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Oh, yeah, good to meet everyone. This is uh Ly. Uh So my full name is I'm Doctor Two, but it might be better to call me. So I'm currently working as a anatomy demonstrator in trauma orthopedic at the university hospitals limit. And it just uh and today I'm gonna give the, the a teaching session for some of the orthopedic topic. So this is my second time giving uh teaching session for uh AAA uh goes up by the South West Foundation training uh Surgical Society. Uh So what I want uh you all is uh they will be really, really be great if you guys had uh and uh some of my questions so that uh so I want um the candidates uh to be actively I participated. Thank you. OK. So let's start my session. So first of all, I would like to start with the learning objectives. So to just to revise and let me knowledge and some of the question uh uh which is uh which are related to the MRA examination. Actually, the top is that uh we gonna discuss today uh our family uh uh with you guys. So just to revise an me. And uh the other thing is just to case case in diagnosing and also treating the most common orthopedic condition. Uh with emphasis on those, these are highly for the MRC S examination. Uh The another one thing is learn about some of the real-life case studies and of our insight into pre application of orthopedic knowledge. So these are my knowledge, uh sorry, learning objectives, so content. So uh as we already mentioned, and that yeah, me side. Uh so today's topic, uh orthopedic topic is related to a limb and also uh lower limb as well. So the first thing is uh compartments of the M and then uh full. And then another one thing is that uh you have cubital fossa and the fossa. And then after that, we're gonna move to the lower limb. So compartment uh of the leg and then uh the end of the pain is the of fossa. And then the last but notably is uh there's a post session quiz as well just to like uh uh uh refresh and also record the uh knowledge that uh we discuss in that session. OK. So uh first of all, I just would like to start with some of the compartments of the end. So anyone have any idea about how many compartments are present in the end? Is that all right? We might just uh like uh uh send in a message in the chat box. Is that all right? How many compartments in the end? Anything any insulin dressing? Four, sorry, 444. Yeah. Oh ok. Number four. Ok. Uh Yeah. Uh uh Thank you so much for uh for the answer. So actually uh for the m there are two compartment. So the first one is the anterior or like a compartment and the second one is the posterior or we call it the extensor compartment. So there are two compartments in the end. So uh this is a uh the photo of the cross section. So as you can see over there, so this is our humerus and then there will be the anterior compartment and then also the posterior compartment. All right. OK. So, so what would be the masses uh and uh of the compartment? And also another one thing is the neurovascular supply. OK. So this is the uh photo uh showing the masses of the anterior of left side compartment of the M. OK. So what will be the masses? OK. So this is a little bit uh showing uh this muscle. Uh Can anyone tell me what is the name of this muscle? Any response any? No, I would say triceps though. Yeah, bicep. Sorry. We got an answer. OK. Yeah, perfect. Yeah. Uh uh Yeah, absolutely. Right. So this is the bine sub uh yeah, bicep count mu So it is one of the method of the uh confinement of the end. OK. So let's move to the another one. So here is the second mass present in the full and uh present in the file compartment of the end. So, can someone tell me what would be the name of this mass brachialis? Sorry, brachialis? Yeah, exactly. So that's one is the brachialis muscle. So let's move to the last one. Can someone tell me uh what is the name of this muscle? So it is like adjust to the structure coracobrachialis. Yeah, exactly. So this is the co this muscle is the coracobrachialis. So, right now we got all three muscles uh which are uh which are present in our compartment of the end uh as a pneumonia. Yeah. Uh What we uh what I use, what I think uh most of the uh most of the people I use is the pneumonia is called BBC. OK. So I think it, it is easy to remember. Uh So BBC. So brachial brachialis and coracobrachialis. So that the BBC uh so all these three mu this BBC is supplied by that one now. So can someone tell me which nerve supply all these three methods? Any response any in inside musculocutaneous? No. Yeah, exactly. So this uh supplying by the muscular cutaneous. Now, so, and also uh regarding that the blood supply is supplied by the uh brachial artery, muscular branch of the brachial artery. And also