the air through the over window. Um, on D you can have that does two parts of the members this labyrinth which I'll go into, um that are basically within the vestibule on. Then they turned the sacral of the I never know how to say this, but you do, you trickle. However, you say it was two parts that the members, but cramping doesn't vote that's connected in the past. You go. Um, okay. Oh, So the member Ms Lab want, um, it contains. So I said that they, uh, the bony London contains heavy limp. Um, does anyone know what the members levels? Complaints. The time. Maybe two types. Two lives that you might have heard of. Yeah, that's right, James. Our end of month just bear in mind. Um, if that's all you need to do two things that you will need to be aware off. Um, your ski. Um I don't really think that will be a progressed as question. Um, so have you have a look at the member's number itself? It can composer the copy it up so quickly. Adopt, um, 377 bucks saccule and you tickle. And these two, as I said before that, within the, uh, the less trouble off the bone like months. So one of these compared to, like, the better the bony areas, you can see how all of these are very, very obviously connected with each other. Um, and that's good, because, um, it basically helps to drain that and Alimta to the end. A lymph node drain from the saccule. Um, you triple into the end of lymphatic dot on the the doctor will basically trouble through, um, the vestibular aqueduct. It's not about the black widow, and then through to the Petrous partner temporal bone, which I mentioned before, which is where the, um, but the areas, um, so the semicircle canals so will open up into the ah, the you trickle through five different openings. It's not very obvious through this image. Um, but it is, um, and the you trickle will connect to this actual, um, aside said, before it does help to train the indolent, um, through the you trickle saccule duct. Just the connection of the two names. To be honest, um, and then the slack you will connect to the cochlea doctor here. Um, why, uh, something called doctors reunions. Um, you might not need to know that it's zits. It seems that it might be a little bit too much expected if you have to learn that, Um, but yeah. Um, so one of the A common disorder off the air that you should be definitely aware of this because they even asked this in in fourth year so they will definitely will likely to be in your purposes. Minutes, disease. Um, that the image just shows what the type of things that will happen as result may disease. So this world curve duty the end of lymph I talked about. So when then live com be drained easily through the cycle of the usual through sugar. Well, it's through the endolymph it out if some. If there's a blockage here, um, it basically does Is distension off the ducts itself. When that happens, it causes swelling and pressure. So what we see when this increases swelling in pressure, that's gonna affects the way that the the stone will be transmitted information we relate. So it causes changes to the membrane itself. So the result distorted image of balance disorders, some information, Um, and all of that will go from the air through the water street. Both ways tend to the brain, and your brain isn't It is basically misinterpreting over there, not missing. Took what you've given it, um, distorted information so you might start feeling like in ballots as a result, um, so patients usually wore, um, have to go. I pitched tonight. Ear's just really high frequency. Um, free, but haIf privately, I pitched frequent sounds that you hear it will come and go within a couple of minutes. That is very recurrent. It can happen to your changes in your head position or just when you're doing something. Um, and sometimes something that's quite like I told my tonight just, um on, but you will have hearing loss is, well, media's disease because you're giving distorted sound information. I'm also the blockage. You're getting little the end of the month. Um, so the episodes of these manuals disease can last about 2020 minutes. I can go up to 24. I was, um, it says, uh, another main condition to have. And it can happen about several times a week, But there will be some gaps with, you know, happening so you can have it like, one or two times a week and that you might have some time. It doesn't happen. And it happened again within a month or so, even if you ate years. Um, but nobody really knows the reason for why it minister, these happens. Um, but the theories around it is that could be of the auto immune response. Um, everybody's having a causing to like that. That's happened leading to the inability to drain the endolymph genetics. Um, because I did read a study. Yes, they do. Plant is Minister the sliding that a lot of patients, your family members with millions sees. The likelihood is there wasn't very specific, but it was, it was increased with, um, having offspring. People. Development of disease. Um, in adulthood. Um, allergies and viruses. Um, virus is obviously an infection. That happened, it was likely to cause inflammation. Um, but there's no, um, at school reason that we know why it happens. Um, so Haman osteo pressures that can happen time. Um, I think most of the committee will notice that they they sometimes give you a while successfully. Where does this go? Especially when you have a skull will go through the holes, say, like, Oh, what goes through that? Okay, Cannot. And then you're like, Oh, the Obama got tree and not know which I said that way. So much other end up in the slide. Well, they'll ask you, How does the what's in that in it? Like what's in the air. So they give you, like the stapes, the ankles and the Mallya's on their last year. What's which ones work on d, um, while the muscles attach to which one. Um, so if you pick up Madison, you say, the state did these muscles attach to it? They're going to love a ton of, um, but, um ms from what I remember about the, um, the eyes that it asked most about definite optic nerves that lasted about the pathway. Um, which I don't think I've gone into a lot beetle of this. Um, but I have a look at that left knee. Also this around looking on us. These, um, not so much there, but the blood supply that after a supply. Um, because, as I said in central retinal argument, it's occluded. You can get blindness. Um, on D? Yeah. That that that's mostly what I can remember for, um, I think that's it. Well, thank you so much for listening. Um, that was just quick whistle football tour. It wasn't really in so much detail as I hoped you going to, but thank you so much. All right, Thank you. Can, um, thank you guys so much for attending. Um, that was our last lecture of the obviously, Um, we will be having a kohut, Chris, which we're trying to get together and organized to revise everything that we've gone through with this revision. Siris. So by all means, do join. If you'd like to, you know, consolidates on that knowledge and see where you are. Act with your urine, Acknowledge, But other than that, just make sure you fill in the feedback forms. You'll have access to the slides on a merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Um, got any questions? Shout popping the chap. Otherwise, you're all free to go. That that someone just also has the feet. But for Oh, yeah, I was just typing in And, um, yeah, you need to be retested on the middle link on DA Want to put your email and that it will be sent automatically so the kohut will organize it. It'll probably be a zoom on. Then we'll advertise the event and Facebook. Um and then you can get the links from there. Know kind of. There's a question for human. Okay, um, so the difference between the acres humor of the mattress chemo is just that the acres, few more is. It's it's located the front of the aisle. Where's the victory Seem? Is looking a steriod part of the eye, Um, and the then both the colors. That's one thing that's called to distinguish between them. Um, I just of the areas that they all, um in the eye and the over window on the round window. Did I say only I did. Uh um this is this Is this the same thing? It's It's, um Oh, I know something. Um, the over window is what separates the the middle ear from the unit. You, um and I don't think that was on the round window was It's something that helps it basically reduce the amount off high frequency sounds that enter the cochlea. Um, on D. So, like, let's say you have some some. The vibration that's around the oval window that goes, that's connected to this. The stapes. It leads to a sound going to the elbow. Not that they're going to the round window. Um, most fabrics came back. Well, um, yeah, yeah, basically, that's what I was trying to say that, but I don't think it's as articular as as you as you typed it