as uh uh according to this thing is the flex compartment of the end. So you cannot uh this muscle, it gonna cause the, the, the is uh the flushing uh like and also mostly it's a flushing. But however, uh it depends on the, the uh is uh muscle, uh some of the function and some of the uh it can be like a little bit different. But however, generally, uh we can say is there a uh a compartment of the end is uh the main action is the flushing and also supplied by muscular cutaneous now. And also uh for the regarding the uh vascular supply is supplied by the brachial artery, muscular branch of the brachial artery. All right. So we're gonna move to the the posterior compartment. Oh, it stands out compartment. So here is the one muscle that's present in the posterior compartment of the end. Can someone tell me uh what is the name of this muscle? Triceps? Sorry, triceps. Yeah, exactly. So this is the tricep. Uh So this is like the head of tr and this is the heart of the tricep. Uh Unfortunately, we couldn't see the other half of the tricep in this photo. So tricep uh uh must say it is supplied by now. Any any response radial nerve. Yeah, exactly. So uh trite is supplied by the radial nerve and also basically in the upper uh in the upper limb. Uh So all the extern muscle uh like the supplied by the radial nerve. So it's supplied by radina. And then regarding the vascular supply, it is supplied by the pro of bra artery. So this is the uh about the compartment of the end. So, uh regarding the clinical importance and uh sometimes uh what we see in the uh like the fracture clinic is this that there will be the cases of the rupture of the bicep tender. Ok. So uh it gonna like uh uh uh produce the uh cat sign on flexing the uh elbow. There will be like that. Um How would I say causing that the uh part where the ma be uh what we call sign. So it is the one of the uh playing game important and then uh not, I mean emergency, but however, as you're gonna see that the uh bicep and the red patient in the 1st 10 as well. So this is the plan. OK. So now we're gonna move to the compartments of the full. So uh the same as the compartment of the, there are also two compartments in the full as well. So the first one is the anterior or the plas compartment. And then the second one is the posterior or uh extensor compartment. OK. So let's start with the anterior or plasma compartment. So this is the uh photo of the uh fleas compartment uh of the full n uh In the meantime, uh for uh for the fleas combine of the uh full, we're gonna divide into like the two groups like a superficial uh masses and also deep master. So, this photo uh is is showing some of the superficial uh masses of the flex compartment of full. OK. So let's see. So here is the muscle uh pronated the OK. And then there will be the flex radial list. And then another thing is the uh pulmonary lus and also flex car aneurys as well. And uh pian superficialis. So these muscles, they are the uh superficial uh so this muscle form the superficial group of the uh compartment. OK. Pro the car, radial list. And he has, you can see it is the pist longest and also he has the honor and everything is the digit superficialis. OK. So I would like to ask about the, the uh N supply. Uh So now supply the this uh superficial group of the uh full M plus that compartment masses, any response. No, but I'm gonna say median and all that now. Yeah, exactly. So it's supplied by median and uh yeah. So superficial group is supplied by the median. Now, basically a, a plus a car. So it is plus a A is supplied by the ana. So, yeah, it's right. Uh physically what we just try to me this all of this, the muscles of the superficial uh FSA muscle uh subline by the median nerve as a plus ac on the wrist. So according to its name on the wrist, it will be uh subline by the OK. So now we're gonna move to the, the deep muscles. So here will be this uh deep muscle muscles and tendons uh of the uh flexor compartment of the colon. So it would be the uh Asia that will be the flexor poly L OK. And then another one thing is the digital profend. So one of the uh thing good to know about the digital and profenda as you can see here. Uh it has like the 22 half. So one thing is like the media half and uh no uh sorry, media half and the uh half. OK. And then another one thing is the profenda uh uh uh sorry prota uh quadrate. OK. So about the uh about this uh muscle. Uh mm Not very about the uh I have not seen any like a clinic importance. But however, uh this is uh um um if you have senior like the registrar or consultant, they're gonna ask you about some of the mass around here when you assist the operation like uh uh or of the dis radius open reduction and position of the, this radius uh fracture. At that time, they're gonna ask you like uh which muscle is this? Which muscle we are like uh doing incision or we are doing rereading those kinds of things. OK. And also what I would like to ask is so we not uh supply this like a deep group of the full and muscle, any response, any answer. Not yet. But I would go the same median and all that. No, yeah, median and, and uh exactly. So also supplied by the media now that, that the media, half of that has a digital profend. So as I mentioned before, there's a digital run profer it uh uh what we can, what we can say is it has like a media half and also half. So half of the digital and profer we use uh is that the FTP. So FDP uh that have, is supplied by the media now and media have is supplied by the now. So like a general uh so all the uh full and muscle, both of the superficial group and the G group. So all the full and muscles are supplied by them me enough except the like the two muscle, one is the flexor coin and, and then the other one is the media head of the digital program desk. Uh It's also good to know because in the M CS uh part a exam uh question. So this question is also uh they would like to uh uh ask uh frequently ask question of the MSC type A exam. OK. So, and you have any uh question today? Now, if you don't have any question and then yeah, I gonna proceed the session. OK. So now let's move to the uh posterior extensor compartment of the full end. OK. So here will be the posterior uh muscle extensor muscles of the full end. And also they are like so many muscles in the extensa compartment of the full end. Ok. So what I'm gonna do is start in from the the most left side, most part and then I'm gonna do uh I'm gonna uh explain that from the most lecture to the lecture to the media. OK. So starting from this one, there are the two masses over there. So the most le when you are not audible right now, sorry. Hello? Can you hear me? Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Oh, ok. Oh, ok then yeah, I'm gonna stop. Yeah. Um there are able to hear you now. Sorry I think yeah, they can hear me. Ok, so yeah, I gonna restart. Ok. So uh so let's go back. Uh So what I what I gonna start with the most electric uh part of the the muscles and the tendon. So the first one is the, the, the polycystus and then the other one is the extensa polycysts. So uh uh sorry uh uh the photo is not very clear uh but however, so the most um Lenn sorry to interrupt. Uh um some people are saying that they can't hear you. Can you check if your mic is on please? Uh Hello? Yeah, right now. How about that? Can you hear me? Oh, ok. Um They are able to hear you now? Ok. Uh Maybe I think I just click on that uh uh microphone and yeah, I just uh mu that yeah, accidentally maybe that's why. Yeah, sorry. Ok. Yes, we can see your slides now. Yeah. Ok, thank you. Yeah. Uh Please let me know if you can hear me. Yeah, sorry. Uh So let's uh move back. So here is the uh some of the extensor compartment at the wrist level. Uh and they are the total six extensor compartment at the wrist level. Ok. So it is also uh sometimes as in the MRC, I'm sorry, then it seems that your mic is muted again. Oh OK. Yeah, sorry. I don't know what happened again again today. Like the other day is pretty fine. Yes, it's already. Yeah. OK. Sorry. But yeah, for the inconvenience today, uh I don't know what happened today. So this is uh about that uh cubital fossa and the cubital uh fossa. OK. So, uh we're gonna tell uh we're gonna, I'm gonna tell you about the uh what are the boundaries of the anti cubital fossa? And then the next one would be the contents of the uh cubital fossa. OK. So, uh for regarding the boundaries of the cubital fossa, as so as you can see here, uh there will be the superior boundary and also there's the la uh media boundary and also there is the left boundary as well. So superior boundary. So it is formed by like the line or some of the imaging line connecting between the two epiconia. OK. So there's a line between the left and media epicona. So can someone tell me what is from the uh media boundary of the cubital fossa, media boundary of the activity? So, any response, any brachioradialis uh brachial radialis uh is one of the boundary of the cubital fossa. Yeah. Uh So the media boundary is formed by the pronated theories and then the lateral boundaries is formed by the brachial radiality. Uh So, yeah, you are partly correct. So brachial radialis, but it is the lateral boundaries of the uh cital uh antiar fossa. And then prune theory is the media boundary of the ubar fossa. And yeah. So superior boundary is the line between the media and the lateral line. And then the roof is for my like uh some of the skin and superficial fia and also there's a like muscle uh below it. So the floor is formed by the one muscle called brachialis muscle. So, yeah. So I hope, yeah, as you all get the uh the boundaries of the anti fossa. Ok. So now we're gonna move to the contents of the um an fossa. So do you have any idea about which will be the contents of the acu fossa? Do you mind telling me in the ch out, please? Any response? No. So, OK, we have got a non bicep tendon, brachial artery and median nerve. Oh, perfect. Yes, exactly. So I'm gonna show you this the uh yeah, contents of the cubital fossa. So uh from media to the left side. So here at the end, so as you can see here, media nerve uh on the most media part. And then after that bra artery, and then there will be the binds that tendon elsewhere. And then the uh in the later part uh of the tubular fossa that will be the ra now as well. OK. Uh So it's good to uh like uh memorize the uh context of the uh tar fossa from media to because, and I just uh part a uh uh some questions. So they just ask like, what are the content like the uh uh from media to uh what is the most media uh content uh of them? Give them fo of those kinds of questions. OK. So any question until now? If not, yeah, we're gonna proceed. OK. Any question about this, the the uh upper limb compartments and the inhibitor fossa. OK. Now, so we're gonna move to the leg compartment. OK. So for the leg compartments, uh they are the uh we're gonna divide it into the compartments of the thigh and the compartments of the lower leg. OK. So let's start with the compartments of the thigh time compartment. Uh So can someone tell me uh how many compartments are there at the time level? How many compartments at a time that there any response onset is four? Uh So the correct answer is the three. So here are the anterior media and the posterior compartment OK. So as the uh at the cross section you can see like this. So there'll be like the anterior compartment and also media compartment. Uh here will be the uh posterior compartment. So they are the three compartment at the time level. OK. So let's move to the, the Thai muscle and the nerve supply. OK. So here is the uh these are masses of the uh anterior compartment of the time. OK. So uh is the what we call is there the quadris sub masses in the anterior compartment of the time. So quadricep mean they are like the four masses are present in the uh quadris sub mass. So what are they, these are the uh V media list V later list and then also VTA intermediates. Unfortunately, we can see intermediates in in this photo. And then another thing is the uh red test femur risk. So uh quadra muscle from the anterior compartment of the th uh what I try to memorize is by the three first time, one red time. OK. So three plus t mean plus the uh three first time like the medial list, lateral list intermedial list and then one red di mean red test femur risk. And then another muscle, as you can see here, Sertorius is also one of the masses of the uh yeah anterior compartment. So anterior compartment uh muscle, as you can see here uh yeah, quad muscle. And also can someone tell me uh which now supplying the anterior uh compartment of the thigh muscle. We have got an answer like deep posterior and superficial posterior. Uh OK. So it's uh for the nerve, it is supplied by the femur nerve. OK. So now we got the sorry uh we got the uh masses of the uh anterior compartment at a femoral, so ferate good. So it's supplied by the femur now. OK. And that, that uh it can cause this, it gonna cause like the uh that's like the uh extension at the uh knee level. OK. Done. Another thing is about the media compartment of the uh compartment, maa. So these are the mass of the media compartment. Uh So there's a some uh variation uh some of the like the text books or, or, or uh some of the people they don't ask like the uh petunia uh ma but however, some of the books, they just uh add the, the petunia ma. OK. So here's the ma so basically what we can uh like the, we can uh try to memorize and, and remember it's the at group. So in the media compartment, there will be the group at the, the Magnes at the Brevis at the Longus Master and also uh the master, which can be seen in this photo and then the other two master and pin master. So these are also included in the media compartment and of the time. OK. Uh So these are the group. So the action is like the doing that the a and of the time? Ok. So can someone tell me which now supply this media compartment, master? Any response we not supplying this media compartment muscle, any answer? Do you know like obturator? Yeah. So it's uh supplied by the obturator now. Exactly. OK. That's good. And uh so we're gonna move to the the posterior compartment of the thigh. So the posterior compartment of the thigh muscle, we call hamstring muscle or hamstring. And also uh as you can see here, this gonna uh this muscle, they are also the boundaries uh of the popliteal fossa as well. So as you can see here, uh on the left side, there's a B fris tendon and then on the media side, there will be the semimembranosus and semi tenon nosa to semi membrane dosa is the most media one. And then after that, there will be the semi tenon dosis. So laterally is there is the uh femo risk. And so these are the uh uh these are, these muscles are called hamstring norset. So what about the nerve supply when someone tell me which nerve supply the hamstring muscle, you know, called a tic? Yeah, exactly. So it's supplied by the sciatic nerve. Uh some of the folks or uh some of the people mentioned that uh exactly that's the TV, part of the sciatic nerve uh whatever. Yeah, SCD nerve is also accepted. Uh uh And OK. And also So uh posterior and hamstring muscle, they're gonna cause the flushing of the knee. Ok. So now we're gonna move, uh we're gonna go down to the lower lip. So how many compartment in the lower lip? Do you think any response, any answer we have gotten like four? Yeah. Uh So it, yeah, four is also correct and also three is also correct. So here, so the con uh compartment of the lower leg. So in the lower leg, there will be anterior compartment, lateral compartment and then posterior compartment. And then we're gonna divide the posterior compartment into that. The two groups are two compartment, that's the superficial and the deep. So some of the books and yeah, some of the people I just mentioned, there are four compartments in the lower leg and some of the people they just mentioned they are the three compartments uh in the lower leg. So that's a a like a variation to be honest. Yeah. OK. So less uh yeah. So here we can see. Uh so there's the tibia and also there will be the anterior compartment. Uh sorry, there's a tibia, there's a fibular and that will be the anterior compartment. Uh Here is the lateral compartment. So this is the posterior compartment and then we're gonna divide it into two superficial compartment, uh superficial posterior compartment and the posterior compartment. OK. So let's move to that. Yeah, it's every ma and then not supply your vascular supply. So let's start with the anterior compartment, ma and neurovascular supply. So, here are the uh muscles of the uh anterior compartment of the lower leg. So, in the lower lip, what we can see is there will be the tibialis, anterior. And then another thing is if you can just like move uh uh your foot and also your toe, you can just do the, the doss fleshing. That, that means that the sorry extension of the uh food. And also uh uh to. So there will be the muscles like the extensor, uh hollis, long g and also extensa, uh digitorum longus. And the other muscles like the extensor, hollis, brevis, extensor previ this as a muscle, they're gonna, they will be in the anterior compartment and of the lower leg. Ok. So tibial is and tibia and extensor uh muscle like the extensor ho is now extensor longer. And then the other one is the fibularis tia or what we call is the proneus tia. OK. So, as you can see here, there's uh one muscle called proneus tia muscle. So it is also in our anterior compartment of the lower leg. So this is the, what we can see in our photo, there will be the TV is anterior master, it stands for digital lung gas extens for this long gas. And uh OK. So do you know which now supply the anterior compartment? Any any answer? No, you got a non like common Peroneal and deep peroneal nerve. Ok. So it is supplied by the uh deep pron now. And also regarding the blood supply, it is supplied by, as you can see here, it is in the anterior. So it will be supplied by the anterior tibia artery. Ok. Regarding the uh not supply, it will be supplied by the T per now, tibia aa. And also its action is as we can see uh anterior uh compartment, they're gonna do the dorsiflexion and also they're gonna make that the invasion of the food. Ok. So, and then we're gonna move to the electric compartment mass and then your vascular supply. So in the uh electric compartment, there are only two master. What is the Pronus brevis muscle and then prone as you can see pron longus muscle? Ok. So, uh according to the, the uh previous slide and this slide, so what we can know is there are the prep proneus muscle, longus previ and T but however, they are in the different component. Pronus brevis and Longus are in the lateral compartment. And then, so Pronus tia is in the anterior compartment. Ok. So can someone tell me about that? Uh uh not supply any spot? We've got superficial perineal? OK. Yeah, it is supplied by superficial pron now and also regarded the uh blood supply is supplied by the prone artery. OK. So this one is supplied by the superficial prone. Now, uh because common prone now uh is that you gonna allow the to into the deep pron and the superficial pron. Now, so superficial pron, now you gonna give supply to the left side compartment. OK? And, and then another one thing is so it gonna cause the evulsion of the food. Ok. So now the invasion, it they're gonna get the the ul of the food. OK. So let's move to the last yeah, compartment, posterior compartment. So uh here at the posterior compartment muscle. So as you can see here, this uh photo, the left one, this is the uh superficial group of the posterior compartment. And then this one is the deep group of the uh the posterior compartment. Uh So if you would like to like uh know T and uh about this. So in the superficial, uh they are the three masses in the superficial group of the posterior compartment. So that does the, as you can see here, plantar risk, the first one is a plantar risk muscle. And then another one thing is the gastro anemia. So as you can see here, the, the, the the gastro anemia do have the uh here is the media head and lateral head. And this left head and media head of gastro anemia, they're gonna form the boundary, they're gonna make the boundaries of the popliteal fossa as well. OK. So the first one, the first muscles of the super group is the plantaris and then gastrone. And then the next one will be the uh sodium. So some of the people they just mentioned about uh the pneumonia called like the GPS uh for this superficial uh group of the muscle. Ok. So gastrone plantar risk and that's soleus. So in the big group, the other muscles are present. So if we get the name of the anterior compartment and then it will be a little bit easier. So in the anterior, there will be there is the tibialis anterior. So in the posterior compartment, there will be tibialis, post tibia and anterior compartment. It causes like the uh extension and OK. So posterior compartment, it gonna cause like the uh flushing. So there will be a flexor muscle like a flexor, uh flexor, digitorum, lung gas, flexor, holy l gas. OK. And G poster and the other muscle like the sous muscle. So this muscle are the uh deep uh group of the posterior confound. OK. So three in the uh superficial group and then the other in the uh deep breath. All right. Uh Any question for me right now, if not, would you mind telling me about the the uh neves uh nerve supply of posterior compartment? We've got tibial nerve. Yeah. So it's supplied by, yeah, tibia nerve and the artery. It is supplied by the uh posterior tibia artery. OK. And the action is it gonna cause the the uh plantar flu of the food? OK. So this is all about this uh compartment. So I didn't mention like about the origin insertion of the master because uh for a, that, that would be like the only like maybe either one question or two question. Uh Sometimes uh So mm I don think uh it's needed to or memorize or remember all that the extent uh sorry uh origin insertion. But uh for the um a big question, it would be great to know about uh some of the massive big massive origin insertion. Uh So we are finished about the the compartment. So what I would like to mention about clinic importance about the compartment is the compartment syndrome. Uh I think a all of you, are you familiar with this for the compartment syndrome? So uh it is the uh surgical emergency and then we have to do uh the procedure called fy. And then we're gonna give like the incision. Uh I think uh it depends on the the surgeon and or protocol. But for the lower limb, uh according to um uh I just uh such it because uh right now I've been uh in the orthopedic for one year. But however, I never seen the, the compartment central in the orthopedic. So I just like to uh such it and the to get, I just look through some of the guidelines. So they just choose uh like the uh the incision uh for sure to me sometimes uh for the lower leg confinement syndrome. OK. And then I'm gonna move to our last, yeah, topic about the Popliteal fossa. So what is the yeah Popliteal fossa? So Foza is, as you can see here, that is the time shape space behind the knee joint. And also I just use this uh photo uh uh and this like the photo uh from the category because in the uh a part B exam uh and administration, they just use those kinds of uh photo and then they're gonna ask you about this, what are the contest and uh what are the boundary, those kinds of questions? OK. So what are the boundaries and the content? Uh So the boundary is as it is the diamond shape as you can see in here, that would be like the uh two boundary uh over there. And then there will be here is a two boundary over there. OK. So all the superior boundary uh actually we already here. Yeah, know that. So laterally, it will be formed by the biceps morus and then immediately it gonna be formed by the semimembranosus and the semi tenon noise. OK. And uh regarding this Liden inferior boundary, so it will be formed by the media head and the lateral head of the gastro. OK. So what will be the contents of the uh popliteal fossa? Can someone tell me what are the contests of the popliteal fossa actually? Yeah, she might see here are the contests of the Popliteal fossa. We've got Popliteal artery and popliteal vein. Yeah, exactly. So Popliteal artery, popliteal vein. So they stretch out. Uh what we can say generally is there will be enough vein and then artery. So the, as you can see here, there's enough. So the most superficial will be the uh I mean enough. OK. So there will be here. It's gonna like the uh from the uh side nerve and then it's gonna divide into the, the TVA and then common protein. And now, so these are the also the contents of the popliteal fossa. And then after that, uh a little bit more, there will be the vein popliteal vein. And then another thing, the deepest structure is the artery. So popliteal artery and there will be the other uh things like uh nodes and also like uh uh some of the other tendons as well. OK. So about the clinic important. So, uh the clinical importance is what we see in the clinic setting. Uh when the patient came with like for example, something lump or mass in the fossa, what would be the differential diagnosis? So this is the clinical importance. And also that's a question that they asked me in uh in my under the administration of the MRC S part BA A. Uh So uh what uh I would like to suggest is we're gonna let them move from the most superficial structure and then we're gonna let them move cool down through uh the public fossa. Uh for am there will be like a skin and soft tissue. So if there's a mass uh that differential diagnosis from skin and soft tissue will be the sebaceous safe uh like a lipoma. And then in the like the uh worst case scenario, that will be the glaucoma as well. And then after that, we're gonna move to the vein that will be the very good of the vein or here will be, there will be also like a short subvenous vein as well. And then another thing is something related to the artery that the artery aneurysm, as I mentioned before, there are some of the lymph node. So if the uh in infection, if the lymph nodes are infected, that be like the lymph adenitis or lymph uh adenopathy. And, and then another one thing is, yeah. Uh Here is the uh over there is the knee joint. So that would be the joint effusion as well. And then another thing is there's uh the bone femur tibia fibula. So that would be the tumor uh of the bone as well. So, these are the uh differential diagnosis. Uh If I uh if we see the patient came in with, uh there's something mass or swelling in the politeal fossa. OK. Uh Am I clear so far? Any questions for me, the the fossa? If no question and then, yeah, I'm gonna move to the post session quick. Is that all right? Um Yes. OK. So uh just 2 to 3 questions. So it will be easy. Ok. So let's start with the question one. So how many compartment in the external compartment of the wrist? That means at the wrist level, how many external compartment to the which one is the correct answer? Any answer answers? B mhm So uh at the wrist level, that means uh I already showed that for so they are the six extensor compartment at the like the uh in the wrist. OK. Six te uh extensor compartment. OK. OK. So let's move to the number one which full and like the muscles are not supplied by the media now. So I just create like the uh two muscle. So she should choose if both of the muscles are not supplied by the media. Now, that way with the correct. OK. Both of the muscles which are not supplied by the median nerve, any answer, any response, they've said two people have said d sorry, which one D D? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So the both the, the analysts and media help of digital program that they are not supplied by the media. And uh yeah, it's the OK. OK. So yeah, I just said that one scenario which is related to the compartment syndrome. So 30 year old man comes to the E NE with the, yeah, right side of closed tibia fracture. So his lower limb is very swollen and also like he has stayed painful even after having IV morphine. And also there's like a tenderness or passive dorsi flushing of uh his right foot. So which compartment has a high chance of like getting compartment syndrome? We have gotten D yeah, the anterior component of the P. Uh So I just started this uh kind of question because this uh the question is similar to this uh question.